The more I play this the more I realize how retarded and unfixable Yugioh is

The more I play this the more I realize how retarded and unfixable Yugioh is

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did they ever rerelease toon DMG?

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Playing the dumb down version

>playing pay to win shit
Nigger you could just get real cards for the money


Why the fuck would I waste my hard earned cash on paper. I'd rather fucking print out the cards myself

How bad is the meta rn. All I know it's Neos, Red eyes, and Blue eyes.

someone didn't roll the right way....

im loving getting good UR on every roll
sub terrors
red eyes black slash
even sixsam are still fun with nerfs

fuck you!

its bite sized, faggot.
i like 3 monster and trap zone, 20-30 card decks.
shit is faster and no link or XYZ or Pendulum shit!

Is Yusei still the best protagonist in the franchise?

At least you never played the GBA Worldwide Tournament game.

>facing Kaiba
>he goes first
>summons Cyberstein
>pays 5k LP and summons a BUED
>plays his cards facedown
>I literally have jackshit in my hand that can take it out

Fucking bullshit game

its why fucking cyberman was banned, asshole.
you think it'd be smart to have that around, even today?

Worse than that was the boosters you get after each win usually would suck and thus your deck suck. I remember I got stuck trying to beat Tea because nothing in my deck was good enough to stop her from healing retarded LP every turn and it got to point where she had like 15K LP and I gave up.

>Spending more than like 20 minutes playing card games
Becoming an RNG masochist has a 100% success rate in making you miserable.

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have sex

it's shit, play pokemon tcg instead

Never tell me the odds.

This is pay to win right?

>He isn't playing the fully translated, complete with 5 monster and spell card slots, with all mechanics and cards available and no pay to win shit
Explain yourself

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Only the Switch version is getting Link summoning. As a PCS4fag this is a crime. Although that might be a blessing in disguise.

Is there PVP?

They're going to add DLC packs just like they did with the original Legacy of the Duelists.
The netplay will die very quickly.
It's quite possibly the cheapest YGO game in terms of production values since the GBA games they pumped out over a decade ago, seriously, have you looked at it? I don't get why people are gung-ho about this of all games.

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I keep telling you fags Yugioh has a deep design flaw named "Konami power creep" that makes the actual game and any electronic version that simulates the collectible aspects of it incredibly insufferable.
Yugioh only works with single player games without cash heavy DLC, like the first one for the PS3 (which was possible to hack a save to grab all cards including money ones), the PS2/PSP titles, etc. and maybe the new Legacy of the Duelist (which I haven't tried). On paper Yugioh has some neat mechanics and is one of the few games that can say that is not a MTG clone, and playing it in an environment where a meta culture exists and you can give real money for cards ruin it.
>the most outdated yugioh game ever made even though some cards missing are already out in both TCG and OCG for a long time now
its fucking garbage

based retard

I don't know how the fuck people play full Yugioh IRL. All the searching and shuffling makes it take like 10-15 minutes for people to set up a board.

>3 man eater bug
>3 4 starred ladybug
>3 penguin soldier
>3 torrential tribute
>3 mirror force
>3 trap hole
>3 dark hole
>3 raigeki


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>Nintendont switch

>dumb down version

>i don't like it so it's broken

>dumb dumb version

t. Mystic Mine player

Fucking based and chadpilled
Fuck physical card games

>mythic mine
>duel links

brah, duel links burn is so basic it has to run crap like amazon swordwoman.

Pendulums killed you gay hoe
Prove me wrong

Why can't we get one good yuigoh game with some actual effort put into it? Just one.


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How the fuck do you beat him?

I'm disappointed they didn't just take Duel Links and convert it to the proper TCG format for this. Say what you will about Duel Links but one thing I feel everyone will agree on is that it's the Yugioh game that feels best to play (as in operating the software, sound effects, visuals, etc...).

duel links is that game (currently).

I would honestly buy an offline version of the game. Can be as creative with a deck as I want, best of 5 games system so the speed duels last a little longer.

3D vision, and neat animations for ace monsters.
Barebones story mode about link world, fighting legendary duelists. There done.

Nobleman of Crossouts

Imagine the smell

>final boss in vrains is Aoi
really makes me think

I'm surprised nobody has put together a 1:1 simulator for the IRL TCG with online functions like that pokémon thing that exists.

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what did he mean by this?

Every single Tag Force game prior to Special is this.
They stopped making them when Zexal came out, so as usual Zexal fucked everything up.

Everything is based on P2W so yes you're absolutely correct. All card games are like this.

English tag force games were fucked. The Japanese ones had full voice acting even for the minor characters during duels(sans the arc-v special trash). It's much more fun with all the chuuni chants and whatnot.

Blue Angel #1

I want to cum inside this deadpan bitch

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>GBA Worldwide Tournament game.
is that the one where literally everyone ran 3 mirror force, monster reborn, pot of greeds, and dark holes?

You're not good enough for a princess.

it's a card game video game.