>One of your party members is a traitor
every FUCKING time
>one of your party members is a traitor
>it's really obvious even if you've never played the game before
>you can't do anything about it
>even if you gimp their leveling and equipment, the game just gives them a bunch of shit once they turn against you
I've only seen a non-shit JRPG do this like five times.
>most of your party used to be villains or people you fought before befriending
it's neat when they temporarily betray you and it's possible to win them back to your side
>game ends and none of them were traitors
What the fuck?
>the traitor is the one you used the least
>playing tales games
Tales series comes to mind.
It's almost become a game to guess which party member is gonna be the traitor before the game comes out
>The traitor goes ahead and fucking kills a party member midway trough the story
>You can forgive her and she can come back into your party
Fuck Ella
>party member backstabs you, only to backstab the villain later on and give you an advantage in the finale
recommend me some games with this, I've only ever played 2 JRPGS where one of them was actually a real traitor (i.e. ones like mutated Bertrand in EO2U or the party split in DeSu2 don't count).
i feel like the "traitor twist" has been a hot new fad with jrpgs ever since persona 3 and 4 did it (not with party members, but still).
i especially hated it with crow in trails of cold steel, because it's not believable, it relies on ass-pulls that have to be explained in an exposition dump towards the end of the game, and felt like it was just thrown in to meet a criteria.
Eternal sonata comes to mind
if you can ignore THAT one sceneit's a pretty good game
>party member betrays you
>you kill them
>rest of the party hates how you handled the situation
>they all turn on you too
I fucking hate it when they actually are cheeky enough to pull the same character betraying you multiple times, and then you never fucking kill them, your party just forgives the traitor after everything.
Kek, can't believe this happens every time. It's like thanks I guess. I could have done it without you, but alright. You can come back.
Then don't play Tales of Xillia
What are the cheekiest JRPGs?
holy fuck, yes. this also applies to crow. if he got his way, he would have killed the whole party and some of their friends, but they still all forget about that and suck his dick at the end like he did nothing wrong.
That a really odd thing to believe considering they've been having traitors in JRPGs before Persona 3.
>Main character is the traitor
>Tells the player to go fuck yourself and that he doesn't need you anymore
>Supporting character joins the antagonists so he can fix his imouto
>Joins MC in the last third of the game because some higher ups put him in an unwinnable situation
Based Beat
>the loli leaves your party
stop it, give her back
>party member you get in the mid game is way stronger than anyone in your group will ever be
>dies heroically 5 hours later when you have become wholly dependent on him
Mother 1?
I posted the one I meant but sure
>every FUCKING time
You say that like it's common.
Persona 5
>Loli betrays you because he family was held hostage but big bad
Trails of Cold Steel in general is a fucking trainwreck
>Crow fakes his alter ego's death
>Just kidding Crow's alter ego's alive, and PLOT TWIST, it's Crow!
>crow kills big bad Osborne and joins the darkside
>but not really because Osborne was secretly alive and pulling the strings the whole time
>oh and by the way, Crow dies for real this time!
>But not really, he was revived and is now working with the big bad Osborne
>lol george is evil and kills angelica
>millium fucking dies and turns into a sword
>Oh shit, Olivert, Toval and Victor just fucking blew up
>Nope, angelica, olivert, toval and victor are all alive and millium's pseudo-alive
>oh, and osborne's working with the evil already-thought-to-be-dead father of the main character's canon love interest
>turns out they're all actually good guys and osborne and crow kill themselves alongside rean and Millium to save the day from the interdimensional mecha hatred ayy lmaos who are the real bad guys
>but not really because the timeline canonically shifts to give you the best ending where everybody lives and they all live happily ever after
>except osborne, lolrip
>All the party members except the MC were villain and betrayed him
>the party members are good guys who betray the MC at the end because they don't understand and perceive the MC as the bad guy
>the villain is a good guy just trying to do the right thing too
>MC and the "bad guy" now rage against the entire world, fighting for true justice
Jesus, that sounds like a fucking trainwreck
its the worst arc in the franchise desu
Baten Kaitos was good.
The end of LISA was fucking soulcrushing. The villain and Brad's party members just wanted to save the world.
Brad wanted to save his daughter even if it meant fucking over the world.
The world was fucked anyway dude, just 1 woman isn't going to solve the problem
I fucking hate how it just took one game out of nine games to turn Osborne from one of the greatest JRPG villains of all time to a fucking joke of a character
I can't even praise how well written the old Osborne was just because of how fucking bad Cold Steel 4 ruined him
>those spoilers
Glad I gave up on Cold Steel and decided to play Sky instead
cait sith. Except everyone doesn't mind that he's a traitor for no good reason
Well in fairness they can't kill him even if they wanted to.
Does that count?
I mean, you find out before he joins up
Different kinds of cheek in different eras, but Terranigma is really fucking cheeky.
Tales of Legendia is the worse shit ever.
FUCK you, Shirley.
>One of your party members is a traitor
>stabs you in the back multiple times
>team keeps letting him rejoin each time
I'll be good this time, I promise
Berseria didn't suffer from this
>Someone is tricking your party
>Everyone in the party has figured out they are being tricked
>Calling the person out on their bullshit leads to a bad end
>Blindly going along with it not even knowing what you are doing leads to the good end
Fucking Bravely Default
Main Character is the one that betrays the party and has been working with the villains all along.
AND it's the midgame twist.
God I loved this game
This. Has it ever been done better in other games? I doubt it
I haven't played it but I heard some point Xenosaga, the main character betrays everybody in the final game.
Same developers as Baten Kaitos too.
I fucking hate Shion as a character but she's probably the most realistically written woman in the entire JRPG genre. It's funny how every player can agree that they hate her but also agree she's a great character.