Which game has the best world to explore? One that you can get lost within?

Which game has the best world to explore? One that you can get lost within?

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I find a lot of MMOs have great worlds to explore, even if you hate the gameplay.

In no particular order: Skyforge, ArcheRage, Guild Wars 2, Age of Conan

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Allods Online is also super comfy for sightseeing

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If you're even remotely interested by pre-disney Star Wars or sci fi, TORtanic has amazing environments

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Witcher 3 is the last time I felt like I was stepping into a real world

And the most recent expansion packs have mindblowing art design

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lastly, fuck OP for being a nigger and abandoning his own thread

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I’m right here reading

give tod credit ES still has great world design despite everything else taking a nose dive

ight well, what kind of shit are you into?

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LOTRO is great for this. I never found Guild Wars 2 to have a particularly engaging setting, personally, but you're right about AoC as well.

>tfw modern games don't let you get lost anymore because there's almost always a map
Don't Starve? It's not a very fun world to explore, but you can get lost in it even if you know where the shrine is.

this kinda looks like eso

This one will really get you. It's really cool too to the point you understand your holes and which ways to go. That one particular tree or flower. That ore you left there because you don't want it.

Don`t tell me that game is still running.

It sure is

I agree LOTRO is good...to an extent. That game is so ridiculously paywalled though, it makes me not want to give them anything. GW2's zones have massive variety, so maybe try again? It's free now so worth a shot.

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I know it feels extremely generic, but Oblivion is a game I can still just walk around the world and get "lost" in. It's so cozy and beautiful and there's still something enchanting about it.

AC Origins

Spider-man 2018

Yeah, and the strangest part is that there are people everywhere. I mean yeah, it's not ESO or GW2 with people packed in, but even in remote, weird places people are running around. Plus there are tiddies.

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TORtanic is really good to just wander around in, shame it's not much fun to play.

Dragon's Dogma was neat

Especially when you walk into that random forest and find a dragon and even your pawns are questioning the situation wondering if it's an actual dragon

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Might be a bit outdated, but legend of zelda: ocarina of time on N64 felt like stepping into a new world.

>ctrl f dark souls
>phrase not found

wtf thats best world get lost in