Whatcha been playing bros?
What are you looking forward to most?
Whatcha been playing bros?
What are you looking forward to most?
Other urls found in this thread:
Team Sonic Racing and MHGU. Always wanted to get into MonHun because I feel like I could ed up getting really into it, but have never been able to persevere through the slow fucking starts this series has. Hoping to change that this time.
Botw again, hoping for a release date for links awakening
I feel you man, I wanted to quit but it sucks so much. But it's worth it.
Is anyone else getting bored of smash? I've been playing it for 6 months
Thank god next month smm2 comes out
Nothing actually. Been thinking about getting an SD card, but there's a lot and I don't really know which is best. Like is 64gb enough? There won't be that many games that it'll require 128gb right? Then there's like 80 mb/s, 90 mb/s, 95 mb/s, 100 mb/s, 150 mb/s, 170 mb/s and even 300 mb/s.
What does download speed have to do with card size/
Finishing up Va-11Hall-A. Comfy times for sure. Most looking forward to Astral Chain. I would say Bayo 3 but I don't wanna get my hopes up after bayo 2. Also the big dump of info on fire emblem has got me excited even though graphically it looks like garbage.
Any of you play in docked mode? I just recently hooked mine up to a tv and been enjoying it more
That dog controller is a piece of shit though
So I'm thinking about going out and getting an actual switch controller for it
Not sure if it's worth it though since i probably spend about half the time playing it in handheld mode
Grinding through octopath to bring up the characters I neglected. Hoping I don’t get burnt out on grinding. On the side I got owl boy and rdr2 to get a break from Jrpg. Downloading puyo puyo Tetris and a few other games. I tried getting into botw again but it just bores the fuck out of me.
Ordered pic related today! Looking forward to finally playing it
Yeah right here.
>put switch on docked mode
>walk back to sit down
>realize now that you can't see the crappy AA from this distance
>game actually looks really good now
>realize that maybe you're supposed to play games at a distance and not up close like handheld always is
It's literally like magic.
Been playing darkwood but it's too spooky for me. Jumped like 12 feet in the air when phone rang mid game.
Gonna finish up the last bit of Travis strikes back tonight, a game I recommend everyone play even if you have never played no more heros before
Looking forward most to astral chain and animal crossing. Especially animal crossing, I still need that comfy game for playing in bed Sunday morning
Playing smash bros with my nephews. I'm looking forward to link awakening.
>Whatcha been playing bros?
Dark Souls: Remastered and Super Mario Odyssey.
>What are you looking forward to most?
SMTV and the inevitable Super Mario Odyssey 2.
Into the Breach. This game is like fucking crack, how do they do it
Holy shit I hadn't heard of that game and just looked it up. Looks fucking amazing, how much money is it? my switch is charging
Been a slow first half of the year, but the back half looks stacked. Looking forward to MM2 multiplayer most of all. I love competitive multiplayer. Been playing Smash and Baba is You, but I am stuck at a point with only 2 puzzles available
Game is crazy fun
$15 I believe.
My switch is coaster till SMTV comes out or full body but censorship is making me nervous
Trying to get my girlfriend into it but fuck she really doesn’t know where the god damn buttons are.
I had to give her End game gear just to not die to great Maccao while learning Valor LBG
>6 months
Fuck off time traveler
>well lets try again, maybe we'll win this time
That's how.
I’d just go for the 200 gig card.
I filled up my 128 in like 3 months
I think you got your shitposting wires crossed lad, Sony is the one with the censorship problem right now and Nintendo has been a somewhat decent
I got a 128 gig to be safe
It was the largest they had at Walmart anyway and it was only like 20 bucks
Looking for a hackable switch but besides ebay i'm out of solutions
>Whatcha been playing bros?
Final Fantasy 12. This is my first time playing the Zodiac edition.
>What are you looking forward to most?
Astral Chain and DxM
Been playing TSR as well. Really fun game, I definitely hope to log in a lot of hours unlocking everything.
Nintendo has fucking Panty Party a budget hack and slash game about flying panties as a god damn exclusive.
Nintendo just shrugged as it got a T rating.
WoFF Maxima and a lot of Spla2n lately, Salmon Run is really addictive. I might get Chocobo MD Everybuddy when it goes on sale.
As far as 2019 goes, I'm probably looking forward to Animal Crossing the most and RF5 beyond that.
>how do they do it
You should look up an interview with the guys who made it, their outlook on game design is pretty interesting. Apparently the game as it is was originally just the combat part of a bigger X-Com like game with base management etc, but when they realized what they were making wasn't fun they just cut 60% of the game out and worked on what was rest. Hard to imagine making a sacrifice like that just to ensure that the product that you end up with is good, but fuck me if it wasn't
>Whatcha been playing bros?
Minecraft.Comfy as fuck
>What are you looking forward to most?
Pokemon is all that interest me. Pretty dull lineup this year honestly but some Indies and ports are enough to keep me busy til Pokemon
>a budget hack and slash game about flying panties
>Whatcha been playing bros?
Smash, MH and Splatoon occasionally. Chipping away at Hollow Knight.
>What are you looking forward to most?
Astral Chain, Mario Maker and FE
Nice, I just finished playing Zodiac Age. I had played IZJS though so there wasn't a ton I was unfamiliar with, though the improvements it did have were nice. How are you liking it?
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is fucking god tier, holy shit. I’m not that far yet but the game is great. People should recommend this more often.
>RE4 (never played it before)
pretty good, I thought it was shit at first and thought I had been memed again but it gets really fun.
>Mario + Rabbids
I bought this a little while ago on sale and never played it, turned out to be better than I expected. The Rabbid humor/attitude is kind of weird with Mario though.
Finally got out the sewers and I really love the jobs having their own board. The x2 Speed multiply makes grinding and traveling a breeze.
How well does Zodiac Age look on the Switch compared to its PS2 counterpart?
Yeah I'm buying it tonight
Thanks senpai
I'm actually shocked how many things I've bought from the eShop.
Speaking of which, had anyone played observer? It looks brettygud but I'm in the fence
>People should recommend this more often.
It's one of the most recommended games here.
More “so completely fucking ridiculous you end up taking it seriously” more than anything
I’m still mad about no gyro
The Wii version Just worked yet they left it out.
Lazy fucks.
>Nintendo has fucking Panty Party a budget hack and slash game about flying panties as a god damn exclusive.
Wtf when did Nintendo get this based?
[Spoiler] They didn’t everyone else got worse just like how Manhunt was on Wii [/spoiler]
>Whatcha been playing bros?
Splatoon 2 (as always) and Tangledeep. Getting a little bit tired of tangledeep, shit's hard.
>What are you looking forward to most?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and unironically DCUO. Fire Emblem looks like it's going to be fun too.
When Kimishima took over.
Crapcom is easily tied with Konami for the laziest developer in the world
These are just facts
What rank are you guys in Splatoon?
XC2 finally clicked with me so I've been playing a lot of that. Otherwise I'm just waiting for Mario Maker. Seems like there's nothing else out.
>Whatcha been playing bros?
Picked up Mega Man Legacy 2 and the Beat Em Up Bundle during Capcom's sale. They're pretty great collections. Regret not getting the X legacy too. Just wish the pro controller was better for these sorts of games and the joycons weren't so shit.
>What are you looking forward to most?
SMTV and whatever Monolith is working on
why do we need to have these threads every single day? shit feels extremely forced.
anyway, just picked up thumper on sale. also that f2p tower defense game that just came out is pretty legit.
>How well does Zodiac Age look on the Switch compared to its PS2 counterpart?
Models and such looked great for being essentially the same as PS2, but there is a bit of a soften filter and a green tint they decided to slap onto the game that annoyed me.
Yeah, the speedup is a godsend; it does kinda drive home how big all those areas really are though (and serves as an admission that the game is pretty bloated.) Also note you can increase the speedup to 4x from the options.
i'm playing terraria
It puts switchposting in a relatively shitpost free place and lets us talk about all the little games that are kinda worth talking about but still worth playing.
Enjoying my switch , but thinking about picking up some games. Thinking about Monster Musume , FF 9 , and either shovel or hollow knight. any opinions or suggestions?
Someone posted a plebbit thread a while back and they were complaining that it was "too hard/unforgiving" and that "they just wanted to finish it so they weren't stressed anymore".
Actually getting a Swtich after final exams are done and it's summer break
Gonna borrow Breath of the wild from my brother and buy Smash bros and Mario maker 2
Get Hollow Knight.
Nah, if you wanna see something forced head over to the Vita general on /vg/
I just come here for game recommendations cause it's easy to miss shit and sales on the eshop
Switchfags, I needs some help here. My joy cons are on the fritz. I got my Switch at launch day. Sent them in for repair once before. Am I past the warranty or will they fix them no matter what? Also I've heard conflicting reports about the newer joy cons fixing the issues the launch versions had. Anybody wanna weigh in there?
I preferred Hollow Knight to Shovel Knight by far, but they're both great at what they do.
calm your victim complex, faggot. i asked a simple question
I'm on my second pair, the first one had the problem cone back after I thought I fixed it. Now I mostly use the pro controller because I have old arthritic hands.
Platformer recommendations? Aside from the obvious choices.
You are past the warranty, but you can simply lie to them. They can’t prove when you got them. Say they’re only a couple months old
I would but I only bought my switch like 3 months ago so it probably has the new joycons
What wrong with them tho? Maybe more explanation would help someone else with of hardware answer
FF9 port is complete trash. Hollow and Shovel Knight are a few of the best indie games on the system.
Not him but
>OMG why are people taking about video games on Yea Forums?
A stupid question deserves a stupid answer
What's wrong with ff9 Port? I heard it was pretty good
1. smash ultimate
2. sakurai finaly adding couch arena co-op and other online improvements.
this game is barely playable considering it's primary a multiplayer yet it doesn't let you play with your friends unless they live with you in the same house. ffs it's 2019 and nintendo still has 2000 internet mulitplayers.
Tropical Freeze
I caved and bought Resident Evil 4 again. Hoping it'll get gyro controls soonish, cause it needs them. Also the aiming is bugged or something cause Leon goes spastic at times even when I don't touch the stick.
Same, unless they ruin my plans by announcing new models at E3
>Ever doing anything
Even if Nintendo holds a gun to their head I wouldn't hold your breath lad
Have fun, superb game
There's a bizarre drift going on with the analog stick. Originally it was the lefthand one that was the problem but this time it's the righthand one. It's constantly pulling downwards. I've tried spraying some compressed air underneath the stick but it didn't work. The A button also fails to register sometimes but that could be a game-specific issue since smash bros has certain moves tied to both A and the right stick.
Yeah, got the first 3DS model on launch day and regretted it ever since
Kill yourself
Metroidvania vs action platformer. Hollow Knight's cheaper and longer though if you're looking for mileage.
Dead Cells update killed any fun I was having with the game, now I dont know what to play
>make lobby
>friends join lobby
why are all frogposters complete fucking retards
I lost my first savedata but i am back at S+ on everything. I don't think i'll reach X because i like to switch my gear and mess around.
Yeah the Capcom Publisher sale ended today
Kind of sucks I wanted to buy MHGU for 1/2 off
All versions of the FF9 port are terrible, the loading times are painfully long and the backgrounds look like dogshit because SE lost the source code for the original game so they're stuck with stretching 240p backgrounds.
You can try spraying electrical contact cleaner inside but its not a guaranteed fix.
>arena cou co-op
why are dumb smashfags illiterate?
I think people rarely recommend it because Nintendo uses it as a cashgrab on switch
WD-40 Eletrical contact cleaner
It’s a Nintendo
Dust and dirt is it’s worse enemy
hmm it sounds like more of a connection issue then a sticking one
does this happen in handheld, docked, or both?
>it doesn't let you play with your friends unless they live with you in the same house
drooling, knuckle dragging subhuman
>"Look it's that guy again who brings his Nintendo to school."
>"Hey, why don't you talk to us instead of playing that pokemon game all day."
God, I wish that was me.
You’re actually severely mentally handicapped if you can’t comprehend the issue with the game that he is pointing out
the point was that when you have some friends other you can't play with the co-op in a arena with other friends online and thus they either have to bring their own switch over or like in my case have to buy a second switch because i can't play with my brother couch co-op against another friend online? is that so hard to understand?
Bought it , looking forward to it
Thats what ive heard , bummer , always wanted to play it
I think Action platformer suits me better , but thanks
Thanks , any opinions on monster musume , yeah I know its a animu dungeon crawler ( I dont mind) but is it heavily censored or just a little also how fun is it? I like dungeon crawlers in general and the anime shit is a nice bonus
Nintendo has been able to twist their arm every now and again but yeah this screams Lazy port by Noobies Capcom devs
Which is crazy considering RE Revelations got fucking gyro
im not some filthy casual who plays pokemon, im an epic hardcore gamer who plays Stardew Valley
over* ffs
And nip chess.
>monster musume
Moero? It's pretty mediocre honestly, but if you want a simple dungeon crawler with fanservice that's exactly what you get with it so you shouldn't be too disappointed.
I was being a smurf on my friend’s switch and quite literally got back to S rank in less than a day with shit gear
Kind of surprised myself
arrr roook same
You already saw their wrecked pussy when you installed tissue holder hidden cams in the bathroom stalls (put double sided tape at the bottom to prevent being moved around). Why bother, you'll just have STD.
thats kinda what I am expecting , thanks!
I just got one, anyone else have some games to recommend?
I got Mario+Rabbids as I like Xcom, Mario Kart to play with friends aaaand that's it. I'm getting Dark Souls remastered on Thursday.
Considering getting Civilization 6, Football Manager 19 and I'm guessing Mario Odissey.
I'm cool with Nintendo remasters too as I never was really a nintendo fan. Not really considering multiplats as I have an Xbone for those
I'm barely holding off from buying one in hopes they announce some kind of revision (I don't need it to be a Pro model though).
I just want better Wifi, ethernet port on the dock and better overall online features, pretty please.
After that it's 24/7 no-lifing Smash until my fingers drop off.
It's fun as fuck, but don't believe people that tell you it's super hard, it really isn't hard, but it is really punishing sometimes. You benefit greatly from thinking ahead as much as possible, but I guess that's true of every game like this. Still, it's the number 1 thing I learned as I got better, you basically contain situations before they happen.
Tropical Freeze
>mfw I just learned Warframe doesn't need an online subscription and it's free on switch
not that it matters much it's only 20 bucks but the devs of warframe seem more and more based.
It may be kind of tough but how is it unforgiving? Retro made sure to really shit lives on you this time compared to Returns. They gave you all these items and a ton of coins for help. You even have the Funky mode.
what kind of games do you like? Need to be a bit more specific, there are lots of good games out. There are a couple i would recommend to anyone tho
>Travis strikes back
>arms (inb4 shitposters)
if you are into more indie stuff
>uncanny valley
Yeah, it's not too hard to get to S+ if you had made it in the past, you can even skip some levels if you are good enough. I think this game probably has the best ranking system i have ever tried.
In what should i use my 641 Gold Coins?
Is this more helpful than compressed air? It's a rather small flap to spray into.
Whatcha been playing bros?
I was playing Dragon's Dogma like a fucking addict. Shit's so fun. Until my joycons died on me ;_;
What are you looking forward to most?
Astral Chain, mainly. Daemon X Machina could be great if they somehow fix the rather boring gameplay and subpar performance, althought I hope the artstyle doesn't suffer too much because it was one of the best things about the game.
I have been bouncing between assassin's creed 3 and RE4. I am super stoked on Mario maker, but I really just want a portable ps3
I've played through shovel knight on 3ds now I'm playing it on switch. As an old skool platformer fan it's one of my favourite games ever. I haven't played much of hollow knight, I dropped it on PC because it wasn't for me but I'd be surprised if it had more mileage. Shovel has 3 full campaigns and a 4th coming soon. All essentially their own full games
RIP joycons
are you going to get some fancy colors to replace? I want to get double yellows tbqh
Just bought a switch, what should I play except oddysey, smash bros, zelda and xenoblades?
Been playing Smash Ultimate, various Castlevania games in the Anniversary Collection, OutRun here and there on the side and looking to start a new chunkier game to focus on now that I've winded down with my Vesperia playthrough. Thinking of finally getting around to Atelier Rorona DX or Liar Princess.
As for what I'm looking forward to the most, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and Fire Emblem: Three Houses as far as stuff releasing in the next couple of months and Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Rune Factory 4 Special as far as stuff later in the year goes. Might check out Astral Chain if it ends up being good, as well as Daemon x Machina since I did like the latter's demo and love Armored Core games.
Finished everything in Dragon's Dogma but I'm itching for more so I'll probably start it again on PC.
Thinking about picking up Cuphead and FFXII, but that one is a little pricey.
How is this Sword Art game? Wasn't a big fan of the show but this looks kinda interesting
Travis strikes back!
>and dark souls, octopath traveller, darkwood, and into the breach
Mine were gray, but I already ordered from Amazon the standard blue-red pair.
If you ever buy new joycons, avoid the gray ones. They are always cheaper than the rest and I've seen a lot of posts on the internet claiming that they eventually had some problem.
noice color combo
>roller coster tycoon
is this hacked or is this on eshop???
How hard is Darkwood?
Anyone know if there is any way to use more than one controller at the same time?
I bought a Hori Pokken Pro to play Tetris 99 but only then realized that without the analog sticks I will not be able to change the targets.
>If you ever buy new joycons, avoid the gray ones. They are always cheaper than the rest and I've seen a lot of posts on the internet claiming that they eventually had some problem
Hmm thanks for the heads up. I went with red/blue when I bought my switch like 4 months ago and haven't had any problems for a couple hundred hours. I just didn't like how boring the grey was, wish they offered more colors in general tho
>or official snes/nes designs
Mario rabbids, into the breach, katana zero, spaltoon 2, the messenger, shovel Knight, hollow Knight, transistor, bastion, octopath, golf story, wargroove, tiny metal
What happened?
The mechanics are easy enough to grasp
But it is super spooky
Like I needed to take a break after a phone call during a tense moment about made me scream out loud
I was playing on the normal mode tho fyi, still one of the better horror games out there
Added a bunch of shitty enemies to practically every level in the game on higher difficulties, on top of adding a bunch of skins that im forced to spend cells on instead of giving them to the guy that makes higher quality equipment drop
>WD-40 Eletrical contact cleaner
What the hell is this
Americans fucking invented dry water wtf
At least Konami updates their games. The arcade collection just got tate mode.
Based and redpilled
You're forgetting Bethesda exists.
Probably can't without some specialized adapter or modding it.
Bethesda has been ridiculously good in regards to the switch.
>although they can't really take all the credit as its one of their underling companies (the ones who ported doom and wolfenstein) who did the heavy lifting
Bethesda at least sticks around, they are STILL trying to patch and update fo76 into something playable. Capcom would have given up immediately and fucked off they are complete irredeemable trash.
Capcom wouldn't have released something like FO76 in the first place.
Is stardew valley ever going on sale on switch?
also, is Dead Cells worth it?
What do you like guy?
If you’re into a soul consuming game try MHGU
after you get pass it’s Heal flex, Sharping, and stamina management it’s a pretty action packed game.
It might seem stiff at 1st but the game is about carrying momentum into combos
>is this hacked
speaking of hacking, i got a switch a few weeks ago and how hard / possible is it to hack it to get free games? Because i am not paying 50 fucking quid for a digital version of a 3 year old game
I literally use it on an 85,000$ military radar
A joycon is small time
They've released way worse games then fo76
remember the fucking kinetic xbox Steel Battalion? literally unplayable from day 1 and never fixed. And lets not talk about megaman X7 on ps2
>Few weeks ago
Yeah you’re fucked.
Hackable switches have been off the shelves for like a year now
Stardew has had multiple sales
Yes, it had a recent update with various fixes/more content added
Gameplay is shit and none of your decisions matter in the end
Memed by fags desperate for a delinquent game and people who vomit 'comfy' to describe shit
>on sale
nigga its like 15 bucks right now
How much lower does it need to be?
Please recommend me some fun little third party games to survive the drought
So far I have
>Into the Breach
>Forager (soon)
When will we get new games? All I have is Smash and Pokémon. Was gonna get octopath but with the pc release coming up, why bother.
>Playing World of final fantasy maxima/smash
>looking foward to Fire emblem and astral chain aswell as marvel ultimate alliance.
i forgot to fucking press enter, whatever you get the drill
Gold peak
Golf story
Shadows of Adam
Super bomberman
Puyo puyo Tetris
Ray man legends
The messenger
Steamworld dig 1 and 2
Katana zero
Hollow knight
>the drought
next month is loaded with good shit
>crash team racing
>super neputunia rpg
>mutant year zero
>mario maker
gonna be a gud month
I bought horizon chase turbo bros. did i fuck up?
>looking foward to Fire emblem
dark souls again
Tetris 99
thunder force 4
waiting for:
astral chain
bloodstained rotn
spyro remakes
>one exclusive
The drought is real. At least Fire Emblem might be fun.
This game defines comfy
better then sony or xboxs 0 exclusives
u mad?
Waiting for Our World is Ended. I've read here that it's really fun despite what the subhuman journos keep on saying, as expected.
Also looking forward to obligatory Astral Chain and DxM.
Currently playing Disgaea 5. Good shit. Gotta admit that I never played a Disgaea before.
What makes it better than the phone version?
I don't care about snoy and xbone I just want something to justify my switch purpose with. Scottish Pokémon will probably do the trick but it's 6 months away.
God i need a nice /comfy/ game to play late in the night. I hope animal crossing does it for me when it comes out.
Strongly recommend Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen if you didn't play it on PC or PS3/4.
The port is good enough. Only real issue is the low draw distance.
I didn’t know it was a phone game
Watch Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Try Umihara Kawase Fresh's demo.
That never happens. People want to play and join in suprisingly.
Maybe Atelier Lulua. It's kind of a bright game though, might not be suitable for night conditions.
Just so we're all on the same page. Second to last is the best looking even if I don't know her name.
>Game made by SJWs
Hard pass desu senpai.
Fucking Based! How's it goin for ya?
If you make a mexican eShop account, Stardew Valley costs half as much as it does in the US. Sales drop the price even lower. This also applies to a few other games like Hollow Knight and Gungeon.
whats the state of the switch homebrew, it is safe to hack yet? it is easy to get free games?
Bought and downloaded Octo Expansion finally so I really need to go ahead and play that. I did have some homework I needed to get to but I've been slacking on that.
Going well
>All those non-white characters
Ya it's called golf peaks or something like that on Android
Finally took the plunge on Hollow Knight. Liking it so far. Can't think of a single thing I'm interested in that's coming out any time in the near future. I'm okay waiting for Prime 4.
Octo Expansion is fantastic. Contender for one of the best releases of its year
You need an earlier switch.
Neo Atlas 1469, its pretty fucking good
SMTV, MP4 and Animal Crossing
Quick google search. Cute tomboy, but whats comf about it? kinda looks like a mobile game plat former
Slay the spire on the train to work WOOOOOOOOO
Is it safe to play a Switch for 12+ hours docked? I once went to turn it off after a session and noticed how hot it got in the docked.
They fixed whatever method people were using to hack it in the later batches of switches
this guy mentioned it.
Im not an authority by any means but thats what I gleamed from his and others comments
>he doesn't know Umihara Kawase
Kids these days.
>whats comf about it
The current game's overall setting and world. And no, it's far from being a casual game. Play it nigga.
I started playing the demo but i didnt get far. Seems cute. But yeah its quite bright
i have no idea. I honestly still haven't used the dock yet ive just been playing handheld...for like 7 months
Highly recommend to keep the room you're playing the Switch at a cool temperature especially nearly summer. Also check the dock station for any dust especially the holes behind the flap that lets the Switchs' fan air out.
Software or hardware? Does it need to be a certain firmware?
Only reason I actually use the dock is mainly to charge it, but sometimes I don't want to stop playing, so the dock works as a second way to help me.
Smash is fun when I go over my friends and playing with them. Online sucks, usually I just set cpu’s to level 9 and practice but I don’t have any motivation to play alone.
FF XII TZA, it's a great FF, but why is it so dark?, i had to turn up my tv brightness to see in darker areas.
should I get Mario kart?
I’m pretty set with what I have for a while. I’ll get TSR when it goes on sale. Looking forward to CTR and Pokémon.
i got it a few weeks ago, and i'm kinda bored. I'm so shit. And i have no friends to play with anyway. Why'd i buy this game...
Redpill me on The Messenger.
I still play arenas with friends that have lan adapters, we go back and fourth between competitive and stage builder shenanigans.
>oshit its 16bit now
yellow shirt > everyone else
my friend says 'hey wanna play smash'
we fight each other a few rounds
we stop
that's about it
Lol this negro actually has the JAV games.
It’s made to live in the dock my friend
Based anime user
I think its a hardware thing as i
>don't quote or trust me on this
can still connect to the internet even if its hacked and you are ok as long as all your shit is on a seperate sd
>all that anime
Snoy really fucked up with their censorship bullshit, Switch is the only console option now.
Ive always liked the series.
I aslo never really cared about what games look like in general, i play so many older games on emulators and shit that i just dont care how a game looks like aslong as its fun to play and ive had fun with every FE except certain maps like deserts or swamps, so im looking foward to the new one.
based but also redpilled
what's the best knock-off gamecube controller? my pro controller isn't fuckin working anymore and I wanna try something different for Smash. But I want all 4 shoulder buttons.
God, I wish that was me.
You can buy watermelon, user
Finally got done with the chapter I needed to read and went ahead and knocked out one of the homework assignments I needed to do. Gonna go ahead and start that shit now.
Still enjoying DOAX3 but motherfucker they turn literally everything into a massive chore. It's a good thing I started with my main account that can't access the jap eshop or I would have broke down and bought the anti-grind tickets at this point.
Enjoy, user! Gameplay, music, aesthetic. It’s a great experience from every angle
God I wish that watermelon was my pussy.
I'm playing some ps4 games while waiting for DQB2, DxM, Astral Chain, and Animal Crossing. DQB2 and Animal Crossing in particular will keep me busy for a while.
I'll probably get 3 houses eventually as well, but it's not high priority for me
Should I get Phantasy Star?
Just got Toe Jam and Earl, never played any of the games, but it's funny. I like it better than a lot of other rogues likes because while it can get difficult, i don't have a feeling of dread trying to explore.
What are you playing on PS4, user?
That's on Switch now? Is it worth full price?
Dust collecting simulator until animal crossing comes out
If you’ve never played it, sure. In my case I’m waiting for a sale
What's the oldest JRPG you've enjoyed playing?
God, I wish the Switch was affordable where I live. It looks like the ultimate emulation handheld. How is the emu scene for the Switch? Can it run Retroarch?
Switch really is Vita 2, isn't it? Except actually good.
It probably refers to the SD card's speed of data read/write. I suppose it would affect loading/saving times.
>The Vita was shi-
Dragon Warrior/Quest 1 I think?
The OG Vita hardware is great, but it was a dumpsterfire failure of a system beyond that.
I'm playing the remastered Gravity Rush right now, it's great. I also picked up KH3 today since it was on sale, plan to play that after I finish GR
You'll probably enjoy it then.
>sports games
>movie games
>western multiplats
Come on, now. I love my Vita, but this is stretching it.
I didn't know it had Monkey Ball, though. When's Switch getting one of those?
I've been playing Dragon's Dogma. It's my first time playing it and it's pretty fucking great.
Marble It Up is the closest we have