Play Sims 4! The absolute bare bones base game is free!

Play Sims 4! The absolute bare bones base game is free!

Attached: cassandragoth.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:[js-sims-4]-adidas-running-shoes!kpRUUCYY!J75-5GIcQBaOG600GIFwLwLfxappE9vXwBZ3QGPPmes

for how long ?

Sims 4 newfag here, any good mods for killing people?

You can keep it, apparently.

just play gta5, retard

Is there any way to pirate the DLC like you can do on steam?
How are the porn mods?


I can't kill an npc's spouse and then cuck them from the grave in gta, faglord

are there mods so children can have sex? not teens or toddlers, but the child skeleton.

Ok I made my sims. I like character creators so that so pretty cool.
Now what the fuck do I do? What are all these menus? What are my little guys supposed to do? Where is the fun hidden and how do I find it?

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looks like you cant do that in sims 4 either, dumbfuck

can I mod incest into the game? This is important.

No, thank you.

Sims 4 has horrendous character interaction, the sims all act the same

>child skeleton sex
Nice taste

its a option in the settings after installing this.

The only way you can have fun with the Sims is if you create your own storylines and characters

>Install the sims 4.
>mod it.
>Fuck all my neighbors.

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do you not have any memory? just keep it installed, retard

the game was always free you just use the wrong websites nigger

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I agree, but I don't think you get how stale and boring S4 sims are

Gaymers don't have such creativity anymore.

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Point and laugh at the nigger faggot, everyone. He doesn't know.

tells me i need Origin access tf

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How do I update the "free" copy?

im not the one wanting murder mods

I'm gonna say it

Spoken like a normalfag. I bet you don't even cuck Sims and serve their bodies to their own children.


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you dont know the mods i have on. so dont pretend.
but i literally just play gta5 if i want to "kill"

ATF? Maybe I underestimated you, user.

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careful, user, careful now!



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>mfw have been jacking off exclusively to the sex mods for nearly a week

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im on 2 days after playing it again.
i do also play play it and my main character living alone with a cat has a real nice house with tons of shit all bought from earning money from the in game career

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So what are the necessary mods?

>How are the porn mods?
They redeem the base game.

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I have a pretty shit laptop, could I run this? Also, any combat like mods?

>want to progress in the career and actually develop skills/life goals
>also want to create generations of children


not you again

It runs better than Sims 3 but if you decide to load up on mods and try to run a long game you will eventually run into scriptlag

So what's the best nude mod and animation mod ?

Boutta play a game where I play as one lad with 7 little girls.
Any mods for kids I should know about? Could be aesthetic, personality, etc. Other than ATF, of course.

Nothing. There's no gameplay. You just fuck around and groom your little antfarm until you get bored.
Even the sexmods only prolong it for a while.

what do you mean again?

You get whickewhims and download 58 different animation packs.

3 in every way except graphics

and performance

can I pirate the expansions now that I have the base game on origin

>the same faggot posting the same 5 screenshots every time

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>try to get it
>tells me to get the origin monthly service shit
>can only buy the game as a gift
what the fuck

at least he's posting something related

You're better off pirating a whole pack and only using your legal copy to access the gallery.

A dude has already admitted to shilling Sims on here from his office in New Delhi

What's the gallery?

Where Simsfags can share their houses and characters in a cloud. Obviously not accessible on pirated copies.

extreme violence mod

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Jerma, no.

Apparently adding it to your wishlist might work?
Oh, well that one isn't me. Tbh I was hoping to see some lewd sims anons have made.

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Share her or stop posting her fag

The the nudes come with wickedwhims?

any good mods that aren't porn mods are is that all you people do

why don't you go over to /tsg/ then you numpty.

Does Wickedwhims require any of the DLC? I grabbed a big repack sometime ago but discovered it was infected with some bullshit

So you're saying pirating the game is legitimately the better choice even when it's being given away for free?

Other than MC Command?

What do you think of /tsg/, Yea Forums? I'm on their discord and i don't see any black lesbians
You promised black lesbians dammnit

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I think WW has a default nudeskin, but their page on Loverslab has links to the most common skins and bodies as well for you to choose.

slice of life and some others from kawaiistacie

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Nice, thanks

how do you make screenshots like this? is there an actual animation in game for this?

yeah i've already got MC Command

Sims 4 has like 500 bucks worth of cut content that is being sold as DLC, much of it people would consider to be default in Sims 3. And many mods require DLCs so you'Re definitely better off pirating the whole bunch unless you're desperate to access the Gallery. But since you can download everything from 3rd party sites better than the cloud, fuck the gallery.

>have to install Origin
That isn't free, you fuck.

I've been wondering the same thing, personally. Especially traits mods

There's a script mod to acces the gallery website, also some people on /vg/ shared their sims if you're into that

I think the basemods doesn't require any DLCs but most of the additional plugins do.

can you gib me the mod to acess the gallery website? i will reward you with a pic of a cutie, black, white, or even 2d

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>Actually think the thread and discord are still on speaking terms

Damn. Thanks for the heads up, user.

Are there any mods where my black neighbor comes over while I'm at work and creams my teenage daughter and wife

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I think you still need an account

We don't appreciate niggers.

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Maybe? I know I've seen blackedshit tattoos on Loverslab, so follow the breadcrumb trail

Is that supposed to be belle delphine?


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Not that guy but l want to get into those mods that do the sexy time.

Looks just like her. Disgusting.

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>no ricardo
what the fuck user

>soul and soulless

Soul VS Soulless

Get whickwhims and follow their list of suggested mods i guess.
Also the OP on /tsg/ has a link to all of the stuff behind a Patreon paywall.

>all of the stuff behind a Patreon paywall.

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>Tits! l've pirated the game with the content till StrangerVille. Should be no problem right?
>Also the OP on /tsg/ has a link to all of the stuff behind a Patreon paywall.
fucking fantastic.

I don't care for Belle Delphine but those braces are awful. I normally don't even mind braces but they just make her look super weird in this case. Maybe it's her awful lighting and filters.

it's a pedophile kink

They look too big for her mouth.

Her teeth are perfectly fucking straight as it is, which annoys the fuck out of me.
My teeth were jacked to shit and braces made them perfect, but it took many excruciating years.
This bitch has them on as loose as they can possibly be just so she can appeal to pedophiles.

need her getting railed

i used to hate that hairstyle but im getting more and more turned on by it

What kind of faggot hates buns on girls?

How do I pirate all the addons to the legit copy?

You can't.

You can't. But you can make two install directories for both ZLOrigin and Origin.


In Sims 3, there was a posing mod and camera mod, Sims 4 has one also. As for this, I'm sure it's one of the teasing animation on Wicked Whims. Not certain.

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wickedwhims is the base mod for animations
omaster, wildguy, lupobianco, azmodan, mike24, motherlode have the best animations
also download hiroki’s better body mod and wildguy’s female body detail mod (with the latter you can select between areola, pussy and bush types, can add breast veins and tanlines)
everything is up on wickedwhims’ tumblr page under the download section
also, noiranddark has some decent stuff like dildos for certain animations, nipple piercings and slutty santa costumes

Man, Origin doesn't seem too bad now.

Are there futa mods?

>single detective dad
>raising his daughter by himself
>she's an exact replica of her mother
>his daughter acts out because she's miserable over her mother's death
>detective dad tries to juggle his work, his daughter, and a fling at the precinct
>barely holding it together
>always stressed out
>but somehow manages to keep pushing on
and when I realized the plot was way better in my head then in practice (and that the sex mods were kind of jank and all the interactions were in slomo) I got bored and stopped playing

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One for legit game, one for "free" game with dlcs

>and when I realized the plot was way better in my head then in practice
pretty much all sims plot except the ones you kill everyone

Literally in the base game.

Explain further.

Post Sims! pls

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>make a Chad character
>not even one minute into the game he's already getting head from Taylor Swift
I don't know why this game makes me laugh so much. Gonna see how a clown orgy goes.

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Why are there no chokers in the vanilla game? Why do I have to download sex mods for a choker?
Girls still wear those don't they? Slutty girls?

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it was removed some updates ago, because patreon bullshit.

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lel, noice
Just regular clothing mods, sex isn't required to enjoy chokers.

Not that many girls do anymore. Also TS4's fashion isn't the best. Low rise pants aren't in fashion game, even more so when you came out!

give me your sims so I can make them FUCK

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Who is fucking in this situation?

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if i was a girl i would


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Looks like a slut

This is horrible but it makes me kek every time

Meant for

is that desk for the receptionist
holy shit kek

this doesnt look like a sex dungeon, looks like you are keeping a kid with telepathic powers or some supernatural shit.

She had a pretty average life, got married, had two kids, raised one in the basement of the mansion. The brother and sister had a ...Special relationship.

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I still play from time to time just to bang her. God bless whoever created her.


Just use zlorigin

hahaha goddamnit, it fuckin took me a sec and then i just started laughing harder and harder the longer i looked

you sound like a retard

pls linku

She's in the /vg/ pastebin as Officer Juggs or something.

>tfw your sister is somehow pissing standing up with a penis you never knew about

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the sims is for girls who want to rp a drama movie with instagram models

Yeah but its also a pretty good way to live out your degenerate sexual fantasys

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tfw no cassandra waifu

>tfw so horny I almost want to go through the trouble of installing Sims 4 with all of the specific mods, spend hours tinkering, getting things to work, creating sims, to fap for 10 mins and delete it all.

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Even if I never understood how a sim born as a female had a dick, she was cute in her own way.

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i know the feeling bro

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The goal is to get hundreds or thousands of 10 minute faps out of it, amateur

>they're giving you demos of DLC traps, or old games which no longer sell in hopes you buy the sequel. If none of the above, you're paying for the game with your personal data.
Oh no, my personal data? You mean Origin has my... my Origin password? ... ... ... Oh no!

yep, did the same, with honey select, my folder was around 200gb

Patrician. Also if you played it as a kid its fun in small doses

I'm already playing it for free, without Origin.

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Nice. Wanna see her in lewd and compromising positions.


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reminder EA used origin clients as a botnet to remotely sign a gay star wars petition

>reminder EA used origin clients as a botnet to remotely sign a gay star wars petition

>Reinstall the sims 4
>fuck them again
>uninstall again and proceed to repeat

sadly it wasn't included in this image, but someone posted on an antivirus forum a screenshot showing origin trying to connect to that petition site to submit one of those canned messages

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Gonna need more of this semen demon.

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I feel like that's the problem with this game. It's a great story in your head, but there's no real way to progress a story in the Sims. The dad will keep managing to push on but nothing will actually happen, there will be no heartfelt moment between him and his daughter, there will be no breakthrough on the case that leads to the dad getting in danger and almost dieing, only making it out because his determination to see his daughter again, etc.

The sims is great for story prompts but the game doesn't let you follow through with any of them. At this point playing the Sims is just like playing with action figures but with less options


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Seriously? What about the pedo heaven edition?

which one has a better porn mod community, The Sims 4 or Skyrim?
asking for a friend

Skyrim obviously.
The Sims 4 comes in second place though

The Sims 4 obviously.
The Sims 4 comes in second place though

Are there any good height mods for 4 yet? I have a tall girl fetish

but in the sims the degeneracy looks bigger, since there's families and underages in there and a mechanic that might works pretty damn well..

I installed sims 4 and it was incredibly boring. I gave it 5 hours before it got better but it never did.

I then installed sims 2 and i still had fun with it. I don't know what it was but sims 2 seems to have clear goals and it doesn't feel like it's "just another day" slog.

Wish there was an HD version of sims 2 cause it's kind of a nightmare to run nowadays.

Honestly, 4 seems more directed than 2. Like moods and wishes kind of funnel you into doing specific things

What are the essential mods to get?


Yeah right, that's your room

Wicked Whims and MC Command, at the least. After that get what looks nice to you.

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It won't let me get the game on Origins. Typical.

are there sex mods

since when was spoilered porn disallowed

how fucking retarded are you

post dirty whores

why'd you raise the gamma so much, dude?

helpful comment

good answer

I'm sorry, I don't help idiots

whats wrong with kapersky?


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i like her better on the right.

where do you get loli mods? I might get it just for that.

is there any first person pov mod?

a mod isn't required

it's in the base game, press shift-tab

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The game has a built in first person mode.

Better yet, you can get the base game and all expansions for free and you won't even have to install origin/cancer on your PC.

nyannyan does is so much better than that fraud

So there's no reason to install the base game from origin even if I wanted to just grab houses from the gallery or something?

I only play this game to bang my mom

Belle has 30x the patrons as NyanNyan
This is proof that the world isn't fair

alright thanks
nice, downloading now

new hotness vs old and busted

Reminder that if you're jacking it to Sims porn mods you're no better than chinks and gooks. Time to look at your life and hobbies.

can i pirate expansions for this shit? can i crack it???

>saying this on a chanboard

go back

theyre fake braces, retards. she does it because it makes her look younger and old pedo fucks will be paypigs because of it.

Put the Sims 1, 2 and 3 complete on GOG and I'll buy them, EA. Otherwise fuck off. I will never download or use Origin.

ye i used to have a cracked version of sims 4. thinking about re-installing it but also thinking about using all the hd space for something better, like porn

You can't use pirated dlc with a legitimate copy of the game.
If you want to pirate dlc, you also need to pirate the base game.

Kaspersky is literally the only anti-virus that was able to dismantle the super virus the CIA made.

is the Steam or Origin the better place to get this from

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never mind, didn't realize it wasn't on Steam

>get sims 4(only base vanilla game) for free
>have to install at least whickedwhims and lots of CC to make vanilla game worth it
>most interesting or good looking CC require expansions and DLCs
>have to pirate expansions and DLCs
>have to mod the legit game with a crack to install expansions and DLCs
>finally have a Sims 4 worth to be played
just pirate it, it's easier and if you really want to make the best out of it you'll have to pirate/mod everything else

nah not seriously, incest is still an option in WW

So what am I missing out on with just the base game?

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lots of CC that require DLCs and/or expansions
cool gameplay stuff such as seasons, interactions that are exclusively available with some expansions, some careers, and so on.

Thanks for pointing this out, brosef.

So I pirated Sims 4 a while back but had issues with loading up custom content after getting the latest version.

I just added Sims 4 to my origin library, and is it possible to move the pirated DLC into the origin copy?

read the sticky on /tsg/

All the stuff that is in the expansions. Unlike with the previous Sims games EA has been pretty good about saying EXACTLY what is in each expansion. They even list every single new CAS and build mode item they add.

You keep it forever if you're willing to install origin, but I believe the free deal's available till the 28th if that's what you meant

3 more days and some change

>Interested in Sims 4
>Too lazy to make an Origin account and don't wanna pay for the shitton of dlc
>the /tsg/ pastebin links to a fitgirl repack
Welp, guess I'm sticking with Sims 2.

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What's wrong with fitgirl

Post sauce, I rare get to see shills fucking up.

I keep hearing it uses a miner, if there's evidence to the contrary I would like to know since the repack has everything.

Which animation packs have the most violent, rough sex?
I don't want boring, milquetoast, vanilla, 2$ SFM shit,
softly linearly interpolating in and out.

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Post your desk bj screenshots.

I remember when I was younger, I played Sims 2 and made my guy a teenager and got him to go on a date with the Lilith Mortimer character. Now I'm married irl with 2 kids, but this thread reminded me of the pathetic shit that haunts me from my youth, and I felt the need to share on this anonymous forum, it's cathartic.

just get the 40 GB Codex crack then

Just one.

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Dang you deleted it too fast, oh well.

blame mods

I really wanna know, do you ever have alignment issues with that desk/chair combination?


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nope, just threw them together in build mode and ran a WW animation

the one from near the start of the thread that some user keeps posting was a custom pose made in blender tho

So is there a safe way to pirate all the DLC without risking getting my shit banned? Otherwise, what's the cheapest way/place to get them?

my internet is borked because of downloading The Sims, so don't count on it

Check the /vg/ op. Get a vpn and download the complete crack in aforementioned op.
Most vpn's have a month long money-back guarantee, so if you don't want to keep it you can just cancel and get refunded after you're done downloading.

almost just wanna download this because im a top tier waifu maker (literally made a girl in aa2 that all my friends openly admitted to jerking off too, we're weird) but its not worth the effort

So how do I do the sexy sexes

Everything else aside, you really can make some quality waifus in TS4. Something about that artstyle works really well for making top qts

It's very hard, are you sure you can handle it?

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No probably not desu

Better luck next time then.

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>brown sluts
finally, after 256 posts, a man with some taste

got any general character creation tips? i usually just go with “female preset 1”, change the hair and eye color and hit start.

Wait no I changed my mind

i have a concept in mind before i make them i guess, a "type" and the idea of a personality, then i build on that and style how i think that personality would.

Woah there, calm down.

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i tried to make a qt in dragon’s dogma and she ended up looking hideous. so much time in the character creator for nothing.

Everyone has their own taste user.

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just dont overdo it

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This is exactly what I was thinking.

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how can i make this woman

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>he doesn't know

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why would you want to

It's been so long since I pirated a video game that I'm out of the loop.

Even in a best case scenario, those tits are unfortunately absolute shit once you stare between the cleavage or take off the top. EVE titty monsters are purely for bullshots, not gameplay.

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i pirated the entire game and all the dlc to make a cute wife like her

tell me how
maybe you're right

They're mother and dughter silly.

>tfw not even sims 4 porn can get me hard
d-do i have erectile disfunction? i take fluoxetin

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It's unfortunate but you'll just have to make do.

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you probably jerk off too much or in a way that made your dick respond badly to normal stimuli

but i haven't jerked off in 2 weeks
also i was one of these guys that never masturbated too much, maximum 1 per day.
my record of faps in a single day was 5

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I will do what I always do

Create sluts and build basement lairs

Can't decide wether that sim looks more like Igor or Grichka.

You can decide.

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Making sims f2p is literally genius, if they did that from the start the DLC would have sold itself four times over. Unless players stop playing before the second or third "stuff" pack comes out idk

So, how hard is it to mod? Could I do it while I'm half drunk, just as an example.

You download a mod and drop it into a folder.

You can do it half drunk, I'm doing it full drunk right now.

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Not him, but which animation pack do I need to get for that sneaky blowjob anim?

ooOLaLaWorld's stuff

What shoes are those?

also more

>play sims
>make self insert sim and a sim based on my crush
>inevitably end up watching her fuck some sim that isnt my self insert

this is several layers of cuckoldery

>having a "crush"

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What's a better game to mod? Sims 3 or Sims 4? I plan to indulge myself this weekend with degeneracy

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4 has the far superior sex mod. That is enough to be the deciding factor for most people. Everything else is kinda hit or miss comparing the two. But at this point, only feature I miss from 3 is the open world, otherwise I prefer the way 4 handles things. Sims also don't look like Oblivion Potato people in 4, but often do in 3.

where to get mods? I want one where adults are naked when they shower etc like in the sims 2

3 is probably over all the best, it just runs like shit and you need a bunch of mods to make the sims look decent.
4 looks decent out of the box but is shit at everything other than being a makeshit porn game

check out /tsg/ in vg, their op has a bunch of stuff

How is sims 4 anyway? If I do want to pay for some of the expansions, do they sell prepaid origin cards at Gamestop or so?

Is the Origin client really that awful?

3 for a better game
4 for better porn

This thread needs more thicc moms.

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Made a slut
couldn't screenshot
finished after 15 minutes
Not bad

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>tfw not as autstic as i was when i was a kid
>can't into the powers of autism to play The Sims anymore

Same. I fucking dominated the first game, played the everloving shit out of it, couldn't possibly be less interested in really playing the games ever again.

>I fucking dominated the first game

Attached: 05-14-19_1-11-20 PM.png (1920x1018, 1.02M)

Not many can claim they beat The Sims™. I can.


>not FE4R

come on, dude

How can I monitor Origin outgoing and incoming connections? I don't want turn off my internet to play.

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Based bruder

What's the best pubic hair mods? And is it worth is to download better bodies?

Am i risking something if i install the Origin client while having a pirated version of the Sims 4 installed on my pc?

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Yikes... where to start

>Sims 4
>Barebones is free (which is useless cause sims is only fun with all the content)
>Not just downloading a complete fitgirl repack with everything included and then dropping in 2gb fo lewd mods and playing that instead without hassle

The Sims is my sister's favourite game and even she is fucking disappointed by Sims 4 and its mods.

As long as you don't got Orgin running at the same time you run a pirated copy, It might potentially cause the DRM to reactivate or something.

she looks better on the right, actually a good looking sim for once, the only one in the thread thats for sure

>pirate game with all extensions
>download porn mods
>fap for 2 days straight
>my balls are fucking drained
feels good man

Cringe. Get the fuck off of my site.

heyo, took a sec[js-sims-4]-adidas-running-shoes

awful website but they look decent in game

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Any good 'Gas' mod?

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I'll give it a shot then, but you're absolute right the first impression the website screen shots gave me was rather poor in matching MM.

oof, agressive much? Supressed sexual frustration rofl

oh man Sharia Law is not going to be kind to these things

bitch, i masturbate more times a day than you do in a weak
suppressed, my ass

>fitgirl repack
i dont feel like installing a bitcoin miner today

If I end up enjoying t, which DLCs are worth getting?

Are there specific mods I need for nudity or are they already included with certain mods?

AFAIK it was a one time thing, i don't even remember what game had the miner.

there is nothing wrong with working for your grades, user

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>that black belt in sucking black dick


I installed this for the sex mods and stuff. Honestly though, I can't imagine for the life of me why would anyone legit play the sims. It's such a fucking bore.

I have. I've made a trap and a cute boi. Not really sure what to do now.

just downloaded the game, where the fuck is my Mods folder? can't find it anywhere

documents/electronic arts/the sims 4/mods

if the mods folder doesn't exist just make it

>fitgirl repack
how new are you to piracy?

didn't exist until I started the game once, thanks

i can't get a vpn user

So what's the actual problem with Origin.

Not that user you replied to but I've only gotten a problem with fitgirl's repacks when I got them from other sites which is really obvious in hindsight.
Piracy is mostly common sense.

Mind telling us what's wrong with them?

>Not that user you replied to but I've only gotten a problem with fitgirl's repacks when I got them from other sites which is really obvious in hindsight.
Which other sites? Where can I get fitgirl's repacks and don't fuck my computer?

Someone post The Chin

can you even go to school in the base game? anywhere really? i feel trapped in my house

nah, i wish

it's still near the top of my "shit i want in expansions" list though

Nothing unless the idea of having it installed and running whenever you want to play an origin game really upsets you.

so if not trying to jack off i should just play 3 huh?

>Try to make big tiddy sims
>modeled clothing pieces like strings on a bikini actually breaks

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Does Got to School mod not work for you either?

Meshfags tend to only support small tits for whatever reason, and for the ones that do they only support stuff like EVE.

yup, pretty much

3 still runs badly but it's a little better than it used to be as long as your hardware's modern

most of the performance problems are (as far as i'm aware) tied to the engine, so it's not gonna get much better than it is right now

haven't used it in forever honestly

Well it's not much to miss out on other than gathering teenagers regularly at a school lot.

the 1.7.0 version on origin seems to run rather well and updates it to use 4 gigs, can't seem to find that patch on any crack site though

i wonder why this was deleted.

v a g i n a b o n e s

>3 still runs badly but it's a little better than it used to be as long as your hardware's modern

All that really matters for Sims 3 is having an SSD. You don't need an enormously fast CPU (unless you are running a lot of heavy mods), even a crap GPU by today's standards will max it without any trouble and the game can't use more than 2GB of memory so having 32GB achieves nothing. And having an SSD only matters if you have lots of expansions installed. If you only have a few then a regular disk is fine. Any half decent PC should be able to play Sims 3 with almost all, if not all, the expansions installed with little performance problems as long as you have an SSD.

oh shit that's awesome

i might have to give 3 another shot sometime then

>then dropping in 2gb fo lewd mods and playing that instead without hassle
>without hassle
searching hours to mods is a hassle

Sims 2 is the best main series Sims game. Back when the developers actually cared about making the game actually fun. Sims 3 is filled with a bunch of shit that nobody cares about, and a literal advertisement to the cave goblin known as Katy Perry. Sims 4 is literally Sims 3 with less content, and they require you to purchase extreme prices for "DLC" just for basic shit that was in previous games, and it's the same for Sims 3 too.

If you people actually want to have a good time and not melt your computers, Play Sims 2. Pirate it if you must. Do not pay for any Sims 3/4 DLC, nor the base game. It's not worth it.

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i didn't pay for 3, and I see that sims 2 has a hard time working on newer pcs

>Sims 3 is filled with a bunch of shit that nobody cares about, and a literal advertisement to the cave goblin known as Katy Perry.
Sims 2 had branded content and advertising too.
>Sims 4 is literally Sims 3 with less content
This is just stupid. Sims 4 is nothing like Sims 3. You want to know what it is? It's Sims 2 but with a better base game and worse expansions.
>they require you to purchase extreme prices for "DLC" just for basic shit that was in previous games, and it's the same for Sims 3 too.
And Sims 2. Was your first experience of Sims 2 getting the Ultimate Collection for free on Origin or something? It was a pretty big rip off itself back in the day.

I have bad news for you

>Sims 2 had branded content and advertising too.
Not to the extent Sims 3 had.
>This is just stupid. Sims 4 is nothing like Sims 3. You want to know what it is? It's Sims 2 but with a better base game and worse expansions.
It's really the same as Sims 3 but with less shit, and not like Sims 2.
>And Sims 2. Was your first experience of Sims 2 getting the Ultimate Collection for free on Origin or something? It was a pretty big rip off itself back in the day.
My first experience was buying the game in my local game shop around a few months after it released.

Any Expansions/DLCs I should get for the base game?

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What body mod is that?

>Not to the extent Sims 3 had.
It had MORE than Sims 3 did.
>It's really the same as Sims 3 but with less shit, and not like Sims 2.
No. Not at all. Are you fucking retarded? Almost nobody likens Sims 4 to Sims 3. The devs themselves flat out said the game was designed to be like Sims 2 and even if they hadn't said that it's blatantly obvious that's what they did. No open world. No SP. Heavy emphasis on sim interactions. More difficult to make money and advance in careers. It's clearly modeled more on Sims 2 than Sims 3.
>My first experience was buying the game in my local game shop around a few months after it released.
So have you just forgotten Sims 2 base game was pretty bare bones then?

That just depends on what you want out of the game. I, for example, love the active careers but a lot people think they are a waste of time. On the other hand, I don't give a fuck about pets while others consider it an essential pack. It's not hard to figure out what each expansion adds so if it sounds interesting to you get it otherwise don't.

>It had MORE than Sims 3 did.
Not from what I remember.
>No. Not at all. Are you fucking retarded? Almost nobody likens Sims 4 to Sims 3. The devs themselves flat out said the game was designed to be like Sims 2 and even if they hadn't said that it's blatantly obvious that's what they did. No open world. No SP. Heavy emphasis on sim interactions. More difficult to make money and advance in careers. It's clearly modeled more on Sims 2 than Sims 3.
When I did play Sims 3/4, it felt pretty much the same to me.
>So have you just forgotten Sims 2 base game was pretty bare bones then?
Maybe. But in the end, why pay for shit that should be free in the first place?

Oh ok. Thanks.
Still, there must be 1-2 "must haves", isn't it? I've heard everyone gets Seasons.

Yeah, Seasons is the one I'd 100% recommend.

If you're into raising kids/legacy stuff Parenthood's a must have, too.

Two would be enough for now. Will get them (and maybe a stuff pack) on summer sales.
Thanks user.

Should point out that Parenthood's a game pack instead of an expansion so it's a little cheaper

Yeah, I guess most everyone loves Seasons. But as to there being any other universal "must haves"? Not in my opinion. If active careers and operating a business sounds fun to you then get Get to Work. If living in a city environment matters to you get City Living. If pets matter to you get Cats & Dogs. If they don't then don't. That's how expansions work for Sims 4. They are all pretty focused so unless you specifically want the thing they offer there's no point in getting it.

To add to this there's basically no crossover between expansion content too like you'd see in a few TS3/2 packs, so they're almost 100% self-contained outside of a new club perk here and there

I really don't want to install Origin, okay?

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Because I couldn't fucking see the thighs, it was like like brown curtain over the image.

Work and City Living sound like my kind of thing. Pets aren't.
Oh ok! Didn't knew that.

post the shotacon pictures


Just a little tip if you plan on buying legit. You can "build a bundle" on origin where you combine an expansion, game and stuff pack together and get something like 30% off the price. It has to be that combination. You can't, for example, combine three game packs and get the discount. Expansions often get nice 50% discounts on origin but the game and stuff packs rarely get any discounts, much less a significant one. From what I understand the "build a bundle" discount is a fairly reasonable one and it's always available so it's worth keeping in mind if you aren't pirating.

>operating a business sounds fun to you then get Get to Work
nah get open for business
get to work is baby tier as far as ive seen

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It's free because you're the product and it has hundreds of dollars of DLC

Why? I already have the base game + all the DLC. What would owning the game legally change?

You do realize they do this because they have no competition and can set their prices none competitively. Never buy a product when the seller has no competition.

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Fuck origin
someone link me a torrent to the game and all the expansions

This was very valuable fact.
Much appreciated for all the info user.

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I'll take it, but I don't really care about TS4.
I haven't even played the pirated version for more than a couple of hours, and hilariously, most of that time was spent in the character creator instead of the actual game.

It's worthless without mods and it removed all the fun things from TS3, like the online visiting and traveling thing.
I don't much to say about TS4 other than that the artstyle, music and mods are the only fitting things that can somewhat redeem it.

The Sims: Bustin' out and The Sims 3 are the best ones, and the only thing 4 improved was graphics (and even that is arguable)

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You don't need a VPN to pirate. You just need common sense. Never pirate from torrents where the seeds # is above 300 for example. Those are often made by the company to track every download just so they can send a letter to your internet provider.

The best thing you can do is find a torrent with a small number of seeds so you won't get tracked.

>like the online visiting and traveling thing
You are the first person I've ever seen say that was a fun part of Sims 3. That expansion is almost universally considered to be a waste of money.

post her Tray pls

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>fitgirl repack

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On her site.

Best thing in Australia is that our court ruled that while they could, they have to pay all court costs regardless and to charge the offence to everyone else and pay for all of that as well.
But, like they have done in most countries now, they just pay the cunts in government to bring it in as law.
Though there are DNS's, VPN's and mirrors for that!

>buying the sims

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>Not using cheats to make your crush hate the living guts of every other sim besides your self-insert

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>not cracked version
ok newfag


>only support small tits
>B cup to flat breasts look like shit
nowhere is safe

What will you do irl though?


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I have no crush irl to be honest with you. Moved to a completely new location recently and dating others is too much hard work for someone like me.
I'd rather stick with 2D so I don't have to commit to making someone else happy when I have to worry about myself still.

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I can't add it to steam instead?

>log into origin
>add sims4 to account
>log out

post her trays
her waist looks great

for all sims3 players dont forget to limit fps or you will get up 1k fps and gpu will get fried

It's not on steam and even if it was it requires origin to run.

so if I time travel to 1999 it'll be ok?

>get addicted to sims 4
>boner and masturbation 8 hours per day
>progressively younger looking girls and crazier mods
No thanks.

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yeah, good luck

>2GB mods
>without hassle

>he never had to search for those two mods which interfere with each other and crash the game among 283 installed

How does one “beat” The Sims? My Sim became a world champion esports gamer who made over $1,000 per day and spent most of his free time forcing women he knew to fuck their pets.
turns out you can do anything when you’re rich

Any BBC connoisseurs?

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You'll just have to work hard to find exceptions.

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where can I download this redhead?

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Post the tray of that girl from the webm You always post

block it in the firewall or router, you dumb fuck


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Is she a ship is it The SS Koizumi

She's a Nazi—look at the name

If I download the base from origins, can I still pirate the expansions?

no. It's all pirate or all legit.

If you’re gonna pirate the expansions, you might as well pirate the whole game with thr expansions from fitgirl

I think it was cool to go see other peoples lots, the traveling was also pretty fluid compared to boring static way of entering the map menu to go places.

Where are all the faggots?

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I pirated it because fuck EA, I'm not handing over that many shekels so I can actually do something in their game. Do lewd mods work with pirated copies? Also I heard theres some way to still access the community created shit they use, that true?

Can you guess who she is?

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>cousin gets a laptop from school
>she asked me get sims on her computer
>download and install for her
>get a called from my aunt and my cousin apparently wants all the new DLC
>have an torrented install on my PC so I just copy the files onto a sub and install it
>just got home
>realize I have ATF mods installed
There's no way my mods and saves would be copied over to her laptop right?

Can I make qt girl (male) in this?

Alison Brie

it's actually a vanilla feature

i'm not joking

Dumb animeposter

Yes and you don't even need mods for it

Me on the right.

What's ATF mods?

fun fact: in germany, "4" is pronounced like "Fear"

That one cups bitch

I don't believe you

it was added in a patch like 3 years ago

Attached: hey.jpg (410x544, 25K)

It's true you can make a girl (male)
No mods needed unless you want specific outfits and skins

Okay,and If you'd care to spoonfeed me: what's the best site to pirate? Is it still piratebay?
Thanks in advance, I just want to make waifu's


fitgirl's repacks, there's a website with all the repacks. Includes latest patch, idiot proof.

if you just copied the game's folder over you're good

if you were dumb and copied the documents over with it you're done

Just to be safe clean it out

game4theworld or whatever.

Oh yeah, the link is even on /vg/!
Hey, thank you very much user, you're a cool guy!

I think the WW or something adds an option asking “Does this Sim have a penis?”


You're welcome.

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I know user, I already installed origin, but I don't want to pay hundred of dollars for DLC

You didn't give her your mod folder did you user

The base game doesn't have winter hats. Or any good coats. Or jeans that arent slim and too short. And all the shorts for guys are gay unless you wear swin trunks as shorts.

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can you have a 'relationship' with a toddler in this game?

user...You do mean wholesome toddler-parents/caregiver relationship right


>Use LL mods to turn my restaurant into a Hooters where I fuck all the cooks and waitresses and still keep my five star rating
>Use LL mods and decide to be a cop, when I show up all the prisoners are female and other cops take them out to bang them, they're all pregnant by the next day

Pretty cool.

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It would be a shame if the cousin would all FBI~!kpRUUCYY!J75-5GIcQBaOG600GIFwLwLfxappE9vXwBZ3QGPPmes

Just use zlorigin

you just know

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I did this
but I fapped for like 2 days straight with some couple hour long breaks
shit's prety good desu

What's slice of life do?