If a game can't survive without its story, it's a movie game regardless of play time. For example, Bayonetta, Xenoblade...

If a game can't survive without its story, it's a movie game regardless of play time. For example, Bayonetta, Xenoblade, Pokemon, TLOU, Uncharted, The Order 1886, Horizon, God of War, and so on.

If you want to argue that these are NOT movie games, then you must not only support removing every cutscene from them, but you must consider the game objectively improved as a result. If you hesitate on removing even one tiny cutscene, then it's movie shit. No arguments. You cannot consider yourself a good judge of a game's quality if you're so obsessed with a game "having lore" or "having character development" or "needing context".

Bitch, I want to shoot, platform, or solve puzzles. I don't need a dramatic backstory about my family dying in war, or some religious analogy. Having fun is the only context I need.

Attached: 1558624484204.png (224x224, 87K)

>Bitch, I want to shoot, platform, or solve puzzles.
more like
> I want to Bitch

Hi ACfag

>pokemon is a movie game

Attached: 1480563104686.gif (295x221, 613K)


What is the best Armored Core game and why is it Last Raven?

Bayonetta would actually be improved by removing cutscenes.


The first game is the best because of the variety in the missions.

>movie game that relies on its story
I don't understand. Bayonetta is an action game with the main focus being its deep combat mechanics. The story is nice to have I guess, but as DMC4 shows you can get hours of enjoyment out of these types of games by just throwing enemies in an empty room with the player.

>game that relies on its story
I also don't understand. Pokemon's stories are always bland and soulless, and as the Crystal Clear hack shows, the game is only improved by stripping it and the progression blocks it requires all out and letting the player go wherever they want.

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What does the AC in ACfag stand for? Armored Core? Animal Crossing? Anti-Cinematic? I've seen it used in contexts that those definitions would work

Shouldn't the OP image answer that question?

>you must
>you cannot
lol you can't tell us what to do, fag

Yea Forums needs a reboot, we're reaching critical autism levels

Fuck you're right. It's been so long sine i played the first one

God DAMN there he is
THERE he fucking is
BASED fucking ACfag dabbing on moviegaming waifu niggers' fucking graves
Telling it like it is as always

Attached: 1558648601568.jpg (359x347, 66K)

>ACfag shitpost

yawn, you were better off saying stupid shit like "Yea Forums loves Other M because Yea Forums likes ZZS fanart"

Armored Core. He used to attach Armored Core images to his shitposts

>copying and pasting my post without proper content

Attached: Untitled.png (872x572, 455K)

Doesn't it have a fucked control scheme though? I remember it being kind of awkward to play.

Platinum games should not do story ever, when outsourcing

It has fully rebindable controls. I think the defaults are good once you learn them though. It's the same scheme as King's Field where the shoulder buttons move the camera up and down.

Attached: Armored Core Sledgehammer fight.webm (640x480, 2.84M)

>ACfag still posts
>but AC's been on ice since 2013
I swear to go if Grand Rune's legitimately a thing that comes out before AC6 is officially announced, I'm going to have an aneurysm.

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Bayonetta wouldn't be improved without the cutscenes because the cutscenes are fun. The plot is ridiculous b-movie shit and it doesn't pretend otherwise.

It wouldn't lose quality if you got rid of the cutscenes, but they're fun.

I think the point OP is making is that, if the game was really fun, you'd want as little distracting you from it as possible. Even a "b-movie fun plot" would be sickening shit if it got in the way of fun gameplay. Saying "maybe I need a break from the game" is the sign of a bad game.

you are retarded
memes are not real

Xenoblade's story did not even remotely justify or provide incentive for the amount of time it took to get through the game. The game would be improved by honestly removing both the story and the gameplay and just having it be a bunch of pretty pictures of environments and music to listen to.

>get to go into space
>get to blow up space lasers
>fighting titanic mechas
>H+ raven hunts
Hell, 1st gen in general has a lot of creative mission ideas.
Like Project Phantasma having a jungle stealth mission, or the way that some missions in MoA are vital in knocking off higher ranking ravens so you can climb up the ranks without just doing arena fights after arena fights.
And MoA had good content with the Ex Arena.

Attached: 1509828746409.png (1800x2175, 1.65M)

Git gud.

Attached: Xenoblade 2 Fight.webm (640x480, 2.28M)

>cluttered UI
>standing still and mashing buttons
>10/10 because muh waifus


defend the submarine

>that demo that had multiplayer vs.
So good. I spent so many hours on that with my friend. I don't think either of us ever got the actual game, but he did end up buying 3 years later.

That multiplayer was pretty damn good. Now if only the framerate was better, it'd be real kino.