Hitbox is banned in street fighter

Hitbox is banned in street fighter

Attached: tfw he spent 300 dollars on a cheatbox.jpg (801x1174, 282K)

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lol shit farter jive

Its not banned its up to the TO

It's a literal advantage. It speeds you up. And will eventually make you play clean since the ambiguity of drop combos due to stick position and returning to neutral isn't there.

None of these of input combinations and shortcuts can be done on a controller because d-pad doesn't have as much of a clean input as cheatbox, and you have to physically move your thumbs all over the pad because you can't cover them all at once unless you are holding the controller in a carpal tunnel inducing way.

Controller doesn't let you do faster inputs like instant dps or block some stuff without thinking and do some impossible inputs with charge characters, simply because on the cheatbox your fingers are already on the buttons.

Having standardized input should be normal for all games. they don't allow baseball players to bring in weird ass modified bats because that would be fucking cheating.

Attached: cheatbox.png (1199x676, 699K)

Just play smash instead of doing this autistic faggotry. Or if he is so good why does he have to rely on a bug and a broken controller to win?

Why would you want to handicap yourself with worse controls.

You sound like a fps console zoomer crying about mouse kb

The issue is that hitboxes have always been bullshit because you can simultaneously input two opposing directions at the same time with is an unfair competitive advantage in a fighting game

So even with SOCD cleaners, you get new ways of having unintended advantages.


But you can with pads too

You can do all that shit with pad + joystick. Less convenient sure, but if youre banning for convenience youre a bitchboy.

Is your point that cheating is fine as long as you can do it in 2 different ways? What retarded posts

if hitboxes are such a huge advantage why arent all the best people using them?

T. Poorfag

They are which is why hitboxes are starting to get banned now

My point is that its not cheating since you can do it with pads

holy shit so all of daigo's training was waste, on youtube I have encountered various videos of daigo practicing hitbox and there was a video in which he said theoretically guile can never be hit with overhead and can actually punish it super nicely, I know if someone is talking about theoretical getting hit but an overhead is impossible but its still theoretical but daigo said how he's blown away from hitbox.
keyboard bros unite. if hitbox gets popular keyboard might get support too.

>you get the same benefit of hgh with steroids what are you gonna do ban that too?
If you're using the stick and the pad to input opposing directions its just as bullshit as when you do it on hitbox

that opposing direction argument is bullshit since no modern game hell even emulators see through this shit. if you press two opposite direction you get neutral. very rarely in some games/emus if you press up and down together you jump. fightcade emulator fba 0.6.xx.xxx have that. but that's beside the point since in sfv you get most likely get neutral. (in sf4 you did get neutral, i am pretty sure about sfv too but I don't have it)

sfv and some other modern fighting games don't have scod detection. it will usually register the last input you can see it demonstrated on daigo's stream when he does instant sonic booms

Thats socd detection retard. No socd would be at left and right are both recognized in the game at the same time like vanilla marvel 3.

Hitboxes are for cheaters. If you disagree, you are either a chink or a nigger.

Mouse aiming is for cheater. If you disagree youre a boomer.

give me a quick rundown

Fortnite kids crying about mouse aiming

Retarded analogy. No game exists that allows for mouse aiming without being designed with mouse aiming in mind.

Seeing how you are retarded instead of just amoral, I'm guessing you're a nigger and not a chink.

My post was talking about d-pad, work on your fucking reading comprehension.
And stick wasn't talked about since it always have travel distances.

By your logic using a pad for games designed with an arcade stick in mind is cheating and vice versa.

Sfv has socd detection youre a fucking retard

and it's not relevant to the post.

>sfv and some other modern fighting games don't have scod detection.
Blatantly false.

Using stick and pad for inputs like charge motion are specific functionality that doesn't cover everything, and you only mentioned them like once
They are simple shortcuts like plinking.

The post was commenting on efficiency in terms of motion button inputs.

Just make it so that if left & right are pressed at the same time, only the first or last button that is pressed is the direction the player moves. If indeterminable, default to forward and stick with it.

You have millions of dollars to make a fighting game, learn to program around uncommon situations.

>Using stick and pad for inputs like charge motion are specific functionality that doesn't cover everything
Literally any socd trick that can be done with an htibox can be done with a pad. It's just more ergonomic. If you want to ban ergonomics youre a fucking retarded nigger.

Again you only mentioned one stick and d-pad combination, and if you are not using it for charging, the stick travel time will always be an issue.

That's exactly how it works with Daigo's hitbox and sfv's internal socd already.

Though I guess to go against charge characters, always make it so that the first button pressed takes priority. So if left is held down and right is pressed, right won't register until left is released.

So why is it banned? If anything it could fuck you up if you have sticky fingers for a moment.

You can do it with literally any dpad that has separate buttons like vita or switch. You can do it with any game that lets you map directions to a button like sfv, you can do with by holding back with the stick and inputting forward with the digital input instead of the other way around.

didnt know of that box. looks boring and casual.

because people are retarded

It was already talked about how due to the d-pad layout, the single thumb can't cover all the directions at once.

Then use more than your thumb fucking dum dum. Thats what nuckledu does.

tfw with hitbox Yea Forums will finally be able to do a dragon punch

That is only relevant by your single charge combination example, it doesn't cover much at all. Are you navigating around and performing other motion inputs do around with that combination too?

Are the profit margins on pushbuttons so low compared to sticks that Sanwa had to shut it down? May as well ban fight sticks altogether if you want to gimp players so badly.

That would be true if there was a need to redesign an arcade game so it could be played on gamepad or vice versa. Arcade sticks and gamepads operate under the same constraints and use the exact same kind of input interface. That's not true for either hitboxes (no physical constraints for directional input) or your retarded mouse analogy (completely different input interface).

Fuck off nigger.

There's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing whatever socd trick you want. If you want a more ergonomic way you can use the hitbox.

>Arcade sticks and gamepads operate under the same constraints and use the exact same kind of input interface

I didn't know dpads had the same travel distance as arcade sticks

>That's not true for either hitboxes (no physical constraints for directional input)
Pads don't have any more physical constraints either dumb dumb

>dpad has the same constraints as a lever

That's why they're called a Cheatbox.

It was already answered the the thread, the hitbox allows for faster inputs without physical constraints

It's banned for a different reason but it's also dumb. Daigo's stick uses a different SOCD than hitbox. The jp hitbox (idk the name) uses last direction pressed(I think), instead of neutral, when both directions are pressed at the same time. With that version apparently you can do sonic booms without letting go of back. I haven't paid much attention though so my understanding of it may be off.

The jp hitbox can't do the same shortcuts as the na hitbox though, so there's a tradeoff.

>spend $399 on a controller
>can't use it

Plinking is far easier on arcade sticks than pads.
Standing 720s are significantly easier on pads than on sticks.
Pads expose both a dpad and analogue stick, which does let you do some tricks in certain games that you absolutely can't on a standard arcade stick.

>you can simultaneously input two opposing directions at the same time

That's only a problem if the game gives you some advantage for doing so.

what a hitbox is:
more precise

What a hitbox is not:
Do tricks that a pad can't

That is not """""cheating""""" drooling turd. It's ergonomics.

Same constraints, different magnitude you chimps.

>what a hitbox is:
>more precise
So it's cheating since pad can't do these things

And sticks let you do some things faster than pads and vice versa.

If the issue is "I think there should be a neutral input between two opposite charge directions" then that should be codified into the game itself.

No more constraints than a hitbox you drooling ape.

No, this is not the definition of cheating lmao, thats just a shittier device. You can't do anything with a hitbox that a pad can't do already.

a lever and 4 digital inputs is not the same constraint hahahaha

name a single game that takes into consideration being able to input invalid button combinations
and the game just ignoring the input does not mean it takes it into consideration

litterally all the fighting games past vanilla marvel vs capcom 3

>shit is non issue for years.
>Daigo gets one.
>Ehrmmahgad ban this filty broken thing.

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Except it does, simply because your fingers are already on the buttons, people already referenced things like instant dp.


nice reading comprehension

Great start, hopefully things like plinking, or the ability to do that will be banned next, or just ban sticks since it's easier to do on them.

Let me see you hit all 4 directions at once on a either dpad or stick you dumb baboon.

Except it doesn't. A better designed input device does not imply cheating.

All those games takes into consideration being able to input invalid button combinations.

Why the fuck would they sell hitboxes if it didn’t offer an advantage?

Hitboxes weren't banned, just his modified version that lets you do forward and backward at the same time.

Yea Forums redditors have brain problems and 0 reading comprehension

It's a good thing stock controllers come with both dpad and sticks that can send inputs at the same time you brainless monkey.

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>and the game just ignoring the input does not mean it takes it into consideration
But that is taking it into consideration. As long as it has clearly defined behavior then it was taken into consideration.

Huh? They do have advantages. Just like stick has advantages over pads. That does not mean cheating.

hitboxes aren't banned.

>Why the fuck would they sell arcade sticks if it didn’t offer an advantage?

this shit should have been banned years ago, don't know why it took so long. It's too precise for how FGs are designed

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Hitboxes weren't banned, just a nodded version Daigo was using that let you do impossible inputs.

Yes it does, plenty of people already referenced plenty of input combinations and shortcuts in this thread.

How exactly does this work? Which buttons are the directions?

that may work on older games but newer ones are coded to stop that, for example if you press both forward and backwards in tekken you just get neutral

His inputs are very possible

>Timeless international pastime with over a century of enjoyment, input, rule dictation and fine-tuning, established long ago and enjoyed by almost a billion people
>Stweet Foightuh
>A video game
Dude, I love SF2T but shut up and go outside and have sex for once.
Brush teeth
Floss teeth
Eat mint
Wear clothes
Go outside
Have sex

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>just his modified version that lets you do forward and backward at the same time
On what grounds? The controller sends inputs based on what buttons he was pushing. It can't see the gamestate and react to it so it's not a cheat device and it's not automatically pressing buttons for him so it's not a macro/autofire device.

They will be.
They will be.

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>you have to pay $300 or be at a disadvantage

Defend this.

that can all be done with pads yes

No. How about you actually read the thread

Then why don't just patch the damn shit?

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Well that's actually true and it's why I think his modified version should be the standard. It's flat out the best input device no question.

But that would nuke the entire fightstick industry, so for money reasons the suits won't allow it.

it doesnt let him use forward and backward at the same time.

>you have to pay $300 or be at a disadvantage

Defend this.

Attached: scuf-vantage-black-ops-4-limited-edition-product-shot-03-ps4-us-10oct18.jpg (1919x1440, 421K)

I read it. Show me something that can't be done on pad

Hitboxes were originally allowed because they register conflicting inputs as neutral.

However as people are figuring out, a pad lets you do conflicting inputs via clawing. So Daigo decided he would modify a hitbox to do the same. I think it should be allowed but the companies won't allow it since it would nuke the industry.

>fighting game fags once again prove that their shitty genre is dying because anyone remotely interesting will get banned

How about you read the thread

I did.

Well its a simplification. It lets him use the most recent input when both are pressed together, while the original Hitbox always makes that neutral.

>every fighting game should rebalance all of it's moves and framedata making pads and sticks obsolete to accommodate the autismbox
>just ban the thing

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Cheating or not it’s an advantage that you can only have by purchasing a third party peripheral, unless the tournament provides all competitors with it, it’s banned to even the playing field.

You're talking like the hitbox is a new thing and not something that exists for 10 years now and fucking ps1 pad players still win tournies.

>with is an unfair competitive advantage in a fighting game
It's not unfair because both players have the choice of capitalizing on it by using a hitbox.

Ban option selects.

>Cheating or not buying a stick is an advantage that you can only have by purchasing a third party peripheral, unless the tournament provides all competitors with it, it’s banned to even the playing field with only pad users.

>he can't spend $10 just to be tournament viable
There's a sale going on that lowers it to $3. Also any decent stick costs $100+ new. It's literally just Sanwa/Seimitsu pushbuttons with a PCB (which are cheaper than their joysticks), the price would lower tremendously if it caught on. May as well complain about running shoes for running and olympic swimming suits.

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Hitbox is a thing for years and isn't remotely different from a keyboard.

>cheating is fair because both players have the choice of capitalizing on it by using cheats

Arcade sticks miss an advantage that the hitbox has. And yes, I would say an arcade stick is better than a game pad.

So should arcade sticks be banned? Also the hitbox has the same advantage of a gamepad.

and stick miss some advantages that pads have. Your argument is shit.

Poorfags exist. Fuck em right?

Baseball is enjoyed because it's boring as shit. Even self described diehard hillbillies and spics leave well before the end of the game because it's a massive waste of time. If you're too retarded to understand the basic principle of the matter, then don't say anything next time instead of making embarrassing posts like this.

So should pro player's own mice be banned from tournaments because they have different side buttons and sensors? Should scuf controllers be banned from console tournaments including the elite controller that Microsoft sells?

>and stick miss some advantages that pads have.

Then doesn’t that make it balanced? The hitbox is a direct upgrade.

They can play with a pad. Plenty of tournament winners use pad.

have sex

>hitbox shills trying to steal the thunder of the based GAFROBOX

>I think it should be allowed but the companies won't allow it since it would nuke the industry.
What industry? Sanwa makes both the pushbuttons and joysticks. How are their sales going to tank if they sell 4 extra pushbuttons instead of a joystick? PCB manufacturers will easily adapt as it's just a little more programming. Stick manufacturers will move on without much change.

There’s no singular, first party mouse and keyboard setup that everyone starts with. It’s too hard to regulate, so they don’t ban them.

Hitbox doesn't do anything a pad can't. You're arguing to ban ergonomics.

Ah yeah, buying a hitbox totally going make everyone instantly expert and do all the sick moves with clear and smooth execution.

It should be banned asap.

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There’s no singular, first party arcade stick setup that everyone starts with either. Also how come you ignored the second half of my post?

>There’s no singular, first party arcade stick setup that everyone starts with either

There is a first party gamepad that everyone starts with.

>Also how come you ignored the second half of my post?

Because I have a headache from being a wageslave all day

I think at this point if you're going to start banning controllers based on things being easier for people and not allowing people to use different control methods to achieve the same goal, you need to just ban everything but a set standard design to play on, otherwise you end up in a sea of confusion and loophole jumping.

So everything should be banned except for stock pads then.

>You must use xbox controller in fps because kb+m is cheating in my opinion
If you don't use touchscreen to play your fightan shit then you're cheater

Are you fucking stupid? A cheatbox costs $300 and a premium arcade stuck costs $200-$300 dumb fuck.


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Why do you keep bringing up arcade sticks when we’re talking about hitbox vs game pads

Then why capcom don't just patch the damn foward+back issue?

it sounds more like capcom being stupid over controller issue.

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This is so dumb. Why don't fighting game companies just sell their own versions of these controllers for cheaper instead of banning them for being better?

Because it's an unfair advantage that you can only have by purchasing a third party peripheral, unless the tournament provides all competitors with it, it’s banned to even the playing field.

Pretty much. Take a page from Smelly Bros Melee, they just use the GameCube controller.

>SF4 mobile with 1 button specials
now that was a real fighting game

Was this you, user?

Attached: Anon takes the pledge.jpg (1080x587, 269K)

>using a racing wheel to play a racing game should be banned because it gives an unfair advantage

Pretty much. Take a page from Smelly Bros Melee, they just use the GameCube controller.

Still don't explain why don't just patch the issue. Also most recent games do take account such inputs.

Yeah Just play smash instead of doing this autistic faggotry. Or if he is so good why does he have to rely on a bug and a broken controller to win?

The whole point is that it's not doable on any other device of choice except the hitbox. So, it's cheating.

You can use any controller, most people just prefer GC due autismo.

>it's overly accurate and it works too well so fuck it
Ban gamepads instead.

You can do it on pad though

There is a first party gamepad that everyone starts with.

Keyboards still exist retard. You can do f+b since forever.

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What's stopping other companies from putting in 4 extra buttons and tinkering with the programming on the PCB?

itt luddites

Imagine having to do a shoryu-reppa or something more complex with this mess.

It lets a player buffer and do commands that aren't doable on a standard controller. Don't let the trolls fuck with you, it isn't because of 'ergonomics' or whatever the fuck.

You know you can easily build your own or mod an existing arcade stick into a Hitbox for a fraction of the price of the brand. It's no more expensive than an arcade stick.

As for gamepads, I'd sooner use a keyboard, they're are just not designed with fighting games in mind, it'd be like forcing tennis players to use ping pong rackets.

No they aren't

You got told last thread but everyone ignored

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>Why doesn't everyone just adopt hitboxes as the new standard?
Legit worse for new fg players.

Wait, isn't it literally a fucking keyboard with less buttons? Did they banned a motherfucking office keyboard?

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Adding in a requirement in the middle of the move is not particularly difficult. The problem is if the scripts even treat neutral as its own thing or not.

eat shit

Plenty of players learned to play on keyboard, Hitbox is an upgrade, it's completely fine for a beginner.

Like what?

The point is why would the controlling company (the publisher) bottleneck their own business, and let a third party literally dictate how to run play their games.

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How about you read the thread.


What? Shit is non issue.

what are sticks then? ban them too

get taste
alternatively, go back to plebbit where you can have a circlejerk with cleetus and miguel over the only sport more boring than golf


Again you only mentioned one stick and d-pad combination, and if you are not using it for charging, the stick travel time will always be an issue.

Sorry, I only read your post by itself and not the one you reinterpreted.

I must have missed it, link me the post


I have no clue what you're talking about. I just webm'd the video.

So why aren't pads banned then?

>Baseball bats
The rest of your points are valid, but you made the worst possible sports choice saying Bats don't matter.

It was already talked about how due to the d-pad layout, the single thumb can't cover all the directions at once.

>The rest of your points are valid,
No they're not.

Why would they be?

Because Japan are just being reactionary fags after Daigo's videos, only just figuring out what we did ages ago. This isn't a logical drama, but nips figuring out what we did years ago.

You can also just hold forward and tap down once + a button to get instant DPs. Who cares?

Somebody competent got his hands on a cheatbox and everybody finally noticed all the broken shit you can do with it.


>ONE type of Hitbox was banned, a specific Hitbox that essentially lets you do completely bullshit charge moves that break the balance of the game and remove the entire charging mechanic effectively
>EVERY other type of Hitbox is allowed
>NOTHING changes for the vast majority of non-modded Hitbox users
>Yea Forums somehow turns this into "ALL HITBOXES ARE BAD"


Ban PS4 cheaters. twitter.com/AlexValleSF5/status/1131624600146731009

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It doesn't go far enough, we need to ban ps4 players, anything that lets you plink, so sticks, as well as hitbox.

Ha. Some faggot this morning was bragging about how they wouldn't be banned.

Sticks have already done that to an extent. Sticks and alternative controllers are the reason why most fighting games have completely remappable buttons. And if ace combat 7 is anything to go by, they could detect the controller being used and restrict certain brands/models at will if they wanted.

tfw playing blazblue with a flightstick

Then patch the fucking software to not allow such inputs.

We aren't on 90s anymore.

Turns out he was right

Can you do this on a fucking pad? Then it's not cheating and pad is legit better on certain games but people use sticks cause they are familiar with it.

Can you do that on a hitbox? Get that ass banned

I think there's some fightsticks that have cherry mx buttons.

SFV seems to be the only game causing issues as L+R is registered as forward instead of neutral

Therefore, ban SFV

newer hitboxes cancel one of the directions if you input 2 at the same time

Why fighting games fail the ask...

Consoles have higher input lag than PC, therefore ban consoles.

It allows you to hold left and right at the same time, this is why the hitboxes are getting banned. They legitimately do allow you to cheat if the software doesn't know how to interpret it properly.

There are currently only 2(two) games that let you do anything nontransient whatsoever with inputting two directions at once



Proof? How do consoles, which are specialized for playing video games, lose to PC on input lag?

The only problem I can see with the controller is toward the end of the video, where it protects you from your own bad inputs.

>It doesn't go far enough, we need to ban ps4 players, anything that lets you plink, so sticks, as well as hitbox.
Yeah but if that was the main issue, they'd petition Capcom to fix that. Instead, they're banning it because there's a more real issue with efficiency that cannot be solved by a patch.

>everyone said keyboard was the worst controllere for the poorest poorfags
>a keyboard with most of the keys removed is actually the best controller
wtf was it all just lies from madcatz so people would buy sticks?

No one gives a shit about that, no one serious about this issue has been pushing that point. Go back to your smashbox threads

they already do that

Patch it then. How do you go throughout development without coming across how conflicting inputs are interpreted, even if it's extremely unlikely?

You could do that on a pad if you made the dpad buttons bigger. The only reason it probably isn't possible, unless you're under 10, is because its too small to do with human hands. All he's doing is double tapping a dash, which is hitting a button with your middle finger first and then keep sliding your finger till your index finger hits that button in 1 quick motion. Double tapping has existed for like 2 decades, so that technique isn't new. Only difference is nobody played on something with big enough buttons do do it till 10 years ago. Basically he's just now discovering hitbox tech from 10 years ago.

There's already pads with each dpad direction being a separate button, take that and enlarge it and it's probably doable.

Thats how it works.

It's a issue only on SFV. Even emulators don't allow it unless you tick the box allowing such inputs.

>Have to spend $1000+ or be at a disadvantage

Defend this instrumentfags i should be able to participate in a band or orchestra with my aluminum triangle!!!

You are actually retarded

>can you do that on a hitbox?
You can double tap a dash just like you would any button to get a near frame perfect followup, so in terms of what daigo's talking about (seeing the start of a walk) yes you absolutely can.

That said, they didn't ban having duplicate buttons in general (nor rebinding buttons on pad) so you could still do this on both custom sticks and on pad. Though obviously much harder on the latter by, say, binding a cardinal to a button and double-tapping it.

People care because hitboxes remove the slight barrier of having to manipulate a stick. Having it be pure buttons means you don't have to worry about the time it takes for a stick to reach the appropriate position when you tilt it.

It LITERALLY makes you faster.

There are pads with button dpads so yes, you can.

Hitboxes in general aren't banned though.

fucking retard, ps4 has a couple frames of intrinsic input lag

So get one and quite crying faggot, spending money to stay competitive is common as fuck in any competitive industry or sport, otherwise just fucking deal with it, you have no power, you can only cry about it

Almost every fighting game deals with this. SF4/5 does so by always choosing forward or up in case of a conflict.

Hence why the 'issue' is totally reproducible on pad - you can skip the neutral button through any method of holding a cardinal and pressing the opposite at the same time.

>People care
They don't, which is why hitbox hasn't been banned for years and still isn't banned

No, because d-pads still don't let you do the magic shit that hitboxes do.

controllers have analog sticks, some players like Du use the d-pad AND the analog stick simultaneously sometimes when playing charge characters like Guile

They EXPLICITLY let you do what user was whining about, you dumb fuck.

i'm glad cheatboxes are banned
>hurr durr I want to be able to charge back while walking forward totally legit dude hurr durr

Yes because hitboxes totally make everyone magically better on it than sticks amirte?

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He's right though. I don't think you understand what he did if you think it wouldn't be possible. Double tapping is a technique you do with your hand, it has nothing to do with your input device. You can do it on anything with a button. You could double tap the ATM if you really wanted to.

eat shit cheatbox faggotard



>some players like Du use the d-pad AND the analog stick simultaneously sometimes when playing charge characters like Guile
Not the same thing. At all.

I was just trying to say that a game console should be able to have special permissions/priorities for controllers that general-purpose computers can't have.

Bayonetta on PS3 didn't have vsync. Fighting games should allow you to turn it off if that's what's causing input lag.

Keyboards allow same shit and I don't see anyone bitching about it.

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>Bayonetta on PS3 didn't have vsync. Fighting games should allow you to turn it off if that's what's causing input lag.

Due to how SFV's netcode works, that'll basically break the online play for PS4 players.

That's a non issue. Making a controller more ergonomic has always been a thing. If you wanted to start making pissy rules like that we'd have to standardise all controllers. There would always be arguments that one gives an edge over the other.

Do we ban sticks with 8 buttons cause someone only has 6?

Because of ergonomics. These buttons are laid out very efficiently/familiarly and are probably really fucking responsive.

In theory, yeah, you could become a fighting game god on the keyboard but it would take a ton of time because it's such an cramped layout for your hands.

And it worked

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>the fighting game community

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Do you have ogre hands or what? Because I have zero issues playing with keyboards.

>In theory, yeah, you could become a fighting game god on the keyboard but it would take a ton of time because it's such an cramped layout for your hands.
We gotta ban the people with small hands, they can become a god in hours with a keyboard!

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People have been stating that Fight Sticks are necessary to play because they're the superior controller type for years.

You know there's multiple keys on a keyboard, right?

A, E, R, G, and spacebar seem like a good pick, especially if you remove the other buttons, but you can use whatever keys you want to fit your hand. Only possible problem is the size of the keys but you can just buy bigger keycaps.

Told a kid at my local that he was trash for using hitbox because he lost to someone despite doing unreal instant while running moves left and right. One night he asked me to play and I straight up told him that I didn’t want to play him so if it was his turn on the rotation I’d get up and leave. I feel bad because my friends would all laugh when it happened and say “hey borrow my stick and he will stay on the setup “

He eventually stopped coming. Having one less person in my scene is more valuable than having one who uses a fucking hitbox

and then every one clapped

>Superior controller

There is no such thing. Some retards play with fucking dual shock and do just fine.

Using a different controller don't magically make anyone better or replace player skill.

This. Don't tolerate cheatbox assholes. Kick 'em out here, at your weeklies, and especially on TYM.

>There is no such thing.

Hitbox, and that's why it's banned.

people ITT don't even fighting games and cry about things their brains can't even fathom (2 frames for a move)

go back playing suckiro

Honestly I’m not proud of it but I’m doing it for the Koreans and Japanese players overseas who wish someone was vocal before it got out of hand . Those guys just go with it and they know how pussy hitboxes are

Use equivalent equipment or you don’t respect the game. The people upset with me don’t know how broken hitbox is . To make things even they will have to dumb down execution in mechanics and I don’t want that either

Why don't people compete with keyboards?

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Found the redditor


sticks are kinda unfair compared to pad, hence everyone should play with pads rights?

the arcade scene is dead grow up and adapt. the hitbox (not the bootleg abomination that was banned) is here to tay

>Entire thread based on a lie

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They go against the very foundation of fighting game design. SOCD cleaners can barely help and they're still exploitable to an extent, as seen by the easy mode KBDs and PEWGFs on hitbox. Dimeback said himself that cleaner inputs make the Hit/Mixbox a superior choice for controllers.

Does anyone else make em or just hitbox?

there is no foundation to fighting game design, they put a fucking stick on a cabinet for practical reason, not because it was the golden device created to play a game for kids

also the mixbox shills are paid to say it's better

Let me pose a question for you right here.

Some time ago I heard this story about a SFIV El Fuerte Player who used a literal guitar effect pedal to hold down 3 kicks for ex splash. The people could see his pedal, everyone knew what the pedal did, it was part of his stick. Do you think that's fair?

just map the fourth button to 3x kick/3x punch like normal people do

you gives a shit about input when all pros have perfect execution
the edge aquired by daigo was (2) frames on a broken bootleg board, the regular hitbox only permit the skip the 250 hours boomers had to commit to practice wavedash on p1 instead of working half a day to earn enough to buy a hitbox

Everyone should play with pads. MK sticks were the only really acceptable kinds because they took skill to use.

LMFAOOOO if you think this is fine.

even cringemanswe knows

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Some do. But it's a non-issue because nkro is banned, just like hitboxes being banned if they're setup certain ways.

>comparing video games to baseball


The one banned is a custom one made and sold by some random guy.

The parts of an arcade stick are simple - generally some PCB with USB out, that can take inputs or wires for buttons, 4 stick directions and ground.

You can wire those stick directions to an arcade stick, or simply to buttons.

have sex incels

>tldr we banned not-keyboards because they're vastly superior in execution and doesn't follow the original spirit of fighting games aka arcade joysticks

Haha stupid party game fags and their contro-

whatever happened to the sex strike?

arcade sticks are the new gamecube controllers

Can I play using my joycons

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But with whom? No one wishes to have koitus with me, so I can only interpret this comment, and many like it, as a malicious insult meant to harm the feelings of yours truly!

Wouldn't it be better if everyone switched to the superior controller instead of banning it?

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>Is literally banned
>all you can do is cry about it

That's just bandwagoners that said that after seeing Pros using fightsticks since that's what they were used to in the Arcades.

It would put people who need different accessibility options at a disadvantage.

Competitive video games are already ableist as fuck, I don't see how this would change that.

the mechanics aren't balanced around being able to do the stuff it allows so no

What about this bad boy?

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Thing is, if fighting games on PC are gonna keep being a thing, then this is something developers have to keep in mind and account for when developing their games.

>entire thread dedicated to something being banned that wasn't actually banned
A specific version of it was. The hitbox company literally sponsors EVO and a ton of other tournaments, they hold too much clout for any of the people who like money and hold the tournaments to care.

They should move the "S" key to where you could rest your pinkie or thumb on it.

Not banned and is worse than the hitbox layout

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Most of the thread is about whether hitboxes should be banned, or PS4 pads because they allow the same thing that this variant hitbox allows.

Arrow key layout aren't really placed in typical position where most right handed people are comfortable with

No it’s not, retard.

Except this is better for disabled people...

Have hitbox only leagues

>online warrior opinions
>mattering ever