Why do so few games have a Japanese language option? Name some games you've played in Japanese
Why do so few games have a Japanese language option? Name some games you've played in Japanese
Soldgirl town
It's the only thing I dared to touch without using any patches on it
I play porn games in Japanese and that's it
CounterAttack, it has English and Japanese
Why are we having DJT-lite threads on Yea Forums everday all of a sudden? Who is forcing this meme?
This, go back to Yea Forums.
What game is around Dragon Ball Z levels? That is around where I am in understanding but haven't dove into games yet.
>back to Yea Forums
when was the last time you were on Yea Forums?
I don't play Japanese vidya, but I do watch their films
And the first time I've ever seen the OP of one at least try to keep it video games it dies with no posts. Weird.
Aside from any Japanese game, there is Furi, which was made in France but also has Japanese dubs
UNIEL and Persona 5. I think that's it.
>replayed US and Japanese versions of MGS side by side
>tfw realizing that Heyter actually sucks
Overwatch has a Japanese option
um sweatums, Feel the Magic XX XY
baldr sky, baldr heart
Japanese language options are only for the Japanese domestic market. They don't want players reverse importing games.
>Why do so few games have a Japanese language option?
The japanese market is stupidly inflated so companies region lock the japanese version of most games, that way they can charge extra for it and japs have no option but to pay it if they want to play in their native language.
Silent Hill 2 does in the options menu
I haven't played anything in japanese yet, I feel like reading manga/watching anime raw is more interesting.
It's the main thing I do during pretty much all of my free time and I'm really progressing nicely.
What are some short stories in Japanese i can read with the basic knowledge of huragana/katakana and pretty much no kanji knowledge?
I bought myself a book of Ryunosuke Akutogawa's short story Un with a dhitload of explanation, translation and added notes to start reading, maybe there is something more
I might buy the similar book by Ogawa Mimei later on, i think
I usually prefer dubs in other languages. I don't like the way Japanese pronunce their sentences, it's overly dramatic. A bit like an old lady talking to a toddler if you know what I mean.
Strangely enough, regular Japanese people don't tend to speak like that, but it happens a lot in video games and anime, but not so much in movies.
But maybe I'm just imagining things. Still, I don't like Japanese language options 8/10 times.
Anything for children. Most of the time it doesn't have kanji or at least furigana. It's actually quite nice to read children stories as an adult, and still having some struggles and learn new words and stuff like that. There is also a Japanese news website for children, I think by NHK.
>What are some short stories in Japanese i can read with the basic knowledge of huragana/katakana and pretty much no kanji knowledge?
Graded readers for children, there's a bunch of them all over the internet.
Once you have a firm grasp on grammar and a few hundred kanji under your belt Breaking into japanese literature is a great book to get.
Mizzurna Falls. It was actually pretty great, but I'm a sucker for the aesthetic of that era.
Will check it out, thanks
>There is also a Japanese news website for children, I think by NHK.
Yes, that would be NHK News Web Easy, it was really nice when I was just starting. Wish more languages had sites like that one.
This is exactly why I can only really read manga and watch dramas these days. "Character" Japanese just is so grating. Even some dramas fall into this pit, but mostly you can find actual people using actual Japanese.
>not having japanese consoles and importing your games
what a fag
>not just emulating Japanese games
what a loser
I've played all of the untranslated rance games in jap (01, 03, Quest, IX, X) plus a bunch of VN-style eroge.
Everyone who actually wants to discuss video games already left this shithole.
Honestly; I hate how Japanese authors write erotic fiction in Japanese, be it in games or otherwise. It's the least erotic part of the product.
And then they hire tards like me to teach English so they can't access and play the overseas ones either.
Nier Automata lets you select JP text.
I remember this game, one of the first eroge I ever played in japanese, that repeated the words 雰囲気 and 緊張 in the first sex scene so much I haven't forgotten them until this day despite not having seen them anywhere else again in literally years.
My fucking god, that was so crap.
>he didn't follow the ultimate guide to learning Japanese
Make nihongo fun again
See, what people always seem to miss is that how you learn should match what your goal is. Some ways are overkill for what you actually want to get out of learning a language; others fall way too short. The people that tend to defend their method most vigorously have in my experience been the ones least confident in what they actually learned.
I played IE Go Galaxy and Tales of Vesperia PS3 in japanese
Sekiro defaults to Japanese voices and you can choose Japanese text too, if you want. It's a godsend for me since From games are about the only modern games that retain my attention for more than a couple hours, but Dark Souls doesn't have a JP dub and I don't have a Bloodborne machine.
Because the japanese don't play western games, because western games are trash and they know it.
Puyo Puyo Tetris prior to the English release
I don't know why this game even has an English VO
It's meant to be played in Japanese
Any recommended decks?
I saw core 2k/6k shilled a lot but it started with so many words you never use I dropped it
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood.
The one you build yourself with the words you've seen a few times in your last study sessions but didn't know before.
In Shinjuku right now and all the dumb fuck eop tourists, it's unreal how badly they're shitting up the place. All the tourists in the small City where I live speak Japanese and act decent but here... If you've traveled japan and you're an EOP I want to beat your dumb ass into a pulp. You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen in only the last 12 hours