Enemy can stunlock you for 72 hours

>enemy can stunlock you for 72 hours

Srlsy fuck this kinda enemy

Attached: download.jpg (600x603, 46K)

I always headshot them

>not carrying an infinite amount of parlyz heals

He only uses that attack under certain conditions, and it's highly telegraphed. Git gud

>enemy can fly

Attached: 1446188501547.webm (236x426, 678K)

oh my gawd what a fuckin cutie :)

Attached: 1520585745806.jpg (1280x720, 37K)

>You can do a side mission to get a new party member

Attached: Modding Coop into singleplayer.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

I know! It's so wholesome! Sugay r gliders are just beans! :3

>enemies that ruin the game they is in

>enemy is fat and does it for free

Is he gay too


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>enemy can range block an entire area

Attached: 1511374967732.jpg (540x507, 38K)

if i knew my son was a fucking worthless nigger janny i would kill the bastard


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That's nothing, little babby. Got banned from /ck/ for 21 days for saying the board is nothing but fast food threads now.

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i aint clickin that shit nigga

mr morris?

>enemy permanently removes one of your abilities

Attached: filtercucked.png (910x532, 382K)

Look at him go

>Tranny janny will dilate this thread

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