ITT : remakes that completely miss the point

ITT : remakes that completely miss the point

Attached: remake_SMB3_new2.jpg (1408x1572, 376K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Your thread is repost that completely misses the point

all remakes miss the point

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>still making these threads
fuck you all stars is based

FUCK All Stars


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No its not

Attached: remake_SMB3_all2.jpg (3500x2200, 1.89M)

I dont get it. They all look nice to me

The original looks like ass though.


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This. The weird spacey textured caverns turning into generic rock caves is a travesty. The other stuff is a bit nitpicky, but I'd still rather play the NES 3.

what IS the point of remake, then?

>backgrounds bad

To improve things. Not make the worse. Like re1make

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Well, it's more like this:

1. Make money on a new release
2. Bring more new players up to speed (so you can achieve reason 1)
3. To make things better.

so how are IMPROVED graphics in all-stars a bad thing?

>further proof that dks skull is heckin weird

Attached: w8shlhu5g7211.jpg (1334x750, 58K)

...they aren't improved?

Ur a fgt

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They wouldn't be, if that's something that actually happened.

whatever, boomers.

Attached: !!eBfW8gB2M_$(KGrHqEOKkEE0,Q9ssr5BNQt3eCC3g___1.jpg (296x266, 56K)

Literally the definition of soulless

>wojak edit

poetic irony

>Can’t refute my point

Attached: DF931A10-45D6-4389-8CFF-C4E52A428E35.jpg (768x939, 160K)

why does nobody ever complain about how all-star's remake of 1 completely fucks up the controls?

what point? you just posted a 9gag-tier wojak meme.
not him btw.

>When you post bait but they agree with it

Attached: Sad_kirby_by_anarchyangel91-d56h6d2.png (207x198, 55K)

>streamlined gameplay

Claiming all remakes are shit unless they meet your very specific set of autistic criteria is a 9gag-tier meme

>this is what the autists mean when they shout censored

>miscolored dots give hot to a block


Attached: censorship_dolphin1.jpg (1600x1300, 344K)

Attached: remake_superstar_005.jpg (1600x1400, 447K)

never said that????

Stuff like this is what gives a game its identity! Fuck censorship!

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not that i dont agree with the idea that the superstar saga remake sucked, but do you faggots know what "censored" means

swallowing dolphins made that stage harder, they removed it for pansy am*rican kids

Retroarch's run-ahead fix the main issue I have with All-Stars, the input lag. The physic is still different, I think there's a rom hack that can fix this too. The original ones on nes are still my favourite since I grew up with them.


this is fucking embarrassing

if you showed this to a developer, he'd call you an idiot lol

Ah yes I see, the underwater levels were supposed to have borderline-placeholder graphics

Who cares. Both look good and SS Ultra is objectively improved in everything but the compressed DS sound.

Crash Team Racing had no sould since day 1.
Mario Kart 64 was the real ethereal soulful game. Timeless.

The gba remake of mario 3 is more pleasing to look at and also had more levels. So shut the fuck up nigger.

nostalgia autism

What's with the autistic exaggerated adjectives used here? Like "charming powerup holograms" and "amazing unique sprites".

that's in the advance version tho

>fixing color limitation-related bugs is censorship

More like eats the dolphin's ASS!!



Attached: remake_64_bricks.jpg (843x335, 64K)

>devs take this remaster as an opportunity to be more creative with the track visuals
>this is somehow bad
I'm so glad this game isn't being made for you.

Everyone knows Mario 64 has tons of soul

Attached: kart_title.jpg (1180x920, 220K)



No game should ever be remade

Left isn't marbled and right isn't brown

Lol nah the remake looks better

it's all soul since it's one of the weaker mario karts gameplay wise.

god what a bunch of retarded nintenbabs itt
don't you dare reply to me you dumb retards

It's meant to be an upgrade. Removing details for no reason is the opposite of that.

Attached: okay.jpg (600x643, 57K)

Have sex


The one on the left looks like a corkboard

Attached: 41731819-cork-board-background.jpg (1300x866, 351K)

Can you like, fix your images and make them lined up?
It's making me queasy.

>removing stupid bad details is a downgrade

>Yea Forums shitting on the best Kirby game ever

Left blocks are shit, right are worse.

>moving the goalposts

Attached: 1440103773777.jpg (276x366, 27K)

They messed up this one

In what world
I'm still making fun of you for bitching about the fucking head shine being removed


Proceeds to show the most harmless examples.

Bad bait

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The thick outline is because the DS screen is small so it makes it easier to see the important elements, dumbass.

Can you tell me what point is being missed by making the water levels not look like shit

What was the point of remaking CTR instead of just making a sequel to CTR?

this ain't tumblr at this point.

>*removes the subtle facial animation from your game*
nothin personnel

Attached: Yakuza 2 comparison 1.webm (960x540, 1.15M)

I don't see the problem here.

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This is an old build, user is a fag. If you see some recent footage of the sewer track, it has soul.

That's exactly what they're called in that game.

You know the remake in this case was made by the exact same people, right? I think they understood 'the point' far better than some braindead faggot who wasn't even born when the games came out.

I showed it to Miyamoto. He agreed and said I was based.

Yea Forums is full of some of the biggest nitpicking faggots in the world.

Holy shit god forbid they upgrade low tier Ps2 models when making a remake. Fucking ruined and soulless.

Did they remove those small throwable blocks from the remake?

>removes best song from the remake


Attached: remake_64_all.jpg (2400x1800, 1.03M)

Buttfuck a pussy.

>*removes best song and adds a shitty fucking knife sound effect that ruins the tone of the scene*

>He doesn't know how to read

The face animations in both are dogshit and near lifeless.

all of those are shit compared to ruined physics.

>Yea Forumsirgins so fucking retarded they think anything layered or changed in any way for any reason is censorship

Jesus christ

Hows it like browsing Yea Forums while being blind?

Awesome update of this pic, thanks


Generic dinosaur half a press


A eyebrow moving 2 pixels down and a character blinking doesn't make the facial animations good. Again both are very shit but atleast the remake isn't 240p with no anti aliasing


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I can't tell if this is bait or severe autism


Go jack off to your fucking moeblobs, stupid autistic faggot.
Not that user.

Because the thinking is already done. I would be happy with new tracks, no point in replaying the tracks with the color sucked away.

>"It doesn't matter that the facial animations in the original are better, NEW GOOD!"

This is now a soul thread. Post your best soul.

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>Go jack off to your fucking moeblobs
>stupid autistic faggot.
Says the person getting upset over a shitty blinking animation being removed.
No more like "BOTH SHIT" but one isn't Ps1 tier that runs at 20 fps. If you want a real example of a shit remake look at the difference between the original Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX

absolute garbage

I liked all-stars better than the NES originals because of the extra colors and parallax.

>If you want a real example of a shit remake look at the difference between the original Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX
Ah, so a blind zoomer.
I've heard enough.

Are you fucking retarded you fucking zoomer? Mario 64 DS looks like shit with nasty saturated colors

What? You realize Sa1 is 20+ years old right? Also no probably older than you its just one of the worst remakes ever made.

I need a 3D level with all that pipe shit

Are we going to talk about Nintendo's latest soul rape? This is literally the worst thing I've seen in my whole life.

Attached: NSwitch_TheLegendofZeldaLinksAwakening_02_image500w.png (500x284, 356K)

You can not with a straight face say shit lke "flowers no longer cover up mario's lower half" or "interesting marbled-blocks".
hello retard
64 was one of my first games and I know that the DS version is infinitely worse, but I also know the real reason why, and that is the controls. Bitching about the fucking flowers being transparent instead of the controls, something that actually matters, makes you look like an autist.

They literally removed all of the shading in SADX. The soul is gone in the remakes, you dumb fucking nigger zoomer. You probably grew up with the remake that's why your biased towards it you fucking child.

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>bland remake that's just an attempt to copy the original but also appease underages: SOULLESS
>visually unique and original remake that maintains the original's tone while bringing something new to it: SOUL

Nigger what
All of the character models in DX have a weird metallic shine to them, and the lighting is all fucked up.

is this soul enough?

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it's not only the flowers, it's the actual graphics look saturated as hell.Also I'm not the same user also look at my fucking tripcode you fucking pleb.

Attached: bangbotnic.gif (476x349, 159K)

it looks like shit fag

>you fucking zoomer
>no you're a fucking zoomer
>nuh uh zoomer
>ummmm sweatie you're a zoomer
>zoom zoom!
shut the fuck up you cretins

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These M&L remakes are one of the most pointless thing I have seen this decade, one of the cool things about them is how well they all hold up despite being "minor" spin off titles.

>green fireball
Are NES color pallete errors soul now? other stuff I agree, in all stars american mario 2 was the only one with graphics that felt like a straight improvement over the original while Mario 1 always felt too plastic looking which is the opposite of the original game.


I wasn't speaking to the quality of SADX as a remake (It's not a remake, it's a port), I was speaking to the fact that it's his go-to example of a "remake", which clearly indicates he's a zoomer.

>it's not only the flowers, it's the actual graphics look saturated as hell.
So why the fuck are you defending an image full of retarded horseshit? You don't have to defend everyone who agrees with you on a single point, especially if every other point that they make is nonsensical.
>Also I'm not the same user also look at my fucking tripcode you fucking pleb.
Neither of you are using a tripcode. Do you even know what a tripcode is? How new are you?

Nintendo remakes in particular are usually shit, whether they're done in-house or they bring someone else in to do them. It's always been that way.

Sa1 is older than Yakuza what are you on about?

Keep zooming

shut the fuck up already
your latest meme insult is borderline-meaningless

This or at least have the decency to give it the treatment a new game in the series would have and a distinctive name.

>hexen image

zoom zoom

Attached: zoom zoom.gif (244x250, 47K)

finally someone posted it. Was just about to post how they sucked the literal soul out of this game and made it look like absolute fucking bullshit. Nintenfags defending this game are actually the dumbest faggots that accept everything Nintendo throws at them.

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The Sonic comparison gets me everytime, sad what they did to the bowser illustration on the fire level though.

Imagine thinking the word "zoomer" is some kind of insult.
Boomers and Zoomers are both retarded as fuck insults and you should be ashamed for using either.

Attached: nezu.png (1280x720, 697K)

yeah its a mod of the original sa1 that's been ported the original model is still in the files

So, pic not related?

Yea Forums defends shitty remake

What was the point?

fuck off zoomer
boomer is a compliment zoomer is an insult because it means your born in gen z the worst generation to ever fucking exist. Fuck you and go back to playing fortnite you fucking pissant.

You have to play the game first to know about it.


>boomer is a compliment zoomer is an insult
Both are redditcore and you should go back.

>stage end screen
>ending sequence
Completely valid criticism.

>boomer is a compliment
No it isn't you fucking dolt. It's literally comparing you to one of the most reviled generations. Baby boomers are stereotyped as selfish nostalgia-blinded retards, and calling you a "boomer" is comparing you to one.

>>bland remake that's just an attempt to copy the original but also appease underages: SOULLESS

That's exactly what the LA remake is.


At least ALBW, despite being super derivative of LttP, was still a new game and not a literal reskin.

the point being technical limitations?

>caring about grammar on a fucking shitty image board
who the fuck cares you stupid fucking nigger.
inb4 "the whole board" yeah that's because you're all fat fucking neckbeards sitting on your asses raging about fucking children entertainment. Grow the fuck up already you cock lovers.

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>muh censorship

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Gonna get that, then go back and play the original

>boomer is a compliment
This is it.
This is the whole goal of the meme right here.
Fucking retards falling for propaganda.

absolutely incensed

>mfw the intro animation bait into this turd

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>imagine thinking that boomer originated on reddit
you should go back you fucking dipshit nigger

The DS version in that entire left section fits the Mario aesthetic much better

yeah because I'm sick of this god damn shitty ass board all you faggots are so fucking god damn predictable you fucking thick minded shitheads.

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The meme originated from wojak posting reddit tourist like yourself. Please fuck off.

Now THIS misses the point, like why have the borders blurred if you want to give more space than ever to the world? Why make the assets look like a filtered PS1 game instead of just making sprites that look like a PS1 game? LA is genuinely one of the best looking games on both the GB and GBC while this one doesn't even tries to look above average for its system, the terrible trailer music was the cherry on the shit cake too. Maybe I'll play this once (after not paying for their cheap cash in of course) just to see if not needing to press start to use the sword was worth it.

This isn't a debate. I was insulting you for not only mixing up "your" and "you're", but also for thinking that "you're" is a contraction for "you were".
It's really hypocritical of you to call others "thick minded shitheads" when you are unable to properly use simple words.

You sure know a lot about reddit you stupid nigger! Maybe it's actually (you) that goes to reddit you fucking cuck.

>boomer is a compliment
>saying this on Yea Forums of all places
I guess now I can tell every boomer to lurk more now.

you mad

Attached: radioactive kek.gif (256x256, 425K)

>boomer is a compliment

Attached: get a load of this doomguy.jpg (500x502, 256K)

Nice stealth "pretend Nintendo is the worst thing ever even though Sony is destroying video games with their censorship and left-wing politics" thread, OP.

>imagine caring so much about grammar
seethe more reddit fag

>saying this on Yea Forums of all places
>lurk more
what do you mean you fuckface? All you nigger do is say how kino being a boomer is on this fucking board.

Imagine being this mad that you were corrected.

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Honestly I don't care if it looks worse than Wrath of Cortex if they make the gameplay as satisfying as the PS1 game, that shit was ahead of its time.

isn't it past your bedtime zoomer scum?

Attached: every single remake ever.jpg (1920x2400, 873K)

Millennials that fell for the depression jew aren't boomers.

Seething nintendie

no one forces you to play them, retard.


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I can't believe Wario is fucking dead.

The only correct post in this thread.

I hate to say it but... he's right

Kill yourself retarded 20 year old "boomer"

This user is correct. How can our primitive eyes and tiny brains possibly be able to tell the track and characters apart from everything else with all that garbage cluttering the view? What is this, Mario Kart 8?

whats with the lighting do you live in hell?

Attached: remake_bloodgultch.jpg (775x989, 272K)

Remakes are shit, I'd much rather see remasters where the art style and everything is left intact but the game displays at 720p+ with no input lag and shit


why did they give the blonde guy so much beard? he looks like a monkey in the remake

>while bringing something new to it
WHat is this new thing?

Because it makes the original sound more grand and artistic than it actually is. Nostalgia autists will constantly use devs working around hardware limitations as the "intended vision by the original artists" or some other dumb shit. When it reality it's just that making the best use of the limited hardware.

then stop calling yourselves boomers you cucks and go back to your safespace reddit where you can suck each other off and post fucking wojaks all the time

Here's the most soulless of remakes

Attached: ssl.jpg (2048x960, 281K)

I gave up on finding a decent CRT in my area. Pawn shops, Craigslist, etc don't have any. Emulation is the next best thing.

oh snap. emulatards btfo

the next best thing is an ossc, emulation is the last resort.

yeah I'm not paying a bunch of greedy kikes that much for an upscaler when I can just emulate for free

enjoy your inferiority, inaccuracy, input lag and all around shit experience while you hunch over a desktop and run poorly coded n64 emulators.

>emulation bros
Always friendly, always recommend buying the original hardware + flash card or original carts if you enjoy the game, making discoveries about consoles they like every year,, has no time to argue since he's busy enjoying games
>anti-emulation niggers
Bitter, autistically posting the same tired arguments and images every thread, tried ZSNES 15 years ago and though that was all emulation would ever amount to, people that use save states live rent-free in their head, unironically prefers to make their games look like an unfiltered emulator with an upscaler thus completely missing the point of original hardware.

enjoy giving large quantities of your shekels to greedy jews when you could just emulate

>always recommend buying the original hardware
This ain't fantasy zone, I'm not using my master system right now

Why is every fucking "cartoon" art style these days that same blocky clay-looking Pixar/Overwatch shit? It's literally soulless. Every cartoony 3D game looks the fucking same

I cant tell if shit like this is serious.

Western designers

What about the left is interesting at fucking all
SM64 is literally my favorite game of all time and this isn't a topic worth giving a fuck about, why not mention SM64DS' god awful controls or insistence on constantly switching between characters instead

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Because they don't put the talents of their dev team to good use, they just tell them to do enough so the game can be sold to kids.

>tfw you've arrived at the conclusion that Westerners are subhuman
All the good ones died in the World Wars, nearly all that's left is trash


this, am*ricans ruin video games for the rest of us by simply existing

Are you morons blind? His cock is still there.

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I like both versions of the game. lick my nuts op.

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Resident Evil on GameCube sure didn't.

You can't make this joke anymore when they actually did hire that man

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no they aren't

>boomer is a compliment
I think you need to leave

Attached: trip.png (300x330, 13K)

That's the thing about CTR. It shouldn't have worked and was as shameless a me-too cash grab as possible. But they accidentally made the game fun and distinct enough that it was still memorable.

>There are zoomers born after 1995 here that think they're "boomers"
Guarantee that guy everyone is replying to is one of them

Attached: 2mdron.jpg (560x746, 54K)

Damn, looks like Lakitu got the Sonic eyes too. Guess the N64 version also sucks.



What makes you think it was by accident? Naughty dog made consistently great games back before that one kike gained influence.

Is this how retarded all anti-Allstars faggots are?

>streamedlined gameplay
>its the same fucking thing with different graphics
>Using that pic

fuck you.

>Seething Millennials coping with the fact that they didn't get to grow up with the proper, original versions of those games like Gen X chads

Attached: 80s.jpg (480x739, 51K)

It was obviously intentional, the camera in 64 was shit and Nintendo knew that so they contextualized it and made sure its eyes looked like Sonic's so that you would think they made it bad on purpose to make fun of Sonic. Of course a retarded zoomer like you wouldn't have the ounce of critical thinking it requires to realize this, sigh...

is right but you guys both talk like fags

Attached: 1529765302427.jpg (320x320, 20K)

you are completely fucking retarded

Except Sonic didn't have eyes until Sonic Adventure 2, you poser.

Super Star Ultra is literally the best Kirby game to this day. The DS remains Nintendo's best handheld console.

Dumb gay fag

The 3DS is better, you can play every DS game on it, plus there's the Virtual Console and 3DS library.

this is......ok compared to lots of remakes

>Fixes every problem with the original completely invalidating the SNES version

Fucking Yea Forums

They complely missed the point

Attached: remake_W1.jpg (1816x2900, 1.27M)

The Spyro Reignited Trilogy looks nice at some points like in almost all of 1 and a few levels from 2 and 3 but at other times, they've really dropped the ball. It's just that some of the levels like Icy Peaks and Idol Springs for example have so much of their colors sapped out of them. Hell, at times it looks like the levels just suffered through an apocalypse similar to how the Land of Ooo turned all decrepit and lifeless in Adventure Time.

Attached: 5i2pdm0nxaz11.png (528x529, 309K)

you mean fixed bugs

Spyro : cobblestone fortnite edition

Attached: remake_all3_small.jpg (1600x4760, 2.32M)

I haven't played either version of these games yet, but honestly while I don't think most of the environments look bad in the new version the colors are much worse. Something about the colors in the original is very pleasing to look at.

>Something about the colors in the original is very pleasing to look at
Around these parts, we refer to that as "soul"

>boomer is a compliment
based retard

This changes the lore!!

It's like the word ironic. Because people have been using ironically too ironically that it's lost all meaning and both means unironic and ironic.


>adding extra shit
>including a fully modeled vagina and cervix for one single female character

this level of bait requires severe autism or being underage, no one else cares enough to make it to that level of quantity and quality

>Game A has things
>Game B has other things

bottom looks better

>boomer is a compliment
It's not even summer yet and these faggots are ALREADY here? Goddamn this board never fails to entertain.

Attached: 1527563050934.gif (210x174, 482K)

>he fell for the physical meme
Enjoy wasting money on children's games from 30 years ago.

Attached: 1553459050307.jpg (278x275, 105K)

>gen x fags grew up with the originals
>millenials queers didn't get to grow up with the originals, instead growing up with the remakes
>Gen Z gentlemen grew up emulating both versions and being able to decide which they like best
GOD i love being young.

Attached: 1535250938212.gif (404x561, 166K)

Please enjoy this original content I just made for this thread. This controller issue makes playing old NES games or N64 games really annoying.

Attached: controller_autism_draft.jpg (1500x1800, 517K)

Something about those gradient colours in the bottom screenshot seems like they'll never come back from the 90s, I don't know of any game that has replicated that look successfully

Oof and yikespilled

And yet it still looks better than Pokemon Sword and Shield

I see what you mean, but your graphic is trash.

Yeah sorry. I was trying to keep it as simple as possible but I didn't have a good way to show the placement moving.

no just no, sweetie you and the rest of the millenialcucks are responsible for all the evil in the world today

go back to your mass effect andromeda, drake and lady gaga, new ghostbusters, gravity falls not to mention all the political lgbt shit

Would the 3d version of Majora's Mask be considered shit? I never played it myself, but the Deku water hopping, Zora swimming and Twinmold fight were changed and became worse.

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This implies the team that worked on this has creative vision

nice loss for the bottom four

Is this loss?

This board was a mistake

It's the Koopas and the Toads that bug me. Why do they always feel the need to remove their personality or anything unique about them at all?

People who defend the ugly desaturated look of the DS are the same people who think Nintendo should hire that man.

Absolutely disgusting

Attached: remake_W2.jpg (1816x3472, 1.32M)

games have to be remade as a form of preservation, sometimes the source code gets lost or the game becomes stuck on the hardware it's developed. It's because of this is why we have these threads, game remakes should be a replacement for the original game, and you lose a lot of the original intent and a worse experience when it strays so far from the original source material. However remakes like REmake 2 and FFVII get a pass as the originals are readily available on modern platforms (especially on PC) so those games get a pass on changing the source material so much as the original experience isn't going away anytime soon.

Attached: R7Q5cSd.jpg (1280x1200, 278K)

Better dead than fucking destroyed, at least our memory of the game would be untainted.
Look at abominations like OoT and MM3DS, they'd lived on just fine through emulation but now everyone's played the butchered versions and that's all they know.

MM3D doesn't do as much damage as the original was rerelased on the eshop and a collection before however the only way to buy it new now is through the wii u vc which is a console nobody owns hopefully, but I do agree that MM3D is a garbage remake, hopefully if they ever revisit the remakes they do it in the style of the wonder boy remake in where they give you the option to toggle between the old and new style

Attached: how to remake a game and keep the soul.jpg (1200x636, 174K)

makes me so mad. the remake looks like a soulless downgrade

There is a simple elegance to SMB3 minamalism but I still think that water background in Allstars gets the point across that this world know lots of water.

The worst part is that Sakurai directed both the original AND NiDL, so he most likely gave the OK to most of these changes without once thinking that "maybe something looks wrong here...?"
It's proof that either this was a rushjob or Sakurai is a fucking hack

Attached: sakurai.png (2560x1440, 2.88M)

OoT3D was actually pretty alright. MM3D fucked with gameplay, and thus wasn't good.

>The gba remake of mario 3
Zoomer spotted

Remake architecture guide:
- Drop apparent masonry skill to -100
- Cover everything with literal gold
- Add as much extra shit as possible

OoT3D is perfectly fine. MM3D is bullshit that made the game slower, easier, and made the boss fights more boring.

Post soulful remake pls

OoT3D was trash too. If you think it was perfectly fine while accepting that MM3D was trash then you're bandwagoning retards who don't fully understand the things that make them both so terrible. It goes beyond the gameplay changes in MM3D.

I think SMB3 on NES generally has way better visual direction than it's remakes and yet you somehow posted a comparison that doesn't support that point at all.

Forgot pic

Attached: EB8F989B-6481-4369-B800-A9FDBF7522E9.jpg (1498x1366, 507K)

>Remakes that got it dead wrong.
Prince of Persia:
The Secret of Monkey Island:

>Remakes that got it absolutely right.
Lode Runner:
Sonic the Hedgehog 2:

Funny meme but they fucked up a lot of things in HG/SS, especially when it came to translating the aesthetics. For one thing, night time/dark places look lit up by artificial lighting.

Attached: slowpoke well lighting.png (1510x452, 355K)

For those who haven't played the games, left is of course the original game, middle is HG/SS, right is an edited version by some /vp/oreon to try to capture the original feel

Nothing was wrong with OoT3d, except for maybe how bright some areas were.
MM3D had a worse inverted song of time that made 3 day runs impossible, a 10 second cutscene every time you did anything that dropped a note into the bomber's notebook, and several other things, most of which involve the other link forms.

>Nothing was wrong with OoT3d

How about you explain to me exactly what was wrong with it then, since it seems like you're such an expert?

Attached: remake_OOT_102.jpg (563x936, 204K)

We’re really at the point where Yea Forums is calling fucking Super Mario All-Stars soulless

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How fucking new are you? All-Stars has been considered the worst way to play those games for like a goddamn decade, if not more.

Both sides look fine in their own ways, although again, right might be a little too bright. I seriously don't see the issue and besides, 3d's got the Master Quest.

>implying HOOHOO JUST WHAT I NEEDED isn't worse

You're actually retarded.

The creator might be a fuck but Gravity Fall is still pretty fun.

As I kid I always thought the cave rocks in the background were strawberries, never played the original version of 3

Attached: 1532642207247.png (475x352, 336K)

>lighting is completely fucked up, shifting the tone of the game (probably at its worst in the final battle)
>everything is too over-saturated with colours
>areas were redesigned to be crammed full of junk instead of keeping the relatively low-key vibe of the original
>animations are worse
>dead hand blood is censored
>blood in the spirit temple is censored/removed
>water temple was dumbed down

Fuck Grezzo for ruining the games and fuck Nintendo for allowing them to do it, twice.

Attached: 1446641510739.png (920x264, 286K)

They both look fine. Tell me, what exactly is so bad about the left besides the brightness? Posting a picture isn't telling me what your beef is here.

FF7 CG backgrounds are interesting by themselves but aren't fun to play in

this is good bait

It takes a special kind of retard to think that OoT3D was fine whilst MM3D was ruined, it's the same inept shitters behind both remakes and they fucked them both up.

How much of this affects the gameplay, which is what i care about? I like not having to spend half the water temple in the pause menu.


Nah, all stars is good. Only nitpicking autist fags care that much about some random rock colors and textures.

Why does this make me laugh so hard?

You could play a Mario game using either A or B for Jump and X or Y for run so you could play it however the fuck you wanted, what the fuck even is this image

Yea Forums has a strange habit of turning certain people into turboautists. Though MM3D hate seems to be valid I'm sure with this it's just the one guy obsessed with making everyone hate Allstars for whatever reason.

>water temple was dumbed down
>them making it not an absolute chore to go through is "dumbing down"
You are a genuinely hopeless retard.

There’s obviously a neon light in there causing that lighting, silly face.

>How much of this affects the gameplay, which is what i care about?
The entire Water Temple was redesigned just for the benefit of retards. You saw other changes like this in MM3D.

t. retard

>nobody in this thread has mentioned the absolute retardedness that is Majora's Mask 3D

Attached: 064.png (400x240, 56K)

>unironically defending a game being dumbed-down for retards and admitting that the changes worked for you
nu-Yea Forums everyone.

>Though MM3D hate seems to be valid I'm sure with this it's just the one guy obsessed with making everyone hate Allstars for whatever reason.
The comparison between Majora's Mask and MM3D is literally the same deal as the comparison between the original Super Mario games and All-Stars except you're dealing with 3D graphics.

At least 8-bit and pixel art has aged far better than garbage N64 graphics. MM3D and OoT3D are completely justifiable remakes. The hivemind on this site is fucking ridiculous.

Pretty sure the water temple's mostly the same, with the exception of a camera showing some hole. Again, I'll take 3d's over vanilla OoT's "endless pausing and boot swapping."
Also the fact you can't explain shit without spewing the "well you're just retarded" nonargument doesn't really help your case.

>that twinmold fight
What were they thinking?

>MM3D and OoT3D are completely justifiable remakes.
Except for the part where they completely destroyed the art style and made them look like shit. Then went on to change aspects of gameplay to make them worse. Grezzo is shit and Nintendo is shit for hiring them, TWICE.

this is autistic as fuck and 100% correct

>having to stop every other minute to change equipment is "depth" and "soul"
Holy shit you faggots are unbearable

>The entire Water Temple was redesigned
I don't remember any changes beyond some markers to help remind which hallway leads to what.

So glad you niggers don't design video games, they'd be such trash because you have literally zero concept of what makes them enjoyable

>completely destroyed the artstyle
OoT absolutely keeps it in tact
Autism. I can agree with the MM3D complaints on some degree but I'll take the brighter lighting and retarded boss redesigns over shitty blurry graphics any day. I think it's okay to accept that N64 graphics are pure shit to look at in this day and age.

>has literally zero argument

Attached: laughingwhores.jpg (600x536, 81K)

In other words, you have no argument.

Except the battle multiplayer is the best bar none

I already explained why they were shit in multiple posts breaking down the downgrades and like the mouthbreathing idiot you are, you did nothing to counter it at all.

>replace dumb rock with dumb brick

No, you didn't explain how the Water Temple was dumbed down at all.

The things you listed are literal nonissues in terms of gameplay. Sounds to me like you're just being a bitter fuck for the sake of having an argument.

You actually just keep saying "the water temple was redesigned" without any explanation at all, while others responding to you (AKA people who have played the remake) telling you you're wrong and why. At this point you either baiting or just very, very stupid.

retards are falling for this
you're right about the cool 3D stars tho

Attached: Bait (12).jpg (125x124, 3K)

I never second guessed this as a child, but trying to figure it out now, that texture is shit. It looks like crumbled cork. I doubt any thought went into it.

And this user is literally me

You mean apart from the fact that they colour-coded everywhere you needed to go, thus completely destroying the main puzzle of the temple? The camera zooming right in on the room you need to go in to find the key, thus completely destroying the exploration? The fact that they made the Dark Link battle much easier? The temple is now a complete waste of time, there is zero challenge in it anymore, it just takes up space and is completely unremarkable.

See and go back to choking down grezzo's cock you worthless cockheads

>The fact that they made the Dark Link battle much easier?

You mean like how you could Din's or Biggoron's Sword Dark Link in the original and completely body him?

>The temple is now a complete waste of time
Like sitting in the pause screen, right?

Attached: 1555083890233.png (649x365, 353K)

There, now you gave an explanation. I said earlier that all I remember was that hallways got color-coded. I don't even remember the camera zoom you're talking about because I've had the fucking temple memorized since I was 8 anyway. I always thought Dark Link seemed easier, but I was never sure if that fight was changed because I haven't played the N64 version in a while.

fuck off you retarded reddit cunt

Attached: 1549097923614.jpg (690x968, 154K)

>You mean like how you could Din's or Biggoron's Sword Dark Link in the original and completely body him?
You had to go out of your way to do this, now you can't even try to make the fight a challenge, it's dumbed down completely for retards like yourself.

>Like sitting in the pause screen, right?
Who mentioned this at all? The point is they stripped away all challenge, completely explained the puzzles to every newcomer in the most gaudy and blatant way possible, all exploration had been removed so now it's worthless as a Zelda dungeon.

I'm guessing the same team of Indians that worked on the Spyro remasters worked on this calamity too. No style

Superstar saga remake is objectively better than the original in everyway but the artstyle. More content, more challenging & balanced gameplay and general polish and quality of life additions.

Define "exploration"
The Water Temple is just a fucking hole filled with water that extends to incredibly linear hallways on the sides. You are dense and are exaggerating.

>this entire thread
haven't laughed at this many retards at once for a while

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I like the remake better.

>You had to go out of your way to do this
Din's Fire is a requirement to beat the game.
Also, nobody's going to agree with you if you just call everybody that has a different opinion a retard in every post.

Good job confirming You could try to beat Dark Link with just your sword to make it a challenge, but now the fight is just made easy no matter what so it's just a brief time-waster. The dungeon is complete shit now in every way. An entire dungeon that was ruined by the incompetent hacks at grezzo.

>OoT absolutely keeps it in tact
Imagine being this delusional for no sensible reason whatsoever.

Attached: ocarina-of-time-saria-link.jpg (1280x768, 84K)

what makes this kind of thinking dangerous is that it's partially true
but ultimately this is emulation-filter tier autism and should be quarantined into a freshly dug grave
why? because the mario 3 remake was in the 90s, its closer chronologically to the original game's release than it is to the current year, by a wide margin

I legitimately cannot understand how people can understand and accept that grezzo ruined Majora's Mask's art style but at the same time don't see how the same people ruined Ocarina of Time's. They made the exact same kinds of changes and they both look like shit compared to the originals.

All I see are two drastically improved designs. You are hysterical if you think the N64 blurry graphics look good anymore.

>All I see are two drastically improved designs.
Because you have shit taste.

All I want is a N64 Classic from Nintendo with accurate emulation, authentic controllers with rumble and the original versions of OoT and MM included among the games.

Attached: img.jpg (747x731, 60K)

Go ahead, tell me why you say blurry, grainy textures and blocky models look better than the image posted. "SOUL!!!" is not a valid argument.

Because the original games expressed the original artistic vision of the creators. The lighting, the textures, the general art style was lovingly put into place by the people who were designing the game, all for a reason. Then the shitters grezzo come along and completely miss the point and fuck everything up and Nu-tendo is fine with this and hire them to ruin a second classic game.

how does any of this affect OoT's gameplay?

>the games should age poorly because I say so, forget the gameplay improvements the LIGHTING IS OFF!
Just stop talking about Zelda already. You're an utter faggot.
I swear, the way you've talked about this Grezzo team in this thread makes me think they raped your mom or something. Unironically living rent free in your head.

Looks like 3D Dot Heroes.

>These look terrible
>Actually they look good, here's why
>Yes but what about the gameplay?
Really nigga.

We're not discussing gameplay at the moment, if you want to know how they fucked up the gameplay too you can start with the Water Temple being stripped of anything resembling challenge, we just had a conversation on it and we're not doing it again.

>Thinking the original designers of oot are of an enlightened design philosophy or some shit
Let go of the nostalgia nignog

> are no longer squares

Attached: 3125575+_b88102f39d146b7e8cd66a46bc33d5e5.png (200x200, 91K)

Where did Grezzo touch you user.

Attached: 1548242339732.png (622x607, 408K)

I'm not interested in continuing this pointless discussion. You're so hell bent on hating the game that you just call everybody that think's the game's alright a retard while screaming about the lighting or the water temple.

thats pretty understandable regarding the nintendo audience


The few gameplay improvements were miniscule compared to the rest of the stuff they fucked up

Inventory and item managing with ease is literally enough to claim the remake is the superior version. No, user, the slow as fuck rotating menu that you'll be opening up often in the original OoT does not add "soul" or "difficulty," sorry.

This is really the only gets me. It's just sad when Nintendo forces games into the same homogenous Mario aesthetic.

>Inventory and item managing with ease is literally enough to claim the remake is the superior version.
No it's not when so many other things were ruined.

Having no sense of nostalgia for the originals the screens on the right look better. The environments on the left seem too barren and lifeless.

Having no sense of nostalgia for the originals, I prefer the clarity and simplicity of the screenies on the left.


You're never going to get it, just accept it
>All I want is a N64 Classic from Nintendo with accurate emulation, authentic controllers with rumble and the original versions of OoT and MM included among the games.

I already have, that doesn't mean I can't still want it to exist

The real tragedy is cackletta's theme being butchered

Attached: 1448459479709.png (555x555, 256K)

Yes, but as said , it's because it's all soul.

While it have the most soul, it's also the reason it's good since it pales in comparison to the Wii and newer ones.
Best music all around as well.

ok... ;^)


Virgin schlop

Attached: 1482642154842.jpg (609x941, 63K)

>Fr/Lg Giovanni uses a level 50 Rhyhorn instead of a Rhydon

probably an error on their part

Fuck off zoomer, this shit is trying something new

You probably think BOTW looks good

You're an idiot lol

>This entire thread

Watching you morons go at it for hours is never not a good time.

>not playing on a low quality CRT over RF

absolutely soulless

this + the CRT needs to have at least convergence issues for maximum soul

>input lag
>when retroarch can achieve less than original hardware
emulation is superior to ossc shittiness, but i prefer original on crt

this is a way better example than OP

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