
Attached: 1556938624488.png (1182x800, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:


glad to see my image wasnt lost to you bastards.

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GNBros WW@

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I love generals on Yea Forums
3 threads up of this. Can't use one of the already existing threads, we need 10 everytime one dies.

*judges you in ebonics*

ayyye white boi

Attached: bun36.png (662x847, 499K)

please leak more tooltips i beg you

How much potency do you think we're gonna reach in Shad SAMbros?
Pastebin leak said 1700

Attached: tsubame.gif (320x180, 353K)



>blacked mage

>duty roulette leveling (as dps)(on primal)
>role waiting list number: after #50
>average wait time 15m
WTF is this? I've never seen an "after #50" before. Holy shit.

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R8 my WoD

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Next news when?

Dumb frogposter

isn't Holmang and the GNB skill vastly different?

holmang makes it so your HP can't be reduced lower than 1 and locks you in position

the GNB skill REDUCES your hp to 1 and makes you "impervious" to most attack which I'm gonna assume you can't be CCed

Attached: bangaa.jpg (600x315, 35K)

Fuck off pedo

fuck off

just 1 month to go bro.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread.
is two blocks down.

Attached: mark.jpg (564x428, 25K)

Oh man, he actually looks kind of awesome and fitting for the expansion's theme. Nice work.

I only play tanks so I don't even know what the role waiting list number is

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I steadfastly refuse. I only posted a single fucking image, you overreactionary fag.

Embargo for the media tour lifts on the 26th, so we should get all job skills then

it's the wording used for hallow ground
so atm it's 2s second shorter, same cd hg that puts you at 1 hp

i insist


>tfw no black bunny gf

Attached: bun37.png (394x869, 347K)

>Job trailer tier list
>Don't care/unremarkable
The rest.

Attached: 23512.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

No, he's right, you need to kill yourself. There's a difference between avatarfagging and posting a sole fucking image of a teaser that's meant to let people fuck around with the character creator and see a glimpse of the expansion.


Prog utility is sort of meh.

Vieras look like trannies

nononono... this can't be SquallChads... we were meant to be the best

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Why does no one do bunnies in Pyros anymore?

Attached: 1407519639537.gif (120x89, 184K)

Forgot this in the OP

/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

>Shadowbringers Landing

>Shadowbringers Benchmark

>Job Actions Trailer

>Mogmog Event (Until 5.0)

>FFXV Event (Ending May 27th)

>Free Heavensward (until June 27)

>Callback campaign (April 25 - June 3)

>Resources, Free Companies, Linkshells

Last Thread:

>t. waits until the tier has been out for 3 months so he's all geared up and has memorized MrBrappy's guides

Imagine playing a game where the only good thing to look forward to is an older version of the game.

Try again faggots it very much is. Sorry you only play with bad red mages but a well-played red mage will absolutely destroy any dungeon.

you can't dethrone war bro
it is oficially the most boring and braindead class right now but it is still going to be the designated ot

would have been cooler if you became the mecha boi and start blasting people off, it's cool tho

Attached: 1547324089688.jpg (788x699, 54K)

And let me guess, the only jobs worth using are the ones that synergise with dps uptime?

Any ARR and HW dungeon.

We Shadowbringers now

you forgot this my dude


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>Not a Midare-like skill where you pull out a massive fucking sniper rifle
So close to perfection.

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Is filled with mentally ill trannyfags.

Any dungeon period.

Viera can look like latinas

Attached: bun35.jpg (1200x675, 226K)

>but a well-played black mage will absolutely destroy any dungeon.

Free Fantasia FUCKING WHEN? I haven't gotten one since before the start of Stormblood

Attached: screaming man.jpg (401x299, 92K)

Believe it or not more than one class can be great in dungeons

>mfw listening to youtube.com/watch?v=bWdeMqELN-U

lets have a comfy FFXIV OST thread in preparation for the new ShB OST from the god Soken

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And their hangers-on that remind everyone what trannies they are, god I fucking hate trannies, hey did you guys know there's trannies in this game? Tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny

Attached: 1535051062915.jpg (512x368, 106K)

I see you've retreated to Yea Forums RDMcuck. This post is your reminder that RDM is currently hot fucking garbage in dungeons, and enchanted moulinet is in fact not a better skill than flare.

>just now realizing we didn't get a Shadowniggers main theme yet
Are they just not doing one this time? Was the singer woman not available? Was there no budget for it?

You only get a freebie after ARR, otherwise you can buy Heavensward's CE if you want a "freebie" or you have to buy one manually.

>not including MCH in SSS
yea, you're shit and so are your oppinions

he based
he cute

>breathes in

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Post Bunnies

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XIV_ Shadowbringers Benchmark 5_24_2019 7_02_07 PM (4).png (1107x1433, 3.59M)

>i've only played the game for 3 months

Which is your favourite Viera face? I'm leaning towards face 1, but I'm working on faces 2 and 4 as well. Face 3 is too young.

prease rook forward to it you stupid gaijin

Attached: Yoshidasan.jpg (594x334, 22K)

Can guarantee you ever faggot playing as a half nude viera erpists is a tranny

>DRK getting a shadow clone for double dps bursts and getting all the poster boy love to be the MT
>WAR being made even more unga bunga but made the bottom bitch with buffs to suck off the DRK, the price it pays to stay meta
>SCH and AST continue to be unshifted in the meta since they still have buffs
>MNK finally let out of the cuck shed and unceremoniously sends DRG to the abyss by being able to go extra fast and not constantly lose greased lightning
>NIN losing buffs but gaining big dick dps with buffs across the board and not only keeping its speed but getting to go even faster with its own shadow strikes
>all this feeds into DNC being the groups buff slut and wanting its dance partners to be the two dps that can spit roast it the fastest and hardest for the whole parties benefit
The question now is which dps gets that last meta spot, I'm betting SMN or BLM

Attached: final-fantasy-xiv-shadowbringers_2018-11-16_00.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

>No buttslider for Vierra
what's the fucking point?

>doing leveling duty as dps
just do potd you fucking retard
you use the daily roulette for healer or tank

Sorry can't hear you over the sound of synchronized bloodspillers

Fucking seriously? That sucks.

Attached: my feet hurt it's wet i wonder what dick's doing.gif (448x256, 299K)

>mfw still no chubby race to properly mold it into a masterpiece

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There is a new vocal theme alongside the trailer one that we'll hear in game. Since they don't want to spoil it you can expect it to be amazing.

Free safe critical health limit gen that also serves the usual purpose of an immunity is pretty alright. It could do with having a 360s CD or something, though.

Reporting in

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i want them to bring back bow mage some day, preferably on another ranged class though

How you gonna prove that, tough-guy

I thought it was the 29th?

Uematsu is dying of the Japanese cold. No really, he's feeling too fatigued to work at the moment and is on indefinite hiatus.

I leveled 90% of my jobs through pvp without botting. Don't ask me anything.

Attached: ffxiv_05242019_180707_390.png (375x485, 94K)

DRG still has Dragon Sight and Littany, and there's no telling how much they'll buff their damage to compensate.

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Uematsu does those but he's been too sick to work. Apparently there's a secret theme Soken wanted us to experience during a moment in the story though.

It's akchually been 5 months as either a healer or tank, this is new and shocking to me

post more of this one

blame the hundreds of cat and au ra fags who have no problem buying 30 of them every other week

show pvp profile

How do I play nin in pvp? The guy in the last thread I should play nin in Feast for it.

Probably SMN
Remember 4.0? They will not let themselves be anything less than absolutely godlike at everything and will swarm SE.

>Thinking Mnk will be able to topple Drg
Get out of my way, MnkCuck

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>DRK getting a shadow clone
but can it eat a tankbuster?

Attached: 1431613464343.png (325x244, 75K)


They did say they were wanting to bring jobs in general closer to their "traditional" functionalities, I bet DRG will get a healthy DPS increase since they're usually hard-hitters with heavy-armor.

When was that exactly? Because pvp gives shit xp now, after the nerf.

this helped immensely. i have been targeting things wrong this entire time, ever since i started playing. its incredible how much im still learning

you press your 1-1-1 combo and spam to line up the LB with your teammates

Attached: 1558647103933.png (512x512, 459K)

here brother ready

Attached: gun7.jpg (1920x1080, 369K)

>DNC is going to make selfish DPS like SAM and BLM acceptable in raid comps due to the sheer stupidity of DNC's buff numbers

How did Yoshi do it?

Nah it's pretty much a Duality upgrade, unless it copies oGCD weaponskills as well.

This isn't up for debate. We literally know what the potencies are for skills. No amount of player skill changes that.

Xeno was implying through his NDA that other invulns had changed. That current GNB invuln is flat out worse than Hallowed so I'm assuming others have been nerfed. We've had entire fights with shared busters cheesed entirely with invulns so it's probably not a bad thing.
They said they addressed LB cheesing

It will still be slower than NIN and MNK though and DNC gets benefits anytime its partner takes an action so it's going to want someone that's fast

Listen man, I'm glad MNK players may have a shot but imagining they're gonna overtake DRG is so laughable that it overrides any sympathy the job deserves. They're like the

Yoshida enjoys nothing more than the squealing screams of parse whores and Summoners.

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Do we ever even get that exact armor set? looks like a modified, uncolored Drachen set and I want it.

They literally said in the stream the new potency numbers are completely unrelated to anything we have now since the system they use is being changed.
What a pointless post.

The pastebin leak said it can take tankbusters for you

>just wasted almost an hour and a half doing Shiva Extreme cause idiots don't know what circles are and I didn't want to quit
Why do I put up with this?

Attached: 1552013771017.png (245x241, 83K)

>Because pvp gives shit xp now, after the nerf.
Not him but I haven't played in months. They fucking nerfed pvp xp? Why are they so intent on making the levelig process as slow and mind-numbing as possible for fucks sake?

>have to wait a whole nother expansion for Garlean gear

Attached: 1417843122220.jpg (480x640, 56K)

does anyone have a better close up of the nin af?

I'd just settle for a drachen mail set that doesn't have fucking bared skin on females

Attached: DRG.png (975x935, 1.31M)

GUBro reporting in

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Leak said it can hold enmity.

We don't get any of Estinien's drachen modifications, no. The broken armor soaked in Nidhogg's blood is completely unique to him, for example. It doesn't show on any race except male elezen.

is there a better way to level faster than 51-60 floors of potd? i just started stormblood for the record

because every pvp match was 80% players just botting to get easy XP

get out of my fucking frontlines and go back to deep dungeons you faggots

Attached: 1558470723048.gif (345x237, 1.86M)

this person takes this shit way to seriously

Your all star points are mine, kiddo.

If you're a tank or a healer, spam dungeons. If you're a DPS, nope, not unless you've got a tank buddy or healer buddy that can do dungeons with you. If you're lv. 61 there's a POTD upgrade called Heaven-on-High you can do in the Ruby Sea.

If you're lvl 51+ you might as well just spam dungeons.


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I wonder how many Stormblood sets will be included in Shad.

Someone just needs to go in and DDoS the FFLogs site from July 2019 to November 2020.

>Shittier Holmgang
>Shittier berserk
>Shitter EQ
>Shittier Storms path

This job is just a less effective WAR. It's pretty hilarious.

hey guys mr happy here and I've come to tell you that, in the build they had us playing on, BLM potencies were nerfed across the board. Now, obviously I can't guarantee it will stay that way into the final product, but as of right now BLM skills were weakened quite a bit.

Right here, based Legatus

It's a shitty FoF you dumbdumb

Why are people being so retarded where dancer is concerned?
The people losing their shit over the buffs clearly didn't look at the damage they were dealing with 433 gear - it was equatable to a 70 NIN

really? how long did that take?

The Pastebin and none of the images didn't. Anything else is a huge grain of salt.

>Boss theme

Step down from Stormblood, needs more energy.

I'd fuck it

why? dancer will single handedly break fflogs anyways

Any other ones? I spotted this one earlier

Attached: based minfillia.jpg (1917x2133, 471K)

>copycats still pretending to be Mr. Brappy after we saw Yoshida publicly execute him while wearing the Gunbreaker cosplay
You need to learn to move on.


The DRG AF4 Looks like a mutated AF2, almost.

Attached: drg.png (861x1680, 2M)

>FoF is just a shittier berserk

Sasuga lightfag.

You're not alone user. The DPS would scatter every time the cleave would come up, and would consistently stand anywhere but behind Shiva during the bow phase.


>So this is Soken at his full power, huh?

Attached: 1550165503473.jpg (320x283, 29K)

Shouldn't they crack down on botting instead to make pvp more lively then?

GNB actually looks fun to play unlike WAR.

He means the GNB skill is a shittier FoF
based retard

>Queue for raid won't pop because we're missing 1 DPS
What planet am I living on

Attached: koji.png (200x200, 43K)

A long ass time.

>step down from Stormblood
Are you joking? This is a huge improvement compared to Stormblood.
Then again that isn't hard to compete against at all.
Everything about Stormblood was awful.

The only redeeming factor is everything currently leading up to Shadowbringers.

>Berserk prevents you from benefitting from natural crits/dhits while active
Sasuga ragefag.

it uses ammo to boost attacks why would it be a copy warrior

>All the jobs get radical looking shit
>Meanwhile RDM, SMN and WAR

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Fun and style doesnt get you invited to raids

looks more like nidhogg eistinien form

get any of the cheevos while you did it? might do the same until ShB because i fucking loathe potd

>Reason AF sets look similar to old ones is because the First shard is a copy of our world


Numbers in general with the artifact gear don't seem to be that much higher, surprisingly. Guess they meant it when they said they were intending to wrangle numbers back to a sane amount in 6.0.

The Stormblood dungeon boss theme was the single best thing about that entire expansion.

>Good music outside Primals

Everyone is picking up DRK for the expansion pack.
Once they learn how hard it is to complete dungeon the casual audience will go back to dps.

Cringe and weebpilled
SB's boss theme was fucking weak


Attached: LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR.jpg (379x375, 13K)

I got the rival wings gorilla mount, the ADS mounts, garo ponies, and some other shit I can't remember.

>he's a 4.0friend

Oh, how sad. It's retarded.

Nah I agree. It doesn't sound as hype. I was hoping for something like the part in the trailer when WoL switches to DRG.

I raided with drk when it was shit and it was fine

Imagine being over 20 and having an online clique

It's not really. 10000 years of divergent history is a hell of a drug

He's being a bitch yeah but he aint wrong, parsing is going to go back to the days of HW AST where it was all about how much single target balance you got.

Bandwagoners get the heck off my job!

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Hey now, that looks like a hideous cross between Estinien-Nidhogg and Tactics Ogre's Dragoon. I like that a lot, even the dragon-tail tasset that looks kinda like it's trailing a turd.

Attached: 1540221360715.jpg (534x753, 33K)

No Mercy doesn't pacify you either, so it isn't comparable to pre-SB berserk.
Are you merely pretending?

Having every Savage floor and Ultimates cleared does though, regardless of your job.

The First doesn't even have our same jobs. They have Devout instead of WHM, Magus instead of BLM, Knight/Magic Knight instead of PLD, and Ranger instead of BRD.

they're ok

Attached: veena.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)


Stay go.

is this a good outdoorsy look?

Attached: Botanist.jpg (384x920, 126K)

top ten tragic anime moments

retarded stormbabby

>Once they learn how hard it is to complete dungeon the casual audience will go back to dps.
>dungeons as tank


Sorry I prefer to clear in reasonable timeframes

>People comparing skills damage when YoshiP literally said they changed everything about damage calculations

Bandwagers will never know hype of 3.0 launch

>woke up at 4am for HW
>rush tp Ishgard to unlock DRK asap
>all the new DRKs spamming unleash all morning

maybe parse fags should stop being such faggots then

I'd fap to it if I saw you running about

Literally could not get any more fucking basic, Jesus Christ


>didn't deny it

exposed boyo

Show me where on No Mercy's tooltip it pacifies you and forces you to spam a macro for 15 seconds when you use it

>muh colour on fflogs
I thought parses were all about self improvement and not what colour your number is.


Attached: 1530269923564.png (466x358, 189K)

I was there for that. probably the only time ishgard had more people than limsa.

it's edgy time boys

Attached: 1545049399790.png (304x428, 312K)

Dungeons in leveling gear are pretty hard.

The only thing I remember about 3.0´s launch is that MCH’s damage was absolutely abysmal at lvl 30 and completing Brayflox with 2 MCH in the party was a chore.

Go back to your containment board, nigger.

>Video games are serious business

Attached: 1538886485859.jpg (236x330, 17K)

What logs are for:
>Banter with the boys
>Filtering shitters

no they aren't


Attached: YotsuyuHadANicePussy.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

>10% damage buff
>Better than a 50% damage buff

Please do go on, I have all day to laugh at you GNshitter.

amazing cringe

>I thought parses were all about self improvement
Literally nobody who cares about parses does that.

>Darkside aura everywhere
Thought my monitor was spazzing out

It's always like this with a new expansion, people only take in new information through the lens of the current one. It'll have been like this three times now where, for some reason and with a direct statement "new shit's not gonna work anything like the old", people treat the old as immutable.

Attached: 1542886727242.jpg (500x364, 211K)

I still don't get why they made all these cool looking cities and then you spend most of your time in a makeshift up camp, at least in Heavensward it improved over time, but Stormblood was just pathetic

Are you joking?

Is there FFlogs functionality to filter out boosted damage yet?


>googoogaga me stormbloodbabby googoo me do poopoo in pants
shut the fuck up

Attached: 1516891316697.png (381x381, 177K)

You need to be 18 or over to post on this site, also not retarded.

Even more rape? There's already a shit ton of rape, you might cause a rape overdose.

Attached: 1555257405767.png (800x450, 405K)

Go on and do bardam's mettle in lvl 63 gear and tell me how it goes.

Are the que for Feast suppose to be long as fuck?

just have them pad someone else lol

>muh logs
Would partner with everyone else but him out of spite.

no and there never will be. fflogs/act both already do so much estimation as is.

>Played PLD and WHM on launch and spammed flash and holy near crowds of linkin park fans
Was a good time

Filters exist, but I don't know if you can filter out everything.

Not really? The only difficulty is not doing something stupid such as trying to pull a bunch of packs, xiv lays out the trash packs in a way that you can easily pull what you can handle at a time.

I'll give you a brand new player fucking up and not getting this, but once you become familiar with how it all works it's a cake walk.

yes since the season ends in 3 days and people just sit on their asses waiting for the rewards

It's the end of the season.

Suck my sacred paladin monstercock you retarded nigger of a HWfag, I've been playing since 2.0


Attached: koji.jpg (300x353, 19K)

What are the fastest ways to level 60-70?
I need to get through MCH but I kinda hate PvE kit so I've been doing Frontlines.

like one user said in these threads

>if there's a cat involved, most likely she was raped

Attached: me.png (516x531, 543K)

If that really was the case the whole muh color / rankings section of the site wouldn't exist.
Ask your random muh color nigger how to show the timeline or APM/uptime, they won't know.
It's just a glorified and meaningless epeen contest where most contestants don't even know how the rules work.

it's from galko my dude

Attached: 1552615274332.jpg (2102x1637, 1.24M)

who else here /famousonyourdatacenter/?

Am I fucked then to get the garo mount?

That sounds terrible
post stories.

Attached: A dimension of suffering Stellaris.jpg (2610x330, 70K)

you must be really bad at the game if you think any dungeon in this game is difficult with level appropriate gear.

Whatchu famous for?

I guess they are the same people who boast about their gold parse with something like 90% balance uptime.

For being a good player

just do training
or wait on wednesday for the new season

The dungeon is lvl 65 and is tuned for lvl 63 gears. You must be completely shit if you think it's hard to tank with that ilv.

>parsing brought up
>Yea Forums cries

So many shitters here lmao

>tfw been on my server since 1.0 and i'm still completely unknown

Attached: 1531748172696.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

I think the only dungeon I had "difficulty" with was Ghimlyt Dark, but even that was maybe one wipoe when going in blind.

Try tomorrow, there should still be people doing it.

>t. idles in Limsa/Rhalgr with an UwU weapon and thinks he's hot shit

I was famous for about a week on my server back in 2.3 for early-pulling hunts.


Attached: file.png (307x363, 15K)

Not the greatest of pictures, but here he is. Multiclassed DRG/DRK, but gonna main DRK for ShB of course.

>kinda looks like Adam Driver as a giraffe

Attached: ffxiv_03302019_191337_428.png (1600x900, 1.83M)

I wish we could see all of their emotes now.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XIV_ Shadowbringers Benchmark 5_24_2019 7_15_49 PM.jpg (2560x1440, 3.35M)

>tfw actually watched the video

not gonna lie shit was pretty hot.


Attached: aba.gif (480x265, 3.62M)

post it

>Dont savage raid
>Can feel happy/excited about any job I want to play without worry about whether or not its 'meta' or has specific group buffs

>They're getting removed to replace them with more scholarly variants
Based yoshida

sure you did little baby
dumb c@ nigger

Reminder that this will more than likely be the most common Viera among players. Short Veena made to look cute instead of amazonian.

Attached: Future_Copy_Paste_Small_Viera.png (1204x992, 2.16M)


Attached: 10secondsRape.jpg (480x360, 10K)

The game does need personal logs only you can see so that if you wanna improve you can

A lot of those are just getting reworked to be new skills or new effects.

Attached: 1558736149468.png (361x181, 71K)

>started playing as an arcanist
>the class story line is all about how this cat girl was raped so hard and so often that she developed autism and starts having ptsd induced panic attacks and breaks down
>resolution to that story is how she bravely decides to almost get raped again as bait for the WoL to kick a pirate captains ass
>first dungeon in the game is a pirate rape cave
>Arenvald is a product of rape
>Dark Knight intro quest has you intervene when temple knights abduct a peasant girl off the streets to gang rape her
>Sultanas Lap
What other rape am I missing here

>forgetting the audience of this game
They had to dumb down pvp because it was "too hard" even after that people still thought pvp was too hard.

Does anyone have/know where I can get good-quality job icons?

Still exited

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XIV_ Shadowbringers Benchmark 5_24_2019 7_18_37 PM.jpg (2560x1440, 2.07M)

The video is edited perfectly. MCH and DRK are hype as fuck.
>Music climaxes just as MCH slides in
>Music climaxes just as Fray is summoned and finishes just as he leaves
>That fucking eScape remix and the slide transitions
Great stuff.

Attached: 35423.jpg (225x225, 16K)

>log in
>dont want to grind roulettes
>log out

Attached: 1550177116309.jpg (600x718, 225K)

>he doesn't know SCH now has the best spammable aoe of all healers

>Implying I ever allowed a cat to approach my static or FC without racechanging
Fucking retard

There should be an option to have one ear straight and one floppy. I want the Reisen experience. Then again, I have no plans to switch from my Miqote.

Attached: 2019-05-25 (5).png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Who raped Yshtola and turned her into a bland bitch

Exited what?


>mfw BLM
>mfw DNC buffs me
>mfw new instant spells and an Umbral Ice refresh button so I don't have to risk my life for anything but my ley lines
It's a great feeling.

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That would break the server user, please understand.

Is this real?

I'm so hard for DRK right now.

Attached: 1552618661547.png (824x932, 420K)

go back to solo healing, Vayne

>cat and lizard fags ruin everything once again

fuck off


She always was bland


Attached: 8082a7a70298140e1bd742aff17d996e.gif (575x414, 3.33M)

most of the abilites remain the same but they're taking the opportunity to rename skills to make them fit the scholarly/medic theme.

>using the umbral ice refresh at any point outside of transitions with nothing to target

They're finally separating SCH from ACN and SMN by giving it adjusted and name appropriate skills.

Avatar posting and off topic posting are both against the rules.


>>That fucking eScape remix and the slide transitions

That song is pretty dope but fuck dropping $50 to get it as a orchestration scroll

Attached: 1542997176290s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Make no mistake friend, I will forever be hated as a Potato but I am just giving you a glimpse into the future that Cats and Lizards are going to bring you.

Little Ala Mhigo girl was raped by the Corpse Brigade while they mocked her for thinking she'd ever go back to Ala Mhigo.
Girl in Ala Gannha was raped by Garlean soldiers and she can't get the laughter out of her head.

So their plan is just to retheme SCH entirely to be apart from SMN?

I am physically incapable of playing Stormblood any longer.

Fordola was raped, Yotsuyu was sold off in marriage to a fat fuck who constantly raped her and then sold to a whorehouse

little's girls days quest or something like that, and there are countless instances of NPC dialogues suggesting it

same old insult for the last 9 years come up with something new or buzz off little one

>Trannies ruining the prime /fit/girl breeding material

pls lads i beg you, i wish to make OC

>Viera shows up in any city
>He cute
>He cute
>He cute
>He cute
>Fucks every single white male (excluding miqote)

t.discordtranny who got RAPED

Being a gigantic know-it-all faggot is also against the rules.

>make viera in benchmarker
>most options suck
>make hrothgar in benchmarker
>options have variety
>you can have a good looking cat man or a neon yellow abomination of a beast
why are hrothgar better than viera
what the fuck

I just got in and I won my first match. How do I change the UI of the Feast?

They've regretted the split class since 2.0.

Attached: gumbo.png (1767x2500, 3.01M)

>11 casts and oom
>weaker than holy and gravity

Are there any more like this?

Change to what?

>pegs the miqotes

Official Fankit site maybe

Same, thanks Yoshi for not killing my fucking job again

Attached: 1478327509823.gif (310x325, 1.94M)

I thought 4$ was just bitched out by her subordinates because they thought she rose in rank by sleeping with the captains?

i already fucking know and i hate it

We should have that as well. A giant potency attack with some sort of anti-materiel rifle

you can fray will carry the raid

Attached: fray.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

>options have variety
Yeah. All 3 of them.

Viera have never looked amazonian

The DRK in the video is a male so Fray is a guy.


Attached: 1558652966249.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Making the Feast UI smaller. It's too big for me.

>No falloff, so better than Holy/Grav on 6+ targets
>Cheaper than Holy/Grav
>Instant cast
Get back in the shed

GLD/PLD Skills
1: Fast Blade
2: Fight or Flight
4: Riot Blade (FB Combo)
6: Total Eclipse
10: Iron Will (Tank Stance)
15: Shield Lob
26: Rage of Halone (RB Combo)
30: Spirits Within
35: Sheltron
35: Oath Mastery (5 Gauge Every Block)
38: Sentinel
40: Prominence (Total Eclipse Combo MP Gain)
45: Cover
50: Circle of Scorn
50: Hallowed Ground
52: Oath Mastery II (5 Gauge Every RoH, GB, and RA)
54: Goring Blade (RB Combo DoT)
56: Divine Veil
58: Clemency
60: Royal Authority (RoH Upgrade)
62: Intervention
64: Holy Spirit
64: Divine Magic Mastery
66: Enhanced Cover
68: Requiescat
70: Passage of Arms
72: Holy Circle (AoE Holy Spirit)
74: Intervene (Gap Closer)
76: Atonement (oGCD MP Restore)
78: Divine Magic Mastery II (Instant Cast Spells)
80: Confiteor (Weak AoE Spell but increases in potency the less MP you have; Requiescat Finisher)

Attached: 1558548240739.png (608x383, 285K)

>Anything other than a max height brown max tit bunny dom

this is the only way, Veena are for trannies.

The only one I've seen that looks cute

>Seething GNtranny

I doesn't matter if it's old if it's true.

Anybody else just lose all motivation to play after yesterday? I just do not give a FUCK about these old and busted ass jobs and content anymore, give me the new shit already please.

Fray has always been a male. The changed gender in your journal entry if you play a girl is supposed to be a hint, but Fray was a man and WoL has internalized their Darkside as Fray.

Fray is always a guy, no matter your gender.



>not being slightly below max height so max height can dom you a little if you're in the mood

HUD layout, not sure if you can do it outside of the match, but you have 1 minute to fix it anyways before the match starts.

Makes me want to try one honestly. I've never tanked before though, it feels like it'd be a bit stressful.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XIV_ Shadowbringers Benchmark 5_24_2019 7_24_06 PM.jpg (2560x1440, 1.53M)

>still didn't swap Goring and RA

SAM please

>We finally get RoH back
>We lose it again at 60

Has anyone prepared a gunbreaker glamour ahead of time? I can't decide what I want to wear for the job.

Well the real Fray is a guy but the Shadow self Fray changes to match your characters gender.


>PLD gets ANOTHER oGCD damage skill

Attached: 32421.png (406x720, 279K)

>he still can't form an argument but spam tranny

this is sad but I am making screenshots and putting on IG

>Green Hair
>Face Tattoos with long hair
Do you just want to make a bad looking Viera?

Yes, it's there.

Attached: Capture.png (242x149, 11K)

>get RoH back

When did PLD ever lose RoH?

Fuck off Nep

>4 skills below level 10
Do your research, there's place for either 2 or 5 skills there.

It really is
Don't fall for retards saying tanking is braindead and easy
A dead tank is a wiped raid, you have a much heavier weight on your shoulders than netflix healers and DParSe trannies

From what I've gathered from these threads, because you used the word Glamour I am now required by law to call you a "discord tranny" and tell you to "go back to /vg/". I hope I did that right.

The shadow Fray is still a man, they just change the journal entries to hint at what's actually going on.

Filibuster's set

GNB please!

I'm fucking glad it changes, holy fuck I still see PLDs spamming nothing but Roh at level fucking 70.

Everything is literally in the spell description.

Attached: 1536134797217.png (250x418, 121K)

>RoH upgrade

Nigga what?

You never lose it but you never use it

can we get some whm?
we know literally nothing about the changes

can anyone link the original video, I want to see her being destroyed

Since 4.0 we've only used it once, at the start of a pull, on the off chance we're main tanking. Functionally speaking we don't have it.

FF Tactic bois
Where we at
Did you nut?

Attached: file.png (861x674, 731K)

Oh, really? I don't play a female character so I wouldn't know.

>that 10-26 gap

holy fuck poor new players who choose GLA at the start

Attached: 1558655362612.gif (200x200, 2M)

>machinist is less pistolfag and more actual machines now
You know what this means, right? Sniper in 6.0 here we come.

Attached: noice'.png (373x318, 40K)

The WoL’s darkside is genderless, it’s just a figment of their imagination given flesh. It takes the form of whatever the WoL gives it. As it is, the WoL gives it the form of Fray (the real one) who is exclusively a man.

I did enough RoHs in 2.0 to last me a lifetime, good riddance.

>DRG getting more jumps

Attached: 1430025769558.jpg (762x720, 92K)

Damn, good thinking user ty.

I want a make a edgelord glamour that's something like this.

Attached: dark enforcer.jpg (1440x2560, 415K)

The sound effect isn't as satisfying.


Attached: 1558292752187.jpg (1000x1414, 181K)

>Replying to buttblasted white mages

Attached: 1551392955776.jpg (400x562, 28K)

post 5.0 holy and gravity
oh wait, you can't lmao

>4 skills before 10
Good job reposting the other user's image and making up your own bullshit, you fooled a lot of us.

It's only 1.

i kind of feel that way as well, but i decided to just try to get some pyros relics for jobs i am hyped for

That would be way too regressive.

If you don't intend to do anything major for tanking, like raids and such, then tanking can be easy. Keep your tank stance on, remember to apply dark arts to certain abilities, remember to DA abyssal drain when you get it and can use it for health, enmity, and fun.

You think so? I've seen a ton of people say they think Viera are cute but they're gonna stick with their cat/lizard. We'll have to see how many actually stick with Viera before it all goes to shit.

>all the viera have lovely haircut with bangs
I love it. I'm so torn between making one and staying with my current character after all I've taken 'em through

Attached: 1478218628979.jpg (1200x840, 280K)


I main a blue dps and clear every tier since gordias and i only play this role because it's easier than other two roles.

he looks alright. reminds me of ayato from tokyo ghoul

I mean, aren't Dragoons supposed to be about jumping?

>WAR being made even more unga bunga
we don't know shit about WAR yet.

Max height max tit blonde haired blue eyed veena are also acceptable.

>tfw I’m going to ERP as a max height, max bust brown Viera that’s submissive

We know that IR increases Fell Cleave potency on each successive cleave.

every cat and lizard i've seen going to viera are always talking about making them small and cute i doubt they'll stick to it forever seeing how cats and lizard fanta hop the most out of any other race

where's the source?

>Want to play GUN
>DRK additions also look super fun
I can't decide. I dont have the free time to level/gear more than 1 tank and 1 dps.

>viera start at max bust
>still not big enough to satisfy me

Skallic armor of fending kind of has that collar thing going but but it can't be dyed all black.

I want to enjoy the MCH changes but I've been burned twice already anons. We need more MCH info to see if the class is actually fun or just aesthetically pleasing but still a broken mess of proc fishing paired with a shit mechanic tied to Ping.

Attached: gun.gif (196x172, 4K)

I've felt that way for months. Stormblood just wasn't very strong as a whole and seeing the light on the horizon makes it almost impossible to continue.

I still feel like I should top off some of these jobs in this month gap though so I don't have to do it later.

I don't think you're talking about the same video as the guy you're replying to.

hey bud, if you level 1 tank and gear it, you've geared your other tanks, too.

Absolutely impeccable taste.

post some good fucking bunnehs
i feel like their noses look fucked up every time and the hair options are a bit dissapointing

Who else is ready to play only jobs that matter in Shadowniggers

Attached: 43214654748.png (364x327, 63K)

Apparently wildfire isn't going away, though it's hard to say if it changed or not.

Here's your healer for tonight.

Attached: file.png (188x305, 60K)

MNK and SMN look boring.

>she will never amazon press you

>making them small and cute
People that always do this should be killed

If you're calling out XIV threads after we just got fucking expansion specifics and not WoW for having a constant 6 threads up daily then you need to stuff your head in the

Yeah I guess that's true, it's more the leveling aspect. I only resubbed to the game a month ago so I've only got RDM and WAR at 70 and average gear. I'm tryin to level MCH and DRK but it's slow going currently.

>make a viera with bench mark
>looks nice but dont want to switch off elezen,not to mention viera are a tiny bit shorter
>know for a fact that im going to be the only elezen left

it sucks but i'm real comfortable with elezen at this point

>not a mecha suit you activate that makes you tanky and doubles your overheat limit, letting you do a ridiculous over the top attack at max heat

Attached: cd3d4ba40e18e36eb73460fe5d2ce729 (1).png (960x800, 250K)

>Queue with friend
>Votekick anyone like this
Feels pretty good desu

I'm planning on using the elemental armor from pyros with it.

That shit is way too clinical looking. How does it not freak anyone else out? It's like watching a brainwashing program with how 'clean' they try and make it look.

You're just being lazy, user.

Not yet, but almost.

Attached: class.jpg (444x378, 40K)

Kinda disappointed with Viera.

Should I get a job boost? I dont wanna be a scrub.

Attached: 1485101272323.jpg (570x570, 38K)

Not you, that's for sure

You'll be one if you buy the boost.

What the fuck are you talking about? It's a video specifically designed to show off abilities. It's not dungeon gameplay or optimal rotation.

Why make a skill thats so ugly and lazy (basically a fucking DoT) yet not lazy at all since they had to make a whole new model for it? I dont get it.

>BLM getting even more fucking damage

No wonder they made aggro generation braindead no tank would be able to DPS and keep aggro otherwise holy fuck

Attached: IMG_0353.jpg (500x406, 35K)

They got literally nothing. A stone and aero upgrade. Aero spells got merged. Thin air upgrades into wing mode and only boosts heal potency. Cure 4 that uses lilies. And a ranged instant cast holy you can only use after getting three lilies.
It's the fact they never move while in combat in a game that requires constant repositioning.

>Playing GNB

It's the tranny job.

if you dont know how to play your class you'll still be a scrub and you'll just piss everyone off more

>WHM looking the best it's ever been
>this post

This 'WHM is terrible because it can't pad my parse" meme is shit.

Attached: (long, sustained yelling).png (500x356, 278K)

You answered your own question.

Look at OP's image and think for a moment, dumbass.

MNK is literally going to be perfect in ShB.

>makes the run go by faster by actually dpsing
You could look like shit for all I care. You're cool in my book as long as you dps.

Posting my bun

Attached: mybun.png (851x894, 1.51M)

Attached: 1534401130978.jpg (569x785, 81K)

>All deleted skills get their own upgraded variation more fitting for a Scholar
>One more nerf rejected

Attached: 1551052151282.jpg (176x186, 10K)


Attached: 1557850533415.jpg (563x503, 21K)

too hard to balance

WHM is terrible because it's strictly worse than AST in every regard

>Got MIN to 70
>slogged a combat job through the MSQ so I could play the real content
I'm ready bros

Attached: polish_miner.jpg (666x622, 225K)

We already have one

facts aren't memes dear user

I jerked off to this scene so many times. She is ugly but taking that dick balls deep with that speed is something that is hard to believe

>DRK getting a shadow clone for double dps bursts and getting all the poster boy love to be the MT
DRK is a tank. What use is a summon if it doesn't take damage or die in your place? It should replace the DRKs already shitty tankbuster surviving skill.

Fuck fishing.

>there are """people""" that don't have every job at 70

Attached: 1532919164240.gif (254x196, 1.8M)

retard here

are they going to introduce a "hit lv 70 instantly and finish MSQ" item this time around?

When is yoshi gonna stop being a cunt and let me sell all my shit on the market board and not just fucking 40 slots.

Attached: 1558656397010.png (601x601, 236K)

Pretty sure even MNK dumpsters RDM in dungeon aoe lmao

I don't care I want my fucking iron man suit to blow up ascian nignogs with

Of course.

Attached: 1504333138878.jpg (2762x849, 244K)

Doubt it.

>mfw I will buff the underdog dps classes instead

Attached: 1528679730025.jpg (775x842, 84K)

What the fuck is it gonna take for people to like WHM? AST getting gutted? Oh wait, it did. Eat my ass, user.

i don't care enough about all those dps jobs to bother leveling them. tanks and healers at 70 with BLM too because that's all you need.

that really sucks
but i really appreciate it bro

Probably, but don't expect them immediately.

Maybe, still the most boring looking of all the melees.

user got suplexed by a MNK mid sentence

>people getting into MCH defending Heat mechanic and calling anyone who hated its implementation ungrateful
I hate these people who are finally leveling MCH just cause of the robot.

Hope they add the viera ponytail without the shoulder shit, it clips through everything

>Oh wait, it did.
When did that happen?

How are these?

I like Viera, but I think I might stay as Xaela.

Attached: chocolate or vanilla.jpg (1488x1076, 325K)

Thanks. How do you talk in feast?

Well there would have to be some reason to use it over AST.