First Steam Games

Post Em

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If yours doesn't look like this you don't belong here.

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>you need to have shit taste to be here
no thanks pal

>those platinum pack goldsource games


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No, just be older than 12 you retarded sourcebabby.

It was Half Life 2 Deathmatch
Back when ATI Radeon & Nvidia would give you HL2DM, HL2 Lost Coast and Portal First Slice for free

Orange Box
The first real reason to install steam.

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>tfw all these people with half-life and cs 1.6 as their original games.
I bought half-life 1 and 2 on CD before steam was even a fucking requirement, and didn't know what it was until a game forced me to install it after I bought the CD in like 2007. then I bought the orange box on it's release date and it's been a long road ever since

So there's not gonna' be a steam sale?

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killing floor

Mine is dumb oldfag shit.

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Gold source represent

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I didn't actually play Half-LIfe until 5 years after I purchased it. I only bought it because I wanted to play ESF.

Steam will almost certainly have a summer sale and that usually happens around the end of June or beginning of July. This is just a Spring event.

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if ur account doesnt have 15 year badge gtfo my face

L4D. It would have been Half life 2, but my friend used my account to test wallhacks and got my first account VAC banned.

Anyone else have the Octet?

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>garry's mod
Oh fuck, I actually feel nostalgiac right now.

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I should clarify if you dont have a mid september at max 15 year badge, gtfo my face

Steam was garbage and WON still worked fine.

baka@this cope

what in the world would you have ever used WON for?

Disgusting accountlets.

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Where is that Blast from the past thing? I can find it lmao

i know what it was, why would you have used it? nobody actually used WON

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>i know what it was
It's painfully obvious you don't.


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bro nobody used won. everyone used server browsers like gamespy

so the question is why would you have used won? every single person used gamespy at that point

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thats so unfair, i bought orange box and it came with this shit, i had to buy Half life 2 later and i STILL dont own half life 1

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What a noob

December 24th 2007

Wow I'm old...

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Its funny because Lost Coast wasn't even out back in early 2005

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>won was a server browser
>gamespy instead of the All-Seeing Eye
The zoomer is strong with this one.

>no zoomer representation yet

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BASED user

yah such a zoomer that i played dos quake with manually entering in IP addresses that I wrote down



used won, trying to defend the third world shit you did is hilarious

i have one of the earliest steam acct #s suck my dick kid

i bought a founders pack for that game and it still died

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back in 2012

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You think that WON was just a server browser. You are unironically braindead. Also you are not on reddit, child. You only need to hit enter once.

What do I play for the Speed Clean badge? None of them look very interesting to me.

Too lazy to post a picture but TF2.

Then 2 fucking weeks later it becomes free to play.

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I got it when I joined in 2012 after deciding to buy a pc that isn't a toaster that couldn't even play half life, it was boring and I'm not going to re-install it.

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I joined steam when tf2 became free to play then the first games i got were from the humble bundle

i wish humble bundle was like it used to be

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It couldn't find mine last year so let's see if this year is different.

I still really wish I could remember what game it was that is no longer on Steam.

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Mine was Saints Row 2 too, got it from a gaming magazine.

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so how does the new badge look like?

im level 32 so i have like 30 badges some of them at level 5 for games that i really like, and i have one of those shiny badges made with the more special cards

these task are preventing me from buying games by reminding me how many games i already have

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I can explain

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hot damn, my taste was shit back then too
Can't believe it took this long to get better than dial-up

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Part of the springshilling event, just go to the store page and click the banner then scroll down.

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Total War and Civ both becoming Steam exclusives were the reason I fell for the digital meme as well

>hey just waste all this bandwith redownloading games
Why is capped internet a thing?

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Why the fuck is Sam & Max 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die! being recommended to me? I never bought it.

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>>hey just waste all this bandwith redownloading games
laughs in 300 mbps up/down

Zoomers rise up

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For me, it's TF Classic.

I first installed Steam to register my copy of CS and related games off my CDs back in 2003.

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Terraria 2 when

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speak french for me user

Pourquoi je parlerais en francais pour toi fag ?

Starbound...I regret this

oui oui :)


if you bought the original sam and max games, all the chapters were given to you for free

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I could've sworn TF2 was the first game I added.
I guess not...

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second one was gmod

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do what do you get when you get all 15?

Looks like the first 4 year my account (actually second one) was empty?

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Perhaps you could both read the text in your own images?

could be worse i guess

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What do you mean? I have not played tf2 in years, if that's what you are implying.

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if they did it last year it actually replaces the text and offers you a selection of runner ups

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Emphasis on the "I thought" part.
A moment in the past can be remembered wrong, and that's just what happened in this scenario.

all those people wondering about TF2, it might be because it went F2P so your license might have been removed and then replaced on the F2P date so the store doesn't see it as your first game anymore


Hitman Blood Money. I used to use Steam to play old games at 1080p 60FPS.

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make humble bundle great again

deus ex hr
never bothered to finish it even

I miss the community

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hello friend, pal.

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Where do I see this was it on a sale?

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Getting Steam to work back in 2004 truly sucked balls

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>all of these games are dead now

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I wasn't really sold on digital distribution, but finding old adventure games like Fate of Atlantis and Loom was a really nice surprise, especially since by the time I really got into them I could no longer find the older ones in stores.

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Really wish I could've used this as an excuse to play Ricochet again...

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What if I'm 21 and I've never fel interest in none of those games.

13 years here, I was a poorfag kid and I only played pirated half life & mods
Surely I can be pardoned, right?

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Fucking same

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Don't ever reply to me again you toddler.

First game I played on PC other than WoW/Runescape/Starcraft/Diablo

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Imagine being so pathetic you actually get this

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>be 360 fag
>hear about the sequel to one of my facorite summer of arcade games is on Steam
>it's pic related
>its shit

The first of many shit ports/sequels I'd play in my life. The disappointment all began here.

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what a weird way to say that you have no friends

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If your first game on steam wasn't orange box your not a real pc gamer

Fuck this gay earth

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>imb4 spaghetti nigger

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>store is down

Good ol' ATI got be codes for these games even though the card itself was far too old to render them.

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have friends

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well yes

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yeah that's about what I expected it to be

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Great game too

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Forgot I even had this

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Very, very good, user.

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Just realised that means I've had this account since I was 12. Fuck

>no one plays on Xbox

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>Orange Box
>Killing Floor
>Red Orchestra
What were some other "big" tittles back in early days of steam?
CoH/DoW? Warband came later.

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I couldn't sign up the first day because the site was so overloaded.

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A simpler time...

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Is this really not even a sale? Or is that coming later?

Mine says Portal but that's BS.
First two games I purchased were Battlefront 2 and Garrys Mod like eight years ago. I got Portal a little bit later when they gave it out for free at some point.

I really liked MNC, it's too bad they tried to cash in so quickly and killed their potential franchise. It was pretty good.

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Summer Sale is on June 25th or so.

Was there a spring one? I forget. I used to go nuts for these but I barely care any more, I have everything I want.

Last one was Chinese New Year in early February iirc.