I think it's cute. Sucks that no WoC are developing games yet though
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Looks like the illegitimate child of a bop-it! and a gamboy color.
Looks like a made-up handheld you'd see in a cartoon.
I'm gonna keep playing games on my hacked Vita instead of that gay ass thing lol
Playing through Breath of Fire 4 and the AM2R port right now.
Just hope it can play mp3, flac, mp4, mkv.
Someone's gonna be able to emulate this thing at least a week after launch
Would be cooler if it was 50 bucks.
>high resolution 400x280 screen (black & white)
this thing better not cost more than $30
You wanna be a rebel, right?
Tik Tok Switchfags
Gotta CRANK that market
It will once they realise that no one bought it.
It's 480x240
Black and white
No backlight
Needs external light to see
Is there a single game article written yet that's skeptical about this thing? I've never seen something so shit so shilled.
And all that for the low low price of $149.
literally what the fuck is this and why are daily threads about this?
Whew lad. So its like one of the screens of a DS.
jesus christ the absolute madmen
>just straight up stealing money from brain dead soibois
The thing got good press because the team behind it are well known and connected in Silicon Valley circles
It's going to be a huge flop
What's there to be sceptical. People have written what it is being presented as and that's all we know right now. I don't see what the value of a hot take contingent on it being shit would be since we don't know.
You guys are commenting on the specs of this thing like it's suppose to be the next sony handheld or something.
It's a gadget toy made by the people who made firewatch .
Yesterday, every single game journalist suddenly released their completely honest opinions at the exact same time on this device that no one knew about just hours prior. Everyone absolutely loves the crank that was shown to work with one game so far, the low $150 price, and lack of a backlight. Really just proves how awesome and honest game journalism is.
i wonder if the'll call gamers sexist, racists or nazis for not buying it
my money is on nazis
>It's a gadget toy made by the people who made firewatch .
Even worse
Wow it's almost as if this is how it always is. They planned the reveal with an exclusive and posted on twitter on the same time. This isn't a conspiracy it's how the world works. Fuck off retard.
It's $150
or just get a modded gameboy, vita, or a n3ds.
Exactly, so lets not treat this like its a valid entry into the hand held market.
it might have been cute as a $30 gift for your nieces and nephews, but as it stands this is just an extremely based plan to rob soiboys blind
It's an embargo dude, they released it at the same time because there was an embargo until that time.
The team are well connected so of course they got glowing press.
It's not how it always is for every single literally who handheld device. This does nothing to warrant such attention other than being paid to do so, including the full front page of a magazine.
It's certainly priced like one.
And? So is this?
you can buy a modded psp that can play whatever the fuck you want for $80
Man, Bop It! ruled
Damn, that looks sharp. I need to stop putting off refurbishing mine.
what the fuck is that? That looks like fun
It's a cool novelty thing. I'll pick it up when it's $50 to fuck with it a bit.
If I had kids yes. But no.
Incomparable, the little robot likely has much better tech in it than the shitty handheld with the crank. There is no excuse for an unlit screen in 2019, especially at a $150 price point.
That is a lot more complex device, and the company selling it ran out of money and ceased operations
If I had kids I would not be spending $150 on something as shit as this for them. Not trying to get them bullied at school
I'm talking if my kids were too young for that shit. At like 8 or 9 just throw them a 2DS.
Could hack a PS Vita but they wouldn't know how to work that shit until 12.
Oh, did its reveal overshadow all the other handhelds that were revealed yesterday? It's unique, it looks kinda weird/cool, it has connections to known names and brands, it makes you mad, it makes other people excited and it has a crank(???). It's the perfect attention hog and there's literally nothing weird that people care.
2DS + good games = 150$
So*ylent crank station + no games = 150$
reminder the GBA is 17 years old and has a color display
God you're such a brainlet.
>what is a press embargo
What a transparent shill.
The Atari lynx and Sega game gear are a decade older than the GBA, have color screens and a backlight
> black and white
> Only two buttons
> all games are a mystery until they release
> $150
The crank is cool and all, but this is going to fail hard. For that price you could pick up a dream cast, SEGA bass fishing, and a fishing controller.
>Screen isn't centered
Neckache inbound!
This thing could've been worth a fuck if it was a moddable 2ds ripoff instead of a garbage novelty item for hipsters to waste money on. The only thing going for it is that you can safely ignore anyone with a positive opinion of it.
>the people who made firewatch were bought up by Valve
>game journalists hate valve
>game journos realize that valve might see money from this thing selling
>they all immediately turn face and hate on it
A man can dream.
>the crank is cool and all
Doesn't make it okay
Why does it have a crank? Why do people like that it has a crank? It's so fucking dumb. It's like if the N-Gage came out today and people thought it was cool that you held it like a taco.
The only advantage to this thing is nobody will bother to mug you for it as it looks like a aliexpress famiclobe handheld
guys, what if the games don't even use the crank
Only the fishing game uses the crank.
back when I was a kid I didn't know how fucking stupid this thing was and begged for my parents to buy it. They did the right thing
but they were shit
that's how the press works though, why are you mad about this? they go see the thing and can't report on it until x day at y time so then all the stories go up at once.
The game gear is good
Embargo, I get. Everyone praising it for money is not okay
Will it run crysis?
Literally all this is
is a stupid handheld experment that got some known names to experiment with it
you pay 150$ to experiment with some games
that's all it is, lmao
They're not exactly pretending it's a revolution like the Ouya was, it's a stupid indie game of a handheld
It's a shame the price will prevent it from ever having a reasonable audience. I believe they're giving away the SDK for free and I really enjoy the PICO-8 scene. They could've easily gotten something like that going, but with an actual console instead, it could've been pretty cool.
They decided to jew out instead.
Which marketing company do you work for?
Very pretty
This, I don't get why Yea Forums is so pissed about this thing. They aren't saying this is gonna revolutionize gaming or anything, it's just a dumb little boutique handheld that's probably $50 too expensive.
>I don't get why Yea Forums is so pissed about this thing
>it's just a dumb little boutique handheld that's probably $50 too expensive.
you answered your own question.
What doesn't make what okay? Is this ethics in video games journalism shit?
can you run crysis?
Its a cool idea but it plays slow ass games like GBC, Im out
If its more like a B&W GBA, Im game
The ouya was just an oversized android phone with a controller, right?
I never actually cared to inform myself..
>I don't get why Yea Forums is pissed about this thing
Yea Forums gets pissed regularly. You just want people to blindly praise it and not say anything negative, which makes you a sensitive snowflake who should return to r*ddit.
You don't have any foundation for saying it's getting unwarranted praise. They are telling the story they get from the manufacturer and that's how press that covers consumer shit works. Again, what specific hot take do you want to hear?
>"However, poorfags might be mad that it costs $150 and retards might have a tough time coping with something that doesn't conform to gamer norms."
Is that it?
I get thinking that it's dumb or expensive, but the level of outrage on here for something so inconsequential is honestly kind of pathetic. Maybe I'm just getting older and don't have the energy to get pissed about dumb video game shit anymore or something.
>falling for another teenage engineering meme machine
>gets mad about a cute little niche handheld
>calls other people snowflakes
I don't get it, so it's a monochrome game boy with a crank or something that people are making indie games for? Seems like the same thing as making tiger electronic games by the time the game boy advance was around.
Hey fuck you I loved this toy growing up
Nah. Call me when it's in the bargain bin along with the ouya.
There are some good tiger games though, unlike the the Souljaboy crankdat mini
tbd them. i would buy one if they could get some more female identifying PoC for it famlia. not that i would buy one but you know what i mean.
dude, it's Yea Forums. everyone overreacts to the stupidest shit here.
>comes to a website known for getting angry at everything
>thinks his little onion chugging handheld should be exempt
>i hate everyone im such a channer *devil emoji*
How does corporate cock Jizz taste? Do you think it's yummy? DO you cage your sissy clitty while they fuck your boi-pussy?
this is a test to see how stupid gamers are
mobile games already steal enough money from parents and linked credit cards but let's see how many people buy into this ouya 2 garbage
You have some fucking issues if you think video game press is real journalism. It never was and it fundamentally cannot be.
Guilty as charged. If you don't like how things work here, then go back to a sanctioned safe space where hugboxes and backpats are the norm.
>it's always been this way so it's okay!
Typing words takes so much energy. Phew, I'm tired already, I might not even have the energy left to call you a nigger.
Ooo I like that little crank it’ll give me something to do while my wife is tending to the refugees staying in our home. The Shed I’ve been assigned is so cosey and the Playdate (TM) will be a fine addition.
Why fix what isn't broken?
It could be but (((you're))) making sure it never can happen.
How the fuck do you propose? What should a video game journalist do? Break into dev's headquarters and steal the info?
based PLAYDATE wojak
Yeah, faggot, it's always been this way so why do you even want to be here if you don't like it? Go to one of the million funny-junk tranny websites.
It's not that, it's more that I just do not give a shit about 98% of the "controversies" that Yea Forums spends so much vitriol on these days. The Epic store, the Sony "censorship" stuff, this Playdate thing, none of it feels like anything worth getting this upset over.
why is it whenever a woman comes up with the idea to "make their own" they do every single possible bad idea?
Nah, I'm on an entirely different level. See, you come here to be mad at video games while I come here to be mad at you. You're my playdate, if you will.
>his, I don't get why Yea Forums is so pissed about this thing
Why do leftists thinking that making fun of something is the same as being mad about it?
Do you people not understand the difference between mirth and rage?
I bet the material cost of it is like $10.
Cool. I already asked my wife's boyfriend to buy me one. Shit will be lit!
I'm not upset over shit like epic. I simply don't download the store.
Why would I download chinese spyware?
Maybe take a hit and chill out, the vitriol on Yea Forums is what makes it fun. If you don't like it, please, leave.
>thought the crank was for charging it
>its actually a control option
That's all well and good until it tips over into cringy gamer activism. Not the case here, but certainly is the case with epic.
but thats where my frens live
Wowsers! Your wife’s boyfriend buys you things? Lucky you
>black and white screen
>two buttons and a crank
This is the most gimmicky piece of shit I've ever seen, and if they think they're charging more than $30 for it they're insane.
What's cringy about it? Why aren't we using origin instead of steam? Is it the same reason we won't be using epic instead of steam in 5 years?
Honestly I find it pretty cool, it's just that I'm not going to pay $150 for a gadget. I would like a true handheld though, like very small, only a few buttons, a download store with simple $5-$10 paid games. Just something to play here and there like you would a smartphone game, but with physical button and no micro-transaction model.
Just don't use it. Don't make it a cause, because that's when it ends being "epicly laughing at stuff" and begins you being a stooge in a pointless cause.
Shit, maybe if it had a backlight it'd be a decent e-reader. Like, you turn the crank to change pages and shit.
Why don't you buy one of those chinese emulation consoles for $40-ish?
basically I just realised that I want Nintendo to make a modern game boy micro and sell it for like $50, heavily curated store with only games from them and a couple of partners. Simple stuff like Picross, Pushmo, Boxboy, etc.
It's not a "cause" just because most people think epic is shit. You ever think we all just came to the same conclusion that epic sucks?
You are all free to collectively hate epic, but don't pretend you don't know what happens in threads about the topic. You come out in droves with your anti china pasta, epic images, news stories and the whole press kit.
never really thinked about it, do you have a model that isn't complete junk that has a lot of battery and doesn't fall apart in a matter of days? Like, just to play advance wars and shit
Gee, why would you buy something new with unique games and not some cheap china shit that can play shitty old games you've already played if you care about them that you can also play on your phone, PC, tv or probably fridge already.
>I just do not give a shit
>I don't care so nobody should!
That's because the chinese government is somehow even worse than the US or Russian governments. Those ugly yellow bugmen deserve it.
Why do you want a new handheld if you could just play new mobile game son your phone. You're a faggot.
>Firmware and software development
>Paying employees
All of these aren't free and are incorporated into the price.
This has unique games and a gimmick not found on my phone. I'm not sure if I'll buy this thing and I'm certainly dgaf if you should, but it really isn't comparable to a chinese pocket emulator.
This shit cracks me up. No one is mad about this stupid thing is existing. No one is mad that the "gaming press" are obvious paid shills for their friends and have no integrity.
They are just making fun of it. Because it's funny. Any positive article about this thing is either completely out of touch out a paid shill, and it couldn't be more obvious.
I'm also getting an excellent laugh out of all the obvious marketers in this thread defending their fellow paid shills by trying to make it appear it is the people saying this thing is stupid who, in fact, the stupid ones(also they are incels).
At least we've come to agree that you're an activist. I mean, nothing wrong with having a cause but it does clash a bit with the whole idea of you as some wacky funbro who just dgaf and want to laugh at people who try or care.
those are not contradictory.
In this thread, people are laughing at this dumb shit.
In another, other people are seriously trying to get chink shills to fuck off.
Yea Forums is not one person.
I'm excited too! I'm a little disappointed there's no backlight, but hey, it wouldn't work with the E-ink screen. The crank looks so innovative and fun, I bet they'll figure out ways to implement it in much more interesting ways than just fishing!
That's mostly just kids memeing. Try not to take this place so seriously.
great observation, maybe thats why I like it so much
Fuck your thread OP
Yeah and it sure as hell isn't $140.
Maximum Soi. Buy it for all I care then faggot.
It's way overpriced for what it is, but s o y s and trannies will gooble that shit right up
hold up, it's made by the guys from teenage engineering? the OP-1 was hardly a bad idea tb.h
I don't see the contradiction. And it's these people who come with causes whether it's chanology, ethics in video games or epicshit who take this place too seriously, not me.
enjoy the ban op
You're just growing out of Yea Forums, it's been like this for a while now.
/pol/ fucking ruined this place; everything is politics or ecelebs now, as much as these retards try to pretend it's not
Based Playchad.
Why not? You're also paying for 12 games from independent developers.
Hell yea dude bof4 is my fucking jam
Wizards of the Coast?
>I eat shit and I'm okay with it, why's everybody else so pissed off?
i thought the crank was for power generation so you could crank it up and always have a little portable without worrying about battery if you are camping or some shit but its actually used to control the games which sounds fucking retarded
Any sensible person would want to buy those games separately. You don't know how much effort and depth there will be to those games to justify the cost.
But you can't so... Your point?
It's not worth the money.
Because it doesn't conform to your idea of the world. Autism?
I don't patronize the chinese if I can help it.
No, it's common sense.
An unwavering belief in the objectivity of a certain nature of things... Yep, it was autism.
the sad part is that I'm sure that situation would be an improvement over what you currently have
yes it is, $150 is nothing. do you know how much these guys will be worth in 20 years? I'm getting four or five when my paycheck clears
What marketing team do you work for?
I'm cranking it atm bros...
only retards will buy this marketing scam.
Only an idiot would pay for goods before they even know anything about it. Hence, common sense.
I mean... if they were going to like, every one you buy means they'll give some to some poor kids that'd be okay, kinda justify the high price for what you are getting.
Otherwise it's somewhat pretentious and overpriced.
I seriously hope you dont actually fall for shit like this if they say they donate to charity.
Stop shilling
Your purchase is already going to a good cause, haven't you ever heard of being a patron of the arts?
yes I know
exactly $0
dumb fucking nigger
wtf is that thing?
>/pol/ succeeds in removing leftist faggots
Color me impressed.