Why does it seem like RPGs usually never make healers beyond White Mage? Even if they typically do make another version...

Why does it seem like RPGs usually never make healers beyond White Mage? Even if they typically do make another version, it's basically "White Mage but stronger", like Devout from Final Fantasy, or "basically White Mage", like Bishop from Bravely Second.

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What does the retarded looking anime cat girl have to do with anything, weebshitter?

what are you even on about, red mage fucking exists and even some games allow black mages to have a bit of white mage as well. some games like echoes even have the white mage use blood magic to cast crazier effects. Other FE have white mages who have access to holy thunder or other similar effects. fucking wow has a hybrid healer tank class And DD has a fucking cthulu cultist white mage.

In 98% of games you need recovery and making the 4th party member a healslut is a nice balance, when youre down theyre the most important, when your stabilizing they help with that, and even when youre steamrolling they ususally have access to buffs

its a healer from a ithink westernporn gam

She's a white mage, you dumb slut.

As opposed to druid healing, or alchemist healing?

source please

it's a cuck game user

not him but I think it's Corruption of Champions 2. I'll warn you that she's a huge slut though

am I at least the one that does the cucking?


The stupid fucking panda class healing spec

What's the deal with everyone saying Savin is into cuck stuff? I haven't really messed with any of his stuff aside from a little bit of Helia and I don't remember any cucking.

>cuck game
just dont fuck her then lmao, it's like you want to be cucked

You guys should really chill on calling stuff cuck games, the word has totally lost its meaning.

What would even be the point of having another dedicated healer type? Redundant classes are stupid, and especially stupid with healers since basically everyone can always heal with items

>It's a cuck game
Only if you self insert fag
I just want to see this cat slut get fucked.

Don't know what you mean exactly but there are many variations of healers too. Like the naturalistic kind for example. Something like a druid or shaman for example.

it really is one tho. you get cucked


>not self inserting when watching porn
wtf are you some sort of voyeur or something?

Healers (Mages) in Dragons Dogma get access to a bunch of offensive spells. They don't have the mega-nukes that Sorceror has, but they can hold their own.

Because as it turns out, traditional medicine and healing is a very intensive and time consuming process and not something fit for a state of perpetual battle and adventure. Crazy, I know.

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Corruption of Champions 2
search it up it should be liek the first result. fenoxo whatever is the site.

its a text heavy game so youlll have to use your imagination

People hate playing as healers, devs put those in games out of obligation.

On Fenoxo's website.

The backer build is only on Patreon, though, unless someone here has a link.

>not cuck shit

What about the Arcanist from Etrian Odyssey?

>Puts down circles that debuff and restrain enemies
>While circles are active, the party gains some buffs and healing per turn
>Can dispel the circles for burst healing

I didn't play TiTs, but Amily was pure. Marble too didn't cuck you.

I'm here for cat pussy.
More cat pussy.

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I remember Amily cucks you with Urta. But only if you're cucking her first.

I think there was also a scene of her calling you a piece of shit or something if you said you weren't okay with it and breaking up with you, which made everyone mad. It was funny shit.

Again, if you think TiTS is a cuck game, then you don't know shit.

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Why can't you summize anything?

The only cuck scene I remember is Amily and Urta, and that requires you to be cucking them first.

I'll be sure to add these to my notes. Thanks for the recommendations.

Bored Jumpers are the best enemies in TiTS, prove me wrong.

I hate that they make they always make the good mages/wizards into pussies when they should be more like fucking superheroes

This is literally just the shaman class in wow. Can japs do anything original?

Every class in Elder Scrolls Online has a healing spec.


lol he doesnt know

as opposed to what, you feeling like youre fucking her because your virtual self insert in a computer program is doing it? youre an observer

well in 14 there's also a scholar, which is working like a summoner but borrowing the powers of a fairy to heal instead.
then astologian, which is manipulating fate i think, but it still just amounts to heals and buffs.

Because "heals and buffs: the class" is the most efficient way to bundle it without breaking it by giving other classes/characters a bunch of life steal and self-healing

In JRPGs there are often more variables in play with offensive magic than healing/support magic, and white mages are often limited in their offensive capabilities. How many ways can you make healing interesting without also making it a chore? Healers seem to have a lot more variety in their spells in WRPGs though.

isn't there a 4cgan mod that replaces most of the furshit in the first game with monster girls?
if so pls share, that sounds great

Its the 8ch /hgg/ mod

white mages in almost all versions usually have more than healing going for them, the problem is that almost all of the games make pretty much everything they can do kind of pointless when the games are easy enough to just let your physical characters just smash shit while the healer just tops them off.