Tfw middle aged NEET thinking about no-lifeing this like in the old days

>tfw middle aged NEET thinking about no-lifeing this like in the old days
Give it to me straight before I dump all my life into this. Will it die in a year?

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I'd like to think that it's gonna be around for a while. They were saying if all goes well, then we might see TBC and Wrath servers

That's going to dilute the playerbase though. I don't think fans will be happy to find all their work/grind is irrelevant because of a new BC server.

yes it will die in half a year.

Nooo I was planning on starting in like 7 months because I'm busy now, can't people just raid BWL and AQ for the next 3 years?

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it doesn't come out til late august

whether it dies in a year or in five years just imagine the feeling you'll be left with now entering old age walking around the empty cities in your raid gear knowing this is how you spent your last chance

No. There'll be a steady playerbase no matter how hard the initial hype dies down and ultra-casuals go back to playing retail.

As opposed to what, getting scorned by roasties until one begrudgingly accepts me as a consolation prize to serve as her ATM for the rest of her wrinkling life? I'm an ugly 5'1 manlet, fuck off with your normie privilege

Someone explain the purpose of this game for me. Doesn't it have uglier graphics, lower quality sound/music, and less features? If you want to relive the starter areas, aren't they still in the game right now? I just don't get it.

I hate to admit it will basically be dead after a year.
There will still be small amount of players who still play, and blizzard will keep it online in life support mode. But most people no matter how autistic they are know doing the same thing over and over is not a good thing.

No, they are gonna add unfinished content after naxx. Grim Batol, Karazhan, Emerald dream, Uldum etc.

They went away in cata i think

Its gonna kill BFA.

It's really not hard to figure out that the game played pretty differently 15 years ago.

It will probably reach a point in which the classic community asks blizzard to upgrade the server to TBC

If classic servers have never died ( they haven't) classic itself should last as long as retail is still kicking.

>hurr durr lets make another thread

If they actually do this I might consider playing, I think just continuing the path of retail wow is a bad move.


Yeah, there’s just a big ditch everywhere I wanted to go

2 weeks tops
every single inch of the content is known and will abused
all those fucks who are in beta right now already hit 30 and don't know what to do with themselves out of boredom
first week 60 dings, second week dungeon diarrhea, MC raid Ragnaros kill within first day

I honestly don't know how painfully retarded you have to be to do it to yourself again

not sure why people think it will die quickly. private servers have been around for more than a decade with decent to huge populations. the streamer fotm hype will die and it's not going to replace retail, but classic isn't dying any time soon especially since they're taking the route of gradually rolling out "new" content in phases

>he's been seething for the past 7 days

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Anyone else think they're going to add a lot of new stuff to try to spice these old raids up?

is 30 max level on the beta?

If they are keeping 20 realms in "low" for BFA, they can keep 1 merged realm for Vanilla


But thats exactly what happens whenever a new expac comes out


Private servers don't have sharding.

t. dumb zoomer addicted to the dopamine drip of ADD games like fortnite
People in the beta are doing BGs and world pvp events. This is prime STV ganking level. Classic WoW is a fun and flavorful game

>t. dumb zoomer addicted to the dopamine drip of ADD games like fortnite
said the literal spastic who is ready to waste his life on a over decade old gam all over again while being offended by the truth
go ahead dummy but make sure when you are at the point of killing yourself you do it properly

keep seething retard

Why do you need us to tell you?

You are a neet just play it what doe it matter? If you are not fixing yourself what ever you do is a waste of time

Bro if you're not exaggerating about the neet bit get your shit together. I mean unless you inherited a billion dollars from your uncle that molested you or some shit

sup nigs

> Dog: Classic WoW fags
> Cabinet: Life

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you: faggot

do you need to be subbed to get into the stress test/beta? i dont even have anything above the play button in my battlenet client

yes you need to be subbed

Or a big twitch streamer.

More like dilate LMAO

Will classic wow kill OSRS

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>Doesn't it have uglier graphics, lower quality sound/music

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You're not even in the beta

No. Runescape players are too stupid to play anything with more than one button.

just play old school runescape with your bros. That game will never die

I'd love to see this, however I have an extreme distrust of modern Blizzard and how they would handle it.

I want to play WoW classic with my bro in Europe but blizz doesn't let you play on other regions unless you buy that region's version of the game. pretty weak.

lmao you wish

One of them is actually getting support


Just play on private servers. Absolutely no difference, best of all? No shitty nublizzard gimmicks


Based and dillated

WoW has always been like that. Go into retail and try playing on European servers. You can't.

You don't have to buy wow classic though, only need the subscription.

how do you subscribe to wow without owning the game

Here is your level 30 quest area, bro.

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so i have to buy wow bfa eu version to access classic eu servers? fucking blizz. Cant it be on same account as my US version game?

I think you just need the base game which is free afaik. Or maybe you need to just buy bfa on sale since it includes everything.

It’s already on your account, just keep up payments goyim

fuck that, Im rolling on a pve server

>It’s already on your account
the EU version of the game is not on my account, just the US version.

I meant Classic.


No, it has to be an entire new WoW account in your I tried it myself and got an additional trial account to reach the other region.

I like warcraft 3, never played wow, is it worth playing this for the story and shit, and if so, can I just play by myself and get through everything

incredibly gay

Jokes on you I'm skipping STV and doing Desolace, 1k Needles, and Dustwallow Marsh.

Only time I will set foot in STV is for endgame when I go to Zul Gurub

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Man the hand rubbing is intense from Blizzard

i created the trial account, i'll sub on it when time comes and hopefully they let me access EU classic. Does the trial acc make you buy the game or do you think i can ignore that since i wont be playing retail.

Is that feasible? STV has so many quests, some of which you do in other zones, like 1k needles like you said.

Pvp servers used to playable with occasional fights, but since the private server era, people got much more aggressive and made camping quest spots their only purpose of the game and that's just boring. Real pvp happens in bgs.

You will have to make an EU account

enjoy mindlessly grinding mobs to level

You can play the game in max settings similar to today's wow

Trial accounts have some chat restrictions, but you can play until lvl20 like anyone else.

>a year
Anyone who's followed recent gaming trends knows everyone and their mother will jump on it on release because epic streamer/youtube hype, play it for a week or two tops, then drop it as something else comes out.

I give it 3 months tops, and that's if they get very lucky with Asmongold and Soda orbiters straggling behind. Asmongold ran out of shit to do in literally 2 fucking days and had to resort to 'haha lets go pvp with the horde for no reason that's really fun'.

The only people that'll stick with it are retarded neets who've already played a million times and will be idling in Ironforge before you even get your shoulders. Basically private servers. If you think that's fun, knock yourself out, but you could already be doing that.

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wait till people realize how boring raiding is with 1 button rotations.

>spam shadowbolt

>spam frostbolt


For horde it is.

If you wanted to skip STV on alliance then for lvl30-40 you would do Hillsbrad, Arathi Highlands, and Badlands.

Playing fun games, you stupid retard. Stop playing MMOs and quit this retarded 'ahah I bet you mean Fortnite ahah xD' shit, it's not funny, and you're not smart.

They introduced that with 2.0.
In old blizzard games that use the traditional like diablo2 or warcraft3 and everything else, you can even enter asian realms if you really want to.

>$20/m playing a solved neet game
>no new feeling of new mmo
>no new feeling of awe/experience as you explore the world
>everyone just rushes endgame and kills onyxia/bwl/cthun/naxx in under 5 wipes total

It's nostalgia.
There's a couple of features stripped from current WoW, like mobs hitting harder, regen being slower, gear sets and some other stuff, but essentially, yeah. Dungeons are DPS checks, rotations are three buttons long (if you're lucky) and the hunter loots everything.

It's just a bunch of people who want to relive their childhood (ignoring the fact that they and the people they'll play with are nothing like they were back then) and a VERY small minority of actual, clinical autists who just think NEW BAD OLD GOOD.

That being said, retail is dogshit. But it was always dogshit, is the thing. The fact that people socialized back then doesn't change that. It's a mindless skinner's box just like retail.

>decent to huge populations
You mean the one or two servers that manage to stay up that barely hit 50k at their peak and idled on 5-10k, and half of those were bots, chinks and russians who don't even speak english?

But sure, parade those epic new private server launch screenshots with hundreds of people if it makes you feel better.

No need to grind mobs silly user.
You just take the zeppelin to the other side of the world and go do higher level hillsbrad/alterac and arathi highlands quests.

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It is fun though, classic WoW has a social aspect that died with later MMOs. Fuck off fortnite zoomer

Classic is more of a fantasy simulation and not an action rpg like it is today. I went back into raiding at the start of bfa and when my guild started heroic of that first raid tier I lost interest. It's not fun to study guides how to dodge all the lasers and boss addons yelling at you what to do and where to go while spamming your buttons non stop. It's more difficult for sure, but it's not enjoyable and that's probably why nobody cares about mythic raiding.

I have never played WOW in my life (i used to be a brazilian poorfag who couldnt afford dollars in 2004), is this a good place to start?

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OSRS gets development and content. Classic will not.
And OSRS knows it's just a grindfest, WoW players refuse to accept that the grind is all there is to their game, too.

Yes my brazilian friend! I recommend you play on popular streamer servers especially! Enjoy bud

Would the beggining of a 15 year mmorpg be a good place to start? Yes I would say so.

part of the issue with classic is everything is figured out.

people know what is top dps/heals, best tank, rotations, raid strats, etc. it's just copying an existing plan. even leveling is figured out 100%.

So your response to all that shit is doing nothing? Standing there and mashing one button until the game tells you you win because you have enough gear you got through chance?

I think both retail and classic fans are dumbfucks and could be playing far better games, but classic has no redeeming features, not one, other than nostalgia.

At this point I would wait for classic instead trying to understand all the stuff they added in normal WoW after tons of addons. Try a private server if you want to see if you like the gameplay and get to know leveling routes.

Have you autists tried just enjoying the game and not treating it like an excel simulator?




So you are telling me everyone has done all the hard work theorycrafting and learning all the boss fight strats and I can just take it easy and ENJOY playing the endgame?

Sign me the fuck up.

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Do that, and you'll be playing alone, retard. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun doing that shit as rogues and mages shit all over you with your epic non meta build/class.

nobody knows.

but if your life sucks like mine, might as well invest all your free time on it and die happy. Instead of life of always pursuing regret/divorce and shit,

Lmfao and this dipshit wonders why he can't enjoy games like WoW. You can smell the neckbeard on this screeching retard

You enjoy pressing 1 repeatedly and watching a healthbar slowly drop?
Good for you, that's all the gameplay there is WoW.

the absolute state of anti classic posters

It's has worse mechanics but is the overall better game for reasons that are not set in rotations, systems or comfort functions to be more efficient.
If you don't like that, that's cool.

I'm not raiding as a mage though.

I made on every private server that also has huge discord servers far more friends than retail could ever provide in it's current form. The entire retail experience is giving people the option to be busy all day without talking to a single person. That's the game's fault, not the players.

why are you here if this is your opinion? serious question

I don't know what to roll now that I got into the stress test
I liked mage , paladin,warlock and druid

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Every vanilla server I played on people were social
The only people that weren't were foreigners who didn't speak english and I'm sure they had plenty to say if they could.

No, you're playing ret paladin or shadow priest or something to be epic and you'll be kicked out of every group because you're not meta. Better play mage like a good boy.

imagine a world where Super Mario Bros no longer exists, Super Mario Bros 3 no longer exists, Super Mario World no longer exists. The only 2d platformer you can play is New Super Mario Bros. U, and it's also been made so that you have to play it with 4 people + a gamepad user placing platforms. If you try and play it solo you'll get matchmade with 4 randoms to fill in those roles.
Now imagine nintendo announces Super Mario Bros Classic, releasing the original NES game that no longer exists for the first time in 30 years. It shouldn't be hard to see why some people who liked the original might be excited about it's release in these circumstances.
If you don't give a shit about mario replace the games i mentioned with ones from your favorite long running game series.

He's angryposting as a way of convincing himself not to play classic wow. Just ignore him.

Why are there people coming to a thread of a topic they obviously dislike and waste their time on? Some of you guys are worse than the youtube comment section.

you're a retard who has never played vanilla. go play any private server right now and you'll see how wrong you are.

Don't be retarded I would be playing a viable spec.

Shadow priest was viable in higher level raiding guilds btw.

I saw the question while scrolling and answered it.
And because I don't want people who've never played going into the game with false expectations given to them by people who played the game 15 years ago in a completely different environment.

This faggot doesn't get invited to parties a lot. I don't know why detractors always assume you HAVE to play some hardcore raiding experience.

I used to raid with a grandma/grandpa couple. The gramps was so old he barely talked, his voice was weak. Granny was a lovely mother hen of the guild. She wasn't very good, but she always farmed a lot of consumables for everyone. I had a wonderful time raiding with them, even if they weren't topping meters. Stop being such a miserable person, the problem isn't the game.

That's my point. You're not gonna 'enjoy' the game. You're gonna play optimally or not play at all, and everyone else is too.

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I'm sure some people wish to relive their childhoods but they don't make the majority. Many people enjoy vanilla WoW more than the alternatives, simple as that.

I played LH and everyone just silently partied each other whenever they had to do quests in areas with tightly packed mobs, and that was it. The rest was exactly like retail, just retards spamming trump jokes in zone chat.

Leveling warlock is super easy.
Leveling a feral druid is also really fun, since you do similar burst damage like a rogue, but got mana for a full heal after one the mob died.

This is honestly my fear. I just want a game with basic gameplay where I can chill with other people.

why can't you enjoy the game while playing optimally?

How the fuck are you going to tell me how I enjoy the game or not? I do not need to play a wonky spec to "enjoy" the game, what a weird thing to imply.

>the problem isn't the game.
I agree with you, jesus, don't you get that?
The game was never the problem, just like the current game isn't the problem.

The PEOPLE were different. That's the only argument anyone ever uses and you people refuse to accept. You think you're going to find grandpas and grandmas playing Classic? Jesus, dude.

That's your opinion and that's fine. I've almost never met anyone that played the game and stuck with it without having originally played.

I fucking guarantee there will be people in their 40s and 50s playing classic.

>waste his life
All video games are a waste of life. You're not special for liking other franchises.
>better games
Your opinion. I personally can't wait to do BGs just to shit on scrubs.

Without contect this statement could be perfectly used for bfa.
Better look up that spreadsheet, third party site for the best azerite traits, icy veins talent guide and current dps simulation charts which spec is absolute dogshit or viable to get a raidspot.

I can still play weird specs in pvp, if raiding is like the private vanilla servers there will be top guilds doing PuG MC/ZG/Ony runs and they will take retards of any spec and carry them thru it.

I get enjoyment out of world pvp and sometimes helping lowbies, I do not need to be minmaxing my spec for that.

In BfA you also gotta pray hard for titanforging / socket procs

>nu-blizzard writing for vanilla
>you're skilled at x, have you done this before?
No thanks. They would shoehorn the usual "chosen one" dick sucking bullshit in every quest they could. Feels like a mobile game with all the positive reinforcement at every turn.

A year?
Try a week

There were millions of players in vanilla and TBC. More than enough to sustain the game for a long time. This isn't considering the influx of zoomers and while I imagine a lot of them will quit, I'm sure there will be a lot of people that find a home in the game.

Young kids loved it the first time around. People are lonelier these days than they were then. Maybe kids are exceptions to this but I think not.

>You think you're going to find grandpas and grandmas playing Classic?
Yes? There were people of all ages playing WoW, realistically there are going to be people who've retired since and found a lot of time on their hands.

Classic wow is a game that can be played at any pace because of its core simplicity. There WILL be grannies/gramps playing it. But that's beside the point, you just seem to have a very narrow view.

There will be. But those people aren't the grandpas you played with originality.
They're spergs who've been playing private servers for 10 years now, and have memorized every square inch of content in order to do it as efficiently as possible.

That's nothing like adults and older people playing back then because the game was a cultural phenomenon and EVERYONE was playing it. Nothing remotely like it.

I mean people used vent, mumble or teamspeak plus a forum to organize their guild, now it's all in one application. Don't see what the problem is.

>You think you're going to find grandpas and grandmas playing Classic

There's grandpas and grandmas playing retail wow right now, they are retired and have the free time to fuck around in an mmorpg.

Why do you keep making these retarded statements?

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Which makes it even more ironic. I've said it before, it's the same fucking game.
Tier sets and no flying mounts doesn't change that.

if normal WoW I dont see how Classic can die

Of course those people will exist. In fact, I'd argue if you want to do "well" in the game, dealing with them will be a necessary evil. Doesn't mean they're all trash people. I think you're generalizing a bit too much.

There's nothing stopping me from leaving the guilds with people I don't get along with, as I did it in the past without issue. There will always be another guild to go to. Wouldn't be hard to create your own guild if you have a small group of friends to do it with. The game gets a lot more fun when you get to choose exactly who raids with you.

Hello from FFXIV.
I hope Classic is amazing and that it retains a massive playerbase for years to come. May it be everything you wished for so that everyone of you can be happy and have fun in WoW forever.

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This guy is completely right and you know it.
People on private servers are either chinks or bots.
most people stay within their community, that means guild, close friends, clique, discord friends, whatever.
and people will expect you to know the game by memory now.
people joining a group nad running a dungeon without saying a single word is just as much of a problem on classic than it is in retail or any other xpac.
t. still plays on private servers.

> You think you're going to find grandpas and grandmas playing Classic? Jesus, dude.
>There will be. But those people aren't the grandpas you played with originality.

Who gives a fuck? Why are you knocking down your own arguments you are setting up?

>narrow view
Yeah, that's the issue with all of the detractors here. I don't understand the perspective personally.

peak irony coming from a WoW player

>American reading comprehension.
I didn't say WoW required you to be smart to play.

No it's not, it's a completely different game.
You can't just simplify the game to a row of boss encounter mechanics and your rotation, that is literally the worst part about classic everyone agrees that it's simple and outdated. Nobody cares about that.

I don't think thats how you use the term reading comprehension smoothbrain

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

I'm going to have fun playing classic
Yeah but I'm going to still have fun
Yeah but I used Teamspeak and Ventrillo in Vanilla wow
Messing around with weird specs was never really my thing, I tried it a few times in battlegrounds and it was iffy
People of all ages will be playing, some spergs, some not

Yeah, most of them have probably died of cancer by now.

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should i play this if i've never played WoW

If you like bad games, sure.

Oh please, what were you gonna do with that year anyway? keep working so you can save money for your retirement so you can have fun when youre old? whats the fucking point

Go try out Lights hope / Northdale server. Give it a go and see how you like it. I have noticed people have been leveling 1-6 over and over again so it should be pretty populated in the starting zones.

Are you?

There is no reason to start modern WoW if the fun version with actual adventures and player interaction comes out soon.

you're going to spend 2 hours getting 40 people together for a raid. Then you're going to spend the next 4 hours watching people fail 15 year old mechanics that the average child could do in their sleep. Finally after weeks of this the boss will drop the item you really want, and someone will jack it, and gquit. Or the guild leader will hand it over to his girlfriend instead.

Search your heart user, you know it will be true.

I dont really see the point to this. The game will never be the same and you will never be the same either. Just let MMOs be the historical footnote they deserve to be.

Other people like this game more than you do.

>see what looks like a qt asian girl in the twitch thumbnails (viewer count obscuring lower part of her face)
>click stream
>it's a skinny dude with long hair and a goatee
>instant close
Fucking gross and jebaited

Can't have real sex with an axehole, "sweetie." It's akin to fucking a stab wound, which in itself is mental illness.

Some people struggle with moving on.
Gamers especially, since they typically have almost no mental maturity. They'll always hug that comfort blanket and wish they could go back.

Good metaphor for Classic, really.


Mine says that but when I log in it says no realms available?

>you're going to spend 2 hours getting 40 people together for a raid

More like 10 minutes, there's this thing called raid times in a raiding guild, people log on at a certain time to raid, crazy concept, I know.

>Then you're going to spend the next 4 hours watching people fail 15 year old mechanics that the average child could do in their sleep

Wait are the mechanics hard or not? You can't have a child being able to do it in their sleep but at the same time have people fail them, make up your mind.

>Finally after weeks of this the boss will drop the item you really want, and someone will jack it, and gquit. Or the guild leader will hand it over to his girlfriend instead.

Fortunately there is masterlooter, I plan on being a resto sham so druids and priests can't use +healing mail gear so I'm good. That would suck, very important to join a raiding guild with a sperg guild leader that has no GF

Hrmmm, I guess classic just isn't for you then. Oh well!

>middle aged NEET

Private servers are different from official. Normies don't want to go near offbrand installers, but a game that's part of their Blizzard account wouldn't be an issue.

I look forward to having a lot of fun with all the people I group with in this game while we reminisce on the old times and laugh about the new.

Just do nothing and have your parents feed you at all costs to your dignity, wtf do you mean how? Lmao like you need a roadmap to end up a NEET

Nope, but nice try. just because one guy doesnt follow the herd doesnt mean its a samefag, dummy.
Of course my post will mean little to you and you will think whatever you want so whats the point really.

BFA already killed itself

you could have just named the image classicfags.jpg instead of using meme arrows

what was so bad about BFA? t. quit in cataclysm

It's like any other expansion since you quit. It's fun on release for a month or two and then everyone leaves, because they throw all their content in your face and then leave you with nothing. In BFA's case, the big additions of island expeditions, azerite armor instead of t-sets and warfront scenarios are generally hated and so bad that most left the boat.

Built up fake hype making people think this would be the pvp expansion bring the WAR back in warcraft (idiots keep falling for it)

Introduced more grindy farmville bullshit

The new races they showed off weren't even in the game at launch or for several months and when they were finally introduced into the game you had to waste time grinding bullshit to unlock them

OSRS is more popular than RS3. I seriously doubt that Classic will fail since the demand for it is already high, even if Blizzard fucks up the launch.

I will admit that warmode was a great addition that brought me a lot of fun moments though. I hope they will keep it for future expansions.

Don't forget Nintendo (Activision Blizzard) actively hunting down pirates of the lost property and straight up telling people who wants the good old stuff back in a legal way that they don't know what they want, all while "fans" of the company hates the pirates' guts for wanting the old stuff back, claiming it to have been literally a thousand times worse than what we got right now, we only don't remember because of "nostalgia".

>I don't think fans will be happy to find all their work/grind is irrelevant because of a new BC server.

What would be more true to the Classic experience than that?

>Wrath servers
No thank you