Play Vermintide 2

Play Vermintide 2.

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where's the content

I did then I DC'd during the incredibly long and drawn out last mission just when we were about to win. Never played again since because fuck that. We all have no more health, no more healing and all we could do was pelt the dumb electrifying rat very slowly with ranged attacks and taking turns reviving each other after we died. Fuck was that last mission so difficult.

*blocks your path*

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Isn't there a new dlc with beast men soon?

Why swedes are lazy as fuck?

Anyone playing Warhammer Return to Reckoning?

Yes, Soon™. They announced it for the Summer earlier this year but said on stream that they have no release date at the moment


Why is the elf just standing around not fighting

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It's the national sport of choice.

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It's an elf.

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Silly mayfly can't you even grasp the basics of warfare

Who is worse, Fatshark or Bethesda?

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I never played modded realm.

She's blocking. Probably low on HP and doesn't want to be the one that goes down just before the end of the level.

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I really wanted to like v2 but it's so fucking boring.

I don't get how either honestly.

I've played it on free weekend. It's shit.

Not sure if I can go back to MMO combat.

the game was fun for like 20 hours but there is so little content.
>loot grinding
is not content. and honestly neither are the classes because everyone just recommends one class for each character

so I looked at the dlc
>$15 for 3 maps
are they fucking serious with this bullshit?

I don't know if I have time for a mission right now. Maybe later.

Game is boring, described as a teamwork centered game but your teammates actively try to ruin your experience.
Boring endgame, no content, no variety.
Just play L4D instead for another 100 hours.

Same, it feels like it's lacking something from the first one.

Loot grinding really isn't an issue. The best gear in the game are just orange items with maxed properties. The DLC added new weapons and the maps have secondary objectives that can actually be fun to try and accomplish with randoms.

I-I thought they were holding hands...

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You are lacking something from the first one.
Vermintide 2 is a direct upgrade in every way.

Give full

careers are a retarded addition along with the shitty press-q-to-win actions they bring

I think the first one still has some charm to it that you can't find in 2. 1 definitely has far better atmosphere, and personally I liked how shiny the weapons were in 1.

This. Can only play the same 4 maps before i start to get a wee bit bored

havent played since they added the workshop
did they fix silent patrols spawning on you, improve the pointless skill tree or allow customizing the fort hub?


But it's 12?

Shade with a purple pot is the only real "press-q-to-win" of the career skills. This isn't a pvp game, the careers and skills are a fine addition and their only problem is how lame the talent tree is.

Mostly, no and you can hang up paintings.

>did they fix the silent patrols spawning on you
I think so, I haven't had them spawn on me in a long while
>improve the pointless skill tree
Kind of, they reworked the Temp HP system, some skills are still pointless however
>or allow customizing the fort hub
You can collect painting scraps throughout all the levels now to hang paintings in the keep, that's about it.

I had like 300 hours in Vermintide 1, beat the entire base game on Cataclysm, but the DLCs only on Nightmare. Saltzpyre as main.

Despite the fact that is by all accounts right, that in everything save perhaps performance, VT2 is a direct upgrade, it does feel to be lacking something. I've only got 71 hours in, but I've beaten the entire game on Champ and half way through legend, and I can't help but agree that VT2 is lacking something.

My best guess is that it's too build-reliant, and the increased rate of horde and special spawns gives you less time to actually appreciate the level you're in. I also feel that some of the objectives are a bit less interesting and dynamic.

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Waiting on VT1 to go on sale, already bored of VT2 at 19 hours but it was fun when it was fresh.

Levels in 1 were designed differently both from 2 and one another. Every level in 2 is basically the same layout while in 1 you could have half the level left after you finished an objective. You had missions that were all in one location gathering things. Not every mission objective was built into the climax and you didn't always immediately escape after the climax.

Honestly if you find it boring jump up difficulty. Unless you beat everything on Legend and got all Heroes up to Level 30 in 19 hours.

>bored of game
>dude play it on hard
difficulty isn't inherently entertaining

is that fucking mickey mouse

>Playing Tencent shit
Fuck off, you soulless CCP drone

Is there a versus mode like in left 4 dead?

It is if you're not dead inside.

It is though? Vermintide II on Recruit and Legend feel like different games entirely.

modded realm is just a bunch of gameplay altering mods that have nothing fun visually like L4D since they want to keep everything normal.
why would they even care about how people choose to see their game

imagine feeling this way about like diablo or goldeneye which play completely different at higher difficulty levels

It's not Fatshark, it's Games Workshop. They are incredibly anal about EVERYTHING being "lore friendly".

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I don't have any friends to play it with.

Use Quickplay. People are usually really cool on Legend difficulty.

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I see what you mean. Feels like every VT2 level is trying to Castle Drachenfels (which was admittedly one of the best missions in VT1)

Glad to see the game has been optimized to a silky smooth 5 frames per second.

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Quality Swedish coding

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Why does it take them so long to add content?

They're idiots that try and simultaneously develop for three platforms when they can't even get the PC version working properly.

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How the fuck did the game's code get raped harder than Nanjing in the development of VT2?

I could run VT1 flawlessly but VT2 chugs like thomas the fucking tank engine.

I'm not saying this because I'm legally required to hate the Swedes, but their vidya studios all appear to be impressively incompetent

>Engines of war
>Black Powder
>Wizards tower
>Smugglers run
All four of these missions are significantly different in composition that you couldn't mistake them for one another. Every mission in 2 is different by aesthetics rather than by composition. Beyond that the actual objectives in the similarly composed missions feel different. Defending the wizard's tower feels very different from smashing the pox cauldron's chains. The only time a 2 climax feels different is bosses and Athel Yenlui otherwise they all feel like momentum based smash-and-grab.

I fucking miss speedrunning Black Powder

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that's bs, i played back VT1 after 250 hours of VT2 and it ran way worse and heated my computer even more

>Fortunes of War

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you're supposed to grind for slightly better loot!

>holding hands...

Dude, this is a blue board!

They blew their load on graphics/levels. Not much time or thought was probably put in longevity

hey guys, remember me?!

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>boot in
>VT2 thread
I love carrying as Battle Wizard

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I don't know what to tell you. Sometimes VT2 chugs for me, but VT1 never chugged.

My Australian friend constantly ate shit playing it though.

>killing floor 2
>get items that are marketable even when playing offline as soon as you go online

>none of the items are marketable, but you need to be online constantly and the game ends the session as soon as there is a slight dip in connection, because
I like the game, but the devs are quite retarded.

battle borne

this game was actually good though

this was not

don't forget

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Based fire mommy

>that rush when the Packmasters come in

Someone needs to do Kruber or Saltz dabbing


Holy shit this thread

>recruit levels.

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When the new dlc comes out, can only play for so long with no incentive other than killing stuff. Have all the cosmetics for characters I care about, aka not kerillian

Honestly I'd love to see slave rats do all these stupid animations. Skaven in Vermintide are so fucking lovable in a weird way. I think it's their top tier voice work.

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You ever look at the forum and JUST

I have about 7 hours in the first game. I like the idea but I never had much fun playing with randoms. Got 2 friends to play it with me for about 2 games and had a blast. But then they decided the game sucks and refused to ever play it again,

Keri is not an elf, ""she's"" a shaved skaven in disguise

Who Slayer here?

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>All these Stormvermin lines that aren't used

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Wasted potential, the studio.

Globadiers even have minutes worth of voice lines, yet absolutely zero of them are used in-game. Also this little gem. This is an official render of the Ranger Veteran on their own website, yet the helmet he's wearing can only be worn by Ironbreaker in-game.

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I stopped playing Slayer after they changed Dual Axes, literally no reason to play the class now.

I loved the beginning of the game when I started but then realized that it feels like a shorter L4D clone. I hope the new DLC has tons more maps.

Vermintide PvE is ojectively superio to L4D in every way imaginable. L4D only wins because of Versus Mode. Unfortunately Fatshark isn't smart enough to keep a consistent build of the game so they don't constantly re-introduce bugs so they'll never make one for Vermintide.

what do you get for jumping all the way to the top in the main hub?

I did. I ran out of shit to do. Fun base game, needed a lot more content.

Bethesda has funding which they underperform with. Fatshark is just normal lazy indie dev.

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Funny how you people are okay with playing the same 5 maps in Left 4 dead 2 for hundreds, if not thousands of times but then complain about the 18 maps of Vermintide after clearing them +3 times

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When people say L4D they always mean Versus Mode

Wrong, if they did then warhammer 2 wouldn't have lore breaking mods.

>same 5 maps
You mean 25, not including DLC or mods.
There are 5 campaigns with each campaign being broken into 5 levels that are only marginally shorter than the average vermintide 2 level.

Not to mention
>All of the levels from the first game are added for free
>Fatshark let's you buy 3 maps from VT1 for $15

They are part of the Quickplay rotation though. You just can't host them if you don't buy them. And if at least one person owns the DLC the entire room can play the maps.