This is the world's first double thread. Discuss Sonic and Megaman games at the same time

This is the world's first double thread. Discuss Sonic and Megaman games at the same time

>best character?
>best game?
>best theme?
>best vocal theme?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>best character?
Cream and Roll.
>best game?
Sonic Heroes and Megaman 4.
>best theme?
Mr. X and Frog Forest.
>best vocal theme?
Sonic Heroes and Electrical communication.

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I've never played a mega shitter game in my life. why didn't you do sanic vs pizza nigger like everyone else.

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Here OP. I got the picture you wanted.
You could have just asked.

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>Best character?
Knuckles and Proto Man
>Best game?
Sonic 3&K and Mega Man 4
>Best theme?
Quartz Quadrant JP and Junk Man
>Best vocal theme?
Open Your Heart and I.D.E.A.

I want Tron AND Rouge to sit on my face.

and blast lots of farts after a burito meal

>best character?
>best game?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>best theme?
>best vocal theme?
Live and Learn

Mega Man sucks

It's a real shame that the later half of the NES Mega Man hexology didn't come out on the Genesis instead.

Well that's not very nice.

>Best Character

Tails & X

>Best Game

Sonic Mania & Mega Man 4 with 11 trailing right behind

>Best Theme

Shit man there are way too fucking many. Big fan of the X series and music also Sonic has good shit too.

>Best Vocal Theme

Wild Fang, Re Future, Live And Learn

>Best character
Sonic: Silver for games, Scourge for comics
Megaman: Axl
>Best game
Megaman: 9
Sonic: sonic 2/mania (I can never decide desu)
>Best theme
Megaman: Gemini/Knight man
Sonic: Mystic cave or Ice Cap
>Best Vocal
Megaman: Electrical Communication I guess?
Sonic: Knight of Wind/With Me

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>Series where only the second entry is good and relevant
Is this a crypto Star Wars thread?

I liked it.

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>>Series where only the second entry is good and relevant
That better not be in reference to megaman because 2 is one of the weaker megaman games.

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rouge and plantman
sonic 1 and mmbn3
starlight zone and secret area music
i dont know

based and redpilled

>best character?
Wily/Eggman. That comic crossover was fucking gold.
>best game?
Powered Up/Mania
>best theme?
Airman Stage/Metal Sonic Battle (Generations)
>best vocal theme?
Electrical Communication/What U Need

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Post underrated tracks

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I'm willing to listen: explain yourself

>no game or anime adaption that could fix it
It hurts

>Best games in the series are coincidentally 3

I'll answer the questions later but what do you guys think the new gimmick for Megaman 12/a new sonic game could be? Visually or mechanically most of them have gimmicks

He added some nice blood to the series when he was introduced.
He kept it lighthearted once the series started taking itself too seriously, and *could* be a good plot addition as a rookie who still needs to learn the ropes, including having to learn that you can't save everyone like X and Zero already have.

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Not him, but he redeems himself in Command Mission and X8 by not being shit.

Not that guy but myself I love transformation gimmicks. Personally I’d rather A-Trans had actually been useful for more things other than getting a few collectibles but I appreciate the idea at least Also my favorite character is Ashe/Grey solely because the transformation gimmick in Advent is so much fun to use

guys help i'm playing X5 for the first time and I feel like a 50 year old playing video games for the first time ever what the fuck do ranks do i need high ranks to get certain items or are they just for autists who like letter grades

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In X5 they are just for show.

In X6 it allows you to use more power-up parts.

finally an appropriate thread for this drawing

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Thanks doc

How the fuck did you know I have a thing for Cream dressed as Roll OP?

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>>best character?
Knuckles (Classic series - Sonic Heroes) and Protoman
>>best game?
SA1 and Megaman 2
>>best theme?
Fly in the Freedom and Megaman & Bass opening theme
>>best vocal theme?
What I'm Made Of and Electronic Communication

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Sure is.
Imagine, Megaman Wily Wars, except with proper performance and good music. That would have been fantastic.

Would you trade this reality for one where Sonic games stopped releasing, but Mega Man kept on going but every game after the SNES era was irredeemable trash?

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for god's sake moar

Sonic and Megaman are almost the same in quality. Some good, some just ok, and a lot of bad.

>Eggman and Protoman
>Sonic 3K and MegaMan 3
>Hydrocity act 2 and Bubbleman's theme

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There's only seven Megaman games I would actually call bad: MM2GB, MM Soccer, X7, XOver (which is dead anyway), Battle Chip Challenge, Rockman & Forte WS, and Super Adventure Rockman. Out of some 60+ titles, that's not a bad track record.

I love my Megachad friends

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