Plays overwatch once

>plays overwatch once

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no way


can't lose that jawline huh

obviously fucking fake dip shits

I wish

We're losing masculinity

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is her asshole sideways?

More like plays video games once

tbqhfamamalam asian girls often have that jawline

fake and gay

stop posting degenerate mentally ill tranny shit

I actually would kiss them not gonna lie

Me after the new snapchat filters lmao

No, you are. I'm growing stronger.

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>people still falling for this shit


>goes to Yea Forums once

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I can't tell which one is the before or after

r8 me Yea Forums

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this is what happens when you have 600 hours playing mercy

I wish I could be a girl(boy) and make money just for fucking my girlfriend

>goes to /fit/ once

wow you are beautiful lady

>plays smash ultimate once

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Trannies actually believe this.

that ones actually pretty cute, but in a few years they won't look anything like that anymore

Took him 22 months to put makeup on

i mean he started at 40
and now he looks like an unattractive 40 year old mother
but its a shame cause he looked way more attractive as a male desu

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the second pic is Facetuned as fuck

went from glorious beard genetics looking like a dude out of a Renaissance painting to a very ugly tranny, shame

>plays modded skyrim once

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You look like you could be a different background character in The Office in every stage.

Amazing that the transition even changed the tattoo on his arm. tranny science has come a long way

Yea Forums on the left, me on the right

>glorious beard genetics

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>literally not even the same tattoo
Who is retarded enough to fall for this? Oh yeah Yea Forums is

>prefers HoMMIV to III

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I hate trannies so much

the buff guy looks like he is gonna get aids up the butt by his bf.

That's a face only a mother could love

Is this fred from the live action scooby doo?

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You do more "damage" to masculinity than any tranny ever could.

what happens to a person if they play tf2 once?

Cute. Bet thats prime boipucci

he got a gf

>hrt gave him a lazy eye that grew progressively worse
Jesus christ how horrifying.

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this is the real deal
it changes nothing

don't fall for the trannie discord raid boys

it's two different people you fucking face-blind autists

its the goose

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it's more funny when you realize it's because they can't get a gf

Todd is the only answer to save us from the degeneracy

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People not being able to immediately distinguish our guy, the goose, is baffling

There are two types of trannies, one can use Photoshop and the other one cant but they are the same monster.

I wish I had the jawline of asian girls,
>tfw jawlet and chinlet
It's okay.

>picks girl character once

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they will pay for it eventually

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>(You) too

Is there anything more pathetic than a chink compensate their insect genes with lifting? He will never lift away his micropenis.

I would literally do anything to be guy in left picture. Why in the hell did he throw those godlike chad genes away??

so he cut off his dick just so he could love himself?

Booby Fischer had a 22 IQ

he got tired of slaying pussy and wanted to get his pounded instead

>Yea Forums poster thinks hes "masculine"

>throwing away you chad genes

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You don't even know what masculinity is.

>Fags still trying to use being Chad as a compliment

What a mistake our generations are making. Men are no longer proud of being men because main stream media constantly shames them into for literally everything wrong in the world. When's the last time you felt some genuine pride in the fact that you're a man? fucking sad

>When's the last time you felt some genuine pride in the fact that you're a man? fucking sad
Right now because I'm not a retard that listens to jewish propaganda. I agree with what you're saying though.

>mtf tranny
Why on earth would you want to become something inferior?

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why would you throw away your chadness

>When's the last time you felt some genuine pride in the fact that you're a man?
Did you never read the Iliad or Odyssey as a kid?

Read any literature or movie or game that isn't put out by some megacorp publisher or indie dev trying to ingratiate themselves to them? Have you ever even watched a fucking shounen anime?

When did 90% of people decide that they are going to let a gaggle of richfags dictate how they feel?

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>all those ugly autistic trannies hyping each other up in an effort to convince themselves that they look like draw a girl call it a boy anime characters

One eye on each gender

you're actually pretty gay

Whether you like it or not, that is what the new power elite is: an unholy monster produced by the religious liberalism coming to dominate the minds of American oligarchs