Attached: 1527229354512.png (2338x1318, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Would you let this chuuni bunny tank for you?

Attached: cv.png (1920x1011, 1.78M)



Why do people hate on white bunnies so much?

How's your job looking in 5.0?

Attached: 1558731631641.webm (772x550, 2.97M)

She looks like she has daddy issues.

I don't play with faceblind trannies

post your scores
>tfw couldn't even get a good shot of all the NPCs shitting on me because by the time my screenshot utility registered the key press it was too late

Attached: 2019-05-24+16_05_52-Window.png (1272x684, 1.85M)

>Limited jobs
>Limited races
>Limited zones
>Limited Tanks
>Limited pets

I'm hype as fuck for gunbreaker but this expansion is really turning into a mixed bag for me. Hrothgar not getting the wolf head AND not having horns on each face is a huge bummer.

I'd say pretty good.

Attached: 1558716683213.webm (1066x600, 2.88M)

>umbral soul
>freeze might actually be worth a damn
lookin pretty good senpai

Attached: blm chair.png (469x387, 407K)

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_HR1j9Q7gl0.jpg (1920x1080, 584K)


did someone steal that SCH's pants?

stop using light colored eyes for hrothgar.
its looks so damn corny.

Attached: ronso.jpg (1269x779, 730K)

>Total loading time: 301 seconds

Attached: laughter stops.png (600x431, 331K)


>double quietus
>double bloodspiller
>double carve and spit

Big dick flex pulls are gonna be so much fun with fray

Hows DRK and BLM looking?

BLM adjust!

and I thought I was poor

Attached: Untitled1.png (1344x756, 2.05M)

Attached: the brave little toaster.jpg (932x539, 174K)

Attached: ffxiv_dx11 2019-05-23 23-45-39-11.jpg (1920x1080, 938K)

We're finally summoners bros...

Attached: 1550862269814.jpg (1440x1280, 1.62M)

I normally play a midlander, but I might change to highlander during shad to keep it fresh

Attached: 1534682428058.jpg (1920x1080, 2.71M)

We she is a military trained "healer" if you know what I'm saying. Probably spends hours in the barracks, healing all those baracat minutemen.

I don't know, what's new with DRG?


Your lion grandpa looks confused.

I need that flying pig and the whatever that is on the right.

>pets are just cosmetic now
>egis still exist


Why is soken so good bros

He's surrounded by weirdos

>we literally just pulled the lynxliege helm and put a skin texture on it
Hrothgar were a mistake. can't even change the fucking hair.

Attached: 1558683433541.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)


I probably need to upgrade sometime. I shouldn't have cheaped out when building my PC and not gotten that SSD either

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 3.78M)

>our DPS were too dumb to hit diversion so we just made it so there's no reason to ever leave tank stance

That's basically what they fucking are. They're like BRD songs.

I need more, where is it?

Is it even worth playing on this waiting month? I was thinking about leveling PLD since mine is on lvl 3 and maybe farm the relic weapon for the glam.


Attached: 334456565778112.jpg (524x477, 82K)

you are like a baby, watch this

Attached: 1515285676123.png (1366x725, 1.72M)

Uhhhhh sweetie it's not my job to press diversion

Nah play the new ESO expansion while you wait.
Just fucking kidding by the way ESO is dogshit.

viera are pretty cute i guess

Attached: viera.png (498x733, 854K)

tons of nerfs, litany is killed, piercing debuff removed, but get a new jump.

Still a bit anxious about what EXACTLY they're doing to the Healers but regardless Im getting Seraph and that's all that matters.

Attached: 1558556879343.png (671x1025, 474K)

I'm still gonna need a closer look at that AF gear. Looks like a guy wearing a generic leather outfit with an actual DRG helmet.

Piercing debuff being removed isn't a nerf. They're adjusting potencies across the board to make up for the lack of piercing / slashing / blunt debuffs.

is there someone else in your house, who's job it is to press your buttons?

>They gloss over healers to quickly they forget to go over a bullet point
I've never felt so underwhelmed.

Your job priority isn't to DPS.

It looks cool but I'm anxious because we don't know how it functions, it looks like a completely different class. I'm also not looking forward to all the faggots who'll pick the job up because we get a cool robot and spam jojo/overwatch refrences.

pretty good desu

>spam jojo/overwatch refrences.
DRK players have that on lockdown.

Attached: 1558716553639.jpg (640x360, 25K)

UM WOW Are you being a Bigot right now? Just because I'm a DPS doesn't mean I have to press diversion. Just hit your aggro buttons, you dumb nazi

White hair and dark skin is fucking dogshit

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_6D0OqfIEkA.jpg (1920x1080, 597K)

By the next expansion they better just let us turn into some kind of Estinhogg variant.

>He didn't post the Boss theme.

Attached: 1489403417638.gif (440x300, 1.15M)

My toaster of a pc is still good enough it seems.

Attached: benchmark EH.jpg (1866x1057, 589K)

It is now bitch.

you aint got not right to say corny when you look like a complete edgelord

>Literally don't have aggro buttons anymore
DPS adjust

Attached: 5648793564879.jpg (400x400, 23K)

How's this for a carbuncle?

Attached: carby.png (373x883, 541K)

Attached: SBB2.jpg (1919x1079, 832K)

I'm a new player currently on Goblin because I saw that it had double exp. But now my friend is asking me to join a more populated server with normal exp. Should I listen to him?


Attached: 1558630954995.gif (255x191, 1.9M)

SCH is losing every DoT, so I hope you like Broil spamming even harder. Apparently getting a new AoE DoT, but that doesn't make up for losing Bio, Miasma, Miasma 2 and Shadowflare. Gonna be pretty boring.

Back to MSQ grind faggot.

It is now lmao tanks are now finally Blue DPS

You can just world visit to a populated server like Balmung or Mateus. Goblin is one of the most chill NA servers, don't leave it.

Are you on the same DC? if so tell him to fuck off, if not wait til level 60 then go

Stay on Goblin until 70 at least

I feel you bro, I'm a mch and I'm still at the 4.2 MSQ

someone didn't pay attention there is no downside to tank stance and aggro combos will change


Trash taste

I get double midares, sheath strikes, Tsubame fucking Gaeshi, and the peace of mind that they didn't seem to fuck up it's flow. I'm happy.
Glad my old ass machine can keep doing it's thing.

Attached: ff14sb-samurai-myochin-armor.jpg (1260x1250, 215K)

Just stick to your pale porcelain cat and keep your opinions to yourself.

bad taste

cause they arent chad highlanders

Your DPS will always be cuckshed low-tier.


Just admit you're gay, play a Miqote or au-ra and move on

I want to be taller and have a straight back

Attached: 26804346_315234148982508_1482521925023851881_n.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Where exactly lies the sweet spot for "delicious brown"?

The game's abysmal lighting doesn't help much in pinpointing.

~6500, ~60s loading
Works for me
>Limited zones
>Limited tanks
user you're trying so hard to bait... Here's a (You) but keep in mind for next time you don't have to try so hard

The changes were literally made so they can be blue dps though you fucking retard

t. 4k samurai who gets dabbed on by my paladin logs

nice back peddle like a said no downside to our dps and we keep our defense

highlanders are uggo tho they don't have eyebrows

The final verse was recited BRD, bros
That's all
we will show them...

Reference chart

Attached: 1544823488943.png (1100x1200, 1.35M)

And? My queues will always be top tier. I could do jackshit for damage but I'll still get into content ten times faster than you, hell, sometimes twenty times faster.

Forgot image;

Attached: db.png (351x570, 366K)

Japanese standard height where you're already considered a giant when you're 5"9.

You'll follow me, won't you?
out of this shitty eastern aesthetic

Attached: c93e568063.jpg (903x891, 193K)

>Job priority isn't to DPS
>Changes are made so that tanks have literally nothing to focus on other than MAXIMUM DAMAGE

post YFW they give tanks more interesting DPS rotations and buff tank potencies across the board

Attached: 1544269610628.jpg (236x293, 27K)

you obviously arent trying hard enough, manlet.

Heavy Thrust is also removed, and for some reason people think they're just gonna drop 15% of DRG's dps without adjusting potencies to compensate.
Here's to hoping they over-tune it and we get SAM-tier selfish DPS for a patch or two.

Dumb falafel.

Anyone can play tank you know, this game lets you level every job on one character.

Attached: asdadsasdasds.jpg (1920x1080, 832K)

Why do people keep reposting the same Hrothgar in every thread over and over in different poses and armor?

I... is 5"9 short?

r8 h8 masturb8

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (1073x948, 2.15M)

Attached: 1558654406630.jpg (590x539, 275K)

Man, once I played AST I never looked back. What a visually satisfying class. If only I didn't suck at cards as much.

Based on the job actions trailer, what job would best fit someone wanting to pretend to be a mystic knight? RDM need not apply.

Attached: FFAB_Mystic_Knight_Male.png (160x148, 3K)

What gpu do you have?

You know you can turn the character to get better lighting.

Cute dark chocobun

Attached: BenchMax.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

Because there's a 25% chance your hrothgar will look identical to someone else's because lol 8 hairs 4 faces.


On Yea Forums it's midget tier. Sorry but you'll never breed.

When did you realize you wanted to be a black woman?

>Eastern aesthetic could've been cool as shit
>All the gear design is fucking terrible
>All the zones are dull
>The music is decent, but soken is probably incapable of making something that sounds bad


Attached: 1549210699634.png (237x292, 165K)

I want to fuck a fairy.


Attached: 1520211822173.png (933x866, 396K)

What a faggot

Attached: 1558658837029.png (327x350, 190K)

dead weebshit game

classic wow is here


You wish!
WAR get a 900 potency ogcd and a upgraded fell cleave out of IR, shit is gonna hit the fan even more

Paladin, probably.

Imagine being a manlel

>Post yfw you aren't a warrior

Attached: kek.png (600x610, 565K)



They're also losing ruin and everything other than physic that would tie them to ACN. it's very obvious what they're doing.

Fag alert

How mad are DPShitters going to be when they realize tanks in shadowbringers do comparable DPS to their favorite classes while also mitigating damage?

Only contenders for mystic knight status in this game are PLD, DRK, RDM, and maybe SAM

The stormblood leitmotif gets really tiresome after a while. I wind up muting bgm in zones because of it

I'd take California Gold any day of the week.

Ahhhhhhh... layer 7... shard 3... home bros........

I agree. It should be dark skin and dark hair, always. Glad you agree.

The pastebin says SCH was barely changed so take that as you will.

If they did there would never be a reason to take DPS.

For me, it's the Okinawan

You're retarded if you think tank damage is ever going to approach DPS damage.
Enjoy your "big dick" 30k fell cleaves while i'm over here shitting out 100k Midares and Fire IVs.

I think that's a bit of a stretch unless the team fucks up and increases tank DPS too much. GNB's DPS from the liveletter was pretty low, even compared to DNC

GTX 960

I've had it muted since like halfway through HW
I just turn it on for MSQ and first few runs of new shit, then it's off again.

Seethe harder, WARlet
Enjoy FFXIV: Shedbringers

Gear will be consolidated into: Fending, Aiming, Casting. Healing and Slaying. There won't be any more maiming, scouting and striking gear starting on ShB

This is the best rabbit I've seen, hands down. Very nice.


I quite like it honestly. Deception is one of my favorite uses of it.

Yawn, shedposting is so tired and you guys aren't very good at it.

When the weak cuck tells his girlfriend's bull how his day went, the bull stares and rolls his eyes. This is the embodiment of tank DPS. You always have been, and always will be cuckshed low-tier DPS and there's nothing you can do about it.

>another gap closer
very nice
>that first AOE
is that a melee skill?
>piercing debuff removed
this has been rumored for months, im fine with this. hopefully the potency increases can more than make up for it

They dumb down your role and you're already getting big dick syndrome like you can do some 100K akh midaire 4? Stay in your cuck shed tank.

Attached: unsubscribe.jpg (320x466, 44K)

I keep it on all the time. The only genuinely shit music in game is Eureka.

This would probably be for the best but it's not happening.

Goodbye user it was nice knowing you

just admit you were wrong about tanks and move on kid you're are embarrassing the human race

You need to have a very high IQ to understand what made SCH good in the first place, so I'll take claims like that with a grain of salt. Especally when the Benchmark datamine really leads you to believe they've replaced all the lower level kit to finally separate it from ACN,

I can't really believe it's barely been changed.

Literally all I ever wanted was a gap closer so I'm good on that front, getting what appears to be Holy Blade is a nice frosting on top.

Also rate.

Attached: bun.png (1381x999, 1.75M)

t. rainbow colored autist trying to look unique

something unique in a sea of brown

Attached: 1555134397026.jpg (467x659, 124K)

It's ok I guess

Attached: ffxiv36.png (1914x1016, 3.92M)

Not as embarrassing as your DPS.

>>this has been rumored for months, im fine with this. hopefully the potency increases can more than make up for it
They didn't with the heavy thrust nerf, so they definitely won't unless they just intentionally buff the job.


Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_09-06-33.jpg (1914x1050, 1023K)


Attached: 1558653078697.png (601x601, 236K)

>Painted eyebrows
I would bet good money you're into bara

says who? would expect this to be announced in the live letter yesterday.

how do you change the gear you're wearing in the character creator?

My brother of equally refined taste.

what do you mean?

When will FSH get out of the cuckshed? There's like fucking ten of them in the benchmark

>desktop (high)
Get this fucking shit out of here

well you're implying every dps will do that much and we all know how pugs handle their jobs

You can't do it character creator, you have to go back and then choose gear.

White rabbits just look like shit. Viera were designed to be brown.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XIV_ SHADOWBRINGERS - Job Actions (1080p_60fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).webm (1314x564, 2.87M)

>what is stormblood's tank damage
ohnononono, DPS cucks literally SHAKING in their boots.

what happened with warrior?

>tanklets actually believe they'll be doing damage

Attached: tanklet.png (861x99, 10K)

You sound snowflakey as hell

>tranny anime swordsman can't knock down a chad dummy
absolute state of XIV trannies

Attached: 1558156241094.jpg (184x184, 11K)

Maximum doesn't even make a difference beyond the setting that cucks amd gpus

I like big framerates over graphical fidelity

Attached: 1555229698316.gif (960x540, 1.74M)

why do tanks want to dps so much lol

>Score: 1903
>slightly low

What else can I turn down? I have it set to
"Graphics Presets: Custom
-Wet Surface Effects: Disabled
-Occlusion Culling: Enabled
-LOD on Distant Objects: Enabled
-Real-time Reflections: Off
-Edge Smoothing (Anti-aliasing): Off
-Transparent Lighting Quality: Normal
-Grass Quality: Low
-Parallax Occlusion: Normal
-Tessellation: Normal
-Glare: Off
-Self: Display
-Other NPCs: Display
Shadow Quality
-LOD on Shadows: Enabled
-Shadow Resolution: Low - 512p
-Shadow Cascading: Off
-Shadow Softening: Weak
Texture Detail
-Texture Filtering: Bilinear
-Anisotropic Filtering: x4
Movement Physics
-Self: Full
-Other NPCs: Full
-Limb Darkening: Disabled
-Radial Blur: Disabled
-Screen Space Ambient Occlusion: Off
-Glare: Off
-Water Refraction: Off
Cinematic Cutscenes
-Depth of Field: Enabled"

My PC is absolute shit and has to use integrated graphics, the only time I really get trouble though is if I forget to turn player effects down in 24 mans. 4 and 8 man content works completely fine.

This. We may not have gotten more flashy stuff but having more instant casts is nice and having a "Fuck Transpose" button is incredibly nice. Hopefully this will help with my natural inclination to play chicken with an AoE meter.

Attached: Screenshot_20190419-171514.jpg (702x535, 169K)

Nothing did, people are just making assumptions with 0 actual information because DRK got a flashy ability and WAR didn't.

>white viera
A sea of brown is better than snowflakes trying to be different colors.

>what is stormblood tank damage
Worse then a ninja? Even 100% Warriors couldn't beat Ninja's dps ffs I don't know how far up your ass your head is WAR baby.

If you're using pugs as a comparison tool for jobs, you have mental deficiencies.

Well, I don't think I can into Viera very well but it was fun. Wish Hrothgar faces and hair were separate, also.

Why isn't it May 29th yet?

Attached: collage.png (1688x839, 2.2M)

It's just autists roleplaying
They're starting early this time so they'll get bored before ShB even comes out.

They surprisingly look good on fur. And yeah, you guessed it.

>to get this gear you need to a "dungeon" that is available ONCE a week and you need to do it 10+ times or you can get a bit worse gear by farming tomes that you exchange for other stuff and then you exchange that other stuff to make other stuff for the gear. You need months to properly equip yourself.
Yeah, I'm sticking to Elder Scrolls Online lads.

Because there's nothing else to do as a tank beyond hit a cooldown against tankbusters? Honestly, the role needs more stuff to it rather than simply holding aggro because it's clear aggro holding alone isn't enough of a job.

Had more fun with the Hrothgar options, to be honest. I was just seeing how my cat would look as a bun.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_VdFweycIp8.png (705x1087, 1.15M)

>being this poor

Attached: 000.jpg (462x490, 40K)

I think she's cute. Eyebrows could be bushier

Jesus what a snowflake and a shitty character to boot

>Top percentile vs Top percentile
Meanwhile in reality every DPS you meet is doing less than 5k and most tanks do 5k minimum in DF>

Trying out SAM made me think that they probably won't bother with a mystic knight since they already have a class that uses different colored slashes, some of them are kind of elementalish too.

good example of someone who missed the original point the kid above me claim tanks aren't supposed to focus on dps yet the change say otherwise

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XIV_ SHADOWBRINGERS - Job Actions (1080p_60fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).webm (1502x1080, 2.78M)

is ur resolution set to 720p? and fullscreen?
i knwo theres an option in game to lower the amount of rendered objects, but its not under the normal graphic options

Did you even read a post or are you just trying to shitpost as hard as possible

>can't do both
Get a job, shitter.

Average, on Yea Forums it's full on midget.
6'3" btw

and you claimed every samurai dps will pull 100k midairei so we're even

>pink bunny unique
congrats tranny you are a normalfag and mentally ill

>got better score on benchmark this time compared to SB by about 20%

why the fuck did you buy amd?

No they don't

Looks like an upgraded and aoe version of Mercy Strike

It's set to 1280x720, Windowed, so I guess if worse came to worse I could always just lower the resolution and go full screen. I'm not entirely sure how to replicate my actual in game settings with the benchmark settings though so it might be pushed high than what I run.

>5 minutes of loading for a 6 minute long video

It was during the 970 "3.5gb" era

Get those moogle tomes bro
See you in the Praetorium

>I can do better then random shitters and greylets so tanks do great dps
Congrats buddy! I'm glad doing better then the mentally challenged makes you feel good.


Didn't take a screenshot of the result screen but my loading time was around 16 seconds.

It says custom but all I did was set it to maximum and checked a couple of settings that weren't turned on by default.

Attached: bmscore.png (928x536, 530K)

who are these people
this lala screeching is too loud
my feet hurt

>Is it even worth playing on this waiting month?
Why not? Get farming those moogletomestones

Attached: 1547316673877.gif (320x420, 328K)

Different user actually, and you'd be wrong
They said
>100K akh midaire 4
You know, Akh morn, Midare, Fire IV. An amalgamation of the biggest hits from multiple dps classes.
Again with the mental deficiencies.

Windowed usually works like shit.

For some reason, the benchmark refuses to recognize my laptop's GTX1050 and insists on using the integrated Intel HD Graphics stuff. Still, even with that I'm getting acceptable performance, FF14 was always heavier on CPU anyway.

Attached: benchmark.jpg (1920x1080, 968K)

I can guarantee you I play this game more than you. Almost every DPS is literal a shit eating retard, including you.

I'll run it through full screen quick and see what I get back

>I'm the smartest kid in special ed class

Attached: hahahaha.png (1085x1217, 1.66M)

midget cat

>being a scorelet
I certainly hope you don't have less than 10000 points, Yea Forums

Attached: score.png (1920x1080, 3.58M)

>do 30 old dungeons for a fish earring

Attached: 1491492417711.png (350x364, 217K)

>Being proud of sniffing sharpies

Don't bully the ESL, it's his first time shitposting like this

Played around with Viera and I think I'm staying with my mooncat.

you don't need more than 5000. you can run it perfectly in 1080p

Yeah tanks are pathetic, we already know.

Haha congrats I'm glad your only argument is you can do more then the mentally challenged. Wanna know something buddy? We all fucking can saying you can do better then rando trannies isn't an argument it means your fucking standard get over yourself.

Tell that to my 100s on tank and dps

>N-n-no you
Pathetic, just like your "DPS".

watch the school shooter reply to himself again after this

You sound like you need to dilate.

Attached: say it.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Wow this thread is really fucking bad, what's with the raging aggressive shitposting like someone's candy just got taken away?

I couldn't make my Brown Bun Look good, I failed her

Attached: 1538752817357.png (1022x753, 1.64M)


This fucking game sucks ass, nothing you ever do in this shitty game has any value, you constantly farm month for stuff which constantly become obsolete once the next shitty arena boss "raid" is released. WoW Classic can't come soon enough

>calling others scorelets when you just barely hit 10k

Attached: extremely_high.jpg (1920x1080, 820K)

She's just acting all jubilant and stuff, jumping up and down
All cats are kinda midget-y tho, revisiting the character creator made me realize they don't go too far past 170cm even at max height

Attached: 1499403058407.png (219x345, 85K)

Go back and run it again on maximum like everybody else, you fucking worthless poorfags.

people coming down off the hype high. Now we have to wait, and shitpost, for a month.

Attached: 1549206093892.jpg (250x180, 4K)

this. viera are cute and all but their customization options kinda stink

Attached: rabbit slut.jpg (1048x924, 174K)

it's one guy claiming random pug dps will pull huge numbers

benchmark is making v threads vg tier, its time to abort until the xpac

Who's ready for the endless sea of Face 1 Viera?

Attached: 1438077868570.gif (540x300, 1.93M)




don't make me post it...

why cant we be friends?

Maybe stick less shit on her face.

Fuck yeah.

Attached: file.png (928x536, 703K)

>try full screen
>jitters around and just generally won't work right, as if it's skipping and starting
>setting it to any other resolution doesn't help
my monitor is a fucking weird and for some reason nothing runs properly in full screen, like it's not even FPS drop it just won't display right

Attached: file.png (960x641, 1.48M)

would kiss


Attached: BROS.jpg (480x360, 14K)

fuck off

Sometime before 5.1. Please look forward to it.

>barely breaking 10k at 1080p

>comparisons with skill gaps

Attached: 9537ebba8f2a32039822bf03e9e4a77e.png (494x204, 137K)

>Your best method is to spend mendacities on mendacity gear, which will give you high enough ilvl to queue for Sigmascape and spam the last boss 7 times for the weapon exchange material + 1000 mendacities. So yes it's no longer capped. Then start working your way up to participate in alphascape for i380 gear or also do primals.
Yeah, I'm sticking to Elder Scrolls Online lads

Attached: 1548087882965.png (645x773, 11K)


t. white skin green hair joker looking freak

Attached: (You).jpg (3840x2160, 1.46M)

Not sure what your aiming for but you can buy the i380 crafted gear/weapon and that gear is enough to clear any content in the game currently.

15k boyos

Attached: Capture.png (471x118, 120K)

Attached: 1558656950488.png (960x523, 321K)

Are you fucking retarded? You don't have to do any of that bullshit because there's a new expansion coming next month. The fucking dungeon greens will be better than the current raiding gear, you stupid fag.

sorry bros someone else posted this in the last thread. think it's just recorded from the benchmark.


Attached: 20k.png (464x119, 121K)

i've never played healer before. how do you target your NPC members (purple) in the duties to heal on ps4? it won't really let me unless i go up to them and press x. i was always afraid of healing class because of this

>DRK getting a shadow clone for double dps bursts and getting all the poster boy love to be the MT
>WAR being made even more unga bunga but made the bottom bitch with buffs to suck off the DRK, the price it pays to stay meta
>SCH and AST continue to be unshifted in the meta since they still have buffs
>MNK finally let out of the cuck shed and unceremoniously sends DRG to the abyss by being able to go extra fast and not constantly lose greased lightning
>NIN losing buffs but gaining big dick dps with buffs across the board and not only keeping its speed but getting to go even faster with its own shadow strikes
>all this feeds into DNC being the groups buff slut and wanting its dance partners to be the two dps that can spit roast it the fastest and hardest for the whole parties benefit
The question now is which dps gets that last meta spot, I'm betting SMN or BLM

how about you get a real resolution first

very nice man, what's your cpu/ram/gpu?

You'll probably want to sort out target filters to your liking in the options.

This thing is considered an FFXIV influencer.

Attached: D7M12AEUYAAWo71.jpg (1200x900, 170K)

>wasting that much money on a 2080ti

ERPers from /vg/ due to the benchmark, shitposting about job comparisons now that we got more info and faggots like who try to shittalk the game or claim it's doomed while stroking their dick at the release date ad for WoW Classic sitting in the BattleNet launcher.
There's no room for actual discussion right now.

If the other faces weren't immediately fucking disgusting looking maybe people would give them a chance

He didn't see the leak.

Attached: 1425681580636.gif (280x210, 1.48M)


Attached: 1557461480074.gif (300x168, 285K)


Yes~ would you let this bunny heal you? ^w^

Attached: bunbun.png (615x725, 977K)

This is worse than /vg/ tier


well he's standing next to the FFXIV producer and influincing him with his gravity

get your political shitposting out of my video game thread, you fucking autist.

head to if you wanna shit on other people.

How did you get to 6'3? How to be taller?

depends on what new contagion/devotion is. going to assume it's BLM though.

You guys are insane if you think a new player will fuck around with this garbage for months just to catch up

What's the creature on the left trying to do?

At that size he's probably considered 2 influencers.

>Trying to flex on 1080p

Attached: 1371188884617.jpg (600x574, 209K)

[email protected]

And I end up playing old games anyways qq

I wish the leaker from before would post more action screens.

Attached: zdic8yloy0031.png (276x358, 145K)

>Shitting on GoldenTot

t. Someone who probably made a dozen of the angry shitposts in this thread and is now blaming erpers and trannies for their meltdown
See a psychiatrist

Yoshi probably hunted him down already.

More like he wasted money on a gpu that's much more than his monitor needs.

We need a tooltip leak now

i remember when he played and made maplestory videos. what the fuck

>catching up
You literally have to be level 70 and that's it. How fucking trash at games are you that this would take a couple months for you to do? Stay in your garbage ass bethesda game, bro. There's a reason why you're there.

Tate's a good fella. Good with viewers, on a diet, working out. He's just a tall & fat goofy fella.


Attached: the violence has escalated.jpg (388x443, 30K)

whoever said this is retarded. You want the ilvl380 gear from the normal alphascape raids and then go from there to the savage alphascape raids for the ilvl400 gear

This is, again, with fucking integrated graphics. Anyone else having this problem?

Attached: benchmark2.jpg (1920x1080, 821K)

Cuck shed status according to reddit

Irish & Native genes.
Don't try to be tall though, just leads to a hell of arthritis.

I'd fanta a viera if they could wear helmets. Also need to see their animations

top kek

it barely makes a difference!

Attached: ffxiv36.jpg (1920x1080, 811K)

>jobs that showed all the flashy new stuff are most highly anticipated


Attached: 1551365654477.jpg (1280x722, 130K)

Got sex?

>Redditards are bandwagoners

since people are getting annoying with the datamining google doc, here you go

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-24_22-13-42.png (361x181, 71K)

I mean, it's not like ShB is gonna be using some new graphics and suddenly your pc won't work, if it worked in SB it will work in the next expansion

however, you should turn literally everything down, even resolution

They really need to end the FC meme, because WAR has been stagnating.

What do I have to be mad about? BLM skills look nice, the music is stellar and the raids will probably be fun too. Maybe you're trying to push the blame on someone else due to being an anonymous user but I got my CE on pre-order.


Attached: sticker375x360.png (375x360, 89K)

Shit guide.
>join a free company
>ask if they have some free handout i380 gear for new/returning players
>play the game normally, eventually upgrade that gear to i390

Based, do you take requests?


Oh shit

I love Viera!

Attached: white bunny.png (839x972, 1.62M)

N-New Samurai skill please, I beg of you my leak lord.

>self centered AOE nova


and thanks for the leak

Have sex you nigger

Shit, man. Is DWT gone? What's happening with it? I'm scared man, Deathflare was what got me into SMN to begin with.

Attached: 1550881991234.jpg (640x733, 82K)

will they do eureka again?

Attached: 1558647327111.jpg (445x415, 102K)

Nice. Spring is a season of love..and I'm getting spring fever

Based, can you tell me if the big Dragoon jump give any other benefits or is it only potency?


Attached: ffxivbenx2.jpg (2560x1440, 1.31M)

its going to be annoying then to keep going into my settings to change my target filters, because i don't like npcs and party members being targeted when i'm anything else.


Attached: gross patheticy lonely loners are the reason why you should not talk to anyone in this game.jpg (1325x64, 16K)

OR MAYBE they can add endgame gear to buy in the mogstation for new players. How about that?
Or they have to annoy anyone who tries to approach the game?

Attached: da18-Djn_400x400.jpg (240x240, 11K)

Reminder to not post these to reddit for few hours so our guy has time to drop us nice stuff and then eScape safely.

>MNK that low
BASED. My job remains for patricians only!

Oh yeah yeah

Yes, but we don't know if it's another relic+ content like eureka, or LITERALLY more eureka


I hope we get something like it, even if it's much less significant. It was comfy.


Actually job boost does that.

>150 potency when Holy and Gravity have 200
>MP Cost higher than Holy and Gravity

Confirmed shit

They're bringing Eureka-like elements to how FATEs in standard zones work, so I'm assuming they consider it a success on some level.

They already said at fanfest, yes.

why should you just get handed shit that everyone else had to work for faggot? This is an MMO

Rage of Halone please, I want to know why it's the Sole Survivor.


MNK players know ShB is making monks perfect. Meditation, new chakra spender, GL fucking 4.

Show MNK tooltips, I want to know how GL4 works

Attached: 1526422545916.jpg (1204x1074, 181K)

It gives you i400 gear as it should after paying real money?
Because I'm paying for it.

It has no drop off, it's actually a better AoE.

just do hunts, get the hunt gear, then go grind eureka, like literally every other player you lazy dumpsterbrain megafaggot.

my eb thinks I dress too lewdly :(

Attached: ffxiv_dx11 2019-05-22 22-49-36-min.png (2560x1440, 1.05M)

You can set up multiple and just have one you flick to when the occasion presents itself.


i hope they remove Dissipation though

can you show anything WHM is getting? ;-; p-please

Attached: 50c2734f4cac9a1ed7090d6fe1059baa020177b8.png (750x900, 865K)

Yeah but no.
It boosts you to level 60 and gives a full set of i270 (which was equivalent to i400 when 60 was the level cap).

Oh shit I didn't even realize

Holy fuck SCH is the chad healer ONCE AGAIN

How about you play the fucking game instead of paying to skip everything.

Fuck off Healmage.

scintillating cringe

Press up and down on the Dpad to cycle through your party members. Don't worry about seeing them on screen or not because being able to see what the boss is doing is much more important. If their name is highlightable then they're in range and can be healed. If you haven't already make sure to start using focus target on the boss to always have their HP, Buffs/Debuffs, and most importantly their cast bar on screen even while targeting party members. Dont use X to target enemies either. If you hold R2, L2, or R2 & L2 you can cycle through the enemies using L1 and R1.

Hopefully this helps.

>"boy no FFXIV in 4chin, I wonder where I can go to discuss my game"
>"oh, I haven't entered reddit ffxiv in a long time, lets go."
>entire front page is full of "check my fan art" "my character comission" "retarded useless screenshot of a cat" with thousands of replies and comments
>not a single thread discussing the game

I tremble whenever FFXIV in Yea Forums disappear

Attached: 1558625516248.png (971x550, 553K)

>150 potency
>when Miasma 2 was 100 up front + 100 from DoT ticks
Ehhhh I'll allow it, I guess.

Attached: 1540564007567.gif (420x236, 1014K)

The next series of relics will be role-specific, please look forward to it

>The fucking way the music swells up and settles as Fray enters and leaves
Fucking KINO.

This fucking job trailer is 10/10. Do we have the full songs yet?

Attached: 21123.jpg (405x270, 16K)

A scam basically.
Yeah no, I think I'll just buy a whole max level set from the black market.

In Shadowbringers you can buy gear from a freaking vendor you monkey. There's no reason why you need to bust your ass to get gear right now.

That is the game, user. Not everyone plays mmos to autistically crunch number and theory craft.

Did they confirm SMN and SCH have to be leveled separately now?

>when you bring your DNC gf to the trial but some MNK/SAM chads cucks you and she partners up with them and make you look at it the entire time

Attached: 1558646403908.jpg (478x459, 51K)


it lacks oomph

It's more efficient for spamming. We're supposedly getting an aoe dot as well.

>not already having a MNK or even a SAM leveled by now

Attached: 1557886127613.png (984x1000, 1.17M)


No, show us Dragon Kick. Blunt resist down doesn't exist anymore so it has to do something else.

Is there actually going to be anything different about this expansion or is it just grind Tome of Whatever and raid for 2 years with a different soundtrack?

There, I fixed my new player experience

Attached: aaaaaa.jpg (1210x552, 79K)

god the wait is gonna kill me

Stay where you came from. We don't want you.

I changed my mind, do this

Just tell me if the tools MCH get are weaponskills.

They're only 10 dollars really? Pretty good price, good job.

imagine outing yourself as a homosexual like this

Did anyone rip that Omega theme remix?

It's not confirmed but the Google doc is making it look very likely

Oh shit, then that's already better.

Attached: 1554434926575.png (217x168, 5K)


Nah, DNC is for MNK cock only.


holy shit you lazy ass you can pick that up for 90k gil in game

I checked all files, it's not in the benchmark.

>People are gonna stop being Red Mages because they didnt show anything overtly new for them.
>when infact they have RDM several new moves and an entirely new AOE rotation that isn't fucking scatter spam.

People are dumb.

Attached: 1405118587720.gif (500x375, 984K)

Thanks Leakanon.

For what purpose? Just make a crafting buddy.
I am on Crystal if you really need it made

Come, get close to me my dance partner so our heal can stack.

Attached: fg_snow02.png (904x640, 620K)

it's been several iterations and the lighting in the character creator is still fucking dogshit I hate it

lol that's fucking pathetic. That shit is dirt cheap in game now I could make some serious cash just emptying my server's mb.


now that GUK has a heal do you think WAR and DRK will get heals to bring them in line with the other two tanks?

are holy and gravity the same?
please say yes

Just got the game and quite frankly I'm disappointed with the early game. It's sad when Tera has a better early game than this dogshit. Please tell me that it gets better...

>the fucking dark Raise effect from literally bringing Fray to life as an extension of yourself
>attacks are roughly synchronus to your own, maybe Fray ignores his own programming if you're using Bloodspiller etc.?
>the video's editing

Attached: 1543660260551.gif (200x209, 23K)

>Log in and want to play
>havent finished SB MSQ, so I have to farm the said raids and MSQ roulettes i've done like 500+ times
>log out

roulettes are outdated as fuck and should not be the norm for farming tomes - because tomes are already the single worst gear treadmill in a remotely successful mmorpg.

Nigga what ?

I really don't understand how you can be so bad at video games and with your money. gearing up from the 320ish shit I left off with at the start of the expansion took like a week, maybe, and I wasn't even trying that hard.

You fixed nothing, in fact you just created new problems

Do we have a list of hats that work with Hrothgar yet?

RDM got nothing but a second ability after Verflare/Verholy and instead of taking potency off of corps-a-corps and displacement like everyone asked for, they give us a shitty scuffed melee-range substitute which is a DPS loss if you do end up using it.
It is by far the worst in terms of all of these updates. That being said, I think people will still play it because it's still braindead easy.

>MNK giving DNC his forbidden chakra while SAM builds his chakra stacks

Attached: 120066846214.png (305x322, 45K)

You mean GUB?

what is the point of Veena when you can just make a white Rava if you really want to?

Why didn't they make an actual substantial difference between them like make them tiny little feol albino buns

friend do you have the whole scholar skill list

drk needs to steal more HP in general
>yfw fray absorbs HP with you

Attached: 7ff.jpg (288x499, 56K)

It's GUB


A shame Elezen only look good in fan art

Imagine being a RDM/SMN player after this trailer and not switching immediately. Casters look so fucking boring in comparison to everything else.

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I'm not the only one who hears Answers in the start of the new boss theme right? Specifically the part when she sings "To all of my children".


I wonder if it has any significance or if its just Soken's lust for leitmotifs

Who /maxheightviera/ here?
Goddamn, I miss my character not being a midget.

Attached: 1491360368379.jpg (184x184, 31K)

You mean GNB? faggot?

So when are we gonna get to see what gear hroth and viera can actually wear? This is a deal breaker for me

Attached: whmeme.png (1182x800, 1.02M)

>BDOfag derailing the thread because he's mad he can't buy his way to endgame with his disability benefits
guys you really gonna keep giving him (You)s

>Implying SE's shitty (and failed) attempt to make me do Miridianum/Prae didn't just make me spam hunts all day to get the riding maps

I meant what I said long ago that MSRoulette could give me an instant level up to 70, 500k gil and max tomes and I still wouldn't ever do it. This moogle tomestone bullshit is just spitting in my face.

Attached: 1553241903533.png (540x489, 386K)

People like you are a cancer.
And I am the barber's blade.

I thought it was gonna be an AOE dot...the fuck?

oh shit is that why Yoshida's test partner was a Monk? He fucking knows... what the fuck how am I gonna find a monk player??

say GNB out loud I dare you

I mean >headgear

GunCuck = GUK

If every section was like Hydatos id fucking love it, Baldesian Arsenal made that horrible shit worth it, They should have made a BA raid for every island part, would have made that place a million times cooler.

Attached: 1558679607046.png (1024x640, 1M)

Aye lad its gonna be great being tall as fuck.

The skill in the job action trailer is a dot

RDM main here. Currently jumping ship.

Attached: lvl 70 h-here I come.png (526x35, 40K)

they look good as fuck in armor, I'm happy about that.

I'm all set! You guys are ready too right?

Attached: ffxiv shadowbringers.png (2051x433, 29K)

bruh you can buy gil for that amount of money and get a full set with some left over. What you're buying there is 1 piece of armor

>ayyyy papi

Attached: bun34.jpg (1200x675, 232K)

1 - 30 is complete shit
Your class starts to come together somewhere between 35 and 50 but ARR's story isn't the greatest
There's some 100 story quests between ARR and HW which are obvious filler until you near the end, but you should have access to enough optional content to keep things fresh
HW is much better and the quality is more consistent from that point on


4 stacks

Red Pilled. It actually becomes decent content eventually but by then it's too little too late. I hope they hit the ground running with relic stuff in 5.x instead of us having to go through another Anemos.

Attached: Blue Mage Live Letter.gif (249x186, 2.28M)

That will be 191cm plus eartip, bro. Counting the ears they are probably taller than fucking male au ra.

SMN wont have aetherflow anymore. Doesn't look like they'll be sharing abilities too

Working as intended.

Attached: Pick my stacks.png (680x907, 1.17M)

They said BA was well received and they'll probably do something similiar in the future

jesus, when did gil get so expensive
i thought it was $1:1mil

imagine actually believing this retarded shit. RDM get one new skill that is actually useful. Everything else is filler garbage.

>make 7 mil a day from 30 minutes of crafting
These rates for buying gil will never cease to amaze me.

Attached: almost got me.png (272x348, 187K)

whats the new best way to level to get ready for FrayBringers

i just took up a Lv70 healer, and Lv70 tank in a week. and geared them up to beat the final fight, and access all content. this is bullshit.

>make that much just by gathering casually

Attached: 1558552349611.gif (200x200, 559K)

So far no, all we can reasonably assume are that some types of glasses work with hrothgar/viera and the artifact armor headpieces work

Shadowbringers hype rose prices

Summoner looks great I dunno what you're talking about.
Red Mage looks scuffed and garbage as fuck.
Black Mage will do big dick damage and since Dancer is a thing and Astroligan is switching to single-target buffs... it probably will be pretty safe to play. Doesn't look that flashy though.


Bard. About the same but with less support and easier AOE.

lmao, this is just sad bro, give me the name of your char and I'll mail you 10m

Attached: 1519640909741.gif (267x200, 1.59M)

They probably won't say because they don't want to admit that they're limited races.
They're so constricted (especially hrothgar) to the point that they almost feel like beta races that'll be finished """eventually"""

Attached: IscCxIk.gif (200x242, 866K)

>Someone already reposted to leddit
Come out, come out, wherever you are


>Everything else is filler garbage.
Imagine saying that in complete seriousness when one of RDM's biggest overall complaints has been nonexistent AoE, holy fuck it gets one of its biggest weaknesses and points of boredom padded out and we have people saying it's not good enough

Attached: 1530727822970.gif (500x372, 143K)

>Bahamut but with a fire skin

Attached: 86421.gif (100x100, 26K)

Naoki Yoshida

Reminder that the highest gear requirement in Heavensward was 230, and that gear was 270 at max. You literally only need at BARE MINIMUM SB Dungeon catch-up gear to be ready for Shadowbringers.

Anyone telling you HAVE to grind for Tome & Raid gear to get ready for Shadowbringers is full of shit.

Is it true that healers don't have damage abilities anymore and can literally just heal from now on?

Attached: 1498230725368.jpg (219x200, 9K)

only good viera i saw

>With this order you will receive an entire 12-13 piece High Quality 380 crafted set. The set comes complete with left side, right side, and weapon/offhand.

I like the leaks because they make mr.happy seethe. please more, leaker. lets see if we can have an epic meltdown

Bruh AoE is not worth getting fuckall that is useful in a raid setting and being passed up majorly by every other class in the game in terms of single-target rotation. I'm fucking fine with scatter and would much much much prefer a stronger single-target rotation and actual useful utility for raids. You are a literal retard if you think "B-B-BUT WE HAVE NEW AoE SKILLS FOR DUNGEONS!!11" makes up for getting shit on for raids.

Nigga look up you blind fuck

>200$ for 2.5 mil
This is a fucking meme right?

was hoping for WHM to have wings like this instead

Attached: D0mEHz4XQAA5wxq.jpg (1200x675, 176K)


>SMN summons now

once SB hits, you'll be able to buy scaevan gear for poetics anyways so its kind of moot. by the time you hit 70 you should have enough poetics for a full set.

God, GNB looks so good I can't wait for the expac to come out

oh shit

Attached: 1558505043088.png (536x618, 84K)

>Tfw 970 but monitor is capped at 60fps
do I upgrade

Are you retarded?

For dps run command missions with your squad up to lvl 61 then grind HoH
For tanks and healers just run whatever the highest level dungeon you have available is

>Every healer had two new dps spells in the job trailer
Nigger are you stupid

Who tf gives a fuck about job mechanics? We're talking flash here, it's literally just a fire reskin of Bahamut.

I was 270 when SB launched and I didn't need any new gear until Bardam's Mettle

soon brother

Attached: gun12.png (374x646, 333K)

RDM has Verraise.
Even if it gets fuck all ontop of that people will still bring it.