What does a typical work day for a Firekeeper looks like?
What does a typical work day for a Firekeeper looks like?
It doesn't looks like anything because she's blind
i want to hug the firekeeper
she tends to the flame and tends to thee
why were there so many dead copies of her in the tower
stand around and give footjobs to the ashen one
Those are her predecessors, my nignog. The estus ring says that after a life of work they get a well-deserved rest in the tower.
why is there so little pom of her?
>tfw read that as "estrus ring"
Poor man's Maiden in Black rip off.
Hmm... it makes sense.
I dont like firekeepers dont show the face
Emerald herald is cuter and doesnt have to wear a mask
Are you fucking retarded? You thought they were clones?
Demon Souls faggots are so delusional.
>dressed the same
>same mask
>exact same hair
God I would fuck the shit outta the firekeeper
firekeeper is for hugging!
>the KKK are all clones
>riot police are all clones
>scuba divers are all clones
Gee, user.
>the japanese doesn't sexualize wom-
The sad part is that the character wouldn't even be talked about if she wasn't cute/hot, because muh dick. You literally can't argue against feminism knowing that.
How does she give me power for Souls? What does she do with the Souls?
God damn. you are fucking dumb. The game even tells you that the firekeeper just recently became a fire keeper, and there's another fucking character in the game who tried to become one and failed. Hell, there's a fire keeper's soul at the firelink shrine that belonged to a previous one and you can give it to the firekeeper. Just kill yourself already, you low iq nigger.
Maiden in Black is better than her.
>firekeeper's face when she sees me leveling up faith and int assuming i'm going to use fire
>actually use it for dark
>literally arr rook da same
>no indication that they can't be reincarnations of the same one, or that they're all meant to be individual despite the same appearance
>anons assert their headcanon anyway
this is why discussing Souls lore on Yea Forums is dumb
She specifically mentions that she's a new fire keeper and there are other dead ones that aren't her. Are you also going to ignore Irina? Holy fucking shit, fuck off.
wtf, where is that?
>The sad part is that the character wouldn't even be talked about if she wasn't cute/hot, because muh dick.
Not one person has said that Japanese people don't sexualize women, nor did anybody say that she would be talked if even if she was ugly. Nice strawman, faggot.
>You literally can't argue against feminism knowing that.
This is such an obvious bait but enjoy your (you)
>Not one person has said that Japanese people don't sexualize women, nor did anybody say that she would be talked if even if she was ugly. Nice strawman, faggot.
Well, that's pathetic. Glad you admit.
"The Bell Tower is the grave of Fire Keepers past. When a Fire Keeper has served her purpose, she is led to true darkness, where she enjoys a long-deserved sleep."
So this...is the intelligence...of souls fans.....Woah.
Firekeeper is for hand holding missionary sex
why do docile, submissive women get me so fucking worked up?
>and there are other dead ones that aren't her
back up your claim
bottom of Firelink Shrine's tower
>"Fire Keepers past" can't mean past copies of the Fire Keeper
Because you're normal.
Do firekeeper have sex
Watch the intro cutscene cinematic again, you fucking idiot. Also Irina of Carim. You keep fucking ignoring this.
>"Fire Keepers past" can't mean past copies of the Fire Keeper
This is like arguing against Last Thursdaysim. I mean, it can, but there's no indication that they're clones. Fire keepers have always been everywhere and different people, and clones have never been a thing.
How the fuck do I get to the bottom of Firelink Shrine's tower? Is it that maze thing?
>the intro
yeah, the newest copy takes the place of the older ones now that the fire's fading
literally an outlier disconnected from the rest of Firelink, not part of the cycle
Why do they all have their mouths open?
That "outlier" destroys your entire fucking argument. Kill yourself, retard.
if you bought the key to the tower you can drop off the bridge in the tower and land on some coffins jutting out of the walls to safely make it to the ground
>buy tower key from wrinkly shrine bitch
>go open the door near the giant seed tree
>keep going until you reach an elevator, don't take it
>look over the edge and you'll see an item, roll to get to the ledge it's on. You'll take fall damage, so heal yourself
>drop to the bottom, don't die from falling damage
>the one disconnected from the rest of the Firekeepers changes everything because ???
ok dude
Souls lore is all about interpretation and being open-ended but apparently that's too much of a concept for you to grasp
Emerald Herald > Maiden in black > Spider waifu > DS3 firekeeper > Emma >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS1 firekeeper
So you don't even know that Irina can actually become a firekeeper in Dark Souls 3? And that a "firekeeper" is just someone who tends to the flames of a bonfire? I didn't know Queelaag's Sister, Irina of Carim, and The Firekeeper in Dark Souls 3 were the same person. You have truly shown me the light.
Fucking moron.
>DS1 firekeeper
Which one? Surely you don't mean best sick spiderwife?
Lots of semen.
>Soul of a Fire Keeper who is said to have returned from the Abyss. This Fire Keeper preserves the bonfire, and serves its champion. She is said to have soothed and accepted the dark sigil, which has tainted her soul. And yet, her soul will one day embed itself in the bosom of another Fire Keeper.
You hang out with random assholes who show up at your fire
It means you can optionally give it to the current keeper as a tool to fix hollowing, not that she reincarnates. Do you become a boss when you pop their soul? No.
I posted that for the idiot clone poster ITT to hopefully make him shut up. No one with more than 80 IQ who played this game thinks she's a clone.
Irina can become a Firekeeper, but as stated she's disconnected from the current cycle of Firekeepers since she came from Carim. We've seen in 2 that Firekeepers can be artificial with the Emerald Herald and the Firekeepers in 1 were all temporary means of keeping the fires lit, since they could all be killed and have their bonfires go out. Remember that 3's Firekeeper keeps coming back and is tied to the flame while Irina isn't, thus making 3's seem like a product of Lothric kingdom trying to keep the flames lit and the path to the kiln ready rather than some random woman that decided to light the fire. The dead bodies looking exactly like her contribute to this
There is no "cycle" of fire keepers you lying retard. Where the hell are you even getting this from?
The fact that the series is cyclical?
You're a man, that's how it works.
I want your in game proof, as you specifically noted it as a "statement", that every fire keeper is a clone. I'll wait. I'll also wait for you to show up that fire keepers all reincarnate as "clones" of each other like you keep trying to say. You try calling other people retards to spouting headcanon yet you have done nothing to prove anything you have utters to far.
>the serie sis cyclical
Only to a degree, you fucking retard. Nito doesn't come back at the end of the series. There is no clone of Nito running around in Dark Souls 3.
>every dead Firekeeper in the tower is a clone of the one we meet
Pretty sure its FromSoft being lazy as fuck with the models in that area. I doubt most people would even notice its full of dead keepers on their playthroughs especially after falling down and trying to escape.
What's the theory behind the dead firekeeper with the eyes in untended graves?
I know Ludleth has some dialogue like "we did all we could to spare her from them (the eyes)" - did he kill the old firekeeper, because she had eyes?
You are a fucking brainlet user holy shit
>I want your in game proof, as you specifically noted it as a "statement", that every fire keeper is a clone
read my replies again, I didn't make a "statement" but it makes more sense to me than having a bunch of dead look-alikes all be different Firekeepers, especially with the history of Lothric
>You try calling other people retards to spouting headcanon yet you have done nothing to prove anything you have utters to far.
I said it was generally dumb trying to discuss Souls lore on Yea Forums, didn't insult anyone
>>the serie sis cyclical
>Only to a degree
No, completely. The end of DS3 clearly sets itself up for a return to the Age of Ancients, albeit not as explicitly as it did in the alpha. As for the Firekeeper cycle given that there are countless ages of Fire and Dark before the events of 3 (which are clearly meant as the last) it would make sense that Lothric would begin to produce a means of keeping the flame safe using a manufactured Firekeeper, since she would serve an age, die, then have a copy of her take up the mantle when needed. That doesn't mean each one goes through the same events as the other but it would shed light on why we see the exact same character's corpse over and over
He knew what the eyes would do to a firekeeper and when the old one with the eyes died, he and some other people worked to hide them so no one else would have them.
>I didn't make a "statement"
>"Irina can become a Firekeeper, but as stated she's disconnected from the current cycle"
Shut up already.There is no cycle of cloned fire keepers you mentally ill dumb ass. Fuck off already. You can't even prove this other than showing a room with reused skeleton assets. This is like saying that the statue in the High Wall of Lothric is Pontiff Sulyvahn because it's holding the Profaned Greatsword when it's obviously a statue or Prince Lothric holding Sulyvahn's sword because Sulyvahn schemed his way into the Lothric Royalty to manipulate them.
>>"Irina can become a Firekeeper, but as stated she's disconnected from the current cycle"
yes, because I stated it in , not that it was stated in-game.
>You can't even prove this other than showing a room with reused skeleton assets.
and you can't prove that they're all meant to be different people, guess we're at an impasse
>the statue in the High Wall of Lothric is Pontiff Sulyvahn
considering Sulyvahn was originally the final boss I imagine that sword used to have connections to Lothric and they didn't bother to change it when things got swapped around, different case entirely tbqh
Mental innless. You just contradicted yourself about statements and still haven't posted evidence for your shitty headcanon. I'm still waiting for this proof of yours.
>You just contradicted yourself about statements
you mean you made an incorrect assumption
>still haven't posted evidence
if the corpses all looking the same aren't enough I dunno what to tell you, though I think part of it also has to do with the naming conventions. In 1 and 3 (with Irina) the Firekeepers all have names and histories to them, whereas the Firekeeper in 3 has no history and is also bound to the shrine according to Ludleth, which IMO points to her being bound to it as an artificial means of keeping it lit
>spider waifu
FROM are infamous for repeatedly using models. Despite being two completely boss fights by design, Laurence and the Cleric Beast use the exact same model, only Laurence's is fiery. That doesn't mean that the Cleric Beast is Laurence, becuase the faggot died way, way before our arrival and his skull is on the Altar at the Grand Cathedral.
Is Aradia's game still broken?
Why does Irina turns into such a cold frigid bitch when she's made a Firekeeper? Fuck.
At least add some more dialogues to show that she's grateful From.
How do you think the Firekeeper feels when you use Irina's services instead of her to level up haha.
I remember when everyone said the headless bloodletting beast was Laurence and Ludwig was the madman boss in the Isz dungeon.
It was never broken. You just didn't click good.
>we shouldn't find characters sexy
>I remember when everyone said the headless bloodletting beast was Laurence
Well, there is a huge gash on the left side of laurence's skull, in the exact same way as the BLB. So, maybe.