Fuck you too buddy
Haven't played in years, what are these blue things and why does everybody hate them so much?
They spawn more the less you slerp
it was one thing when they added beds and essentially allowed you to skip the hard part, i didn't care since you could never get a whole SMP server to sleep anyway
but now you're literally encouraged to sleep or these fuckers come after you
>punishing the player for being active
what kind of redditery is this?
1.mojang held a poll for mobs to add,encouraged voting for it(phantom) under the guise that we didnt have enough flying mobs(we dont)
2.they didnt tell anyone phantoms would be so OP and how they spawn,they spawn when you dont sleep for 3 days
3.needed to repair elyrtras,elytras help fly in survival using rockets
4.Hard to kill
5.no way to spawn proof besides sleeping
But isn't night time itself a punishment for being active in Minecraft? Phantoms are just an optional challenge for night time.
Fuck you more
Fuck you the most
>Ruins having a lake house
Heh.. Nothing personnel, Steve
Hunger has been absolutely a non-issue since they introduced saturation, anyone who still complains about it is pretty retarded
i'll wait 2 years for all the mods to catch up before i start playing again
I fucking hate these things more than the sky niggers. Can't build a safe water house anymore.
Heh, you're all pathetic.
Nothing compares to how fucking horrible this thing STILL IS.
At least you can kill all of the above. You cannot fight this asshole without armor and at least an iron sword or you WILL die. At least shields exi- What no iron for a shield? Sucks for you.
I had better luck with Endermen.
they weren't always OP, they got changed in like 1.4 or something to shoot faster the closer you get
Crossbow or Bow Yea Forums?
wtf theres crossbows now??? what do crossbows do different?
I think the new crafting stations are my favorite part of 1.14 tbqh, gives more of a purpose in bases and adds variety and progression to crafting. Although I do wish barrels were more unique.
>recently from watching a Minecraft video, learned you can load up firework rockets into the Crossbow to make a rocket launcher
Crossbow by far.
Theres literraly nothing interesting to do at night
You can load shots and they're more powerful than the typical bow, but slower.
Literally Chad Bow
>Hard to kill
shut up
How the fuck are skeleton arrows real nigga just put your shield up haha just block them
Bro just get some cats.
>easy as fuck normally
>trident wielding ones deal 3 hearts a hit and have a range for miles
>babies can also wield tridents
at the very least they should only spawn at night. and give us another method to get tridents, because grinding these fucks for the strongest weapon in the game gets tiring after the first five hours.
they also have more range and can't use bow enchantments
crossbows are way more fun then they need to be
havent used a normal bow ever since 1.14 dropped
>right click on a bed
>they all die
Wow that was so fucking hard
They literally did though youtu.be
These based ones lost
And this would have been okay
>add tridents
>only drowned holding them can drop it
>at some retardedly low chance
>they can freely spam your face with hundreds while you desperately try to swim up to them to kill them in time
What's with adding fun new things, and making them a pain in the dick to obtain?
Has anyone here done a full raid? How was it?
Minecraft is good
>would be so OP
>hard to kill
They act like total bitches around wolves and are actively hunted by them even when you don’t hit them
just eat bro
Name a more based addition than the stone cutter block
Mediocre, it was a neat novelty the first time around but those assholes that wield axes are too strong and can kill you in like 2 seconds in full diamond armor
if you aggro all of them the village's iron golem can fuck them up hard
the first 2 times i did a raid the golem lived until the end and killed half of them
Trident with fidelitá enchantment
Barrels are insansly usefull because you dont need to leave space 1 block above it to open it like chests
one iron golem is not gonna cut it desu
>Mob A never
hold me bros
>not just fucking adding all of these cool ass creatures
why? why did they make people pick between what biome should be updated and what mobs should be added? fucking add EVERY mob, rework EVERY biome, it's not like they don't have the budget it's fucking microsoft, how did gaming companies become such hot fucking garbage?
>no infinity or flame
i'll stick with a good ol' fashioned bow in that case
They are reworking all the biomes they just had people choose which one to do first, all those mobs were scrapped though.
the dev team are swedeshits cut them some slack
Bow is objectively better
Crossbow is cooler
>build wall around town
>put fences through the water part of the rivers under the wall
>put sea cucumbers in the water so zombies can't spawn near there
>suddenly town is save
Nailed it.
Challenge: Come up with a mob that's so frustrating and annoying that it will ruin Survival Mode forever.
Yea Forums hating phantoms is the most comically bizarre thing I've ever seen.
do you all live 5k blocks up in the sky on a single file row of blocks with no railing?
you literally. LITERALLY have to STAND STILL to be hit by a phantom. they attack incredibly slowly.
If anything it's annoying that only like 2-3 spawn at a time and that they attack so slow because it takes forever to get their membranes to make slowfall pots or to repair elytra.
seriously I cannot imagine how these things bother you. if you are playing on a broken keyboard that eats 9/10 "W" inputs and you can barely move you can still avoid them by putting a bed in your inventory
I dont understand this either
A mob that clogs up your inventory.
where are you people going in minecraft without a bed nearby or in your inventory?
surely this is bait?
>hard to kill
wat. if you stand still all night with no armor and empty hunger you *may* die to phantoms. are you afking outside or something? wtf
A villager identical to other villagers, but when it looks into your chests and barrels, it takes something forever.
it takes literally ONE iron to make a shield.
just get some potatoes or something before you go caving. you can find iron exposed on the surface literally all the time.
how is Yea Forums so shit at this literal children's game
if anything the problem with them and most of the others lately is precisely that they offer no real terror. you should be building to protect yourself in survival and having to worry about keeping up light or defenses or whatever.
>held poll for mobs to add and took months to add it
>when modders could have added all the mobs in a week
post microsoft mojang is dead
Zombie that breaks any blocks in its way no matter what they are and can easily grief you
Savannah should have won, I hope they'll update next.
mob that turns the food in your inventory into ash from a distance and constantly flies out of range like blazes
Every mob gets Harder the better armor/weapon you have
They also spawn more
Go fuck yourself for this invention, it actually made me angry.
give all mobs level scaling.
burrowing worm that breaks like 99% of blocks besides obsidian/bedrock and attacks you.
skelly archer that shoots creepers
i wanted taiga to win but i thought they could have added something cool like owls or hawks but instead we get retarded foxes
he said ruins it not makes it kino
even the mobs people say are terrifying aren't terrifying past like your first week of playing.
creepers and skellys are easy to mitigate entirely.
it's hard to design a mob that is
1. terrifying
2. fair
3. not easily mitigated like all current mobs are while still complying with #2
Imp-like creatures that function similarly to bats, but try kill you instead.
Thoughts on sevtec ages? I'm only on the 1st age but I hated how you were forced to fill out the entire advancement list for the buffalo parts needed for the inferno hopper, I'd rather it just be a straight line that advances the ages with the rest being optional and quality of life shit.
an endermite/silverfish esque mob that exclusively spawns en masse next to your bed when you sleep
>kill ender dragon
>collect exp
>accidentally look at enderman
>die in one hit
>stops you from skipping any challenge in the game
it's supposed to RUIN the game not fix it.
It’s almost like phantom are able to strike people who are doing something in inventory in lighted outside areas assuming they’re safe form danger
Why is finding iron so hard on amplified worlds?
its based on y coordinates
>does like 2 hearts of damage with no armor
how long are you in your fucking inventory in mc outside? do you have downs?
That explains why there’s nothing in the mountains I guess. At what y does it start appearing?
creepers that leave fire everywhere after exploding
Post favorite block
I expected a jew but this also works quite well.
>hurr night is le challenge
*digs a 2x1 hole in the ground and puts a block on top*
wow so challenging
waiting is not a challenge. and once you have a base it's not like there is even any danger at night. you can light up a 100x100 block area in like 3 minecraft days
even still you can literally survive all night by just running forward.
It’s annoying
And with online vanilla servers it’s loud I’d mute it but I need to hear what mobs are near by
I still use this texture in my custom resource pack
>notch will never talk about minecraft on Yea Forums again
part of me is glad so you nu-shitters will never experience it
but damn
The perfect combination of a light source and decoration, if only it weren't so annoying to get
Move aside, kino's in town.
des gust in
1 block wide spiders with spawners everywhere and they poison you
it looks so happy.
>y-You didn't forget about me, right user?
Tl;dr: minecraft was the biggest wasted potential since nuclear powered toasters
Eh, it's still a blast with friends.
fuck those trident niggers.
>dives bombs you, in groups, without hesitation, doing almost enderman level damage
It was the old emerald blocks but that style is kill.
it started out as just another browser game being shilled on this board by some neckbeard swede, and now 10 years later that user is living in a mansion with billions of dollars and that game is the best-selling game of all time
notch, despite being just another Yea Forumstard lived all of our dreams
>Haven't played in years, what are these blue things and why does everybody hate them so much?
eh, that was around the time that whoever does the textures at mojang decided to start this trend where every block has this shaded border around the edge, meaning you can't make anything smooth-looking with them unless you are 200 IQ like me and make a custom resource pack
Creepers can spawn in light
they don't spawn in light they just don't burn
slime was hotter
Did you even read what he replied to?
forgive me, for i am autistic
>get riptide trident for the first time
>accidentally kill myself by trying to fly with it in the rain
it was fun, at least
Smooth quartz doesnt have the "edge", granted it takes more effort to make (you have to melt the normal block of quartz). You can place a row of both next to each other and see which one works in what build.
only useful for pvp but crossbows bypass a majority of shield defense
What about a worm-like mob that burrows under the ground and attacks from bellow. It can dig through cave walls and follow you into your home.
thats pretty nice, wish they'd do that for polished diorite/andesite/granite
What's your favorite structure in the game Yea Forums? It's Woodland Mansions for me.
i'm a big fan of the desert temples, always cool to find one not buried in sand
They're not OP, they're just annoying as fuck.
It feels weird for such a large manmade structure to be in minecraft naturally like this
Yeah, it really does, but they're pretty cool and offer a lot.
those are super rare .I burned the first one that I found and looted what was left .
>casually playing vanilla for the first time in years
>returning home after a long day at the mines
>suddenly take damage
>what the fuck
>turn around its nothing
>get hit again
>rush home panicking
>it stops
>calm down and go open the door
>suddenly Phantom swoops down near my door
>close it instantly and hit up the Minecraft wiki
>haha, don't forget to sleep :^)
Fuck Phantoms and fuck sleeping
>le spooky flying bois
What is even the purpose of those little oasis you sometimes see in the desert?
>fuck sleeping
>he unironically LIKES doing shit in the dark
Flying supercharged creepers with ghast fireballs
snow biomes...home...
You mean wells?
Is there any biome more KINO than this?
which makes playing on large servers effectively impossible because you can only sleep if everyone sleeps at the same time, meaning if you play on that server long enough you will be indefinitely harassed by these things
I've literally never found one of these in the like 8 years they've existed.
After a certain number of ticks the cow should explode open and die as a new giant mushroom spawns.
> savannah already visually interesting and unique, added way later
> desert is basically the OG it always was, plus desert temples and villages
based retard
>started playing again after not playing for 4-5 years
>game is all setup with mods and shaders etc
>play hardcore because otherwise the game has no sense of tension and loss on death
>burn through 4 worlds in the span of 3 hours to bullshit
haha time to play normally i think
>one of the most successful games ever made can't just make all four mobs
>get shit like pandas instead
>find village
>there's a blacksmith
is there a better feeling, Yea Forums?
Make that 5.
No, I'm serious.
would be cool if it didn't ruin my mooshoom farm
>we will never get the big hungry boy
>instead we got some fucking reddit creature that punishes you for playing the game
>find village
>sells mending books
This is the best feeling.
>playing minecraft for the challenge
The combat is dogshit, the fun is building shit anyway.
t. Phantom
Oh, if you want the idea list, the game desperately needs more variety instead of just generic structures. There needs to be something to encourage further exploration and there needs to be an extended endgame. You get the really beneficial upgrades at the very end of the game when no real motivation exists to push players to continue on beyond creative pursuits. There's room for more bosses, more treasures, more goals and objectives. You could have bosses summoned by the jukebox. Bosses summoned by beacons. Bosses summoned by crafting idols using recovered mob spawners. Meteors. Expanded Nether. More enemy variants. A hard mode where enemies get replaced by beefed up versions of themselves. More aggressive raids. Ravagers actually being able to break blocks to where they're a threat during a raid...
>it's over 30 esmeralds
fucking jews
An enemy mob that spawns in daylight and night that injures your hunger bar instead of your hearts.
the combat is barebones yeah but the sense of exploration and adventure you get on hardcore is much bigger than on normal because you don't know whether some skeleton with an enchanted bow is around the corner waiting to fuck your shit up
>he still has problems with getting emeralds
reminder that fletcher villagers will literally buy sticks
I hate these annoying fucks.
it's the same shitty worldgen with the same shitty combat but with permadeath. This is your mind on placebo.
>travel far from home
>can’t sleep or else it’ll reset your spawn to origin when you mine the bed
>add a cat and conduit to my fishing pier
>suddenly immune to drowned and phantoms
there is no middle ground on Yea Forums, you are all either vidya masters or actual retards
>complaining about emeralds when fletchers, farmers,cartographers and librarians exist
>makes the game 200% more comfy
Add sleeping bags and i will be forever a nomad.
What do ya think the crafting requirements for that should be?
>Carpet flooring x3
>Wood Slab x3
Dig one block down, throw a bed down, you'll be nice and close to the ground.
>tfw campfires dropped my frames to a slideshow before 1.14.1
No just wool
>tfw put some on the roof over my blacksmith
fuck that, I want palm trees
though savanna was the second best choice
also fuck those faggots who voted for taigas because "uwu fox so cuuuute"
i don't know what the fuck was up with the first release of 1.14, probably just what happens when you make a game like this in fucking java
>people voted because of foxxys
>backfired and gave us the campfire
LITERALLY THE BEST ADDITION OF 1.14. I wanted termites, but campfires are top tier blocks.
you have to remember that even after the new "game for 10 year olds" became fortnite, the large majority of the people who make up this game's fanbase are filthy redditors
>bedrock edition is in C++
>only for win10
Fuck microsoft.
Campfires and Scaffolds are the best new additions
>Scaffolds tied to bamboo
I have yet to find Bamboo after traveling an hour in the overworld, fuck that requirement.
I'm a jungle man because it's got the nicest grass in the game + cool trees + ocelots spawning and despawning livens them up, but living in a mushroom island and not having to light shit up makes it easily one of the best biomes to live in
I wish we got bamboo blocks. Also check shipwrecks, that's where I get mine until I can find a jungle.
Did you know that if you put grass on the mushroom biome, it makes the greenest grass in the game?
The guys with the axes can kill you in two maybe 3 hits, there are six waves, the big bulls are hp sponges and hit just as hard and fast.
Died every time I tried to defend a village, thank god that villages spawn more than ever now, so you can just explore a little bit farther and likely you will find one.
I was never able to successfully protect a village, everyone dies, iron golems just get mobbed.
I only was able to survive a raid in my own home because I had fences after I cured a zombie villager which for whatever reason made my home a village in to the game parameters and able to be raided.
Killed the villager after and still I am regularly getting raided it doesn't go away, and then theres the little imps that are damn near impossible to hit and hit like a truck.
Just simply playing is no longer possible in Minecraft, you have to constantly battle the world.
>nicest grass
>ugliest trees
>awful to navigate terrain
They already do have them, they popped up in a raid I was defending and hard to hit because of how small they are and don't think they don't hit hard because they are small they will fuck you up and you'll fight multiple of them at a time on top of the raiders attacking you.
> termites
Why tho they sound useless af
>Killed the villager after and still I am regularly getting raided
sorry about your science experiment, maybe tear down the doors and re-place them?
have sleep, sleepcel.
I want an island biome. I biome with coral and turtles and dolphins surrounding a series of small islands around 2-7 of them. They could have palm trees and parrots
Defending villages is nigh impossible unless you go into peaceful mode and build a wall around said village, which can take fucking ages.
Wow got a wet blanket over here! Hey why play the game at all just close your eyes nigga hahahaha!
Can you still buy Java edition accounts?
Of course, why wouldn't you be able to? It's 15 bucks right now.
Reminder this fucking swedecuck had the absolute nerve to complain that this thing winning their shit 2017 Minecon poll to add in ONE (1) minecraft mob into the game after making the poll biased by saying
Pretty much, fences are the only way to manage all the enemies particularly when they have vexes and these guys.
100hp, hits for 12 points of damage, regularly has archers on their back, what were they thinking?
Which boss do you prefer to fight, The Ender Dragon or the Wither?
Nevermind, it's back to full price. Java edition is still for sale. It's the big green button that says "Java edition" minecraft.net
Neither, I dislike how bosses are handled but I don't know how to do them any better with the current combat.
Wither definitley. The Ender Dragon is a bitch ass nigger who flies away all the damn time
>*two-shots you despite full iron armor*
how the hell are you supposed to kill 5+ waves of pillagers? do they expect you to bring a squad of five people or what? last time I tried I brought an army of 30 wolves but they all got slaughtered before the end of the second wave. is the only strat just to cheese it?
>start using barrels as storage
>all my vills go fisherman
Have you ever tried backing up and hitting them instead of just standing still like an idiot?
The big thing Minecraft needs, in addition to more things to find when exploring, is rewards that make it all worth it. Just adding a cool structure pr boss isn't enough, what you get for it needs to be worthwhile.
Fences, walls, iron golems, friends.
ender dragon because it has actual mechanics
>Make 9 Crossbows
>Fill my hotbar with them
>Load them all up
Can't do that on a bow.
Both of them suck shit. Twilight Forest and Aether 2 manage to have better bosses than vanilla.
>parrots, dolphins, and sea turtles
>no pond turtles, no sharks, no regular birds, no crocodiles
Where are their priorities?
>The Ender Dragon is a bitch ass nigger who flies away all the damn time
He does an attack where he perches on top of the fountain and breathes his fire right in front of him. You can just stand right next to him and slash at him for 15 seconds until he flies away. However, if you get too greedy and don't run away before he takes off again, he'll body slam you and knock you 30000000 blocks up into the air, killing you on landing.
>window in cliff
Slurping rice sized chinese insect dick of course.
looks comfy af
you think you're really fucking funny don't you user
I've been coming back to this game every few years since beta, and I've yet to fight the Ender Dragon. Feels pretty pathetic knowing I haven't ever actually "beaten" Minecraft.
the Wither keeps raping me so the Dragon
Are you new to video games? I'm actually miffed on how you autists are struggking with evokers and the retard cow. Shield invalidates the retardcow and you have ranged advantage against the evokers.
>no iron for a shield
it costs one fucking iron, you fat retard.
>implying pre microsoft minecraft was any better
Development has been getting worse and worse since notch stopped going to Yea Forums
So for raids
>Can they break through blocks?
>How far do they spawn from the village?
Cause I have a walled off city that can easily close the two open gates it has. Might even make a mechanism to close it from the inside by flipping a switch.
I like the Drowned. Wish there were more aquatic mobs.
That's because most of Notch's development was from the community fixing his garbage.
>tfw you will never be a horny preteen playing SMP with girls again
Unironically true. Notch has no merit to call the 1.13 and 1.14 updates garbage when he was plagiarizing mods with shit like pistons and potions.
Recommend me mods
Hard mode: no autistic machines
Why the fuck would you NOT want A?
Me too, the sounds he makes is top kino and fight him is actually fun because you have total 3D space in the water, and without water they are dumber than normal zombies.
Top tier mob.
Mob talker is pretty good.
Don't know their spawning range outside of villages but I do know that they can't break blocks. However, these flying fags can charge at you while phasing through blocks. They hit like a truck too.
Am I the only one who just builds a duplication machine in survival? Why would you actually WANT to actually mine out all that cobblestone and cop down those trees?
Better yet why not add all four of them in? Honestly what the fuck do the swedecucks at Mojang even do if making four (4) mobs, vertical slabs and mining helmets is too hard for them? It's so embarrassing that a multi-million dollar company has to make a fucking POLL to put in new enemies into their game. That'd be okay if it was a 1 or two man developer indie team but this shit is just so sad.
A mob spawner with super increased mob spawning rates and legs that follows you around and runs away and hides when you hit it.
Also has a very rare chance of spawning another version of itself instead of the normal mob.
>tfw found a wandering trader selling one (1) bamboo for an emerald
cupa is literally best girl
Can't argue with that.
What's scaffolding good for?
Makes building in survival not be a pain in the fucking ass.
Crossbows can fire fireworks. Fireworks can be custom-crafted to deal optimum damage. Splash potions also exist. Lava buckets also exist.
Tons of versatile uses, makes building high buildings not a pain, lets you safely descend downwards without having to build a dumb staircase in caves
and best thing about it? If you hit a scaffolding thing once, the entire structure attached breaks letting you pick it up easy.
#2 is without a doubt the blaze girl though
you can ascend and descend through scaffolding kind of like swimming. also, it's easy to clean up since breaking the bottom block breaks all of the scaffolding above it
i remember that shit being in tekkit
on a side note, anybody got any tekkit classic feels they're like to share
a blessing for building in survival
and easy to clean up
Also, tables.
>not using the good ol' pressure plate on a fence
what are ya gay
But only if you have some tropical place.
Otherwise it just looks like you have some day 1 Animal Crossing house.
you can put preasure plates on scaffoulding, mate. More options, more ways to be gay.
Literally how people used to fight before bullet cartridge were invented
alright, I'll bite
what's the best engineering-mod setup out there right now, I am capable of factorio levels of autism
Boomsticks when?
>water niggers, sky niggers and night niggers
Is this Yea Forums worst nightmare?
It would be cool if they added in a dreamworld biome.
Barrels seem to be designed for 1 block crawling houses
I bet we will get an under ground update where crawling can be activated at any time for caving
Imagine this
New cave biomes:
Crystal caves
Muddy depths
Mushroom caves
Undergound lakes
Oil resivors
Sewers;abandoned or not
Darven villages underground
Ant hills with giant ants
Temples with living statues,pickaxes would be more effective to them
Slime hive
New mechanics:
Oil:can be set on fire and is liquid
Dynamite:throwable tnt,goes farther when put inside cross bow
Crawl at any time
New weapon found by dwarven trading:Hammer
Flint and steel would have enchantments;
Fire lasts longer
Fire is able burn faster
Fire burns stone
Fire is taller or wider
Fire speads easy
Fire drags in items
Fire heals damage
Fire is smokier
mystery niggers when
Skeletons are bullshit and you know it. Always prioritize on iron pickaxes anyway.
>haven't played this thing in years
>reading about all of this shit they added
Jesus Christ. At this point, I'm almost afraid to load up my old world, I'm going to be up to my ass in shit I don't understand unless I blow a few hours reading the update logs on the game's wiki.
And out of all of this new shit, I'm willing to bet they haven't made any real quality of life improvements to the game, like being able to pick up and carry small animals (leading a fucking rabbit by a leash is retarded), improving horse AI so they don't fucking run into creepers or suicide themselves off of cliffs, give us a way to stop mobs from spawning inside structures we've built, stop mobs from walking into fire, native vr support for the java version (fuck you microcock I'm not installing windows fucking 10 on my machine), a system for adding new mobs to old pre-existing biomes, a built-in character editor...
Nah bruh, let's just stick a thousand fucking mobs and world-generated structures into this bitch.
Termites:Eat every block(even bedrock and barrier blocks)randomly and reproduce asexually and at 5 per second,they can crawl into inventorys and chests and cannot be removed
Can instakill you
Creeper that explodes into 10 more creepers that explode into more and 1/10 creepers contain immortal phantoms that always follow the player
Sleeping doesnt get rid of them
Moles that can spawn in any dirt that destory crops and grass and plants
Actually Andr is #2. Blazette is close third though.
>randomly infests one of the chests in your house
>instakills you if you open it
>you have to look at each chest closely to check if they're mimics
>run around in your house at high speeds when found out, not even trying to attack you
>drops the entire chest's contents on the ground when killed
>gives 5 experience orbs
In Minecraft my skin is a mushroom
Also im making a mushroom cult
>baby zombies of any kind
worse than hitler
Actually having a lot of fun playing in a village on a flat map in vanilla right now
>started planting mushrooms everywhere I could
>Server has so many mushrooms it's impossible to go anywhere and not find mushrooms
>Mushroom stew doesn't stack
he gives a reason to vote for all the mobs at the end of each video, retard.
the bare minimum gear you will need is full diamond gear with a shield, a few buckets of milk as witches spawn and the poison can fuck you over when you're also getting shot at by 5 crossbowmen or getting swarmed by the axe wielding cunts, a golden apple or two (sadly you can only make the shitty ones now since they got rid of the notch apple recipe) and lots of food. if you want to make it easier for you, bring some iron blocks and jack o lanterns to make some iron golems, but they can only do so much as they tend to wander around, and can walk away from the action. potions are highly recommended, although just potions of health as regeneration won't cut it, and some strength potions too to deal with enemies quicker.
talk about wanting to choke somebody
I like watching baby zombies die
>no glowing shrooms
>no shroom temples with mushroom houses
>no mushroom island villagers and villages
Make them more about puzzles and building
best biome by far
>they got rid of the notch apple recipe
now what do I spend all my gold on?
>have to choose between phantoms or these fuckers
I dunno man it sounds like a pretty good troll to me
They add endangered or cute animals only
People would have voted panda anyways as...
>new biome and blocks
>cute and endangered
i would very much like to join
as if mojang would even attempt to mess with the underground at all
>no cloud biomes
>no air ships
>no modern city dimension
Got any snacks?
>no airships
user, i...
basically one of these guys except they throw you high enough in the air to take half your health ASSUMING you land on even ground. Also they can camoflauge themselves as ordinary dirt or stone
Not the same user, but I think End Cities were a step in the right direction for expanding the End, but seriously they take FOREVER to find, often times it feels like it takes an hour walking into the End to find one.
Just duplicate it bro
this is a thing? when did this get added?
I haven't played in years but I can't imagine they'd be such a big issue, sleeping takes like 10 seconds
I agree, I always liked building bases in the end after beating the dragon and basically the end stuff was the only good stuff in 1.9
>make new vanilla world with large biomes on to get reacquainted with the game
>end up dumped in a massive fucking desert
>find a little fertile river valley with exactly two trees in it, dig into a cliff face nearby for coal after cutting them down and gathering all the saplings I can
>exploring the next day I find a village with a single sheep, get enough wool for a bed
I love these non-standard biome starts, it actually felt like I was actually struggling a bit, having to chase down fucking rabbits for meat and barely having any wood.
>a crowd of pillagers spawn by my house and refuse to leave
>try to fight them
>bring up the shield but they shoot through it like it isn't even there
>lose 45 levels and a bunch of loot
>"bro did you know crossbows can have a piercing enchantment bro"
i truly despise these retarded decisions recent minecraft updates have wrought
I mean in the overworld,wooden and shit
yeah the pillagers are pretty stupid, the axe guys do way too much damage
other than that i like the new update
>Want to play again
>Remember that my account was randomly missing after the Microsoft buyout
>Customer service basically told me to fuck off and buy it again
>Don't want to pay for a game I already paid for
>Don't really want to pirate it either
I'm conflicted.
This happened to me as well. It's particularly annoying because I bought the game when it was cheap as shit, so I'd have to shell out twice the amount just to own it again
probably not running 1.14 tho
wasn't jeb the one that added those?
I'll look into this later. Kinda falls under the "don't really wanna pirate it either" category, but fuck it. I miss block autism.
I guess this is what happened to my old account too, I just figured some chink or ruskie stole it since I hadn't used it for a year or two
This should have a white woman in the top slot and a dead woman in the finished slot
I’m so fucking tired of all the useless animals they keep adding? Like what’s with all these random pieces of shit that are neither tameable, nor drop special loot. Every animal NEEDS to do at least one of those. Also, they all look so bad compared to the older animals. Especially the fucking new Pandas.
Back when I played, way before The End area was a thing, I remember some mod where I had little pet maids. It was Japanese, but it had an ingame translation. The maids hatched from eggs, could fight with you, and were basically better dogs. Does anyone recall what mod I'm remembering, and if so, is it updated for the current game? I kind of miss them.
have they made those dead shrubs in the desert drop sticks yet? Doing that and letting sticks get reverse crafted into planks is literally all the dessert needs to not be fucking pointless
>The best animals to still have are the base animals
I don't think I've ever tamed anything that wasn't a cow, a sheep, a pig, or a chicken. Horses are neat but god they're a pain to breed for the best kind, Wolves are better as house dogs, and cats are harder to find and harder to get.
Newest version I can find is only 1.12, sorry fren
They do, I gathered like two dozen sticks while running around looking for a way out of the hell desert.
any comfy SMP servers you guys are playing on?
Do old versions work, or is this extremely quality coding where things need to match versions?
IDK, you'll have to try yourself
you get cats in villages now, and you cant tame ocelots anymore
>start Hardcore world
>world only has islands so far and a vast, vast ocean
Kill me
The way minecraft updates it causes mods to break because each update makes the whole thing obfuscate to fuck and back so the mods can't ping the right place it should.
If you just get in a bed they'll stop spawning around you, you don't actually need to sleep.
They've added proper swimming user, that's actually faster than the boat combined with dolphin speed buff. You should be fine.
The Ocean update did jack fucking shit to actually make Oceans interesting
>Gee let's make the Ocean Huge and have some stuff in it so it doesn't look boring
>but still doesn't have anything substantial to make it worth exploring
>Oh and breathing is still a problem without Water Breathing Potions or proper Enchantments which are things that require Diamond and Obsidean/Nether Fortress items in which by that point you're really not assed to explore it.
trips of truth
what the fuck are you talking about? turtle helmets are easy as fuck to get
Way to give the voting to the insects who will nanimously vote for their government sanctioned animal. What about us non-bugmen players? I didn't want retarded pandas that don't do anything. Same with polar bears, it's fucking retarded. An alligator or croc could have been perfect for swamps, Savannahs and Desert Rivers to make them not feel empty and lifeless.
Thats what happens to me. I play a comfy vanilla server and have my comfy farm in the wild. I built a wall round it and filled it with torches, so mobs wont spawn. But these fucking assholes won't leave me alone every fucking night
and yet they take up an armor slot, and don't nearly supply the proper amount of water breathing to explore.
>Hard to kill
Conduits are cool
>tfw blaze rods are required for progression in every field starting at the mid-game
>but you might never find a nether fortress
So fucking stupid.
Boo nigga
Wandering traders are your only hope
What the fuck even is this thing and what does it have to do with the End? Oyster meat and Endermen where is the fucking connection?
>Friends obsess over how good the loot in the End is
>Enchanted Diamond armor and Elytras
>mfw I kill every last one of those fuckers and get the Shulker Boxes for crafting the most efficient carrying boxes in the history of the game
If there's one thing The End Cities did for the game other than make exploring the End super rewarding, it's those shulker boxes.
Oh, I found one. But it took four of us looking and several hours. And the place luckily has a single blaze spawner. But it's a bitch to get back to.
from my experience it's plenty. just be aware of your breath meter and you will be fine. Bring a door to create air pockets and you're golden
I put together a survival multiplayer server for you, Yea Forums. 1.14.1
Why can't they just make a normal backpack? Why do you need to go to an endgame dimension only accessible from the rarest spawn structure?
I do, but I'd rather clear land to get free lumber than replace dirt with grass.
having a backpack that expands your inventory to a full chest size would be neat, but I think the Shulker Boxes are reasonably difficult to get. Shulker Boxes are THE end-game storage. It's a massive game changer.
Hey bros I found this disc while out mining, it has the number 11 on it but no name, weird. How about we pop it in the jukebox?
When the fuck will they let me put a lantern in my offhand?
As it stands, there's no reason to not use a shield whenever you plan on running at danger and a map at all other times.
Bro do you see how broken that disc is? You're gonna ruin the jukebox. Just chuck it into the fireplace.
Don't they finally burn in daylight now? Honestly not so bad if so. That shit made zero sense.
Never. They're too lazy and inept to ever do something that Optifine, a free mod has done for nearly 8 years. Nothing but excuses to why Torches can't produce ambient lighting when held.
honestly the fact that a crocodilian made #2 is better than I thought, guess not all chinks are bad
>cuban crocodiles
>Phillipine crocodiles
>Chinese alligators
there's so many options that wouldn't have been a SECOND worthless bear
maybe someday we can get a croc of some kind
you can tame ocelots so they don't despawn and aren't afraid of you, but they won't follow you
There's like five biomes in Minecraft where crocs could have thrived in. Being a neutral mov turning hostile at night dropping scales that can upgrade leather armor, dropping teeth to make a new thorns potion. So many possibilities but those insects needed the social credit by voting for their government sanctioned mascot animal.
that shit barely works dude
Optifine works great. Get better computer parts poorfag.
I feel like the best option would've been an American alligator because they work pretty much everywhere that isn't snowing/frozen since they've got the best cold tolerance but they're still crocs
>spawn in all non frozen rivers rarely
>semi common in jungles and on beaches, but act like turtles in that they stick close to water
>abundant in swamps
>neutral on land, hostile in the water, do fuckloads of damage
>can make a chestplate out of the scutes that makes mobs have to get closer to you to be aware of you
>can breed with fish, babies are neutral even in the water
done, where's my paycheck
If only they could have added a furnace that can smelt stone faster.
isn't that the blast furnace?
this game is so tiring these days
>Feather Falling IV
Pssssh, nothing personnel kid
They add whatever's the most likely to sell to kids as merch.
>Not just finding one and then using your elytra to fly around the End to find more
feather falling is disgustingly overtuned honestly, i love it though
Fuck you, I love ocean exploring. It completely obsoletes caving because you can get every ore except redstone from pirate ships and buried treasure. It does require having Respiration III, though.
they're not dangerous, but it's impossible not to get hit unless you snipe from far away or have a shield
1.13 made entering the water without a boat no longer a miserable fucking experience and for that I love it. I can't go back to older versions now.
Those small ocean ruins that you sometimes find on beaches are really neat.
Why must these be so hard to find? I've always wanted to build a base on one but I can never find them.
granite needs to be more like granite polished or otherwise.
That's actually not supposed to happen. Ocean ruins are usually underwater.
>Get two (2) tridents
>Other players on the server are convinced that I'm hacking
>In reality I just go ocean explorign so much that I've probably killed hundreds of trident wielders at this point
Bro, you can't even find that in Survival mode you liar.
Reminder that bamboo is the the best fuel source in the game:
Skeletons that shoot explosive arrows, resulting in damage/destruction similar to the effect that TNT has in the game.
i've never actually seen what the other options were (i only knew about the phantom being a polled mob), but i would absolutely fucking hate mob A, since i assume it would look like a normal squid at first, but once you get close it turns into that lovecraftian monstrosity
mob C would be awesome since i don't remember if you can unenchant stuff right now, and mob D would be cool as nether fortress mini-boss (like elder guardians)
i still have no idea what all of these do
You were able to unenchant by combining the enchanted item with another of the same item on a crafting table, but in 1.14 they removed that and introduced a block that unenchants items.
The third one cooks food twice as fast, the fourth one smelts ore twice as fast, the seventh one unenchants and repairs items, the ninth one allows you to make fences and stairs out of rock blocks (stone, cobble, granite, etc.) at a 1:1 ratio. Not sure what the rest do.
Getting two of these was a bitch. Almost a month wasted and I have more steak than I really need.
To supplement the other user's explanation:
>the first one holds a book for multiple people to read at once
>the second one stores items like a chest and does not need space to open up
>fifth and sixth each assign a specific job to a villager living near them
>the last one makes a bell sound when right clicked and attracts nearby villagers
Can anyone give advice on lighting up a snow village without melting all the snow? I'd like to have it turn night in my village without worrying about mobs killing my villagers.
what mod
If you place the torches 3-4 blocks above the snow, it probably won't melt. As far as I know there's no light source that you can put directly next to snow that won't melt it AND prevents monster spawning.
It's pretty obvious they're trying to phase out using the crafting table late game which imo is fucking retarded. I liked how before I didn't need to worry about making all sorts of crafting stations for different shits, the most I needed to make for end game was a brewing stand and anvil.
Also fuck the grindstone. Took away my fucking favorite mechanic and I dont fucking understand why they couldn't have just kept the inventory-crafting tool repair and made the grindstone repair things to full if you have two.
Yeah, I have no idea why they would remove in-inventory repairing.
The best i've figured out is doing that with lanterns, but you have to place them every 6 or so blocks which crowds the place fast
>he doesn't like having more efficient stair production
he's talking about the grindstone, not the stonecutter. I don't think ANYONE could be mad about the stonecutter
His post is talking about them in general, since it would "phase out" using the crafting table to make other blocks.
Well then it looks like you'll either have to live with the monsters or live without the snow. Alternatively you can craft the snow blocks that don't melt, but they don't look exactly like the carpet snow.
creepers that run faster than your sprinting speed and explode instantly when they're in range
it also makes a loud beeping sound in your vicinity
oh, you're right. still, the stonecutter is damn good. it sucks not being able to have all your crafting and repairing done at the same station, but I don't see how they could combine crafting/stonecutter/other shit without making a terrible UI. at least for now having these seperate blocks is still manageable
builder mob that will place noise makers all over your base
also if you break any of the redstone it sets off rigged tnt
Easy until those faggot flying ghosts flew over the wall I made.
An enemy that constantly runs away from you while summoning small enemies with high knockback
Could you theoretically just build yourself a tower and snipe everyone, or is there some reason that that wouldn't work?
a mob that has twice as much hostility range as a zombie, as fast as ocelots, ignores armor and shields
i just want to move on to hytale or something
Mob similar to blazes that naturally spawns in a very large radius around any nether portal. It attacks with fireballs any mobs and players that aren't fireproof, and it makes the same incessant crackling that blazes do which causes the sound system to bug out when too many are around. Also rarely spawns in hot biomes, like deserts and savannahs.
>campfires actually cook 4 food faster than everything but a smoker
I wish fabric making from cotton was a thing
i took the peta pill
That'd require a day of work, cut them some slack!!!
Shearing sheep doesn't even hurt them, though
2 carpets and a block of wool
I feel like it's a real shame Minecraft only has Nether and End. I would totally love another weirdo dimension with weird mobs and stuff to find
Best log, best stripped, best planks, part of best tree (large spruce), and super easy to get (using large spruce trees)
Eh maybe one day, but they should really focus on fleshing out the dimensions we already have.
So like a floating dimension?
Wither because I can stick that dummy in the nether roof
>0 tits
0 taste
I think we have a winner here
Flat is justice
>10th anniversary
>ZERO birthday skinpacks
fuck the bedrock version, why have they still not rereleased the ender dragon skin yet???
Yeah but the thought of mass produced wool still gets me plus I like being more self sufficient without relying on animals.maybe I’ll mod village niggers
Got a picture? Looking up ender dragon skins just gives me shitty stuff from sites that let you download skins.
>taking the peta pill
I can understand wanting to be kinder to animals, but you went full retard.
Very bad glitch in 1.14.2 Pre-release 4 where you can get completely stuck in a door, watch out bros. I got stuck in my hardcore world and can't get out so I guess I'll have to wait until the bug is patched.
>illiger patrol spawned on the little island in the lake outside my house
>they all just stood there doing pirouettes because their AI broke
I love this stupid game
Is water a viable defense against raids, it seems to make them go full retard
it's the first skin in the video, it has a cape that looks like wings, so i wonder what it looks like with elytra, since the elytra changes depending on your cape
They're trying to stand on the kelp.
I haven't played since just after they added endermen and I've been able to figure out most shit by just playing a survival world.
I'd rather they flesh out the Nether and End first desu.
whats even the point of getting these guys anyway
Mushroom soup dispensers.
I mean the brown niggers
All mooshrooms give mushroom soup when you 'milk' them.
so why bother with getting the brown ones if you can just uysed the red ones
Minecraft is a game about autism, so I guess that's why.
They give suspicious stew depending on what flower you feed them. Oxeye daisies = regeneration, for example.
They're essentially a vanity thing. If you've got a trident with channeling, you may as well make a few.
The bell also reveals the location of nearby Illagers, giving you wallhacks for a few seconds, very useful during raids or in mansions.
>hard to kill
get good