Is there a game with a sick lore like Bionicle?

Is there a game with a sick lore like Bionicle?

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TES i guess

Curious would such a thing like that work? Air bubble underwater?

That's a very inspiring artwork.

>that hip to ass ratio

Is that LEGO Bionicle or something else?

why is "the pit" in its crotch

probably TES

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it is lego bionicle

I'm very into LEGO, but I've watched Bionicle.

Is it described anywhere?

If I remember correctly, the pit is a prison of sorts, so it would make sense that it's located at mata nui's crotch, as moat of the beings that exist there are giant dicks.

Isn't the map of Xenoblade the corpse of a giant or something? I never played it so don't ask me if the lore is any good

how old are you bionicle faggots

there's a wiki where you can find every informations you want, also i suggest you to read the comics, they're quite nice

i'm 26

I'm watching the video, it looks amazing.

I remember that I went through the dark ages around the time the Bionicle series was launched.

I'm more interested in System and Technic, I'm entering the Mindstorms realm now.

But this whole Bionicle thing is calling my attention. The world building looks amazing.

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Old enough to party, head ass

It's pretty fucking wild to be lore for a fucking lego toy line. Greg went a bit over the top with some of the later additions to the story, but all in all it's pretty neat.

I guess that scans. 20 years ago I dismissed bionicle as shit for 6 year olds.

Xenoblade C1 yeah
Xenoblade C2 has continents that are actually colossi, which are actually reborn blades (aka the gacha waifu crap) with their memory erased because god went "lol yeah that's your destiny" or something. Though for a reason or another they're dying and they're not getting replaced, so there's political tension and shit.

Bethesda wastes it.

The fuck is bionicle? It looks like bionicles are robots but everything around them is organic and tribal, it doesn't make any sense.

all they need is for another writer to drop acid or something.

>not 2007

They really don't


They are sort of robots in a post-apocalyptic world, but it's not that obvious in the two or three movies most people watched.

Voyu nui is a pingas?

bionicle is short for biological chronicle. They're basically half biological, half robot with some weird magical powers thrown in for good meassure.

I wanna go back Yea Forumsros

Did anyone else play the PS2 game?

well user wanted some explanation for mata-nui's body so i gave him 2008, but let's be honest both years were amazing and probably the best of all

What ever happened to the spiders that transformed their prey into angsty deviantart furries? I can barely even find information about them on the internet.

the ones with the disc launchers on their backs?

The actual Bionicle sets went to shit the moment they decided to add flavor of the month weapons instead of action features.

I really missed the gears but I think the trade off between them and having enemies that weren't exactly the same looking but a different color palate is worth it.

Okay I fucked around with Bionicle when I was a kid but where would I begin if I wanted to get into the series and its lore RIGHT NOW.

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Yeah, those. The book they were in gave me awkward boners.

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Use the godtier autistic as fuck wiki. Autistic in a good way, has literally all content archived in one way or another. Have fun and prepare many hours if you really want to dive into this rabbit hole.
Wiki is BS01 btw. Not the others.
To keep this Yea Forums, the online games were godtier and heroes for the wii had a funky ass soundtrack that kept the game fun.

Metru Nui was best setting.

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Wtf I was just looking at that pic the other day. Are you stalking me user?

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Cheers man. I like the world stuff, always thought it was cool and mystical but just now realising how deep it goes.

Heroes was fucking comfy. I loved the whole piraka-playground thing where you could lock up previous bosses and make them do stupid shit. I've never actually seen any other games do anything like that. Would've been really cool actually.

I would, no fucking joke, pay full fucking price for a Bionicle MMO that was actually fucking good. Imagine. Just fucking imagine.

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The Visorak were disbanded on Metru Nui by Vakama, then later called using an artifact to a single island, where the Toa trapped them to wipe them all out in an instant via volcanic eruption, rendering the species extinct.
They were later re-made by Makuta after he took over, then released into the restored world as wild beasts following his defeat.

Yeah there was that beachside workout area or something. I remember a DJ stand too.
Boss fights and puzzling/platforming was generally fun. I can’t remember any negative experiences with the game. Just comfy all around, but not quite the setting I would expect from the comics.

one of the best character

Well that's lame as hell, but thanks.

mainly but you could also watch this to get started as well and get a rundown of the story

Cool just seeing all you guys having fun being passionate about the story, wish I had a clue what it was all about cause it seems cool

>you will never explore a world structured like that in a game
>you will never experience the dawning realization of how the world is actually structured as you explore more and more
What are some games that do exploration really fucking well? Hollow Knight, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Xenoblade X are the ones that immediately come to mind.

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Modern Warcraft lore ripped off Bionicle. Prove me wrong.

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Pathologic? Dark Souls, maybe?

Nice, I'll get into it.

LEGO tried to create a MMO, but they stopped because people would build penises all over place.

It's serious.

Zelda exploration is pretty cool.

By the way, didn't LEGO discontinued the Bionicle line?

I believe that they changed it for the CCBS system. I'm not sure if there's Bionicle in this line.

I'll take a look.

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It's a pretty heavily abbreviated summary.
They have a whole history in the Matoran universe and their name means "Stealers of Life"
They were probably the most severe infestation of malign organisms on the whole robot.
The wipeout didn't happen until near the end when they were going through a list of stuff to prep the robot for restarting, like triggering the Bohrok to reactivate.

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Yes. Bionicle died, (or rather, finished, depends on if that stupid gladiator stuff should be considered part of bionicle or not), got a reboot, but the reboot didn't pick up enough steam and got itself canceled.

>depends on if that stupid gladiator stuff should be considered part of bionicle or not
>the ending shouldnt be part of bionicle

Bioicle reading order is
Bionicle 3 Web of Shadows>Pohatu's build manual>Lego City Undercover>Bionicle Heroes> Island of Doom>Beare the Bohrok>Deep Space 9>The Protocols of the Elders of Zion>Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 non-canon filler episodes>Steel Ball Run>Confessions of a Mask>The Art of the Deal>The Autobiography of Lee Kuan Yew but only the chapter about Australia>An entire Drench-English dictionary>Mothman's History of the Kings of Britain>public bathroom graffiti>re read Steel Ball Run>Crime and Punishment translated into spanish>Marble Madness custom trackball set up speedruns>Bionicle Mask of Light

Are there any bionicle games worth playing?

Yes, retardo.
You've never seen air pockets on underwater caves?

Just play a bionicle game bro

There's like 10. most are very average, and fan projects never get finished. MNOG is the peak.

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What are some games where the villain was actually just trying to save everyone but nobody would listen to him?

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>wanted to save his fellows
>made the mistake of telling the psychotic zealot girl first
nice job mantid man

What are some games where the heros make a sudden unexpected comeback almost a decade later?

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If you can deal with walking sims, NaissanceE has some amazing and huge environments you travel through that kind of remind me of some of the settings from Bionicle.

don't call my wife psychotic

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they summoned this motherfucker and it had a titanic kaiju battle with a dragon in the middle of the city

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>his fellows
>a toa
user, remind me which psychotic zealot girl killed Krika?

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Why would anyone make a robot so tall?

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Spacefaring robot designed to repair a planet user, kind of has to be big.
Has to be able to shove the two little balls into the big dustball.

To fight equally giant alien monsters, what the hell do you think?

I didn't like the GBA one.

>When the setting of your whole universe for 10 years has actually been inside the body of a giant robot and then that giant robot fights another giant robot and gets it's head smashed by a MOON

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25 here and I was crazy for them as a kid. You're pretty on the money with the age range.

imagine being one of the lifeforms sitting on Bota Magna there and some giant robot head smashes into the planet 100kio away from you

To flex on all the robotlets obviously

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What the hell did Xenoblade rip off Bionicle?

I don't like it either. I still have it and the game is total garbage with awful control. You want a good Bionicle handheld game? Play Bionicle Heroes for DS, it's different than the console ones and has some pretty good music and comfy graphics.
Here's the whole OST uploaded by the guy who originally made it, tidied up.


27 i think

2 giants

>Karda Nui, where the Toa went to revive the great spirit is in the anus

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RIght, I checked here and there's a CCBS version of them. They're much bigger and stuff.

I'll check it out. I've never had a CCBS LEGO before, I think this' the chance.


This guy is based
Nice tracks and seems to genuinely appreciate the fandom

What the fuck? This is actually what it looked like? That's fucking crazy.

One of the original creators of bionicle is trying to rally up some hype and get LEGO to make a new line of bionicles for 2020.


They're not actually bigger at all. They're the same height as a metru toa from 2004

I see.

Jesus fucking Christ.

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yeah that worked pretty well last time

the prison should be at the feet or something the crotch should be one of the few large access tunnels

The last one had none of the original creators involved iirc

Which is depressing.
Because Bionicle 2015 was fucking great, and they fucked it up.

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>tfw missed out on it
I do have that Tahu's mask though, just found it lying in the street (not sure if it's still called the Hau).

You mean Blame !

NaissanceE is Blame !, it's not even hidden

Were those spiders supposed to be the Krana equivalent?

Blame! isn't a game

Yes it is, it's just called NaissanceE

im pretty sure its bio mechanical

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Lego themselves says it's Biological Chronicle.

>name all your enemies "Skull x"

What a colossal disappointment. Bionicle was so fucking good when they were still using Maori words for their language.

they neutered a lot of the complexity with the reboot. i think they just called it the fire mask. The masks just gave them their elemental powers and didnt have any weird little quirky abilities. The kits were pretty rad in phase 1 but phase 2 kinda fucked the designs a little too far for me,

>you will never get the actual BLAME! walking sim by bas9
feels bad man
naissancee was a wild ride though, neato shit

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You ever heard of a game called echo? It takes place on a planet sized complex composed of nothing but a gold and white sort of palace. Granted it's not a walking sim and you don't often get views that show the scale of the place but after naissancee it's the only thing that feels vaguely similar.

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>Mahri Nui wasn't even that deep

shit fuck you'er right i can fucking see it

Yes it was, that looks at least 100km deep considering how Mata nui robot is 3000~km tall.

>spooky Anal Rodeo
I don't think I'd ever play this, sorry.

Does any other setting have the weird mix of high and low tech that Bionicle did?
It's wild that a legit theme had such a unique and in depth setting.


I only ever had the toys/lego figures and know absolutely nothing about the lore. There were pocket dimensions underground? Was this shit all from that one game or was it a book or some shit?

I feel like such an autist. I watched that entire video on the story of Bionicle even though I knew it all already.

It was slowly built up and revealed after 8 years, they played the long con ruse for the story line in a Lego theme. The setting of the first 8 years was inside a giant robot, which was only revealed at the end of 2008.

Those are compartments of Mata Nui's body.
Up until the concluding parts, the whole story takes place inside and around the body of the giant robot. This was planned since the start, you can even see his eyes shut in one of the movies.

mnolg was kino

so it can play xbox

Delete this.

Wait, so when was it said that Metru Nui etc aren't on the surface?

from when it was introduced. pretty much the first thing established about it was that it was underneath mata nui.


Metru Nui is the core processor, located in the head, under Mata Nui's face.

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Shit, really? I must really have not been paying attention as a kid.

Glad at least one person here knows the canon.

Fuck, I never knew any of this. I just assumed they were all islands in the same sea.

i think it was when that map released in 2008 that people first guessed that the matoran universe was mata nui's body

Divers Bell

How did those geniuses do it

what kind of game is this? horror?

Which movie? Sounds neat

It's kind of a action/stealth hybrid. The gimmick is that every enemy is a clone of yourself that mimics your playstyle, so if you go in guns blazing your clones will start shooting you but if you go in all sneaky breeki your clones will walk around crouched and have more thorough search patterns. Just watch a trailer to get the jist of it.

I can't remember if it was Legends of Metru Nui or the third one, but since the Great Cataclysm happens in LoMN I think that's the one.

Ga-Koro. Home.

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Yeah, if you're a GIRL, maybe

Uh, you don't want to live in a cozy lilypad and go swimming&fishing with the qt's?

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claim faves

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I played the Lego Universe beta. The mechanics weren't as good as in the early Lego games like Lego Island or Lego Star Wars. There was some pretty cool stuff you could do though and it looked pretty nice.

2008 was the end for me. They blew up the universe and got a reset.

Ga-Matorans are bade for the BFC (Big Fire Cock)

Can't go wrong with the big bad man himself

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Not the most complex set but I loved this big boy's design.

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i remember i got this guy early
my mom picked him up from walmart for christmas
literally new set, didnt know what he even was yet
next day someone took pics of him and put him up on bzpower and got the credit instead of me
how cool is that though? an unannounced set

for me it was toa lhikan

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*stops working half of the time*

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LEGO should've gone with it... they should've hire a huge staff with huge penalties for people that create sexual organs or politics symbols.

Poor lil' guy had it almost as bad as Matoro

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or just have a legal team that wasn't literally retarded
mojang hasn't been sued for distributing pornography to minors
online content is generally understood to be unrated
they literally thought they were going to go to jail for it, which is why they spent literally all the budget on making penis detecting AI

I want FromSoft to make a Bionicle game more than anything else, with the same kind of early 2000s soundtrack as the canceled PC game

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Why FromSoft?

>it was revealed that Matoran and Bohrok are the same species
>Certain Matoran become paralyzed and slowly transform into Bohrok while still being conscious up until the very end where their sense of self is erased and they become part of the Hivemind

Real body horror shit . Matoran had it ROUGH in the bionicle universe.

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>it's literally swamp-ass

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The atmosphere, lore, and nonlinear structure of their action RPGs are a match made in heaven for Bionicle. As for gameplay, it would be different enough to not feel like a total rehash of Dark Souls; plus even more traversal methods than Sekiro

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I'm not nearly schizo enough to decipher this /x/ shit

Bionicle never really went as dark like that in terms of themes. There was tons of edgy stuff, but only 2 or 3 characters actually die and for the most part it was "actiony" superhero-type stuff with occasional stoicism & atmosphere

A dark moody reboot would fit Bionicle like a glove, I'd like to see that. It'll never happen, but still.

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Good fucking shit.

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american school system everybody.

It's not really that complicated. The more powerful entities that are closer to godliness are at the top (Toa and Matoran, both in their more humanoid and chunky, stubby mcdonalds toy forms), and down at the bottom you have increasingly monstrous creatures with inanimate husks that must be controlled by an external entity (Bohrok) at the bottom.

And why is god represented by a worm

>pohatu's build manual

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No fucking idea there, but I think I got the basic gist of what's going on by comparing the Bionicle thing to the /x/ thing.

>tfw you were the only kid who cared enough to at least try to get a grip on the story
>retards who said that Tahu controlled fire when he clearly has the mask of shielding and other blatantly wrong things.

It's a weird half-truth: He's a Fire Toa, so he does have some degree of fire energy within him, but he can't just flat out control fire. As for the masks, you're totally correct.

Many of the Great Spirit Robot locations would be well-suited to a Souls-like action game. Mata Nui and Metru Nui in particular would create a lot of good opportunities for interesting level design interconnected by shortcuts and unconventional means of transit, like riding on rahi and using mask powers. A stamina-based combat system would also fit well into the Bionicle setting since there was a lot of emphasis on melee combat in Bionicle, especially in the earlier set waves, but I could see a combat system more similar to Dragon's Dogma working well also. Elemental and mask powers would fill the role of spells in these cases.

He did control fire, but it wasn't because of his mask. (And when they had golden masks, technically they could use the power of any other mask whenever they wanted.)

It's not exactly the grim edginess of Dark Souls I want, just the sense of mystery and discovery. Being in control for most of the game, limited cutscenes, piecing things together on your own. Even with Bionicle's action and character interactions, it'd still fit within that framework.

I dont know if I've ever seen any game with the sheer scope & scale of "industrial" megastructure environments that would be necessary for a game inside the Great Spirit robot. Seriously, the Matoran and Toa would travel through it's body for hundreds, even thousands of miles.

Not to mention the crazy unique style of all the biomechanical technology and biology equivalent machines that function as GSR's "organs". Or how it all has to look ancient and decrepit.

The closest environments to that I can imagine would be found in Halo CE or Metroid Prime.

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>mfw Piraka and Spherus Magna
I've never been so confused

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So are the legs and arms full of cavities that contain those islands as well

Gravity Rush 1 and 2

Spherus Magna is something lost upon all of us, user.


So we can all agree that good guy is the single most powerful being in the entire bionicle universe right?

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>there is an entire genre of porn using bionicle pieces
we need to go back

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>I dont know if I've ever seen any game with the sheer scope & scale of "industrial" megastructure environments that would be necessary for a game inside the Great Spirit robot.
Neither have I, and I think part of the reason for this is that, until very recently, video game tech has simply not been up to snuff when it comes to depicting continent-sized complex structures. Even the largest open worlds in games today are tiny compared to how massive an in-game GSR would be.


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No, friend. There's no going back now.

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Even one segment of it like just Metru Nui would be an ass and a half to do even half-assed justice to. Everything's just so jam-packed.

Bionicle could make a really good roleplay setting though

>arms are only red at the shoulders
>feet aren't black
How do you do a job this well and still fuck it up?

Anyone remember
Backtracking2^45: The game.

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The 2 was supposed to be a squared symbol but Yea Forums fucked it up for some reason.

talk about in your face!!!

>a lot of the story serials were just flat out unfinished
>we'll never know what would have happened next

by claiming artistic liberties

There's too many artistic liberties in adaptations of works these days.


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Now we're talking.

What do you have againts The Lord of the Ri- I mean Mask of Light nigga?

holy shit how did I never realize how similar those were


I would call it's psychological horror. The game is quite an expirience. They creators had a vision and perfectly executed their vision. The art in the game is outstanding, and the things you go through are indeed scary and unique. I like it very much, haven't finished it yet. But there are many things in the game I really like as a concept and the execution of them. The first voice actress you hear is bad, but after a while it will fit the world, so it won't bother you much as the game goes on. If you are into unique experiences only video games can deliver, you should play it.

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I believe that is a cicada larvae. Cicada's are often used as symbolic images of eternity and immortality in some cultures. Maybe that's why? Not sure.


idr but I remember getting to the final boss and giving up like the idiot I am

Heroes on DS is a great Metroid Prime Hunters clone. No idea if it's cannon since iirc the main character is a nameless Toa or something.

The whole thing is a giant machine, so it needed some way for the maintenance workers living inside of it to service the joints. So probably, although it's noted that many of those places are extremely desolate and often devoid of life.

1000% noncanon in every possible way, you're fighting Rahkshi, Visorak, and Bohrok on Voya Nui in there, and it uses the fucking Frost Beetle as a big miniboss enemy (a fan design that was canonized in a contest, but lived on Metru Nui in Ko-Metru). I also remember that despite having a shotgun style weapon in the game, Nuparu actually wields a beam rifle in his set, as shown also in the commercials.
Still a great Bionicle game though, probably the best handheld one by far. Great music and graphics too.

nice touch with the red star

>ctrl + F
>Sunless Sea
>No results

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TES is baby's first celestial cosmology tier.
Kirkbride is a fucking hack. He literally just ripped off Hindu mythology and slapped Latin and Greek names over it and everyone think it's deepest shit ever.

Did the anime writers from Trigger get a hold of this lore, because damn that's awesomely unhinged.

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i dont know
all i know is that i want more giant planet to galaxy sized robots

Fucking hell, I remember. I played the shit out of it as a kid but I never got very far.

guess what gives the little robot the upper hand
there's thousands upon thousands of mass produced Rahkshi pouring out of the bottom of the Makuta controlled one, and they were fighting the armies allied with the Mata Nui controlled one
Using a special weapon, the good army wiped out most of the Rahkshi in one go, causing Makuta to pause for a brief second due to the immense loss of his essence, and then Mata Nui used it to smash his head into the planet (Bota Magna) incoming overhead

Okay what the fuck is this meme, I've seen it a few times by now. Is this some sort of /toy/ meme?

the mechanic is so god damn cool !
for lazy anons: during the time the palace is lit, it learns from you, your movements, the way you interact with it, the abilities you use, ... then it reboots itself and everything turns off for a while. that's when you're free to move without consequences as it can't learn, but when it reboots, the enemies will use what the palace learnt from you during the previous phase. making for some cool game moments.

The writer was a guy working at Lego while dying of brain cancer. He wanted to write something kick was before he died and Lego loved it so much they ran with it. Then it turns out he made a full recovery.

based, last generation i got tho, the rest felt overly designed to me

>full recovery from brain cancer

I don't rarely say this, but holy fuck that man is based

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The only exposure to Bionicles I recall as a kid was seeing a commercial for some sweepstakes for you to win a chance to meet All American Rejects. I wonder who was the lucky kid.

No retard theres no way to make air stay underwater the disperentiation is too big

Has anyone tried to recreate bionicle stuff with 3D printing?

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giant space robots don't need to obey the laws of physics, asshat

Imagine being so obsessed with America that you not only assume everyone who says anything dumb is American but also reveal your seething obsession by posting "durr America" at every single opportunity.

>credits at the end of a commercial

26. Where my Proto-Squad bros at?

Boy you is retarded

Yes. A lot. There's hundreds of mask, weapon, limb, armor, and so on that you can 3D print.

It's"Biological Chronicle" because it's the story of the Great Spirit's sentient biological system.


I'm making a 1/6th scale Tahu right now, fully articulated down to the pistons. I have no idea when I'll ever finish since this is such a crash-course in toy design.

thanks for the list

All hail the DENMARK

One of my fondest memories as a child is going up to my parents and asking them to put the Bionicle can in the fridge, I'll never forget that shit, they were beyond confused.

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the fucking pod-boobs made me giggle but everything else is a little too cut-and-dry edgy oc

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Great Brings were wizard level autists.

>Not starting with the Greeks

So, I've always wanted to dive deep into Bionicle lore. Any decent videos you guys would recommend? Or should I just start reading wikis and shit?

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Play Mata Nui Online Game, it's unironic kino

there's a collection of all the story material in PDF form here

That assumption is accurate 9 out of 10 cases though.

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I remember being maximum hyped for the Inika, all of them are Matoran that got turned into Toa so I knew the characters beforehand, they had upgraded versions of the zamor sphere launchers and those cool glowy swordguns, but looking back they were the most boring goddamn things. Totally homogenized designs, stupid new rubber masks over dumb heads that had no back to them and just left an exposed axle piece sticking out, and no play features besides the same sphere-launcher the Piraka had and the swords you had to hold the button down to keep glowing.
In a year that had fantastic villains, great matoran and some of the BEST big sets, the Toa were a huge let-down.

made millions of dollars off of it
what a hack right?

selling a lot does not mean its highest quality or even good

They that's why there is the concept of little robots living inside a big one. Some being bad and some being good. It's a direct reference to his fight against cancer at the time. Not only that but Lego was going head first into the red and Bionicle was the major thing that pulled them out of their doom.

Spoonfeed me better cosmogy.

I was super into bionicle as a child but stopped following it after the Metru Nui reveal. Looks like I missed a lot of good shit.

if you rip of something deep and then rebrand it, it is still deep, if you rip off competently.

it's about the beta version of a 2000 Bionicle game that was never released, it was leaked a while ago

I only knew about one or two of these movies.
What do I need to watch to see all this go down?

King of Dragon Pass gets pretty cosmic, Glorantha is woefully underrepresented in video games and today's gaming in general.

It is an unguestionably high-fantasy setting that manages to feel like low fantasy much of the time.

I really dig this stuff.

Also did anyone else always have missing pieces when you bought them in the early packs?

Forgot picture.

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Giant fucking domes inside a robot so the robot acts like a barrier between them and the elements (be it water or the vacuum of space), and by giant I mean continent sized

Most of them like the Toa and Matoran are cyborgs but with more metal than meat, kinda like General Grievous but they also have muscles. The Glatorian and Agori are also alien cyborgs but they go for the tradicional augmented organic beings route
Then you have actual robots like the Vahki and Bohrok, a species who decided to leave humanity behind thus becoming husks of metal with gaseous essence inside of them (the Makuta) and some fully biological creatures as well.

deepest lore

I doubt they were much into polynesian robot warlock knights
Then again I am not into Warcraft so I cant say shit

Bionicle lore summed up

Attached: Bionicle lore.jpg (640x480, 46K)

Reminder than the actual canon death is the one of the comics and he gets hit by a fucking fragment the size of his head rather than the entire moon
I'll never forgive them for that

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>Tfw you realise Kulta the Skull Grinder is in fact Good Guy gone evil

Is that what I think it is?
1 and 3?

is that a halo map?

>tfw I only got pohatu
Onua looks awesome here. Feels like they passed by so quick and I never got the chance to really check them out. I enjoyed pohatu though. They kept the upside down body piece from what I remember.

damn so something selling alot means it has artistic merit? good to knoiw

fucking mong

Hey Hewkii, how is Macku doing?

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so how the hell do i get into the bionicle lore?
that wiki the other user talked about looks fucking insane

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Damn, Mata Nui is dummy thicc

23 here. I've loved Bionicle ever since it started back in 2001.

yeah but would the air still be breathable over time

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If you have oxygen generating stuff there (like, you know, trees) yes of course.


MNOG is the s h i t

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>Those underwater commercials with the edgy 2000's music
They got me so pumped back in the day. These toys had great marketing.

Rain world all the way

Am I the only one who finds it kind of dumb that literally every single female character comes from the one tribe? Like I just went with it as a kid, but looking back on it it's kind of silly desu. Why can't there be men and women in all 6 villages?

Yo. Seconding this:
Rain World does it much better than anything you listed
Metroid (Super, Prime, Prime 2 come to mind)
Environmental Station Alpha to a point

Forgot to mention axiom verge somehow, it's actually the one I was thinking of when I said environmental station alpha