it's on sale faggots
literally no excuse
it's on sale faggots
literally no excuse
Worst VW game. 13 Sentinels when?
But I just came back from playing it on my ps3
is it actually any good or do people only like it because big milkers? I only ever see people posting big milkers in threads about this game
port it to pc and maybe people will actually play it
It’s fun, but nothing special. It’s only the tits that got this game to where it was.
It's great, but one main flaw is that it's really repetitive. You will and are supposed to play through the same missions over and over, to gain more levels and more loot. Later difficulties add more enemies, but overall the structure stays the same. Another flaw is that shit can get confusing on screen, especially if several magic users are on the team.
The good: beautiful game, all the classes are very different and you will likely find at least one that is fun, satisfying gameplay, great couch co-op, references, a lot of love for old-school D&D and sword & sorcery.
Already got it twice lad
not on steam not my problem
Not on pc, no thanks
Too much INT
Big mana tanks
This, I'm not buying a playstation just to play a titty wizard game.
>snoy exclusive
And into the trash it goes. You cucks hype up every single exclusive, fuck off already
Sorceress thread?
Okay, I've seen loads of art like this. Where the fuck are her nipples supposed to be?
Got it for free on my hacked vita lmao
Played it.
So you can't pirate it?
Never ever, same with Atlus games
>literally no excuse
my excuse is i already own it
fucking pedos you disgust me
every. fucking. time.
Funny part is it's usually the same people who would pirate it because of "repetitive gameplay".
Why do japs love grinding so much?
have sex
Your right fuck consoles
isn't it playable on rpcs3 already?
Tits too small, I dont want it.
>console fag jumps to max autistic the moment anybody mentions pc
literally subhuman holy shit calm down
this is why we want a pc version, so we dont get lumped with people like you
I don't support loli garbage
wow u mad lmao