Are Yakuza 6 and Kiwami 2 the black sheep of the series...

Are Yakuza 6 and Kiwami 2 the black sheep of the series? I keep hearing that the gameplay is terrible compred to the previous entries.

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the gameplay is terrible in all of them

It's because some people don't like the Dragon Engine. Also, 6 is a genuinely bad game.

No. People are bitching about them just because of the new engine

6 is a good game.

Some people are scared of change.

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It is not a good game by any means.

6 is definitely laggy in some parts
Extreme heat mechanic kinda sucks
Mini games are dope though except clan creator

It's just an absolutely awful send-off for Kiryu.


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It gave Kiryu a nice send off and thats all that matters.

>mfw im looking forward to Kiwami 2 hoping they fixed up that dragon engine lag

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Does 0 use the Dragon Engine?

Oof. That too was pure trash

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0 does not use the dragon engine. it uses the same engine as all the other ps3 games

It's garbage. They didn't even have the balls to kill him off. All the did was set it up for another Yakuza 5. Not even a fucking farewell fight with Majima, yet he's got more pointless shit in K2. It's trash, and the game itself is rushed.


If you manage to get 60fps on PC, then it's pretty good. Too bad the port sucks.

They’re not gonna kill him off, but really they should have written it to where he retires off to the orphanage or went to a different country etc. Having him disappear into the crowd all Asian drama-like was meh af and lazy.
I hope Shin has better writing. Judgement even has a better plot than 5-6

They needed Kiryu to still be alive as backup plan for when Itchybum's game ends up being a flop.

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He goes off to start living a meaningless, normal joe life where no one will bat an eye at him. I thought it was lacking a bit with no interactions from other characters with him. But when you are faking your death i guess thats expected. I wish it was longer but i thought it was OK overall.

0 is the last game to use the "Ps3" engine, unless you include Fist of the North Star

>goes into hiding
>still wears the game suit he's been wearing for 30+ years

The series has awful writing, but 6 takes the cake.

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Kiryu should only be an Amon type of Easter Egg or a reference. You introduce Kiryu back into the mix the next thing you know, Ichiban ends up playing 5th fiddle.

I digress, 6 should have really been Akiyama’s game

>He goes off to start living a meaningless, normal joe life where no one will bat an eye at him

Exactly. That's what he does at the start of 5.

the gameplay in Kiwami 2 is pretty good because it's a lot more fluid than other games

the only thing it lacks are moves

>tfw he become the new Lord of the Night

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Honestly I think him surviving Yakuza 2 was kind of lame and would have been the best send off having him win but still die. 3-4-5and6 are just a bunch of filler

god that reveal was fucking stupid

dragon engine is garbage. as for the story, y6 was pretty damn unnecessary. y2k is good but you might as well just play the original. as for the side content, some of it's better than it used to be, some of it's worse

and the start of 3. they should have just let him retire to the orphanage several games ago. it fits because he himself was an orphan. without a doubt the perfect ending, and they passed it up

6 has mediocre gameplay compared to previous entries.
Kiwami 2 is great. Same engine, but they made it far more responsive, tighter and it's not slow and clunky feeling like 6.
The only thing that's kinda disappointing about Kiwami 2 is Kiryu's moveset being somewhat small when compared to Yakuza 0, but it's still really solid and honestly I'd call Kiwami 2 one of the better games in the franchise.

>and the start of 3. they should have just let him retire to the orphanage several games ago. it fits because he himself was an orphan. without a doubt the perfect ending, and they passed it up
That would of been nice.

>The only thing that's kinda disappointing about Kiwami 2 is Kiryu's moveset

Fuck up 0fag. The problem is Ryuji's moveset. His fights are garbage compared to 2.

>would of

Is Yea Forums ready to accept this IS the best Yakuza? Or are Sonyfags still mad this was the first Yakuza on PC?

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>and the start of 3

Yeah, but he didn't exactly disappear to do it, like he did in 5.

>more platformwar shit

Fuck off already.

i bet you didn't play anything beyond 2/k2 story

Fair, but it's not like Yakuza games has ever had phenomenally amazing boss fights. The core gameplay has always been at its best when fighting groups of enemies, whereas for boss fights it works and is fun and feels climactic because of the cinematics and story, but fighting groups of enemies is just much more dynamic, and having a smaller moveset when compared to previous games in the serious is therefore a disappointment because a game before Kiwami 2 had already come along and improved on certain aspects of the core combat.

It doubles as the only good yakuza, all others are shit

doesn't really matter if he disappears or not since they can track him down anyway. that's how y5 starts. him disappearing is pointless. just give him the happy ending, he earned it

You don't know what the fuck you're on about.

Why do the arcade games in K2 suck so bad? Virtual Fighter was never good. Its somehow less responsive than mortal kombat.

>Virtual on sucks
Fuck you

I played yakuza in order of release.

Ps4 release.
0, kiwami, 6, kiwami 2
My opinoon is worthless to hardcore fans, but
0 is about the bosses
1 is about daughteru
6 is about kiryu/the family he has made
2 is about being a e s t h e t i c

I dont hate it, but the controls are very unorthodox and the lock on never really sticks. Also the CPU is a cheating coward who just zones the whole match.

I'm close to finishing 0, do the Kiwami games play that differently? I'm getting mixed signals here.

back to youtube

did they really get rid of the kicks or will i be able to unlock them

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>Decide to get into yakuza
>Yakuza 0- 9
>kiwami- 7
>kiwami 2- 8
>yakuza 3- 8
>Yakuza 4- 6.5
>Yakuza 5- 8
>Yakuza 6- 7
So for someone whos played yakuza 0 why should he subject himself to all the other mediocre 7/10 games? FUCK yakuza and FUCK *********!

fuck does youtube have to do wirh bad grammar

starting with the 6th entry in series first did not fuck up playing the older ones for you?

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Agreed. During bossfights on the right difficulty it sometimes felt like a proper fight for survival when compared to the generic yakuza goons.

Zero was the best for this, particularly with the Kuze and Awano fights which were absolute kino.

>lose hp to boss
>pause game
>go to inventory and take one of the 20 items that fill your hp bar to max
Woah, challenging indeed!

>>go to inventory and take one of the 20 items that fill your hp bar to max
do you feel good about doing this?

That's a question for the devs who think that's how the game should work

>Bosses just poise through your shit while knocking you down constantly
>Like half your moveset is completely worthless against them
The Media King bossfight was genuinely the worst shit I've played recently.

better option just tiger drop

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I'm new to the series, started with zero on pc etc etc, I bought the PS4 games but then they were announced for PC so I just waited to play them, that being said, I like Kiwami 2's combat better than 0 and Kiwami, and I know you guys hate zero fags but I'm liking Kiwami 2 much more than 0

if a dev puts in an easy mode, and you choose to use it, does that negate the other difficulty modes? you don't have to play it like a casual, that's your own doing

>do you feel good about doing this?
No but the combat is so unfun and braindead I'd rather get through it and progress the story.

Yes but putting your own rules in place in order to trick yourself into thinking there's a challenge is not what you should have to do

You're not supposed to facetank every strike unless you're in beastmode bud.

By that point your kiryu should be beefy enough to toss them around like paper in beastmode. Fight fire with fire.

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This. It's like telling someone playing Sonic they're doing it wrong if they pick up any rings.

Wow what a casual. You're meant to just spam attacks until you cheese a win and then tell yourself that you're hardcore.

Do you actually tell yourself you're hardcore for playing a Yakuza game?

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if it's braindead then you shouldn't need healing items in the first place

that's true, but if the only thing that makes it easy is the ability to have 20 healing items at any given time, then you might as well say any DMC game on DMD is also easy. but the real thing that makes y0 easy is all the counter moves

He might be shitposting, but he makes a valid point. You really have to create your own difficulty with these games, like limiting your healing items and using shit like champs ring and bloody binding etc.

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what aspect of the yakuza games do you think is weaker? the writing (inconsistent and leans too heavily on nonsensical twists) or the combat (enemies are docile punchingbags and lots of QTEs)

I will remember this post next time I see any game being called casual. It's perfectly fine for a game to have no challenge, it's the PLAYERS fault for not gimping themselves
Yakuza fans are something else, they really are

Neither. For me it's the VN gameplay.
Yea Forums showed me a lot of CUHRAYZEE screenshots which got me interested but they didn't tell me that I would be reading literally hours and hours worth of VN conversations while lifeless character models stare at each other

sorry but if you need 20 healing items to beat a boss in a yakuza game, you are not allowed to sit at the big boys' table. i'll remember this post. apparently not completely filling your inventory with healing items is "gimping yourself". you're such a faggot

same. I spent a lot of time making sure these games ran as smooth as possible in as high quality as possible, and I wouldn't have bothered if I knew then how much time I was going to be spending doing basically nothing but reading

Nice spin but the issue is clearly that the game is designed in such a way that you literally never have to risk losing. That's boring. And Yea Forums would shit on any other game that was like that but Yakuza has some sort of magic pass

>you are not allowed to sit at the big boys' table
neither are you until you grow up

>sorry but if you need 20 healing items to beat a boss in a yakuza game
I don't
Point is I shouldn't be able to fill my inventory with those healing items. Don't you agree?

>dark souls 3 has 16 estus by the end
>"bro you are supposed to use only 8"
This is you.

the irony of this post is you're basically admitting the games are easy and casual as fuck, which nobody is denying. that's the ISSUE and all you've said is that it's true

but the embarrassing part is you call being able to beat a casual game with ease "the big boy table" lol

it's fucking yakuza, you can't lose. "big boy table"? get a load of this faggot. do you think you get a crown for finishing level 1 of mario world too?

On Yea Forums almost every post is pathetic and embarrassing and yet you still managed to stand out

>Point is I shouldn't be able to fill my inventory with those healing items. Don't you agree?
no, because if you had a tiny inventory, it would make things like fishing incredibly annoying. you can fill your inventory with healing items, but you're a faggot if you do

if you need the full amount of estus to beat a boss in souls, that's just as bad as a full inventory of staminan whatever in yakuza

>the irony of this post is you're basically admitting the games are easy and casual as fuck
of course they are, i said that 2-3 posts back. and needing 20 healing items for an easy game is absolutely pathetic
>it's fucking yakuza, you can't lose.
my point entirely

You are the reason game budgets are so retardedly massive.

>big boys' table
amazing. can't wait to see the post where you pretend it's all bait.

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>if you need 20 healing items to beat a boss in a yakuza game
who said they did? did say that? dont think so, so who are you quoting?

You cant beat nameless king or slave gael in a timely fashion without using all the estus.

it's obvious bait

right here

Alright. I don't agree with other user, but this simply isn't true. Watch any no hit speedruns.

>you can fill your inventory with healing items
Sounds like shit game design to me. There are so many ways you could easily solve this. How about, oh I don't know, I'm not a pro game dev or anything... limiting how many healing items you can carry? Maybe it's just crazy enough to work, but then again, that would mean implying Yakuza games aren't flawless, and we're not ready for that step just yet it seems

After recently playing Kiwami 2 I like the combat. Game felt easy on Hard though. Hopefully a Legend playthrough will be harder.
I'm guessing they'll go straight to porting 6 next.

>it's fucking yakuza, you can't lose.
>he thinks beating a game you can't lose gets you on the "big boys table"
lmao jesus christ

>in a timely fashion
You can run them again and again till you can beat them with a unupgraded straight sword and no estus. But that wouldnt be considered beating them in a 'timely fashion'.

>limiting how many healing items you can carry?
Technically, the limit is 10 per item in K2.

>Sounds like shit game design to me.
there are plenty of games that Yea Forums thinks are "super hardcore cuhrazy action for mature gamers such as myself" that let you have 20-30 healing items. that's not what makes yakuza easy. it's literally everything else about the game that makes it easy. complaining about the healing items is like going swimming and then complaining that the rain is making you wet


>>it's fucking yakuza, you can't lose.
So people in the thread are saying the game design makes it too easy, and saying they wish it was more challenging... and you're telling them to shut up and calling them faggots... while also fully admitting the game is piss easy?

So, what's your position? The Yakuza games are casual as fuck but that's a good thing and it's dumb to want a challenge? Help me understand, user.

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>Not wearing armor and using a shit sword
You really think its his first run?>

This, there are so many shit aspects to the yakuza games and people are so focused on one bad thing when there are much worse

>limiting how many healing items you can carry?
lmao its even worse in dragon engine games so don't get your hopes up

my point is that limiting the healing items would not make the games noticeably more difficult, and filling your inventory with healing items in any game is absolutely pathetic, but especially when it's a game like yakuza. people who do that have no right to criticize any game when it comes to difficulty, because they are intentionally making it as easy as possible for themselves. they are not looking for a challenge, so why would they complain about the lack of a challenge?

who the hell said anything about first runs? if you think you should be able to beat the hardest boss in your first run quickly, then you're just dumb and impatient. dark souls just isn't your game then.
said nothing about first runs. just means you aren't good enough to beat them without estus quickly.

>The one time i died in yakuza 6 was because i couldn't stock up on health items

it checks out.

Both are fine, people mad because they don’t like change.

0 - good
1 - sucks
2 - good
3 - meh
4 - sucks
5 - good
6 - meh
kiwami 1 - better than 1
kiwami 2 - good



You're a fucking retard.

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>I'm guessing they'll go straight to porting 6 next.
nope 3,4,5 are next