Literally copy and paste. Nice job

Literally copy and paste. Nice job.

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Other urls found in this thread:

first game was just copy and paste after 8 hours

How can Niohfags even compete?

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haha my game is better than your game.

True enough

>Literally copy and paste
Good. I wanted a new Nioh, not a different Nioh.

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I only played the beta of the original Nioh so I might get something out of this even if it's copy paste: the game.

What, did the dev say black people are ok or something? Why are you Yea Forumsirgins mad now?

play nioh anyway
if you liked bb you will like it too

>It isn't a top down 2D bullet hell shooter

What the fuck are they doing
This is bullshit

Because we're a whiny bunch of little shits that can never be happy with anything

Didn't you know? It's okay when Japan does it.

Cave already did that.

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>shitpost talks of all souls/samurai games to death hyping this sequel
>sequel is confirmed rehashed shit
>try to act like an adult suddenly

nioh fags are just dick riding turnheels


nigger thats the point. its nioh 1 with a lot of new content.

it's more of a good thing though? and it's not copy paste. there's new weapons, bosses, levels, enemies, create a character, etc.
you get shit like super paper mario and paper mario sticker star when you think every sequel has to be completely different in every way. fuck, we had a good paper mario game on the way but miyamoto had it cancelled because it was too much like TTYD as if that was a bad thing.

yeah, because Nioh 1 was so original and didnt get old at all. so much variety

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going by the streams, it really does look like a copy & paste.

like a giant dlc. is that what a sequal is?

This but unironically.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Not to mention they doubled down on the whole "bosses are damage sponges while you die in two hits" bullshit. Why don't people who want to copy dark souls realize that difficulty isn't the only appeal to those games?

Bosses are damage sponges when you have shit gear and also don't know how to maximize your effort. There's a lot of mechanics about gear affixes to learn before you start getting reliable synergy.

yeah, better grind because that is good game design like this faggot said

>literally the same UI

I admire their boldness

>still don't have an invite
>a fraction of the people invited are not even playing anymore

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>game is so good they make it twice

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nioh runs

>inventory is still a mess

1 job guys
1 fucking job
nu-team ninja are beyond clueless

Tecmo-Koei is, if nothing else, a company that delivers the same game when they promise it

>We're now excusing rehashes

Fine by me. I enjoyed Nioh, plus the Oni girls are cute. I hope they do add some more enemy variety and environment variety, that was my biggest gripe with the first.

Nioh 1 had a lot of room for improvement though. You could fix garbage like the inventory mechanics without changing the entire game.

Hope you're ready for disappointment because it's literally the same enemies and environments.

im gonna miss william, i really liked him

>tfw no Nioh 2 alpha invite

Neither of bosses are damage sponges retard.
Half of dust demon's HP bar comes off from making him knock the pillars in boss room then stacking discord on him.
Snake is extremely vulnerable to attacks in head.
Use demon form and yokai skills.

Seriously though, how do you have an "Alpha" for the same game? What do they need to test? It's been out for 2 years.

we could have had ninja gaiden 4 instead of this Souls-like garbage

it's ok when From does it for a decade tho

Ninja gaiden beggars are the laughingstock of entire third person action community at this point.

>wanting another 3
It's dead without Itagaki.

Not even gonna list points since it isn't even comparable.

Looks terrible.

I'm extremely displeased by the loot system being that same BORING SHIT again.

I mean fuck, make 90% less loot but make it worth something ffs.

you mean all the stuff to add to inventory management added post game right?

I have literally no problem with a company making the same game every time as long as it's good, pic related. Better that than "taking the series in a new direction" and fucking it up beyond repair.

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Dark souls games are much more different from each game than nioh. This literally could just have been dlc.

Just till you wait for The surge 2 and Lords of the fallen 2

you know you can just tell the game to make them not marked for pick up right?

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but everything is divine by endgame

Literally all they had to do was have the same game but with a lot more enemy variety and better enemy design. They couldn't even do that. Pathetic. What an embarrassment of a game.

Why? No one liked those games.

not really no

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>no argument

not him, but why waste time arguing with a corporate cuck like you? you obviously eat whatever sony shits into your mouth. you've obviously never played a single souls game and feel attached to this chinese knockoff. we could spend all day explaining the major changes from 1 to 2 to 3 but you would just lost a wojak and greentext. you literally are not worth replying to and I only replied because I feel sorry for you

same 5 caves and same 5 enemy types

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There's a new enemy type for every returning one.

>literally "no u"

Shut you gay ass up poltard

There are not new weapons, there is Yea Forums new weapon that replaced an arguably better one instead of adding both.

It's literally the same shit, wtf.

Just like Smash Brothers, Halo, Last of Us 2, and pretty much every other sequel out there. Shocking.

do you really think that is gonna be the final line up of playable weapons?

is there pvp in the alpha and if so is it still shit

Have they promised anything different? Why would they not give us the most promising, versatile content for a demo to discuss and promote to others?

Nioh 1 is better than Sekiro in every way. Nioh 2 is better than Nioh 1. 6/10 bait.

>be me
>shit on nioh for 2 years straight
>buddy gives me his code
>play it for 5 minutes just so I can shit post about the UI.

it really is shit tho

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>6/10 bait.
Why did you explain your shitty post at the end?

>Nioh 1 is better than Sekiro in every way

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Odachi fucking sucks.

Why does NiOh 2 have the same problem as NiOh 1? The Katana is STILL the best weapon in the fucking game

Odachi is literally the best weapon in first game and it's even better here.

Odachi wasnt even in 1st game.
I never played DLC

The katana shits on it in 2, what are you going in about?

all odachi had going for it in the first game was its LW moveset, which isn't even a thing anymore

Right, that's what I thought when playing the alpha



>all odachi had going for it in the first game was its LW moveset
And literally the safest moves in whole game, mid stance running poke and Devastating Rush.
And ridiculos damage and ki damage output on most skills, most notably moonlit snow.
And one of the best base movesets in the game, perfect for breaking horns.
And the best combo mechanic out of all weapons that was shining really well against both humanoids and discorded yokai.
Not to mention the speed of ailment induction thanks to Tiger's Blade.

>the samurai prefered weapon is the strongest in a samurai game
No way!!

Anyone know where I can read the manga of the first game? Raws are fine but if you happen to know of an English scan that'd be great

alpha version is ment to highlight the yokai skills this time around

which is akin to castlevania's AoS soul system

So here's all the special gear I found so far. Anything I'm missing aside from a potential purity spear?

>Tokagemaru 1kat
>Bankotsu Spear
>Ippon-Datara Odachi
>Benigumo Odachi
>Barbarian's Hatchets

>Onimura Kunitsuna 1kat
>Hotarumaru Odachi
>Gyosha Hand Axe

Shrine Maiden (Servant of the Gods) Light
Sohaya (Yokai Slayer) Medium
Eccentric/Keiji Maeda (The Rightful Eccentric) Medium)
Yoshiie's Birthright (Prestige of the Genji Bloodline) Heavy

>Odachi wasnt even in 1st game.
Try to conceal your brain damage.
>The katana shits on it in 2
Odachi has both a better base moveset and better specials. It even got its own backwave/tempest, the only thing it lacked in Nioh 1.

Do you know set bonuses?

Yo fuck your Odachi, how is 2kat? Is Moonlight Shadow still in?

Is it a PS4 timed exclusive again or is it coming to pc straight away?

There's no 2kat in the alpha and 2axes already feel like a way better designed weapon type.

Nigger, the 1st game had
Sickle 2kat spear, katana axe and hammer

oh no here we go again

Odachi and Nunchunks were added as DLC

It also had odachi and tonfa.

hey its good

Well shit, I don't want to use axes like a common bandit. I want my honorabru fast as fuck 2kat with the mobility of the gods.

Not specifically off the top of my head, I should take a look later. The armors are all 5 set, shrine maiden has life regen after purification, Sohaya has bonuses against Yokai like Yokai drop rate, Didn't really pay much attention to Eccentric/Yoshiie's too much since I only got them in the twilight mission.

You're not a bandit.
You're half-yokai whose father got tenderly raped by female oni.
Using the most savage weapon possible is in your blood.

By having Ghost of Tsushima come out and being such a dumpster fire Nioh 2 will look amazing by comparison

how many people will even remember that game exists

>raped by female oni.
user, you speak yet your words make no sense

Nioh 1 was good, don’t fix what isn’t broken. Fromdrones are the most insufferable faggots about everything so I’m not surprised at the shitposting

The full force of every neckbeard in California is going to make you remember

>it's "3 new faggot ghoul enemies jumping at you from around the corner" episode
>it's "one of them devours the other and becomes the adult version" episode

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>Ghost of Tsushima
I completely forgot about that game

I explicitly said i didnt play dlc

I wonder if there's going to be multiple endings this time around.
I want an ending whre MC ditches the human side completely to become full oni like the game warns him about.

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>STILL haven't gotten my key
give me the key you fucking gook niggers I WANT TO PLAY

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You got a source on that or is this just optimistic conjecture?

Are you a streamer?

worse, i'm a gamer

I’m confused st why were forced to use oni forms instead of spirit animals

Katana > Spear > Odachi > 2Axe.

What were they thinking?
2axe is a shitty 2kat, its a melee weapon that wants to be a ranged weapon and it sucks ass.
Odachi is shit this game

Katana is #1 AGAIN

At least sloth is shit now

I keep stuttering when I move, is there a known fix for this anons? Otherwise I'm having a lot of fun so far. Hatchet Chad's where we at ?

Where are the leaked videos? Are there no competent console leakers?

memes aside should i buy sekiro or wait for nioh 2?

Because MC is half yokai by blood, they tell you this on one of the loading screens.

I didnt even buy Nioh 1 and i got chosen. Get btfo fag

People have been streaming it on twitch

>Odachi is shit this game
It's literally better than it was in first game thanks to having its own parry, evasive attack and thanks to the addition of yokai skills like kappa shell that help with tanking.
It's an absolute top tier just like in first game.
>2axe is a shitty 2kat, its a melee weapon that wants to be a ranged weapon
2axe has a fantastic base moveset 2kat can only dream about
high stance throw breaks horns and hits yokai twice for around the same damage low level sotc did
ki breaking special is delicious

Wait are we explicitly Half-Yokai? I remember seeing a loading screen and all it said was something about tapping into the power of your bloodline or something to that effect so I thought we could be a couple of generations deep. Might also explain why some Yokai skills have us transform into yokai while others summon a yokai

Well, enjoy no demo, you Nazi!!!!!!

you sound like the biggest fucking queer

They're very different games, user.

why the fuck is it closed

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dont be that faggot. they share enough similarities to be compared. 3rd person action games set in japan with souls like features.

define "souls like features"

>still no alpha invite
Fuck you Koei I participated in all the Nioh 1 alphas and still played it every so often even after beating the DLCs, WHERES MY FUCKING INVITE?

On another note, I don’t get the shitposting over it being a rehash. Sure it uses the exact same engine and assets but just from the trailer the amount of new stuff looks promising and also far more inspired than anything from the first game. If anything this seems like one of the few times when rehashing but with new stuff works.

Kusa was the best weapon in Nioh 1 though. Like it wasn’t even close, it had the best range, best AoE and best DPS (high stance light attack is absurd and only gets better when you get the skill that buffs damage for stuff that uses the weight)
In Nioh 2 every weapon seems to have it’s pros and cons though. Katana is again the most balanced weapon but that’s also it’s weakness, you can’t cheese anything.

Since playing the alpha, my PS4 itself is making weird static/electrical/buzzing noises. Kinda scary.

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Seems to be a way to drum up hype by getting all the people who aren’t invited to want to be invited and thus keep an eye on KT and TN official channels for future demos, meaning they get more clicks and trailer views and shit in the lead up to E3.

It has stamina bar and stats. thats it.

Do you have an original PS4? Did you leave it on for long periods? A lot of old ones are starting to fail because many people don’t turn it off or put it in rest mode due to how it’s designed.

Name at least one thing that Sekiro did better than Nioh 1

Fromsoft made it.

2kat can iai lock down everyone
2axe is shit

Odachi is too slow to do anything with.

>lock on
>side step/roll mechanic
>level up/character sheet
>dropped xp and money
>souls like movement
>camera placement
i know describing these things may sound generic but they are more than the sum of their parts. ive seen gameplay from nioh and sekiro and youd have to be blind to look at sekiro and not see some souls in there. there. now can you give me an honest fucking answer. both look interesting to me but both seem like they have major overlap.

Just beat the second boss in the alpha. It was annoying as shit.

I've played Nioh, the Alpha, and Sekiro. The Alpha isn't very different than Nioh and it's basically a souls game without the atmosphere and immersion. If you liked souls, but wanted more in depth combat Nioh is worth playing. the environments and enemy variety are very lacking though. As for Sekiro, the combat is very fast and fluid, but it can feel like you're playing guitar hero sometimes as combat basically boils down to timing r1 and l1 while not letting yourself whiff.

I had fun with all of them. Nioh has better combat with bad environments, Sekiro has worse combat with much much better environments.

that being said, Sekiro was more fun_____

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>2kat can iai lock down everyone
Too bad it's literally the only thing it can do
>2axe is shit
Show me another weapon that does sotc tier damage on yokai from range.
>Odachi is too slow
Odachi has some of the fastest and safest moves in whole game

It's a pro purchased in August 2018. I don't even use it that often for games. I played Souls 3 for a bit a while back, and Dreams most recently, but that's about it.

>hurr durr I play too defensively so bosses have too much hp, GAEM BAD

>all these shitters talking about trashtana, otrashchi, 2trash
>no mention of spear being bad
Feels good being the king of the weapons

based brainlet

any tips for the boss in the forge?

I think it's not just having a roll, but a roll with a significant amount of iframes with challenges that are designed around it. I feel like that's one of the big things that sets a "soulslike" apart from something like Monster Hunter or Zelda.

Okay had the time to check, not the most accurate numbers since I only have the stats to get the bonus from shrine maiden.

Shrine Maiden - Avg Gear Level 16-20
(2) Extend Purification Window
(3) Untouched/chance to not use up Sacred Water 35%,
(4) Life Recovery (Purification) 302
(5) Melee Damage vs Yokai +10%

Sohaya - Avg Gear Lvl ??
(2) Item Drop Rate vs Yokai 5%
(3) Stealth: Yokai Enemies A
(4) Melee Damage vs Yokai 6%
(5) Life Drain (Melee Kill) 196

Eccentric's - Avg Gear lvl ??
(2) Easy Target/Taunt AA+
(3) Strong Attack Damage +6%
(4) Luck +30
(5) Strong Attack Damage +9%

Yoshiie's Birthright - Avg gear level ??
(2) Guard Ki Recovery 50%
(3) Increase Defense(Amrita Absorption)
(4) Ki Recovery Speed 10%
(5) Ki +45

Everyone complains when each Souls game made different, though

>Odachi is too slow
t. Light armor faggot who plays like its souls
Super heavy weapons can trade damage and utilize super armor, or outrange/one shot stuff. Yes that’s not great againt every enemy but that’s why they’re good secondary weapons.

Thank you user.
Those are pretty cute for early game sets.

It gets good 4 playthroughs in

>Wanting Ninja Gaiden after 3

And don't you dare say "Bu bu bu but Razors Edge." like it was any better.

>Yes that’s not great againt every enemy
Actually odachi is good against every enemy. It has quick moves and evasion moves as well as hard hitters and its normal moveset is a great combination of speed, range and damage.

How long does it take to complete / finishthe alpha?

I’m not in the alpha I was just assuming it played more like Axe in 1 given the complaining.

how are you bros getting access to the alpha? do you have to make a submission or were there prereqs you did in nioh1 for it?

>Too bad it's literally the only thing it can do

I mean, does it really matter if 2kat only has one move when that move does everything?
That also reminds me, I hope the "+(Skill) damage" bonuses aren't a thing anymore. That shit killed any variety in the combat.

Remember to suggest them to bring back the first game's old 1kat sheathing animation from the alpha

I just got an email with a code.

He's Onryoki from the first game with a few more tricks up his sleeve, so same basic tactic of waiting for him to attack and punishing his long recovery still applies. Tornadoes can be blocked. If he goes full cyclone it will end his Yokai World effect and he can be hit out of it(managed to do it once with Hatchet throw) or you can side step it and again punish the long recovery. If it's the regular mission you also have the water barrels that fall from the pillars to help out and Yokai form is pretty faceroll against that version of him. Not quite the same in the twilight mission but he's still a punching bag.

Literally all I wanted was a copy and paste of the mechanics with enemy variety that isn't shit

I played the beta for Nioh 1, and sometimes beta test for PS features, but I think its random

I had this with Nioh 1. It's the controller. It might seem fine with other games, but that's because of the precision of the controls in those games vs. Nioh.

so where the hell do i grind for the shrine maiden set? I got the sohaya set from the dual axe guy. Just want that shrine maiden because it looks pretty cool



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I hope you are right.

I got my pieces from the 2nd mission boss, and the mission rewards change to shrine maiden pieces on subsequent clears. Oh and Eccentric and Yoshiie's are from Twilight mission

What's a good strategy for yatsu no kami? Been stuck for about an hour now.

It literally is

>same UI
>graphics look pretty much the same
>same horned fire monsters
>skill tree is now a FFX style grid
>nioh weapon that is too OP

The good thing is that now you can play as either a white/black/hafu waifu

Never dodge to the left

Do beta testers get anything if they buy the game?

Just GOTY 2019.

Well that’s deceptive. If we’re half yokai then we’re probably doomed to meet our end at a righteous warriors blade anyway, so what’s the point in not using it? I know the Japanese have different beliefs of “not all yokai are bad” and that some are friendly but that definitely hasn’t been the theme so far in either game.

Frog demon is friendly because he's an ex-human.

Also inb4 nobody uses the blue dexfag Yokai shift, that thing is weak and lame as hell. I was super confused and upset when my dude busted out those gay ass daggers instead of the brute club. Phantom is aight though.

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He seems more like an exception than the rule. I would be more inclined to believe in a better fate for our character if their were other halfbloods in the game. There was even a whole storyline in the first game dedicated to the dangers of aligning with yokai. He’s definitely going to meet a bitter end unless they want to contradict that.

How many new accessories are in the Alpha? So far I have found
Dragon Whistle
Hand Mirror
Japanese Scissors
Writing Set

The only new thing here is double axe thing,which is my favorite style already.
character creation is good tho

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>He seems more like an exception than the rule.
Not really. You fight quite a few human oni hybrids in first game and most of them are sane and just have philosophies opposing to your own.
Hell Nobunaga returns as a demon and he is the chillest dude in whole game.

or he's going to kill 1000 of them so he can finally die

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do any anons have webms of the alpha they can share?

>wonder about the lack of enemy variety
>realize all of the character faces are meticulously handsome, beautiful, or captivating
I guess it makes sense, they really like their people. Dunno if that’s worth sacrificing gameplay for, though; I wouldn’t mind seeing someone as awesome as pic related in Nioh, but at the same time I’m fighting things nearly infinitely more than watching cutscenes.

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So how do you guys feel about the yokai arts? I really like how I can now grab and dunk with the Brute Oni one.

my problem is that my side step has fuckall range and his shockwaves fuck me up because I don't dodge far enough away

I got an email from Playstation


And they are converted to the ”righteous” Forces of Ieyasu. They have mutual respect for their opponents willing to die for those different beliefs, but they make it very clear that aligning with yokai is wrong and will inevitably lead to loss and suffering. That’s why the one dude abandons his yokai centipede form and only uses his guardian spirit centipede. There’s really no gray area.

>I really like how I can now grab and dunk with the Brute Oni one.

shame it doesn't work on big foes but I like the hammer slam one

It's nice to be able to do that after the yoki doing that to me everytime they could in Nioh 1
Magatsu muscle is really fucking good against ki and Indestructible shell is a nice defense. Wall or nothing, the Nurikabe one looks strong but I haven't tried it

>”righteous” Forces of Ieyasu
Ieyasu is portrayed in extremely gray area just like his opponents.

what do these cute little catpuffs do?

>2nd mission boss,
Jesus Christ I went through hell with that boss.

They refill your Yokai Force Gauge

Shockwaves? If you mean the mini-tornadoes you can safely block 1 of them unless you're really mismanaging your ki. If you mean hitboxes then you might be getting too greedy, maybe do one less hit in your punish combo, a double dodge should be enough to dodge pretty much all of his attacks or block if you're not confident you can make it. Generally speaking you can block at least 1 attack from every enemy in the demo

Hammer Slam is kind of the best move so far, cool to see that they gave yokai arts to every enemy though even the tiny fire head dudes have their own specific variation

All the pieces from every set minus Sohaya also drop from enemies in the twilight mission if you want to go that route instead. Also agreed 2nd boss felt too spongy for me even after learning his gimmick. On the bright side I found out you have a default amount of elixers now so you'll always have at least 3-5 before even if you run out of stock

You always had a default number of elixirs, that number is based on the kodama found in that region.

Going by how Nioh 1 did it's alphas and betas, it's pretty likely that there could be a lot still missing. Personally I'm hoping we get 4-5 new weapons.

By Forces I meant human/spirit guardian users

>diablo loot
instantly dropped

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And I hope they’re good otherwise this is just going to be a 1kat run of Nioh 1 all over again

MC of Nioh 2 is a guardian spirit user too and they are in perfer synergy with his oni powers.

why does nioh get a pass for this?

Pretty sure you're wrong.

You can use guardian spirits and launch guardian spirit attacks right in the oni form

What weapons are in Nioh 2 so far?

fuck off back to discord Ken, don't talk about games you're absolute garbage at

They aren't guardian spirits anymore. They're yokai.

So was Date Shigizane and he was destined to fall at the hands of a human warrior.

No, they are explicidly called guardian spirits


He weren't a natural born hybrid but a sickly dying man who modified himself.

No Itagaki, no Ninja Gaiden

Maybe you should try watching one of the BILLIONS of streams

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Nioh "community" is a fucking joke. They managed to reach Souls tier faggotry in just one game cycle.

It's funny because a big issue with the first game was repetitiveness.

Yokai shift according to the amrita memories tutorials is described as the user channeling the Guardian spirit's power to unleash their own by transforming into a full blood yokai. Yokai Shift tutorial II even states that the bond with the guardian spirit is strengthened while in Yokai form. So Guardian spirits are still guardian spirits but we're tainted with yokai blood

>put all my points in str
>on second level
>bored of odachi
>cant use anything else because I have shit build

Ahhhhhh i hate this weapon, in gonna reroll a 1kat fag

I did. I misunderstood though apparently.

You can stop samefagging now

It's shit on purpose

Ah ok, thanks for explaining.

But the gameplay isn't what was repetitive. It was repetitive because of the lack of enemy variety and the way it re-used stages. There's no need to attempt to innovate or change what is already good.

Welp we’ll see what happens.

Your samefag detector is all sorts of fucked up, retard

If it has better level design and overall lightning through the game, its gonna be really good.
I think those two were the weakest points of Nioh


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Odachi is based wtf

Well I guess guardian spirits ar just a neutral force between yokai and human then. It makes sense since they always fuck off to whatever guy beats their host, like William. They just always lend themselves to the strong.

The gameplay was absolutely repetitive. The AI is too toothless and predictable

Reminder that the ninja cat in first game actually touches the subject of nigitama and aratama
MC of the second game achieves the balance between the two.

>Also agreed 2nd boss felt too spongy for me even after learning his gimmick.
My only problem with that boss is when it does the charge attack. I feel like it has some light lock on you that sometimes it's almost nerve racking annoying to dodge.

Ive played and beaten bb probably 20 times and I think nioh is an absolute trash piece of shit game and don't you ever compare it again

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Katana is SSS tier.
Odachi is gay tier

>randomized diablo gear
>optimize it
You are so fucking dumb holy shit

Combat, world building, sound design, art direction, characters, plot, progression, bosses
So, everything
Nioh is good idea mediocre execution
Sekiro is good idea stellar execution

Really? Then stop being a fucking mongoloid then.

Some dumb thot with 20ish views is playing it plus a lot of other retards are playing it so no one really knows.

ur gay tier gayboy

There are a ton of filler abilities that shouldn't even exist. I remember when the first DLC came out and they added some attributes that allowed you to do extra damage to specific enemies.

Well you were just using it for the whole game so I guess that makes sense.

oh and the encounter design did not help it either, since most of the game is 1v1 fights.

>Katana is SSS tier.
>Odachi is gay tier
Absolutely HORRID opinion

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Those attributes would actually be really worth investing in if it was like, 50% more damage to one enemy type, but instead it’s stupid shit like 12% when you can get like a 15-20% boost in a whole stance.

If you disagree with me you are objectively retarded.

Why do normalfags play this game?
Watched some streamers play, nobody uses ki pulse, everybody just spams heavy attacks to break yokai energy bar and spam attacks again. If enemy becomes enraged by that and starts attacking, they die and call that cheap, and everybody in chat agrees with them.

Why are these threads always filled up by soulsfags trying to start shit? Wtf is wrong with soulsfags?

Defend your shit weapon

>waaah diablo loot
Is this the ultimate brainlet filter(hehe)?

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>it's katana
>but bigger
>and cooler
>and also not gay

he is wrong about odachi, but also correcta bout katana. A single good katana is the god choice

Have they fixed the bland level design, lack of enemy variety and shitty loot system?

I don't care if its a rehash as long as they fix the main problems the first one had

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What's it like being stupid.

so that you can enjoy watching your favorite streamers play it user...

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Not only am i not objectively retarded but i bet my life, my actual life, that i know several orders of magnitude more about the subject than you do. You scream of retarded secondary parrot, i have yet to meet anyone that shares your "opinion" and is otherwise.

No its the ultimate doesn't play retarded games with pointless time sink mechanics in it filter
Seriously how do you defend that shit it doesn't even make sense for this kind of game

Because people on Yea Forums don't actually discuss video games they just bicker about them.

You tell me you fucking retard

Yes user the guys that model the faces are the same ones that animate balance model program and texture the enemies

Katana was boring in 1 because you had 2 really good moves: Iai from behind and the parries. And these moves overshadowed everything else basically.

The only thing Nioh has from NG is the copy pasted assets.

There are maybe around four or five skills across every single weapon that are entirely obsolete or have too big weaknesses to use. There are a fair few superfluous effects that they should have trimmed though.

No, because diablo loot is an awful design choice. Having equipment with attributes is fine, but RNG timesinks don't deserve to be in a skill based game, and they only water down the action core when they add attributes that encourage you to spam a single minmaxed skill.

Best post in this thread.

I'm not the one implying you can't optimize loot in a game with tons of loot.

better yet ill give you three.

Nioh definitely has better bosses, music, and more varied gameplay though.

Nah nigga, if you legit think nu-TM could think up something rivaling NG1 and 2, instead of another Sigma2/3/3RE then there's something wrong with you

How are people feeling about ninjutsu and Onmyo getting their points primarily from proficiencies now instead of stat investment? Also favorite yokai form? Been using Phantom a lot but I think Feral would be more my style if the Guardian spirit associated with Phantom didn't have all those good benefits like healing off of Yokai skill damage

Like i said, secondary faggot with nothing worth saying. Refrain from talking about NG ever again, stick to whatever games you actually play.

Nioh doesn't have better bosses or music, not even by a long shot,

you dont have to grind for gear ever in nioh, you can swap a stat and upgrade ur gear to current level etc

>better bosses
What the fuck what
There's not a single memorable boss in all of nioh.

Havent seen anything, Did they remove the retarded diablo loot?

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Yes they made a VN now

>didn't even like Nioh
>got a code for Nioh 2
>played it for 20 minutes and deleted it
If you REEEEAALLLLY liked Nioh 1, you'll like Nioh 2. It's literally the same game, but they slapped a character creator on it.

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Stop deflecting and actually say why you think TM is up to the task
>secondary faggot
I finished NGB on master ninja, NG2 on mentor and only bothered to play through 3 once. Also recently beat sigma1/2/3RE on a ps3 just to see how different they are. I've probably played more 3D Ninja Gaiden games than you.

You're an actual brainlet. I bet you loved DaS3

The only reason anyone could even say the bosses are "memorable" is because they're engraved into their brain from spending 340 attempts on each one.

>Nioh is better because it's easier

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I like it way better.

Not him, but what does Diablo loot have anything to do with Dark Shit 3?


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DaS3 didn't require any thought. Having to figure out gear is too complicated for these soulsbabbies.

t shitter

>these huge yokai realms
this shit is not fun
why do they think it's a good idea to turn stamina management into such a fucking chore

oh you ran out of stamina? tough shit, better stand around for 5 seconds because the yokai realm is fucking you up so hard

Sekiro fucking sucks you worthless PCnerd lmao.

Nigger, wait for the beta. There was barely anything new in the alpha.


I actually enjoy making builds and trying different playstyles which Sekiro has zero ability to do so. Which is fine for what it wants to do but if you dislike the main playstyle of Sekiro you are basically stuck.

>Having to figure out gear is too complicated
Yes, quite.

Because you're suppose to use your yokai abilities etc.. more. They get buffed in those parts.

>why do they think it's a good idea to turn stamina management into such a fucking chore
It's a good thing there's a stat called COURAGE that boosts ki regeneration on top of giving your weapons more damage.

>I "finished" 1 out of 6 games
>i probably played more than you

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>sekirofags can't into ki pulsing.
Casuals, the lot of you.

sekiro is babbys first nioh

It sounds like you already have garbage taste if you can stomach BB that many times

The only move you shouldn't be using with 1kat is Sword of Meditation. Both (disregarding that you said parries plural) of those skills are reliant on specific situations to be used and focusing only on them means you miss out on countless damage opportunities.
The only effects that promote single skill spam, while they still shouldn't exist, are either rare starred effects or part of a few sets. On the contrary, having consistent rewards through loot serves as a great driving force to improving at the skill based core, while said depth and mechanics mean getting loot is always an interesting involving experience instead of a passive one. There are many effects that add meaningful aspects and upgrades to the combat that positively change and open up new possibilities.

but the beta could be changed from feedback off the alpha

If it's so easy why can't your tiny brain handle it? Maybe you shouldn't be playing rpgs.

Nioh is Bloodborne for game journalist

this. Odachi just fucking destroys everythings ki.

>4 playthroughs in
No fucking game is worth 4 playthoughs in

And? The alpha is overtuned currently. Most grabs instakill or get really close to killing you.

That's the challenge for your new yokai abilities combined with the blessed and corrupted weapons

>he hasn't played dragons dogma

For real I'm loving Nioh 2. I put hundreds of hours into Nioh, and this is everything a sequel should be.

>refining graphics
>streamlining certain redundant stats and effects
>replace 2kat and Tonfa with glorious hatchets (even tho I love 2kat)
>yokai weapons
>soul core system
>yokai force
>full yokai realms
>old enemies given a facelift and new attacks
>new enemies legit creepy af maggot fuckboi
>benevolent revenants (for the scrubs)
>more ochoko and Kodama interaction

And that's just in the first mission.

Are you responding to the right guy?

>replace 2kat and Tonfa
they are most likely still in the game just not in alpha

I haven't played the game and only watched that one retard playing yesterday. is this user being a fuckwitt or can you really not nullify the effects as he is suggesting?

says you
it looks too easy

The game might be improved in everyway but there's no way that I am gonna pay more than 20$ for this game.It's a rehash,regardless of the upgrade.

There are areas where you can only nullify it by killing specific yokai, ki pulses can't remove it.

>streamlining certain redundant stats and effects
>replace 2kat and Tonfa with glorious hatchets (even tho I love 2kat)
Speaking of things not in the Alpha, do you thing Wind and EARTH got replaced with Purify and Corruption or are they just not present in the Alpha, to me feels kinda lame they don't want to expand omnyo

>i-it gets good 2000 hours in I s-swear
>i-it only counts o-on MN
Dumb deflecting retard

Tried all the weapons, katana is easily the best.
Axe and Odachi are dogshit

The first game was great so why does a sequel need to reinvent the wheel?

>Shockwaves? If you mean the mini-tornadoes

when he slams into the ground

Is this the state of soulsbabbies? Can't handle games with actual replayability?

that's what i was referring to. So he is kind of right is he not? Isn't that really bad design?

Is there no ninjutsu/omnyo in the alpha?

I like that it's combat style actually revolves around stance switching instead of it just being "be in this stance to do this"

>if the sequel doesn't complete change the game it's shit

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>to me feels kinda lame they don't want to expand omnyo
the spinning fire orb onmyo, magic arrow onmyo and the one giving shockwaves on strong attacks are more interesting than the entire nioh 1 spell arsenal

No, you have ways to deal with it.

You cant tell me you enjoyed the Diablo loot.
There's no way you enjoyed fighting the same boss over and over again for a chance at getting one piece of a 6 part set only for it to get outstated by anything after 2 more missions

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>nu gow different than old gow!
really makes you think

On normal missions it's not so bad but during twilight missions it's pretty shitty so I just bait enemies out of the realm.

There's more. Go look at a video of the skill trees

I did, get fucked. I like farming loot and making builds. It's fun to optimize and turn into a machine that deletes enemies. While I agree there are redundant stats that could be toned down I wouldn't want them to change the loot system dramatically.

I just started it and I'm not getting any skill points from upgrading dex

Are anti-shills a thing now? Do I have to see these people exist if there aren't any shills around? No winning with this board.

>outstated by anything after 2 more missions
So you're a brainlet who never got past the first difficulty huh?


I'm not deflecting anything, you LITERALLY are a secondary retard. I'm done wasting my time arguing with fucking idiots who unironically have 1/10th of the experience and knowledge i do on the subject and can't do anything but make meaningless sweeping generalizations and endlessly parroting each other, yet act like rabid zealots, like these games they played once are their religion. I'm at that point now, get fucked.

Now imagine what they could do with Wind and Earth since they got more creative with the spells, guess I'll have to wait to truly judge it

eYe DoN't LiKe tHe ThInG tHaT U Lyke

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You get points from using it now. Throwing those firebombs gives ninja points now, for example.

Even in the first run you could use Warrior of the West to carry you the entire game and just forging the pieces or finding new revenants to fight if you wanted to be lazy.

don't let me stop you from fucking mentioning them

Anyone know when this is coming to PC? I can't stand the PS4 version, my PS4 pro sound like a jet engine half the time and it puts out a ton of heat. I don't understand how people can use this thing as their main console.

So how do you get your first ninja points?


fuken missed it

>Literally the same shitty grindy loot system

No thanks.

by throwing firebombs?

I literally just told you. Also from locks of hair.

That's fucking retarded

>every boss is fun, has a wide moveset often with multiple phases, and several ways of approach along with room to learn and improve at the fight
>every boss on death, if it has a specific set, will always drop half the set at least, as well as a chance to get it's smithing text to forge it
>the way stats actually work and are (ironically poorly) balanced along with the existence of Familiarity and Soul Matching mean equipment lasts for regions easily
Stop talking about a game you haven't played or bothered to learn.

Really hoping the action mode looks better on release because as of now it looks very fucking crusty but the framerate is great, I'll still get it though especially with the PS5 being BC

there are also still famed locks you can find.

there's no MC, you have to make your own character

okay, and how isn't that questionable game design? Now there's areas in the game where you are arbitrarily limited in what you can do? What is the point? If they wanted to make an area harder until you kill a certain enemy why not make it actually harder instead of just limiting?

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Nioh was the best game of 2017, the only mistake they made this time was releasing it the same year as sekiro and re2

It can be, or it can be a n*groid female

Stop shitposting

Attached: Maximum Bait.jpg (625x626, 40K)

Day 1 buy

>ask legitimate questions
>stop shitposting

At least i see we both agree it's bad game design, even if only one of us can bare to say it out loud.

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alright, I'm convinced these are region-locked

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>legitimate questions
Oh, you're just retarded. Here's a hint: every yokai drops a different move you can use.

Are you trying to redeem it on Sony's site or directly through your PS4?

Why is the combat so boring...

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PS4 marketplace

AAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD? What does that have to do with anything you retarded fanboy?

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>Nioh has the better GAMEplay
>But Sekiro is more fun
The state of Fromcucks.

Funny coming from a simpleton who gets gratification by seeing bigger numbers.

But BB is already Souls for journalists. BB was by far the easiest of the Soulsborne games

So like every Souls game?

I'm not the only one who thinks the snake boss is a bit of a pain to deal with solo? Hell my only problem is trying to dodge the slide attack because that attack seem to lock on to you and it's pretty fucking annoying to dodge it.

Tiger's Blade is stylish as fuck, Devastating Rush is a great gapcloser, Moonlit Snow obliterates yokai, basic attacks are fast, have great cleaving range, and hits very hard, Crashing Wave lets you take the offense and rape ki instead of sitting around and relying on dumbass ez mode backwave tempest parry.

It takes more technical skill to play odachi at a high level than it does to play 1kat since all you do is sit in midstance and tap L1 to parry bait and sometimes flowing shadow or iai quickdraw. 1kat is definitely one of the strongest but its also the 2nd most brainlet weapon with only 2kat SotC spam being the ultimate pleb tier.

>mfw when i actually tried this code
and didnt realize till i was about to do the same thing

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You're over exaggerating it. There's nothing particularly wrong with having certain more deadly areas for whatever reason they make it so, it's nothing new at all, and the base reason (because naturally the layout is a factor that should go without saying) is just slower Ki recovery which can be played around with proper skill. It's less of a direct limit and more adding further risk and consequence, as well as emphasizing yokai shift.

did they do something interesting with the Twilight Missions?

Pro tip: if something is hard to dodge you should consider a different stance's dodge, blocking it first or sprinting. All these options are there for a reason.

Tiger Blade is useless in practice.
DR is okay, only use it to cheese enemies.
Forget what moonlit is

is onmyo mage good now

SoulsShit is not the standard Nioh should strive for.

is there a screenshot of that loading screen?

what does the kodama core attack do?

What pretty buzzwords user. Ki pulse does not clear the yokai realm so explain to me how it can be "played around" without literally just dealing with the limit the game imposes on you. Stamina in an action game is already a retarded concept to begin with.

I know there are other options user, it's just that her dash attack is pretty fucking annoying to dodge, block and Sprint away from it if it locks on you. It should be just a quick 2-3 straight dash.

>Stamina in an action game is already a retarded concept to begin with
I wish sekirolets would leave this board

guardian spirits are yokai; see nuhariyon, the old man yokai from the first game

So I'm watching a stream because KT doesn't want someone that would actually test things and I just noticed, can you "Ki" Pulse Yokai Skills to recover some of the Yokai Force used? I don't know if I want to coin it Yokai Pulse or Force Pulse but we'll see what catches on.

take a look at every monster hunter prior to world

I don't understand this post. Were you hoping to achieve something by demonstrating your complete and utter ignorance on the genre or do you just consider it acceptable collateral damage if it means taking a poor shot at a game literally no one mentioned?

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do different cursed weapons have different voicelines? i want a female one

Probably if you got a core with ki pulse as its yokai force effect or some gear.

the odachi one is female

"Buzzwords", right. Ki Pulse is the main mechanic that already lets you recover your Ki independent of what the speed is. The timing on it is based on the player and they also have things like Flux to learn. On top of that you have any other ways to speed up Ki recovery, Kekkais are probably still in, you get more access to Yokai Skills with more Yokai Force and Yokai Shift drains slower. The area itself is also tied to a specific enemy or object that you can aim for first to remove it. Games are all about limits and how you deal with them at their core.

Oh so it's a core specific effect? That's kinda strange but it speaks to the variety they'll have.

>you can do the same things you can when you are not arbitrarily limited to lesser effect!

So you have literally nothing, gotcha ya

Is kodama sense still on gear? I've found treasure sense, but no kodama.


I guarantee those areas are going to be pure cancer on later playthroughs.

Yeah, it's not arbitrarily limiting you after all. There's also what I actually said if you'd like to read it, plus anything we don't know about yet since the Closed Alpha's been out about two days. Not everything is about square peg in square hole.

I've seen Kodama, Treasure, and Enemy.

But of course. When has Nioh done something wrong? Poor thought out game mechanic? In MY Nioh? Can't be.

huh, i got a soul core from the catpuff

they should put it in every twilight mission and abyss floor

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So now you're just shitflinging.

Can't wait.
What does it do? If it lets you summon them on demand I need two.

it turns you into one when it's all puffed up and spiky and you roll around, but it did also drop a bell i could use to to summon one at will. not a permanent item though.

Literally don't care, I didn't play the first one because it didn't have character creation.

Lucky you, this one DOES have character creation!

Yes, pointing out and questioning a potential flaw that even a brain dead fucking moron could see coming, in the sequel to the game rife with questionable design choices, when it is in the Alpha stage instead of going "I'm sure there's some secret thing that fixes it in the final game and we don't know about" is shitflinging, you fucking troglodyte.

Listen to , he's much smarter than you.

That's the fucking point. Everything will be new to me in this one anyway so I don't care.

>Everything will be new to me
How is that a bad thing?

Double K dying is one of the worst things ever.

That all sounds even better. I need as much of those adorable bastards as possible.

Who /axeandhatchet/ here

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Liking the dual axes a lot more than expected. Especially since you can castlevania lob them for mid combo strikes.

Get some reading comprehension.

>logged onto email for 10th time

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Any links to someone playing this game who's not a mouth breathing imbecile?

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the cat has an asshole

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>They give Bare Hands their own skill tree
>But fists can't ki pulse
Fuck why even bother

does it even have a proper moveset this time?


I never went bare handed in the first game, but so far I've only got two jabs and a kick so no not really, unless it unlocks more moves down the road

I just noticed blacksmith girl isn't actually missing her other eye. Why does she wear the eyepatch?

If I pulled it off, would she die?

She might just be blind in that eye.

Without stamina management a lot of action games (monster hunter, soulsborne, nioh, etc) would lose a lot of the depth they have. Managing a resource to balance between being on the offensive and playing defensive adds complexity to the games. Games without stamina are either braindead retarded or have to supplement depth in other means (NG, complex moveset and aggressive foes. DMC, braindead foes but potential for extreme complexity regarding movesets) worst case you get sekiro which was a spam heavy game where youre mashing R1 the majority of the game until red kanji appears or you get deflected.
No stamina system is akin to an fps without ammo

Why even bother then?

It's just a cool gimmick. You can get a swordcatch parry for huge damage and an Onmyo spell that greatly buffs their damage for a short time.

The tree is also kind of nuts. Each pip gives you 20% more damage

Do you get any reward for beating the Alpha? I finished the first mission but I don't want to spoil any more of the game like the betas of the first game did for me.

Hatchets are fucking gay and they better not drop 2kat over their inlusion.
I'm liking everything else so far though.

>character creation
Finally I can play this, only reason I skipped the first game was being forced to play a lame ass cringe character

No, why would they give a reward for a closed alpha. Last time was an open alpha

Now you can play as your cringe waifu, incel

Being forced to play as a predetermined character is the biggest blunder in gaming.

I feel more like an axe wizard the way they just magically teleport back into my hand after I throw them. This is the true FF15 right here.

Can I not learn any skills in the alpha?

believe it or not: balance, pacing, variety, and overall design greatly add to the fun of a game. DMC has better gameplay than Nioh, but I'd rather play Nioh

>implying there is an etc

Action games have existed without a stamina system for decades. Complexity my ass, it detracts more than it adds because limitations had to be put in place to accommodate it. One of the reasons fighting enemies became so repetitive and formulaic in the first game was because both of you had a stamina system, the reason every single human boss just feels like an upstarted regular enemy that blends with every other boss was because you both had a stamina bar. Stamina management ads nothing of value to Nioh, if they got rid of it and made enemies more aggressive to compensate the game would end up better. Don't pretend fucking stamina of all things is some staple of the genre, in fact it's a pretty big sign of something not being a true action game.

This is besides the fucking point, i did not intend to cry about Nioh having stamina, that boat has sailed, pushing that part of the game even harder though is fucking dumb and restrictive. That's all they could have thought about doing? Forcing you to deal with something the game otherwise actively encourages you to avoid doing? That's weak, i like the visual effect and the concept, but the gameplay part is dumb.

For me, it's the odachi.

You can, the same way you did in the first game.

>DMCuckold wants it to be another button mashing anime sim
Fucking yikes, there is literally nothing more cringe than CUHRAYZEE combat, your opinion is disregarded


Attached: Sekiro Duel.webm (1024x576, 2.87M)

Git gud, pleb.

Attached: DevilMayCry3.webm (480x360, 1.83M)

Quality post cockbreath

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>proving my point
Who cares about trickster dashing jc looping when the series has brainless sandbags for enemies?

>DMC is just a sandbag simulato-

Attached: Devil May Cry 3 - Fallen jump cancels.webm (640x480, 2.76M)

cringe game for anime-watching incels

Why are you posting webms of him fighting sandbags?

Based. Spbp.

DMC is incel repellent.

I'm not.

Attached: Devil May Cry 3 - Crazy combo.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

damn, this game is not balanced for multiplayer at all

>I’d rather mash button combos and watch a 30 second anime cutscene than have methodical, realistic combat
Fucking CRINGEEEEEEE please have sex, anime sucks

Git gud.

Attached: Devil May Cry 4 - Bael and Dagon.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

Glad to see hosts are as stupid as ever.

>don't wait at the shrine while summoning
>can't gesture
>miss literally everything

Is it not? I noticed that at least that one leg enemy is smart enough to attack both characters when people summon those blue phantoms.

Nice mods, if the game had depth you wouldn't need style switcher now would you


Attached: Devil May Cry 4 - Vergil combo.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

The Expeditions mode is likely the Yokai Realm With a Companion mode, which is specifically made for coop and among other things it adds extra enemies. Though there wasn't enough enemies to begin with so it only goes so far but it's still really fun with the other changes like limited revives over checkpoints.

i mean the actual multiplayer with real humans. i just joined some guys twilight mission and we gangbanged enema with no effort.

>Expeditions mode

Sorry but I don’t play cringe anime games for obese incels, I only play good games

Incels hate DMC.

Sekiro is ok. but it's pretty slow and clunky & its combat is about as deep as a kiddie pool. from soft has improved slightly but has never been able to outgrow crappy controls, bad camera & 1 dimensional combat.
Nioh was always a much better game.

Sekiro is bland to me because there is no ability to play something else within the game. I can't swap weapons at all.
I understand why they decided to drop that but it's still really shitty.

>Prosthetic tools
>Mikiri counter
>Jump counter
>Combat arts
>Ninjitsu arts
>Grappling hook

>Shallow combat

Weak bait, lad.

Attached: Sekiro Duel 2.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

I fucking hate WiFi faggots so much.

>playing Sigma 2
>join game
>it's a slide show
>send message telling them that they shouldn't use WiFi for gaming
>explain why
>Stupid bitch gets into an argument with me that it must be my connection
>explain why again and question how i managed to know she had WiFi if it really is fine
>unironically gives me the "sweety" talk and says she told me and that's how i knew
>tell her to stay ignorant then
>says she "doesn't have to listen to menial people"

Fuming, At least i managed to put one BR in the right path.

Attached: Fuckin do it.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Are you not on the main map screen? There's an option for multiplayer on there next to where Blacksmith etc. is just like the first game's Torii Gate.

Yet you are still stuck using a Katana for the entire thing.

That's not really true.
it's like DMC5. the game already has depth. the devs are just retarded and make baffling stupid decisions limiting their systems so modders have to fix the game to try to reach its full potential.

Your point?

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>Nioh is better because it's an easier game

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it's extremely shallow compared to most action games.
you can't even use multiple combat arts.
I mean jak 3 has that much combat variety & it's not even an action game.

I can pick up a different weapon in Nioh and have a different playstyle. You can't do that in Sekiro.

it's much harder. I breezed through sekiro.
I'm not even half way through NIOH.

You don't need to make every game different or original if it works then it simply works. The only thing you CAN do is improving on what you did wrong at the start and I can clearly see big improvements here and there and that's good enough. Souls games tried to be different and look where it took it, the very first souls game is still the best the quality went to shit on 2nd and the 3rd game was a sad excuse and attempt at becoming the first game again.

Sekiro is an action adventure game, with an emphasis on highly vertical and non-linear level design. Something Nioh sorely lacks.

And Nioh has to balance enemies around a variety of weapons, leading to a less tight gameplay experience; whereas Sekrio can be balanced entirely a single weapon leading to ludo.

Attached: Genichiro Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

you mean leading to easy as fuck since you quickly learn how to counter everything. these webms look cool and all, but you're literally pressing 2 buttons in each one.

Yeah except if you don't like the fucking weapon then it's all kind of useless to you. I enjoy variety over a singular weapon. Nioh is more fun to actually play to me than Sekiro because I can test builds and mess around with weapons, sets, and secondary powers. None of that applies to Sekiro.

Attached: 1540441855729.gif (320x240, 2.05M)

>but you're literally pressing 2 buttons in each one.
Your point?

Attached: Wolflistening.png (773x763, 620K)

that's true to a degree 90% of bosses felt exactly the same. the game is largely guard spam.

That it gets boring?

that it isn't deep or engaging, just flashy. sekiro is style over substance.

I'm sure you'll be able to transform into him later in the game.

Shallow combat

Maybe you should git gud.

Attached: Owl 1.webm (1000x542, 2.98M)

i beat the game up to NG+4 without kuro's charm and bell demon active.


Why do they always shit up Nioh threads?

do only weapons have inheritable traits?

He should have miki countered you when you used the spear. you were saved by RNG.

>Seething Xcuck and his no games

Only Owl 2 does the Mikiri counter.


Attached: Xgod.jpg (3000x3000, 1.7M)

>And Nioh has to balance enemies around a variety of weapons, leading to a less tight gameplay experience; whereas Sekrio can be balanced entirely a single weapon leading to ludo.

Ignorant retard logic. Nioh is less balanced because they put fuck all thought into the balance. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 has the most varied movesets of any action game and every single one is balanced for the content, most other action games are the same. Nioh is an exception so your made up rule to try and justify a major flaw in your game is absolute bullshit, especially considered there is fuck all balance in Sekiro just like Nioh.

Because Nioh is inspired by DMC as was ninja gaiden which was made by the same devs team ninja.
from drones are just mad they couldn't into comboing.

In the first game a new rarity tier was unlocked after beating the game and only armour of that rarity could get inheritables and Familiarity.

It's funny as fuck because there are Xcucks who actually believe this.

Get back to begging for a port like you did with the first Nioh.

based hole putting an incel in his place

You have not made a single argument, all you have done is spout bullshit from your mouth
Fuck off, retard. Come back when you have actual arguments.

What, and you did? I'm still here, nice try you absolute secondary faggot.

next time lets get barry to really shit up this thread to the maximum

I asked you to provide reasons why you think current TM can do a new NG after the travesty that were the aforementioned games, and you haven't said a single thing about it.
You literally don't know what that means, retard

your asking provide arguments that counter your own baseless stupid fuck opinion like it's a fact.

What is the correct nomenclature for someone who talks about games he doesn't finish much less understand. You tell me, and I'll start using it. Get lost scrub.

I asked you a QUESTION that you completely ignored because you have no (zero)(0) arguments
>doesn't finish
You are absolutely the dumbest gorrilla nigger monkey I have ever talked to