Play Pathologic 2

Play Pathologic 2

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make me

Can I stock up on food on day 1 or does it get stale?

>stocked up on food
>still ran out on day 3
What the fuck do I do now?

Die and try again

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>no drunks

You can stock up.

I feel like they're pushing you a lot harder to commit crimes in this one. I don't ever remember running out of food in the first one.

Don't worry, user. I'll get around to it now that I've just started playing the first one. I'm only a couple of hours in and the atmosphere is top-tier.
I don't know what I'm doing and a lot of the dialog is going over my head, but the Bachelor seems to be in the same boat.
Does anyone have any tips?

Any steppebros finished?

The dead store kind of helps, I might just stick to putting my scalpel to use and illegally harvesting organs to trade there for food. Don't really get attacked by bandits enough for it but I do have a fully sharpened knife ready and waiting.

The bachelor is basically a 20 hour long tutorial. There's a few difficulty spikes but really the only tip I have is always scavenge and always trade with kids. Also if you have money make sure your equipment is in tiptop shape, always repair shit when you find someone who can.

Keep 35 barter points worth of items with the youngest girls in case they can trade powders.


game runs like shit

Not on my machine, your pc must be shit.


My computer can't run Pathologic 1 without bursting into flames.

What does the hunchback look like in this game?
What does the Steppe Monster thing look like?

Confirmed for haven't played

:( one day steppebro

This moment was way scarier than any cheap jumpscare shit i've seen in recent horror games. I felt genuine dread and unease. I also ran from Isidor's house screaming like a little girl when i saw what was in the kitchen.

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Don't think the hunchback is in, the Albino looks good.

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How does the game run compared to the demo? I keep getting studders and fps lag whenever I open doors, loot items, etc. The fps lag only last like 10 seconds but its annoying

Is there anything more pathetic than bullfags?

i really need to stop alt-f4'ing when i die. i don't even mean to do it to try and cheese the system. its just that every time i die, its in a completely bullshit way. the combat in this game is infuriating.

What promo codes do you guys have? All i've got is `somethingold`

is the revolver worth it for 3000?

What sort of combat are you engaging in? If your situation isn't advantageous to you, run away. Keeping a sharpened knife on you to deal with most unarmed combat helps a lot.

i don't wanna be that guy but
ha ha ha
you haven't seen shit yet

99% of my deaths in Classic were because every combat my mouse would accidentally go to my second monitor and the game would minimize leaving enemy to kill me trying to get back to the game. This annoyed me to hell and back. Does 2 fix this?

had to fight a worm for a mission and it hits me from like 7 feet away.

I'm playing pathologic 1

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Mixed reports user. Much better for some, worse for others. A few people have had issues with things not working when they run the full game with admin priviledges - the demo tended to need it.

Those using the Polyhedron as a butt plug come to mind.

Go for the bull instead.

Fuck no. The speed items degrade is bullshit.


I'm pretty casual but would I be able to get into this game?


this is what im talking about. these two swing, clearly miss, then a second later i get fucking turned around and run right back into them as they're mid-swing.

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It's not as impenetrable as people make it out to be. Just know that things are expected to go wrong and that's part of the game.

Me too. I just finished day 7 and realized there is a second map version.

Once you turn your back people get some long arms.

Why can't I find this on PSN?

that looked spooky

it's not out yet for PS4. Probably in a few months though

HELL no.


i didn't buyed the bull or the revolver on day 1, fight me

i think the game just cheats and shoves you when you turn your back to enemies.

Thats bullshit. Its not what any of the press says

*spins you around*

Nah, it's something baddies do, I'm 100% sure.

after using the revolver, i think its useful but the backstab attack with the knife or even just fists can usually stunlock anyone you sneak up on.

Of course. At heart its a spoopy mystery and a grim love story crossed.

is it the worth the money? i cant remember the last time a slav dev put out something that wasnt a broken piece of shit on launch

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I somewhat regret buying that bull, now I can't really afford food.


I got it for free not really

the game runs kinda choppy even on decent PCs but other than that haven't run into any bugs. The biggest hurdle in this game is not getting mad about not being able to 100% it.

I traded my last lockpick for a toast

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>day 4, everyone's about to fucking die
>go take a relaxing walk around Grace's place to gather herbs
>come back to this shit
>realize I don't even have enough bottled water for tinctures
Goddamn plague.
Are +tinctures even better than regular pills for boosting immunity?

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The remake is excellent so far. The only thing I really prefer is the design of some buildings, whose remade versions are too whimsical, for lack of a better word.

It works, you can get to the end and its 20 - 25 hours for what... $35.

Thankfully if you're not an autist, this isn't an issue.

For those of you who've died more than once so far, what did you lose? I'm curious if it's random or like a specific order.

God fucking dammit literally only the men ever have any fucking food to trade but they're fucking PICKY AS SHIT

Far better. The varients made with Swevery [sp?] are going to be worth keeping for boosting bound npcs.

Am I ever going to be able to butcher people without everyone hating me?

>Are +tinctures even better than regular pills for boosting immunity?

beats me but they sure as hell are good for destroying my carry capacity. my normal meds already take up a good chunk of space.

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Kin men and women have food for trade.

It's much harder in general, partially due to savescumming being removed and partially due to mechanics just being way more unavoidable. Harder to avoid infection, harder to make money, etc.

Is that the stuff you make with organs or just the herb pots? Because I tried a + one on the sick kid day 3 and the only thing it seemed to do was cause about twice the usual amount of pain.


You would just need to let the down die.

Upgrade your inventory, boos.

Welp, gonna be fun taking constant trips through looters and /or plague back to the local chemistry set.

You can probably leave the herbs back at the hideout, as well as twyrine. Not much, but it's something.

tried to, game's shit, refunded in 1 hour. FUCK SLAVS

Herbs brown/black/red with swevery/ashen something?/white whip make strong tinctures to improve immunity and diagnose type of infection.
Mixing a tincture with an infected body part creates antibiotics which can be used to lower the level of infection.
I think if you mix a tincture with an uninfected body part you can create a more effective pain killer. I might be wrong on that one.

How do I get money to buy food on Day 1? Or is there someone I can trade with for my garbage?

Food is available in Lara's and Rubin's houses. In Lara's, Rubin's and Big Vlad's homes are money.

Shops to purchase at [until reputation restored] are in the Warehouses and Lara's region.

Scrape by until Day 4 where the city starts paying you for being a doctor.

Maybe once they finish the game and add the other characters

Okay yeah, I haven't gotten a tool kit to repair the machine for the second step yet but I remember doing it in the original.


Can I really not play as my dude yet?

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Is there a safe place to store items?

You get a hideout day 2, assuming you find it.
Until then Lara's place works, just put shit in the cupboards.

If the objects are polyhedron shaped, you can store them in 's arse.

i'm playing on borderless window and haven't had any problems like that so far

Have patience, actor.
And look at the bright side: at least for now, you're able to protect that smile.

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With 2? Glad they fixed it.

>Upgrade your inventory

is there no other way to get a pistol other than through that bullshit 'deal' from day 1? have like 7 bullets from trading and not sure if I should trade them or keep them


In the hideout, behind the autopsy slab there are two tables. One on the left can be used to upgrade inventory and will let you know what supplies you need.

I'm sure you'll find more than enough pistols after the army rolls in.

Probably can trade with Grief for one.

is it wise to trade 4 water bottles for a bandage?

yaaass tincture

Depends on how many tinctures you already have and whether you need a bandage right fucking now.

honestly you trip over bottles. if you're hurting its worth it but stocking up on healing supplies is kind of a waste.

I have about 75% of my health so I guess I'll save my water

be careful when filling up bottles. pumps in shitty districts can give you muddy water and you cant empty the bottles out for some reason.

>Skim through thread
>It‘s just anons discussing meta information like a bunch of fucking fags
Yeah, I‘m getting the fuck out of this thread. You fuckers can‘t even play it the way it‘s meant to be played: 0 information at all.

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what were you expecting people to talk about?

he bought?

Thoughts, opinions and impressions. This thread is a literal spoonfeeding festival.

yeah its cause people come here when they're frustrated

>get into a fight
>day 2 screen comes up
>guy disappears


>he bought the bull
>he bought '''''''''military grade''''''''''''' revolver

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You finish it then? Cause I can talk about that.

Most anons aren't far enough in the story to talk about it and there's a LOT of mechanical changes that one might wonder about. Not sure what were you expecting.

It's literally better in every way than the original, as far as I can tell. I'm really, really happy about what they did to time constraints and density of content in general, which I hope will keep up as the days fly by.
Time management was a pretty big deal in the original, but you always had enough of it to do whatever you needed, as well as get some beauty sleep and loot a house or two. Yet at the moment, I'm struggling to keep up with the main objectives even, not to mention everything else.

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I've been playing through Pathologic 1 before playing 2. I made this a moment ago.

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You do get some periods of time where you get a breather. Just keep your head down. keep Murky safe and you'll get a chance to come up for air.

Day 1 is pretty handholdy, either there's a difficulty spike or that RPS journo who shat on the game for not being "soulsian" (fucking lmao) enough is a complete turbo casual. Just like in the original, I've been feeding kids hooks and broken bottles and I'm swimming in fish to eat.

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He's just that much of a lemon.

before you buy guys on youtube also shed a spotlight on path 2 so it is gaining some traction from normies too

Is there any difference if I've already played all of Pathologic 1? Worth it at all?

Yes, its very different from P1.

There are three corpses laying around, is it wise to cut them to shit and sell their organs while taking the rep hit? I've also noticed there are neatly hidden chests here and there that always contain lots of cool shit, got buttons from both that I've found so far.

pretty fucking cool, actor

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>already Wojak/Pepe edits


Absolutely. The mechanics are more developed. The story and characterisation has some small and big differences. The endings raise new and interesting questions.

Do it fren, we'll forgive you.

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Depends on if you want to add insult to injury.

Head pats when?!

well, they're dead already and I can sell organs

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do I pirate it

>go to spot on the map the booze told me about
>sand bomb waiting for me
>turn around as soon as i hear it
>still get hit

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You should support it, it's from people who both are artists and actually like video games.

>get a breather
>go twyre-crazy or catch the plague because nothing good has ever happened in the town
T-Thanks, actor.

im playing on a fkn 1080ti and im getting stutters.
nah. i think ill pass on this one.
i was hyped after watching that review but slavs will have to polish their shit if they want my money.

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I'm on a GTX 1080 and I only get stutters rarely, usually when moving between areas. It doesn't feel as bad as it sounds, at least to me.

>Okay, this is epic

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Runs kind of poorly for me.

>behaving like the Bachelor

Have some respect for your kin, even if you did kill them




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This edit is few years old.

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well your standarts are simply low enought.
i simply dont have the patience anymore for this.

Either buy it or don't. But if you want it, you ought to be paying for it. Wait for a sale if you don't like the current price.

My standards are actually high as fuck, which is why I've played this series way before the remake kickstarter was even announced and supported it until today. Play more shit and get interested in the medium.
>muh micro stutter for a slow, atmospheric game with immersive sim elements
Boo fucking hoo, this is not Quake.

pm'd you the fix ;o)

Trust me. I've seen Day 12. Good things do/can happen.

Not him, but to be fair, stutter every time so much as a prompt pops up or 3-5 second loading whenever you want to enter a house does take me out of it the atmosphere a bit. After the Marble Nest, though, I expected way worse, so I can suck it up and deal with it.

buy it

Tell me your processor and Vram so I can laugh at you.

Has anyone found the white dog yet?

the reviews for this game are awful why the fuck are you shilling it here

I'm the white dog


>my standards are set high
>says the guy playing an unoptimized mess of a game released with 33% of planned content
>the stutter is basically part of immersion for me
These threads are worth it just for the apologists alone, you guys are fucking hilarious

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Because the reviewers are incompetent faggots and a lot of us here like the game.

I don't even suck the game's dick but
>giving a fuck about reviews
you're missing out on some pretty good games user

I got a 10% off steam discount coupon for owning the original. It expires in the 31st but I don't plan to buy it for a while.

Instead of wasting it if any anons want it, I am fine gifting it to any Pathologic bros looking to buy it.

reviewers are the best way to know if a game is good or not

And why are they so aggressive? So hostile over some criticism and skepticism?

>reviewers are the best way to know if a game is good or not

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"Apologists", lmao. You guys are acting like the game's a completely unoptimized mess. It works fine on high-end rigs and the stutter isn't that much of a problem since it happens rarely enough to be barely noticeable.
>muh hilarity haha
You're shit at trolling, you know that?

one of the kids mentions a white dog in the darkest nights or something like that. i think this was on day 3 or 4. I thought maybe i will find him in an infected district at night but nothing so far.
maybe i am overthinking shit.

Now you're just trying too hard.

>no one cares about you

Did you ask the invisible cat?

It's alright, the kids still like you.

I like pathologic 1 better because it has console commands and the changeling is cuter.

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Support Nikolay and buy his game!

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This game had console commands. You just don't know them yet.

>there are more russian hookers that've died from krokodil since Pathologic 2 started development than there are stars in the universe

is it like 1?

its the stutter and the fact that my pc is going bonkers. and that there is barely any voice acting.
and that the sound is inconsistent as fuck. either i can barely hear anything or its loud af.
also presentation suck. they need to learn a few lessons from the japs.

Atmosphere yes, mechanics not so much.

dude piss off. im runing witcher 3 on max settings 60fps no problem.
im not going to sully my system with unoptimized garbage.

>sully my system
What kind of a faggot are you...

He's got a point though, no reason to ruin a good system for some poorly optimized slavware

The game features a plague. The data is just 1s and 0s. The poster is a fag.

>lol ur dying to random chance bullshit so were going to lower your total hp

y tho

>installing a badly optimized game will break your pc

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>the game features a plague
>GPU melting is just part of the immersion too
cannot MAKE this shit up

Teach your dumb ass to be more careful.

Where is there RNG?

How's that second-hand coin miner GPU treating ya, champ? Must've been a real fucking steal.

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So I'm nearing the end of the first day, and I've completed all of the quests available I think. I haven't seen the organ buyer guy and I haven't gone to see where the people supposedly captured a beast. I'm currently in Gravel's house and it's like 10PM.

I don't want to go South because I'm hated across town and I've already died twice. Should I just sleep more? What exactly triggers the next day?

>i told him to git gud that'll show him

this game actively tries to fuck you over just to spit in your face. especially when it comes to evading enemies. you run from one dude just to run into stretch armstrong who can grab you and spin you from 12 feet away. and its not like you can fight them both because every animation takes 3 seconds while they can attack you lightning fast. i could shoot them but my gun is jammed because you can only fire the damn thing 12 times before it breaks. And im not even looking for fights. im just trying to get across town.

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you better make sure to buy the fucking bull

the spawns, whether or not bound get infected/die every night, whether or not a plague bomb decides to spawn at your feet.

The bull is lies.

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Hate the changeling's model it makes her look like Mama Murphy while other characters' look great.

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Did you try sneaking, or looking where you were going? You want to avoid street thugs, start looking where you're going.


Redpill me on the game

The girls are so cute fuckkk I want a Russian gf

>Plague gets butthurt and complains
>tell it to fuck off and die
Artemy "Mega Chad" Burakh.

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Nevermind you just need to get good.

walking down broadway is not not looking for fights, take the back alleys. Even sprinting at 0 stamina won't let them catch up to you

if someone gets sick cure them buddy

you will know on day 8 :^)

>Did you try sneaking

yeah i'll just slow-walk across the city whilst dying of hunger.

the ground is a bull
this game is effectively cuckolding you

I tried making this and ended up getting food poisoning


You get to groom and take care of a harem of prepubescent children. You also get to buy a pet bull.

How could you possibly get salmonella from such a simple recipe? Your ribs must have been old

Are rats as big a pain as classic?

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So all things that ought to be RNG, or would you prefer all those things to repeat the same way every time so they can be autistically recorded and predictably avoided? Defeats the point of chaotic, organic systems really.

You get a pet, fuck else you want?!

is it?




So trade for food, scavenge supplies. Hate to say it, but "git gud" quite literally.

There's only one rat in the game.

Buying it rn brb

redpill me on the bull

not him but sneaking as in going down alleys and side streets instead of the main roads you fucking mong

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You brought her the barrel like a good cub, didn't you?

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>bringing her a barrel of PLAGUED™ water
what happens if you do?

No I tested the barrels like a good cub.

Will the next episodes have to be purchased separately?

scavenging for supplies doesn't save me from mobs grabbing me or hitting me from unfair distances. my only gripe with the game is the abysmal combat that pretty much punishes you for even doing it JUST BECAUSE farming enemes in the first game was too easy, so instead of making legitimately challenging combat, they just made sticky bullshit combat.

I've never played these but looks interesting. Should I try the first one or just skip to 2?

you can name it and something something later on. totally worth it, trust me bro

sup niggas

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dunno yet, depends on how this sells
playing the original will give you interesting questions when you get to the end of this new game. It can be played independently though.

2 is a literal re-imagining of the first one. the main plot is the same-ish. go for 2 since it is far more accessible

Really? Classic had them everywhere.

>runs past an enemy
>see him start chasing you
>start sprinting towards another enemy
>slow to a walk when you're right next to him
>get slapped


as the others said, use your eyes, use back alleys, use sneak. You're the one choosing the fight. You can run. Shit... the game has mechanics that expect you to fuck up and get killed. Learn to embrace that - I can't confirm it, but apparently, if you get killed too many times there's an npc that will reset the health loss.

Anyone else able to confirm that?

Changeling is returning back to a basic bitch in day 5. thank fuck.

The have non-aggressive desert rats in the game now that are pretty cute.

Not sure how to feel. Rats were probably my number one cause of infection trouble.


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i slowed down to prevent myself from fully tiring out. not like it would have made any difference how fast i was going.

>fag with knife running at me
>charge an attack and stab him right in the face
>he immediately locks me into a stumble animation as if he hit me in the back and then instantly kills me with multiple knife slashes at once
I think I'm done for the night.

these little guys

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its weird how everything about this game feels polished except for the voice lines. they all sound really low quality. not to mention some of the english VOs don't even attempt at emotion of any kind.

The endgame is here

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fags begone


if you sprint at 0 stamina you still run fast enough for them not to grab you

Friendly reminder that Lara is getting HORNED while we do our daily business


thats unexpected.

can i go and kill everyone?


>not playing in russian

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yes buy enough food for 12 days and sleep until the end

was gonna buy it but no linux port and proton support is shoddy for it rn, maybe down the road

even the Russian VA is low quality in some parts sound like it was recorded outside of a studio

Suck but it sounds like it was on you.

yeah because i want to feel more detached from the characters by having them all speak a language i don't understand.



English and US accents badly mashed up together. Better off with the Russian VA.

>no linux port and proton support
literally who cares

Anyone else finished the game yet? I'd like to talk plague.

its not the varying accents. its the line delivery.

I have Pathologic HD in my library should I play that before 2?

C'mon play nice. There are a few people that would like to use it. No sense on pissing on them for that.

but if the english voice acting is bad wouldn't that detach you anyways

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no need to imo

silly actor, no one here has actually played the game!

Compare bound npcs and male townspeople.

Pic or you're a faggot

If you like playing videogames and your PC only runs Linux, you made a poor decision

Then please get on with it. I want to talk about the plague as a character and its intentions in the game.

How does stealing work? Is there something indicating if someone can see me or if there's no one looking at me i'm fine?

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"They'll know" regardless.

This was something that confused me to no end in P1. Sometimes you steal things in a person's house and they don't care, sometimes the whole house turns hostile and you get punched to death by old women.

FYI, if you bought Classic HD, there will be a 10% discount coupon for 2 in your steam inventory.

You are supposed to put gross fanservice in the OP picture when using the Play X template thread you retard.

townsfolk audio quality is definitely lower but i'm less mad about that. i mean fuck, AAA games do that, look at farcry 3/4

>im playing on a fkn 1080ti and im getting stutters.
I am sitting on a 1070 and 2560x1440 with no problems whatsoever.
Also I have a brand new i9 which is why. Get a good cpu to go with that 1080.

>sometimes the whole house turns hostile and you get punched to death by old women.

had to be sneaking plus no line of sight to get away with it in the first game.

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There's been mixed success with limiting to 4 cores as well.

>can't buy it from steam because my credit card is rejected for some reason
>probably because i refunded mordhau a few days ago
rutracker it is for now

Should I play 1 first?

Is it selling good or did it flop?

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i hope so. the game is a proper remake/sequel

If you would like to. It'll make the changes more interesting, but it's not required.

what should i do with the babby , lads?

Town Hall.

time'll tell here's hoping though



No bull

have gay sex

I'm running it on an SSD and it's pretty smooth sailing t b h

How many times have you guys died so far? I've died twice, do you lose max health by dying too much or something?


So how much walking you do in this game?

you lose max health if you die AT ALL

About as much as you do in any game. There wouldn't be much to a game if you couldn't move.

A lot less than the first, thanks to silt strider style fast travel

Hard to say
SteamCharts was saying only about 1500 max concurrent players
But that's not factoring in GOG

How do I deal with those black plague clouds? Is there a way to make them fuck off? I keep getting fucked over by them blocking doors and hallways in houses.

I looked and it was #2 on their best seller list which was nice to see.
Only if you trigger them - defeating the point. I guess it comes down to how much you want the stuff in those places. The plague clouds are they to get you to piss off.

Got lucky, I sold a bunch of herbs and went straight to the grocer for food. Nearly died.

hopefully Daniil will get the plague spotting lens in 2 as well

Don't try to loot plague districts, let them die in peace.

This game kinda looks like a fallout 4

But those babies mean big profit.

and big profit means getting plagued.

No you fucking slav. I'm tired of slavs invading Yea Forums and pushing bullshit propaganda and shilling.
Pathologic was shit and not even good shit. It was 95% literal walking from point A to point B, 1% shitty combat with wonky hitboxes where you needed to aim above the small rats to kill them, and 4% dialogue that turned out to be all a dream made up by kids.

It was worth chugging some potions, now I'm respected almost everywhere

hi banjo

Steams best sellers list is almost irrelevant because games that flop constantly show up on that chart. But like the other guy said, it doesn't factor other venue sales. There's no way to know until the developers or publisher say how well it does.

What day are you on friends?


was playing fine yesterday, play today after an update and now getting stuttering and 20-30 frame drops when entering new areas of town... I had like 10fps drops before and it was negligible but now it's fucking atrocious. fucking ICE PICK SCAM REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

4, hell has broken loose

God I want to fuck Lara but now she is fucking stupid.

>western journalism

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Damn these Shyguys are ugly

he's right even after you realize you're all just toys being played by kids the game logic is retarded

I already beat the original, this is literally a remake, no thanks I don't play remakes

what am I supposed to do after I fix the machine that makes tinctures? my journal hasn't changed to "I've done all I can today" but I don't have any more markers on my map. am I missing something?

It's not even a full remake. It's one character and that's it due to it being episodic. I think it's The Haruspex, but I'm not touching that shit to find out.

Not even RE2 or REMake?

It amazes me that RPS of all sites published an article shitting on it, and basically shitting on it for all the same reasons they praised the original Pathologic.

Do the caches restock? I put a match into each one I looted but they haven't generated anything new.

What day are you on? The main things to do for the first few days are just keep your kids alive, and yourself.

Olon zuun jeley urda te'e hunde ubshen shulu'un de'egu'ur ebakha, you little Mara? I'll have you know I was made Menkhu of the Khantage, and I've been involved in numerous quarantines in the Town-on-Ghorkon, and I have over 300 confirmed treatments. I am trained in the Lines and I'm the top Oynon in this entire place. You are nothing to me but just another body. I will empty you the fuck out with precision dissection the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Districts? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of butchers across the Termitary and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and all it will cost me is a fingernail. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Bad Grief and I will use it to its full extent to hound your ass back to the Capital, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn dandy. I will pour blood all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Daniil.

day 2

anyone not kill these guys and get different dialogue from the birdman?

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Sexy and canon.

I got an achievement
dunno if anything changed

Is it true that only the first campaign is playable? Isn't the like just the tutorial of the game?

I would kick a baby to get my own IRL steppe girl, holy shit.

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imagine being this retarded. gaming journalists aren't human, they're literally too stupid to qualify as living things.

so far this one just has the haruspex, who was definitely the harder of the two choices in the original.

I'm amazed you even fixed the machine on day 2.

ah, I just got I told you so-ed for doing it the same way

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I know the general goal to get to the end is keep the kids alive, but I'm wondering how fucked I'll be for letting anyone else die.

The combat in this game is so shit.
>suddenly another faggot show up
>run out of stamina
>block to regen
>fag pulls out a knife
>get staggered by knifefag and other guy keeps pummeling me
>can't regen stamina because stunlocked
Absolute bullshit, even pulled out a knife myself but since I had no stam my character just waved it around extremely slow.

2v1s are impossible unless you have a gun

there has been much running involved. I'm afraid of missing something permanently so I try to finish everything as fast as I can

General rule is if anyone has a weapon, you run. If there's two of them on you and they're both unarmed, its doable if you have a weapon, otherwise you also run.

>not buying the revolver on day 1

>I'm afraid of missing something permanently
You need to really give up on that. This game is about prioritizing what's important (for haruspex, keeping yourself and the kids alive), and considering everything else you accomplish as a bonus. You will not save everyone.

>tons of dead items piling up
>dead item shop on one side of the map for only a few hours
>time limited urgent thing I have to do on the other side
>no convenient way to coin over either

>why am I not Jason Bourne

You know it's bullshit don't deny it. Enemies have unlimited stamina, can run forever and they got this bullshit "get back here" move. Fuck off.

Best way to do dead items is store them at the boos' house as you go along then cash out when it's a slower night.

Not him but I've never had a problem with any fight as long as I go into it with an advantage (having a weapon and they don't basically). You should get a knife like the one you get at Lara's and keep it sharpened, its easy to do and will keep you very safe the first few days. I do agree about the unlimited stamina bit though, that shit is actually annoying.

You're a surgeon not a krav maga crowd control expert. Never fight unless it's an easy win.


Whoever wrote this should be flayed.

maybe you can't always put the same item

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Never checked but I'd be amazed if they did, considering they can have fucking shmowders in them.

I'm enjoying Burakh but will be glad when I can go back to being the out of town dandy roasting rurals

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So with caches I have to put an item in as I take one out?

I just defeated the first evil house with 3 minutes to spare.

I'm not sure if I like this dialogue system. Is there ever any reason to pick options with a diamond next to them that will end the conversation?


eva yan has benjamin button disease or some shit

Has IPL said anything of when the next character will be available?

How important is it to check out the performances at night in the theater?

not that I've seen

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>Day 4
>Have fuck all money
>Some medicine
>No health
>No food
>Trying to raid houses in plague zone but infected scavengers push my shit in (can't fight them because got no HP)

Have no stolen or killed anyone (Apart from obvious enemies) yet, I feel like I am being optimistic about finishing the game without having stolen anything.
Also if there are any other Slavs out there, do you feel like the dialogue is a bit too harsh? It seems like MC is always butthurt about something in every reply he makes.

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Sell herbs, kill bandits and harvest their organs and sell those. Go inside infected houses and loot them. steal shit

Does the reputation lower significantly when you harvest bandit organs? I don't get why it even should since lore vise you're one of the few who can cut into people and those are bandits anyway. But also I don't have a scalpel anymore, being fighting with lockpicks as I have a ton of them due to never using them to break into places.

>steal shit
Wait, stealing somehow affects the game? Asking cause i'm new to this.

The english dialogue is the same, 75% of the responses are snarky remarks or sarcastic jokes.

Think you get a rep hit if you are seen harvesting but I don't know how much. Might be countered by the rep bonus you get for killing bandits.

184 recommended on 2 days is pretty lame and I want the Clara's Route

Haruspex isn't actually a menkhu, at least not by day 4.
You get a rep hit no matter what. At least with bandits its not that big though.

That's a long ans sticky dick

It's a bad game

How the fuck I can activate the Backers event and how do I get the Golden Dragonfly item? Halp

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no u

Casual pls go

Back to DMC you go

I guess at least it's faithful to the original script, in Russian it at times appears way too hostile especially to that kid that appears in your lab, fuck me there is like no middle ground in responses to him.

Good to know it's a bit easier on the rep, I am guessing there is no way to cut into organs without a scalpel though? I doubt that I'll be able to get even to day 8 at this rate, I've been running around trying to help everyone and do everything at the expense of harvesting herbs and selling stuff. The fucking bandits at night are such cunts do deal with at times, everytime they agro I try to kite them to an officer in hopes he will agro and help. It's a shame combat is still awkward as it was in P1.

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Nope you need a scalpel. Get a good one and keep it sharpened, same as your knife. Its really not hard to maintain at all.

but I like both

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Is there somewhere I can get boots repaired

Don't listen to these faggots, pirate it

You can repair anything at your lab.

I dropped the knife when it broke because I couldn't find any sharpening stones and had no space for other stuff. From the sound of it my first playthrough is going to be more and more difficult and depressing. I don't know if in Eng translation it's the same but in Rus script there is a voice-over that tells you "Days will become shorter" is that actually the case? It feels like it but at the same time could just be the game fucking with me.

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Is this the remake that was in the works, or a straight up sequel?

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>back to a good game
Dumb walking sim apologist

Remake that is incomplete

why are you here? go shit up a console war thread.

I can't repair my boots, unless that's because they're at 0 HP.

Because I want to criticize a shit game

Lol, your criticism is brainlet tier. Give a thorough analysis of your critique on why you dislike it and maybe we will take you seriously.

Already have.


He's the guy who complained that you can't bruce li 5 bandits at once

I've written way longer critiques in the past, but I'm not going to do it when it falls on deaf ears

That's not a critique on the game, lmfao.

No he's not, I'm that user and you're a faggot if you think this combat is in any way fair.

Good to confirm the "walking sim" posters like exact kind of soulless popular garbage I'd expect.

The game isn't for you, find another game.

No I complained about retard hitboxes and too much walking around.

You're upset about the first game or this one

It's not supposed to be fair bby

I was too dumb for the void, will i survive this

On day 1 you are teleported back to barracks when you get killed, good way of travel in my opinion, saved me time.

First game and this game is a remake

Is say yes


>fps swings between 100+ and mid30s
Slaaaaaaavs. Did anyone figure out what bullshit setting I have to turn off (or on) to fix this?

Am I supposed to sleep in the theater after day 3?

Fucking nigger worms. I tried to help them and they fucking beat the shit out of me. Bunch of faggots.

How much ram do you have this game is easily eating around 12 gigs for me.

All interactions with the kin should be at gunpoint.

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This game corrects the flaws of classic give it a try friend

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Not the same user, but this is interesting, I've got 16gb and haven't seen it go further than 5-6. the game's default config is set to allow maximum 10 (at least on my PC). I've got everything set to max (Minus draw distance/shadow distance) + all additional features and get reasonably stable 60 with 4790k/1080 @1440p. Though it does drop here and there but nothing lower 50ish. Unity engine is such a hit and miss.

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Is notkin scripted to get infected I can't get inside his house.

16 3200MHz, so it should be enough and fast enough. I'll keep dicking around with the settings and see if I can find anything.

Yes. You can go in a little later on in the day.

At this point I might as well restart. No food, no money, no medicine, respect means nothing. Gonna go full jack the ripper on the town and bathe in cash, food and medicine.

should I play it



if you dont mind artsy fartsy games and crippling depression

i got it

>talk to old man by the river
>3k for a "military" grade revolver
>ignore him as I think it's a scam
>day 4
>go to that faggot thug in the werehouses
>revolver for 8.5k
I should've bought it from the old dude when I could.

take one from someone's cold dead hands

You can get by well enough with just a knife for the first few days. Its neither worth it or necessary until later.

That 3k goes farther buying food and shit to trade


Anyone willingly to summarize what the npcs roaming the streets barter? I'm assuming each character model has its own unique items and only accepts specific items.

That's exactly correct.

small kids offer the best trades, like morphine or immunity boosters for 6 points

steppe kids trade packages which are usually worth it if you have fish hooks

best thing I've seen teens trading are smoked fish

rich guys trade coffee, women trade cloth repair, guys trade weapon repair

steppe women sell charms cheap which you can resell to anyone

I don't know but damn if pemmicans don't have a great hunger restoration/inventory size ratio

if it's anything like Pathologic 1, the youngest looking girl and boy models (the ones who trade highest for walnuts and I think peanuts, respectively) are the ones with a chance to have sweet powders

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They cost 35 and I've only seen girls trading them which was like 1. Just save all the walnuts you can and carry around 6 for the chance to get one.

do shmowders even exist in 2? don't answer that, rhetorical question. i'm assuming burakh is gonna crack the code and start being able to crank out panaceas around day 9-10 but i dunno if i can hold out until then.

so if I got infected I just quit the game and start over? I don't undestand how to not die from this shit

Do i need to play 1 to understand this or is it a new story? I tried 1 but didnt know what i was doing, felt like a brainlet and gave up. Is 2 more of the same do you need to follow an online guide to get anywhere if youre not a genius?

The guy who wrote their original review left the site a long time ago, before it turned into complete garbage.

The guy that wrote that review has since done a separate article praising the train summoning jumpscare.

They do but they're hard to get your hands on. They're not mandatory though, you can handle an infection with the diagnosis system. Shmowders are a limited "tell the plague to fuck off" ticket you should save for important people, namely the kids. Otherwise its all about keeping them safe with immunity boosting and crossing your fingers.
Don't enter infected districts without a plan. Always have immunity boosters on you (easy as hell once you start brewing your own), and keep any clothes you happen to have mended.

I've yet to get myself infected but if you fuck up to that extent, I assume your only hope is to take a shmowder yourself.

no, it baffles me that Tinybuild made them call it Pathologic 2 to 'reduce confusion'

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If the intent here is to follow a Soulsian “hard is good” philosophy and apply it to the survival genre, this is misplaced. Souls games are about reaction, movement, and practice. You can’t practice finding a piece of bread. If the intent is only to keep the player feeling oppressed, strapped for time, exhausted, hungry and weary, well, that doesn’t mean I won’t also resent having to spend so much time doing the most boring species of meter-management in what could have been a captivating mystery.

Hunger is the worst offender. You can enter abandoned houses and loot them, or even burglarise “healthy” houses. But there’s never any food in the kitchens. There are abandoned houses and free beds everywhere, but you can only sleep in some of them. Put all this together with the samey character models and the clumsy combat, and Pathologic 2 starts to feel less like an interesting failure and more like a budget Skyrim.

>You can’t practice finding a piece of bread.
>when you're such a stupid video games journalist that you ACTUALLY BELIEVE your total lack of understanding of how to play the game is normal
lmao this dude can't spot trashcans or little girls

>tfw you die enough for the Rat Prophet to be released from the theater

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what the hell, i was 100% positive that once midnight hits the clock all the mission were failed, but it seems that now you still progress through the main mission no matter what. does it mean that it's better to finish the secondary events of the day before on the main story?

shit, was there really trainsummoning in the end? i wasted all Day 2 chasing children and their fucking stashes, so when I had left 1 hour to complete all the main mission of the day and a kid asked me to chase the railroad in the steppe I told him to go fuck himself.

but after i've received my spooky cow i'm starting thinking sometimes it's okay to play dumb in this game

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what happens if those things reach the theatre?

>unironically quoting GAYMING JOURNALIST


On a scale of "olympic marathon" to "pathologic 1" how much unnecessary walking is there this time?

The bull you can buy?

Don't know but that Rat Prophet is literally death, so it's probably an ending, or the criteria of a "OH SHIT BUTCHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING" ending at the 12th day

There's a spring button now, in addition to a thirst meter. Water is abundant, but sprinting burns your thirst faster.
I suspect water becomes less abundant in the late game. I bet the reservoirs get infected. But so far, you can sprint everywhere with ease. Then let stamina recharge, then sprint more.
not as bad / olympic marathon

How old is Capella?

asking for a friend


Midnight is just when the bound are checked to see if they're infected/dead. The thoughts page is split up into acts, not days. Some events in acts carry over to other days, sometimes they have their own time windows.
They start to break and it actually becomes a huge pain.

It felt scarier in the first game partially due to the uncanny humans.

>Day 5
>Yandere waifu took my bull

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Underaged. She's DFC for a reason.
So is this like in the first game, where some unnamed idiot just destroys them offscreen? Or is it specifically tied to infected districts? Also, do they get fixed?

she is not old enough you diddler

>five candles
>can only find four or else the fifth didnt count

maybe im going insane

It seems like they start breaking in districts that are/were infected. You have to fix them yourself.

There's 1 in 4 of the rooms, and 1 in the hallway on the lower floor

pretty sure I got them but the journal still said one more


FUCK worms. Niggers made me ragequit. I didn't save for a very long time and now I died. Fucking cunts. I'll replay later when I'm on a better mood.

Use your medical skills you double worm, work the lines, decipher the layers.

He dies anyway even if you treat him

And Notkin gets infected trying to bury his corpse

Didn't you learn how to to use your potions and pills? Should've paid attention.

Clara... stop

what would your father say think of you if he saw you posting this?

You're not gonna make it very far if you're asking this.

so about the white dog

i found him right after exiting an infected house close to midnight. I had no health, no food, no medicine and i was infected. he told me not to give up and how am i crucial to the life or the death of the town. he gave me a shit ton of pills including a free shmowder.
I don't know what triggered it. I reloaded an earlier save but the white dog wasn't there.

Maybe he spawns the first time you get yourself infected, as a one time freebie. I have no idea though, just guessing.

>want to get the game
>30 fucking eurodollars for only 1 characters
It's not by any means expensive for me, but I'm a massive kike and want a fucking finished game for anything higher than 15€
Are the other "episodes" going to be the same price or what?

no idea my dood
i should mention that this happened on day 7. i wish it could happen again because i am barely keeping everyone alive at this point

Look at it like this: if you're really fretting over whether or not this penny-stock-tier investment will mature in a year, maybe you should just invest in the stock market?
>be Jewish
>be retarded

i really like how haruspex and Bachelor relationship evolve over time.

>30 fucking eurodollars for only 1 characters
Are you fucking kidding me? I have to pay for the rest?

are the "You have failed to save [District] from infection" messages inevitable, or is there a way to prevent it?

Is there any events at night or should I just sleep in? (Day 1)

Only the Haruspex is available to those who didn't back the kickstarter, from what Im aware.

It's more about whether I have to pay full price again for the next character, or if it will be DLC.


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>MC is always butthurt
He's just from Saint-Petersburg.

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How the heck are people struggling to find food and shit? Food is everywhere. You see those Grocers? Fucking buy some food retards.

There are events all around the clock, you may end up missing stuff. The best time to sleep is wait for 1 am and see what's on the map, if there's nothing missable just take a nap until just before dawn, you usually dont miss anything.

>lol just be rich lmao
Reply to this post when you're past day 1, pleb.

I'm on day 4 with 2k money and tons of food.

>[You're hated here] in all districts
I know how you get by..

Just stock up on goodies bro

>only 2k

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Oh, I will.

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I hate how clean everyone looks in a plague ridden town. A plague literally called the sand plague or sand filth.

0 times because I reload if I die.
So actually twice but it doesn't count.
So there.

Cute girls > realism

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>playing classic bachelor
>rolling in cash
>tens of thousands of money
>no money problems getting all I need
>day nine and feelin' fine
>hey brah can you get me FIVE FUCKING RIFLES?
Jesus that was a punch. Sent me right back to the beginning broke sick hungery state.

>0 times because I reload if I die.
I tried that but it still took off max health. Id doesn't work or you have to exit out completely or something.

So the wardrobe in the warehouse is for storing shit right? Gotta put all my herbs somewhere

immersion>muh dick

>just take whatever you need
she knows exactly what I need

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How fucked will I be for walking the steppes and collecting herbs for an entire day?

>being snarky to Eva as she's talking mad shit
It's perfect.

new thread when?


It's still a 20-30+ hour game.

>Can't even play the other 2 characters. Game didn't even fully release with them

No thanks. I'll wait till they release all of them

>the fitgirl repack is a smaller download than the official demo
lel sorry slav fags im pirating ur game (if it runs like a nigger i may consider buying it in a few months if u guys optimize it better)

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Wait, is it out yet?

What are the differences between Pathologic and Pathologic Classic HD?
