Do you guys play any autism simulators?
Do you guys play any autism simulators?
Other urls found in this thread:
I play Minecraft technic modpacks if that counts.
>grid cities
can you be more boring of a person than this?
>Elementary School then High School
What did they mean by that? The game looks interesting, that's for sure. It seems more of a resource management simulator than a building simulator. Although maybe those two go hand in hand with each other.
Playing strategy games or city sims is autism? Go outside, kid.
I played euro truck simulator 2
I always started in a germanic city that my gf used to live in
everytime I play the game I remember her and it's painful
average american city
Real life
Our cities aren’t even close to being that organized. Our cities are confusing mazes built by alcoholics.
How does traffic managment work in this game?
Base game is like $7 on humble bundle should I get that or any of the dlcs?
please tell me this is not real
Only DLC I really like is Snowfall since the Snow maps make the cities look so comfy, but that's basically entirely aesthetic (only major gameplay modification is needing snowplows for roads and underground heating pipes).
Most Normies would probably say Industries adds the most longterm fun. The rest are pretty minor additions. Parklife and University are next up after Industries, and basically the same idea, except instead of building a big industrial megaplex you build... parks or University campuses. Skippable unless you love the game.
After Dark, Green, Disasters, etc are very skippable unless you like the game.
China can make anything real.
I just bought the base game while it was on sale. Do you guys have any mod recommendations? Preferable ones that don't change the gameplay too much, and more convenience mods.
does factorio count ive spent 300 hours in my last game
yeah it's autism alright
Why doesn't it work guys?
And that's a good thing
I'm a retard about traffic in these games
youre asking for a car wreck with roads looking like that
>Transport Fever
>From the Depths
>The crafting portion of FF XIV
seems like i play nothing but autism simulators
Mordhau is like the only recent exception
damn, I thought I still had that pic saved of some retard that made the airport landing strip right next to a highway overpass and the plane had to go under it to land.. guess I deleted it
looks like fucking spaghetti
back to the drawing board
yikes maximum
there is an intersection from the on-ramp that they have to yield to.
you have too many intersections and connections that are unnecessary
>People don't use city planning to keep minorities and other "less desirable" subhumans segregated in their own little part of the city.
because everyone way down the line is funneling to the same spot/street eventually so they all get into their turning lane way ahead of time. everyone in this image is turning left, so everyone gets in that left lane, causing slowdowns and congestion. if the outlets to your main roads were more evenly distributed on either side it wouldnt be so bad.
I wish Sims had more of a management aspect. I min/max in that but it's just too easy
>From the Depths
That looks interesting
Care to give a rundown ?
Should have just built one giant roundabout.
EU4 is as normalfaggot as it gets, moron.
I play OpenTTD
but i'm too brainlet for trains
I always hated how Cities Skylines forces you to grow big early on to make money. In SimCity 4 you started with 500k and by make 10 houses you would make profit. Most of my memories with SC4 is building rural towns.
my poor eyes
in western states yes, but not at all on the east coast
>Spend an entire day reading guides on how to train
>finally figure that shit out
>friends call to hang out
>take the train
>the trip filled me with amazement and appreciation of simple things like train crossings
Life is beautiful when you can fuel your autism the right way
God, look at that absolutely soulless city. In America we do grid cities, but they're never this bland and sterile. This is depressing.
You must rid yourself of the concept of control
In real life, you wouldn't build so many bridges
Reinstalling. Forgot the hours I put into this
Trains in openTTD are way more autistic then they are in real life.
In real life you literally just have 1 type of signal, green light and red light.
Sometimes theres fancier signals but thats literally it.
In openTTD you have like 8 signals that all do different shit and have weird checks and other things.
God I love trains in OpenTTD, but when I make a siding for a train to wait on, it fucking pulls into the siding, then when given a green light refuses to move. God I hate trains in openTTD so much.
>all those bridges
Did you even factor in the upkeep cost for all those bridges?
Does your Autism have a limit of a complete retard?
The autism comes from the ability to build fucking everything from the ground up. You can construct your own weapons platforms and engines, create battleships and dive bombers and UFOs and submarines n shit. And with submarines it actually helps to have airpumps that flood and aerate bulkheads.
I personally fell in love with it because you can build your own battleships. You design the hull yourself, the engines yourself, every turret custom designed with shit going on below deck
No prefab nothing, everything build block by block.
The user interface is janky as fuuuuuck though. Takes a while to get used to imo.
Just because you don't like EUIV for its design choices doesnt mean you have to be rude to people that said nothing to you
who /sc4/ here?
I've been playing salt and sanctuary and it's literally autistic dark souls
I hate grid (or in general regularly shaped) cities so much, they're so monotone, anytime I got on vacation in one of them I start feeling a little uneasy.
Fuck Barcelona in particular because you couldn't even go straight since as you can see you need to go out of the way to cross the street and keep going forward. Repeat that a bunch of times and you feel like a robot.
I live in Rome and streets are such a messy shitshow that finding a parking spot is borderline impossible, but I still prefer that to grid systems.
>tfw too stupid to do anything else
And there's also the little things.
Like exhaust.
You can pipe the exhaust smoke from your engine wherever and however you want, so this smokestack isnt simply decoration. Well it is, because you can pipe the smoke wherever, but the exhaust has to come out somewhere and i chose to make a funnel.
For me, it's Anno.
does kenshi count?
Holy fucking shit.
you fucking zoomers have spammed this abortion of a game for 2 months already
isn't it time to stop?
why are you seething this hard? lmfao, still waiting for the crack huh?
is Project Zomboid an autism simulator? It feels like an autism simulator
>sitting masses of cups and trash bags outside to collect rain
>marking where you've been by dropping bits of junk in the driveways/near the front door of loot targets
>why are you seething for a game that ruined the anno genre forever?
i bet you liked anno 1404.
and i also bet it probably was your first anno game.
>Download factorio
>Play 15 hours in two days
>Suddenly realize its an aggressive waste of my time (even tho I'm neet)
>Never open it again
>hates zoomers
>uses 'kys'
That's gorgeous
>32 bridges in a 1km span
Disgusting grids.
That's my sort of my problem with cities skylines.
I really want to like that game, it's garbage because it's too fucking easy.
Each expansion they add more features that unfortunately make the game even easier than before. Needless to say I'm completely not buying any expansions.
I understand why the devs don't give a shit(casual fags are their bread and butter) but it'd be nice if they had a more realistic simulation mode.
Inb4 mods. What's the point of spending money on a product if I have to wait someone else to fix it for me? Mods are supposed to make a good game better, not clean up the mess from someone else.
>51 FPS
post good nongrid cities
Anno 2070 is best Anno 1v1 me irl
That sounds like a lot to get into. Perfect. Thanks for the info, sounds like a horrible timesink
>Why doesn't it work?
Like 90% of the time when you ask that question the answer is the same. Because everybody is going to the same place.
>Exit right after a tunnel
What the fuck
Super weird that you use Aisha for your photo there considering everybody in the galaxy doesn't even want to be in the same room as a Ctarl-Ctarl.
This guy gets it. If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.
Oh God everyone is leaving and I'm about to go bankrupt! How do I get more people in my city!
>Spend 10000000k moneh to build something that works and will be hell for the next person that will be working on it when you could have spent 1 and made something simpler that also works.
Yeah, right, not stupid.
>That exit in the top left
>Clearly tries to turn left several times but didn't fit so eventually the builder just went "FUCK IT" and looped it all the way around
Good stuff.
Bruh you got no idea. You'll think you've lost control of your life when you spend hours not even building any specific vehicle, but working on a generic platform devoted to nothing but testing out different kinds of weapon and engine designs...
I think 2070 is totally fine, though the historical ones right before and after it were better to me. Like a B+ work between two A's. I distinctly remember wishing there was more dependency between the three 'factions'. Like you go out of your way to upgrade them but they each had their own isolated supply chains. It would have been nice if say the Ecos get a boost because of something the Tycoons can export to them and vice versa.
Thanks for the support, bro.
>It would have been nice if say the Ecos get a boost because of something the Tycoons can export to them and vice versa.
Yeaaah. There are a couple missed opportunities like that but I still think it's the best of the Annos. Still true to the old Anno formula but just gives you more toys to play with, you know?
This looks like fucking Portland's overpasses, fuck this place seriously.
Molten silicon in petrochem tank
oh shit nigger why
Why not drop all that casual shit and play dwarf fortress, CDDA, and aurora?
Please don't get me started on Cataclysm: Bloatware Ahead
Are cdor/ sapkowski considered based by polish gamers?
t. brainlet
Because whenever i play dorf fort i burn out right away doing stupid shit like making a 9001-z magma pump or 9001-waterwheel-strong powerplant with accompanying earthworks with just my starting 10 or whatever dorfs
also i turn it into a fucking human(dorf) resources and sorting-hat simulator because i want to assign every dorf a job according to their physical and mental attributes but then i wont have enough dorf miners simply because there aren't enough dorfs with average or above kinesthetic sense or some shit
it drives me up the fucking wall
Hot damn
I know that "autism" is a key part of this conversation but holy shit user
Factorio is fun as fuck but I always get overwhelmed and quit around the time I need to move into purple science
If Toady insists on putting in shit like that i want to fucking optimize accordingly
The thing about adding and removing layers of abstraction is that blank slates are so much easier to work with and may make things more fun or boring or stressful in a management game depending on how control-freaky you are.
The more 'human' you make them the more shit you have to account for. Which i guess makes for more fun in games like Rimworld and Dorf Fort because the randomness of peoples' simulated attributes and personalities, but...
we posting these?
>that fucking airfield
jesus christ user warn a man first
after seeing it again i realize the funnier part of the landing plane is not just landing under the overpasses but also thread inbetween 3 pairs of highway pillars
>that airstrip
>your uber driver is here!
>walk out the 10th story window and into my ride
is this a summoning circle to make lightning mcqueen appear?
It's the main challenge of the game but the AI is also exceptionally dumb on the roads.
Played lots of Sierra city builders. Caesar, Pharaoh/Cleopatra, Zeus/Poseidon, and Emperor: RotMK.
Played some zachtronics games, but even the easiest ones were too hard for me to finish before getting burnt out.
Works in Hong Kong.
UPS death here we go
>SimCity acrologies and the fucking Tyrell building
is that triple skyscraper from anything
Depends. There are places like Boston, that is like something built by mostly alcoholics (Irish). There are other places that are developed more recently, actually had some kind of city planning, and are not planned by drunken Micks.
C:S is the most autism-unfriendly game I've ever played fuck off pleb go get real autism.
Are you sure this is a city-building game and not a Final Destination sim?
Transit in cities skylines doesn't work properly, download the mod for it
>is that triple skyscraper from anything
Its from Ghost in the shell, with a custom skybridge added
>Mordhau is like the only recent exception
No exception, really
hearty kek
we postin autism?
>when driving in a circle is too hard for you
there's an agent limit?
Exactly how large and how many squares can you cram with high density buildings before everything falls to pieces?
Theres some serious bladerunner shit in here, wish there was more aggressive neon lighting
So, where do I go after I'm done building a city using only one way roads
Is EVE Online ded yet?
I dont see much discussion on it at all anymore, even the spreadsheet simulator and ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz.. insults are gone
my nightmares
>we postin autism?
Does Tekken count?
Why doesnt minecraft have triangles its fucking retarded its just cubes
CCP got bought out by the chinks that run BDO, the Chinese are moving into the main server, exacerbating the botting crisis happening right now, and Goonswarm has such a hold on the game that no outside force could ever hope to dethrone them
Capital proliferation is worse than ever, small gang PVP is dead, and small alliances can barely survive except in wormhole space
But CCP added new skins and a new kind of PVE for highseccers so it's all okay.
Tl;dr it's not dead yet but it would probably be better for everyone involved if it was
Ok I was convinced, is this what a city looks like?
How did he do?
As i mentioned Mordhau i kinda figured someone was gonna point that out
But after spending many hours just to get not-shit at For Honor and multiplayer Mountain Blade (and failing anyway) i decided i was too casul about the genre to get into Mordhau beyond enjoying the mayhem of frontline
>Watchlist open
>Notification log open
>Motherfucking D Scan open
>Broadcast open when you’re not even a logi
Cmon man, you can save some space if you take out all of those windows and resize some shit.
That's a penis.
Woof, that sucks. Maybe in that environment there's not even dramatic stories of isk scamming and system conquest anymore
nice workshop roundabout
it wasn't my picture and i agree with most of this except dscan
why would you ever not have dscan open
maybe i'm just paranoid from too much time spent in wormholes
that game is weird, make a grid and you regularly get traffic issues, offset every street so all intersections are merely Ts and suddenly no cars ever stop moving and have traffic issues never appear.
this is my limit so far; I keep trying factorio but my autism bottoms out around red circuits
Does Terraria count?
Heh, yeah you’re just paranoid. I usually don’t have it open when I’m in large battles, but I always have it open when I did small gang PvP or exploration
I like sims where you aren't constrained by morality.
Something like Rimworld, Tropico or Prison Architect.
You want to be big dick autismo Gs, you gotta show your cities traffic percentage without mods or added tools.
Build fractal roads, big highways, big access roads, smaller street roads and put everything important on the big roads.
Weird. I've tried that game and couldn't figure it out. Factorio however was relatively natural.
high storage capacity for the area. is there a reason why to not use it?
>I prefer disorder because it's pretty
this is why you spaghettiniggers lost both world wars
Is Sim City 4 still the best city builder?
It helps if you're the type of /o/utist who enjoys spending an hour designing a malaise era shitbox
>Always delete every single city I make as soon as I get below 85% traffic because I can't be arsed to fix it.
It's as if the white car is closer to the camera than all the others
its a womb you retard.
Aurora breaks whenever you get into a missile heavy fight
>Americans will defend this
where in the fuck is this
I thought that was awful until I saw there are a few traffic lights in there. Reminds me of a roundabout nearby me that now has traffic lights.
the highway sign is green, so somewhere in the US
as to why: hard drugs
>brainlets can't into diverging diamond but still praise the deathtrap that is a roundabout
The fact that we still don't have technic pack as a full blown game yet is criminal.
this is some escher shit right here
My penis has a fungal infection
this is fun
I get it, I don't like it but I get it.
This seems straightforward to me, can't see how anyone except tards (and Euros unused to such a thing) would fuck it up.
I have zero creativity so no, even minecraft tech mods everytime i build a house in minecraft it's always a fucking square house if it's terraria it's always a tower hotel house
I think they missed the traffic lights and that's why they think it's bad. To them they just see traffic that crosses each other non stop. So I guess that falls under tards and brainlets.
All of the actually-good city building style games; Cleopatra, Zeus, SimCity 4, Anno, were restricted to grids, so it's ingrained in people who grew up with the genres.
Why delete? It’s easy as fuck. I use Traffic Manager and the Real Time mod with no despawning so ymmv. But don’t have all your population funneling through one road to get somewhere, having lots of alternative routes and adding public transport helps as well.
SC4 will always be the best city builder. Cities skylines might have unlimited mods but it doesn’t have the charm that SC4 has. CS feels like a city painter then a city builder most of the time.
>Do you guys play any autism simulators?
No because I get enough of it in my real life.
Cities Skylines has also had major problems that have remained unfixed for years while the devs shove out more and more useless dlc. Sim City 4 was nearly perfect on release.
SC4 is either build all your cities as a grid or make use of awful mods and spend way too much time with jigsaw pieces to get something resembling an interesting city. It's best to just accept that there are no truly good city builders yet and move on until one comes along.
>SC4 will always be the best city builder.
That's a funny way to spell SC2k. That was the last game to have the best balance with the amount of detail. SC4 goes so fucking overboard with graphs, systems, and details to keep track of. SC2k is eternally charming and has an amount of detail/control that's engaging but not overwhelmingly autistic.
pirate it, their dlc policy is bullshit
Does SC2 have persistent civilian/traffic sprites? I hate how everything fades in and out in SC4, makes it seem so artificial
Nice Aisa
Yikes post
The DLC is pretty good but unfortunately the price points of 12-15bucks or whatever is too much. I pick them up on sale for 7 or so and I think they are worth it at that price.
>Does SC2 have persistent civilian/traffic sprites?
No, but it has the best disasters.
I want to fuck this space cat.
Oh God, what the fuck. What are all these tendrils of ramps surrounding the left roundabout? Why do you have the exit on one side lead to an overpass taking you to the other side? It's like some retarded skate park
How autistic is it REALLY though?
Is that even modeled off of a real life battleship?
Is surviving mars AI still ass?
>Not just pirating the DLC
>Just because you don't like EUIV for its design choices doesnt mean you have to be rude to people that said nothing to you
lmao. fuck off back to plebbit with that gay shit
>tfw only interested in Skylines for this
>don't wanna deal with traffic and traffic management and perfect road placing and optimizing and shit
>Look up picture
>It's real
rent free :)
please stop making streets, just download some mods please.
humans aren't smart enough for this road
It’s kinda sickening seeing something like that.
You are like a little baby.
Watch this
Texas is experimenting with these now. I am working on a project where one will be built. Williams Drive crossing I-35 in Georgetown, Texas.
bzz bzz
Cities Skylines is like grown up legos
It's fun
personally im looking for some autism masturbaters
Well the layout of the turrets and the hull is inspired the style of world war i battleships
user, read the room. You spew this stuff to fit in, but read the room.
>Every time you drive down the street you think you're dying
It's pretty autistic. Especially if you do Lua scripting.
Here's a Webm of me flying a plane. I had to create the entire HUD myself.
>tfw transportation engineer irl
>cannot stop traffic congestion at all in Cities Skylines
I am a failure...
I shudder to think what street numbers must look like in this city.
there are mods that fix the piece of shit traffic AI in the base game
demand a refund from transportation engineer college
Learn from this guy. He is good.
I bring it up because it looks like a lot of dreadnought US battleships. And that's my favorite flavor of autism
This looks like one of those play rugs you used to play with cars on as a kid.
Yupp and the ability to create them from whole cloth is what attracted me to the game
In the workshop there's a gorillion historical warships to look at
what if this actually worked irl tho
>no survival style gamemodes for gmod that incorporate things like wiremod or any of the other fun sandbox addons
>can't summon the autism to play because there's nothing to overcome
Imagine using a GPS in that city
Anno is just a plain bad, simplistic game. Doesn't come close to being autistic.
Make all the intersections be lights
For what purpose?
What was your tax policy?
ok now do it again but with one way streets
It's called a Diverging Diamond. They're actually meant to be quite good because they minimise the number of intersections, so they're safer / faster.
I was born in the wrong era
>Hating on anno 1404
What a dumb cunt
Don't listen to . Your problem is that you don't have enough streets. Add as many as you can. Your goal is to turn your city into one flat slab of pavement so all the cars are free to go wherever they want without having to worry about traffic ever again.
always takes the shortest travel route possible no matter what unless you download traffic president mod which makes them take shortest time route and actually use more than one lane instead of just the lane for where they'll eventually make a turn
>playing cramped autistic city builders
>not playing majestic comfy homestead simulators
>live 2 miles from work
>have to spend an hour zig-zagging there each day
>city installed vomit buckets around town because all the townspeople keep getting carsick
this is unironically a better game than cities skylines
>All those bridges
>All that unnecessary infrastructure
I miss old /cbg/ sometimes
holy nostalgia
>you will never experience life in the golden age of America
We would've inherited it if not for boomers
You’re now in the “hard times create strong men” part of the cycle
almost thought about reinstalling it, but skylines modded is just so much more flexible
maxxis fucked up so hard with sc5
they literally handed their entire fanbase to paradox
It's been a while since I've played.
>Mods are supposed to make a good game better, not clean up the mess from someone else.
That's my opinion. Cities Skylines is so fucking broken that mods don't really help, and due to their nature, make abysmal performance even worse.
I feel like such a brainlet playing Skylines and I hate it
I'm having fun with it, I just wish that rare metals was not the only meta sans cheats.
just means we have to make it ourselves, like our grandparents did
this is starting to sound like a Bethesda thread
>every exit literally creates a new intersection
What a way to ruin everything.
>I use Traffic Manager and the Real Time mod
So you're saying you're shit at the game and need mods to compensate for poor route and road placement?
I hope that you are still in this thread, but check this out
Any anons get the hang of Rise of Industry yet? For the life of me I can't figure that one out
>Transport Fever
good taste.
Riding your own train lines is apex comfykino
Holy crap, a European city with roads that intersect at right angles? Most of the city road grids in Europe look like the outlines of broken glass after you take a baseball bat to it.
See this here in pic related? This is why Cities Skylines is ass and will always be shit, because you could never build a real route through this and make it work like it does IRL without mods to make traffic not retarded.
No? I use it for more flexibility and added strain on my road networks with things like morning rush hour.
Nice bait though
Pretty good.
the devs of cities skylines are hacks
they didn't create the engine, and 4 years later and the traffic ai still hasn't been fixed
Yeah I always peter out aroudn the time I need to start building satellite bases to harvest more iron and copper
I prefer SC4 because it looks prettier. Can't beat isometric games man.
They still don't have dedicated left turn signals, do they?
To be fair, you have to use even more extensive mods to make SC4's traffic not retarded. And to add curved roads.
Factorio is the rick and morty of videogames.
do you play SC4 without mods?
I never did.
I'm really just mad at maxxis for ruining the direction of the series
A lot of the prettier SimCity 4 stuff is significantly 'shopped. It also really bothers me that there are two practically identical 7-Eleven stores next to each other. Even ones across the street from each other are significantly different. You can also tell the rail signals could be a victim of scaling, all the vertical axes have to be slightly distorted for isometric, otherwise it looks too flat.
>Two 7/11s literally right next to each other
Must be Japan
You guys are like babies, watch this
>Children of a Dead Earth
>The only "game" where you need to learn astrophysics and engineering to beat the game
>Literally links you to articles where you read about the topics beings introduced in new missions
>Might unironically put this on my resume
I don't understand why Cities Skylines looks like such garbage.
Maybe it's a really big single 7/11, gotta fit in those ramen packets.
General rule: if the game in question needs mods (in other words outside help) to make it not shit, to fucking fix it, it's a shit game. The only time mods truly add anything to a game is when the base game is already worth playing.
>Have to install gigs of mods again
Actually that would be Bioshock
>tfw "enemy launched 30 devastator nuclear warheads" pops up 3 times in a row
I'm jealous when I see really pretty SC4 maps. Design wise I'm still a gridshitter.
Fuck Vesta Overkill
Don't feel bad, SC4 was literally designed to make grid cities. You can only move away from that with the use of awkward mods.
This game is the absolute peak of taking realism too far
>calculate a trajectory slingshot around planets to fling yourself at an enemy to mutually turn each other into overheated slag now hurtling out of the solar system
Buy the game pirate the DLC.
Fuck no we're not, you're one stage ahead
Imagine playing a game with a manual under 500 pages long
>Transport Fever
Never see this talked about here but I fucking love it. Trailer for 2 has been released if you weren’t aware, get excited.
i want this game, super educational games have been a dream of mine for a while now but this shit is expensive
who wants it?
I think part of it is SimCity 4 (along with 2k and the original) aimed for realism in graphics and simulation with some corners cut for gameplay and technical limitations reasons, while Cities Skylines sort of ignored all that and just went with "skyscrapers and free-form drawing", while completely missing the nuances of what made SimCity good in the first place.
>$25 on Steam
...Bro are you ok?
That's a surprisingly apt comparison now that I think about it.
Can I have it please?
[email protected]
>Hex Gardens
Idk that is so funny to me
Pretty please?
Is there a key?
Because if not it was just wasted
what do you mean?
JUST fuck my riverfront up senpai
It was a throwaway site, I don't actually have an account linked to it
a-10 was my jimmer jam. Finally getting good at launching ATGMs was a good feeling.
create one then or dont. I knew I shouldn't have given it to you with that stupid email address.
tiny earthquake would fuck that up so easily
why would you build something like that?
As someone who has in the past been stuck on long commutes to a job I fucking hated listening to the radio while melting on a hot summer day during hours of unmoving traffic. What gets me hardest in lament for modern era city builders is that shit traffic, debt and bankruptcy are always used by the game as its fail states, when in reality there are cites and fucking even entire nations with roads that are absolute shit and in utterly crushing debt so nothing can really be fixed, and yet people continue on in those cities and nations just fucking fine. They make due and even brag about their situations. The only real fail states you need are not having power or water, and fuck even then, people still live in those places and cope. I would absolutely love a city builder in the modern that isn't about making an autistic paradise of bugs with perfect ratios of commercial, residential and industry with a park every five squares but instead actually incorporates stats for quality of life in slums and poor infrastructure and traffic routing not used as fail states but part of managing a way out of those things. And if I want to create a desolate horror show of industry or a place intentionally filled with abandoned buildings full of squatters surrounded by roads full of potholes, the city builder should let me do that without the proclamation of failure because people live in such places IRL without the saving grace or absolution that comes with a hand of God click to start over.
It's literally just text , I didn't think I would have needed to spell out that you should have sent the Steam code instead of that
Learn to recognize throwaway accounts before you try to give something away
nice trackmania map
holy shit you are an ungrateful little piece of crap.
What am I to be grateful for, boss? I didn't actually get anything.
Pretty incredible, user
Spoken by a man with the good fortune to have never set foot in San Francisco, LA, or Seattle.
Is this a joke?
Why even fucking bother asking for it in the first place?
Sorry my man, I was unaware of the order resender, I did get it, I legitimately feel bad now. I have some Nep codes from a while back if you want them for an apology.
Mostly. Yeah.
Eat shit and die weeb
I would add to the fact that a future city builder needs to focus on things beyond skyscrapers as a "win" state. By the time a real city gains skyscrapers, there's slums, there's widespread poverty, housing is expensive, and traffic is just a money sink. Why not let a player just develop a comfy lakeside town with enough wealth to bring in some nice things but still small enough to be a small town?
Reminder that games with shitty DLC policies on Steam can often be fooled with CreamAPI, which you can get on That way you have the game legit on Steam with all features enabled (like achievements), and get the DLC for free.
Fuck bees?
whats this i heard about worker ai shitting the bed between domes?
like you cant have a residential dome and have people commute to a work dome you gotta have the residents and workspaces the residents work in, in the same dome or something like that
this exchange made me laugh and feel bad at the same time
There's an indescribably feeling of scientific pleasure is knowing you're doing things with hardcore realism. It's like the big dick feeling you get when you take a class like "nuclear engineering" and feel pure chad.
A city builder that has buildings with actual gradual decay or upkeep states that follow the wealth of their neighborhoods/ districts rather than the black and white of populated or abandoned. Actually a favela/ Kowloon Walled City/ Detroit simulator would actually be dope. Imagine if you're the "mayor" and one of the loan options you unlock with population density is taking money from drug cartels rather than various banks or supplementing the city budget with a poppy field?
This is only the 2nd time traffic ever gave me a boner
>"Ayo homie, what hex you live at?"
>"Shit, you just around the comb."
Well, Presidente, do I have a surprise for you.
ok wut game i wanna play it
Tropico isn't really a city builder, the city building is more an addendum to playing management sim about being a despot.
>about being a despot
So you didn't play the game
Not his fault that its the most efficient design and citysim's ai is too stupid to utilize anything else properly.
Really want to play again but it crashes on startup
Can we talk about SimCity 4's OST? It brings back so many memories.
Soviet Republic anybody?
dorf fort is still the best
Despot has a wide definition, you can be benign if you want.
Autism isn't a bad thing. it just means something that doesn't necessarily have fun as a main aspect, and more to do with controlling numbers and stats in the most optimal way.
Kill me
ElectriCITY is my jam
dat intro
>Autism isn't a bad thing
What are the essential mods for City Skylines? I haven't been playing with any
There’s too many to even list
Is there any dedicated city builder that starts in the stone age and actually accumulates time unlocks for more advanced civilizations as you play or achieve goals? Like if you were managing a futuristic city but it had this church as a landmark that you actually built while in game's medieval period and decided to keep?
Yeah that's why I haven't bothered.
These pictures are reminding me of how often I used to play SC4. Little bits and pieces of various cities that I made years ago floating around in my mind, now gone forever. It makes me a little sad.
been to pittsburgh? the bridges are fucking insane
Cities Skylines is the first game I know of that actually tried to build on curves, otherwise other games require a square to be efficient.
You obviously have a light at the intersection top left. remove it and you'll be fine.
incredibly comfy to look at, nailed that night feel
Peasants who don't know about diamond interchange.
Skyline players, what was your first reaction when trying to use the district painting tool? Mine was a mix of confusion and disgust.
>autism simulator
i got surviving mars a few days ago, its fun but has its problems. i think some were fixed with the green planet thing.
heres my little baby colony
Shit I using this map too, fucking love this map.
Excellent post.
All I want out of Skylines are more tilesets I don't have to mod in. Fuck, I just want to build a Russian or Japanese city without any bullshit extra steps.
The F-18 is so much more user friendly than the A-10 honestly. Can't wait for the targeting pod to come out.
Nice. I only just started it too. This site is fucking dust storm alley though.
SC4 had some good tracks but I prefer Sim CIty 3000's music. So good.
nice channel nerd
I pirated it and felt ripped off.
Did they fix the massive issues with terrain leveling?
billions in the insurance payout for the owner
I love SC4's style but the interface hasn't aged well. I tried to play it with mods but having to plop everything by hand and especially having to place each individual piece of a highway by had while cycling through tiles was super clunky. While I'm doubtful, has anything changed in the last 5 years? Maybe I was doing something wrong?
I really enjoyed it but it definitely takes some getting used to. Gonna wait for it to get fleshed out a bit more before I come back to it but the aesthetic they're going for is great especially the OST
Yeah, Arma 3.
that was pretty entertaining. kind of annoying that small mistakes can easily be unrectifiable though
cities skylines
>why does cities skylines look like garbage?
A full 3D rendering that sacrifices the level of detail and grit of simcity's fixed perspective graphics
A euro-centric art style that leans towards commie block looks instead of comfy americana
american architecture and city planning is dogshit though
I started rubbing my hands looking at that.
help a brainlet understand why the crossover is even necessary
Watch the included video my friend. The tl;dr is all right turns and merging in from the right
Then why do American cities look and feel better?
pro tip: office zoning is the best zone for inner city major roads to keep traffic flowing
high density commercial areas should be zoned on small blocks with dedicated side-streets off of main streets so trucks can make deliveries without slowing things down heavily
one way roads and a dedicated highway connection are your friend with industrial zoning
oh thanks
>not establishing a caste system where job determines bedroom quality and autistically setting value standards for each room
step it up senpai
They don't, they feel like soulless artificial husks designed by Jews with extremely shitty public transportation methods.
Why do I need an autism simulator when I have Autism, Depression and Social Anxiety Disorder?
Because autism simulators stimulate your autism, help numb your depression by devoting all your attention to the autism simulator, and keeps you from situations where your social anxiety will flare up because you spend all your time alone playing the autism simulator.
you can find a way to unlock all the dlc on youtube.just search it.
I wish our cities were that organized
I know what they are. They're a way to subtly decrease population. I haven't seen so many confused retards almost die since roundabouts first started getting popular.
Speaking of which
>roundabouts with oncoming traffic
What the fuck man
Uhum, especially when Sim City (2013) is actually great fun to play
Punish high population density with production, health and happiness hits? seems like a no-brainer to me. Also allow low density housing, think farmhouses and mansions.
>city builders
>"autism stimulators"
jesus fucking christ the absolute state of nu-Yea Forums
been looking for a new city builder game
played Cities Skyline and most of the older ones
any suggestions?
also will Factorio scratch my autism? Even though its not a city builder
this makes me anxious
too sterile and artificial, even the park strip
anything creative is an autism simulator technically, funny thing is you'd need an autist or schizo for this very reason if you want a quirky concept.
so is this real? I mean, it looks like a render?
If it's real, jesus christ, that looks like such nuke test town from the cold war.
You can't really make people go away unless you're doing something retarded, like having your water tanks near a heavy polluted areas so that polluted water runs on every pipes, kills absolutely everyone, that the only service that runs in the city are the undertakers. It's pretty cool having a ghost town actually.
Thanks for reminding me of Magnasanti
There is actually a different problem with the mods for Skylines:
They don't fix the CORE issues of the game. Sure, there is a lot of them that GENUINELY improve the game in a massive way (like traffic modes actually fixing the driver A.I. and shit), but the real core issue of Skylines, the lack of modular structures and proper production chains, can't be just modded in. And the Industry expansion, that was supposed to fix it, is crap.
Cities Skylines needs to take a page from Factorio and Anno games. It needs production chains, and it needs FUNCTIONALLY MODULAR structures. Also, it really needs to completely - and I mean COMPLETELY revamp the mass transport, trains in particular.
What holds Skylines back is the simple fact that the city organization virtually never EMERGES FROM FUNCTION. There is no external pressure to actually develop elaborate and interesting-looking networks. If you want to build something interesting - like say, an actual fucking railyard, YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR PURELY DECORATIVE REASONS, just plopping down props.
The intersections are literally the only part of the game that actually forces you to build with focus on function and not just plopping down whatever you feel.
And it's a real shame, because otherwise, it be the best city-builder ever.
I'm currently hooked on Anno 1800 because it does precisely what I actually hoped CS would do: mix that Factorio organic, function-driven complexity with more aesthetic city-building elements. And it's really good.
Except it's limiting and grid-based.
Damn I hope someone is working on CS2 who realizes all of this...
skylines is still less efficient when you build with curves, just not hugely
creating things isnt autistic
It legit made me horny
Didn't the latest Sim City have curves before that? Too bad the rest of the game was fucked up by ridiculously shitty decisions on EA's part, because it could have been amazing. The base for an incredible game is there.
>those excessive number of bridges
No city would have the actual funding to build and maintain that many minor bridges.
Sim City 5 is a better game than Skylines, but it's a shit city builder
It just WORKS
Skylines is an even shittier city builder, there's so little meaningful city management that it's much more like a sandbox game than anything else. Also the population scaling is completely fucked up.
Take another look at it and actually imaging driving on it, it's actually not even remotely complicated, you don't even have merging between layers.
thats what I mean
skylines is good because you don't have a tinyass little square to build on, it just has non-existent game mechanics
what about Tropico? atleast it has politics and soul, Cuba is comfy.
this is some seriously unsettling shit.
I want to get off on mr mayor's ride
Is this Cities Skylines ?
>autism simulators stimulate your autism
>anything creative is an autism simulator technically
You still don't get it, cities has a shit load of ease-of-access features that allows players to achieve their objectives easily, for a game to be true autism simulators the most prominent features they will lack are on the visual department.
I'm interested in public transportation, their effect on the economy, the work force, and the environment, and in what ways infrastructures can be designed with public transportation as a focal point.
This city is very new but the idea is it's a long city with a bus stop on every corner, and buses running in both directions. The city is only a couple blocks wide, which means, at most, each person would only have to walk a block or two to get to or from a bus stop. And with buses going in both directions, it should take the same amount of time to take the bus as it would be to drive.
Unsurprisingly bus usage is quite high, traffic is low, and I get a lot of my budget from bus fares. Most of the traffic now is from out of city vehicles. It obviously works with a smaller city and I suspect it will continue to work, so long as I only expand in that one direction.
Does this count as autism?
Literally nobody makes cities like this
>build a decent metro line
>all traffic issues are gone
eh, city skylines isn't autism-core but it's definitely got autism potential
it takes a good bit of effort to get a high population sprawled city traffic congestion sorted
good, now grid it
buses run south-north
metro trains run west-east
stations intersect
you're going to need a better way of handling industry though, I suggest making pods that have their own dedicated highway access and no ability for trucks to enter the residential grid
Why not?
play realm grinder, it's better
It's bringing back good fucking memories.
Cleopatra, Zeus, etc. were restricted to closed blocks
Is Tropico 6 good? How does it compare to 4?
5 is better than 4, I did not yet buy 6. it got the best user review ratio though, may buy it later. I love the series and the dev so pirating is not an option.
Planned cities suck. Are there any games about trying to modernize a 700 year old town with spaghetti roads and buildings/historical landmarks you aren't allowed to demolish?
>5 is better than 4
Everything I ever heard about 5 was that it was a clear downgrade from 4 in every way except arguably graphics
sidegrade more likely, but yeah, the removed and missed features are back in 6 due fan demand. that's why I love the dev: listening.
cities:skyline in real world
Sounds like 6 might be the clear best game if they did it right, then. I've had 4 in my backlog for a while after seeing it recommended here enough times, played it a few times and it seemed great but I never really sat down and got too deep into it.
Sorry you hate PERFECTION faggot. The only logical end to human existence is turning the earth into a pristine concrete cube.
autism simulators will and always be top tier
there is no way they can taint these type of games with gay shit
Silly retard, check out dorf fortress general sometime.
I got a special place in my sentiment for 4, when I was dealing with crippling, clinical anxiety (untreated by then) I used it to ''switch off'' the doomthinking and pain in my chest following it. I know it sounds queer, but that game really helped me with my illness.
How can you even pirate the dlc while actually owning the game though wouldnt you lose workshop support?
They don't
The streets and buildings are arranged nicely.
the obscene amount of bridges with no riverside roads is killing me
my latest city
I've heard of that working for people in that scenario, I don't think it's strange at all. Just being able to zone out/be creative is the main point of the genre and what makes it great
My laptop also couldn't handle Borderlands 2. was abroad.
Considering reinstalling City:Skylines, but I don't have any DLC.
Is the base game solid? I played it for like 12-15 hours before, but kept restarting because things weren't working as intended.
I play military autism games
It's the sheer number of bullshit bridges that's really selling it.
I hear you, although for me it was Falcon BMS
Thinking of trying it since they've updated to BMS 4.34 and have a more user friendly launcher
Not yet but soon.
this screenshot makes me really wish they made a sequel to Superpower 2
>Paradox game
pirate the DLC
r8 my map
>Playing Cities Skylines without mods
Your motherboard has a short, mate.
That's what I'm doing.
Who else does these 5x2 arrangements in Anno 1800?
>tfw no crack gf
Your layout looks autistic as fuck. Not even counting the 5x2.
Unironically Cities Life.
Check out Lethis.
2x2 is the official layout for houses, right?
The real question is: wtf Artlink was thinking with Atrain?
For me, it's Aeons of Death
What? Like the most efficient?
Did someone say grids?
fuck off Mel.
>I live in Rome
But user, Roma fa schifo
Is avorion considered autism
I don't know if its most efficient or anything, its just the easiest to work with.
Basically have a 2x2 houses next to each other, surrounded by roads, be a module that you put where you need it.
City builder game with this aesthetic and
I approve of this though I feel you leave too much green in the center of the hexes
and what? Why was that cut off? Are you ok user?
I played this game once to prove that humanity is actual garbage, that they will do anything and live anywhere under any circumstance..
I used dirt road where applicable, heavy industry right next to residential, and whenever I wanted to place a park I placed a garbage dump instead. No logic or planning went into the actual design. It was made to be awful, annoying. An shit.
There it was. Humanity is confirmed shit. The houses sprang up, the economy crashed. Sure, people were sick. Many died, but with no hospital it didn't matter. Who's counting? They had the police to maintain law and order. At the end of the day in society all that matters is someone has a gun and is willing to use it. Place some dirt road and put a for sale sign next to it, an some idiot will buy it 100%.
babby's first teenaged brush with cynicism
damn user, that's a beaut
how many hours do you have on cities
Shut your mouth kid, you aren't fooling anyone.
>t. lives next to a landfill
>getting this defensive about your dumb shitpost
ok reatard
I haven't played since launch is it better now?
77 hours. I only really played this when it was new.
Is this game normally supposed to take 10 minutes to load?
wow, I would have guessed more
thx for the cool screenies
Also noticed I apparently had the money cheat on in the last image, so here's a little older image without the cheat.
>you failed to target nothing
It's potentially extremely autistic.
Aside from the run-of-the-mill things like center of mass considerations, armour types and placement of things like engines and ammunition, the rabbit hole goes right down to things like designing engines from scratch, sensor types and coverage, gun (and missile) design including figuring out what shells you want them to fire, AI scripting and behaviour settings for individual systems and tasks and making sure they work together, and holy fucking shit how did I just spend three days figuring out how to balance the acceleration curve on my fast attack boat so the AI doesn't flip it over all the time.
I liked it, but got distracted by other things and relearning it now seems like a lot of effort.
Offcourse I do
They're almost always lacking.
>citizens don't want to travel 7 minutes to get to work, they need to travel 3-5 minutes or they literally won't do it
That's just retarded.
My home city recently had a roundabout collapse. It had a tunnel under it.
I actually made the same thing, only it was ground level + elevated, because I can't do tunnels, in my City Skylines, and it seemed to work alright.
Gotta love the Tyrell pyramids.
i like this russian logging simulator, but i really wish it added cutting down of the actual logs you load and transport, not just click to put on the xx thing every time you click or change the log size/weight
I also have a quarrel with the gear shifter, they should have added the clutch and normal manual shifter
Still a great simulator
>18 fps
>24 fps
Impressive otherwise.
This is how you should do it:
Houston, is that you?
>tfw not autistic enough for these
those screenshots make me wanna reinstall cities skylines but i dont have any dlc wont bother pirating them and i have a feeling buying dwarf fortress on steam will be a regrettable purchase
>breasts shrink and enlarge constantly
for fuck's sake animation ain't that hard and tits don't need to bingle bangle bongle all the fucking time.
>tiny earthquake would fuck that up so easily
Depending on where that was built, that might not be an issue.
Missed another good thread. :( GODDAMNIT