Okay nerds, which one is better and why is it 2?
Hotline Miami
Katana zero
That's a pretty heavy duty opinion user.
imagine thinking this, I just feel bad for you.
In terms of gameplay, it's better since it plays much smoother than the first one. I'll always admit the lack of variety for each level is upsetting, but from a mechanical standpoint, the game plays much better than the first.
See It just plays better is all.
1 is better, only incels prefer 2.
the first game was more compact and reliable. Either way 2 will always be a massive disappointment because of its terrible level design and enemy placement.
2 is great, once you get used to its rules. The first game feels like baby mode when you go back to it after playing 2.
The first game was great, but compared to 2, it can feel clunky at times. Everything was refined in 2, especially the gunplay, which is why there's such a heavy focus on using guns in it. That's why the levels play as such, too. Both are extremely good games, but 2 just feels way more polished compared to 1. It's only draw backs are more or less forcing you into certain playstyles. It lacks the variety and fluidity 1 had.
Jesus, this game was below average.
> Story was BUT WAIT plottwist one after another to the point of being cheap
> Controls were awkward. Getting off the stairs, hiding and few other actions sucked mean dick.
> I haven't used slowmo because of shitty controls. Good thing you can deflect bullets with some decent muscle memory.
> Game was easy and short. Despite getting stuck at last part of stealth prison (didn't knew how to walk slowly) it took me 3 hours according to Steam.
> It has some great visuals and ok audio.
Still it's 6/10.
HM1 and 2 are both equally amazing in different ways. 1st is minimalistic and raw. 2nd explains everything and expands on gameplay a lot. I love how it made guns playable and introduced Hard mode. I love both and consider them as single huge game.
1 is fun. 2 is tryhard fun with less options. So IMO 1 is the better game.
I just don't agree on any point, 2 was a total disappointment in every way for me and I loved 1.
>2 was a total disappointment in every way for me
I'm sorry to hear that, user.
they're both good-ass games you autistic niggers
1 basically forces you to never touch a gun and puts you in smaller levels. Are you baiting?
>2 forces you to play as a bunch of faggots with only a single play style
>every level is massive and enemies shoot you off screen
>1 has a ton of variety and is actually fun to play
Easy 1 > 2
Where do you think you are?
>Many choices of how you personally want to approach each level
>Fast, intense gameplay, combos flow naturally with small tight levels
>Minimalist story serves as a hook to keep you going without being too front and center where it doesn't belong
>Railroaded into how you approach levels by limited to no choices on masks
>Slow, painfully methodical gameplay, combos are actively inhibited by the level design
>Hamfisted story shoved in your face, everything slightly vague or mysterious from the first game is unnecessarily explained in detail
Revealed these guys as fuckin hacks is what I think of HM2
>2 forces you to play as a bunch of faggots with only a single play style
This is the only thing two has going against it.
>every level is massive and enemies shoot you off screen
Do people not hold down shift?
>1 has a ton of variety and is actually fun to play
That's the same point as your first one.
2/3. I'm doing pretty good.
I never considered either better than the other. I see 2 as a continuation of 1, and enjoy them both the same.
Yeah, let's forget masks and how levels are designed in a way that you are allowed to try different things, including the clever use of firearms in some points. Meanwhile 2 makes melee and executions risky as hell because every room has glass windows.
Dude why did you have to try and make us feel what you really ment? You should of just taken the misinterpretation and ran with the money you fool, now everyone knows your a hack
>everything slightly vague or mysterious from the first game is unnecessarily explained in detail
Damn. It's kind of like you're playing multiple characters, in which aren't unreliable narrators like Jacket was.
I honestly can't pick one. I think both have an equal amount of pros and cons so I just, like them both equally as one giant game. Which I guess is fitting since Wrong Number was originally just going to be DLC.
2 sucks ass
1 is shorter and easier but it's a tighter experience overall with little bad levels
2 is longer and more challenging but some of the levels are garbage and unbalanced (every Beard's Hawaii levels are annoyingly hard until you get a flamethrower and then it gets stupidly easy).
I'm always adore 1 and thought that it was a better game. But 2 has its own qualities like better OST and enjoyable multiple plots.
>Do people not hold down shift
yes, but you need to do that constantly if you don't want to get shot off screen. Needing to hold shift ruins the flow.
What? I just don't want the thread to die too easily.
2 is the scrub filter and the better game.
>Needing to hold shift ruins the flow
Not at all. I'll admit it gets tiring if you're trying a level on hard and it's taking more than 20 minutes, but other than that it's a finger that's never pressing any buttons when you play.
>Slow, painfully methodical gameplay, combos are actively inhibited by the level design
Why is everyone who criticizes 2 so fucking terible at it?
lol, this cope
>Not comboing the entire first floor of Take Over with Dirty Hands
Go faster.
But they are both good. 2 is just more memorable to me.
2 had a better story, gameplay and memes. People here like 1 because of autism self-insert and because it required less skill. 2 is a game I constantly revisit. Not only to try and full-combo levels but because it has a thematic story filled with details.
2 is literal shit and I'm tired of the contrarians on this board pretending it wasn't. If you like 2 at all, you like it in spite of its many, massive flaws.
>>Railroaded into how you approach levels by limited to no choices on masks
Which is replaced by having multiple characters to play with
>>Slow, painfully methodical gameplay, combos are actively inhibited by the level design
The game is just more gun heavy and you're absolutely able to go fast once you understand that
>>Hamfisted story shoved in your face, everything slightly vague or mysterious from the first game is unnecessarily explained in detail
It's the same joke but told differently. They're both making fun of you for paying attention about but the way of storytelling is different.
I don't even liked 2 that much but damn dude
>I can't like something because it has flaws
It has its flaws, but it's still has better gameplay.
Based and redpilled
Not true. This game was pretty to look at and that's it.
How about instead of trying to start a shit-war we just post about the game and characters we love?
I love Corey
i felt attacked when i saw the martin because i look just like him
>Tony holding her head as she bled out
Gut shots are both exceedingly painful and takes a while to die from
1 was much better, the Vietnam/Hawaii and Detective levels were my favorite parts in both games though
Mod name?
I don't know if it is one, it was one of the images in a zip of images I downloaded a while back.
You both sound like you never played these things. 2's maps are too damn big and rely too much on firearms. Also 2 is glitchy as fuck, especially the doors which seem to trap enemies rather often.
I got the most (you)'s i have ever gotten by simply mentioning the obviously flawed level design of 2
HM2 fans are rabid
>Gloating about (You)s in a thread with 55 replies
I didn't know offering counterarguments was taking your "bait" either
It was in another thread
Exegesis John the martyr
Based, fuck niggers
>ywn go on a killing spree with your waifu
>ywn die with her in an extremely bloody and painful way, holding her close
Not fair bros
1 is best
Imagine how sweaty she must get massacring those random gangbangers. Imagine the post-massacre sex romp.
2 fucking sucks
2 is objectively better.
More and better missions, characters, story, music, more and better content in general.
It's more of everything at the cost of quality across the board.
>at the cost of quality
Except all the content is still much better than in the first game.
They perfected the formula with the second game and went all out in both quantity and quality.
2 has Manny Pardo so naturally it's better than the first one.
>watch Drive, Apocalypse Now and then Miami Vice
>regularly listen to Perturbator, Carpenter Brut and Scattle
>Think of Hotline miami whenever I see a animal mask
>whenever I hear the name of a character in this game (Biker or Mark) my brain defaults to the Character facial sprite
This game changed me.
I like how 1 and 2 are both very different, they both appeal to different people, while at the same time 2 still feels like a natural continuation and expansion of the first.
Yeah. 80% of masks were gimmicks. Firearms in 1 served just the purpose of calling any unfinished enemy on the map to get asap to you.
Melee in 2 is still optimal way, not sure what the fuck you are tal-
> Every room has glass windows
Oh, right, memeboy.
>below average, but 6/10
>(didn't knew how to walk slowly), but there's a huge popup explaining it
>being able to deflect bullets out of slowmo is a negative
above average bait, 4/10