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Other urls found in this thread:


DMC 3 > DMC 5 > DMC 1 > DMC 4 > DmC > DMC 2

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this answer is gross. not good

this answer however, is very much acceptable and correct and good


Why is it a gross answer? Dante's characterisation in the first game is the best in the series, and it also has the best atmosphere and arguably the best enemy design. I also enjoy the focus of combat. It's more about efficiency than just comboing on punching bag enemies for Youtube videos. I find battles with the Shadow enemies in 1 to be more enthralling than battles with any other enemies in the series.

4 is shit

t.matthewmatosis i agree though

its mostly personal bias, i just really dont like DMC1 at all.
lack of weapon variety, level design bugs me, bosses arent much fun, and some of the story's points are down right stupid

i will agree with you on atmosphere and enemy design though, DMC1s enemies really do make you feel in-danger if you dont know how to fight them

3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2

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I don't think the level design is any worse than the other games. Sure, it can be little dull moving between one empty hallway to another, but it's better than the dumb environmental hazards in 3 and the shit in 4. 5's is probably the best in terms of getting you from one point to another with the least amount of annoyance, but some of the levels look down right ugly.
Also I think all of DMC's stories have weak points. DMC3 definitely stacks up the best in that regard though.


gonna be a yikes from me

3 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2 > 5
>Inb4 bait

please expound on how 5 is worse than DmC and 2


Was he right, Yea Forums?

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>Dante's characterisation

What fucking characterisation? Fucking wooden plank is a better character than DMC1 Dante. DMC1 fags piss me off with their nostalgic delusions. Why can't you just say that you like it better just because you played it when you were twelve?

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>it's not whacky screaming crazy in my face, so it's not there!
Yea Forums once again can't understand even slight nuance

dmc1 dante is cool and cocky, but within reason
that's the entire point of the end sequence of dmc3, that dante is going from whacky pizza man to more like he is in the first game: confident, but not brazen

dmc3 he doesn't really accept that he's trying to save the world and vergil until the end, he's just acting like it's a big joke to him
but when shit gets real and vergil goes off the cliff, he learns to take things seriously, hence why he's not so over-the-top in the first game

>5's is probably the best in terms of getting you from one point to another with the least amount of annoyance
5's is the least annoying because it barely ever does much of anything at all. It almost completely gave up on any kind of variance in scenarios other than enemy placement.

It's unfinished but the combat that's there is good.

No response...

Opinions aren't provable. It is impossible for him to be wrong in saying he likes one thing but not another.

2 is the only good one.

5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2
1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 2

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DMC3 >>>>>>>>>>>>DMC5>>>>>>DMC4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DMC1


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Which is fine with me because they always fucked it up when they tried

DMC1 is my favorite too for reasons you mentioned. People here just get legitimately upset if you don't also think 3 is the best in the series though. I can understand why someone might prefer 3 because of how it changed the combat system, but you have to be pretty fragile to get upset over someone having a different preference either way.

>Fucking wooden plank is a better character than DMC1 Dante
He's stern and serious but still comes out with fun one liners and likes to aggravate the demons. He's basically cool headed but still kind of fun, until Mundus finally pushes him at the end. Also I played the first four DMC games for the first time last year. Get fucked.

V would be great if only the level design wasn't uninspired trash.

I'm just glad we have a few games that are actually worth playing and arguing over which is best.

3 and 4 have so many annoying levels that I'm glad they didn't even try.

3 basically copied 1 but turned the whackiness up to 11 and had more cutscenes. There's a reason some people realized 3 was more like a soft reboot than a prequel. To think that they're entirely different is delusional.

Newfags just don't see the appeal of DMC1 because it's not what they were exposed to initially. DMC1 is an entire package that makes it feel incredible, it does a lot of things well and they all just jive together in a way that makes it feel unique even among action games. I even love the later DMC titles and I understand completely if people prefer them, but holy fuck I am tired of this fucking attitude that 3 or 5 are the only ones you're "allowed" to think are the best. It's all so tiring.

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>Newfags just don't see the appeal of DMC1 because it's not what they were exposed to initially.
Yeah that's a common problem with most games being streamlined and so similar to each other now. People get upset if they actually have to take a bit of time to learn how to play a game that does something differently. It's funny though because a lot of people got into the series for the first time after 5, and people who didn't start with 3 mostly said they still really enjoyed 1 and didn't understand why so many people kept saying "it's aged".

>because it's not what they were exposed to initially
I have the reverse. With every DMC I'm expecting a return to a more exploratory style, with moments of respite to soak in the ambience.

It's a problem with one being so old and the later games being fairly different. The amount of people who "played" DMC1, i.e. mashed through Normal and put it away forever, is very low compared to the people who actually played it all the way through DMD. I hate to say it but it feels like people these days just brush the game off like it was nothing, when it was one of the most influential games of 6th gen. You'd be amazed at the amount of people I have talked to, Devil May Cry fans, who didn't know LDK and Yamato were in DMC1.

And it's kind of a lose-lose situation at this point because the HD Collection version of DMC1 is so botched.

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You specifically mean the Sparda costume when you mention LDK right?

Yes, Legendary Dark Knight costume you get for beating Hard.

>DMC 1>
stopped reading there

thanks for sharing and your great contribution

stopped reading there

>HD DMC1 is botched.
How so? Legit asking, I only played DMC1 on Normal in the HD collection some years ago (the people you're describing, although I wouldn't call myself a fan since my backlog is hueg and I haven't even finished 2, honestly just want to get through games when I play them).

3 > 1 > power gap > 5 > 4 >>> 2

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Sounds about right.

The gameplay is fine but a lot of the graphical effects and sounds are broken in some way. Probably doesn't matter as much to new players but if you played the original PS2 version then it seems a lot worse.

DMC1 HD Has an absolute myriad of missing effects (motion blur on Dante, incredibly bad alpha effects, etc. Tons more), incorrect sound effects, the poorest audio looping and audio quality available. This video goes into it but it doesn't cover everything that's wrong with it.

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How come nobody made a mod to fix any of these problems?

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I don't think it's something a modder can fix. DMC1 and Silent Hill HD are a perfect example of games preservation falling flat on its face.

They got the styleswitcher working for DMC3HD, I can't see why they can't fix a shitty skybox for DMC1

It's just autists who see one skybox that's a bit low res and declare the game "botched." Seriously the track that doesn't loop properly is the one that's fucking plays on the stairs you spend 30 seconds on before entering the castle, people need to calm down.


>thinking it's just a skybox

Watch the video, DMC1 has a fucking ludicrous amount of missing and wrong effects throughout the game on top of piss poor audio quality. Every time this is brought up a bunch of people go "lol its just skyboxes". It's fucking DmC all over again, "lol its just the hair"

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>videos and pictures displaying that it's far more than just a skybox that's wrong
>"lol calm down dude it's just a skybox"

You could even try to argue that they are all just "minor" things and they don't matter. But fuck up 50 "minor" things and people start noticing.

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I can't say for sure if I like dmc5 or dmc3 more.

They're not even just minor. They're so small that absolutely no one can tell what you're on about unless you have a side-by-side video. Yes, in theory, an emulator can produce a better "HD" version. But calling it "botched" because Dante doesn't have that small motion blur during DT is fucking insane.

This is it cheif.

>reductivist bullshit tier listing

Why do you people continue to do this?

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The PS3 version has a broken effect for one of the final boss's attacks that make it almost invisible. It's not just a single skybox, there are videos showing all the other issues, and it does affect the gameplay.

Why would you defend a company releasing a broken product at all?

Again, it's like 50 things they screwed up. A lot of little things add up. Motion blur was even removed on Mundus's ground beams which not only makes them harder to see for the player but makes the attack look fucking cheap. The scene where Trish dies no beam even hits her, it fucking shoots backwards through Mundus' own fucking head.

I respect his opinion and to some degree I agree, I dislike uncle dante and every single characterization in 4. literally all of them are ass, they ruined lady which is the one that makes me the most upset, second to uncle dante. at the same time I enjoy over the top dante too much, even in 4 he was enjoyable. I sort of wish the "WOOHOOO YEAHHHH" shit was at the least toned down and instead his focus was more on cocky remarks. there's so much to quote from DMC3 and I want more of those, and I feel like dante in DMC5 is the best characterization he's had
and I don't really like Nero at all either desu
still, anything beats reboot dante, even dante in 2

1. Yes, that one single attack Mundus has is harder to see. Not impossible to see, not "almost invisible," but instead of being a fire wave it now just looks like s heat wave. That is the one single thing which actually affects gameplay in a tangible way and I've never been hit by it because it's still visible.
2. No, nothing fucking else affects gameplay. Nothing. I've seen no examples of this that aren't "but the motion blur makes it so you can see Dante better!" or some shit.
3. I'm not "defending" the company, and it's not a "broken" product. Yes, I would prefer the game had been rereleased in a more faithful form. But I constantly see you complete autists tell people to never play DMCHD because it's this unplayable broken mess, despite the fact that nobody fucking cares about or even notices this shit but you.

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the underwater sections sucked

yeah and there's like two of them, each of which takes about 20 seconds lol

1 > 3 > 5 > 4 = 2

Don't come at me with your shit taste, unfinished-game-lovers.

>5 > 3
>4 > 3
>3 > 1
what the fuck is this shit

>But I constantly see you complete autists tell people to never play DMCHD because it's this unplayable broken mess, despite the fact that nobody fucking cares about or even notices this shit but you.
I said in another post that new players probably don't see or care about any of the broken parts, but for someone who played the original, it's a lot worse. There's a broken skybox effect in mission 19 which really fucked up the atmosphere and it was something I really liked. I've never said the game was unplayable, but it's greatly inferior in my opinion and I don't enjoy playing it because of those issues.

assumptive fag

DMC1's combat is boring and shallow by modern standards and only nostalgiafags will tell you different. Even DmC had better combat.

Being arcadey doesn't make it boring and shallow. There are plenty of great action games with great combat that only use one attack button with only one attack.

he's 100% correct

Sorry you think jump cancel juggling is the only thing action games should ever be.

>actually requires you to use all the options you have instead of letting you slam weapon swap every 3 seconds for infinite style combos
>has guns that are actually important to how you play
wow... this sucks... i actually have to learn how the boss works to win...

Underwater sections in DMC1 last one minute total and that's even if you're retarded.

No one ever says it's unplayable you drama queen, everyone says it's inferior to the original which it is.

"Inferior to the original" by being in 1080p and, for the first time in some regions, 60FPS. If you called it inferior in certain categories, I could accept that. But stop acting like they just slapped out a PS2 copy of the game with shit missing. Things break because, believe it or not, drastically increasing the fidelity of a game is complicated. They should've done better, but on the whole, it's a good thing that a "proper" HD version exists.

>people act like Cavaliere Angelo is the best fight in the entire series

>I beat him on DMD by doing the same shit I do in every fight, AKA tricking up to him, spamming swordmaster, and then tricking away when he starts swinging at me, until my SDT is built up and I can just chunk him

why do bosses in 5 not take any strategy whatsoever

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>resolution is more important than keeping the game faithful to the original team's vision and finished product

I agree with you on certain regions not being fucked by PAL anymore but come on. Not to mention to 1080p effort didn't quite make it to the menus.

almost based 1>3>5>4

You can fuck Cavalier by spamming Revolver with King Cerberus, he's cool at first but loses his luster when you find out how stupid easy he is to party. Not to mention he has the problem most humanoid bosses have in the later DMC games: being even semi-decent at Royal Guard allows you to throw all strategy out the window.

DMC5 is my favourite game and therefore it's perfect

DMC5 > DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC1 > DMC2

If you say otherwise you're a contrarian piece of shit and you deserve to be beaten.

I think you mean
>DMC5 took ten years to come out and I don't want Capcom to take it away again and therefore it's perfect (please capcom i'm begging you i'll even buy the orb DLCs)

yeah yeah yeah, still boring as shit.

Do not ever play DMC2
Worst mistake of my life

Game is literally perfect, no other DMC game can compare. the level design is amazing, the music is a bliss to listen to and the story rivals any serious novel to date.
I wanna suck Nero's cock so hard btw



DMC1 Chads
>plays the games, play other games in the genre, are good at them, can talk about all of them objectively, recognize that while the later DMC made strides in juggling the branches far enough from the original game that you can enjoy both styles

>only played the HD Collection, aren't good at the DMC games, don't play other action titles at all, mostly made up of fujos and gays, can't talk about anything objectively

Really makes you think

Played DMC1, played all the other games in the genre. From Gaiden to Bayo to even the flippin' Reboot. DMC1 still outdated and boring LOL. Still would play DmC over it, and I hate that game.

>The DMC1 Contrarian
>The DMC3 Chad
>The DMC4/5 Newfag

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Playable Lady? What do you need a playable Trish for? Oy gevalt, Vergil's never been playable before, you're hallucinating. Never ask me for anything again.

What do you mean Bayonetta has had her rival playable since her first game?

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Newfags like Reboot though.

5 > 1 = 3 > 4 > DmC > 2
That's if you're only talking the final, most definitive versions. I'll take 4SE over vanilla 3, and DmC Definitive is way better than the original reboot.

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3 is actually unironically overrated. Enemy design is garbo, the story is standard and really overblown, and it began the trend of "watch Dante do awesome shit in cutscenes that you'll never be allowed to do."

stop the dick measuring contest and actually talk about the games you fucking nerds

Keep seething nerocuck

So there a mod for Breaker Switching for Nero out yet?

As opposed to pointlessly jump cancelling an enemy a million times for epic youtube videos. The peak of gameplay.

No way fag

I don't agree with Dante's charachterization being the best, in my opinion it was awful, that being said the atmosphere is truly amazing and the enemies can be challenging until you realize you can grenadegun+stinger most of them. As for shadows I still can't fight more than 1 at the same time without fucking up and I generally try to avoid them if I can. I just wish Sparda had DT outside the final battle, even if only when you use the super costume which you only unlock for beating DMD anyways

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So the main thing that sets the DMC1 enemies apart from later series ones in many people eyes is what specifically?
The aggressiveness?

Are those things one liked about DMC 1 incompatible with the the expanded movesets of later games?

DMC 1> DMC 3> DMC 5> DMC 4> DMC 2

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>likes dmc5
>burn the nero lover BURN THEM
Sorry, but Dante shits on every other incarnation of him as well in previous games. So you'd have no point even without his son being there.

fucking disgusting holy shit I'm going to vomit

Based. 5dante best dante

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3 > 5 >= 4 > 1 > 2 > DmC

Except you can do most of the stuff Dante does in cutscenes

Sin DT > Running on walls. Deal with it faggots.

Eh, well facsimiles.
Can't missile ride in 3, though they kind of revived that idea for punchline, I was imagining it could have been a gunslinger move for Kalina Ann.

Literally the reason you have a motorcycle weapon in 5 is because there was a cutscene for it in 3 but no corresponding weapon.

Yeah but no I do love the mechanic where you can knock around physics objects like pool balls and then have Dante shoot them to knock into enemies, that was great. Brainlet.

>Retard prefers easy modo over extra moves
Like clockwork

Ninja Gaiden is the better rubbing on walls action game anyway. If you want something back from 3, ask for Free Ride and Wild Stomp.

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Can't missile ride in 5 either.
Only Nero can because he gets all the shit that Dante had before.

I said "most", not "all"

Running on walls in DMC was half-baked anyway

With Quad S SDT gives you like 6 or so extra moves to include in your offense no matter what weapons or style you have up at that moment.

What's the point when there's no danger in using that mode? Might as well just give me DTE back and be done with it

4 > 3 > 1 > 5

How would wall running work even?
Would it be context sensitive to only flat surfaces?
I'm not familiar with Ninja Gaiden's version how did it work?
Is it possible to implement into the DMC system?

Yeah, and by "most" you mean "that one time Dante rides a corpse' and that's it.

That's basically how it worked anyway in DMC. Yeah.

Problem was there wasn't much of a point in wall running even if you wanted to be stylish.


>stop the dick measuring contest and actually talk about the games you fucking nerds
>stop the gay/fujo/thirst posting and actually talk about the games
>stop posting about the game and actually talk about the game

3 > 5 > 1 > 2 > 4 > DmC


>Sin dt has multiple moves including an ultimate
>not new moves
this brainlet here

>oh wow now you have all these cool animation to clear the screen xD
>new moves
Okay retard

>someone likes cool shit in a series all about cool shit who would have thought

More like
>Brainlet prefers ez modo over actual gameplay in a series that's about gameplay

>implying gay/fujo/thirst posting is talking about the game
you can't just sneak that in the middle there and expect no one to notice faggot

>new moves you execute yourself
>not new moves
You sound like the brainlet in these threads who say buster is QTE kek using your own dumb ass logic running up walls is not a move since the animation plays it for you and you only control the jump you absolute brainlet.

>He thinks buster isn't a glorified QTE
Nero Retards like you killed the franchise

There are some legitimate awesome DMC3fags, and then there are the retards.

Like you?

>gaiden finishers are QTE
>MK throws are QTE
>all fighters and hackers with grappling are QTE
Off yourself being this brainlet

Says the dumbass who doesn't know what a qte is.

>Press O
>Do le awesome animation and big damage xD
>This is NOT QTE
Okay retard


Yes, not a QTE, sub 70 IQ moron. Learn what shit means before you try to insult. It will help you in the future.


>quick time event
>can only perform it within a certain window
>nero buster
>can only perform it within a certain window
Literally no difference you stupid nigger

>DMC1 as the best one
Absolutely fucking based

Attached: dmc1 kino.jpg (1024x768, 49K)

>Had to go V fujos accounts to get raws
Hope you're happy

There is no on-screen prompts whatsoever, and you are not required to do anything, not pressing shit does not result in a failure of any kind, and even if you had a point that's literally on bosses only. Try again brainlet.

>Boss is LITERALLY waiting for you to press it and do le awesome animation
>hurr durr it's not a QTE xD
Okay single digit IQ brainlet retard


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You can’t just lie and then call the person you’re arguing with a retard, retard. Explain how the boss having a dizzy period is somehow a qte.

>is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game. Performing the wrong prompt or not at all results in the character's failure at their task and often in an immediate game over, or a life being lost and being shown a death/failure animation.

Not really since last I checked this 5 is the fastest selling in the series. So far the only ruining going on here is a fag like you ruining a pretty good DMC5 thread with your seething. But imagine trashing Sin DT or Buster and defending unecessary bullshit like wall running which didn't add much to the gameplay compared to either of these.

Why don't people like 2? It was way fucking better than the trash that is 5 and 3

>Explain how the bosses having a quick time event is somehow a qte

Game is selling so well it got forgotten and not even vergil is playable LMAO get BTFO you cuck

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>user seething in this thread over a forgotten game

>No argument
Looks like you lost


3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2

My taste:
4 > 3 > 5 > 1 > 2

There's nothing to argue? 5 outpaced the sells of every DMC that came before it. I mean? I stated a fact all you did was seeth LOL

>No arguments left
>Game is literally forgotten and there's zero development plans for the future
Get rekt Cuck

oh so they didn't end up killing the empusa, you guys were worried for nothing.

>gets btfo'd by multiple posters
>now acting like a 14 year old girl
Cry for me little bitch

>believing capcom
who's the cuck?

>Literally can't stop seething like a retard after losing the argument
>Literal crying baby sore loser
LMAO grow a pair

>who's the cuck?
You, my delusional friend :^)

>user acts like a 14 year old girl
>"Cry for me little bitch"

Attached: 782979846624.png (520x347, 140K)

>Yea Forums will unironically defend Vergil not being playable

The game could have had him but it doesn't
This by default means the game has less content and is almost certainly not as good as it could be
What possible reason could you have to believe this is a good thing?

Yeah sure you could argue that it would've taken extra dev time/money that Capcom wasn't willing to give them, but that's the business explanation, not the quality explanation
And yet nonstop I will see people on Yea Forums claiming "I-I didn't even want Vergil anyway, V is just as good..."

Attached: 1548726380863.jpg (399x395, 22K)

>doesn't know the definition of terms he uses
>gets btfo'd
>14 year old little bitch ensues

>14 year old little bitch confirmed

V is just as good, I get SSS all the time!
Nero is also better because I can press O for every boss QTE!

i enjoy the feel of DMC 1 mostly because it has the nightmare creatures survival/horror/action that I love. The other games are cool, but they focus more on being cool than the creepy vibe that I dig. Characterization in a capcom game is a moot point. Everyone gets flanderized, I like my silent protags mostly because I can infer my own personality onto the character


You seem obsessed with underage kids user.
A pedo AND a sore loser, now that's gonna be a big yikes for me.


The end

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>dmc3 is best cuz wallrunning!
>nevermind the fact dante has more shit
>muh wallrunnning!

>And yet nonstop I will see people on Yea Forums claiming "I-I didn't even want Vergil anyway, V is just as good..."
nigger on what fucking planet

Nobody claimed that you brainlet retard.
Go back to school and learn some reading comprehension.

Attached: c - 1550469454014 - dmc4 dante credo.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

>smug anime girl reaction gif
post discarded

>You, my delusional friend :^)
nice projection, see you at e3

thank you user!

Attached: 1528052929975.gif (235x240, 1.93M)

Yeah dude, can't wait for based capcom to give us table game DLC :^)

>Jump cancel/slash jump cancel/slash jump cancel slash
>Lucifers the style sponge enemy unable to attack
>Proceeds to use the same jump cancel moves and rebellion slashes like in every other combo video
>Trillion stabs the enemy constantly cancelling to get that SSS rank
>Uploads to Youtube calling his video a MAD even though he's not Japanese
>Uploaded by edgymcfaglord69

DMC fags this is your mindset

Pic related is the best DMC

Attached: DevilMayCry).jpg (1280x720, 59K)

screencap this for when nothing is at e3 so I may laugh and then cry

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Legit, it's glorious. Tossing a big mother fucker like goliath into a building feels awesome. Does that upset you?

>this post again
>inb4 "newfag doesn't know how to (You)"

If you want to play as Vergil play as him in 4.

There's really nothing to add except doppleganger, and DmC showed how shit that is to control.

I wouldn't say it's a good thing but there are better things that Itsuno's team should be working on. DMC4 got a shitload of extra content because the franchise was dying. DMC5 is a complete game, DLC would be nice but it's not needed. If Itsuno would rather make Dragon's Dogma 2 or whatever the fuck I'd say he's earned it.

Why would I get upset over someone enjoying some brainless mashing and thinking he's good at video games?

from smallest to biggest

Kek,was Vergil ever actually playable tho?

yes, and?

also you forgot ending every combo with a DRI

This entire thread shows that you very much do get upset. Literally seething, and bringing up something that no one even mentioned before hand, then continuing to cry in the thread with sarcastic remarks. You are very upset, friend.

Ok fag believe whatever you want :DDDD


>Claims that I'm somehow upset at something
>Literally seething and replying to every post with aggression
Okay seether


>"I-I didn't even want Vergil anyway, V is just as good..."
>need to make up lies to defend his point

I'm not saying add him now. I'm saying I have no doubt in my mind that Itsuno would have included him had his team been given the time. Vergil's his fucking husbando at this point, 5 is basically a nonstop Vergil circlejerk, complete with Kingdom Hearts-tier "actually everyone is related to Vergil" twist. Yet when I bring it up as a flaw, people lose their shit at the concept that 5 has anything wrong with it.

Get cucked at E3 faggot. I'm gonna be laughing my ass off to your tears

DMC5 might be the most overrated game of this decade.
People have been waiting for a new DMC game for so fucking long, they delude themselves into thinking it's the best shit ever when it was in fact quite mediocre and only slightly better than 4

>And yet nonstop I will see people on Yea Forums claiming "I-I didn't even want Vergil anyway, V is just as good..."

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>still replying
You mean tears of joy right? You'll be happy for us faget

>playing dmd for the first time
>V's whole design is based on diversionary tactics
>suddenly EGK has a shotgun blast that kills everyone at once at any range with flawless accuracy
How is this fair? How do I pull enough magic out of my ass to keep reviving these stupid animals? V's whole shtick is getting free magic whenever he wants, and even he can't keep up.

>nonstop Vergil circlejerk
sounds like heaven

Attached: IMG_20190516_235526.jpg (706x911, 86K)

Why are you still butthurt about V? Your KH comparison is old news please kys.

See you at e3 bro
See you at e3 :^)


Attached: c - 1528833823914 - dmc animations 4 vs 5.webm (640x650, 602K)

Nope 3 is. Points for the best representation of Vergil, points down for the shit bosses, shit formula of item fetching and back tracking which the game doesn't even bother to diversify at any point throughout the game. It's most certainly a PS2 era game and it shows. It needs a remake before it can ever hope to compare with any of the newer titles on anything other than a story standpoint.

It's quite sad that DMC3, despite being a PS2 game is still the epitome of this franchise on almost every single regard. Including Music, Story and even gameplay if you add the styleswitcher mode.

Show me where capcom hurt you buddy. You don't have to lie to yourself this much, you'll get to play as your favorite katana man.

DMC fags are literally Smashfags 2.0
they run with the smallest non evidence and claim every little flake of shit that comes out of the developers asshole is a clue and sign of future content.

The game is done, move on.... Or dont and get butthurt when E3 rolls around and nothing is shown

DMC5 is done, it was mediocre and you should let it go.
Time to move on user.

For some reason I can't stop coming back to DMC4SE. I like it a lot.

Attached: 1552333860282.gif (656x368, 2.08M)

Objectively it most certainly isn't. Not from a gameplay standpoint, not from an acclaim standpoint, not from a sales standpoint. Not from a music standpoint. Devil Trigger alone has been covered over and over and over. Got 25 mill views and made it all the way to the top of the itunes charts and. DMC3 tracks? literally who?

This is correct.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 S-Rank.png (460x695, 145K)

>ywn jerk Vergil's "Yamato"

>i like half finished games

>but muh Devil Trigger
>muh itunes
Okay secondary retard


>if you add the styleswitcher mode
I'm convinced even without it, gameplay is still better due to non-neutered weapons and fast pace

>when fromshit exists
>when snoyshit exists
>when Persona 5 exists
>when Witcher exists

Have a (you)


Based and thanks.

>ywn 'unshethe' Vergil's "yamato"

>Devil Trigger alone has been covered over and over and over. Got 25 mill views and made it all the way to the top of the itunes charts
Devil Trigger is a normalfag pop song and if you like it you are a normalfag
Subhuman is the most DMC track in the game and even then it lacks the prior games' subtlety.
>Objectively it most certainly isn't. Not from a gameplay standpoint
it is, especially when modded

DMC3's DMD is Shit so no

Right implying any of them wasn't standard anime tripe.
>imagine playing DMC for story

BTFO? Yes you did
I was honestly really disappointed by Dante's weapons in 5, no spiral or a&r equivalent and also Dante losing shit to Nero because he's now the main protagonist for some retarded reason.
It's actually challenging. If you can't git gud then don't blame the game

dmc team is still together apparently so it's not done yet

Except Subhuman is literal garbage, sorry incel, but just because you listen to a song with niggers yelling doesn't make you hardcore or a complex thinker. It does make you incel, and means your taste is shit though.

That must be why DMC3 is topping the steam charts right now. That must be why all the people who do go back to the older games choose to go back to DMC4 instead.

Well I like the gameplay is what I'm saying and the half that is finished is pretty alright for what it is and I love the enemies. Dante's half is disappointing, but his gameplay makes me forget about the sad fact we are revisiting old areas with some boss preventing you from running through the area in 5 seconds (ice field, forest maze, etc)

I liked the bike idea, but it's slow in a way no other melee weapon was
I liked the fighting style gauntlets, since I myself practiced Capoeira, but it has nothing to do with the gauntlets themselves---they could have done that with any equivalent weapon in past games

I'm not big on clone weapons/equivalents though. They should have taken this opportunity to bring out fresh new ideas, sort of how DmC operated (except its weapons were still too conventional).

Spot on

>I'll block you all.
Never fails to kill me. I have a ton of respect for that man.

>people who do go back to the older games choose to go back to DMC4
Why are you lying on the internet?

>Except Subhuman is literal garbage
the new version is great
>just because you listen to a song with niggers yelling
that's not what's happening
>doesn't make you hardcore or a complex thinker
never said that; I said it was more true to DMC's sound
>It does make you incel, and means your taste is shit though.
okay normalfaggot, don't you have college girls to daterap this weekend? shoo

>That must be why DMC3 is topping the steam charts right now.
old game
plus, if people were playing on PS2 or Xbox 360, that wouldn't show up on Steamcharts, would it?
wouldn't even if they were playing original PC port


This but swap DMC3 and DMC2.
It may sound retarded but I just can't like DMC3. It brought shit to the franchise aesthetically and also has a retarded camera.

DMC1 has the best style of the series and DMC5 is the gameplay chad.

>ywn nibble Vergil's "Yamato"

DMC3fags on suicide watch

Attached: KEK.png (947x1027, 419K)

>Complains about aesthetics
>Likes 5 which is the worst looking one

Nigger who the fuck are you trying to bait with the original ubisoft port of DMC3?
People buy the HD collection now you absolute brainlet retard.

The 3 fags in here must be all 10 of em lmao

Did you even read?
I said DMC5 has the best gameplay, there's a reason its high up.
That and the enemy designs aren't shit anymore in DMC5. Other than that though DMC1 is still the best aesthetically.

>designs aren't shit anymore in DMC5
What did user mean by this?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Chad DMC5 tho ;)

Attached: 1558229493354.jpg (1590x1232, 268K)

>DMC5 has the best gameplay

Attached: c - 1546326137623 - dmc4 keyboard gameplay.webm (640x384, 2.86M)

DMC5 > DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC1 > DmC > DMC2

But if you have a different opinion I won't begrudge you. They all have their strong suits. Except DMC2.

Attached: 1552615864485.png (1280x1280, 1.35M)

>Got absolutely BTFO by based Sekiro
OH NONONO 5Bros what happened? :(

>Something impressive being done in DMC4 somehow means that you can't also do impressive things in DMC5

user what the heck are you talking about what's your point

I can mash buttons with V and get SSS.
I can press O with Nero and my arm will do cool shit for me.
I can use SDT with Dante and clear the entire screen with the press of 1 button.

>pc bugisoft port
>not glorious ps2 version for full nostalgia effect

I'd like to take this time to personally thank this man for being responsible for making 5 Vergil the best Vergil we've ever had.

Attached: 83406.png (454x527, 492K)

>user what the heck are you talking about what's your point
you can't do something as impressive in DMC5
game is molasses compared to the two mainline that came before it
>I can mash buttons with V and get SSS
and it will look and feel lame
>I can press O with Nero and my arm will do cool shit for me
a couple arms, sure
>I can use SDT with Dante and clear the entire screen with the press of 1 button
instant kills make good action gameplay?

Attached: 1552716455745 - dmc5 dante combo.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

So how does DMC6 get around the fact that Dante is nearing the age of 'too old for action games'?

My guess is demon shit that makes him young again.

Attached: CMSSg_WUEAQy7VI.jpg (600x754, 66K)

>not thanking Itsuno for choosing him
>not thanking Itsuno for making Vergil come back at all

doesn't look like vergil
also the writing for 5 was terrible; it felt like a Hollywood 2010s movie

>instant kills make good action gameplay?
Yes, 5 is my first game but it's definitely the best game in the franchise by far and I won't ever need to touch the others because they suck lol

>user is based again
Good shit my dude.

Attached: 1556357496312.jpg (750x856, 97K)

Why is Kamiya listed twice?

>i can press a button and do shit
NO WAY, fag

itsuno is vergil's fangirl, all the thanks goes to him

>Boy oh boy I can't wait to talk about these games I love!
>this thread

oh. I guess we're at the part where we all pretend like 5 is some dogshit massive downgrade from the older games? darn.

Attached: 1552618535146.png (900x900, 59K)

>no one said anything about the writing
>still mentions it
go away vujo

>My guess is demon shit that makes him young again.
and they turn him and his brother into shotas and the whole plot is them trying to find a way to turn into big boys again

Attached: 269787246246.jpg (1126x1316, 169K)

Don't take it too seriously, it's mostly just 2-3 fags seething, probably 3 of the 10 people who still play DMC3 lmao

saying he's the best vergil yet implies more than just design, smoothbrain

Sparda was old and he was still able to kick mundus' ass. He's early 40's, he'll still be active for a long time.

Well, he's responsible for Vergil's cute dimples.

Attached: 1558211876581.jpg (2394x1425, 236K)

Based Jeriboomer.

The hype died down and people can objectively see how fucking mediocre DMC5 was

>Literally no DMC launches with Vergil playable
>Will defend paying for a game twice because you bought the second edition way after the game released because you're some newfag that doesn't actually know the history of the franchise
>Voice "disappointment" despite not knowing a damn thing about it

>2-3 people samefagging and seething = a consensus

hi porgie you still complaining about the writing on twitter? you need to let it go for your health. you're too much of a sperg already.

More like you're the only one samefagging because you can't accept people criticizing your first DMC game

1 is overrated, agreed

He does look like Vergil, and nobody even mentioned the writing.

Attached: 1555116327964.gif (540x304, 2.93M)

DMC3's DMD is challenging in the sense that it's a test of how long you can put up with dogshit enemy and encounter design. Being balanced completely around DTE was fucking retarded too.

>Encounter design
Imagine being this bad at video games that you invent new buzzwords instead of getting gud lmao

Man of taste

Attached: 1523714283379.gif (540x301, 405K)

Attached: dmc3_vergil.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

I was thinking less:
and more:
>attractive young woman, which makes everyone uncomfortable, but at least Vergil can ignore what Dante is saying under the logic of "oh hush little girl the adults are talking" to get him back for ignoring him when he was a cripple.

but I'm cool either way as long as I get to play as Dante.

Attached: 1458298084668.jpg (600x800, 277K)

Attached: 1552724971557 - vergil.jpg (1024x768, 437K)

Translations when? Chapter seems kinda empty, here goes another two week wait.

you must be 18 or older to browse this site


Why do you think I put it below 1 and 3? Because it's not finished.

>people look identical when they are 19 versus when they're like, 43

DMCV is the only game that didn't instantly feel like a drag upon replay.
Gimmicky shit like the spinning top puzzle or the obligatory "Replay the bosses" level was fucking awful from a replay standpoint

Attached: 1552385482041.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Then why are you still here?

Attached: 1423347072239.jpg (120x117, 3K)

So you're the weeb that hates the game for not looking like an anime anymore.

>the dev team chose maxim because he had similarities to vergil

all those games shit on dmc

>aging during adulthood distorts skull structures

Attached: 1552261210893 - nero facial comparison.jpg (1989x1067, 376K)


>Posts 4
>Thinks fighting shit like Urizen 3 times and listening to the same cringe dialogue isn't a drag
Okay retard

NazaVergil is GOAT!

Attached: 1554355925804.png (636x650, 542K)

No, but aging out of looking like an identical animeboy does.


Oh, you're retarded


Urizen is fun to fight when he gets off the throne, don't care if some sperg thinks otherwise.
The other fights you can just job until you have to break the crystal


Ugly as fuck

>not a new ip

Yeah, that was soooooo annoying when you fight Urizen more than once. Boy I sure am glad none of the other games make you do anything twice. That sure would be annoying. Having to do stuff multiple times.

Attached: 68b288215b62364f0c4be734d9e67dffa113fd83_full.jpg (184x184, 7K)

Faggot, we all have criticisms, there's a difference between criticizing a game and seething like you have over it. I played DMC1, 4 and 3 all first. You mad I don't like none of them as much faggot? 3faggots are the only ones who cannot take criticisms of anything, it's like you're mentally children who upon discovering someone likes 5 your first instinct is to irrationally
>durr nerofag
>durr vujo
>durr muh wallrun
>durr muh RE backtracking
>but mostly muh nero
>u jus nerofag
>its qte!
Sound like a faggot neckbeard crying sjw for every little shit, absolute faggotry. But it's not Dmc3fags perse, we know it's just 1-2 samefagging

I've never really found most DMC bosses hard. A&R, Nightmare 3, and Vergil 3 on DMD were a notable exception, but almost every boss has a pretty simple, understandable pattern.

You don't like 5 Vergil, why the hateboner user?

>Urizen is fun to fight

Difference is that the other games made you fight good bosses more than once, like Vergil.

Attached: 1433116077550.jpg (466x379, 38K)

>Beautiful as fuck


Attached: 1555640984626.jpg (559x960, 64K)

>This amount of seething and butthurt over someone not liking your shitty mediocre game
Look faggot, if you can't handle criticism then just stay out of Yea Forums and go back to

Attached: 1437950315918.png (560x469, 119K)

Wow imagine having to actually omit parts of a post to make it seem like you have a credible argument, and fall back on anyone that knows you're wrong being a newfag, when niggers from your camp are crying Vergil isn't playable on launch, almost like they never actually played DMC until this year or something, weird.

>Difference is that the other games made you fight good bosses more than once, like Vergil.
That's definitely what we're talking about here.
Just bosses.
Not, say, an entire video game, but backwards.

Attached: 1456073014144.jpg (520x500, 144K)

No seeth just truth :D already btfo'd the fags Just having fun now.

It's almost as if you're really butthurt and don't have any more arguments.
Learn not to be a sore loser user, it's just hurting you in the end.

I think we can all agree who the true best Vergil is.

Attached: 15029772635.jpg (900x1000, 155K)

2>>>>>>>>>>all other games

Attached: sin dt dant answers phone.png (1004x644, 1.21M)

>No seeth just truth :D
The amount of rage behind this post is honestly amazing. Are you gonna be daijoubu user-kun?

Attached: 1434329680771.png (466x492, 137K)

he doesn't have nelo angelo as a dt so no
I don't think he'll get his corrupt dt anymore

>Tells me I don't have an argument when his "argument" was omitting posts and defending shit like levels that require you to beat 4 of the bosses you already fought being conducive to replays.
>Thinks if he just mindlessly cocksucks the older titles no one is allowed to challenge his worldview because he's sucking the Yea Forums zeitgeist cock of "OLD GOOD NEW BAD"
Man you're pathetic.

Attached: 1520658403058.gif (230x230, 1.54M)

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dodging bubbles, roller coaster centipedes, moby dick's hearts, FUN

Stylish crocodile pants.

Do we know if the version coming to the switch is HD or not?

looks decent, as does UMVC3
only problem here is his hair is nerfed, and the colors are dulled

Attached: Image - Vergil's Win Pose.png -.png (1024x1024, 435K)

>user is so mad he thinks my argument is "OLD GOOD NEW BAD" like some sort of broken Yea Forums newfag
>Calls me "pathetic" while crying like a little bitch
Lel, you sure made my day user.

Attached: 1427569663973.png (528x440, 49K)

When is DLC even ussually announced for stuff like this?
It's been more than 2 months since release.

I've basically just given up on the idea of it being a DLC instead of next gen re-release.

Bitch, you know it should've been me to fill your dark soul with light.

>Pretends to troll
Wow, okay.
I guess you admit you're wrong then since you quite obviously don't have an investment here.

Attached: 1465041943778.jpg (2880x2778, 908K)

Attached: gitgud.gif (270x235, 1.36M)

hehehe you triggered?

Attached: vergil sin.png (1280x922, 700K)

Attached: Red Vergil Mod - Ultimate Marvel.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

For what? I love vergil's sin dt......?

>He's so emotionally broken that he needs to "invest" into a Yea Forums post because someone on the internet DARED to criticise his first game
Are all DMC5fags this mentally ill?

Attached: 1487551343942.png (1149x1017, 1.07M)

>those bosses hard

e3 you dumb mofos

The Urizen shit is kinda lame but it's still better than the shit you have to deal with in the other games

Not ass mentally ill as defending one shot bad level design gimmicks and "replay dese boss" levels and then doubling back and pretending to be a deep cover internet troll when you die on your sword because you're a jaded piece of shit

Attached: 1558542949415.jpg (1010x897, 68K)

Play on DMD, sweaty

Nope, Urizen is by far the worst boss ever designed in this franchise, the fact that you're forced to fight him 3 times is seriously insulting.

thank goodness they're gone

>those bosses hard on dmd

>Urizen is by far the worst boss ever designed in this franchise
Oh my god he really hasn't played the older games, play Arkham on DMC3 DMD buddy.

user, I think you need to stop seething this badly. You're dilation time is coming soon and you don't wanna miss it.

Attached: 1494139343270.png (198x197, 54K)

what'd be a better boss fight?

>Urizen is by far the worst boss ever designed in this franchise

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

>smug anime girl reaction images
posts discarded

Holy shit is this really gonna be the new cuck? Everyone knows you lost, this is shameful

Attached: 1492283909207.jpg (1857x789, 101K)

You don't have to fight Arkham 3 times.
3 is universally accepted as the hardest game on DMD. The fact that you didn't know this proves that you're just a newfag who just got BTFO on silver plate

>You don't have to fight Arkham 3 times.
Ah yes, this makes him not shit, forgot!

Attached: 1493559776573.jpg (250x250, 56K)

You need to go back

Attached: dante liked that.jpg (337x360, 28K)

>Urizen is by far the worst boss ever designed in this franchise

Smile more, user. No need to tell lies!

Attached: 9498b7b9359ffaf0714ef68afcccdef4.png (870x1095, 365K)

So DMC5fags are ALSO newfags to this website. Makes sense.

Just accept your defeat. Unless you want me to keep humiliating you.

Attached: 1452864148191.jpg (373x355, 37K)

>"Urizen is the worst boss in the franchise"
>someone points out a worse boss
>"Y-yeah well at least you don't have to fight him 3 times!"
Wow good stuff user

>Being this anti DMCV when you obviously never played the older games
What level of autism is needed for this? He's not even trolling, he pretended to be a troll after he got BTFO to seem like he's not mentally destitute

Attached: 1506986188836.png (600x610, 565K)

Even without taking into consideration the repeat fights, arkham is still better


>"A-at least you don't fight him 3 times"
>"He's still a fucking garbage boss"
>"W-well even without that he's still better"
So why even mention it?

Attached: 1496364879271.jpg (622x538, 92K)

Look at this amount of butthurt from this dmc5cuck LMAO

>So why even mention it?
Are you even following the conversation? or are you just retarded?

Are you?
Take your medication user

Literally the only reason dmc3 has puzzles, backtracking and fetching items is because the actual core missions without them is 2-3 minutes long. And still even with those aspects the missions can all be completed in 4-5 minutes, less if you're speed running, because there's literally nothing in the game that actually challenges you at any point to acquire the items or do the puzzles. They're all braindead shit and conveniently placed shit, my 7 year old niece can power through. Hilariously enough despite having all this excess shit, it's one of the shortest DMC's even compared to DmC.

Dude, he's an idiot. Don't bother.

Attached: 1462771857858.jpg (1925x2300, 2.01M)

I couldn't give two shits about anime one way or another
but posting specifically smug loli uwu anime girl reaction images is a one way ticket to showing you're a low test voice cracking faggot first and foremost


>it's known by the 10 people who still play it

You're such a newfag holy shit


Attached: 1491064459811.png (777x441, 94K)

>Gets BTFO
So this is the power of underage that shit on new games they can't afford.
Why even pretend you're an old fan, this is mortifying

Attached: 1512252764211.jpg (1113x876, 153K)

>DMC5Cuck gets BTFO multiple times
>Stops replying and desperately samefags with facebook tier reaction images for damage control
Pretty sad desu

Attached: 1494137887484.png (145x127, 30K)


Posting 149~ 2hu reactions doesn't make you look like someone worth a shit.
It tells me you picked up touhou over the course of this year, just like you did with DMC, and that you don't know shit about either and pass your half ass shitty underdeveloped opinions off as fact and sperg the fuck out when you get your cover blown.
You're not as smart as you think you are, repeating FOTM insults doesn't make you a good troll.
Tell Mommy she needs to pick up the laundry

Attached: Beyond mad.png (174x302, 87K)

It's an anime image board, numbskull.

Attached: bestgirlisaguy.webm (960x1200, 2.94M)

>Newfag gets triggered by Touhou images
>Thinks his normalfag tier reaction pics from 9gag are gonna do anything
Keep 'em coming sugar

Attached: 1440120072155.jpg (480x360, 26K)

I didn't want Vergil, I wanted Trish, the most fun non-Dante character in the series.

Attached: 1552848290650.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

dmc threads are cancer
I take joy in the misery
die a slow painful death dmcucks

>the 10 existing 3fags always sensitive because their fave sold the least in the series

>mfw DMC5 Vergil

Attached: 1553865492348 - vergil fatface.png (522x508, 380K)

Attached: 1552018087198.jpg (1024x288, 38K)

Who the fuck cares about sales? go back to your subreddit and fap to more nero gay porn my dude

>not only did it sell less it peaks at a total of 10 players
>tfw nicher than niche

If they made his forehead smaller and his hair shorter (As in, able to comb back, but not like 4-5 inch strands) he'd probably look really good.

Attached: 1552148470176.jpg (1200x653, 527K)

>I'm gonna count sales from the first shitty ubisoft pc port
>not gonna count the original PS2 release, the SE edition, or the HD collection on PS3. PS4 and PC
Epic seething shitposts my friend

imagine being such a cuck he goes into threads he doesn't like
retards don't know how to ignore bait

All dmc5 posts are basically bait at this point.

>1 is outdated garbag-

Attached: Devil May Cry 1 Combo.webm (320x240, 2.78M)

>he thinks people are still playing dmc3 on the ps2
>he thinks a game that sold the least in the franchise was played much on the ps2 after the initial year
>he thinks it didn't get cucked severely by gow

How do I enjoy DMC1? It almost feels like I'm punished for trying to style in combat.

I don't understand how people say DMC5 has the best gameplay.

Attached: 1551007058117.jpg (530x377, 66K)

>he keeps posting his shitty low effort bait
>he wants me to respond directly and give him more (You)
>he is THAT retarded and butthurt


Attached: Devil May Cry Level Design Evolution.jpg (1616x966, 314K)

for the majority of levels you're going to be skipping combat
and trying to find the way out

They're either retarded or it was their first DMC game.


reminder that not directly responding is still as embarrassing if not more than directly responding

>shoving the book in griffons mouth

Attached: vAqPawh.png (1152x2048, 3.68M)

>complains about bait
>continues to be baited the entire thread by everyone
>literally retarded

Ok now you're just reading my mind.

That's level design tho, not gameplay
We should keep them separate, don't you think?

Looks like you lost mr. seether

temen negro


V is okay but I wish we had playable Demi-fiend instead
His presence is diminished by just being a way to bring back Vergil into the plot

3 has turbo mode, a proper bloody palace, more bosses and more weapons for Dante.

Are you implying that level design doesn't have a direct effect on gameplay?

>he made a picture
>walk in room
>pick up convieniently placed item
>open door
>rinse repeat
>whole game
>puzzles and paths just for the sake of having them without actually giving them depth

there isn't anything lewd about that at all
its called assault

The gameplay is the combat if I remember properly, I don't remember Yakuza tier heat actions that can smash demon's heads off walls so you'll need to elaborate beyond Victorian architecture being easy on your eyes so it makes it easier for you to combo

Damn. I knew the game had its roots in RE, but I didn't think the influence ran so deep. I'll have to try it again with this mindset. Thanks.

If it's a platformer, definitely.
If it's adventure, sure.
If it's action adventure, debatabley not since they tend to make fight take place in a flat arena, and everything else is just how long it takes to get to the next arena.

It's very sexy assault

in what way its a fuckin' book

imo it was a decent way to bring vergil back

bruv its a joke calm down

Attached: pJ57dtv.png (1141x2028, 1.44M)

I am calm I'm just concerned your dick might be book shaped
otherwise I don't know how that would be lewd

DMC3 (modded) > DMC4 (modded) > DMC5
what's the argument against this?

Attached: 1551764733667.jpg (1280x884, 653K)

It's actually more to do with atmosphere and approach to the game design in general. The Resi-like elements and philosophy of limitation set out in DMC1 make it a totally unique experience as an action game. That's not to say it's any better or worse than 3 or 5, but it's an entirely different animal to any of its successors.

This user gets it.

this doesnt have anything to do with gameplay though, except for the weapons

Objective fact

Attached: DMC1-DMC5-DMC3-DMC4-DMC2.png (621x2141, 432K)

>Gameplay has nothing to do with gameplay
Okay dude

what i really love about DMC1 is that it feels like one thought out "cohesive" package, there are no "that part" moments, every scenario/enemy/boss is balanced in a way where it dosent drag and there is a quick efficient way of dealing with it.

Attached: BIG_IRON.jpg (1440x1440, 224K)


Attached: Shit Souls 2.png (890x672, 203K)

turbo mode and weapons 100% do
bloody palace a little less so
and bosses a little less so than that

the act of forcefully shoving anything in someone's mouth is lewd

Dark Souls 2 is better than DMC3 too though.

Rent free. Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.

>BP, a bonus mode that is literally just horde mode, inflicts on the gameplay/combat

>quick efficient way of dealing with it
I think this is what separates Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and DMC1 from DMC3-5

Where are you gonna fight the enemies if you're gonna ignore the main levels AND Bloody Palace?
Also you convenietly ignored turbo mode

Dark Souls 2 is a broken piece of shit, stop

Attached: c - 1536050246041 - dark souls 2 magnetism.webm (640x480, 1.29M)

why would you ignore the main story when the level design is fine

Ya seethe?

a knife?
a baseball bat?
a whole watermelon?
whole devil bringer up to the forearm?

If you're not gonna follow the reply chain then don't try to get into our discussion you moron

Still better than fetchquest, the game dmc3. Unironically that running in circles looks more engaging than waiting for a fucking centipede to come out of his tunnel so you can loljump on his back and easy mode.

Keep seething cuck

Nice corrupted Vergil.

>whole devil bringer up to the forearm?
don't give nero any ideas user

Unironically DS2 sold better as well. What didn't sell better than 3 heh
>muh dmc2 sucked it ruined the hype

It literally did, don't you know nothing about marketing? I expected nothing less from a retard like you

yeah bro I love when this happens

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>he prefers le whacky wawhoo bang bang pizza dante
Dante in 1 is the perfect balance fun/cocky/serious.

2 sucked and ruined hype.

ive never played ninja gaiden, but you can attribute that to the fact kamiya and itsuno had different ideas about how the series should work, coupled with the fact DMC1 was the first game of its kind so alot of it was new uncharted ground for team little devils, nevertheless the first imo is like mario 64, doom or street fighter 2 where its a piece of gaming history whos influence can still be felt today in many games and should be played atleast once by anyone who is interested in videogames

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I want to meet the person who designed urizen's fights and punch him in the throat.

>dmc2 sucked
>dmc3 sold less cuz of it
>ds2 apparently sucked
>ds3 sold even more than it
Cope, if anything it was cucked by the first GOW game that released literally a month after it and was the better game, so got more press.

Why are you using sales as an argument for game quality?
Are you retarded?

You forgot Ocarina of Time, Fallout, and Dark Souls.

I'm not? First Gow > dmc3. Writing alone and world setup was more engaging than the generic anime bullshit, MUH evil brother AGAIN, and WOHOOOOO protagonist that was dmc3. Hence why dmc3 got cucked by a raging nigga with facepaint

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I agree but I think we can also agree DMC1's translation and script left much to be desired.

>there's no "that part" moments

This right here, fucking hell. DMC1's worst moment is the swimming missions and those are over in about one minute. I'd rather do the swimming Mission 10x before I do Mission 15 in DMC3.

I love Dante

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lol a butthurt gowfag not a surprise


i'd say gameplay is 3>4 but otherwise absolutely based

I think this is slowly becoming the consensus on DMC franchise

Yeah, I would say that is arguable.

while i do agree with you, style switching offered alot of depth and a steeper learning curve than in 3 which people would say is a big plus in its favor.
even though individual styles were nerfed to hell in 4

GOW 1's mission and introduction

Vs Dmc3's snoozefest

Starts off with an epic boss fight, introduction to the plot, multiple segments in one fight, world that actually feels alive because other characters besides fucking dante exist in the missions and talk to kratos vs dante MMMMhmmmm I love that pizza mmmm good WOOHOOOO

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>Having trouble defeating DMD Vergil with Dante
>Fight him with Nero
>Beat him on my first try

Geez, Nero is quite overpowered.

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>2 not being the best
It's like you guys ACTUALLY like good games.

hehe le angry beard man xD


>press x to awesum

DS3 didn't come immediately after DS2

yeah I don't like nero either

Legit, and they wonder why gow became bigger kek dante cucked his own franchise. Damn I need to go back, forgot how amazing GOW 1's soundtrack was.

Same mechanics most hackers have these days, your point? imagine being a hacker in 2019 and not having some sort of grapple mechanic LOL

*dabs on GoW*

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>muh combo autism on bots

I'd like to interrupt your regular shitposting to bring you an important annoucement:

Thank you for your patience and have a nice day

>God of Normies
>Better than DMC

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Can somebody post the Nero body slam Vergil webm? I lost the one I had on my old HDD :(

How can one man be so correct?

God of War is normie repellent.

I'd put dmc4 over dmc5 for atmosphere, other then that I agree.

>thinks dmc3 isn't anime cringe
>dante literally the most anime in 3

Lean what anime is before spouting retarded shit you stupid nigger

>losing shit to nero
Aww poor baby, he still upset.....

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Answer me this DMC5babbies:
how the fuck is a supposed 1/4 demon stronger than 2 half demons?

>this nigga thinks dmc3 isn't the height of anime cringe despite dante quipping like a generic anime protag the most in 3 out of every single other game
The state of dmcfags denial of your anime series

Have a last pity (You)

Congrats you described DMC5 Dante.

Maybe demon biology doesn't work the same as humans. Especially when the line is as strong as Spardas. Otherwise half demons wouldn't be going around slaying full on demons no problem now would they?

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Demon blood is like saiyan blood. It's holistic. The more dilute, the power powerful it is.

Except they aren't just any half demons
They're the offspring of one of the strongest demon to ever exist

And by lineage so is he, so if you're the user that asked that retarded question, you have your answer. They all have the special bullshit sauce blood.

>QTE fest
>dedicated dodge/block button
>Basic light/heavy attack combos

Let's not forgot now that GoW is DEEP and CINEMATIC it attracts even more normies.

>i decide whats normie and whats not
Fucking cancer. Even some of the most hardcore games of all time had those.

>doesn't mention DmC
this is now the official ranking
everyone else can fuck off

don't open

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don't open

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>And by lineage so is he
That would imply Dante or Vergil are stronger than Sparda, retard

He's not. He stepped in when they were already tired and caught Dante off guard with a hit to the jaw, plus Dante wasn't really motivated to fight Nero. That's really what it all comes down to: motivation. People try to read into it too much and nerd out with their fan theories of "hybrids are stronger because demons use human blood to blah blah blah," but all that really matters is that you fight for what you know is right and you've got the skills to win. I'm sure Lady could sack up and blow away all three of them because the core message of human righteousness overcoming demonic cruelty is more important than who can go super saiyan 3.

why love each game separately when you can enjoy the franchise as a whole? I love this franchise.

>I'm sure Lady could sack up and blow away all three of them
Dante has repeatedly demonstrated virtual immunity to ballistics, probably could live explosions too

because certain games could undermine what was established in ones prior to them to the detriment of the experience

So do I but there's a few bad apples in the franchise (DMC2 and DmC). It baffles me why it's always a battle between DMC1 and DMC3/4/5, or DMC3 vs 5 etc etc.

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You're missing my point.

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Wow. I didn't know a tier list could be this wrong.

>V's gamplay is good

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imagine living with tastes this shit

your last sentence is disconnected from and almost contradictory to the point of the rest of your paragraph

When are the Sparda Twins going to learn to talk about their feelings?

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please open

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The one main thing 1 holds over the other games besides atmosphere and just the sheer visual variety in levels (seriously the whole game is gorgeous) is the variety of enemies. None of the other games come close to having the great enemy variety of 1. Which is in part because with only a couple of exceptions the game physically didn't allow more than one type of enemy in a room at a time, so each enemy had to have a more expanded moveset to keep the player interested.

I mean let's look at it like this, 1 gave us
>marrionettes (bloody mari too) the undeniable best 'trash enemy' in the series due to how they could swiftly go between weak punching bags to HOLY SHIT with their dangerous special attacks
>fetishes which were marionettes on steroids
>the sins
>the death scissors/scythe which were the sins on crack
>those rock phantoms
The only two bad enemy types in the game were the sargassos and the bugs. But they almost never showed up. It's telling that while other games may have had good enemies here and there in their roster they did not nearly have that similar quotient of good vs bad. And in 4 and 5 they literally just take some enemies from 1 and redo them a little.

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Dmd has done a lot to show me V's weaknesses. No way to manually replenish health and no super armor is a pretty big deal. I've actually had to start paying more attention to the terrain to use it to my advantage.

Never, they'll just continue to hold it inside while it quietly festers into a mental illness.

So, are we not gonna talk about this or...?

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Where did it come from?

>literally able to maintain SIN DT longer against Nero than he did with Dante
>flies fast enough to rip apart structures just by flying next to them
>caught midair, brought to a complete stopped and body slammed
>again in SIN DT
No way around my dude.

>can't fucking read

That's because you likely confuse strength with skill. It's the real reason why Dante is better than Sparda: he's just that good.

Another factor is that Vergil has never fought someone like Nero. He doesn't know how to deal with snatch or buster. Using the doppelganger as a decoy shows that he was starting to learn how to counter it, but he couldn't adapt fast enough.

It's alright besides the obvious DMC2 bait placement.

whats he squattin for