Why are all the other protagonists such losers while Yu was the cool guy who was friendly with everyone?

Why are all the other protagonists such losers while Yu was the cool guy who was friendly with everyone?


>too bubbly


Attached: 15b4e73cd4a6377c58634f3c3fa3430f.jpg (1280x720, 59K)


>kpop looking fag
>cool guy

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I still don't get why Yosuke gets so much hate in P4 despite being so relatable.
He's basically a good version Adachi.

I would rather have Yosuke than Ryujij

Yu is the hip city boy who moved to the hick town. He's only cool in comparison to all the losers around him

Its the gays that hate him because he made fun of kanji for being a faggot

>He's basically a good version Adachi.
That's why incels hate him.
He accepted the card he dealt and still made friends unlike Adachi.

I want Yosuke to wear a dress and be my fucktoy

yosuke was a closeted gay though. while Kanji actually liked a woman

Naoya was a chad and there wasn't anything wrong with Maya, fag

Funny enough, I always saw Yu as the nerdy loser of the bunch. The game certainly tries to push you into that role, alongside Yosuke.

I can't respect him because of how much shit he takes from Chie

Sorry fag, no matter how many times you try to drag him down to you level it will never be true.

Attached: yosuke.png (500x289, 229K)

>while Kanji actually liked a woman
Imagine being such a Hetero that you still want to fuck girls you think are guys

Because he has an android GF

I just realized you can see a Chie pantyshot here.

But Joker scored with older women.

I only played a bit of P4, but Yosuke seemed like a bro.

Ryuji = Yosuke >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stupei