>hodor means hold the door
>naming a dragon drogon
>raider man mance rayder
>the snowy land is called winterfell
>the western land is called Westeros
>the eastern land is called essos
>the southern land is called sothoryos
>the northern land is simply called "The North"
Hodor means hold the door
Other urls found in this thread:
>le ebin subverting expectations man
Everyone knows he spends all his time writing the food sections and everything else is named from things he sees on his desk tier.
wrong board chum
King's Landing on the other hand is quite god tier
The dragon could have been named literally anything besides Drogon and it would have been much better. Even if it was called Retarded Turkey it would be better, because at least we would have some entertaining fan theories about the name.
no that's just d&d
Fantasy names are usually just a jumble of vowels anyway. Sam Wise is one of the few fantasy characters with a legitimate name and it works.
Georgie's vidya now, chum
>Yea Forums - Shitposting about authors
>missing that drogon = drogo + dragon
lmao too high iq for you I guess
I wonder if Tommen had a good King's Landing.
The fat fuck has accomplished more than anything you or your ancestors have done lol
I don't even like GoT.
What else would you excpect from an American? They're soulless insects that are incapable of coming up with good names. Most of their big cities are named after other towns because they lack the creativity to invent a new name.
I dunno man, my granpappy fucked an octopus once.
>imagine having a brain this defective
Is that supposed to be an impressive wordplay or something.
>put an extra R in your name so you can pretend to be tolkien
>write fan fiction tier fantasy books so you can pretend to be tolkien
>actively dislikes fan fictions because he knows deep down that's all he is, a cheap immitation of tolkien
come back when theres actually something to discuss then, chump
Literally obsessed
No he didn't.
what a fat slob
You are going to continue the family legacy, right?
You don't have to be the best or the first but you do need to copy both of them
So because he's accomplished more than me I can't criticize him? So I guess that means I can't criticize M Night Shamalayam or Peter fucking Molyneux or any number of fucking shitheads?
Yea, no. Now fuck off you smarmy piece of shit
Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion are named after Drogo, Rhaegar and Viserys, her brothers and husband.
Also videojuegos.
Too bad the OP has nothing to do with video games.
Was thinking a great white to top the old bastard.
Not if you're a linguist like Tolkien. Every single name he bestowed had an actual meaning and root in his constructed languages.
if you're telling me you didn't cry during the hold the door reveal you are braindead as fuck
>Most of their big cities are named after other towns because they lack the creativity to invent a new name.
Don't pretend like european cities are special and interesting when every city that ever existed has some stupid boring name when translated that just describes its surroundings, where it's located, or who founded it
>.t seething Chinese mantis
>naming a dragon drogon
Drogon is from Khal Drogho.
lol what a fucking fag
Now, now, Britbong, throwing a fit won't bring back your dead empire.
Go replace May with a competent PM who can get Brexit off the ground.
I was crying with laughter, so you're somewhat right.
lay off the soý
Fuck Yea Forums and fuck niggers
why are normies so attracted to his books, they're pretty shit.
That's the showrunners, not GRRM. GRRM is less about le subverted expectations and more about "realistic" consequences for typical good guy actions in fantasy.
hey guys my penis stinks
drogon is a wyvern not a dragon
he is a video game writer now. we are discussing his writing. go bust a nut, user.
Stop sleeping with women who aren't clean
Normies didn't read the books.
5 Other projects in the works.
None of them are the next book.
He WILL never finish this book series, but he'll have gotten loaded with cash in his retirement years.
>Writer supposed to write book
>His middle name is R & R
Normies don't care about the books. They only watched the show because of the epic twists like Red Wedding, although they failed to realise that all the twists in earlier episodes were clearly built up towards and you could see them coming if you paid attention to the characters and story.
they're pretty solid, and when you compare them to average fantasy book they're quite good. 99% of sci fi/fantasy literature is pure cancer.
>imagine being this handicapped.
No its supposed mean to be that the person who named the dragon misses their rape husband very much and named a dragon after him. Like its an obvious name that ment to be based on her past relationship. Why is that a bad name.
We are too busy inventing things that changed history, like the modern car or internet, to worry about naming.
I didn't say you couldn't criticize him, I just said you're worthless dogshit that will never accomplish anything, and like the dogshit crab you are you will make every attempt to haul other crabs down. I just wanted to remind you of where you are in the barrel (the bottom).
Have you considered an Orca? It’d be hard to top that, mate.
projection isnt healthy, user. its not too late to turn your life around, you know!
He added Richard to his name purely so it would have R.R in it when abbreviated.
It pisses me off that magic in Harry Potter is literally magic I ain't gotta explain shit instead of following some kind of logic.
>jealous of the country with the world's highest incarceration rate, proportional and absolute - filled with fat morons who think they're the most free and wealthy people in the world while the infrastructure is third-world tier and they cheer on police militarization and continued abrogation of their rights
Nah, someone already did OP's mum.
>born into poorfagism
>be a fat nerdy beta
>grow up being a miserable little shit because of those things
>live in a bubble of fantasy
>start publishing books
>eventually get successful
>then get VERY successful
>but your core personality has not changed
>be old, obese, lonely loser blowing bubbles in a fucking hillside Cali mansion
I'm jealous and disgusted FUCK
gay isn't magic user
-strained buzzing and whirring as his motorized chair struggles to remain functional- "Ah, ha ha, *munch, munch* ol' J.R.R., didn't, ah, see you come in! -burp- No please, please, [smack] sit down, sit down, there' something we, (pant) need to talk about. *farts* Heavens excuse me, oh ho! Well getting down to 'brass tacks' - or brass tax, I might say SNORT! - yes, well I was sitting, counting the money coming in from, slurp, my show - terribly taxing ah yes? - when the thought occurred me, watching that money from my award-winning show... [belch] from my, (siiippp) award, award, awar... sorry, I lost my breath, award-winning books, that I [chews] that I can't seem to recall you mentioning [more chewing] anything about Gondor's *blows nose* taxation policy. Surely I must have -releases one long wet smelly fart - missed it while glancing through the pages (cough). You did [scratches ballsack] say something about it, right? Sales tax? (sweats) Value-added tax? *licks lips* Don't just sta - oh my my heart - stand there my man, out with it! Surely the, the thought has crossed your mind?! -chuckles until accidental urination-"
who are you quoting?
>mfw Westeros
>mfw Swedish
>mfw there's city called Västerås here
>mfw it has this pronunciation
Okay, what notable deed have you accomplished? Critique tends to be the realm of weak beta men.
No, but it is FABULOOOOOUS
>bastards in snowy place have surname snow
> -"- sandy place -"- sand
Learn to greentext, zoomie.
>unironically saying beta
well i know for a fact ive fucked more women than you, for one
Rowling really hurt my nostalgia for HP, i did not need to know about hufflepuffs group masturbation sessions or that till recently wizards just shit themselves and magicked it away.
I actually doubt that, but go on, how many have you fucked?
This is not Yea Forums. Go fuck off and fuck yourself
Holy fuck, take your pills.
Are all europoors this mentally deranged?
>I actually doubt that,
critique is for betas, beta
Could never get into his books. They're just a far more boring version of LoTR but with dicks.
Aside from hodor these are all fine. I don’t see what the fucking problem is.
Yeah he's a faggot. If you like Game of Thrones you are a normal faggot.
He became very successful when he was already old as fuck. I would have done the same, fuck the fans.
inb4 "muh discord trannies"
Doesn't that make sense though? There is a farm near us called "Fox Farm" because they have foxes out there, doesn't that make sense?
>place with lots of plants
Someone list me all the rape that happens in GOT, thanks
LoTR is the most boring shit and was never good just like Star Wars.
Having simple names makes it easier to remember. Most people can't be asked to remember some stupid ass names. That's why Khazad-dûm is called "Moria" and Orodruin is called "Mt. Doom". The more you ask of a reader to remember some nonsense name that you made up the less likely they are to become invested in it because every time they read that word they have to mentally associate it with something.
take your pills
It's the British who invented the internet and the germans who invented the modern car retard, at least pick something like aviation
Expressing doubt over someone's claim isn't critique.
yeah, real world names are much more meaningful and creative.
im going to assume you are an ESL then. learn english.
>hufflepuffs group masturbation sessions
Source? I always figured there was no reason to join Hufflepuff.
I feel bad for the people running the show.
The source material wasn't meant for HBO and when Grrm sabatoged the show by delaying the books like the hero he is, watching the patch-in writers flounder and piss off all the netflix bingewatching punters must have been great.
Honestly, when your fantasy series requires (or maybe another wrench in the works) two separate volumes for actions of different characters occurring at the same time, fuck the remotest idea of netflix adaptation.
So what? Fuck fantasy names.
>"video games" mean whatever the fuck I want it to mean
>Yea Forums - Video Games
>why the fuck would you NOT want to talk about something that's clearly not videogames basedfag
we have enough problems with Twitter screencaps and clickbait article headlines, we don't need fucking Yea Forums shitting it up more
Take your $500 insulin.
England was once split into
>planet = Planetos
>West = Westeros
>East = Essos
>South = Sothoryos
>thousand islands = Thousand Islands
>rock with a castle on it = Castley Rock
>swords for sale = sellswords
>Sir = Ser
>dragon = Drogon
>scruffy canid = Shaggydog
>monotheistic god = R'hllor (Ruler)
Meh I enjoyed the books. Star Wars in general has always been hit or miss with me though.
>In an interview that dates from a few years back, Miyazaki not only criticized Hollywood, but those who enjoy its films.
>“Americans shoot things and they blow up and the like, so as you’d expect, they make movies like that,” said Miyazaki at the time.
>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,” he continued. “Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers. That falls within collateral damage. How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”
You don't even know the difference in asking for corroboration and critique is.
If you say you're a millionaire and I say "prove it", it's not critique dum-dum. Maybe you should read more or hit the gym or something.
Dude, I don't think anyone bothered to read all that.
Stay mad and obsessed
>reads amazing book by J R R Tolkien
>decides to write own book
>Pen name is G R R Martin
Yea Forums is called video games for a reason.
I find his biggest weakness in his writing is the fact he kills off so many characters, it devalues characterisation when you are just counting down till their death scene.
Most sex scenes are also incredibly american and feel like soft porn inserted to make the story seem more mature.
remember that nanking thing?
Before this gets tons of replies, let me just remind you that it isn't his Miyazaki who said this, but that fucking art pseud faggot who makes the Howl's Moving Castle movies that are all the same.
Having too short of an attention span to read is nothing to write home about, zoomie.
Go play your forkknife.