Is this game worth giving the chinks all my info for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Indeed it is
This is just western anime Monster Hunter?
See image.
It's an inferior Monster Hunter with a Season Pass and somehow even less variety in monsters than MonHun.
>it's not literally monster hunter so it's bad
>Season Pass
So it doesn't just look like Fortnite copy pasta with monsters, it has the same business model?
Yup. It's free to play, with cosmetic stuff to earn and buy. That's why the artstyle is similar to Fortnite's as well.
If you can stomach the artstyle and can't/won't buy MonHun for any reason it's decent enough.
I tried the closed beta and it was the antithesis of fun because the dialogue for all the quests were Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel levels of garbage and it forcibly holds your hand like a horny milf in a grocery store.
Fuck no it's not good.
Already played way too much MHW. Was looking at this for something light while waiting for the update.
Looking at twitch streams of it though... It just looks cheap and generic.
maybe you should play a story driven game instead
I played dauntless until endgame and didnt even realize there was dialogues
that info is worthless so yes
Nah, even the heaviest weapons feel weightless. The monster variety is decent but most kind of have similar silhouettes. The battle pass isn't egregious in that it's totally not necessary but the game feels pretty bare and upgrading weapons isn't very fun because you're often times just statting up items instead of upgrading to wholly new weapons. Its weird that the artstyle has a lot of it's own personality whether people like it or not, but the game has no real sense of identity or character
This game only has the actual gear and monster fighting aspects correct? No exploring the map or gathering ingredients for tools.
It's either like Dark Souls or monhun but without the silly farm aspect.
you can gather plants for potions
No, even God Eater is better and more enjoyable as a hunting game.
If you want a F2P grinding simulator even Warframe has better gameplay
Oh yeah that reminds me. How did God Eater 3 turn out? Still active?
More shill threads? Nice.
It's bootleg Monster Hunter that was trying to cash in on the fact that there were no monhun games on PC...and then World came and killed any relevance it had.
If you don't want to pay for Monster Hunter World, then just play anything else
Other than the first 2 replies, the entire thread is about it being a shitty discount MH game.
Why everything in in this game is glossy and ugly ?
Gotta get those fortnite bucks. Trying to trick the kids into trying the game.
Which is a good thing. But it's pretty clear what the intent was.
any waifus this game please respond
My intent was to hear Yea Forums whether it was worth downloading shill games launcher to try it out.
Pirate those shitty god eater games and toukiden kiwami, is MHW piratable? Pirate all 3, dauntless is pretty trash. The game literally died during it's beta which was closed and then not so subtly open
Just check out the reviews on the Epic Games Store, they'll let you know how good it is.
>Dauntless closed beta: September 1st 2017
>Fortnite battle royale: September 26th 2017
no reviews on epic game stores any waifus this game please tell
here you go bro
thanks you she giv pusy?
The monster arenas have plants/ore that you can collect for crafting, but completing hunts also gives you regants.
god eater is discount monster hunter. this game is when discount monster hunter is still too rich for your blood
I had more fun with dauntless than god eater 3
I didnt even finish god eater 3 because of how clunky it is
That woman with the War Pike, what set is she wearing? It's some transmog stuff, isn't it?
The only reason Yea Forums is shitting on this game now is because it's on epic.
Not like it doesn't deserve shit but just letting you all know
Do they actually have sexy armors like the one on the right?
You're delusional. Yea Forums has been shitting on it forever since it's a dumpster fire and deserves the flack.
Dauntless is fucking ugly.
just because you weren't there to see it, doesn't mean it never happened.
The clunky mechanics unironically are what make mh and God eater to feel weighty and also make the player feel good about each attack being deliberate and coordinated instead of just spamming attacks and it always connecting effortlessly, it's why hammer Bros and greatsword players always feel so good about getting the BIG HIT or longsword players being stoked that they got their whole combo off, this even extends to faster weapons with dual swords players being stoked they got their whole devil mode used up effectively. Dauntless lacks all of this feeling because combat is so fluid and easy
>Yea Forums has been shitting on it forever
not really, it even had a general
I shit on this game for being a monster hunter rip off that doesn't even bother to add creative features like god eater or toukuden does
Being on epic is just the hemorrhoid cherry on top of the shit sundae
I said now as in CURRENTLY Yea Forums has literally already been over this and is now ass mad again because its on epic now
No, just pirate it instead. Do not give money to the ching chongs.
I dunno I tried when it first came out and my character was stuck under the tutorial map and could never get out
Dauntless has been shit on at least ever since MHW got its PC announcement.
Yeah before the beta came out. Few hours after release every post in everydauntless thread was shitting on it.
>check behemoth list
>O N L Y 1 9 B I G M O N S T E R S
not specifically because of epic. it's become relevant again because it officially released on pc and console
how do you pirate free to play?
>19 monsters
Downloading it now seems like a monster hunter lite which might be decent for a while, could be pure dogshit tho
>6 weapon types
really? They all seem like the most obvious and boring ones as well.
less actually, some have variations
>not specifically because of epic
You can kiss my ass if you think that's true. 2 posts into every dauntless thread is
The only reason threads are even getting posted is to shitpost about epic more
Bonus points for the characters looking like trannies
is there a game Yea Forums doesnt shit on other than jap shit?
It's not being shit on because of the epic store though. People were shitting on it prior. It is now being talked about because it is being released, is shitty, and also on the epic store. There weren't hordes of people saying THIS GAME IS GREAT! up until it released on epic. The game was ded during the beta because it was shit, not because a bunch of retards with Crystal balls foresaw it being on the epic store
Reminder that Yea Forums will legitimately endorse gatcha games
You're so easily triggered. Are you going to call us faggots and sjws again?
so like coming from mh what do you even do then? depending on the game monster hunter would introduce 19 big monsters within the first 2-10 hours. if thats literally all this game has whats the endgame?
>whats the endgame
making builds, just like monster hunter
If you have access to Monster Hunter either via Console, PC or emulation, you don't need Dauntless.
pretty much nothing at the moment
>not because a bunch of retards with Crystal balls foresaw it being on the epic store
nobody expected it, but bribe money is strong
Relax you baby bitch
The only thing that i'm saying is that the only reason we're even talking about this game is so people can shit post about the shitty chinese store.
MH gets boring after a while for non autists.
The fuck? That artwork looks infinitely better than anything actually in the game.
please provide me with your personal info in this thread, thanks in advance
Everyone is saying how shit the game is, independent of platform, since it was shit before already.
It's just a buggier, shittier version of God Eater.
don't forget to change your gender identity in the options menu
This legit looks like a tranny. Not even memeing
Jesus fucking christ. How the fuck is this a real thing.
I don't deny there are definite shills. I just don't think people ONLY hate it for epic store shit. Same goes for outer wilds, I think lots of people are salty about it being epic exclusive, but more people are pissed about how fuck awful it looked at the e3 presentation
La creatura.
I mean, Dauntless at least never promised to come out on Steam.
>Indie game looks cheap
>tried to get friends into MH by showing them World
>no one liked it
>Dauntless comes out
>they're all excited to play it
Is it the Fortnite graphics? I dont get it
Nigger if it's gonna be a Monster Hunter clone it better not half-ass it. Dauntless is terrible for the purpose.
I believe this story 100%
It's because it's free and your friends are cheap
My guess would be a mix of cartoony graphics, free, and looking extremely simple and easy.
>"monster hunter btfo"
fucking lol
Your friends are not autists. MH gameplay look terrible at first glance
>samefagging in a shill thread
ok then. guess that makes this advertising huh?
aaaand dropped
does she have chickenpox
You can play the Console versions and Not link or make a Epic account.
>Fortnitefags on my friends list kept commenting on my MHWorld trophies asking me "dude why dont you just play dauntless lmao"
>see this
(s)he has a adam's apple and a trans flag phone.
I suppose i could try that. How does it run on ps4? usual sub 30 fps lagfest?
is that smug as a teenager?
i distracted dots on face
beard stubble. His phone case is the tranny flag.
>free to play indie game is lower quality than a 15 years old franchise made by triple-A devs
I wouldn't recommend playing the game at all honestly.
Not only is it a very shallow discount dollar store Monster hunter but it's also still plagued with the exact same bugs and network issues has it has had for about 2 years now.
I'm sure you thought you had a point but being an indie game doesn't absolve it of being a bad clone
Doesn't help that the devs making it don't actually fix anything that's wrong with it.
Why the fuck does it take 10 mins for me to make a Private hunt? It's just me hunting. What is it looking for hunters?
you're comparing it to monster hunter so that's stupid
the game is not bad, I had fun playing it
>you're comparing it to monster hunter so that's stupid
What do you think the game is a clone of, user?
>you're comparing it to monster hunter so that's stupid
But its literally f2p Monster Hunter
You can't deny regardless that indie games are shit and have no right to exist, fuck off tranny.
Nigga its in the same genre, would you call battlefeild a clone of cod because you can run and shoot people in both games?
>games been in beta for at least a year
>every single update fucks something related to playing or account wise
>every two week patch is to fix the last patch bugs and no hot fixes ever to fix the current almost no matter how much is breaks the game
Someone whose played since launch and got the alpha, I see potential very small potential at a fucking snails pace. Game is 3/5 not fucking god awful but not even worth noticing half the time.
Shut the fuck up.
Ok, so its a shitty game in the monster hunter genre.
>it's the same genre so it's a clone
>halo is a clone of counter strike btw
this is how stupid you sound
>indie games are shit and have no right to exist
Shovel knight wishes to have word with you
Monster Hunter is a genre?
Look now what you typed out sounds less brain dead
good job
what's wrong with it?
the fact that it doesnt have the same amount of content and polish of a $60 triple-A game?
No, the fact the game has been in beta for 2 years and it's a complete buggy mess. I got disconnected 2/3rds of the way through a fight and had to reconnect in a queue in position 20000. The game design is actually decent but this game will lose any momentum if these problems aren't fixed within a week or two.
This man here has a brain
Shovel Knight is garbage lmao.
I killed every monsters during the closed beta and didn't encounter a single bug other than server issues at some point
>got to endgame a long ass time ago in Beta
>dropped it for World
>reinstalled it today
>ran a few hunts
Off the top of my head:
- the UI is still fucked
- movement is still janky
- netcode is still utterly fucked, rubberbanding, delay and desync issues abound
- hit detection is even more fucked, how is this even possible
- very little new content since then and it's been a while
- queue to get in but 3 minutes to find a hunt
- quests are still horrible
- weapon balance is still all over the place
- did I mention hit detection? it's fucked for you AND the god damn monster
It's, sadly, amateurish. Not bad, not good, just an amateurish product that will get chewed up and spat out in a few months by the industry.
Stick to MH.
>server issues are bugs
Shovel knight is just shitty Mario in a Mario game genre
My apologies I was incorrect then. I didn't get assfucked by a bug, I got assfucked by a server issue. My rectum sure feels a lot better now!
Action RPG is a genre
Monster Hunter isnt
>Estimated queue position: 20000
Make way chinks white man coming through
There is no issues with hitboxes you retard. Learn how to hit big monster with a stick without missing
Im playing it just in the hope that maybe after Dauntless my friends will give MH a second change and we can all move on to the better game
Love how thats the only thing of his you could even attempt to refute.
>muscle arms
>completely flat sotmach and chest
what is this tranny shit?
None of the weapons are remotely complex.
Use a hammer to stun, Use a Spear to wound. Use a sword for damage period, Never use a scythe because they are just bad, Axes are your Great Swords. They work entirely the same but less options, and Guns are support and possibly the only remotely complex weapon in the game because they are comprised of 4 parts. Each part giving Damage numbers, Barrel giving element, Chamber giving Attack skill, Grip giving support skill and a prism giving a passive.
Now on the the technical side of things. Takes upwards to about 10 mins to get into a private hunt at least. Takes less to play with randoms weirdly enough. The element table is fucking weird. Fire beats ice and ice beats fight. Lightning beats Earth and Earth beats lightning. You would think there would a element circle but that's not the case.
The game liked disconnect you 2/5ths of the time during hunts
Currently the servers are clogged with Fortnite kiddies so it takes ages to log in. Thier twitter says they lowered the amount of people they are letting into the server. They have one fucking server and decided to make the game cross platform.
They only think I like about the game is the Mastery system. Getting rewarded for filling out 8 tabs worth of achievements
You're right I didn't experience much bugs except one deleted cell but it doesn't mean the others that are complaining about it doesn't exists.
Hunger revive bug still around, the god hand damage finally got fixed after it was in a bugged exploit state multiple times.
Just because I wasn't effect by every single bug doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Every other time I use the hurricane special because I think it's fun I can't sprint at all.
I'm not surprised nor will I continue using it, using the stagger cells with unstaggerable specials conflict with each other and I still get knocked down.
They exist don't pretend they don't just cause they don't effect us.
they not asking you shit you dont have friends
stop tryna be cool we know you a sissy
>male jawline and cheekbones
I kind of enjoy it so far, but the p2w shit is stupid, and I can tell in the future it'll go beyond just orbs, you'll probably be able to buy weapons outright, or parts needed for a weapon with platinum. Also the battle pass seems nearly impossible to progress in reasonably.
Guns aren't complex in the slightest, the only options you actually have are "do you want damage or support" for all the pieces, then on the barrel "What element do you want" which you'd obviously switch up between behemoths. There's no reason to ever not use the sprite prism, either, extra damage, even if it's up against a frost behemoth.
>Never use a scythe because they are just bad >Guns are support
These two are the only incorrect things about your post
You're probably going to have to play with them as well.
This guy is spot on. Also their fucking store is bugged for a lot of people right now and has been for multiple days. You literally cannot give them money if you even wanted to. The mastery system is actually pretty good though. Gives a reason to craft all the weapons.
I don't get paid to answer your blog posts on chineese carton board
Probably this. Im far less likely to try out a game if I have to pay for it.
>depending on the game monster hunter would introduce 19 big monsters within the first 2-10 hours.
Dauntless introduces 16 monsters in the first 8 hours and then make you wait some more for the last 3 with variations of those 16 monsters.
so dauntless is over in like 10 hours?
>"MH gameplay look terrible at first glance"
>"But this MH ripoff's gameplay does!"
Bargain bin soulless MH for 8 year olds.
You interpreted that post very poorly
I'm enjoying the hammer
Shovel Knight is good, you are all dumb niggers
If it's not your style try the following:
House of the Dying Sun
Hyper Light Drifter
World of Goo
Super Hexagon
Devil Daggers
Talos Principle
Cave Story
Environmental Station Alpha
Hollow Knight
Reflex Arena
Zero K
Nope, because they add MORE variations of those 19 monsters (like tempered monsters).
So it's over in like 30-35 hours.
>he does it for free
post female characters
come on, do it you cowards
Where did I go wrong?
The first post said his friends didn't like monster hunter, yet are excited for dauntless, a shameless monter hunter clone, you say monster hunters gameplay looks terrible yet they want to play a lower quality ripoff
How am I wrong in calling you a dumb ass? I'll apologize if I'm wrong but you seem like a retard
You won't kill every behemot in those 10 hours, this isn't monster hunter world where you don't need skill to kill stuff.
As opposed to any other weapon which is. What element I want? and nothing else.
You make your own gun. You choose which passive you want, which support skill, Which attack skill, which element. skills power up as you reload near the enemy.
Nothing of the other weapons have remotely that level of complexity and the gun doesn't have the amount of complexity a fucking Great sword has in Monster hunter.
It's all trash.
Because Monster Hunter combat does look like garbage at first glance.
It's not until you actually sit down and play it for a while that it shows how good it is.
Which looks more fun at first glance to you retard?
I'm not that user but i respect your ability to at least reflect on what you said
I've only played a few hours, but so far it is really casual and easy, it's got all the systems on top of systems on top of systems annoying f2p bullshit that's designed to be confusing, and the writing/lore is cringy and zoomer as fuck. Also the art style is literally fortnite, and it's hideous.
I'm going to keep playing and see if the difficulty ever ramps up and maybe gets fun.
>which support skill
>which attack skill
there's like 3 choices for each and 2 are variations on support, 1 is attack.
Quit hyping it up, faglord.
>implying there are actually anywhere close to 20k people playing, and that isn't just Epic making shit up to try to look good.
>4 people cluster bombing behemoth vs a tutorial on how to use a weapon
>The tutorial timestamped to show the guy damaging him self for dps bonuses
You can't honestly sit here and say that those two videos are reflective of first glance gameplay
The ONLY even remotely difficult thing is Shrowd and even then it's easy after you learn a few patterns. Everything else has like 3 moves at most .
I'm not hyping it up. I'm just saying that the Gun is the only remotely complex thing in this shit stain of a game. Everything else is even more brain dead.
2grips,3chambers,6prisms,6 passives. Not counting barrels obviously.
i'm enjoying this open alpha
This isn't a tutorial, this is how endgame in dauntless looks like and how endgame in mh;w looks like. But this is my "first glance" since first thing i always do is looking at end game gameplays.
>endgame is basically loobox galore
>this is how endgame in dauntless looks
Its a video about builds
No, i played last year, the core gameplay is fine, but it needs more, i tried to open it again yesterday and found out that even if you already had it installed you need to install EGS launcherto play it, killed any chance of me ever going back to it
Sitting in queue is the true endgame. There is no such thing as paid lootboxes in dauntless
Time to reinstall, haven't played since beta
Its te zoom zoom syndrome.
Dountlles is easy to play and doesnt chalange the imaginaton of people playng it becouse evrithing in it looks generick.
And zoom zooms cant handle games that take time to learn and look original.
As someone who plays regularly don't do that.
If you were at endgame when you stopped then you're at endgame now.
>Take time to learn
at least you tried
I am not paid by anyone, I am on a VIDEOGAME board and if people genuinely think "there are no good indie games" I am only telling you because i like videogames and want you to be able to enjoy things yourself, and free yourself from the AAA dogshit trash
These both look bad
This but unironically.
I had a fortnite friend refuse to play other FPS with me because he "doesnt have the time or effort to learn something new" same with SC2 players and RTS
are you 14 years old or something?
AAA dogshit > indie pixelwank garbage
-epic shill/10
I wish the servers would fucking work, I cannot finish a single hunt without disconnecting.
Is it just me or is the gameplay much tighter and better flowing than Monster Hunter?
Thank you for you insight
>20k queue
>still can't find a group even for one of the first monsters
>have to wait out 2 minute timer every time, even after waiting forever to get into a session
I am also tired of 2D pixel shit considering I have been playing it almost exclusively since 2008 or so; however, that doesn't deny the fact that binding of isaac / enter the gungeon / nuclear throne are all much better games than any AAA Released this year
Not really.
It is a shit monster hunter rip-off. The only notable thing about it is that it is free. One of the worst Monster Hunter knock-offs at this point.
The second Monster Hunter announced a PC version this game was dead.
DMC5, Sekiro, RE2:Remake and Division 2 would like a word, autist.
>implying mhw doesnt have a lot you can learn and get better at
I prefer MHGU in every way and I'm still not retarded enough to try and act like that's the truth.
Don't bother. You can't reason with a roguelike autist.
I know you have to justify your purchase of an AMD video card but you don't need to be such a dumbass about it.
DMC5 is good but not better than most other DMC games
Sekiro is good but has poor replayability compared to previous DS games. I still liked it though and enjoyed it yes.
RE2 is good but quite different and again I'm not sure a 4-6 hour game that you're supposed to play through 3-4 times is really a good example of games today.
Division 2 is dogshit as is every loot'n'shoot, but at least it's better than anthem/destiny2, and that's all it needed to succeed.
If anything I'm surprised you didn't mention ace combat 7, because I thought that was pretty good.
Those are not BAD games but they aren't really incredible games. Hyper Light Drifter is probably better than all of them if you can get past the art style. Or Ruiner, or Foxhole.
This. Where the fuck is everyone?
I think the last I killed were shrowd and reza
id assume the servers are fucked. i couldnt even get past character creation last night without getting stuck in an infinite loading screen.
Does not change the fact that it's easy to steamroll through.
It is some kind of new insult? Are you screaming at your mother "epic shill" each time she ask you to get a job?
i love watching good hammer players. that shit is like an art i just get smacked around every time i try.
arguing for complexity in monster hunter-like games is full retard, what fucking monster hunter weapon has any complexity? you literally spam one combo with everything, of all the reasons to not like the game, you could at least use one that makes sense.
This this game is extremely popular and the servers are overloaded. Oh no that doesn’t fit into the narraive ugggghhhh
>literally making a thread and shitposting positive replies
absolutely no.
It's a discount monster hunter with flat, shitty arenas and clunky movement.
Nobody smart will fall for their shitty twitch marketing, and everyone who TRIED the game before it was "released", knows it's fucking garbage
You should try reading threads before shitposting in them.
>and everyone who TRIED the game before it was "released", knows it's fucking garbage
I like it
But Monster Hunter is already a janky discount game lol?
T. a guy who didn't played the game before release
It's f2p, you'd be surprised how big of a fucking faggot people become once they have to pay for something.
This applies specially to autistic zoomer fortnite kids who steal their parents creditcards to buy skins instead of proper games
i played before release and like it
>proper games
And what is a proper game?
You have got to be high, or just trolling, holy fuck. I knew Yea Forums was infested with brainlets, but you're on a whole other level. DMC5 is one of the best games ever made, to refute this exposes your status as a roguelike shitter. Also, nice projection, I don't own an AMD card nor do I play on PC.
Bow guns and bow has ammo types and various attack modes.
SnS has the ability to use items during combat without sheathing their weapon.
Hammer has various moves related to their position and charge while also allowing you to manually increasing your Knockout damage.
Great Swords has chain charges, Blocks and pushes mid combo.
Long sword builds it's meter multiple times over to perform various special moves.
Hell. The least complex weapon in Mohan is the fucking Lance and that is still more complex than anything in fucking Dauntless.
>Hyper Light Drifter is probably better than all of them if you can get past the art style. Or Ruiner, or Foxhole.
>tumblr indie trash “games”
Oof/yikes and a cringe
>It's all trash.
>Quit hyping it up
Fucking cells alone in dauntless are more complex to use than this shit, at least play both before spreading bullshit
>DMC5 is one of the best games ever made
No cuz western BAD japanese GOOD
>KHfag being disdainful toward DMC5
imagine my surprise, how's the disappointment feeling buddy? :)
>tfw this the most posts a dauntless thread will ever receive
I played it in beta and had fun
>sns can use items in combat
how is that complex? has nothing to do with the weapon itself
>bowguns have ammo
and you only use one type cause everything else sucks lmfao, not like it's complex to use either, literally just stand back and barrage monster, easy mode weapon for babies.
>hammer positioning
dauntless hammer is far more complex and has the same positioning for KO
>GS charges
same as axe, only thing it has extra is shoulder tackle, but axe has a stacking damage buff that you can't miss with or you lose it
>LS has a meter
so does dauntless sword.
your argument is piss poor and you clearly didn't play dauntless for more than 10 minutes, nobody is going to deny that monster hunter is better than dauntless, but this is not the reason why.
And half the posts aren't even about it!
Nigga you have no idea. The game just launched and will get a shit ton of threads now.
Fuck off, KH is trash too. But you honestly think DMC5 is better than 1 or 3, let alone Ninja Gaiden Black/2, Metal Gear Solid 1/3, literally any Zelda game, Metroid Prime, Phantasy Star Online, or FF6-12?
They're still endgame
Literaly yesterday there was a thread with like 400 posts.
Oh, you are a retrofag. I thought i recognized the holier than though attitude and garbage opinions from somewhere.
>than 1 or 3
Yes, but barely, still yes.
>NG Black/2
Equal to NG2, above Black.
nigga these aren't even action games but yes, better than both, though I would regard MGS1-3 as some of the best games ever made as well
>Any Zelda
yes, not hard to be either
See above.
>PS Online
See above.
Don't play faggot gaylord turn based shit.
Boy i sure do love playing in 20fps on PS4
Sekiro and RE2 are better than DMC5. Probably Days Gone too.
>giving chinks anything
Chinese people are not human and deserve only scorn and hatred. But Japanese games and American home products.
>all that weeb shit
We get it, you are a virgin.
Homo lol
What's the matter, chinks?
is epic's (bribe) "sponsored" twitch marketing failing?
Days Gone would’ve been genuinely good if the AI for everything wasn’t so fucking stupid. The game is barely even a game because that word implies some manner of interactivity but in DG everything is so stupid it feels almost like an unfinished product.
Who cares about epic? It launched on console, you know the only market which matters.
>Good argument completely ignored by unrelated shit posting
Every time
DMC is weeb shit
Probably never played any of them lol
DMC has always been a western action game, Kamiya and Itsuno both utilise US Action movies and tropes for the series and cite them as a massive inspiration. The aesthetics of DMC3 and 4 being anime shit then returning to the stylised realism of 1 and 2 doesn't make the series weebshit at all. Unless you're a brainlet who thinks anything from Japan = weebshit.
>team of me as melee with 3 repeater randos.
>90% of the time the behemoth only attacking me alone.
Yeah, bullshit game design.
Cells are just fucking Decorations and Charms and skills. It's pretty shitty because Dauntless only allows 2 cells per piece of equipment.
>how is that complex? has nothing to do with the weapon itself
It does though. No other weapon has the ability to use items without sheathing the weapon and it also can Use the slinger and back in generations they also exclusively had use to Blade Oils. These are all things only the SnS can do.
>and you only use one type cause everything else sucks lmfao, not like it's complex to use either, literally just stand back and barrage monster, easy mode weapon for babies.
I see you haven't played but instead just regurgitate what you have heard while shitposting in MH generals.
>dauntless hammer is far more complex and has the same positioning for KO
Press triangle immediately after pressing Square so you deal like 10% more damage until a flurrish where you repeat. With the occasional jump through the air to perform an aerial attack. Yawn. missing half of the moveset a hammer does in Monster hunter.
Same shit for GS except more moves.
>so does dauntless sword.
Which it only uses for flinging sword beams while LS gets to spend it for Special attacks and Massive damage increase.
>Your argument is piss poor.
Like Dauntless?
I didn't say Celeste you dumb nigger
I guess threads about fortnite-like dogshit attract the stupidest people on this site, because you have to be out of your fucking mind to think DMC5 is even one of the best platinum games, let alone action games, let alone games of all time. Maybe if you've never played anything pre-2010.
You should have, it is better than all of those games.
As long as you can ignore the shitlord dev and that trannies also like it.
DMC5 isn't platinum you utter spastic.
Is MH easier than this. First time playing something like this and I actually like it. Makes me want to get MHW.
>have CBT account
>decide to install it on my PS4
>have to link my old account to a EPIC BRO acc
>have to link that to my PS4
>Queue says 14 minutes
>everyone bitching about 3 hour queue times and i assume i got lucky
>14 minutes passes and suddenly 180+ minute queue
i don't think i fucking care at this point.
based mom
>Cells are just fucking Decorations and Charms and skills. It's pretty shitty because Dauntless only allows 2 cells per piece of equipment
Ever heard about power creep? You find lack of it "shitty"? No wonder you love MH:W
Also, with that you confirmed you never played dauntless.
It really isn't, though. Neither is a hat in time.
Nah it's harder and actually takes skill, and I say this as a Dauntlessbro.
MH is more complex
World monsters will combo you sometimes and are a bit harder to avoid
Dauntless monsters hit hard but are easy as fuck to avoid and have iffy hitboxes
I don’t care about monster variety, is there weapon variety? MonHun has absolutely dogshit weapon variety. It’s either boring, too similar to something else, or only used for stuns.
Every weapon will be able to use items unsheathed post-iceborne, this isn't a complex mechanic, it's just casualization, a mechanic being unique to a weapon doesn't make it an interesting or complex one, sns was way better in GU but if you think mhw sns has any kind of complexity you're just delusional.
I have played bowguns and the only ammo you're going to use is explosive shit and status, or spread which is just turning it into a shotgun. even if you used more than that it's still not complex whatsoever, how anyone can think bowguns have complexity is beyond me, they completely trivialize the game and all you have to do is spend 5 minutes to read what they do.
Hammer moveset in world is basically just a cucked greatsword with no range and gimped effectiveness in multiplayer, not sure what's so complex about charging up an attack but this weapon has no reason to exist in world, the hammer in dauntless has an active reload mechanic, ability to expend ammo on your basic attacks, and reload all in the same string of moves, a good hammer player in dauntless makes a bad one look like a complete retard, if you can't buff your combo and end with 4 ammo to unload your burst, then you have no room to talk.
Axe is more or less the same as GS, yes, infact I'd say GS is less complex simply because they've removed all of the risk that comes with it, shoulder tackle makes it too easy.
LS has the same stacking damage mechanic as Axe in dauntless, the special moves it does are just flashy, they don't require any special knowledge or skill, pretty much the same as dauntless sword, it's not hard to use or complex but it is flashy.
As for cells, they can atleast change your playstyle whereas charms and decos in MH will usually only be used for damage.
Don't really understand why you're doubling down on your stupid ass argument, monster hunter weapons don't have much complexity to begin with, dauntless weapons are on par with them for complexity.
there is one cool weapon i think, the pike, its basically insect glave with a beam, no shields in the game though so its full on assault, you find yourself clicking the same button again n again till monsters dead though
anyone else have really fucked up audio?
Dauntless is harder than MHW up until you get geared out, then it's easier.
Older MH games are a lot harder than both, though.
even worse than monhun
>Every weapon will be able to use items unsheathed.
>Every weapon will be able to use the slinger unsheathed.
>Axe is more or less the same as GS
>LS has the same stacking damage mechanic as Axe in dauntless
These are just straight wrong tho
Tried it on jewbox one.
Imagine if MH had latency in fucking hunts.
You have to i-frame attacks to make up for the shitboxes but dodges have startups or lag is affecting them.
Hit reg is fucked or weapons have bad hitboxes.
The axe horizontal sweep phased a lot when i was trying to hit the tail and didn't even hit the backside.
Only redeeming qualities were monsters being more like boss battles instead of semi realistic monster fights like MH, making monsters more unique instead of 20 variations of DUDE CHARGE SPAM LMAO.
They aren't wrong, the fuck are you on about, the Axe has a meter you charge up so you can use a special move that will grant a stacking damage buff when you land it, and you must consistently land it to keep the buff up, the only difference is that you can spend the buff on helm breaker for longsword
Axe and GS undeniably are similar to play, again GS is easier because it can shoulder tackle to not give a shit about incoming attacks while maintaining your charge level but that's really it, the axe main damage combo even feels the same as TCS
>helm breaker
Is that what they call the attack in game?
But this is ALSO just Monster Hunter, so what are you GETTING?
pretty sure, yeah, it's called spirit helm breaker.
its free
>being indie absolves it of not being worth playing
Do they still lock weapons behind progression? That shit was whack, uninstalled after i got the pike, it was cool to use but the monster just kinda bounds and falls all over the place the AI is pretty bad
>need manually changed loadout one by one.
>no option to save your loadout.
Free Tibet, The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, The Tiananmen Square Massacre, The Anti-Rightist Struggle, The Great Leap Forward, The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Human Rights, Democratization, Freedom, Independence, Multi-party system, Taiwan, Formosa, Republic of China, Tibet, Dalai Lama, Falun Dafa, The Xinjiang Uyghur, Autonomous Region, Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo, Winnie the Pooh
That's not actually getting anything, that's just not losing anything. Minus having to use epic store and play Dauntless of course.
Just wait for the MHW expansion op.
>m-muh ebic stwore
>Wait for inferior japanese shit instead of playing superior american product
Fucking japshills i swear to god
Listen fucklord i love dauntless but if this ain't the worst bait i've ever seen
can't believe the amount of monster hunter shills in these threads, it's like they feel threatened by a f2p knockoff lol
>i love using a bad storefront
What is the point of neutral gear? Isn’t it better to always have some kind of element?
Gear res is irrelevant in the endgame, all you want is proper cell slots and passives from armor.
Thank you for your kind words friend
Ah alright, what passives should I be on the lookout for?
What weapon are you using? I can link some builds you should aim for if you want
>a single game is a genre
They should, this game is far better than that shit and its free.
>4 people speedrunning vs a single guy showing a build
holy shit the retardation
also it looks bad even in that video
I’m mostly a fan of using a sword so far, only played a couple of hours.
fuck off shills
Agree, everything in MH looks bad in terms of gameplay
kys shill
lol i can't play the game if the servers are down?
who tought that was a good idea? are they retarded?
please tell me they went full retard and the monsters are server side.
it's harder than mhw and you'd know this if you actually played it
Here you go a few sword meta builds
Examples of Flawless builds
Examples of low life build
I would go with flawless ones, they are better overall but harder to use.
You can't shill a free game retard
>All these bugmen and trannies shilling this fucking garbage
Go back to the cave your crawled out of insects.
ikr, monster hunter isn't that good, why bother shilling it in a dauntless thread
You get 4 pieces of armor.
Each piece of armor has 2 slots for Cells.
These armor pieces have specific slots per armor piece
The weapon also has two slots for Cells. Also specific types to which weapon you are using.
You also have a Lantern which has a specific support Cell Slot.
Cells act as Decorations. Only difference is instead of being limited by what decoration you can use by size of decoration slot it's being limited by why type of Cell you can use. and you can use two per equipment piece.
I've played the game. Which is why I stated the only thing good about it is the Mastery system Everything else pales in comparison to literally any Mohan and Clone of Mohan.
>no game has ever made my laptops cpu go above 90 celsius
>not even shit like ffxv on max settings
>dauntless just caused thermal throttling mid hunt
what the fuck is this optimization
It's a very non-offensive game, it comes down to just being a much more casual version of MH. It's F2P so there's no reason to not give it a shot but I didn't care for it.
One cell per equipment slot, only weapons have two(items have instead passives and diffrent cell slot for build diversity, only items with no passive effects are exotic items). Suport cell skill is not exclusive to latern.
Current implementation of mastery system is rather shitty, i don't think you played this game for more than a few mere hours.
the finest
>one slot per armor
That is supposed to sound better? I feel like my fuck up understanding was a better option.
What weapon is best for chopping off parts?
>the frame drops and loading times on PS4
No it supposed to be true. Cell system is pretty good, having more slots would not make it any better. This is not decoration system, cells and passive effects are not as blant
your favorite weapon
Fortnite Hunter.
fun marketing thread on Yea Forums Yea Forums
deep state culture planners arrested soon
So I've been playing it, and it's...okay
For a Free To Play Monster Hunter Clone, it's honestly pretty great. You get what you pay for, but if you somehow can't come up with the cash for Monster Hunter World, then this is a decent alternative. Not great, but it'll scratch the itch.
If you DO have MHW, then don't even bother.
No, because Yea Forums is filled to the brim with Yea Forumsirgin weebs.
So are there any Yea Forums or /vg/ guilds?
I keep meaning to get back into Dauntless just distracted by so many other games.
Its so hard to play this game
everything feels like its almost monster hunter but not quite
Marketers really pushing this game today huh
It's the same shit.
5 points in blood lust or watever giving increase damage to enraged monsters.
There is literally a skill/Decoration that does the same shit.
It's the same shit as Decorations and skill. Just actively worse because you have less customization options.
Cells in dauntles require you to perfom specific condition such as "don't get damage for 15 seconds to get damage boost", "dodge into monster attack to get attack boost", "pick up an orb you spawn to get attack speed/mov speed boost", "stagger or interrupt behemot to get damage boost", "be at below 50% hp to get damage reduction" etc. In MH for the most part they simply boost your stats no need to do anything
This is why thing I like Dauntless for doing. Every bonus that isn't Attack related in MH:W is basically useless.
I'm going to give you my honest opinion without all the political complaints about this game. It's a good Monster Hunter clone but just a tad bit more casual than Monster Hunter World. Think of it as cutting down all the bullshit and getting straight to the point. Instead of roaming a vast level of monsters you have an airship that will bring you to these floating islands. So basically you literally find your Behemoth (Monster) in a matter of seconds. All of your materials to craft potions and other stuff are already at arms reach. If you're too poor to own a Monster Hunter game I honestly would say playing Dauntless wouldn't be a bad choice. If you have Monster Hunter World dude seriously just play that for now. Also a sidenote the purchases in this game is mostly for cosmetics. Their season pass basically gives you a slight advantage in looting and some exclusive cosmetic loot.
Resident Evil, Dark Souls, Sonic, Pikmin. Stuff like that.
I have mhw and I'm playing this because iceborne isn't out yet and theres no content for me to do in world.
Or if you've done fucking everything in mhw which doesn't take that long, it's worth playing
Is it true you can't solo?
Another reminder that AT Kulve Taroth is back on console. Rev up that loot grind.
all you are telling me is the same shit that happens in Monster hunter.
Have you played monster hunter?
yeah i've played razor sharpness weakness exploit hunter
Give me 5 decoration that require you(the player, not the monster) to meet a condition , bonus level are also meta.
Played for some hours and I’m already bored.
I’m just mashing buttons at some monsters ass for like 10 minutes
If you want a challenge play solo instead of being carried, true fun begins at heroic+
Problem is that I’m the one carrying, I get like a S rank while the team rank is C.
How do solo? I always get pushed into matchmaking
I'm done with you. Take what you want. you can't argue with retards.
>How do solo
Oof, back to Mexico
This is what happened with me and my friends, you literally can left click the monster to death while rolling and popping your lantern, we got to the light bug and void shrike thing, killed it and just uninstalled, but it made my friends buy MHW since they liked the style but didnt think dauntless had the substance so thats a +, and now they all have 200+ hours on world.
Click private match box below normal matchmaking button
Do I*
Servers are also fucking unstable and shitty
Thought so. Have a nice day
This shit is prettty much unplayable on consoles.
Does the game have a sharpness mechanic?
How's the spear game in Dauntless? I made an Injun for the sole purpose of playing bow and spear.
Thanks for clearing that up.
it's alright i guess, it kinda underperformed compared to the rest but it was usable
>females in promotional art always have a fuck ton of face coverings to hide the fact they look like men
it's easy mode monster hunter
Wait, there’s females in this game!?
"""""females""""", yes
No there is a feminine body type.
You can also choose to be adressed as neutral gender under options.
Some of the devs are literally trannies, one of them used to work at Bioware.
It's actually much easier to just solo everything because of hp scaling. No risk of shitters ruining your runs
Their whole gimmick is they do wound damage. Wounded parts break more easily, but then spears have really shit base part damage, so I guess it's more for buffing your teammates. Overall it doesn't seem very good.
significantly worse than MH
What is the point of the spear’s gimmick attack?
I can charge up some meter which can be converted to projectiles which do shit damage?
>a single game
>monster hunter
>god eater
>soul sacrifice
>ragnarok odyssey
Each weapon feels pretty unique and fun so I don't think that's really a downside of Dauntless.
you can interrupt certain monster attacks with it which will knock them down
Is there any point of converting a full meter to ammo when I can convert a couple of bars? Also when should I release the projectile when charging?
It does more damage the bigger the charge. You release it right as the 3 lasers tighten around the tip of the pike. Also you do bonus damage for having a full charge so only cap it if you need something to flinch a monster with or you are leaving zones.
in my case it's the crossplay.
not really sure since I haven't played it in months but usually you just want to keep your meter for the damage buff and convert it when you might get hit, converting a full bar gives you a stronger projectile than half a bar.
you should shoot it once the ring closes into the pike.
It's not a horrible game but it's really mediocre, even compared to World, no reason to play it unless you're a poorfag or don't own a MH game
sometimes you just get bored of monster hunter bro, need something new and different to change it up.
I don't think Dauntless will ever eclipse a MH game but it's fun enough for what it is and if they keep updating it then it'll be something to come back to from time to time. I'm happy to see more developers even going that route since MH clones are few and far between.
That's when I go play something else entirely. Still, as unappealing as this game is maybe it'll inspire someone else to make a MH clone that does actually appeal to me.
the season pass will kill the game
I have MHW and like both
Dauntless is faster
That shits all the rage right now and it's mostly cosmetic. The bonus rewards aren't gigantic since this game doesn't have drop rates like MH does.
Really? Dauntless reminds me of MHFU in how you commit to shit mostly.
no, it's uninspired and the mechanics are bad.
Well are the monsters themselves any good at least?
Knocking Skarn over is cute. I'm kind of sick of Rathalos honestly.
>Dauntless reminds me of MHFU
Most of them are pretty simple, and the ones that aren't are really fucking annoying. Also for some reason everything has fuck huge health pools and takes like 20 minutes for a 4 man to do.
In terms of how the monsters and player actions feel. It's not as fast or fluid as World and you can commit to shit and thus eat shit.
the only thing i hate about dauntless and i dont know if this is still a thing, was the iframes, theres so fucking many, the lazer dragonfly ended up being a cake walk with rolling through literally everything, maximum uptime on dps just melting everything.
It's still an i-frame fest because the devs couldn't be bothered acrually trying with their combat.
Might download it and give it a try but i just got GU 3 days ago so i doubt i'll stick to it.
Waht's so bad about i-frames? Everyone loves Dark Souls.
you never get punished for bad positioning
Works fine on my xbox
>needs tons of cores to get weapons past level 100
>only way to get cores is to kill 3 level 250 monsters in a row
>doing that with level 100 weapons would take like 3 hours and you only get 5 potions for the whole thing
What the fuck am I even supposed to do here?
Doesn't punish bad positioning enough.
If you don't have enough variety in combat interactions, like this game does, they become the only way to react to an attack making the combat depth even more shallow.
It's a lazy out for developers making action games instead of properly designing a combat system that actually makes sense.
The 2 biggest streaming dauntless are partnered with them so they sold out to streamers
youtubers too, sad that this game still wont get traction and fade away again after a couple weeks, APEX LEGENDS all over again
>Gaijin hunter
Someone post the pic of him bruised up
>Manage to kill quillshot with 10hp
>When it falls during its death animation it does damage
>Get hit
>Get downed
>Lose my never downed bonus rewards
>Freedom Wars
>God Eater
>Soul Sacrifice
Dauntless only doesn't have much competition because most MonHun clones are on Vita.
I feel bad for Gaijin Hunter. World being garbage really broke him.
>not involved in retarded console wars
>stuck in an awkward situation where he doesn't like World but you can't say anything bad about it because muh console wars
>eventually outright says he'd rather play MH4 and then shills fucking Dauntless