Majora's Mask 3D is a good remake/port, deal with it

Majora's Mask 3D is a good remake/port, deal with it.

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I hope so cause i bought it recently

That video was in my reccomendations for a fucking month

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I was against it until I played it

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Textures, models, and some aspects of gameplay improved.
Atmosphere, boss fights, and basic gameplay tanked.
The video was a le epic youtube pessimism meme, but it got everything spot on.

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It’s alright but something you only need to play once while I could keep coming back to the original forever.

Gyorg and twinmold

This, they made that boss so tedious same with twinmold

Boss fights yes. All of them are a complete trainwreck. As was Zora Link. And the Ice Arrow dumbening was unforgivable. On atmosphere I'll agree on the moon. They ruined it. These hurt a lot.

But other than that, it is just as good or even better in the rest. Graphics are fine, I don't mind most of the changes. Gyro controls are fine. Deku Link water skipping just works differently and that part of the video was a needlessly long, dishonest hissy fit. I also will concede they could have not completely scrapped the limited saving to add to the challenge, but over all, the improvments to the song of Double Time and the Bomber Notebook eliminate a lot of worthless tedium the original had.

But the cons hurt me deeply and I understand if you prefer the original version. As a matter if fact, next time I replay this game, it will be the one I use to revisit it. It's not like Nintendo intends to replace it with the 3DS remake, since as we speak it is available for purchase on the WiiU and just intended as an alternative portable version the same way the SM64, Starfox and Ocarina remakes were.

Brightly-colored render distance fog killed a lot of the atmosphere in the game, not just the moon's.
All the textures are too fucking bright and clean.
> Deku Link water skipping just works differently and that part of the video was a needlessly long, dishonest hissy fit
Deku Link water skipping works WORSE and that part of the video was completely accurate. No part if it was dishonest. Deku Link was neutered just as hard as Zora Link.
The new Bomber Notebook and Song of Double Time were solid improvements, but they don't outweigh the fact that the game had its unique, offbeat nature and features torn away and decimated.

>No part if it was dishonest
Nope. He pretended something that was pretty far from impossible to do was impossible. He either did not understand how it worked or was indeed dishonestly pretending it did not.

It's far from unusable, just a little more cumbersome. And at the same time, he completely neglected to mention Goron Link had been beefed and is much more usable for combat, for one. Video was pretty dishonest and pessimistic overall. Plus it probably helps that all the atmosphere shit falls on deaf ears on me I'm sorry to say.

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Remake looks better

fake news

came here to post this, OP cant prove this video wrong no matter how hard he tries
some of the graphics and models arguably improved but most of the atmosphere went with it and the gameplay mechanics and controls are simply a total disaster

> lose all momentum when you hit water after a spin, killing a huge part of what made deku link feel fast on the water
> deku link has retardedly high momentum which forces you to stop and reposition between lily pads
I'll give you goron link but you're the one being either dishonest or retarded if you honestly think new deku link is just as good as old deku link.
Old Deku Link was light and agile with some neat tricks to make you feel even better.
New Deku Link feels three times as heavy minimally.
I'll keep it simple for you then: the old game was darker and weirder in visual design but not in a way that obscured anything important to gameplay. The remake kills that.

>It's far from unusable, just a little more cumbersome.
Okay. Then the point's still true. The Deku water skipping is worse.

Don't get me wrong. I'm with you on literally everything else you've said, but if his point was "This is worse", and it is, in fact, worse (with you also agreeing that it's worse), then I don't see the point in nitpicking the degree to which it's worse.

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I said cumbersome and "far from unusable". That is not exactly high praise. I know exactly how it works. You are either wildly overreacting or the one being dishonest by putting words in my mouth to start a pointless argument where there ought to be none, Yea Forums style, and I'm having none of that. Bye.

Yeah it's worse. But on the context of that video, emphasizing so much on that particular mechanic and completely skipping over other good stuff like Goron Link or the song of double time felt dishonest. Overplayed for clicks. Just that. Video presents lots of solid points but left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth is all. I prefer the original over all, I just don't think the remake is as unplayable as it's become popular to say.

And I need to get off my ass and play Pikmin 3.

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