Mario 64

Is it overrated or a true masterpiece?

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It's a masterpiece, unless if you have a neurological disorder. Certain neurological disorders cause people to struggle with the camera and controls.

Holds up better than almost all other 20+ year old games.

The bosses aren't good and the level design is a mixed bag. It kicks you out of the level to artificially extend the game.

It kicks you out of the level because obstacles and items can vary depending on what star you select.

Then make them appear without kicking you out.

>obstacles and items can vary
This happens less and less the further you get


Okay then you have a flawed game.

I hate how long it takes to get out of his "getting up" animations, like after he hits a wall or gets stunned. He has horrible hit control when kicking or punching the bulleis

It's a masterpiece by the historical definition of the word

Well, it's no masterpiece.

why would you care about bosses in a platformer? the point is getting to the boss, not fighting them.

>He has horrible hit control when kicking or punching the bulleis
so you're retarded?

Thoughts on the DS version (bar obvious issues with the DS controls at the time)?

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You can say that about any bosses that have a lead up. It doesn't excuse the bosses sucking.

I get a massive uncanny feeling from the levels.
You know when you load up a custom Counter-Strike map and you can just tell that the guy was kinda learning Blender on the fly and let a bunch of stuff with weird geometry hang around?
Every level in SM64 does that to me, I don't know why
It's fun just a weird thought

>It kicks you out of the level after getting a star
This shit right here alone is enough to make it only a 9/10.

One of the few games to give Melee a run for its money in being a sacred cow.

>You can say that about any bosses that have a lead up
so all of them.
>It doesn't excuse the bosses sucking.
yes it does. also, they don't "suck", they're just simple.


It's complete shit. Ruins the fun part of the game (the movement), and adds boring bloated shit.

unlike melee this one actually deserves its status

>so all of them.
Yes, that's my point. If the "point" is "everything before the boss is what matters, not the boss", you're saying no bosses have to be good. It's a terrible argument.
>yes it does
No it doesn't.
>they don't "suck"
Yes they do.


One always has to consider the context. With what it did for the time, and with how it influenced game design, it is indisputably a masterpiece. Have other modern platforms done things better? Sure, but they’re building off what it accomplished.

pretty much this, you simply can't ignore how godawful the control is on a DS, it just isn't the same without a joystick. Also the game was very buggy.

The minigames were fun tho

pioneering for sure

I think it can still be appreciated for what it did

I don't fault anyone picking up the controller for the first time and finding it unplayable tho

No, that isn't correct.

parallel universes

What isn't.

lmao imagine being this ADHD

>Disliking unintuitive game design equals ADHD
Hola Reddit

both, its a great game but its not the best 2d mario game

Hard to look at it objectively. I mean there’s no consistent art style or direction. There’s sloppily designed missions, enemies, and levels, but it’s easy to forget if you slip back into the childmind for a second. There’s that feeling of discovery and grandiose level design still lurking.

Anyway, on a technical and artistic direction level, Sunshine out classes SM64 ostensibly. It’s weakness is that it gets almost too abstract.

Gotta give it credit for being the original though

I never understood the camera complaints. I found the camera in this game very natural and it seemed to adjust itself well. Meanwhile, in Banjo Kazooie, I found myself constantly having to play with the camera most of the time, which got really annoying.

These are both true. However, the game remains excellent, and among 3D Platformers, still a contender for the best. Admitedly, these two flaws aren't that much of a detriment to the game, who is one of the most well rounded platformers there is out there


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Has anyone ever said that the game was flawless?
Actually they probably have, but no one actually thinks that it's without flaw.

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whenever i watch some retard on twitch play the game for the first time they just completely ignore the c buttons. the people who complain about the camera are actually that fucking stupid.

Believe in yourself!

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It was the first game to pull off smooth, free 3D movement. There was nothing like it beforehand, definitely a masterpiece considering the mechanical feat and attention to detail

Have sex.

Overrated, but n64 babies will still flock to it and ignore all of its problems simply because the game was their childhood. Play smb3 instead.

It literally invented 3d gaming as we know it.
We had 3d games before but nothing as masterfully done as 64.

I remember playing it for the first time and experiencing a whole new reality of gaming. I was very young a d had a great time.

I played it in childhood and fully acknowledge its flaws. I think it's a bit overrated and I don't agree with people like who say shit like it's a contender for best 3D platformer.

Depends on how you define masterpiece. It was extremely influential for all of gaming and a very good game for its age. That said, it does not hold up well today and has a lot of clear flaws.

>it does not hold up well today
Yes it does.

There aren't that many 3d platformers

Name one well that it's holding up.


All 5th gen games look old no matter how much of a genius the graphics director was so they rely on gameplay more than other generations and both games have fluid controls that are easy to enjoy these days, I'm happy both games exist so fuck you for trying to start this "rivalry" between 90s 3D platformer bros.

It holds up pretty well. Lots of framerate drops at times, and if you move in ways the game doesn't anticipate then the camera can spaz out on you, but it's probably the only game in the fifth generation of consoles that I'd say wouldn't have benefit profoundly from having been delayed to gen 6.

"yup" as in you agree?

Yes I agree there aren't that many.

i feel like you dont even have to play with them much. its moreso about hitting R to adjust where the camera is centered on.

Mario 64 is good but Sunshine is the actual masterpiece, it gets called the black sheep when most series wish they had a game like it.

It gets called the black sheep for a reason.

I respect that they tried to have a unified tropical theme across the levels, but there just aren't enough of them. I could skip levels I thought where shit in 64 and still have enough stars to fight the final boss. In Sunshine I get to eat shit and play through 7 of the 8 shines because otherwise there's just not much game there.

No, the camera IS a problem. You stop struggling with it once you memorize the levels.
For example Thwomp's Fortess only rotates clockwise, in hallways it can never be turned around, in Tall Tall mountain it can never have its back against the wall and so on.
Even in Lethal Lava Land you're not always free to turn it 360°.

Some hacks have a free 360° Lakitu camera and it's a godsend.

Mario cam is ok but it's shit for wallkicks

Lakitu cam has some bullshit arbitrary rules in every level. They do so to prevent it clipping through walls, but honestly this hurts the freedom of the game.

If I want to look at Mario from the front when I do a slide, let me fucking do it goddamnit

You sound retarded.

You look retarded.

And yet I speak the truth

You didn't hear him speak.
You don't know what he looks like.

Yes I do. He looks retarded.


You type like you're fat.

I never played the original and I loved the DS version. Controls were fine I didn't use the touchscreen at all though.

I only had a problem with the camera in platforms that moved automatically like inside the volcano, the red coins in the level with the gas that kills mario or when holding the owl, I feel like it was pretty intuitive in the more open worlds since it pointed to where you are supposed to go in a nice angle (getting to the top of the pyramid would be 10 times harder if the camera was bad) or how in the bowser levels it makes the level feel more 2.5, could have been better of course but I've seen people consider it a disaster and that's a really huge exaggeration.

Only trannies/faggots dislike this game.

A must have 3D adventure game if you have never played the original, I think Nintendo could get some easy money if they optimized it for a single screen and modernized the controls.

It's not a disaster, it just has these weird arbitrary moments of "why the fuck won't you turn".
Later on you understand "because there's nothing to see there". But only in hindsight.

I played the game a thousand times and I'm never bothered by the camera. But when exploring an environment for the first time it doesn't seem simple, free and intuitive.

M64 and OoT ruined a generation of retards by teaching them to play a 3d game without 2 joysticks.
Seriously I know more than one person that only played OoT and a few other games and "cant handle" new games controls because its confusing

Ironically, the people who play those later 3d games you're referring to are constantly whine about how hard the controls in SM64 are.

Well fuck them too.
Being controller retarded is a lame excuse

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>wahh why camera designed around gameplay
Ge the fuck out