It's been two years, why does Yea Forums still hate BOTW so much?

It's been two years, why does Yea Forums still hate BOTW so much?

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I love it though

Contrarians. It actually seems like a lot of people love it here, but the people who don't are very vocal due to the extreme amount of praise it got


The objective truth right there.

would Yea Forums be the best place for discussing games on the internet if it wasn't plagued by constant contrarian circlejerking?

it would be if it wasn't plagued by vermin like yourself

Because it's popular and successful

I think most people on here actually liked it, its just that non-retards that actually see the deep flaws that BOTW has get frustrated/annoyed when nintenfaggots put BOTW on a pedestal as the greatest game ever made. So instead of engaging in intelligent conversation they instead shitpost about how its garbage in order to vent and to frustrate nintentards at the same time.

Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about botw because it was such a generic, forgettable game.
the fanboys are the ones who start bait threads like these every day so they can pretend it's still relevant.

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>frustrated/annoyed when nintenfaggots put BOTW on a pedestal as the greatest game ever made
1. that was never really a claim
2. even so autist got so frustrated they went on a two year shitposting spree

OOT is the highest rated game of all time, so if BOTW is the best Zelda game that means it's also the best game ever

it only means that if you have autism.

I dont hate it, I just didn't finish it and thought that while the environmental interactions where all neat, the literally everything else where dogshit, brittle weapons aren't fun, shitty 1 room dungeons aren't fun, 4 real dungeons aren't enough, its a great base/ fundation but you need some proper content and more progression to keep poeples interested, also more ennemies.


Someone already made a shrine maker where people can create their own traditional dungeons & upload them online for other people to play in their emulated version of BOTW

yeah, so nothing I can get my hands on and more importantly not in the original game which remains a 60€ tech demo

And yet, here you are.

>two years and autists are still not over the fact that some people severely dislike this new direction Zelda is taking
acquire intercourse

I just hated the combat. If they had either made I durability less harsh, maybe have like quests to make the master sword unbreakable, or just made it so monsters weren't damage sponges, it would be like 10x better.

Everything else was pretty enjoyable.

op asked and i answered.

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>the mods make it good, honest!
i thought this was nintendo, not bethesda.

In two years here I have never seen an actual thread about this game. Only threads complaining like op and threads about future expectations. Must be one of those games where there is nothing to discuss.

Boring combat, empty world, horrible mechanics

I don't hate the game, it was decent but not really the direction I wanted Zelda to take.
I hate its dick sucking fanboys for treating it like the second coming of christ and shutting down all criticism.

Adventure Boy: Breath Of The Wild - 6/10
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - 10/10


I can relate, i enjoyed it but I wish it was more in line with the rest of the series. Especially with dungeons, the shrines are cool at first but get boring rather quickly. Those motion control shrines can go fuck themselves

i agree with durability, shit broke way too fast, and silver enemies were fucking sponges too
exploring was the fucking tits though, fucking A

I just hate that is not fully VR compatible yet.
It's lacking depth at the moment. I'm sure they'll sort it out soon enough though.

It's not hate from me.
I just don't agree with the fans who thinks irs the best ever Zelda title. It doesn't even crack my top 5. It's still a good game though.
>Wind Waker
>Oracle of Seasons/Ages
>Skyward Sword
>Ocarina of Time
>A Link Between Worlds

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i rated the game 10/10, m8, nothing seething about that

>Skyward Sword
Shit taste
1. Links Awakening
2. OOT
4. Majora's Mask

>Links awakening

far cry: new dawn - 71
far cry: hyrule - 97

Probably. But I like what I like.
You LITERALLY just picked every popular Zelda title though.

because its a bunch of retards who think that their opinion is better than other peoples. they cant stand something being popular or rated better than their favorite game so anything that's better is labeled as:
>carried by brand name
>irrelevant at any point in time
they seethe and cant cope with the fact their personal favorite isn't rated higher than it is.

>people itt claiming to like Skyward Sword

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2. LA
3. Oracles
4. Minish Cap


It's a very good game that needs a lot more variety and content in all areas (enemies, runes, shrines that and dungeons that don't all look the same, more towns) for the follow-up.

Wind weaker is literally the worst 3d Zelda by a huge margin.


Because there's a shit ton of missed potential. The game could've been awesome but turned out average.


>the you are a 30 year old boomer that grew up on Zelda since playing on your older brothers NES and genuinely think BoTW is the best Zelda ever made but then Yea Forums calls you a retarded zoomer for thinking this because that’s how contrarian it’s become

It’s so fucking tiresome

Not in a specific order since I suck at picking favorites.
>Ocarina of Time
>Skyward Sword
>Spirit Tracks
>Breath of the Wild
>A Link Between Worlds

People here only show two extremes. Either a game is perfect or utter garbage. There's no middle ground.

coping snoymutts

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>weapon breaking
>horses are pretty useless

Those were the problems I had with the game. It's minor stuff but other then that, it was a really good game.

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