Ray Tracing Global Illumination on Reshade

There's basically a new reshade effect that basically adds ray traced global illumination to your games, with the results varying on what game you actually use and how their lighting works.

So, Yea Forums, what games will you inject ray tracing on after you won't have to pay $20 for alpha access for this?

Attached: rt off and on.png (1080x1213, 1.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:


literally just looks like different times of day



Thief series, games in which lighting is a functional game mechanic necessary to your survival. May as well make it look better while you're at it.

>he actually watched the video
is it as cringeworthy as it seems?

No, not really, they actually know about what they're talking about

Reshade is great

So Half-Life 3 will be a Ray Tracing VR game?
Screen this and you will see. Gaben is waiting on the tech like he likes to do before the next big game.

Attached: 1547146800997.jpg (3840x2160, 910K)

Yeah, cause ray tracing helps the gameplay in what sense? It wouldn't make sense to take advantage of this graphical technology to use into this game, though if it ever comes out and the graphics don't blow you away it'd be a disappointment already.

Reshade is always garbage.

>t. consolenigger

GTA 5 looks really good with it on
Its pretty impressive

Just crank the saturation up on your monitor, its the same effect.

Go be stupid somewhere else

Yes because quality SMAA and convenient tools like Tonemapping are completely useless because no one wants to improve the look of a game to their preference, especially if it is an outdated one.

Based subhuman

I'm in good company if I'm in a thread with people who use reshade.
Every time someone tries to "improve" the graphics in older games the result is the same.

Attached: Improvement.jpg (512x512, 128K)

>Reshade is always garbage.

Color correction is necessary

is ray tracing the new meaningless buzzword?




lol, you're wrong

anyone want share the reshade?
I don't have 20 bucks as a poor brazilian boy

I won't be posting this here, but you can always look up for the free file, maybe in the mod piracy subplebbit my huehue boy

thanks boyo
found it

If you really can't tell why on is massively better you don't belong in a conversation about graphics

Do you need an RTX card to use this? I tried to enable it in a porno game and it didn't work.

no, but you need depth information and not all games give that through reshade.


Attached: reset era.png (1411x263, 54K)

Not lol

Try be a bit kinder to people struggling you big ugly faggot

Hey, don't tell him what to do!

>That'll be 800$ please!

too bad it won't make the game any better you cock sucking shitgoblin

>it's darker

You don't need the rtx card, pretty sure it just drastically lowers the performance for obvious reasons

It isnt Full RT,If Goku SS4 is Full RT this is like Base Goku

I hope he's doing better.

Yes, of course you can separate works from authors, and you always should, no question. Now excuse me while I unsubscribe from Digital Foundry. I am not supporting their work knowing that they may use a certain site known for child-loving moderators.

Attached: resetera.png (1411x633, 87K)

I like my games big and busty with lots of shadows and depth. You on the other hand like your games with flat lighting, you faggot.

These look exactly the same.

Attached: wow it looks so different said the cum guzzling shill.png (1280x713, 1.05M)

>faux ray tracing

Of course not every scene is going to be amazing, but there's a clear lighting difference inside the windows

note how they have a gradient instead of being flat


>stupid assholes put their photo in it, as if newcomers know who they are and regular viewers don't

Attached: 1535671684882.png (785x1047, 685K)

He doesn't deserve this suffering.
Fuck that guy though. Of all the people they could've picked up to take care of their PC content, they took in an insufferable faggot.

>but there's a clear lighting difference inside the windows
They look exactly the same.

this is not a full implementation of RT and will never come close to one
it's impressive for something with very limited information

I think before that he was showcasing it on debug view that's attached to the ray tracing itself


Sure, faggot

Attached: hl2 rx off and on.jpg (800x486, 237K)

No shit faggot. Do you see a light source anywhere in the right corner?

Attached: digitalfoundry.jpg (572x594, 90K)

>be DF crew
>leave shitty source HDR before joining/creating server
>get constantly stuck because we are terrible players
>have clearly never used reshade before
>enable fucking bloom
I think not

So? The HDR is fine as long as you disable bloom (which just adds energy to the image above a certain threshold, not actually leveraging HDR).

Actually yeah they're fucking trash at the game but they've surely had to interact with reshade before even if they should learn to use it better before making a video.

are they getting power trips from this kind of thing?
i can't believe anyone would honestly get offended by KCD

Same goes for HDR
I like blue so I always turn my games blue

Attached: BFBC2Game_2019_04_02_13_06_34_061V2.jpg (1920x2160, 3.43M)

In-game HDR/Bloom is just trash

If you have Reshade you could always use AmbientLight without lens dirt to get a much better effect

Attached: hl2_2018_10_20_03_25_47_568v2.jpg (1920x2160, 1.79M)

>wall is now a deep green wall
what mental deficiency do you have to think this looks good?

user, were you this guy?

Attached: v pendejo.png (1360x209, 119K)

>getting RTX without paying $1000 for a memecard

HDR fixes the banding problems present with LDR lighting.
That it can be a bit bright sometimes isn't really a problem, that's what dynamic exposure is for.

Shit, look at what it does to dying light, it really depends on the game

Attached: dl rx on.png (845x440, 1.04M)

kek. i hate his guts too.

john is top tier tho, df retro is simply amazing sunday show.

If you really wanted jewtracing you could always just get a 2060. It's "alright" value when it comes to buying new.

>everything blinds you
So this is the power of raytracing?!

Man people really are soft cocks now.

The poster might've fucked with reshade, looks decent to me anyway.

Here is another example. It's just another case of exaggeration of all whites.

I can be done better with other reshade effects like the one I just said.

Attached: HDR-2.jpg (1920x2160, 2.52M)

>the fact that there were next to no niggers in Eastern europe during the 14th century is history revisionist in spote the fact that the creator of the game saying he consulted historians.

This guy is American isn't he? Only an American could be so fucking stupid and confident in his stupidity at the same time.

>get a nose zit
>become suicidly depressed
lulz just squeeze dat shit bro feels reel gud to pop it

That's with bloom, though, isn't it? As I said, it's a terrible implementation that overbrightens everything. Leave it off, and you get all the benefits of HDR without this.
Oh yeah, you can't actually do that, because the toggle is bugged. There is a console command for it.

We get it user, you play on ps4

Barely looks any better, not worth the performance hit.

Far worse, he's German.

He's an immigrant, isn't he? He has no accent at all.

Someone try it on DDDA please

>Corner of the room is darker for no reason
>Can't really tell where th elight source is coming from
This is shit


Cool so how much worse will my game run with this situational boost that will only make certain areas look better?

>Game uses fake lighting points
>Apply a render technique that simulates real life light bouncing on top of it
Gee what can go wrong?

>He has no accent at all
Are you deaf?! Its horrible

This, I mean it might be interesting but how could we know from an old ass game not made with this technology in mind?

I'm actually going to try it, wish me luck anons.

He sounds like a generic American. I hear no indicators of a German origin.
Heck, he may even have a borked German accent. I swear he pronounced "auf" like "off" once, or could that be a regional thing?

I hope you've actually played hl2 user, the light source comes from the windows of the building

>for no reason
the room has no light source dipshit. the original lighting made zero sense.

Unironically looks better without this shit, it just adds saturation

Make a new DF Retro, John.

Played it 6 years ago. Regardless, applying this technology to this game looks like shit.

You can hear it in the SSSSS sounds. Its like he trying to talk Parsel

Attached: Parseltongue_snake.gif (239x128, 859K)

brb trying this shit in DS2 SOTFS

Attached: f153697f97558c0d8d3eab6297ca1eb0.png (1280x1494, 1.82M)

Why do you even post if you can't tell the difference you dunce.

Top just looks like a bright day in the desert. Bottom is definitely better.

Where do I download the reshade mod

Any example?

post updates my guy!

I hear it everytime in almost any sentence. I looked up the first video I could find and its extremely noticable at the start youtube.com/watch?v=-EeCEVckPkY

Yeah, I could have turned brightness down and contrast up a bit in the options or disable AmbientLight altogether for this game.

Attached: BFBC2Game_2019_03_03_13_41_10_448.jpg (1920x1080, 1.91M)

Still sounds like a native English speaker to my ears. Even if he is native to Germany, you gotta give him credit for verbalizing so fluently.

Your Alex right?

That's some good, classic taste Bi-Polar disorder right there. I've got the exact same thing. Shit sucks.
He's right though, flying to a show will help. Spiraling usually happens when you have nothing to distract you

what about my alex


Attached: 1526479831922.jpg (593x601, 44K)

Take this 5, Alex.


Did both
I actually like this

Attached: BFBC2Game_2019_05_24_21_21_39_438V2.jpg (1920x2160, 3.83M)

I hope reshade threads become a thing, I consistently used sweetfx since its early days


Attached: ee1.gif (500x500, 181K)

why are they obsessed with forcing niggers into everything?

Attached: wthhf.jpg (546x550, 52K)

Wasn't this just a screen-space style one? Sort of like ENB's indirectly lighting and skylighting?

So it seems to be more of a screen space effect, that's more of something you see in ENB. I'm not sure raytracing is the correct terminology for this

Who is this low T loser?

ravenholm about to get 50% more spooky.

Looks pretty good, you just have to adjust the brightness or the probably didnt set it up properly.

>1st world problems
lol fuck off burger

LMAO, how can someone be this pathetic?

No, my Alex left. Very left.