they targeted GAMERS
They targeted GAMERS
*does a Batman voice*
No. Gamers were targetting THEM.
Going in or out of China. Nothing of value was lost. Fuck off, falseflagger.
Maybe that will motivate Chinese to innovate. They already resemble Japanese in lot of areas. Imagine if China would start producing games like Japan. Obscure millitary or legendary games like dark souls.
I know what you think - chinese only want shitty mobile games, but its just the start, sooner or later there will be demand for quality and more high-budget entertainment from Chinese gaming companies.
>rape of nanking game
10/10 GOTY
Why not? Japanese made this game - ghost of tsushima or something. Chinese can do the same. Maybe even make a game on Korean war, killing Americans in a game should be fun enough.
Oppressive regimes are shit at making entertainment. When even every artists have to fear being misinterpreted as anti-establishment because some adminstrator is trying to make a career in the public censorship bureau, you are obviously going to see very few or very shitty content creators
trump is taxing the import of consoles into the USA retard
Games about killing americans wouldn't really sell in the US so they never get made
Can you imagine American company making a game where you fight for nazis and kill Europeans and gas jews? Probably not, that would be punished by the state, by the public, by companies. What you have now is the collection of "punch a NAZI!!! ITS FUN!" games. Which is not different what Chinese censorship would do.
imagine paying money for video games in the first place.
>ghost of tsushima
it's american game
Good fuck gamers and fuck gaming.
>Games about killing americans wouldn't really sell in the US so they never get made
Lets imagine that there is a good American traitor in that game who also kills Americans who don't understand that they fight on the wrong side of history. This should do it.
GTA V is one of thebest selling games of all time
Which consoles does China produce that this would affect? It would only add a tax if you're trying to buy the Alibaba Boystation or some other knockoff chinkshit.
Homefront was about an invasion of America from North Korea. Hatred was just that, killing americans. You can kill anyone in any GTA ever.
Libtards must be brainwashing trump. He's an sjw cuck now, not based like he used to be
Thank you mods
Praise Xi
>this asshole is ripping us off
>looking smug as fuck
>yeah we're ripping you off
In a military setting pal
pc master race wins again
Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes sold alright
>trump is taxing the import of consoles into the USA retard
The Master Race just keeps on winning bros
60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salaza Financing Bin Laden and Taliban Brazil 1964 Argentina 1976 Greece 1967 Haiti 1915 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in Latin America War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president
based mods obsessively monitoring this thread from those dirty words
They dont do anything anyway haha
We need a clean board!
>consolefag tax
good thing I don’t plan on buying any new consoles in the next few years.
that and sony are being a bunch of faggots lately anyway
>25% on CHINESE game consoles
Don't buy your consoles from China.
Look at Trump's face. Y'know that he had to take in the BIG YELLOW COCK.
Am I the only one tired of this blatant Israeli puppet? 3 years and the only accomplishment has been slobbering Bibi's cock.
This comeback doesn't even work, since American citizens won't be jailed for reading it.
>only consoles
Nor would Chinese, the idea that some words work like magic spells in Harry Potter is stupid in itself
who cares about consoles suck for them call me to rage when PC is affected
even Microsoft buys parts from Chinkland
Based Trump BTFOing consolecucks eternally.
Should have gotten a PC instead of goldfacing and calling us sane gamers cucks. We'd be happy to welcome you to the true Chad gaming platform.
you can't tell me what to do
You have a strange focus on nazis.
Its a good thing its not a tax on PARTS then.
Moving to Japan when I turn 22
yet one gets deleted and the other doesn't.
Really gets the ramen roiling
According to the article, "Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony all manufacture many of their products in Chinese plants." This not only affects consoles and console parts, but also computer parts as well.
Why? They won't like you.
english teacher, get out.
I’m pretty sure it’s all imports, which is even what the OP article refers to
China is gaming on mobile, the boggest chinese titles are shitty gachas, dota and battleroyale, what do you expect from them ?
most consoles are assembled in china and outright say "MADE IN CHINA"
needs a mutt face on that big ugly thing
So what you are saying is, those companies should make their shit in their home country instead of China.
Exactly what Trump is trying to do.
When is this trade war gonna evolve into an all out war
>Which consoles does China produce that this would affect?
Only 1 out of those three things are mobile games.
Shitty gachas are mobile, but dota and battleroyale games are PC/console.
That’s fundamentally incorrect. China’s collectivist culture does not lend itself whatsoever to developing the kind of mindset that would make a game that would appeal to the type of sensibilities we have.
You say that there will be a demand there for higher quality games, when in reality the focused, quick and dirty games that let you feel like you can easily accomplish a task in a short moment while on the train to your second mandated labor camp IS what the people want and demand. It’s in their social DNA. Why do you think so many Chinese are hackers and gold farmers? Efficiency. Quickest way possible to satisfy the task. Fun not a priority. Must complete task. Require more minerals. Feed the hive.
Who cares, its not like the japs have a spine and will say shit to your face.
>Don't know where or why it was originally posted
Imagine being this new
No, they'll just deport you when your travel visa ends.
Then Microsoft can pay a little more so Uncle Sam gets his cut, since Microsoft shouldn't be supporting a communist dictatorship anyhow. Tariffs aren't just to raise money, they're also for punishing naughty countries and the companies that do business with them.
Wow. so that's actually a good thing. its going be cheaper to make them in the United States.
racist stereotypes, you don't know anything about modern Chinese culture
how, you in jail? send a task force to kick down your door guns drawn and force you into a van and then a plane?
Not going to happen, the US is going to sink itself first due to no industrial capacity anymore.
Something that also raises the price
>Trump: Xbox or no box BITCH
There's not a country on earth without a few opinions that you won't get severely penalized or ostracized for espousing. The difference is that in China, one of these opinions includes any negative criticisms on the state, and instead of getting death threats or possibly jail time or real life assaults, local officials in china will kidnap you, torture you, and try to make the outside world forget you existed. It's a world of difference, they even monitor lyrics of literally who musicians there.
See you wouldn't have this problem if you had nationalism. All the parts could easily be made in the US... but noooo nationalism bad because (((diversity)) is our strength even though the US was 99% White until that faggot LBJ past his immigration bill.
It's not just about raising the cost of things. It's also about punishing China for being a slimy, skeezy, human rights denying communist dictatorship. If China played ball elsewhere, like stopped hacking us every day for instance, Trump would be nicer.
Yeah that's usually how getting deported goes.
>console fags
>legendary games like dark souls
>dark souls
Go fucking kill youself retarded zoomer frogposting tranny.
Not really. That would require investment in infrastructure and a Democratic presidential candidate costs less.
Go read the list of all the things affected by the new tariffs. There's a chance that even though you don't use consoles, you'll still use more of the other stuff that's getting a 25% hike.
Do you seriously think the US isn't nationalistic? Literally every 2020 campaign slogan is going to have the word "American" or "America" in it. American politics use nationalism more than a lot of other democracies.
yeah; but a lot of mobas and even battleground can be played on mobile, which is a very importent platform in China, and overall, the message is that china"s taste in gaming is fucking cancer.
Donald Trump and Gabe working together to dab on consolekiddies
How about you fuck off commie and let free market run its course?
You don't know what you're talking about.
I agree with you. However this is also bad for US economy, so not that useful as punishment.
God forbid the citizens of a country want to be associated with that country, probably a foreign concept to a 3rd worlder who just wants to leave his birth nation for greener (Whiter) pastures.
>local officials in china will kidnap you, torture you, and try to make the outside world forget you existed
Based. I want this to be worldwide practice. Can't wait untill China becomes world leader and everyone copies their way of dealing with problems. The world would be a better place and we could conquer space really fast, not distracted on some faggotry issues.
that's rarely how it even goes in America. lots of people overstay their visas.
>Motivate Chinese to innovate
Everybody laugh at this moron.
>Americans think they aren't literally composed of 100% immigrants
Good, we'll start with you. Into the van, bitch.
There is no nationalism in the US otherwise you wouldn't have literal commies in the country and in the government.
Your free market is a lie and you know it. If it was free there would be no government intervention but there is, and I'm no commie.
You do realize America is the oddball. Not the norm.
Overstaying your visa is literally most countries gets you deported.
won't affect any real gamers anyway
You don't know what nationalism means. Read a poli-sci textbook.
>Your free market is a lie and you know it
>I'm no commie
nah-ah, i'll be the first to get into Communist party and snitch on you. To re-education camp with you!
>*pays $2000 for a Yea Forums browsing machine*
Thanks, LBJ! Whites can tell who's a natural citizen and who isn't though. It's a state of mind.
ahhahahahahaha have fun americamutts getting brutally buttfucked by prices and china for years on end
chinks make your computer components too I hope you know
GET FUCKED all the poltard gamers who defend trump.
>It's also about punishing China for being a slimy, skeezy, human rights denying communist dictatorship
I do hope this is just bait and you're not really that stupid.
America was founded on settlers not immigrants. Immigrants means they assimilated into America. Guess what? Non Whites don't assimilate.
Are you saying China is not those things?
we should've made sure china stayed divided during the warlord era
You guys said he would be good for gamers so I voted for him wtf
China can't produce jack shit in terms of decent media anymore
Otherwise the entire world that's not eastern europe is immigrants.
>he really is that retarded
Dude, if anyone would want to "punish" china for it, they would''ve done it long ago. It's about fucking money and everything else that you somehow imagine being the reason for it is at best a coincidence.
based trump saving video games from prude muttshits.
We trade with Saudi Arabia and other bloody thristy commie country's on the planet. Stop trying to make this tariff a subject of morality
You didn't answer my question.
Are you actually saying that China is not those things?
No it was NOT. Everything America has now was mostly founded by immigrants. Your first banks, italian immigrants. Kindergartens, German immigrants they also influenced your space industry. Your cuisine, made up of all the immigrants who came over. The diversity of your music, again immigrants. Silicon Valley and Hollywood were LITERALLY built and funded by immigrant entrepreneurs who came over to California during the gold rush. America might have been more homogeneous with niggas decided to name the nation and set it's laws. But you became great because of immigrants and their contributions.
It already has a mutt face
>trumpfags are still a thing
what a joke
consoletards getting dabbed on
>Stop trying to make this tariff a subject of morality
That wasn't me.
I was just responding to the user that thinks China is not a complete sack of shit commie country.
Imagine being a Trumpfag in 2019
>not different what Chinese censorship would do.
except they would ban all games with blood or killing, anything that resembles disobedience towards any for of authority, free thinking, free expression, most forms of art, skeletons, etc.
kind of not at all what you are complaining about.
PCfags are going to be paying more too
The first ones to settle America were the Native Americans. If you're white and live anywhere on the American supercontinent, you're descended from immigrants.
I did you collosal illiterate retard. Rright in the first part of my answer, Christ, you genuinly are stupid and not just baiting.
you do realise computer parts are also made in china
can’t wait for PCkeks to realize all their shit is getting hit too
No you didn't. You talked about punishing China.
I was literally asking if you are implying China is not a sack of shit commie country.
>nobody actually read the article
please let this happen I cant wait for the gamergate crowd to shit themselves
Unless you don't buy cheap chinese crap.
pc master race.
They didn't settle shit. The redniggers just stayed in their wool huts.
And the Americans settle in places the redniggers were at.
we know its Chinese which means most consoles and pc parts
Spec Ops: The Line was revered by quite a few people and that game is all about shooting American soldiers.
Try to run a country without banks and see how that goes.
Yeah, I did answer that. Not my problem that you're unable to read let alone understand on the level of a first grader.
>expecting Yea Forums to read a clickbait article
I meant weren't at.
>"That doesn't count as settling because I said so!"
You're an immigrant.
the soulless bugmen don't resemble japan at all.
You did right in . Are you even reading what you write? Hell, Trump himself said it's about the trade deficit and not to "punish" china for being scumbags.
That wasn't me you retard.
They don't need to they already make a shitload of money and is the US brother whether you like it or not
It did fine considering we didn't have a (((federal reserve))) until 1913.
No, because the dictionary says so retard. Immigrant is something coming into someone's place that is already there. American settler's settle at places the redniggers weren't at.
will Trump hand out a giant welfare check to gamers like he did to farmers?
>he doens*'t know how to follow a commewnt chain
>he doesn't know how to check for samefags
Guess t_donald arrived to shit the thread up agian. Godspeed magapede, you'll need it.
So if a Mexican sneaks into the U.S. and lives in the middle of the forest, is he not an immigrant?
Again, it wasn't me.
>American settler's settle at places the redniggers weren't at.
then why the hell were they kicked out and put on reserverations? you /pol/tards are embarassing
wtf i love chinese fascism now
let us all rise up in support of fascism bros
That's not immigration.
That's conquering.
Big difference.
>Buy American-made and Japanese-made PC parts
>No tariffs
Love being a part of the Master Race
YAWNNNNNNNN wasn't originally your land now everybody stop replying to the dumbass already
The left can't meme.
>Buy American-made PC parts
does this even exist. last time america made a PC was in the 80s with apple and IBM products.
Why would you waste money on American-made PC parts, assuming that those even exist?
The land is own by the US government. No one own the lands back in the 1700s.
That's conquering brainlet. And no isn't a "White" thing since Native Americans were doing it to other tribes of their own kind.
This Administration is so fucking retarded jesus christ
Tarriff motherboards too. We suffer together and fight together.
no he's an invader
chinks can't innovate because they are soulless bugpeople
>it’s going to be cheaper making them in the US
That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of this works. You’re just making them move importing to places like Mexico and Vietnam. America isn’t benefiting from this in the slightest.
Should I get the Switch right now or wait for an E3 announcement of a Switch Pro/Mini?
excuse me but the chinese are incredibly innovative
they can kill cancer cells with their qi
i bet you didn't think of that
Funny how /pol/ isn't spamming this thread here like they do other off topic shit.
yes it is by harming an especially pernicious competitor
is that your boyfriend faggot? lol stay mad you dirty bugman gook
fucking libtards will never learn
because /pol/ isn't real
Chinese culture doesn't reward for innovation, it rewards for cheating
That's why their literature and popular culture are filled with copy paste shit
Ever read chinese novel? Well congratulations, you've read them all. It's all dull as shit and despite having larger population than europe+russia+north america combined they produce jack shit when it comes to actual innovation
The U.S. isn't competing with China, though.
lot of seething chink insectoids
other asians will build them soon instead
Damn, do they try, and fail.
It’s like cutting off your arm to spite the person holding your hand. Sure it harms them but their are smarter ways to do that without crippling yourself
>be into MAGA for the epic butthurt and lulz
>ever since a few months it backfires horribly
well... shit
who knew joe biden posts on Yea Forums
no there aren't you neoliberal bug
why are they so bad at it?
user I want to see how deep your hole goes
>it rewards cheating
So, literally America. I mean being a “self made” millionaire/billionaire in burgerstan means getting a million dollars from your already rich daddy for pet projects and keep going bankrupt until you succeed. And the worst part is that burgerkin actually think that they’ll be the next “self made” billionaire without millions from their daddy, so they buy retarded business books and wait for the money to teleport into their hands. You don’t know pathetic until you met a burger and their burger dream