>"maybe you should try this MMO, let me check some stuff on the internet."
>you will need something like i360+ items to start shadowbringer
>to get this gear you need to a "dungeon" that is available ONCE a week and you need to do it 10+ times or you can get a bit worse gear by farming tomes that you exchange for other stuff and then you exchange that other stuff to make other stuff for the gear. You need months to properly equip yourself.
Yeah, I'm sticking to Elder Scrolls Online lads.
"maybe you should try this MMO, let me check some stuff on the internet."
The worst is that once the expansion is there, it will be a breeze for new players to unlock Shadowniggers thanks to the nerf, nothing you ever do in this shitty game has any value, you constantly farm month for stuff which constantly become obsolete once the next shitty arena boss "raid" is released. WoW Classic can't come soon enough
What the fuck kind of bullshit are you talking about? Are you fucking retarded? You don't need to do any of that shit. Kill yourself falseflagger.
"Your best method is to spend mendacities on mendacity gear, which will give you high enough ilvl to queue for Sigmascape and spam the last boss 7 times for the weapon exchange material + 1000 mendacities. So yes it's no longer capped. Then start working your way up to participate in alphascape for i380 gear or also do primals."
Or you can just do Seiryu ex and just get the rest of your gear from 24 man raids. Actually just go back to ESO please. Less brainlets the better.
jesus christ this is dumb. Once 5.0 hits there will be a vendor that sells ilevel 400 white gear, just like the dude in ishgard and the dude in rhalgar's reach
>"dont farm 24 mans for gear drops, it is a huge waste of time. the ONLY time it is worth it is when one is on a weekly limit, making it likely you get something from the weekly bonus clear. (really at that point you are better off farming gil and buying 380 stuff, you get much more in less time)"
Don't forget to slog through fucking hours of BS quests, man. I started playing ffxiv in Heavensward right before SB was coming out and my fucking god it took so long for me to progress the story that I gave up half through Stormblood.
>playing through the story quests is bad
Clearly if you don't like the story quests you shouldn't be playing the game. Only really bad quests are the post ARR quests/pre HW quests.
so you're retarded? then I'll put this in simple terms.
congrats this is the most retarded post I've read all week
Whenever I think that FFXIV has the biggest brainlets in MMOs I'm always reminded that everywhere else is somehow worse.
the sad part is you actually believe what youre saying
MC gear was outpaced by blackwing, then by ahn quiraj
oh and then burning crusade happened
repeat over and over
you think you do, but you don't
Just add the option to buy the best gear from the mogstation. Would literally fix the game for new players.
we already have way too many wowfugees don't need esobabies too
Except whatever gay ass fucking walkthrough or reddit post you looked at is incredibly ill informed.
High-end gear is only necassary if you want to be good at high-end activities, like savage raids (which are totally optional).
To get through the game's main story content, you only need the bare minimum which the game provides for you automatically.
Have your (You) you fucking gullible faggot and go back to whatever shithole you came from.
That's when I started and the entire thing felt like a total waste of time because I had to do them to catch up before SB was being released to play with my friend.
>Game gives you gear for playing the game
>”But I don’t want to play the game I want the gear so I can play THAT part of the game!”
>oh look another thread where OP has no idea how the game works
that is literally the worst advice ive ever heard. why the fuck would you do the boss of last raid tier for an out of date weapon when you can just do an easy ex primal and get a weapon that is significantly better in like 20 minutes?
Don't worry, I saved myself time for 10 bucks as a new player
What site?
>not just botting crafters and gatherers and having infinite gil
Kill yourself.
The weekly limit on drops you can claim from the latest 24-man has been abolished for a while now.
>Listening to the extremely wrong advice of random autistic retards on the internet
Kill yourself.
>Paying real money to buy completely pointless in-game items from some random schmuck
Kill yourself.
Anyone who isn't a complete retard knows that all you have to do to get the gear you need for the next expansion is to play the fucking game normally, which you will have to do ANYWAY because you can't enter the next expansion until you've finished the story of all the current ones.
I bought the main scenario from mongstation and
the job boost from mogstation. Now I'm doing stormblood or whatever is called and the i380 gear I ordered has already arrived for when I hit 70.
So you bought a game, and then paid money to avoid having to play the game you bought.
God you are the most retarded fucking mongoloid who ever lived.
This is literally the same bait and person from the last thread
what are you retards doing
look at timestamps
listen to banger instead of eating bait.
>duty roulette leveling (as dps)
>role waiting list number: after #50
>average wait time 15m
WTF is this? I've never seen an "after #50" before. Holy shit.
SHB hype bringing in a horde of wowfugees and returners.
Don't play the most cucked role in the game, and you get better queue's. Simple as that
you still do that old content to progress through the later content though. you did mc, then bwl, then aq40, then naxx. you don't have to do deltascape, then sigmascape to do alphascape. you do shitty catch up methods then go straight to alphascape.
Any more “leaks”?
go look at the tooltip for unleashed and flash you mongoloid
But he isn't playing tank?
Modern "MMO" design, bro. Enjoy your obsolete content.
is this the new thread ?