>take the most enjoyed part of your franchise
>reboot it
>give it the same name
What possible could go wrong?
>take the most enjoyed part of your franchise
>reboot it
>give it the same name
What possible could go wrong?
I thought every CoD game was a reboot
Why are companies doing this as of late? It's fucking retarded?
>Yo you ever play battlefront?
>Yeah man, it's shit
>What are you talking about, it was fucking awesome
>EA's literally never made a good game
>EA didn't make battlefront you fucking staple
et cetera.
you're thinking of rehash, it's always the same exact game every year
Be honest, Yea Forums.
What's the last Cowadoody game you played?
COD zoomer warfare
>game 2
>game: the spinoff
>game 3
>game: the spinoff 2
>game: the spinoff 3
>game: the spinoff 4
>game 4
>game: derivative
>game: derivative 2
>game: derivative 3 (battle royal included)
>game: the spinoff
Black ops 1
GRID is doing the same thing
At least they got over their "G4ME" phase.
Most recently released? BLOPS 2 I think.
Haven't actually bought one since BLOPS 1 though which I also think is the one I played most recently.
Black Ops 2 and that's only because I was gifted it.
Last one I actually bought was Black Ops 1. Series seemed to really nosedive after BO2 so I don't think I missed anything.
So we have a remaster almost immediately before a remake?
Didn't some really recent call of duty game come with a remake of modern warfare?
What CoD is the best CoD and why is it Black Ops 1?
Black ops is shit. Call of duty 2 is the undisputed king with world at war in second place
nah there's a continuity
The Blops 4 demo. Sliding around was fun I guess, otherwise I still prefer CS:GO.
I actually hate FPS games, especially CoD. But I had some fond games playing couch co-op with friends back in the PS3 era. You know, when playing games with your friends in the same physical location was a thing.
>no time traveling call of duty featuring the greatest hits of levels while you interact with characters from their respective games
Such a missed oppurtunity
>But I had some fond games
Meant to say "I have some fond memories".
IW. Before that MW3, followed by Blops 1 then MW2
MW3 at a friends house. MW2 is the last one i bought.
It was so bad that made me quit forever, but not before surviving it till the end
I liked the mission in space at the end and the tank one
mw3 for a few hours
People would pay 60 bones just to stop shephard from killing Ghost in MW2
>give it a butterfly effect ending where sure you stopped shepherd, but now time and space are unraveling and you have to Life is Strange pick between saving ghost killing everyone and everything, or killing ghost and saving everyone
I'd buy it
recently MW3
I love cods single player for some simple fun, but would never pay $60 again.
I guess making the games multiplayer only didn't turn out so well.
Black Ops 2.
But in multiplayer it was Modern Warfare.
Modern warfare reflex edition.
BO4 sold like half of what BO2 sold from the data I have seen.
Remastered MW since it was on PS+
The other would be Black Ops 3, didn't touch the online but did play the campaign with two other friends
Bought Black Ops 3. I did not really like the floating mechanics
WWII. Campaign was too focused on Americans doing American shit. The French resistance mission was a highlight. Before that, Infinite Warfare, or as I like to call it, Infinite Kino.
The one with the starships, fuck me i liked it at least an effort to change shit even if was a killzone ripoff.
>killzone ripoff.
It had more in common with Wing Commander.
I'm really digging infinite warfare. The air combat reminds me of Ace Combat: AH. Probably my favorite CoD since CoD2.
This. Just ran around with the riot shield to beat people with and an anti air rocket to stop other people from having fun with their kill streak bonus.
That was when riot shields were indestructible though. Good times.
In what way? I played the game and honestly now i cant put the two togheter.
blops 2. last one I paid for was mw3
Does anyone else unironically like Call of Duty? Sure its a bit basic, and the skill cap isn't high, but bottom line the guns feel good to shoot. The same can't be said about a lot of other shooters.
Call of Duty multiplayer is pretty close to just pressing a button for free small dopamine hits.
I felt dazed while playing it.
It's fun in a popcorn kind of way. A mindless time-waster that's competent at what it sets out to do.
Unironically World at War, all of you are zoomer faggots still buying sequel ####4 of black cocks.
Not really. The games are fun if I want mindless action for a day and are akin to Marvel movies in that regard. I miss the old WW2 games but have since moved on to better series for that. Infinite Warfare got way too much shit though.
Look at Star Citizen's Squadron 42 campaign. Then look at Infinite Warfare's campaign. They're both literally Wing Commander with FPS gameplay when you leave the fighter craft.
better question: has it ever gone right?
Yeah i was thinking more about the plot the martian colonies rebellion, the attack on earth for thef full scale invasion etc...
mw3 was the last one I played out of my own free will, then I was forced to play bo2 online with my cousin, and 15 minutes of wwii at a friends house, I was 100% bored
at least it's not
>Game Insurrection
>Game Resurrection
>Game Evolution
>Game Requiem
>Game in Space
>Game in da Hood
>Game in da Space Hood
Ok I'd actually play the last one.
Advanced Warfare. And it was actually pretty fucking fun.
Didnt care enough to get any later one tho
I like them because they really are like playing action movies and not le cinematic experience games.
MW3, played all the ones before that excluding CoD 3 as it never came out on PC. And only played MW1 in MP as I pirated every single other one for the single player.
The newest one
Last one I had fun with was AW though, rip exomovement you glorious mechanic
>everyone is always going on about how MW is the best CoD of all time and what not
>literally every game in the franchise has the exact same gameplay since the PS2
Admit it, zoomers. Its just nostalgia.
The true hipster choice for best CoD is United Offensive.
If you don't have fond memories of running around inside the building, mowing down Nazis with your trusty PPSh, you don't know shit about video games.
Ah, I can see you are a man of knowing when shit's too much and publishers are taking the piss with these serializations as well.
Black ops, i wanted to try MW2 but GPU died back then.
Blops 4. I wish a new one that was as good as MW2 could come out some time soon though
Black Ops 1
not sure if that's irony or not, because MW3 was the... 7th CoD game I played if we count United Offensive as well.
Heh this sounds like the Jason movies and Leprechaun movies.
BO1, I hoped 3arch would fix the series after shot warfare 2.
>Its just nostalgia.
nostalgia you can realize yourself and dont care about, since the feeling is genuine, even if the catalyst is not all that great.
being enthralled by games like cod or fifa´to buy them year after year is a sickness of the mind and soul.
it's not a coincidence
Call of Duty isn't relevant in 2019. The games still sell (to some self-hating crackheads who loves shitty games), but not like they used to.
The old fans are now in their 20s and have long since moved on to better games, and the target demographic for COD games has moved onto Fortnite
They didn't even give enough of a fuck to write a goddamn campaign for the last one, and if we're all being honest, COD's gameplay has aged like shit.
This series died years ago.
Yes, but 3 was the definite sign that activision will burn all that was once even slightly good about call of duty in their furnaces for mindless profit.
Advanced Warfare. I enjoyed it a lot and am very glad its memory lives on as the 'press F to pay respects' meme. It's a shame the series completely abandoned its movement mechanics for retards who can't handle aiming 20 degrees outside of level.
Most fans have moved on because the developers have been incapable of making a game that those fans want. It’s been 7 or 8 year since they’ve made a decent one
>The reason for the lack of a number, according to Kotaku, is that it will be a reboot of the series, with a greater emphasis on emotionally hefty (and uncomfortable) moments like the infamous No Russian mission from Modern Warfare 2 in which players witnessed, and could participate in, a massacre of civilians at a Moscow airport.
Can't wait for No Russian but its a school
Everyone in this thread can still probably name their favorite character from the Modern Warfare games.
Can you name even a single fucking character from, say, Ghosts, or Advanced Warfare?
Militart shooters are dead. May as well just finish it up.
Featuring the ability to build!
>it's another CoD where they make the maps circular out of cramped up hallways, alleyways, and rooms/buildings so that shitters can just run and gun around the map instead of making organic maps with logical power points, open points, and chokepoints in which varieties of playstyles can breathe
Another non-purchase.
Maybe just constantly moving and playing gun whack-a-mole with whoever is unfortunate enough to pop up in front of your face until you get shot in the back is fun for people but not for me. Boiling down every map to circular lane combat with no flow was the worst thing to poison this franchise which once had good map design.
This does sound interesting at least
modern warfare 2
still play it sometimes, there's always full servers during weekends
>you play as a far right terrorist shooting up a mosque
So the next big gimmick is shocking moments. LAME
>Call of Duty isn't relevant in 2019
then what is relevant?
>The games still sell, but not like they used to.
so does basically any big budget game, even fortnite is down compared to the high tides.
if playercount and sales is not the metric, are we talking about individual qualities, and are we then not entering dangerously subjective territory to be speaking about as broad a term as "relevance"?
after Tarrant I'm willing to bet no one wants to actually let other wanna be shitheads live out their fantasies even in a game.
Modern Warfare 3, and that was the first time I didn't even reach max level, let alone prestige anything. The maps were just too boring and shitty.
Modern Warfare, WaW, and MW2 was the trifecta.
Black ops, its actually the only ps3 CoD i touched, spent at least 1000 hours in the MP tho, so it was definitely a good investment
Live service shit, battle royale, indie games, open world/sandbox games
>a greater emphasis on emotionally hefty moments like the infamous No Russian mission
Anyone game to break to activision that none of the people working for them have the talent to do that?
They're fun for a few hours but I could never understand the people that played it for hours on end. Prestige is literally just the same shit all over again.
That actually sounds like something activision would.
>guys we need a new gimmick for the kids but have to pander to game journos too
>90+ on metacritic
More like Cock of Doody: Modern Gayfuckstupid
I’m pretty sure they’re using maps from mw2 and mw3
COD is objectively not relevant anymore
Do you still play that shit? Do the younger kids in your family play that shit? Do your friends talk about COD like they used to? Do you hear COD discussed in the media/on social media anymore?
The world has moved on.
>Prestige is literally just the same shit all over again.
It's literally a Skinner Box.
those are the most irrelevant games, since they attract people not by their qualities or features, but blanket marketing to attract the largest crowd of people who have no knowledge or experience of what a good game could be.
those are like the game of life or risk of vidya.
>COD is objectively not relevant anymore
>Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 was the 2nd highest selling game of 2018
This. Fortnite pretty much killed it. Though if a good one came around again I could see a small resurgence
It’s called mass appeal. It’s basically fast food but for games.
Modern Warfare 3, if you mean full blown games.
World War 2 if you mean beta's.
MW when it first came out.
It also sold less than half of MW3 or the original Black Ops
It’s easier to write oscar bait emotional story for women and kids by writing some dialouge and moving some puppets than it is to actually program a competently put together game. Jouros especially will eat it up.
>COD is objectively not relevant anymore
reiteration of a statement does not affirm it.
>Do you still play that shit?
i never said that i or someone close to me ever played them, nor is it important for the subject.
if a trailer for this game can become the most downvoted trailer ever, it is entirely relevant still.
if people get pissy about it becoming monetized a month after release and selling reticles and other scammer DLC for insane amounts can make headlines, calling it irrelevant seems premature.
>The world has moved on.
then why are people still talking about it? outrage culture cant be it, because it has long since settled in that activision are greedy little shits, if there were no widespread desire for the game to not be as shit as it is, people would simply ignore it.
Not sure why Activision hasn't realized by now that they just need to put the franchise on hold for a few years it really needs a damn break. Even normalfags are getting tired of it. They don't really have much else that brings in the big bucks so I would assume that's the reason.
Ghosts got it on sale a year or so after it came out. Played the multiplayer for like 2 hours and never touched it again. MW2 was the last one I actually put any significant amount of time into. Haven't touched a single game after Ghost for any period of time.
you were so close to being absolutely correct then you had to have complete post diarrhea for the last 6 words of your post
Willingly: Black Ops 2. But my brother got me ghosts for christmas when it came out and I played it for a couple days before dropping it
Advanced Warfare
the multiplayer is beyond me, but cowadoody is still one of the best rail shooters on the market
If they re-released CoDUO I would buy that shit so fast
I had to see the timeline
call of duty
call of duty 4
call of duty mw2
black ops
I don't remember if I played cod1, I mix my memories with moh
>I'm Ron Burgundy?
>It’s easier to write oscar bait than competently put together game
Not for sledgehammer, infinity ward and treyarch, who are all competent coders, but really bad creatively.
>and MW3
i dont give a fuck
Worked for God of War. Speaking of which, I hope they keep the trend and name the sequel God of War II to fuck with fans.
>even cod at it's worst sales is more relevant 99% of the gaming industry because it was no.2 on the charts
>this means it isn't relevant
is that seriously the argument?
what kinds of retards are STILL BUYING THIS SHIT
Infinite or advanced warfare, don't remember quite which one. Whatever one where there is a campaign.
I would hardly call any of cod’s developers good coders. Their games still feel like they’re stuck in 2007. They’re even still using the same animations from mw1.
Never played any because I'm not a cuck söy zoomer NPC underage mutt tranny
None, I'd pick them up for SP if Activision wasn't jews about sales.
Ghosts is underrated relative to the other cod games, it's pretty much MW with a different name.
The original Modern Warfare was "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare".
which is newer, MW3 or ghosts?
CoD4. That'd be over a decade ago by now and not a single fuck given since.
Infinite Warfare.
Shitty villain and the multiplayer was just AW all over again but man, that campaign.
Call of Duty 3, suck my dick, choke on it anons.
i stopped playing CoD because they nerfed shotguns and run n' gun play styles in general.
running around with akimbo p90 or the spaz12 in MW2 was some of the most fun ive had in a FPS.
God, just kill it already. Get Treyarch to make something out of left field like a new Kingpin, and get Infinity Ward to stop embarrassing itself.
Never bought into COD, was more of a Battlefield person back in the day. Apart from playing MW2 split-screen over at my friends' houses, I only played the demo to COD 2. Although, Battlefield has all the same problems now too, stopped playing it a while ago as well. Battlefield's sequel naming is insane:
>BF 1942
>BF Vietnam
>BF 2
>BF 2142
>BF: Bad Company
>BF 1943
>BF: Bad Company 2
>BF 3
>BF 4
>BF 1
>BF V(ietnam 2 - I wish)
Haven't bought any since Black Ops 1, but I've pirated them all for the campaigns. Still haven't played WW2 or MW Remastered though.
the next game is just Battlefield: Vietnam again. its named that.
>why cant cod make games like cod 4
ok lets do it! its been 12 years since it came out and video game technology has improved since then, we-
literally how you sound.
You'll still play it
they even gave you idiots a raw remaster so what do you really have to lose?
It's like we're stuck in a time loop.
I stopped at Black Ops cause I noticed the maps were really shitty compared to CoD4 and WaW before it.
~2010 was the GOAT for shooters
>>literally every game in the franchise has the exact same gameplay
Sounds like projection.
You could say the same for Zelda until finally Breath of the Wild. Every game was just OoT over and over again.
Black Ops 2. I never even bought a single one of these games, just got them from people that moved onto the newest game.
Considering I can only think of STALKER CoP from that year, it really was not. SS3 kinda helped the next year, but in general, FPS went to dogs after the dawn o f 7th gen.
Blops 2, but I played MW3 more.
Also I'm not counting playing Blops zombies at a party and the betas.
BLOPS II or MW3. I don’t remember which one is more recent.
Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Finest hours. Was actually a very good game!
Modern warfare 2
good memories
No, it's called "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare", "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex", or "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered". There isn't a game called "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare".
I don't remember, they all blend together in my head.
retarded cuck incel tranny nazi boom zoomer redditchanner cringe basedboy
the people behind mw2 work on titanfall now, buy it you thirdworld sperg turd ape
Black Ops III and Modern Warfare 2 are the only ones I've played they were pretty good
Black ops 1 back in 2011 or so. Every match was tactical mask with scavenger so I could chuck nova gas everywhere.