>Our heroes, a bow mage and not!cavalier, were arrested, then mysteriously freed
>joining with a suicidal armorknight girl, they escaped...then both spent nights fucking said 15 year old girl
>they also fucked villagers as they went through

Any time is anal time, and I have a full bottle of vodka, so let's continue!

>What's going on?
I'm playing Duo Escapo, a terrible ROMhack made as a joke by two hackers. They themselves compared it to Gheb, which means you know what we're in for. The writing is terrible, the maps are awful. This game is just terrible.

Attached: 1558314139339.png (722x532, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

place bets now, who's gonna get killed first?

Alright, so here's the rules:
>I drink every time a sex joke is made
>I drink every time I cringe
>I drink every time I have to reset or cheat to save a unit

The game is not well designed, nor is it fair, and all of the stages thus far have been stupidly, pointlessly long, so yes, I'll be cheating occasionally.

Here's where we finished last time.

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Hoping srpgbro shows up

godspeed, OP

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got a brand new bottle of vodka, and I'm streaming.

As per global rules, I can't share the stream link or my name, but you can search by game for it if you want.

Or don't.

Something worth noting is that the music doesn't loop, hilariously enough.

same, bro.

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S-she's fast!


and 14. Stop it.

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Thanks doc.

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What even is this sprite?

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So it isn't a visual bug after all

seems like someone put some Sirius effort into making this portrait

Jesus christ, why. FE4 maps are better than this.

in case anyone was curious if he actually made a proper sprite to use magic and

he just swaps between generic archer and generic mage.

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Doesn't even have a claw.




Attached: file.png (722x532, 53K)

>purple shirt in battle sprite
>green shirt in portrait sprite
They didn't even try
thanks doc

Attached: file.png (722x532, 43K)

>all that empty space
>units spread out so far
Jesus Christ.

Attached: marth seriously.png (164x152, 4K)

Attached: file.png (722x532, 51K)

gaiden tier map design
fuck i hate it, thanks


>white armor in battle sprite
>brown in portrait

And don't forget, you're EXPECTED to bring your armorknight along!

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literal castleception

we heard you like forts
so we put forts INSIDE your forts


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oh no, it's fe6 all over again

Nigger why do you do these things

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What a shitty unit


I'll do two for this, since I need to drink for the death, and drink to cheat.

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Nigger please, it can't be that hard if there's so few enemies.

He's not a very good player fren

Nigger is very good at fire emblem

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...where the FUCK did this portrait come from?

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A neat idea, at least. Would've been cool in a actually decent romhack.

>We should celebrate!
>celebrate how?

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Statutory rape is FUNNY!

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He throws them, I guess.

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I miss the bandit who gave no fucks from DLATMOL.

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Looks like that weak chin pic thqt floats around /fit/


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Attached: file.png (722x532, 67K)

god, they drop you into battles with zero fucking setup.

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Its a recolor of a chapter boss from 8

When was this made?

>asswin is a female cleric
they couldn't even get the priest sprite from 6 or 8...

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holy shit there's FE Gaiden maps with more thought put into them

...they DID get the battle sprite.

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>item shop apparently sells bows
but why though.

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>fighter has more SPD and almost the same skill as a mage/archer

the music alternates between being fantastic and being...bizarre mashes of 3 or 4 tracks together.

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>the music doesn't loop
holy shit

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Vega taming some strange.

that's 2 glasses empty in as many chapters.

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show of hands: who wishes I was still suffering through gheb, and who's glad to see this absolute shitshow of a hack?

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 67K)

At least the maps in this one are different

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Asswin is meg, apparently.

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i have no fucking words

Attached: 29683507_1852273408176116_6270506994359942244_n.jpg (772x960, 100K)

finally we're given an actual prep screen.

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they just made the prep screen music...worse.



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...the game is broken.

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I'd rather see you deal with Gheb, it has layers to its cringe. This was made ironically, Gheb was genuine and makes you ashamed of your own youth.


Attached: fe arthur2.png (127x127, 17K)

>this unit cannot take part in this chapter

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 46K)

btw, if anyone wants to post hacks, I'll happily play them.

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This is fucking hilarious


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oh, jessica is still here. guess he left to jerk it.

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>fog of war
oh fuuuuuuuuuuck you, game.

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oh hi dart.

Attached: file.png (722x532, 52K)

rip nigger's liver

there's soldiers up here who can oneshot jessica.

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glass cannon.

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 58K)

Did they intentionally make Lau bad as a joke?

Hey nigger do you mind if I hijack your thread to post updates about the SRPG studio shitpost game I posted about last thread or would you prefer I waited until the end of the thread?

>siege magic this early
nah, fuck you.


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Excellent. X-COM guy here, looking forward to what you have made.

he's a...thief?

Attached: file.png (722x532, 43K)

Ah cool, here's progress on the first map. I've gotten three maps so far made, and I'm still taking suggestions for what characters/references to add.

I may re-do the first map, but I guess it being a little open and plain is fine for a first map.

Attached: fe wip6.png (643x481, 107K)

Attached: file.png (722x532, 55K)

Not a bad first stage. I take it that its a Defeat All map?

>ranged thieves too
oh fuck this stage.

Attached: file.png (722x532, 53K)

Here's map two. Does anyone have that guide to making webms for dummies? I kinda want to make some webms to show off actual gameplay.

That's the objective, yeah. I may change it to just defeat the boss or siege the fort later on.

Attached: fe wip7.png (641x573, 147K)

>not oversized
looks good thus far.

if you want unit recommendations
>bartre the beast
>sephiran the innocent

Attached: file.png (722x532, 57K)

Use OBS and there should be a Webm for dummies.

where the FUCK did they come from?

Attached: file.png (722x532, 65K)

Map three, still being worked on. I plan to go fucking crazy with the next maps after this the next map after this one is planned to be a Tails Gets Trolled map.

Thanks user

Who do you think that allied armor knight on the first map is?

Attached: fe wip8.png (804x483, 178K)

it's him again!

Attached: file.png (722x532, 54K)


>meg recruitable
is she good?

>tails gets trolled
oh right, this is a internet in general thing.

Well, in that case, you need chris chan, possibly anita sarkeesian, and DSP.

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FUCK, lau is so shit.

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 55K)

>Is she good?
She's Meg.

This is less of a internet in general thing and more of a Yea Forums thing. Tails Gets Trolled is Yea Forums pure Yea Forums culture.

If you guys want to know what non Yea Forums LP stuff is planned:
Kung pow
Space Station 13 (Mainly just because the tiles are super easy to port over)

Attached: fe wip9.png (871x594, 57K)

oh there aint no rest for the wicked
money don't grow on trees
I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, there ain't nothin' in this world for free.

chris chan is Yea Forums culture as fuck, as is anita and by extension gamergate.

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 47K)

You know what you must do.

Attached: Preview.png (465x50, 13K)

>I got 1369 from brandon's looting
GET IT? 69?!

unrelated, cioccolata's beatdown was 30 solid seconds.
needs stu.

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it's funny because fire emblem.

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>a ship is approaching
jesus fuck.

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Oh yeah just a reminder that all of the portraits are placeholders so far since importing custom images is a bit of a pain, so I plan on doing that last.

Yeah I know,but I don't have plans for anita because GG shit is just pretty gay desu

Fuck, that's a good idea.

>All those pirates
Is this a sequel to gaiden?

Attached: fe wip10.png (642x486, 573K)

could just not mention GG and reference her shit in general, since she advertised on Yea Forums for her initial kickstarter.

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But yeah, OBS record and record to Mp4 I think.. Then the Webm Converter I linked you should do the rest

I'm starting to wonder, should I just hack in maxed stats? the balance is garbage, and we all know it.

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Or flv works too. I haven't used the Converter in a while, Should be pretty obvious on what to do. Do you need an OBS tutorial?

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 54K)

fun facts: did you know meg is my favourite RD armorknight?

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>I'm still taking suggestions for what characters/references to add.


I might stream tomorrow too. I don't have work sunday

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 53K)

Hmmm, there might have been a hint or two.
Or three
Or seven

>Her sprite is just generic armor

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Naw I can figure OBS out.

Also anyone know any good sites to get video game music downloads from or should I just download stuff off youtube? also did the TLP guys ever put out raw versions of their music anywhere

Thankfully I just got done with finals so I should have more time to work on this shitpost and keep you guys updated.

...was this necessary?

message me on twitch, and I'll shoot you an invite to my discord. I would love to keep updated, and many of the regulars on Yea Forums are in my discord.

Attached: file.png (722x532, 53K) why was there a child molester joke here?

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>our system thinks your post is spam

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khinsider has a lot of stuff.

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they already crashed their ship.

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I don't like sand. It's coarse...and rough...and it gets everywhere.

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>lau helped out jessica WITHOUT making a rape joke
...good lord, I'm actually surprised.

Attached: file.png (722x532, 44K) know what? this setup is actually kinda funny
>enemies aren't aware of us either, because we crashed without a plan of attack
this is actually kind of funny...or maybe I'm just drunk.

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>THIS is how they indicate shipwreck debris
I read robinson crusoe when I was 8...the original version.

I don't remember one bit of it except that he wore a shirt rather than go shirtless.

...and I THINK he had an islander companion?

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>the plains are halving my MOV
oh fuck this.

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ohj, it's the RAIN.


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Jesus Christ that map looks like it's been corrupted.

>rain stops on enemy phase
oh hell.

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oh hi glass.

Attached: file.png (722x532, 46K)

>glass is a fuccboi

Attached: file.png (722x532, 40K)

would fuck

way better glass than gheb.

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 57K)

So is it a game over if any units die?

>cyan hair

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Earlygame is designed around not having any healers, so presumably to mitigate that. Unless the druid has staves.
Would be a real dickmove to make them spawn units at turn 2, 5, 9 and then nothing to force the player to keep half his units there to block it. Only to spawn invincible reinforcements around turn 16 to effectively give a time limit to seuze.

How many Gachimuchi characters are planned? The big 5? That's great, you can get a lot of jokes out of those. Do you already have a scenario planned out?

Also what did you mean by non Yea Forums LP? Todd and SS13 are pure Yea Forums but not the rest I think.

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I'm cheating, so it's a big drink if ANY units die.

Attached: file.png (722x532, 60K)

By non Yea Forums LP I just mean any Yea Forums related culture really, not exclusive to just Yea Forums stuff. Basically it just means shitposts like Baneposting are allowed. I do have a light planning of the """scenario""" but of course I'm always taking suggestions.

I have some board-tan stuff planned as well, shame board-tan OC has really died out.

balloon boy was not a hoax.

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if I finish my drink, can I cap my units?

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Why not, the maps are a pure slog anyway

Attached: file.png (722x532, 60K)

>nigger is a shota instead of a SKIN IS HARAM druid

Something something Image import is a bitch, right?

Once again, placeholder, I'll probably change them all later.

I'll have some webms in a moment, give me a minute.

can't I be both?
I'm 29.

so I was at a 5...and I just chugged a full glass.

It isn't THAT bad, it's just much easier to do a bunch of images at once since it treats images like spritesheets, so I'll rather do it once I got all of my characters actually planned.

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>tfw trying to shill to fix my PC for not garbage streams
I feel dirty.

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Makes more sense if the locals are acclimatized to rain and thus can move on it without much issue.
Or if it's like Agincourt and because it rained last night all cavalry is impaired. Actually, I think that happened in Awakening but it miht be by memory playing tricks on me

so is glass a trans woman or just really ugly?

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oh hi bauker.

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maybe go full poverty and only do screenshots, screw streaming

I did that for tacthack, but people kept asking for streams. Drunk threads just aren't the same if I'm not streaman.

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oh boy, a dancer?

Attached: file.png (722x532, 66K)

>shut up, old hag
>shut up, whipper-snapper
if I repeat this 5 times, is it funny?

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so is glass trans or just ugly?

Attached: file.png (722x532, 13K)

>182 replies
>20 posters
Get some help nigger

even if it was funny at some point, now is just sad

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Attached: file.png (722x532, 51K)

ANYWAY, I'm really fucking drunk, so I'm going to sober up and go to bed. If I'm not too drunk tomorrow, I'll continue, probably earlier because toonami starsts earlier.

but I'm going to be hung over because I am super drunk now.

Sorry for shilling. Really, I feel gross asking for money. I do this shit for fun, and as an excuse to drink. SRPG user, are you planning to incorporate NINTENDO TIME or reggie?

Attached: file.png (722x532, 38K)

Probably, now that you mention those. Trying to get a webm to work that I can post here is a bitch.

Honestly your shilling is giving me more ideas for jokes, thanks Nigger

Still taking suggestions if anyone is still here, what were your guy's favorite units from any Yea Forums plays LP?

I'll have the thread open till it dies. I need to sober up HARD

>I question the effectiveness of this plan
>you're a retard

Limit the filesize to 3mb and just lower the resolution if you have to.

Also here's a EXTREMELY shitty quality webm, I need to figure out how to use OBS.

Attached: fe wip2.webm (640x360, 1.34M)

What trouble are you having? I can run you through a quick tutorial on Nig's Discord.

>I survived that drunken tactician nearly getting me killed

Just getting the recording resolution to fit the game window. I'm too lazy to join a discord right now, is there an easy fix to my problem?
mostly unmoderated. if you want input through the week when I'm not streaman.

I'mma delete this post in 14 minutes.

Yeah. There is. Whats the game Resolution itself? Any ideas?

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We don't remember you for being a drunk. We remember you for being a drunk that got Haar killed.

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but I was sober when that happened...

I can't quite place Jessica's face. I see Karla's hair and Florina's hands, but where have I seen that face?


Last year.

Here's a sneak peak at map 3, now that I got webms working right.

Attached: fe wip4.webm (640x480, 2.75M)

thracia is shit.

Oh yeah by the way I plan to change the UI to look like Yea Forums posts, since the UI isn't that hard to edit.


>Jackie Chan tulpa
I laughed

speaking of /x/, why not BEN and jeff the killer?

>if anyone wants to post hacks, I'll happily play them

Do they have to be hacks, or can they also be games made with custom FE engines like FEXNA and Lex Talionis?

Priscilla I think

Right, it's Priscilla. Now I see it.

Attached: healme.jpg (850x900, 143K)

But are those really /x/ related though other than being creepy pastas? SCPs technically are /x/, or at least used to be.

Another webm, this time of map 2. Just showing off some gameplay.

Attached: fe wip5.webm (640x480, 2.62M)

BEN started on /x/, and didn't turn into a full ARG until it branched out from /x/.

SCPs are also /x/.

Last webm for now, here's two allies that join you during map 2.

Attached: fe wip6.webm (640x480, 603K)