You're not allowed to criticise Nintendo
You're not allowed to criticise Nintendo
who cares
are you gonna cry?
I do
Mods suck for everyone what else is new. How many times did you spam anyway?
No but you are when Switch doesn't get Cyberpunk 2077
based, fuck console shitflinging, grow the fuck up
Because you're just console-war shitposting like a massive retard. There's criticism and then there's overinflated spaz attacks
>posts shit quality thread with overt inflammatory language
You can shit on them just do it with more tact.
that entire thread is literally false information that would've lead to a stupid consolewar thread.
>How many times did you spam anyway?
I made one thread and it got deleted within 10 minutes
Criticising the switch is not console wars.
Grow a spine ninkiddies.
Jannies run on pure emotion. You know all those threads that were made to complain about the state of the board? Those people became jannies and they endlessly shit up the place
Damn, is Eric still around, didn't he kill himself seeing Switch's sales?
criticizing by posting literal false information would lead to consolewars, sometimes you have to actually think about what the thread will actually lead to before you post it retard. Like if your OP has Iori, you can't act surprised if the thread leads to anal posting. Criticizing a console, no matter which one, will 9/10 out of 10 lead to consolewar shitflinging.
>mods deleting console wars threads
based. there needs to be more of this
>platforms are DRM now
I never understood this retarded meme.
>the meanie mods banned me for lying on the Internet :(
So stop lying
Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants? Maybe shit and cum?