So what are your IRL stats anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
always unique
totally interesting
sometimes mysterious
Here's my scores.
>scores of people
>all named zero?
is this picture or word play user
why does that one in front have hair
Slightly below average CHA.
you've been logged
So what class did I roll
I tried to be honest, is it over bros?
cool chinese factory test
Do you like Layton games?
This nigga rolled NEET class
entropy will consume all of this eventually anyway
>shit, dude. you only got 0 soc
What on Earth is wrong with me?
Realistic 10
Investigative 25
Artistic 22
Social 3
Enterprising 7
Conventional 14
What build is this, Ideas Guy?
looks like you didn't get vaccinated and didn't develop artism
Have sex. Fuck kids and the elderly, I want to be in a band
>social: 3
>Study whales and other types of marine life...
Games for this feel?
age: 22
virgin: yes (khv)
age: 21
virgin: of course
Damn it.
>Social: 14
only when I'm fucking drunk
>suggested job: private chef
i didnt even know this was a thing
sounds really fucking cool tbf
How can you be this interested in everything?
could go either way
if the person you work for is a dickhead it could be really unfun
otherwise yeah getting to experiment with obscure ingredients on someone else's dime would rule
Fugg bros wtf does this mean for me?
>high artistic and investigative shit
>low everything else
What's the point of this shit test if i'm a fucking NEET with no higher education, zero skills and zero hobbies anyway
It's not like I'm going to go out and find myself a job of a marine biologist or a fucking opera singer or some shit
More of these questions are just BRUH YOU LIKE X? YOU SHOULD DO X
low income retarded, what does it mean
>want to kill myself all the time
>find comfort in drawing cute girls
not interested in anything else desu
Realistic 25
Investigative 6
Artistic 22
Social 8
Enterprising 6
Conventional 13
what the fuck did I roll
i dunno bro have you thought about developing some skills
"what if am like really lazy"
"well, death is the perfect job for you"
this, it's a joke.
time to go work at an aquarium and teach all of the children about how squids don't have vaginas so they stop posting splatoon porn
i don't get it
Apparently not wanting to be a wage cuck means I'm a snowflake, why the fuck do i want to send my life selling houses?
don't think of it as selling houses, think of it as helping people start their lives
i'm in school to be a teacher actually
maybe this test isn't complete shit
I don't like these questions because they remind me about my imminent failure
I guess I'm a simpleton?
Anybody who scores above a 10 in conventional is literally a replaceable NPC beep-boop Chinese-tier machine-man.
Ah, a man of science I see.
what does this even mean
I hope I get a mage-like class
hello, my brothers
it would also be interesting to post your favorite game with your results so we can see how well things correlate. Mine is Pikmin
Problem solving can be interesting, but it depends on the problem. I like assembling something if I'm going to use it, but I wouldn't want to build the same thing the same way all day every day for a career.
guess my job
this is me, my fav is bloodsekirosouls and touhou.......fitting.
male prostitute
Lay it one me, what's my class?
>social 3
oh well
What class is this? I'm some sort of eccentric detective
philip glass
What you're talking about sounds like realistic, shit like plumbing. Realistic is building a PC, conventional is soldering 3000 identical motherboards an hour, I think.
At least Im good at something
Fuuuck how'd you get so many skill points?
look at my sorry ass over here:
I'm like a baby you
Kinda hard to say which ones my favorite. It varies from time to time. It's either "Invisible, Inc." or Zachtronic's "Shenzhen IO". Also, there's four of us now. That's enough to form an elite team of mercenary gamers. An autistic Avengers, if you will.
I'm a freelance translator if that matters
good taste in games user
Am I fucked?
Social Media Coordinator
I am not surprised desu. But if we were to transform to normal stats what would they be? Social would obviously be CHA and Investigative probably could be INT, what about the others?
Unless you've got a degree in maths/physics and can muster up enough autistic courage to make it through a job interview, yeah.
hi herkz
we aren't all going to make it
Let's pair it up with Myers Briggs for extra fun
Where my IAC-INTP lads at?
I think you guys found each other's nemesis.
Hey, you got me beat in charisma, also I probably just answered neutral to too many of them.
>Looking at suggested occupations
>Every last one is interesting to me
Maybe there's something to this thing.
>social is 2
Twice as high as I though it would be.
By having no stats, user has emptied his mind and made himself the most flexible human being to exist. The ability to do nothing can become the ability to do anything.
I think I fucked up.
Is this bad
>only enterprising main itt
Sick job. I want to translate Japanese literature one day but I can't even imagine how far off I am to that level of fluency. I can barely read small essays and newspapers after two years
what does it mean tho
Maybe I'm too apathetic towards life?
not if you watched office space and envied the characters for their happiness
>console commands
Did you achieve CHIM?
you are perfect for funimation
>80% of participants got a 0 on realism
Lmao what
Lost of delusional zoomers perhaps
I follow only one
No worse than mineI think I'm too lazy and too depressed for this thing.
I'm 30.
I live with my parents.
Have never worked.
Never want to work.
Will just kill myself when my dad dies.
I just don't want to work. I never asked to be born. Fuck stressing over bills. I can't handle it. Guess I'll see you in hell.
Intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor
I took a test like this about 10 years ago and i was in the single digits for social. Now im 20+. I have truly ascended.
Christ, I didn't even notice. Do people really hate working with their hands that much?
what do you enjoy user?
no one should feel that they should just give up like that
Well the website describes realistic as working hands on often outdoors work
Fuck realism.
Reality is shit.
Life is shit.
Escapism and fantasy are better.
check my 2.
Also, I answered as honestly as possible. Problem is, my musical ability does not translate into real world money, which is why I am at a good job that I still hate.
Did I get the high score?
Not much.
I just kind of hate or are indifferent to everything.
I like videogames, sometimes.
But I have no skill at them.
And I'm to dumb to code. Failed out of highschool.
I'm useless.
>All recommended job are brain related
I am now a Psionic
>my recommended jobs
Christ. No wonder I can't be happy no matter where I work. If these recommendations are good fits then they still sound like nightmares to me
Pretty much nothing on that list sounded interesting to me. Am I broken?
theres always welfare checks.
Idk druid/summoner?
How to welfare?
guess my job
auto mechanic
current and former career guessed within three posts, im fucking done and this is scary
I think I'm broken inside.
Are you guys lying? All of these things sound awful. Either mind-numbingly boring, physically painful, or a serious pain in the ass. There's a reason you get paid to work, it's not supposed to be "enjoyable".
Unless you know how to talk to girls you might as well just an hero user.
I don't understand what any of this means
haha how about that
And I thoroughly enjoy the trivia videos that are still being released.
Whoa, I don't like talking to people. Shocking.
why are you here then
>potential jobs: urban and regional planners
my ideal job is simcity apparently
i do play a lot of civilization i geuss
I just figured that has to be the job with the most most grounded people on Earth, no pun intended.
No bullshitting yourself about life when you see your inevitable fate day in and out!
Oh I'm sorry, is posting on Yea Forums the same as working a retail job? Retard.
machines make me hot
But what does it mean?
Social should be 0. This thing's broken.
no it's a lot like talking to people, retard
Everything is "just ok"
i keep getting ISTP on personality assessments but i can't find anything to obsess over. keep getting a lot of recommendations for automotive stuff life is suffering without a niche kill me
>I don't understand what any of this means
probably why you're a phoneposter.
where my ARI bros at?
How did I do?
means youre a dirty normie
>keep getting a lot of recommendations for automotive stuff life is suffering without a niche kill me
play racing games or racing sims where you can customize your car with parts that modify performance
or maybe try truck simulator
we had all of that on usenet long before you showed up
>talking to people
It all sounded like fun or pleasing except for interacting with druggies and family issues, or kids.
is it september already
Internet was only text when I started using it. Step away, junior.
That is the plan.
I would have done it already if it wasn't for my dad. He loves me so much, I couldn't break his heart like that.
So out of respect I'm waiting until he goes first.
It’s funny, cause I actually work as a primary school teacher in Japan, and freelance art on the side.
stay mad :). cry more that I can enjoy and hold a conversation whenever and wherever
>Phones bad
Friendless retard detected
Which of these scores are yours?
>potential job: Nuclear Medicine Technologists
>Bright Outlook
could be worse desu
No, user. Phones good. Stupid people bad.
Up to speed now, corky?
How high is my powerlevel?
post college transcripts
I didn't expect my Social to be high at all, but I'll take it.
I suppose there is still hope for me
Quick, prove you're not a Discord tranny
do you have a theoretical degree in physics?
>People that own phones are all stupid
Friendless, fedora tipping retard confirmed
Struck a deep nerve, I suppose. It's not your fault you're stuipid. It's entire worthless bloodline, phoneposter. Hey how was Black Panther?
well no got a PhD in math
also fuck NCR and FUCK HOUSE
I just want to make it in the music industry desu
sup fellow math bro
Where my IRChads at
damn Im weak. D-tier material
it's more or less the same for me
i get called autistic a lot
Wait a second, I know these stats... ARE YOU L FROM DEATH NOTE?
>You can see that the people who have taken this test are somewhat biased towards S, and away from R and C.
Hold my beer
I'm okay
Financial adminstrator here. Idk if this comes close to your impression of one. Im not even really sure what this all means except that im obviously not an extrovert.
gonna sup my benis till it's inf haha
post this on /sci/ for free (You)'s in engi-threads
ok sure
now i'm gonna go play civ
I've never felt like such a normie before. Maybe getting older and entering the workforce has changed me.
Is it over?
Same here desu
I'm going for my Masters in Biology so I guess this makes sense.
Yeah I'm extroverted as fuck.
You could at least pretend not to have a fedora welded to your brain case.
Black Panther was mediocre and T'Challa was a more interesting character in Civil War. M'Baku was God-tier, though, shame they 100% aren't actually going to develop him into Man-Ape.
Just checked the recommended careers and they're mostly things I actually do study for a living. Neat.
have you thought about being a political operative
What does this mean?
>Mature movies for mature audiences such as I
If you can't see why people enjoy watching people in costumes punch each other, you're a giant pussy
>Suggested Occupation: Reporter or Correspondent, sustainability specialist, Film and Video Editors
Why does EVERY job I am qualified for (I would love any) have to be either complete bullshit or a dying industry.
what class did i roll?
I’m a STEM PhD student so I suppose this fits.
Too lazy to post but the highest I got was 5 in Artistic, and the rest is all down with 2 Zeros.
I just wanna stay at home & play video games. I understand that's not a career but hell if I'm gonna pretend other shit interests me in the slightest.
I put dislike or neutral for everything but the math stuff.