What are some practices that are unanimously agreed to be bad, but suddenly become okay once Nintendo does it?

What are some practices that are unanimously agreed to be bad, but suddenly become okay once Nintendo does it?
I'll go first.

>Overpriced hardware
>Games that never drop in price
>Proprietary memory cards
>Dumbing down games to attract larger audience
>Pay to win
>In-game purchases
>Shutting down fan games/projects
>Season passes
>Mobile cash-ins

Your turn!

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I agree that all of these suck except cosmetics

It's not okay, it's just that once Nintendo does it mouth breathers on Yea Forums eat it up instead of mouth breathing normalfags

>>Games that never drop in price

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What are some threads that would be deleted within 20 posts if the OP image was "Basedtendo" instead

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Stop flaunting your disgusting bootlicking fetish.

I think we can unanimously agree that you're wasting your weekend and life roleplaying as a passive aggressive shitflinging console warrior.


Ugh... Stop trying to take down Nintendo. It's just.. cringe.

You forgot a paid subscription service to play online
Fuck all those kike companies and people who defend that shit

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the switch isn't really overpriced if I'm being honest here, compared to most (actually good) tablets. most good tablets could run you about $250 depending on the store.

>proprietary memory cards
Nintendo hasn't done that since the gamecube

Who are some people who would be enjoying games if they weren't so obsessed with Nintendo? I'll start

Paid online

I think the actual console is priced fine, but joycons are priced awfully compared to how quickly they start to fuck up.



>OP has been doing this for three years
>also jobless and a literal fag

even then that's something that feels more on the user, I've had my switch since launch and drift has literally never been an issue. That whole thing reminds me of when people blamed the 3DS when they broke off the circle pad playing smash when in reality they were retard smashing the thing.

Nintendo should go third-party. Their consoles and handhelds are fucking ass.
Just make games for the PC and PS4. Reaches a wider market, games look and perform better. Everyone wins.

Have sex.

Coming from DSLite most 3DS models felt cheaply made in comparison.




I could understand them doing it in the Wii U era but getting them to do it now would be a feat

better hardware doesn't necessarily mean the game will look and perform better, I don't understand why people immediately assume that. It speaks volumes that 60fps was a common thing that nobody bragged about during the Gamecube and Dreamcast era, but now it's so uncommon that it's a fucking selling point when devs do it.

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>snoyfags still post their easily debunked shit
LOL, have sex.

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Performance was always a big deal. If you were around during the early age of 3D, you'd know that.

>but now it's so uncommon
It's standard for MP games. It's definitely more common than past gen.


If Nintendo supposedly get away with everything then why did the Wii U flop?

>better hardware doesn't necessarily mean the game will look and perform better,
The ultimate Nintenfat cope. Enjoy that Doom running 500p 20fps on Switch while 1080p60fps everywhere else.

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Nintendo has always been about their hardware as much as they are about their games are you stupid or just ignorant?

I have a switch and a PC, I have Mario Kart, Brawl, and Zelda. I already had all these ports so I regret my purchase, what else should I get for my switch?

Put your trip back on, Caramel.

at least try.

performance then was more of a "look at how much we can show on screen, look at how well the game processes these polygons" but it was still pretty common either way. Now all people care about it whether a game drops 2 frames during gameplay and the fact that there are still devs that make 30fps games on advanced hardware like PS4 and PC.

Making bad games.

Seriously what's with all these blatant Nintendo hate threads? I thought this was Nintendogaf?


Sony fans are a minority on this board, and make up 100 % of the shitposting.

snoyfags are on suicide watch since people noticed atherine will be censored.
Mods have already deleted all threads on it, to protect the poor sonygaf this place really is.

except it's literally true, you can easily find modern games on PS4 and PC that still have performance issues or run at fucking 30fps despite being made by big AAA devs

Attached: daysgone.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

>Games that never drop in price
If a game continues to sell very well at full price, why would they ever lower it?
The thing about Nintendo games is that they continue to sell strong numbers far after they are released. Most AAA games sell the majority of their copies in the first few weeks, but a game like Mario Kart will sell a few hundred thousand copies every month for years.

So they are the niggers of Yea Forums?

Now put that game on Switch and see how it runs you absolute nincel

That's why they are called sonyggs

I mean yeah. If we look nintendos home consoles each console is worse than the last one after NES if we look them by units sold. Wii was exeception because it was a gimmick with only merit being waggle controls combined with 99% of shovelware.

>shit performance is okay is snoy does it!

Im old enough to remember 60fps being a selling point for F-Zero X

>that damage control


>Games that never drop in price
This is only true for the eshop. If you're buying physical, a bunch of big Switch games are down to $50.

I'm not talking about how it runs on the switch though, I'm just saying that better hardware does not inherently mean the game will run better. Devs will still make it about as well as they typically do, Nintendo on other systems wouldn't suddenly start making 4k120fps games if they started making PC games, they'd still be making games at the same level as they were on their own systems

I believe that few companies could make a $ 60 game whose core experience is in sharing levels, putting this entire overpriced game behind a paywall and not becoming a victim of fan fury, be mocked in the press and having the values in stock market impacted.

>it's okay when Snoy does it