Anyone else have the itch to play retail while waiting for classic?
Is retail REALLY that bad?
Anyone else have the itch to play retail while waiting for classic?
Is retail REALLY that bad?
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>is retail really that bad
This is so clearly going to be an attempt to get people back into Retail
Classic is going to hit the wall eventually and they'll figure out how to reset from there, but also provide some new content ;) in retail ;) that tickles vanillafags and rebalance retail from it
It's shittiness is overplayed for the fact that it's just a mediocre expansion, and the game will never live up to the game it once was. 8.2 might improve it, like patches improved MoP and Legion. But the grind for stuff like allied races and their heritage armor is absolutely retarded.
I wouldnt play retail if someone threatened to nail my hands to a car and drive at 130mph.
classic is retail. it's not like it's a private sever lol
it's decent, but its an overall lame expansion like cata or wod
stuff like is hyperbole
the class design has been made really unfun
I never played DK and I thought I could level a DK from 55 for 3 months. Or would I hit max level so fast I'd be bored?
BfA has the worst moment to moment gameplay of ANY wow expansion. the only classes that have ever felt as shitty as BfA classes was vanilla ret paladin.
Healthbars only appear like that if you toggle the option
Classes have less abilities than ever, and most are not fun or even antifun to play.
Some are outright broken and do not work yet Blizz say they have no plans to change them until 9.0
game has layers upon layers of RNG now and its fuckin tedious and boring because of it. fuckin crappy azerite traits. yeah i played it and it was fun right up until it was unfun
more like you'd be bored well before you hit max level. leveling in modern wow is completely monotonous.
he knows, little zoom. he deliberately toggled it on to show the server names :)
>its decent
Yeah, your statement can be discarded. And truth cant be hyperbole. Subs are at their lowest and the overall game is a wet turd.
I was first of my guild to hit max level when WoD released, third when Legion released (because I went to sleep instead of staying up all night), but in BfA I got three levels in and just... completely lost interest. Stopped playing and cut my sub, and I have no interest in going back.
I hate that they doubled down on all the worst parts of legion, while also cutting out the few things legion did right.
I've had an itch to try out FF11 while I wait for Shadowbringers, does that count?
>Subs are at their lowest
does anyone want to play retail with a newfag warlock? ;_;
No better or worse than any other expansion since WoD. Farm the latest raid to incrementally increase DPS on a spreadsheet, rinse and repeat, same as always.
Wait until 8.2 launches
I've heard it's gotten better but only slightly so I'd wait a little longer
Probably still won't be that great but hey it can't get any worse
At least until next expansion that is
Play XIV instead, play ESO instead, fucking play DCUO instead. Play literally anything else but WoW. Retail is a failure, classic is a failure, don't ever touch anything by these turbojews ever again. People who are saying it's "not that bad" need to go back to fucking /r/eddit where they belong and stop plaguing this board with their garbage opinions.
Why does Retail WoW trigger fans so hard? Because it continues despite outcry?
How so? Even if I start leveling at 55? Isn't 120 max now?
I had fun with it for a couple of months.
Firestorm has a BFA private server with a huge population if you wanna see what retail is like without giving actiblizz your money
I made it to level 103 and quit.
There are some alright parts of it (none of which came with BfA) but it's overall pretty... eh. I can't recommend it but it can give you something to do for a month or two if you just want to fill up the days.
It's the biggest "fuck you" ever done by a major video game publisher, and it continues to be successful. No journalist will ever turn on it like they did Fallout 76, but it's just as morally bankrupt. It doesn't deserve to live, but the paypigs keep it afloat.
>It's the biggest "fuck you" ever done by a major video game publisher
you can't actually believe this you stupid fucking MMO nigger
At least Mass Effect ended. WoW is still going.
my anger is eternal
The faceless mass.
>they play what I don't like, so I'm going to dehumanize them
keep doing it, see what happens
so i guess zoom zooms have never played without CRZ
Now's the time to play, tokens are at the lowest price they've been at for awhile. Time to grind up your free playtime before classic wow comes around, become the master kike you were always meant to be.
>Is retail REALLY that bad?
Currently yes. All of the bad plot, weird gameplay systems would be fine if the class design wasn't so shit. They shit the bed after WotLK with classes and when they cleaned it all up in WoD they lost all of the soul that made each class really interesting.
I felt the same way. Until I realized that all I had any fun doing was running old dungeons for transmog.
>Healing in pvp boring because nobody want's to talk or work as a team
>Tank and heal in dungeons
>Nobody talks and everybody knows how to kill the mobs on autopilot
Don't do it user.
i just mean the gameplay of leveling itself is boring. you are never in any danger so there's no need to pay attention to your rotation, you can't even go find higher level enemies to challenge yourself on because everything scales to your current level.
after phasing in capitals the game was dead to me, you can't get any more soulless than this
It becomes great after you buy the pig.
Trust me, I know!
Fuck me...
I think they changed that, i hopped on for an hour to play on my deactivated account with an alt, i went as a level 8 from thunderbluff to the barrens and saw enemies 10 levels ahead of me which was odd.
im playing it right now but only to get dark iron dwarves
>complain about garrison because you couldn't interact
>stand around harbor still not interacting with anyone
*wants to roll ret pally for classic*
Mobs arent leveled anymore? They auto scale to you?
The worst thing is that instead of playing a private server all of the "we're going home" retards can't wait to start paying a sub to Blizzard again, and Blizzard won't bother differentiating between retail / classic subs because shareholders don't fucking care about the nerdy specifics, so everyone playing classic will count as a "retail sub"
literally the only thing i want is to kill horde niggers. people have so many alts and are on such an auto pilot while questing that they hardly notice if you gank them and dont fight back if you camp, they just log an alt and do something else
I'm tempted to try BFA, Unholy DK I dont know why looks like a lot of fun. HOWEVER, I'd be lore triggered as fuck just seeing monks, Panda, Demon Hunter and shit.
Did you just insult Battle for Azeroth®?
>Anyone else have the itch to play retail while waiting for classic?
I'm currently playing.
I first did a replay of WC3 and now I play a little retail and farm gold, I want to get enough to pay for the sub when classic comes out.
>Is retail REALLY that bad?
If you aren't too serious about the game it's fun.
If you want to no life it and throw your life away, stay the fuck away from it.
ironically the worst class to play in legion and the butt of all jokes, survival hunter, is the most fun and well designed class in bfa.
get over it fag wow is fun
unholy is pretty damn fun but its also pretty weak against single targets. not an issue though unless you do mythic+ dungeons or raids
I heard that ele shaman is the top dps now, how crazy is that
I'm having more fun as a healer in BfA than I ever had healing in Vanilla. Healing is ridiculously OP in retail though. I can' tell you anything about DPSing or tanking however.
Mark my words: Retail gameplay is far better than classic. People will get insanely bored of classic in a few months. Retail is just missing good content.
Wat? No, that's just for some areas to allow you to go to Northrend or Outland depending on where you wanna go isn't it?
In case I decide to play this weekend couple questions.
1. DKs can be created at ANY level now right? Example I dont need a LVL 60 on the server anymore?
2. Are guilds around on Yea Forums?
3. Where are the PVP servers?
4. See
It is without a doubt the shittiest WoW has ever been
WoD had content droughts but the classes were still playable
vanilla zones scale 1-60. outland and northrend scale 61-80. cata and pandaria scale 80-90. and so on
Patch 7.3.5 - Zone Scaling and XP Changes
Every zone prior to Legion new features the same level scaling tech that was introduced in Legion, allowing you many different leveling paths.
why are people saying classes are unplayable? What are some examples?
*bubble hearths while spinning and /loling@you before erp'ing yo e-waifu in goldshire in your path*
Warrior, Warlock, Paladin, Mage, Priest, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Druid, Death Knight, Monk, and Demon Hunter
>when it takes 3 guys to take down a healer in pvp
sigh they just can't time their cc right
>WoW cuckolds like to be paypiggy cuckolds for activision
unironically what else is new
They all have 3-5 button rotations with two offensive cds and maybe one defensive cd. It just "feels" like garbage that isn't satisfying especially some classes like shadow priest where none of your abilities flow together properly. There are some fun classes but balance is up in the air, don't expect anything fun to be top tier.
>weak against single target
>issue in M+
Since fucking when? Outside of very special combinations of affixes, single target damage is fucking irrelevant, since bosses are already the easiest part of of M+.
>he thinks I wouldn't unite the two eagles if given the chance
>he doesn't know the weapon in the water was hyperborean
Get good you unread zoomer faggot
>don't expect anything fun to be top tier
it's always been like that with shitty braindead specs doing the most damage
They took all the good parts classes had in legion, removed them, then added a bunch of random rng nonsense and called it a day.
Say what you want but legion was pretty well balanced and had good class design, it was still watered down and rogues stole the show but even it was more even where i could actually bring my hunter (mm or bm) to raids unlike now where entire classes are shut out.
Is that a dps thing? I'm using 2 full actions bars of skills and abilities most of the time as a resto druid in pvp and mythic. Raid healing is brain dead CD button smashing and positioning though.
Worst insult is the frost DK imo.
Only one skill does dmg, but it has a huge cd and you can easily be cucked and then your dmg goes to zero. (mob jumps away? ur fucked, you have to dodge an attack? ur fucked)
And even if you manage to keep that skill up (costs runic power) you can barely keep up with most dds.
Lmao is this legion was good meme like the prequels were good meme? Legion was absolute dog shit and fit right in with the rest of neoWoW, with shit design rehashed lore gutted mechanics Facebook mission tables and artificially gated "grinds" designed to make you log in just enough to keep your sub active. The game has been eviscerated by activisions marketing analysis over the last ten+ years and Legion was no different. Take your god awful builder/spender class design where mana is vestigial and microtransaction mounts are second only to transmogs and slowly, carefully, shove it
druids got pruned the least since the devs really liked the class by then end of mop after having recovered from the cata raping
Yeah that's for dps. They dumbed it down way too much while at the same time not triggering the dopamine release they're trying to incite by playing their rng lotto machine.
don't forget titanforging and mythic+ ruining loot progression. WoW's never going to recover from that shit.
You're missing the most important part, apart from the ap grind it was fun and comfy :^)
How would you fix retail? Make it act and play more like classic?
Would they even ditch LFG?
Literally start from scratch, after classic goes through its patches you create a whgole new alternate universe expac to replace tbc and keep true to wows roots, do it over and do it better this time.
This was a good feature because it meant you could actually finish a zone without outlevelling it
I'd rather eat a shit load of fuck than play that fecal fucker of a game *sips rolling rock*
Hell no, Legion is terrible too, especially with Legiondaries acting as Bandaids to help terrible specs actually be playable.
delete wow from WoD to now and start from the end of MoP without touching the classes
At least it made dailies feel like they were actually worth it. And you could do dungeons you've already out geared with friends and have it not feel like a total waste of time.
My only problem with this system was that they didn't go far enough. Why limit zones that heavily? Why not just let me go to jade forest at lvl 1?
Does anyone in this thread still play? What are the heavy pop servers I can roll on to at least see poeple/
I support this notion.
Make it like everything after MoP never happened and just go from there with, idk, Azshara.
>replace BC
What. If anything you'd start after BC. Seeing how fucking much everyone and I mean EVERYONE loves Arthas you'd want to keep him alive.
When you think of something that felt "worth it," Legion comes to mind for you?
>Dailies worth it
>So worth it they needed to stick actual rep rewards behind their shitty Paragon system
And if you outgeared the dungeons, then the time wasted is minimal if you could power through it with little to no issue.
>it's good because it gave me some pixels
Iv'e already played it, i don't care anymore. Classic will be fun but i'd rather have something new after that that doesn't carry the diseases over from current retail.
Tradeoff being is that leveling is more shit now. Going through it once was enough for me to stop leveling more characters.
If you want to see people actually interacting with each other install TRP and roll an RP server. It's cringey but as long as you treat it like a spectator sport you can have fun between waiting for whatever que to ooo you're waiting on. God forbid you be out reading quest text on an adventure.
Find me a video game that isn't this incarnate.
They still feel awful to play. They just bumped all numbers.
Oh no they might accidentally make the game better. How horrible.
Since when the fuck were dailies a part of WOW? Isn't that shit used on like mobile games?
I had more fun spamming chain lighting in MoP than anything they can do these days.
OwO what's this? *hugs your tank* oh man i love this place! *brushes hair* yay! *vomits profusely*
When will hitlers heir be born to incinerate RPers that infest muh server
Fucking this. No way to fix it other than pretend the abortion known as WoD never happened. Turn it into a caverns of time raid or something. Which is what it should have been in the first place.
Spectator sport, I said.
Can you delete the Panda as a playable race at least?
no. We need a containment race the rest of us can avoid.
The autism is an airborne contagion, the cringe is not a game. Don't play with forces you don't fully understand
pandas have more right to be in the game than gnomes
What classes are strong right now? I played an enhance shaman at launch and it was aids.
I was somehow fine with Uldir since I enjoyed the theme of last 3 bosses (the first ones were utter garbage desu), but I absolutely hate Battle for Dazar Alor. Trash bosses, trash design, trash story, trash looking loot (unless you are farming gear for the necromancer class that will never come out).
The only hope was Crucible and the upcoming Azhara.
But why the fuck did blizz fall for the twin-boss meme? Literally every second boss is a twin boss or a fight with adds.
>Dark Iron boss
Also adds
>3rd boss
Twin boss
>4th boss
Another twin boss
>5th boss
twin boss
>6th boss
Even more twin bosses at once
Also twin boss
Actually fun
another fucking twin boss
????? absolutely bullshit and unfun boss, lore and gameplay wise, is this fucking disney?
>First boss
Twin boss
>2nd boss
If MDI is anything to go by, rogue, rogue and more rogue.
Replace them with Mogu or the monkey and fishmen races
Pandas were a horrible idea
That's what all the elves, worgen, and gnomes are
I am able to find something to enjoy from every WoW expac.
Except BfA.
I loved MoP's collectibles, PvP was very good, and some of the early raids were just sublime. People hated it for the aesthetic, but I didn't mind at all.
People hated WoD's garrisons, but again, the raids were just amazing.
Legion ticked off a lot of people with stupid artifact shit, but I loved more stuff to collect.
BfA...shit raids, shit PvP, nothing to collect, and it doesn't even look good. I don't give a fuck about any of the locations. At all.
>wod ends with you defeating archimond and creating peace amongst draenor's orcs and draenei despite gul'dan getting away to kick off legion
>mag'har orc unlock quest has you go back to AU draenor
>they made the AU draenei into light-nazis
>yrel is literally light-hitler
>killing off all the orcs unless they submit to having their free will taken away by the naaru
>Durotan is fucking dead
>Garrosh fucking dies
>only a handful of mag'har orcs make it to azeroth
>you're just left to assume the rest got killed
>literally every single fucking thing you did in WoD was for absolutely nothing
What on FUCKING EARTH where they thinking?
"oh yea people really didn't like WoD and it almost tanked our game... oh hey why don't we just invalidate everything the players did just so the horde can play as brown orcs"
Naga more than Panda
The only redeeming feature it has is that the zones aren't bland as fuck like all the Legion ones and the questing gear finally, FINALLY looks good. It's only taken them 14 years to make decent looking questing gear
It's funny irony don't you see? Like before Orcs killed the Draenei, but this time Draenei killed the Orcs!
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
>Decent looking questing gear
So you look either like a gimp pirate or an actual gimp
>that the zones aren't bland as fuck
They are tho. Everything except Voldun and Nazmir is a pile of garbage 90% of the time
Im rolling fuck it; I got a free month.
What are the current most fun classes? Should I use my free boost to 110 or start from 1?
There's so much retardation with the allied races it's not even funny
>Nightborne join the Horde because Tyrande is mean
>Void Elves exist because uh
>Highmoutain are just a tauren cosmetic option
>Lightforged are objectively the most power race with bullshit levels of tech that rivals the Burning legion, but it doesn't factor into the Horde-Alliance conflict at all
>Is retail REALLY that bad?
There's a fuckload of RNG and you need to grind for new races. Fuck retail.
They exist to sell race changes, nothing more
Yes, but you need 110 to create a DH now
There's /vg/ guilds, they are all dead but still avoid that cancer
I can tell you for EU (Argent Dawn Alliance/ Shattered Halls Horde)
It's only "Normal" and "RP/Normal" now, there's a system called war mode that can be activated only in orgrimmar/stormwind which let you toggle on/off pvp.
You should level with war mode activated because it gives you +10% EXP on horde (+15% alliance) and some bonus with world quests
Vanilla zones scales from 1 to 60
TBC/WotlK from 60-80
Cata/MoP 80-90
WoD 90-100
Legion 100-110
The mobs level with you, starter zones are only 1-20 though.
It means you can start in the barrens, go to another STV immediately and the quests/mobs will scale to you
Once 120 you'll be pleased to learn that mobs scale even with your ilvl, basically 120mob will have 65k hp when you are full green then 90k+ at full mythic gear.
Did they kill Jaina off?
This. WoW is a scam.
>Nightborne join the Horde because Tyrande is mean
this one is fine, but you're right that the other 3 are retarded. People need to realize blizz uses the racial leaders as shorthand to represent each of the races. Tyrande's opinions are mostly shared by pretty much every non-druid night elf. so in wasn't just tyrande being a bitch, that's just what the players saw, the idea is that literally every night elf was a huge bitch to the nightborne.
Did they finally abandon any illusion of "morally grey" and officially announce Slyvanas has become Garrosh 2.0?
Stronk womyn don't die to the mean old Horde.
No, she just ENOUGHs out of the fight when you beat her and escapes without a single scratch.
Mekkatorque on the other hand gets badly injured at least.
It's just atrocious desu, just like the rest of the damn lore.
And you know what the saddest part in all of this is?
It's that people don't give a fuck about that. They don't care that she escaped, they don't care what the hell is even going on anymore, they don't wanna know about it. The loot and the gameplay is a billion times more important. The story? Pfft, reading is for literal faggots right?
Everything's just mounts, pets and cheevos.
WoW should not be called an RPG anymore, it's an action game you play with a bunch of other keyboard turners.
Well i mean, the nightborne did just sort of abandon everyone to die, and now after allying with the enemy and getting saved by those they abandoned, they still pretend to have the moral high ground.
I fucking hate how Rogue is loved by the devs, best in pvp since ever and best in pve with shroud/main skills doing free aoe which let them do great dps, but also needed in every tol dagor runs.
She is Kerrigan 2.0, not Garrosh.
The nightborne joining the horde is the most fleshed out "allied race reasoning" other than dark iron dwarves who simply already existed and just weren't playable until now.
They have a lot in common with the bloodelves: noble, advanced magics, both suffered addiction to mana because of their forced dependancy on it, and both suffered under the tyranny of their leader due to the legion. It's no wonder that their recruitment is based around them visiting silvermoon and the sunwell, as well as a lot of thalyssra's dialogue implying they currently only tolerate being in sylvanas' horde because of lor'themar.
Also, could you even imagine what it would be like to go into "hiding" for 10,000 years, preserving your mastery of magic and advanced society, to then return to the outside world to find your empire in ruins and that the remaining members of your race who stayed on the outside have spent the last thousand years fucking animals, living in trees, and worshiping the moon? Would you join them?
Oh man, that's even fucking worse.
>mekkatorque gets put into a coma
>on life support in a little pod
>"man, he's done for. If only we could use robotics to enhance his body so he might survi-"
>Also, could you even imagine what it would be like to go into "hiding" for 10,000 years, preserving your mastery of magic and advanced society, to then return to the outside world to find your empire in ruins and that the remaining members of your race who stayed on the outside have spent the last thousand years fucking animals, living in trees, and worshiping the moon? Would you join them?
don't forget how they hated and exiled people like you who used Arcane for 9995 years then decided it was okay for THEM to start using arcane magic after they made friends with some humans.
I mean, arcane magic had just nearly destroyed the entire world. Telling people to quit using it for everything might have been a good idea.
just her tits
There are no brakes on the rape-the-lore train it seems.
Disgusting, all these """"races"""" popping out of nowhere for no god damn fucking reason other than Blizzard wanting to sell race changes.
People wanted cosmetic options, like Wildhamer dwarves, funny looking humans, stuff like upright standing Orcs, and not...this.
I will never not be mad about this.
I would roll alliance if i could create a normal looking human like Alduin looks.
it's more of a WTF about them being okay with people using Arcane magic now for no real reason, rather than being mad them for banning it in the first place. It's just clear the nelves are dicks since they can do a complete 180 on whether or not it's okay to use based solely on if it's convenient for them.
>furbait foxes
the people who cared about the lore either stopped caring because blizzard has made it clear they don't care about ferdback or they just left because blizzard fucked it all beyond repair
So is this every expac going forward now?
>first tier is something losely tied to the story but otherwise fucking irrelevant in the long run (mogushan vaults, highmaul, the emerald nightmare
>middle tier is basically an aside to the main narrative that only serves to prove just how IMPORTANT the main narrative is (heart of fear/throne of thunder, blackrock foundry, the nighthold/tomb of sargeras)
>last tier is some buckwild switcheroo that only ends the narrative by invalidating it in order to set up the next expansion and new enemy (seige of org, hellfire citadel, antorus)
They've had the irrelevancy of uldir and a suprise bonus irrelevancy of Dazar'alor, and now theres this fucking foray into naga town to kill queen squidkid which will end with focus going back to sylvanas. With that said, whats going to be the big twist at the end that sets up the next expac? The focus on the void at the end of legion has led into N'zoth and the old gods playing a big roll, so what could they introduce in patch 8.3 that will roll over into 9.0?
I know of at least 3 people who are just as mad about the lore as I am, yet those are still playing.
I cannot help but resent them a little, since they continue to support and play a game they admit they hate. I can't even convince them to stop since WoW is all they have ever played it seems.
And you get ridiculed frequently on Yea Forums and even moreso on /vg/ when you admit you care about the lore in any way.
I'd give away rounds of free booze if Classic turns into the same shitshow BfA is right now with all the sperging Asmongolians and Sodapopsuckers, but as indicated by Twitch views (I know, don't hate me okay?) and 24/7 home threads, tons of people are interested in this nostalgia show.
Hazzicaustas is gonna be hailed as a hero for giving those people what they wanted, it has already begun.
By secondary purchases do they mean people with more than one account? i.e. 25% of the 1.7 mill is irrelevant?
Jesus, no wonder they pulled a 180 on the idea of classic.
>not playing albion online
I would play a thousand Cataclysms over this fucking trash heap. Suck a penis.
>Playing any version of WoW in 2019
>most well designed
Except for the part where Azerite traits force you to spec out of the amazingly fun and well designed talent build into a ME PRESS COOLDOWN AND SPAM SPENDER FOR MAXIMUM DAMAGE travesty.
>resub to retail because I had an extra token laying around and I may as well for a chance at classic beta
>fury warriors have only one single fucking ability that uses rage other than execute
What the fuck?
BFA is amazing because on paper it sounds like a fantastic fucking expansion. Kul Tiras and Zandalar, Warfronts, Expeditions, EIGHT new playable races, with potential for more. Like, imagine how exciting it would be if Blizzard announced it 10ish years ago.
Its failure lies solely on the fact that the developers themselves have become bad. They had all the right ideas, but failed in execution.
>want to quit desperately but at this point my guild is the only social circle I have left due to living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
I want to try retail, I really do but I'm afraid it wuld ruin Classic for me by leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
>after the initial PHASE release plan a couple months ago I couldn't wait any longer
>resubbed and got a mage to 40
>while leveling someone was offering 100g to sign guild charter
>"ill sign"
>"sorry, you're not on my server so you can't sign, but if you want I'll send you an invite after!"
god that was one of the nails in the coffin, what the fuck is wrong with the people who agreed to cross-realm shit. Just merge them together depending on locale.
Fury is one of the VERY few specs that's actually somewhat fun to play. Your entire rage mechanic being funneled into Rampage actually works well, your entire kit is designed around generating Rage so you can spam it more. It hits like a truck, it has a great animation, fills your screen with big yellow numbers, enrages you, increases your haste etc. etc.
And yeah, you misread one thing. Execute GENERATES rage. It no longer competes with anything, but has a short cooldown
i played for a bit probably a month ago. leveled my shaman through the BFA content and got the itch out of my system.
what's nice about BFA as opposed to past expansions, is that you finish everything so quickly you don't have to waste your time, life and money playing shit you actually hate to satisfy an urge.
They're two entirely separate games at this point. It's like saying Breath of the Wild would ruin OoT for you. BFA is WoW in name only.
Wait, how did you get an offer to sign but you werent on his server?
we kill the old god using the heart of azeroth but azshara escapes and resurrects the old god's city from underwater
this. BFA is more like Diablo at this point than early WoW. which makes sense since most of the Diablo team moved on to WoW after reaper of souls.
Thinking of trying anouther class since I am currently stuck with this game for the moment. Been warlock for a while but want something a bit different. Any class I should pick up or any too avoid like the plague?
What I mean is like; the MMO exploring itch. I'm hype as FUCK for classic but I'm afraid I'll play BFA and the itch will be gone.
Nah, Azshara is confirmed dead.
My pick for plottwist goes to Azeroth awakening as a Dark Titan. She leaves for the void as we hear a muffled, burning "I FUCKING WARNED YOU NIGGERS" as a red star in the sky vibrates.
>Bring the player not the class
>Makes all classes exactly the same
We really are in the era of different color blobs doing the same thing.
> Cant cast rank 1 Frostbolt as a Fire Mage
This killed Mage and most classes for me. Why can't my MAGE not cast a fucking shitty FrostBolt? He's a fucking Mage. Not a Pyromancer. The ultra focus on specs in current WoW is cancer.
>confirmed dead
>with time travel on a regular basis
>with soul and death magic being so common that player classes have easy access to it
Characters are only dead until the writers run out of ideas, which is often
Could a 1660 TI run BFA on max?
Current WoW Lore is shit. But if Azeroth the Titan proceeds to slap the shit out of the Alliance and Horde for being retards all the time it would be good.
WoW can run on almost anything, but runs well on almost nothing.
because now the servers are merged except they aren't really. You can get players from different 'servers' on your 'local shard' and they can speak in local and yell and you can see their old server appended to their name. They can interact with you in any way except meaningfully.
>Recruit-A-Friend (RAF) is heading into the workshop! The longstanding RAF program is going on hiatus while we construct something new that makes it even more rewarding to introduce your friends to World of Warcraft. As of June 11, 2019, the current program will come to an end, and you’ll no longer be able to send new RAF invitations. Don’t worry though—the program will be back in its new form before you know it.
because he's a FIRE-specialized mage.
He is a FIRE mage. He is, effectively, a pyromancer.
So question to those who played or still play BFA. I was like 10 when BC came out and I played for 5 months then stopped. Then started again in Cata when I was older and had a lot of fun in dungeons when before I was too young to know how they work.
Is there any fun that feels the same as dungeons did in Cata? Or or the dungeons a different feel entirely?
Keep in mind the highest LVL I ever got was 50. So a lot of the dungeons were vanilla ones.
>All the classes are objectively down graded from legion
>Specs they hate like frost DKs forced to rely on talents to have any game play at all when they needed to be reworked 7 years ago.
>Dude lmao we forgot about shamans don't worry they're getting big updates with the first patch! (its fucking nothing).
>Warfronts cannot fail even if half the people afk
>Island expeditions are fucking nothing
>Its not garrosh 2.0 (it is garrosh 2.0 but there will be a stronk woman ass pull at the last second)
Yeah no BFA isn't worth the space on the hard drive
Imagine defending modern WoW Class design
It depends. They've introduced a new form of dungeoning called 'Mythic+,' which basically has the dungeons become progressively harder, while forcing you to speed run them. Generally it's been considered the thing that saved dungeons from pointlessness in the game, but I'm not a big fan. The speed factor is the antithesis of what I enjoyed back in the early days, and is emblematic of WoW's current design philosophy: "go go go, faster faster faster."
>Remove sharding
>Remove titanforging
>Remove ilvl scaling
WoW is mostly fixed
>Blood elves join the Horde because Garithos is mean
Elves are consistent in their retardation.
>play retail
lol fuck no, I'm playing a tbc pserver until release
I never rolled a DK but I have 30 free days so I'm try an Unholy. Am I going crazy or why do all Frost DKs have DW weapons and Unholy two-handed?
PLease tell me that you're forced to use those weapons.
I remember Cata was pulled a couple mobs at a time, be careful and stuff. Are they still like that or can you pull like 10 mobs at once now?
Dungeon running is currently the best part of the game, mythic+ is really nice if you like pve without dealing with 3h raids.
Some affixes modify the way you do the dungeon, and it changes every week.
>or can you pull like 10 mobs at once now?
you can pull 10 mobs and some elites at once
It's important to note that Blizzard and all of their fan sites immediately contacted this guy to have him remove the numbers.
It's the first expansion I've quit in the same month I bought it.
Frost forces you to DW, unholy forces you to 2H. It's the same with warriors, no more 2H fury.
Here's an example of high-end BFA dungeoning. It's very, very different.
So the times of being careful and planning and marking mobs is dead?
Regular dungeons are a faceroll, but m+ dungeons require planning
It's been dead for almost a decade.
It's a different kind of planning though, since you are literally on a timer.
go go go go go go go go go go go go go go
fuck mythic plus
Its not cancer but class design is noticeably poor. Warfronts and islands are boring chores.
It really fucked DPS class design because now every class needs to effectively AoE to be viable in mythic+, and that bleeds over to other parts of the game. Now everyone's an AoE farmer.
This is why retail is a worse game than classic they remove stuff which makes sense at the time but never replace it with anything
>Remove resistances
makes sense why should certain classes just be better or worse based on the theme of the pixels.
>Remove defence cap
I mean if you're tanking you'll be defence capped anyway right?
>Remove aim
Every good player is at least yellow capped
>Remove reforge
You just used amr anyway right?
>Remove enchants
See above
>Remove talent trees
Everyone just used cookie cutter specs anyway
>Remove off spec skills
Only shitters use oblit as unholy, we're just making worse players better
>Remove tank and healing gear
If you're tanking/healing you're going to be using the right gear anyway we're just saving you swapping
>Remove int/agi/str
I mean you were going to swap sets when you changed spec anyway right?
But then you look back and realise you just interact with everything in one way now because all those quality of life changes made sense at the time but you realise cumulatively they've just removed every element of the game but the rotation.
(That said I'd still challenge anyone to argue that classic wow had better game-play for a class then any expansion. Gamplay in classic was objectively trash).
>Now everyone's an AoE farmer.
this happened way back in WotLK
That looks way way too fast from what I'm used to, gross. I loved this style.
Slower, have to take only a couple mobs at a time etc.
ive been playing for nearly 14 years, and I quit 8 months ago. this is by far the WORST I have ever seen WoW in terms of fun and quality experience. worse than WoD, worse than Cata
its poisoned.
You double nigger, the fact that he specializes in fire doesn't mean that he suddenly forget the basics which include some arcane and frost spells too.
If you study chemistry you still remember maths from school to some extent. You wouldn't suddenly forget multiplication table just because you learned some complicated chemical reactions.
It's really indicative of retail's design philosophy. Everything needs to happen now, you need to go go go.
It pains me knowing dungeon design peaked at launch with BRD.
>Wrath was nothing but faggots crying that DW tanking wasn't viable
>DW has always always been better then 2h frost (expect for specific early PvP tiers when oblit spamming is broken due to new expansion scaling)
>As soon as blizzard removes 2h in a sad half hearted attempt to give frost more identity it nothing but non DK mains crying about 'muh 2h' which they never used.
Fuck off. Blizzards done a lot of shit wrong in wow but you wankers were never not going to cry about DW v 2h no matter what they did.
LFG and LFR killed interacting with anyone. Garrisons just made it so you don't even have to be in a hub anymore.
Are Garrisons still in BFA?
Retail is the same as its always been for a while. You dungeon grind get max level and do raids.
You either enjoy the gear treadmill or you don't. It's the same shit it's always been. It hasn't gotten worse. You've gotten bored. I've played since bc and it's literally the same shit.
Just because you stupid fucks have rose goggles on for some shitty classic doesn't mean retail is bad. People are growing out of mmos that's all.
Only reason ffxiv has any traction is its the first weeaboo mmo and it's final fantasy. Only reason I can't stand that gay shit.
>but you wankers were never not going to cry about DW v 2h no matter what they did.
unless, you know they had just left it the fuck alone. give one good reason obliterate should require (2 one handed weapons). Legion fucked over a ton of specs like this though. Druids still have to use those hideous fist weapons if they want to see their good looking bear forms for example.
I know blizzard loves cutting content out of the game post expansion, but garrisons are still in.
Interaction was killed when sharding was introduced. The moment you know you will never see that random person ever again you will stop caring about interaction. What's the point if 5 minutes later he will phase out and no matter how long you or he waits, you will never see each other again?
The thing that pisses me off about cross-realm zones is that their exist solely because Blizzard was too proud to properly merge servers. They knew it would be 'bad PR,' and a 'sign of the game dying,' so they developed it as a work-around to prevent a bunch of articles from popping up at Kotaku.
Are you "forced" to ever even create your own Garrison? Can i just skip that entirely?
I personally blame method and other esports faggots for the mess WOW is currently in.
Garrisons are 'in,' but they're past content. The only remnant of them are the mission tables, which have been progressively stripped down into nothing.
pls help?
He meant that Garrisons still exist in the game as part of WoD's content, but no, BfA doesn't have Garrisons.
≥ but non DK mains crying about 'muh 2h' which they never used.
Cockaucker, i played 2H Frost DK from Wrath until they removed it. Fuck you. 2H Frost = DK to me. Class completely ruined. And then in Legion they gave Pallies the fucking Ashbringer, and DKs got scuffed reforged baby
Frostmournes. Fuck you.
I just want Classic with WoD player models.
Can I PLEASE have that. I know it's not in the beta, maybe they'll patch it in? Please?
they got themselves into this mess refusing to address faction balance to make more xfer shekels
I love the looks of the spells and other attacks in the current game. That's it, as much as I love Classic compared to the way the current spells its boring.
>2h frost dk from wrath until legion
Doing fucking what? You sure as shit weren't raiding or you've be riding the bench, No CM group would have taken you and I doubt your arena partners would be please with you using intentionally non viable specs.
So just the most casual pointless hit ever?
>You either enjoy the gear treadmill or you don't. It's the same shit it's always been. It hasn't gotten worse. You've gotten bored. I've played since bc and it's literally the same shit.
It's literally not the same shit though.
>Raiding in Vanilla/BC/WotLK/Cata
>kill major raid boss
>BIS shoulders of awesomeness drop
>sweet i just got my BIS, time to go enchant it and gem it and this slot will be good to go until the next major content patch
>time to go run other boss for a 15% chance my other BiS will drop this week, either way i'm done for the week after that boss
>raiding in Legion/BfA
>Kill major Mythic ++ ultra raid boss
>BIS shoulder's of omegaawesomesaucex1000 drop
>warforged +5
>fucking vendor trash, I got a better +150 forged shoulder off a LFR boss
>time to get back to my mythic +100 farming group, gotta keep playing the game all hours of my life for that 0.001% chance at an upgrade.
> WoD player models.
warrior is fun
>Retail is the same as its always been for a while. You dungeon grind get max level and do raids
>It's the same shit it's always been
Thats what WoW was post Cata, you just didn't play the game. You didn't always mindlessly sit there in LFG to level, you actually went around the world and interacted with people. Join groups to quest together, do a dungeon, ect.
Old WoW isn't like retail where you just rush to max level so you can grind mounts and lv1 to max was just filler content, old wow made leveling actually enjoyable instead of a slog.
Even the economy was better.
the only reason they don't merge servers is because they make too much money off of raiders server transferring constantly to find still living guilds. it costs like 600 dollars to transfer a full list of characters from one server to another and these people do it like every expansion.
i don't think its hyperbole
i would much rather do less painful things than play wow, like stick my dick in an oven
This is a valid point. warforging and thunder forging were boarder line. A fun little up for those people that slavishly farmed finsished content during droughts or a tiney (mostly mental) boost to push through content.
Titanforging LFR trash possibly being better then Mythic gear ruins the point of content progression.
The game is just extremely tedious to play
Solo is a pain in the ass because questing is aids thanks to scaling, you actually get weaker as you level up, by 116 you become so weak that you have to use CDs just to kill a single mob unless you're a tank or healer, then it just takes 2 minutes to kill anything, and with most kill quests now using the shitty bar system rather then a kill counter they take 3-4 times more mobs to finish.
And group play is pretty much non-existant unless you're already established in a guild or have a group of friends, there is no casual group content anymore, just speedrun shit and PVP, and trying to get into a PUG is impossible due to gearscore shit being way too impactful on your gameplay while also being timegated with weekly limits, meaning if you weren't grinding your mythics and raids since week 1 there is almost no chance of you getting into a PUG.
And then you just have the core gameplay of the game right now, and let me tell you, its pretty shit, there are only a handful of chase items in the game and they're in the most current raid, and due to blizzard's track record these items such as the Trident and Void Stone are going to be nerfed to shit come 8.2 or 8.3, then you have azerite traits, which make or break some classes, and PVP is just cancer unless you have the right PVP traits, such as the % stacking bonus damage that is 5x stronger in PVP
I don't know about other classes, but I tried playing a warlock for the first time in a decade the other day and all my spells looked like I was throwing glitter at shit. Looked stupid as fuck and didn't sound much better.
titanforging is honestly the biggest thing that killed wow for me, that and blizz scaling max level enemies with your item level. I was a big fan of the natural progression of quest->dungeon->heroic dungeon-> raid and i liked knowing ahead of time which boss might drop the staff i want.
>he dungeon grinded to 60 in vanilla
Can't expect much intelligence coming from someone using the old "it's rose tinted glasses :^)" meme arguement. How about you fuck off if you haven't actually played the game?
Wait what about drops now? What are you talking about?
it's fine. if you haven't outgrown wow it's still the exact same experience it was 15 years ago. you click exclamation points and collect clothes for doing mundane things. you make some friends and hang out. the core elements haven't remotely changed.
it's the same ffffffffffffffucking game.
user I know in vanilla you were 10, rolled a dwarf huntard got to level 35 went to summer camp and forgot about WoW because halo came out when you got back. So vanilla will always be about levelling and 'the journey' for you.
But if you think vanilla wasn't all about raiding you're wrong; if you pvpd you had to raid, you had to raid to raid and there was nothing else to do.
Wow launched at the end of 2004, TBC came out at the start of 2007. If you poopsock it the average player can get to 60 in a week. That's a lot of weeks left over for max level.
>everything is the same except for the gameplay and visuals and all of the mechanics and the ui and the design philosophy in general but other than that it's all the same
And A Link to the Past is the same game as Ocarina of Time.
>lol u wer 10 xDDD
I'm not reading your bait. Fuck off, retard. You're wrong.
No you wont go home
Yes retail ruined the game
Yes that is a good thing
Yes fuck blizzardrones
The gear treadmill has gotten significantly worse.
There is no building or min-maxing anymore, just an ilvl slot machine with no depth to it because you can grind all patch long and never get your BiS, not even pre-raid BiS which in the past was something you could always achieve.
Meanwhile on classic even when capped to level 30 people are running dungeons completing quests maxing professions trading and helping eachother out because the gear actually matters and functions mechanically based on its stat distributions
Meanwhile on live if its 10 ilvls better then your previous slot its automatically an upgrade unless its a trinket, but you have no way to actually aim for an item you want.
I've been stuck with a 340 fucking weapon for the past 2 months because timegated RNG is fucking shit.
>projection: the post
>mario 64: you run around and collect shit
>mario odyssey: you run around and collect shit
Literally the same game, why do people insist that one is better than the other?
He's saying you can't make a BiS list anymore because in the past two bosses of the same content level could drop shoulders one would be better then the other. Hence you could target content that gave you the best shit and sit out on bosses that were trash for you.
Now the shit shoulders could titan-forge and become BiS through RNG this creates a mental imperative to constantly do all content constantly and you can never 'be done' .
I have a 365 offhand, there's not even a fucking PvP vendor so I could get some versatility offhand or something.. it's so terrible gearing like this.
I'm just playing a BC server while I wait. Atlantiss Netherwing I think. It's not bad and I saw a good couple dozen people throughout Dun Morogh and Loch Modan all leveling up and partying. Solid experience.
Better comparison
>AD&D = Vanilla
>3.5e = BC/WOTLK
>4e = Cata->BFA
>5e = Classic
>I have no argument, its not nostalgia my favourite e-celeb said vanilla wow was about levelling when I tipped him.
your point would have been made better if you compared majora's mask and ocarina. but i do get what you're saying.
i just think at it's core, wow is still the same damn thing it's always been. it's just gone on too long and people hate that it exists at this point.
Wait, bosses dont have loot tables anymore?
It's not the same though. That's like saying doom and destiny are the same because both games are about shooting things.
There were a lot of things to do before you got into raiding. There was a very long road you had to travel down before you were even ready to step into a raid. So even though raiding was the majority of endgame content, it felt like there were very many things to do in the game - because if you weren't doing a 5man or farming gear or whatever for yourself to prep for raiding, you were probably doing it for someone else, one of your friends or guildmates. TBC was the same way.
And this is to say nothing of the leveling experience, which most people did not know how to optimize and do efficiently, and the attitude that you needed to rush to max because that's where the *real* game starts didn't exist yet.
>340 weapon for 2 months
>nothing you can do
What's it like being an actual shitter?
M+ drops up to 400 gear 100% of the time if you finish the +10. There's 0 timegating on it. you could have a 400 weapon today if you just banged them out.
Alternatively if you're feeling shit about your life you could pvp. Conquest is given to you like fucking candy, none of it is random. Win your bgs, your arenas, finish your quests, and get 500 conquest. The literal first fucking reward is a 375 weapon of choice. And if you're willing to keep doing pvp you can work towards the 400ilvl one from that, which again, isnt random at all. At best you're timegated by how much pvp you want to do, but you always get conquest from rateds so whatever.
If you're just sitting around waiting for an emissary or a WQ to be a weapon so you can get one for 0 effort then sure, I could see being stuck. But that's your fault for being bad.
Just do some fucking content and get geared already scrub.
Titanforging is a crock of shit though, you're right about that.
The main concepts are the same, the gameplay has changed entirely. It really is the difference between ALttP and OoT.
>fuck off retard
We all know you're baiting
No, honest to god, as someone who's actually in the Classic beta, BFA and the original 2004 game are that far apart. They have vaguely similar framing mechanics that you would find in any RPG anyway (quests and shit), but the gameplay and design are nothing similar.
They do but it doesn't matter. If you want haste/crit wrists and verse/mastery is terrible for you but the vers/mastery writsts titan-forge you're going to take the titan-forged wrists because the massive amount of raw agi/str/int will overpower the secondaries.
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf or Draenei
it's not that they don't have loot tables, it's just that loot tables don't matter very much, because every item that drops has a random chance to be 5-50 item levels higher than normal. So if a Heroic boss drops an item level 220 item, and the same boss in baby retard LFR mode drops a 190 version of the item, it's possible to get a 240 version off of the baby retard mode and never get a better version from the Heroic version.
Also because of the slot machine nature of gear level drops blizzard has toned down the importance of secondary stats so where in older expansions some classes would pursue gear with haste over crit or arpen over haste, now Item level is king so you pretty much always just mindlessly equip the higher Ilvl piece.
I don't blame you, something about blue skin is sexy as fuck, and the draenei hooves posture their legs like they're wearing heels so their asses are always sticking out.
fair enough m8, i'll take your testimony. i hope i feel the same way, i'm genuinely hoping to enjoy classic.
I'm thinking about playing for a month. Will I have fun LVLing from 1 to whatever then dropping it for classic.
I have no games until Fire Emblem and i jsut want to kill time
...and the reason there were the DKs with their incontrolled disease spread that was necessary for their classes as gameplay element and the frost DK's howling blast spam. For that sole reason the gameplay was changed to AOE farming.
Of course they could also have kept the strong elites with special abilities, need to CC and patrol paths you could avoid by correct movement that they had in BC if they'd have been willing to put any effort into good gameplay. Instead the dungeonfinder was introduced, a step towards an even worse dungeon experience in trade for convenience.
Dungeons, however, weren't meant to be nonstop farming zones. The Wow MMO never solved this or the endgame issue and even every addon is just new zones - as if nothing ever happens in the rest of the established world or as if that couldn't change while being available to the players in it's previous forms via Caverns of Time. It's all a matter of understanding what you have there as MMO and Blizz has lost that.
Community is not *stuff 5 people that'll never see again in a group*, an MMO should encourage people to play the way they want instead of forcing a sole form of progress, mechanics in the game (including community forming ones) MUST work or the game is broken.
2 DK in my guild who mained dks for as long as I could remember switched cause the DPS rotation was boring
Leveling from 1 as a beginner in WoW sounds like it'd be a disjointed mess.
you can grind 10-60 in fucking westfall now?
I never quite realized it until now but you're right. one of the major problems is how they turned dungeons into major farming zones. Dungeons used to be these things you ran when you had a few quests for them as the conclusion to usually a few different quest lines. I think the daily heroic dungeon quest wasn't a bad thing, but they never should've rewarded running dungeons just for the sake of it like they do now.
We'll see how much your journey matters when a bunch of EU no lives drop 12 debuff slot Rag 2 weeks after launch and everyone in PvP starts getting dabbed on by raiders.
not only can you, but you won't even notice yourself getting any stronger over the 50 levels, those Defias looters will take you roughly the same amount of time to kill at level 15 as they will at level 55.
Why do world firsts matter to you? Do you know how long it takes to gear an entire raid group out? You have 40 people and bosses drop like 2 items or some shit
If you really want to, yes. Blizzard realized they fucked up with how much they lowered your XP needs, so you'd end up going through zones barely getting even half of them done. You wouldn't know what you were doing the majority of the time. So they introduced scaling, which brought in a bunch of other problems.
WoW is like a piece of art that the someone kept fucking with, then realized he fucked with it, and tried to fix it, but fucks it up more.
You'll play it anyway.
>now that the world first happened I can no longer have fun
lol retailfags
t. didn't raid in cata
it was great you fag. you probably cried on mmo-champ to beg blizz to nerf the trash in heroics.
Not so bad because I got chance to level my first Paladin once Zandalari Troll Paladins got confirmed. But once leveling was done to 120, I lost purpose to play BfA again.
I live in the middle of nowhere in the mountains too and lost my friend group almost a year ago and been isolating myself since. Been doing great aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Cata is still objectively the worst expansion, regardless of raids or dungeons. The zone revamp was the worst thing Blizzard ever did to the game, and their ultimate sign of hubris. I don't care what you say about WoD, or BFA, but there will never, EVER, top anything like deleting the entirety of Vanilla's content from the game.
This. BC was the best expansion hands down
Do people not know blacksmiths and scribes can open locks? Or do you mean it's needed because there is so much mobs you need to skip with shroud, cause in that case it's "needed" in almost all dungeons.
Leveling is fucking terrible right now
I think classic will hit 3.2 mil players in days. Too bad Blizzard will never release separate numbers to avoid assblasting retailfags.
Man that WoD failure really got them butthurt about sub numbers. I wonder if that's also why they are tieing the two version subs together
Just play on a private server. It's what I'm doing and I'm having fun.
>I wonder if that's also why they are tieing the two version subs together
Na, they can force classic only idiots to pay full price to play.
Retailtards pay for server costs and new content development, while classictards for only the former.
I'm playing it now and just leveling a ton of characters while waiting for classic. It's not too bad
>I wonder if that's also why they are tieing the two version subs together
Probably not. The main motivation is to avoid WoW competing against itself. Sony Online Entertainment did the same thing with their games, where a subscription to Everquest allowed you to also play their Star Wars Galaxies etc.
Retail's fine if you RP.
They literally banned people using model edits just now, sure they reverted them but with a warning that they will reinstate the bans if they use the mods again. So no, even (e)rpers are getting shafted
I really should shill to WoW ERP fags. I just dont want to draw shit like Orcs, trolls or tauren.
How so?
>with a warning that they will reinstate the bans if they use the mods again.
they just have to say that if you honestly think they give a fuck about model edits you are retarded
absolutely no itch to resub to retail while i wait for classic. ive got other games to tie me over until then
>So they introduced scaling, which brought in a bunch of other problems
Like what? Genuinely curious
>Is retail REALLY that bad?
oh you poor poor fool. if only you knew.
Obviously they do since they banned everyone using them. Back in the day model edits where just files you drag and dropped into the folder, nowadays you have to patch the .exe or inject into it, which obviously blizzard isn't too fond of. This shit trips their anti-cheat nowadays user
that doesn't make it a good xpac you dumb faggot. Raiding in WoD was good too, that doesn't change how shit of an xpac that was.
ah so you're just a butthurt vanillafag. yeah they ruined a lot of zones including a couple of my favorites. I'll give you that. but the end game content was fucking great. let's be honest, nobody but RPers and nostalgiafags cared about the old content. dungeons gave so much XP that nobody was questing anymore anyway. and it doesn't even matter now that we have classic so fuck it.
In most aspects but every Wow version had serious flaws.
In BC's case not all class specs were viable or fun to play, PVP arena was trying to push into esports and having as many players play it as possible by making eveything you could get there good or OP, flying was introduced and there were many pre-raid and in-raid quests that made it hard to have more than 1 character for this, especially if you'd need to start leveling one from level 1 on.
On the plus side: Professions were somewhat useful, introduction of daily quests that spew out so much money it broke the economy and was nerfed, interesting and good dungeons and raids, some of the best and worst looking sets of all time (depending on class), world bosses, elite quests in all zones that caused player interaction by people asking for help (Nagrand arena etc.), story still okay and expanded with worthy lore (mostly), weapon skill as new stat on item for melee classes and interesting items from dungeons and raids, lots of content.
Why do people still use this word for modern WoW when classic is being sold legitimately now? It sounds stupid.
Don't forget phasing and combining realms.
Literally makes it to a point you don't need to interact with anyone.
Dragon Soul especially was absolute magmashit and it lasted almost a year. You're fucking retarded.
incinerate was my favorite thing about this whole game and now it looks like a dinky little fire blast. man i hate what happened to warlock
Atleast they didn't ruin chaos bolt, and rain of fire looks good. But yeah, some spells look like garbage now
Will playing on private servers spoil my appetite if I play a faction/class I don't intend to play when it actually releases?
>like the concept of allied races but hate that discussion of them devolved into the WoW equivalent of Smash rosterfaggotry
>Raiding in WoD was good
that's gonna be an lmao from me my dude
Probably not, play the faction you won't in Classic
Yes, just wait.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.
The game reached its zenith with Wrath which is funny because I remember people saying Wrath was fucking garbage at the time.
>Classic WoW - Humble but buggy beginnings. Wonder and joy at this new game
>BC - an adolescence. The game grows and it forges its own identity out of the chaos of the original
>Wrath - At its zenith. Everything is in working order more or less. Apart of them killing Arthas which was retarded but hey
>Cata - game heavily declines, becomes too simple. Not what it was
>MoP - Good but not as good as it was. A shadow of its former self
>Post MoP - The game dies and is now being puppeted about for shekels and fools riding off the nostalgia wave
Classic will not be anything like the original. People are older and the culture is different now. This game came out when the internet wasn't heavily used really and normies thought video games were for fat virgins in their mothers basements cue Southpark. The culture of today is different to the early 00's
It made me quit WoW, and I've been playing since BC. WoD was objectively worse, but BFA was the straw that broke the camel back for me. Overall not the worse expansion of the game, but it still is a big pile of shit.
>all of their fan sites
Sites like Curse were purchased by some literal who company...which turned out to be a proxy for Blizzard. Controversial articles were killed/deleted almost immediately and all Blizzard "fan" sites released the exact same news from script.
I want BC balance/talents but none of the new content it brought like outlands.
>WoD was objectively worse
I don't entirely disagree, but god damn I would rather play WoD than BfA. At least the classes were better, though that's not saying much.
you can lmao all you want, doesn't mean the fights weren't fun as fuck and the only highlight of that shit xpac. Outside of the shit ogre place m brf and m hfc were great
Based. Talent tree upgrades were the best part about TBC imo
>and it doesn't even matter now that we have classic so fuck it.
We didn't have it back for close to a fucking decade. And no, the entire leveling process brought in by Cata was horrendous. It was the big step forward Blizzard did to isolate players and prevent them from grouping. Quests were one gigantic linear chain with phasing that made it so seeing actual players was almost something of a rarity. Not to mention some of the new content was outright unfinished!
It floors me that Cata's version of Westfall made it into the game. It took one of the most memorable experience in Vanilla (literally the Alliance zone they first used in the Classic demo), and tore it apart. It opens with a dated CSI Miami reference, and ends with Sentinel Hill on fire- something that's never once resolved in the game.
There are areas in Cata Westfall that are clearly unfinished content. Pic related has no explanation and no use. It's just a big vortex that exists in the zone for some reason.
Keep in mind, this would be one of the first impressions someone would get if they started WoW in Cata, and created a human.
>The game reached its zenith with Wrath which is funny because I remember people saying Wrath was fucking garbage at the time.
Because Wrath is when they started adding dumb shit and new devs were taking over.
The raids were the only good part about WOD, it was the closest Team B got to a BC style raid logging end game where raiders just logged in to do their raid and nothing else.
Problem is unlike BC there wasn't enough content at launch, fuck BC launched with more end game content then the entire expansion of WOD, but that isn't a problem with WOD, thats a problem with every single expansion since Cataclysm, arguably 3.2
We've reached that level of low standard user...
Sad isn't it? I'd rather play WoD too, toolkits were better, gearing was better, hell.. we even had PvP vendors and shit so not everything is 100% RNG
You get weaker now as you level, and there's no sense of progression or gaining strength. Up through the end game mobs will take a similar time to kill as they would take to kill when you started, and regardless of gear. It's essentially Oblivion, with some zone exceptions.
Great for Blizzard's player retention rates.
To be fair the writing was on the wall when ME2 was a downgrade of ME1, it was only logical that ME3 would be a downgrade of ME2
Remember that point in the game where you start one shotting mobs with mortal strike?
That can't happen anymore because mobs not only level up with you, but they scale with your item level.
>is retail really that bad?
Yes. But it's not like it suddenly got bad with bfa. You'll have zoomer retards here that literally started playing in legion saying that it was an okay expansion. The game has been outright irredeemable dogshit since wod, but it was on the way down since cata and the beginning of the end was really in wrath.
> but they scale with your item level.
this x1000. bioware needs to just stop making video games they're not good at it
I deleted my Blizzard account because I realised I played the game to increase my score on a third party website generated by other players rather than get fulfillment from the game itself. I felt some regret a couple days later, but after a week, I was glad that it was purged.
Because people complained that the game was a monotenous grind where anything outside of raids is a fucking joke and completely unengaging
So instead of improving the open world experience they just made everything in the world a damage sponge.
dude i loved outlands
Just realized that I'll probably never log into retail again.
>t. someone that never did Operator Thogar on Mythic
Seriously, that was a batshit insane fight from the word go all the way until the end, it was amazing.
Man I love old westfall. I used to sit near the old lighthouse and fish. I fucking hate blizz for they did to that zone
>Wants TBC balance
>Posts rogue ability
>Rogues were nerfed to oblivion in TBC and only got worse as the expansions went on.
I'm the commander Shaper and this reply is my favourite reply of the thread!
I mean WoD still had fun classes and leveling/gearing alt wasn't like pulling out teeth like it's been since Legion/BfA.
I dunno, it's like it doesn't matter if you have a million things to do if the spec you are playing as feels like fucking hell. It wasn't so bad in Legion because Tier/Artifact weapons/Legendaries filled in a lot of gaps but BfA had.... nothing. Just armor slots with passive trinket bonuses I guess.
yeah it's nothing to do with the locked gate, and everything to with skipping most/all the guards before the final bosses because they take about 5 years to kill otherwise
I think it's really funny how it's been literally 9 years since the Cataclysm yet the ruins still look the same in a lot of zones. I think they finally fixed Stormwind after like 6 years.
it's good in that you can have more variety in where you choose to level if you're going for the loremaster achievement or want to experience all the zones, but it's not so good that it outweighs the fact that you no longer feel like your character is getting stronger as you level and players are now so spread out that you'll rarely see other players. and sharding and war mode already divide the world up as it is
they really need to just reset the world. end wow and start fresh 100 years in the future or something
Stormwind was still partially on fire up until the launch of Legion.
Rogues were gods every single expansion at least up to Cata. What the hell are you talking about?
what are you talking about? rogues were gods in almost every aspect of gameplay in tbc and only got stronger as it went on.
Of course, as soon as we release a newer game for you to bitch about, the previous game is a precious.
>tfw no friends but don't want to be alone
Any Yea Forums guilds? Please play with me and no bully
I remember everyone bitching about hemo rogues nonestop in BC.
>multibillion company and a developer with decades of history
>cant figure out how to balance mana on dps classes so they pretty much remove it
nublizzard is the most pathetic incompetent developer. On par with bethesda and bioware.
Hemo swords? Deadly throw interrupt? War glaive rape? Rogues continue being insane in TBC and wotlk too.
>/v says all the classes are shit
>windwalker, elemental, balance, fury, demo, feral, survival, shadow, unholy and outlaw all exist
These specs are fun as fuck, probably the best they've ever been, and even if they're not, they're not that much of a step down.
If I jingle my keys in front of you youd probably find it entertaining as well. In fact thats pretty much what retail gameplay is like. You spam buttons waiting for shiny proc icon to appear yaaaay
Class balance in nu-WOW is shit
There is nothing interesting about them, you just go on a DPS rank site and unless you're in the top 5 you're pretty much shit tier
I'm willing to bet it had more to do with lack of willingness. Blizzards design in everything they do over the last decade has been about simplifying things so they are easier to "balance" Why the fuck do you think overwatch is missing a basic shooter mechanic like fucking ammo?
please explain why any of those specs are either:
>worse than any previous iteration
>Why yes, I did start playing at Legion. I also made an Alliance human male
>You spam buttons waiting for shiny proc icon to appear yaaaay
Thats bullshit because you can go play classic now and realize how shit the game is in its current state.
As a warrior on classic I have 3 times more buttons to push, and they're all context sensitive CDs, new WOW is just about blowing CDs during burst windows and maximizing DPS, there is very little interaction PVP and PVE wise
Modern wow (retail is such a stupid name now) won't be worth playing until they wipe everything and make essentially wow2. I think they're one more dogshit population killing expac away from actually doing this.
Are the dungeons and raids more fast paced in BFA?
What do you think classic is?
because every class is cookie cutter shit with self heals, blink, invulnerability, stun and procs. Absolutely disgusting
Just play on a private server to figure out what class you want to play in the meantime. Current retail is at the worst state it has ever been in. Warlords was legitimately better in that the classes weren't as gutted as they are now. Azerite fucking sucks. The classes fucking suck. RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG fucking sucks. Nu-wow isn't a game made by game developers, it's an abomination engineered by psych majors to string you out as long as possible and give you dopamine shots at specific intervals.
If Classic is a hit and can hold 6million subs, I can see them rebooting WOW and maybe picking back up after BC OR make a WOW 2 after vanilla.
Explain how they are braindead? Ok retard. Here's Fury
Spam builders, hit Rampage when up. Don't cap. That it. That's the spec.
what about rogue? Combat was literally keep up SnD and eviscerate for like 4 xpacs until they changed it.
As much as I like BC I'd rather the fork in the road start at vanilla. While BC was never obnoxious it was the starting point for many things that would become obnoxious down the line.
I think as long as blizzard drops this philosophy of "current thing doesn't work, remove it/gut it" they might actually make something interesting
>old design team
>let's give each faction their own language so they can yell at each other unintelligibly as they kill each other
>kek, and let's intermingle their questing areas to encourage player interaction and a sense of world
>new design team
>we need to design more themepark attractions that keep players grinding for as long as possible
>classic is more popular than "current" WOW
>Blizzard decides to make new expansions based on Classic OR WOW2 a direct sequel to Classic
>gaming media "this is what happens when you listen to entitled babies. you're forced to remakes games just for them because everyone was complaining about all the hard work you did before"
>not managing siegebreaker
>not making decisions based on whether you're enraged
>not managing artifact traits
>upcoming new abilities in 8.2
as opposed to...spam heroic strike? Let's not kid ourselves - class design in vanilla was shit. I sure do love spamming shadow bolt over and over on bosses!
As someone who's played every Xpac....the current one is kind of a fucking letdown. The new races are fun and the first raid was fun but I'm starting to get the feeling that a completely different team than the one that made Legion is making this. Legion was everything I wanted in an xpac and more and the most fun I've had playing since WOTLK...but after 2 months of the current raid tier I quit the hot mess that is BFA.
If you can find some friends to play with and stick to the more "casual" stuff then it's ok but unless the next patch is 4.2/5.2 tier quality then I don't see much hope for the endgame content.
Who said shit about vanilla? He said any previous iteration. Ok, hit your DPS cool down then do the rotation.
Lol " managing" artifact traits like "hope it procs!"
I'm not playing anymore so IDGAF about 8.2.
>Daily login lootbox
>Weekly participation lootbox
>Maybe you'll get that piece of gear you want
>Maybe it will have the right azerite traits on it
>Maybe it will have the right secondary stats
>Maybe it will have a gem slot
>Maybe it will have two gem slots
>Maybe it will have some other random shit on it
>Maybe it will be a little bit better just because
>Maybe it will be massively better just because
>Maybe you'll keep pulling that lever until we decide you're allowed to get what you want
There is literally nothing wrong with gear vendors and pre-determined loot drops.
Nu-wow is just as bad as any garbage mobile game.
Suppose the game forks at vanilla, how do you make new expansions without the game's scaling going to shit like it already did?
what iteration of fury was better than this? Please don't tell me you liked MoP garbage with shitty furious strike and the buggy as fuck GCD shit.
Don't make the new expansion gear have 10-100x the stats of the base game? It's fucking simple and other MMOs manage it.
Just don't scale mobs, it's simple.
The only warrior who will ever get to spam heroic strike in vanilla is the main tank of a raid.
Don't increase the level cap. Develop horizontal content. Start emphasizing new alternatives to specs instead of a progression that makes you stronger and stronger. Imagine a raid that present gear that makes a cloth-wearing warrior potentially viable.
Class design could be fucking cash money in vanilla for all I care, it doesn't fucking matter if the content is shit.
At least we have M+ and the raids are fucking awesome now - the classes are tolerable enough that I would much rather do that shit than the basic as fuck raids that will be cleared in one day in vanilla.
>Start emphasizing new alternatives to specs instead of a progression that makes you stronger and stronger
Please bring OG glyphs back
>The only warrior(s) that will get to play is(are) the tank(s) in your raid
>some kind of weapon that increases damage the lower armor you have
>cloth warrior DPS becomes viable
fury has been dead to me ever since they decided titan's grip is the way to go desu
>their hiding subs cause their too many user!
wtf is wrong with you,it dont take a rocket scientist to realize that this game s worst than WoD,which i played through.that year of no content was better than this garbage.not by much but tbqh its no different.people arent playing and its obvious why. do you just think your being a realist and people are lying cause its fun to say fuck blizzard?! the game is boring,other than raiding the game is dead...
>Horizontal content
Everquest is fucking gay though
Shut the fuck up already about legion is was just as fucking bad as BfA and the game sucks ass even more because retards like you ate up legion. Reap what you sow.
Develop the RPG side of the game like the original beta was doing with shit like undead actually being undead and tauren having plainrunning. If the game has more of an emphasis on developing your chraracter in unique ways that you decide, people won't care about increasing level caps or power as much.
>play nude tauren warrior in raid
>topping dps for the first 40 seconds of every boss fight before they sneeze and I die
>demand I get battle resed because I'm the top DPS
Finally, I get to be a raid prima donna
legion wasnt as bad as bfa,there was actual content,not saying it was perfect but it was playable.
What the fuck?
How is this okay?
>developing your character in unique ways
>people won't care about power
bruh, how do you think WoW and online gaming got to the state we're in? the "ITS NOT FAIR" brigade won.
It worked for the only game that's going to outlive WoW EVE
No one liked the RPG elements of the game. That's why it's all gone now.
It's as if they're sadists that enjoy torturing their playerbase and then wonder why they leave and don't enjoy it too, all while keeping the mask of *everything is all right, the game is a success* on.
Even with the cluelesness that Vanilla started with they knew the good items had to be hand crafted to give the game a direction and sense of accomplishment while the current WoW devs don't get the simple fact that players want to achieve something with gameplay instead of randomness and that grouping up should be rewarded in an MMO more than solo play.
This makes me want to slap them with my master smith hammer. An expansion in which all are suddenly incapable of crafting gear that matters. Are there no more craftable raid recipes that drop ?
When they announced mastery for Cataclysm I thought it would be like that: You get points by that for upgrading whatever abilities you like with specific bonuses, like added or prolonged effects, less cooldown or mana costs, new functionality added etc. Instead it was a passive stat thing.
Glyph system in Cata was at it's best still, in terms of user-friendliness.
And now they hate the game they created.
The players are all gone now, too.
Blizzard didn't like the RPG mechanics. They just kept simplifying things trying more and more to lower the median IQ needed to operate in the game.
I remember a time when DPS warriors really brought something to the table, now they are one of the most dispensable specs in a raid or 5-man environment
Blizzard was angry that people didn't pay to transfer and didn't want to give free transfers from dead servers.
So they just merged servers together with cross realm phasing, they did it with dungeons raids and battlegrounds so why not the entire fucking world.
Seems pretty clear they need a merge when you have THAT many servers pooling together.
>give free transfers off dead realm
>some people arent aware of it
>realm is now even more dead
I played on Alliance Cho'gall in WOTLK, it was something like a 99% horde pop realm
I bet you could login to that same realm today and you would see nobody in Stormwind even with merged servers
You would, because that's how CRZ works.
They would give out free transfers but people were too stubborn to leave or didn't have an active account during the transfer period. So then they forced their character to another server and that made them butthurt.
The cross realm thing fixes the dead server problem, gives the players the illusion the game has lots of players if your ghost town server is always filled with players from other servers.
But wait isn't it more profitable to have paid transfers? Well Blizzard apparently thought it was better in the long run to keep players on dead servers happy so they don't quit rather than hope they pay up to transfer.
Retail isn't bad, the game has been going for too long and is just stale. classic era was better BECAUSE it was in classic era, and classic remake will be far worse than both because gameplay wise its outdated and shitty in current era. People who think retail is shit have just been playing the same game for far too long and don't recognize that as why they aren't having fun.
>you will never have a solid raid team with a community of individual and unique people
>you will never have the sense of community and teamwork of downing a boss with your friends or clearing the final boss of a raid
>you will never experience the hilarious banter and celebration of kills/drops in vent
>you will never come home from school / class / work and prep for another exciting raid night with your bros to continue progress
>it will just be a collection of jaded, depressed, losers who remain, min maxing everything while taking the game too seriously with no soul
Prot paladin viability?
You can do 5 mans, thats it.
>barrens chat is going to be politics 24/7
maybe WoW went to shit because the MMO model of games is shit?
There's only so much developers are willing to bend on terms of maximizing profits for shareholders and giving the community what they want.
Good games don't have subscription fees
And back then it was memes, yourmomma and chuck norris jokes, now it's memes and politics. Let's not pretend it's much worse?
Are you fucking retarded, VANILLA SUCKED DICK. It's gonna suck dick. It actually sucks dick so fucking hard that these casuals are reported INTENDED MECHANICS AS BUGS, BECAUSE IT'S SO SHIT.
It turned into sit in queue simulator in Wrath. The game has been the same since Wrath, do your raid, wait for your lockout, grind rep and get more stuff.
Also chain running SM was a viable leveling strat you fucking pleb. You wouldn't know cause you watched some meme youtube talk about THE GOOD OLD DAYS. HAHA REMEMBER WHEN WE WAITING 45 MINUTES FOR THAT RARE TO SPAWN, THAT WAS SOUL.
Miss me with that shit. Vanilla blows, isn't fun. Almost every change to retail WoW was majorly thought to be a good idea at the time. Now you autismos who don't even play WoW wanna go back cause you remembered one day 15 years ago about how HAHA I WAS A HUNTER ONCE IT WAS HARD.
Get fucking real. Retail isn't dying because of bad game mechanic choices, MMO's are dying in general.
Why do you think the literal biggest games right now ARE SHOOTERS.
>Retail isn't bad
Neck yourself. Literally worse than WoD.
man reading about all the dumb shit in retail from this thread sure makes me glad I quit at MoP's announcement
this thread has also made me excited for Classic, you know when the game was actually a game and Blizzard didn't just make it an (in)convenience simulator
Good job ignoring what I actually said and tunnel visioning on 3 words like an autistic mongoloid instead. The game is bad because you've played the same game for years on end and as a result its grown stale for you. Instead of accepting that, you whine like a child and blame the game.
fuck off zoomer
>making this post after the run away success that was the classic beta
>filled with twitch autists like mongoloidgold and redneckpoppin
WoW came out 3 years after 9/11
People were shitposting about politics and GWB in vanilla.
Almost impossible you'll end up getting sharded if there is more than like three people on your screen.
>I hate vanilla
Okay fag, don't play it. Why are you here?
>Implying it isn't just fucking morons wanting to play it with their streamer buddies
Why isn't it successful? Why isn't EVERYONE HERE PLAYING IT.
Wow dude, really beating me here. You wanna know why, because people grow up. There are better games to be playing right now. Only these old fucks and streamers are gonna play this shit for a month, ramp up population and then it's gonna die for the next big thing.
Same reason all these other games on twitch pop up to number 1 and die down.
This thread isn't about vanilla you moron. Can you read? HES ASKING IF RETAIL IS BAD.
>Horde figures come and go almost every other update
>King Rastakhan's dropped like a lead ball in a pool, final scene is about his daughter rather than himself
>cant have an alliance figure die unless its in some climactic scene with them doing some heroic bullshit
You're not here to talk about retail. You're here to give your dumb opinion on classic.
8.2 is bringing changes to the Heart of Azeroth that functions quite a bit like glyphs.
there are private vanilla/bc/wrath/cata servers already, but Blizzard doesn't want people to know that.
>Why isn't it successful? Why isn't EVERYONE HERE PLAYING IT.
Private servers are popular as fuck, literally the entire reason why any of this his happening.
No, the game is bad because it's fucking bad. All of those experiences you listed can happen today, but the difference is the game itself being a fucking dumpster fire.
Don't you have some island expeditions to run? I hear you can get another pet in there.
I look forward to them expanding the AI they're testing in there to every other aspect of the game, as all of the actual humans are leaving in droves.
I played Obliteration Frost in Legion, this iteration of Fury is the same bullshit, only watered down. If you love sloppy seconds, all you.
what? did you play DK back then? I tanked whole wotlk in 2h frost, I adored it.
I came back in legion, and DK plays exactly the same as in cata, the reason I left, it was so damn boring to play.
I tanked all Ulduar heroic modes as 2h Frost, nobody complained.
>posting this dumb clickbait faggot's face
>Free games are popular
Never would have guessed....
WoW isn't free, it has immense time spending value.
It's not bad, it's just not engaging, which for a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GAME is a bad thing. Classic isn't going to be any more fresh and engaging than BFA, either. I played the shit out of that back when it came out, and I got no incentive to do it again.
>Anyone else have the itch to play retail while waiting for classic?
No, not at all.
It took me a while, but around the time of Warlords of Draenor I realized a few things about WoW:
-This game is never going to get better. Maybe Blizz doesn't know how to make it better, maybe it 'can't' be made better, but it's just never going to improve.
-The community is shit: there's no interaction and every aspect of it is automated. I don't WANT to be teleported to a Dungeon. I don't WANT Dungeon Finder. I don't WANT welfare Artifacts. I don't WANT my own Garrison. I want shit that rewards COMMUNITY and interacting with STRANGERS.
-The plot and world has just become far too fucking bizarre, convoluted, drawn out, bloated, and tiresome. They keep dragging the same old characters, they introduced fucking alternate dimensions so everything is basically pointless, they won't stop trying to make 'me' (you) the greatest fucking hero- all 2 million of us. I just hate it.
-It's been 15 years and I still can't play as any of the following: Furbolg, Ogre, Forest Troll, High Elves OR Undead High Elves, Vrykul, or even an actual Blackrock Orc.... But I can play as two literal who factions of Elves- one of which is the minority of the minority High Elves and a smaller population than Gnomes.
I also want Blizzard to stop ignoring Outland. It's basically the most interesting place in the Canon.
We went to an alternate dimension, went to Argus, and defeated the Burning Legion before we went back to Outland. I want this shit plot to stop raising the stakes and to just calm the fuck down so we can chill out.
The screenshot is from a free private server.
>if vanilla is so good why don't people play it
>they do play it
>fuck you that doesn't count
>duh game is bad because i said its bad
>a certain activity is bad because i dont like it even though i dont have to do it
>cosmetiks are bad even tho i dont have to get them
>the game is has less subscribers after existing for almost 2 decades and other game genres take over as expected, and is the most popular by far in its genre, but gam suks wich is y ppl stop pleying
>using my bren to discus actual points is stopid! GAME SUKS PPL LEEVING!. END. OF. STORY!
>Talking about the value of time as someone who visits and posts on Yea Forums
Does it get any better than this?
let me explain, WoW sub doesn't matter you still pay more with your time. $15 compared to amount of time you spend on it is nothing.
Wow writers have this weird obsession with cutting and removing from previous expansions. Making everything all about the newest expansion was wow biggest mistake.
>Retail gameplay is far better than classic.
this is true but retail isnt comfy. its the one thing its missing
TBC has comfiness, which is why its better than vanilla
No, the experiences that were mentioned won't happen today, because the playerbase is full of NEETS and losers who have not moved on with their life, which is why they play a 15 year old game. All the people that made the game / community fun and interested have moved on with their lives like normal people. The people who post on Yea Forums are similar to the majority of the playerbase. The experiences won't happen today, because the community is filled with, as I mentioned before, a bunch of losers who've been playing the same game for 15 years like an autist and are afraid to try new things.
The allied race Mag'har literally have Blackrock orcs among them, you can absolutely make one.
>I don't WANT to be teleported to a Dungeon. I don't WANT Dungeon Finder.
that's not what you were saying in 2007
if blizzard has any points in intelligence, they would learn from WoW classic and add what people loved the most back in during the next expansion.
>>Retail gameplay is far better than classic
it is the same. tab combat,button press responsiveness is exactly the same.
when you kids will realize combat is not the main gameplay function of games?
Yes, yes it is. It's also pure aids to support modern-day acti-blizz.
by ICC time everyone was already mute and pure bot mode. that's when people realized what kind of pandora box was opened.
just make an account on a private server, play any xpac
twitch cancer free, btw.
Is it worth this +$15 for a chance at the beta?
reminder layering can't be turned off and it's part of the server tech so if there's some surge in population for a server layering goes into effect again
Layering isn't an extreme enough solution desu
>chuck norris and bush memes
>twitch memes and trump
Nothing really changed desu
ytmnd and bush
>The allied race Mag'har literally have Blackrock orcs among them, you can absolutely make one.
I didn't actually know that.
Shame they can't be Warlocks, but that's still pretty neat. I also really like that Dark Iron are finally in- they were another one of my "always wanted" and I have nothing negative to say about their inclusion.
>time to redpill all the zoomers on the jewish question
allied races aren't a problem, the way they are handled is.
Words from a zoomer. Classic has far better gameplay, that's why vanilla was always the most popular version of the game
>the most popular version of the game
that's BC.
AR's sound great on paper, but given to the people who can't stop fucking up, it's like every potential bump in the road was intentionally hit.
They should've just been cosmetic options, fuck LFD and Void Elves.
What is good wotlk pserver before DK got nerfed into 3 spec tree? I miss that DK.
their race choices were also pretty shit
>White Draenei instead of Broken
>Highmountain Tauren instead of taunka
>void elves instead of High elves
>Why do you think the literal biggest games right now ARE SHOOTERS.
time to go back to fortnite lilzoom
>blizzard had to make up new races to fill out subraces before implementing forsaken elves despite their fucking faction leader being one
>White Draenei instead of Broken
they would have to actually make a new race that way
>Highmountain Tauren instead of taunka
>void elves instead of High elves
lore department gone bonkers a while back, can't be helped.
both the elf races were completely unnecessary especially the nightborne which lore was completely made up on the spot for the expansion
nightborne lore was okay, that fucking model though, why couldn't they make tall BE instead of this garbage?
I didnt mind the nightborne as much what I listed, especially taunka.
I honestly liked the nightborne...Suramar in general was a comfy zone.
Truth be told I feel like the horde got some really nice allied races in general....the alliance ones are bad fanfic tier aside from the Dark Iron (who I will admit I am jealous of).
in the end it doesn't matter. game is still bad, what's the point of cool race if you do not play the game.
also I wonder why blizz didn't let all races be DK, damn goblins can be DK of all things
you either let everyone be DK like monk, or do the right thing and limit DK to humans/dwarfs and BE/orcs
>game isn't bad because every single spec feels like the same 5 button babby game with 0 feeling of growth or accomplishment in a completely dead world that only exists as a queue lobby and raid drops completely don't matter as you already got better gear from a free weekly chest and a few casual dungeon runs and the loot is diablo3 tier shite anyway just chasing "moer primary stat lol"
>its bad because the latest expansion is less than a year old, and thus its "stale"
cringe "current retail isnt bad" poster
Hard to swallow pills:
>the writing was literally never good and the lore was always just a mish-mash of whatever the dudes in the writing room thought was cool from other universes and settings
>despite being streamlined in many respects, Mists of Pandaria (after the abortion that was the second half of Cataclysm) was one of the heights of gameplay, environment and fun, but was diminished by the dailies (functionally no different than garbage like Attunement) and year and a half of SoO
>The Burning Crusade is what introduced a lot of concepts that would eventually diminish a lot of the game, such as flying, but it was still better than Vanilla
>Similarly, the gap in raid quality between Vanilla and the Sunwell is far larger than any other gap in the game
>Vanilla's PvP system was the best by far, but the actual meta peaked in early Mists
>old, largely irrelevant talents and the new talent system are shit and a tree of talents with tangible differences that you get at every level would be far superior
>40 man raids were never good and 90% of the difficulty came from wrangling retards
>crafting and gearing should go back to the Vanilla days, excluding the PvE in PvP debacle
Nearly impossible to swallow pill:
>FFXIV did class based storylines, skill progression and acquisition better than any iteration of WoW
I only play for the story, exploring locations and music. And I still find the story to be somewhat enjoyable despite its lower quality
>They should've just been cosmetic options, fuck LFD and Void Elves.
^ This. They should have just expanded the customization options for the races instead of just making them their own entirely separate fucking faction and yet another needlessly pointless THING you have to fucking grind.
Here's what you do.
Everybody gets an Elf: Horde gets Undead High Elves. Alliance FINALLY gets High Elves. And then, I dunno, give the Undead ones Warlock and the Living ones Paladin or something to separate them class wise.
*Dark Iron Dwarves, Light Draenei, Kul'tiran, Moose *Tauren and the *Mag'har Orcs are assimilated into more customization options for their respective race and not a fucking allied race. Orcs can now just be whatever fucking colour they want and pretend they're from: Draenor, Outland, even the Dark Horde, go nuts.
*Taunka could be added at a later point. *Dragonmaw Tattoos could be added at a later point. *Wildhammer Dwarves could be added at a later point. Pace out the cheap content.
Zandalari shouldn't be playable, it makes no fucking sense, but the Trolls customization should be expanded to include: upright males, beefy males, and Forest Troll colours.
Nightborne and whatever the fuck Windrunner's cult are supposed to be are so fucking stupid, pointless, uninteresting, and phoned in I don't even want to mention them, but lets say they don't exist anymore.
Actual cool Allied Races to consider: Broken and Mok'nathal.
I think they wanted to limit DK to shit that was around for Arthus to corrupt but your guess is as good as mine since they let Gilneans be DKs. Beyond that the newer races not having access to the class does make sense.
those related items
I was in the same spot as you and bought a month and played once and have no desire to go back. Just wait, find a private server, or play another mmo. Fuck play runescape or something st this point.
Go back to the switch little soi
explain what this is a picture of to someone who hasnt played since cata
Dead fucking game! HAHAHAHAHA fuck you blizzard I hope you shut down. At least classic is coming soon I hope it teaches them a lesson
>get to end game content in BfA
>only things to do are Dungeons, Raids, Island Expiditions, and World Quests
>WQs and Island Expeditions get old fast
>dungeons and raids are "know the fight or get kicked"-tier trash
theres fucking nothing fun about the end game in BfA, which is also why Allied Races are popular.
the only fun thing to do in this damned expansion is play through literally every other one over and over again.
The character creator tab for the six (now eight) unlockable new races.
Reminder: Never ever.
Never ever forever.
Never going to happen.
Enjoy another 15 years of Elves.
Elves are classic fantasy staple
Broken Draenei is all I ever fucking wanted from the moment the phrase "playable Draenei" was first uttered
God fucking dammit then they put those lightforged fucking shits in as the allied race, fuck you fuck you fuck you
looks gay
The new Broken model actually uses the Male Draenei Skeleton.... It's also already kind of done? Like, they seem to have a good idea of what sort of skin tones (Red ones look pretty fuckin' cool), faces, horns, tentacles, etc, that they'd have? All they'd need to do is the females which I'm sure they'd fuck up like how they did with the Worgen, but that's Blizzard.
Give um Hunter, Mage, Priest (maybe), Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior, and then have FUN.
It'd take some work, but I wouldn't imagine it'd be anymore difficult than making the Zandalari who're... I think they're literally just upright Trolls? Someone fact check me. Also let me know if Trolls can finally be upright.
Source on image?
rogues got shadowstep and cloak of shadows in TBC, two of the most powerful tools they have ever received for pvp.
Real talk: I know the fan-base is autistic, but why is Blizzard so stubborn about giving Alliance High Elves? I know they're 99% similar to Blood Elves, but they ARE in the faction and do shit. If we're reaching a point where mecha-gnomes are a distinct possibility, I gotta wonder what Blizz's priorities are.
The digital deluxe is only $15 on battle net
I'm just gonna say this, but I think Earthen would be a pretty cool Allied Race for Alliance.
Like, if we need to bring in literal who peoples for the roster. Not the craggy ones, but the pic related ones with the nice fuckin' stylish gems in their forehead.
>I gotta wonder what Blizz's priorities are.
I don't actually know. It's honestly kind of pathetic and sad at this point because it wouldn't be very fucking difficult to just put in and it'd make a lot of people happy. Which seems to be a constant worrying trend with a lot of this shit.
To give a 'game' reason: they said they didn't want to fuck up the "silhouette" of the factions, but now each side has 2 fucking Elves, so that's bullshit. They also said there's more Gnomes than High Elves, but that's actually bullshit too... They also added Shadow Elves; which are a MINORITY of a MINORITY, so who the fuck knows.
I think Blizzard either doesn't give a shit, is just being stubborn, or they hate High Elves for some ?reason??
The weird thing about Void Elves is they're the exact opposite of what people who wanted High Elves were asking for.
Void Elves are Blood Elves who deflected. They're former members of the Horde. Part of the appeal and fantasy of High Elves is that these are elves who've been loyal to the Alliance since Warcraft II, and have never left.
>leveling is much slower now and that's a good thing and here is why
blood elves were given to the horde specifically to drive the horde population up by giving people an "attractive" race to play on the horde. giving not!blood elves to the alliance would remove any reason for 50% of the horde's playerbase to roll horde.
All the dominant players play Horde currently, though. The Alliance raiding scene is super weak. I don't particularly think adding another pretty race to the Alliance would shift anything. There are multiple good looking races on both sides now.
I knew about class homogenisation, but it really hit me in the face during bfa beta. Ive made every class back then, and every single one had the same skills on same keybinds as the other, only diffrence were skill names and visual effects.
Fuck that gay "bring player not class" bullshit
Mop was peak wow for me. I don't
Giving the Horde Blood Elves was such a stupid fucking mistake.
It didn't fix anything and all it did was add this odd pocket of players who didn't like the Horde but were there for Blood Elves.... Blood Elves aren't even Blood Elves anymore: the Sunwell has been fixed for YEARS now and even if it wasn't they have a Wind Chime God to give them Light Magic. Their cultural clash is fucking over- there's no real reason for them to continue acting like they are.
I don't even think they canonically want to be in the Horde anymore.
yeah the blood elves were only horde due to a distant connection to the forsaken via sylvanas, and the forsaken were already on shaky terms and had to be shoehorned onto the horde. so the blood elves are twice removed from the horde by any reasonable metric. they also stick out like a sore thumb, culturally and aesthetically.
Blood Elf players are mo the most rabid pro-Horde posters on the WoW forums, lmao. They're like male human paladins.
>Every zone prior to Legion new features the same level scaling tech that was introduced in Legion, allowing you many different leveling paths.
I fucking hate scaling. What's the point of leveling if I never feel like I'm getting stronger? The fun part is leveling up and going back to the old zones and kick some ass.