>we will never have year in gaming like 2017 ever again
how did the stars align in such a way that we suddenly got one of the best years in gaming?
We will never have year in gaming like 2017 ever again
no games in 2017 were good
>Nioh guy
>shaven big boss?
>asian Nathan Drake
who are the rest of them?
2 guys in the back are Kiryu and Majima from Yakuza
That's some shit taste you got there
Why do western artists always have a certain disgust to the faces they draw
Girl on the far left is Kat from Gravity Rush 2.
>Asscreed Origins (first good one since Brotherhood)
>Nier Automata
>Persona 5
>Sonic Mania
>Splatoon 2
>Divinity Original Sin 2
>Hollow Knight
>Evil Within 2
>Metroid Samus Returns
>Gravity Rush 2
>What Remains of Edith Finch
>Yakuza 0
>Xenoblade 2
>Mario + Rabbids
inb4 someone responds to every single one of these with an "objective" reason for why they're bad
>all of them on PS4
How does sony do it?
From left to right
>Kat (Gravity Rush)
>2B (Nier: Automata)
>Kiryu Kazuma (Yakuza 0)
>Goro Majima (Yakuza 0)
>William (Nioh)
>Link (Legend of Zelda)
>Joker (Persona 5)
>Velvet (Tales of Berseria)
2019 so far has been as good
If they do another pic like this, id say a character from both RE2 Remake and DMC5 will be in it.
and Sekiro
aaand not much else this year
also 5
>blocks your path
we get a year like that every four or five years, i'm pretty used to it at this point
This image always asks for trouble.
Every time we have The rabid Gravity Rush fanbase bitching about Kat's game being the only good game in that image and that it's an insult to insinuate that the other games are as good.
>ass creed
Holy shit, at least try.
Because god forbid they draw things attractively or on-model, that amount of effort would betray their self-loathing and hard left brainwashing
I understand zoomer hate now, thank you
>ff7, pokemon, crash fucking racing, mario party, banjo
Bad af
Only games a couple of these are kino
But Kat is black?
one of
reading comprehension
But Yakuza 0 came out in 2015.
Low tier bait
>we will never have year in gaming like 2017 ever again
we already had years like this, and we'll always have
time is a flat circle
((You)) reading comprehension
this is a justified reason to hate everyone on this board
I still have like half of those on my to play list. What should I play next BotW or Gravity Rush 2?
Where's the Prey guy, that was the best game of 2017.
528 get
a lot of female artists are ugly tumblrinas with fat noses so they mirror it on their work
>tfw i haven't played any of the games in that pic
>we will never have year in gaming like 2017 ever again
This year was better than 2017
Persona 5 came out in 2016
>we'll always have
Not for the last decade we didn't
>how did the stars align in such a way that we suddenly got one of the best years in gaming?
>one of
do you selectively read?
Of those I only played Nier and Nioh.
I found Nier okay. Nioh is easily one of my favorite games of the decade.
Prey 2017 was, on my eyes, another GOTD.
Fat noses, huge mouths, and no cranium apparently. Explains why they're so low IQ.
damn Yea Forums really does hate video games
Another gay Japan celebration thread
i don't hate their art style except for Link specifically. The rest are alright 7/10
>the year Yakuza died
>first sentence implies an absolute concept
>second sentence implies a relative concept
>they contradict each other
and are (You) here just to shitpost and being a nauisance?
oh wait
(You) must be here because (You) believe BotW is a shitty game
>thread is about 2017
>Not for the last decade we didn't
multiple games in this image are not from 2017
It's like they were localised in 2017 or something..
i'm aware, it's no excuse.
Excuse for what, retard?
excuse to pretend it's a game from 2017 and call it GOTY 2017, retard.
GR2 because it's shorter.
2019 shits on 2017.
Pretty much.
No good games have come out this year.
All those games are meh.
Garbage art style.
Not that guy but what the fuck are you even arguing? Like you're talking in circles and are pretty much taking the side of the person you're trying to shit on.
There's a pretty huge amount of unrefined autism floating around in this thread.
Yes, we should call un-localized games Western GOTY..
Fucking idiot.
No it isn't.
>Western GOTY
now this is epic. you think western games deserve their own awards, but belated releases of japanese games should be eligible for them? that's truly retarded, you are a fucking idiot.
Tales of Berseria was trash and this is coming from a Tales fan
Literally the first great game we have gotten since Vesperia. Baba leaving saved the franchise and it shows with this game
Yakuza 0 crushes every game on the picture though
>tales of berseria (2016)
>persona 5 (2016)
>ryuu ga gotoku 0 (2015)
imagine taking pride in playing games months or years after they were relevant because you don't understand their original language and the developer considers you an afterthought, and then drawing this gay ass tumblr art about it
I'd be willing to make a 2019 version of this. I've already got in mind to put Dante, Leon and Sekiro in it, who else shud i add
Sora and Cloud
That's how it works you fucking dolt.
>no argument except it being tradition
imagine being this much of a weeaboo
That is the argument fuckhead. That's how things work. Nobody cares that you can read a shit language.
it could hypothetically apply to any region and language, there's just no games that launch without english support besides japanese ones.
imagine getting mad at people who didn't play a game until it was released in their home country in a language that they understand
there's no problem waiting to play a game, there's problems with pretending so hard it's a new game that you vote for it to win awards over games that were actually released that year.
i can't read japanese, i just don't pretend games only exist once they're localized.
People call them GOTY that year because they're localized that year. How hard is this to grasp?
> the game year only matters when its localized!
By that logic, Mother 1 is a game from 2015 rahter than 1989
Why does this image make me mad?
Tumblr art style
I can understand finding three or maybe even 5 of those games unenjoyable but all of them?
>All that Jap trash
Fuck me, it was a good year
It's not like the West made any good games in 2017
Meanwhile the west had Mass Effect Andromeda.
be as butthurt as you want, that's still how it fucking works
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy and Mario + Rabbids (Made by Ubisoft)
What's with Geralt?
Not it doesn't retard, if a game comes out that year, it is out that year, kill youself.
This is stupid shit and you know it.
2019 is pretty good so far
>Divinity OS2
>TW Warhammer 2
>Hollow Knight
It came out in a different country.
>2019 is pretty good so far
2019 did have a good as fuck start but after March, things have tapered off.
I mean:
Ace Combat 7
Kingdom hearts 3
Devil May Cry 5
REmake 2
Vesperia Definite Edition
and others I am likely forgetting
Why? Nothing else good is coming out this year
>comes out in east
>not part of Western GOTY
wow that's complicated
American zoomer retards like you deserve death
what an argument
>What's with Geralt?
that is the guy from Nioh
>The best immersive-sim released in years
>One of the best CRPGs released ever
>One of the best Metroidvanias ever
>no good western games on 2017
o i am laffin
>so bad it turned Tales into a mobile franchise
>literally the exact same shit as earlier Personas, very thinly disguised as something new
>game even it's own fans agree has terrible combat and a terrible story, only liked for being Japanese
Imagine liking any of these games
>game even it's own fans agree has terrible combat and a terrible story, only liked for being Japanese
>praised for having various styles
>praised for having easily the best story in the serirs
At least try.