Cyberpunk, the genre which emphasizes crazy and eccentric fashion

>cyberpunk, the genre which emphasizes crazy and eccentric fashion
>default protagonist design used in ads etc. is the most generic looking dude you can imagine, would not be out of place in military FPS #430589237
what the fuck

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How else are they supposed to sell this to teenagers and dude bros then

default marketing you utter nerd

see. basically every other video game with a human male protagonist

Shit sux and is gay

Gimme another Geralt, at least

Cyberpunk made me a socialist
We can't trust the free market or let people make voluntary decisions, guys

cyberpunk protagonists arent supposed to look like freaks. the whole point is to traverse the world through the eyes of a relatable character

Attached: BladeRunner.jpg (618x412, 74K)

Default protagonist is likely a professional merc and not a retarded hot-topic punk.

Keep your androgynous fantasies to yourself, freak

Have you ever seen Blade Runner?

You can create your own character, looks wise, so they put the more vanilla and bland one as promotional art-It's the equivalent of the generic viking for Skyrim. Makes sense.

This, cyberpunk is usually about a sane man in a clown world, like in most dystopian stories. Except this time since it's about your story you can be anyone who you want not the common protagonist.

>cyberpunk, the genre which emphasizes crazy and eccentric fashion
>fantasy, the genre which emphasizes dragons and furries
>sci-fi, the genre which emphasizes lasers and psychic powers
>western, the genre which empashizes horses and trains
>mystery, the gente which emphasizes smartasses and storms
>terror, the genre which emphasizes jumpscares and psychokillers
>horror, the genre which emphasizes eldritch gods and crazy people
>porn, the genre which emphasizes tits and bad acting
we deserve what we get

All games with character creation show the blandest possible guy in the marketing. Like with Ghost Recon Wildlands and Breakpoint, for example - you can create quite varied looking characters, but the default they sell the game with is a generic gruff bearded operator dude.

The only exception I can think of is Mass Effect. But that's only because Mark Vanderloo already looks like an action figure in real-life.

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a thread died for this
that thread was probably garbage too, but still

>cyberpunk, the genre which emphasizes crazy and eccentric fashion
Why is every faggot who watched GitS once now a fucking expert on what cyberpunk is about. Your statement is completely pulled out of your ass. Eccentric fashion is merely a side effect of a fictional setting, you could also say that fantasy has fucking eccentric fashion.

In the first piece or concept art there was a guy with pink hair and a blue leopard print jacket in daylight and you fags complained because it wasnt grimdark like muh bladerunner

You brainlet go look at the cybperunk 2020 rulebook and art. What do you think cyberPUNK means. The universe was built around outlandish punk rock fashion and punk rock rebellion it literally says so in the first few pages of the character creation section

Still the best character creator on the market. CP2077 won't even come close to it.

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It's called the default for a reason you fucking mongoloid just enjoy a fucking video game for once in your miserable life

>Korean waifubait that incels use for ERP has a nice character creator


>California ca. 2077
>default is a white male
Oh, no, no, no! Ha ha ha! Look at the top of his head! Golly!

Spouting buzzwords won't change the facts. If westacucks want to compete they'll need better character creators. Especially in a game like CP2077 that has both the RP and the waifubaiting.

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Compete with what? Shitty Korean MMO that's already dead? Is this some shitty bait? you've been spamming "westacuck" in ever cyberpunk thread dont act like people dont notice

Westacuck is an ancient term newboy.


you're all fags

"V" kinda sounds faggy for a guy desu with you.

geralt is shit
give us more Henry

Trump and his assorted clones in Europe made me a socialist.

Christ be praised

Nohomo but god damn this guy looks fucking cool as hell. They know their shit

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>not y'all

you blew it

Is male V a bottom or a top?

I agree
But let's combine it with nationalism too and see what happens.

>western game
>male protagonist is a handsome hunk with nice facial lines
>female protagonist is a trannyfaced creatura
Every single time.

Attached: oof.jpg (1200x675, 122K)

>invest millions into genre you love and want to share with the rest of the world
>the game is good
>we actually have to sell it to people who hear "cyberpunk" and visualize literally nothing
Whats your issue, dude? Its a AAA game, how would you market this game after watching cyberpunk films and games flop such as Deus Ex? Say that game sucked all you want, numbers are all investors see.

should be fucking top should be fucking straight male v cdpr bunch of gay shit now

>Players can choose
>After they are forced to be a faggot
wow thanks

HR was really successful. MD flopped because it got woke.

He's too cute to be straight

reminder they showed female v and gay ass homo male v BEFORE EVEN SHOWING STRAIGHT MALE V lmao that's where their fucking priorities lie

>tfw imagining this with this

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North Korea

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Wrong. he is too manly to be a fag

MD's story was shit AND ended on a cliffhanger

Does fag v at least wake up next to a qt twink?

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cdpr made him a fag tho

We need to go further

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no he wakes up next to the same big hairy mexican as demo female v not joking lol

How the fuck was MD woke?
I swear you fags get dumber by the day.

He looks much MUCH better than the trailer version and pic related. Much better. Not just the more handsome face structure/model but the textures are also better. He's not as greasy either. Here's hoping that's the actual in-game model. Kinda looks like Justin Timberlake though.

Hopefully they've fixed the disgusting female V too.

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hopefully they made him straight not a fucking gay

Newfag piece of shit

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He's a bislut

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Cyberpunk 2077 is literally sci-fi GTA, CDPR even admitted that Rockstar was one of their main inspirations.

It won't be the cyberpunk we wanted, it's time to let go.

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b-but mods!

>protests were more or less orchestrated by shadowy group trying to rule world, meaning protesters are fucking tools and chumps.
>this is somehow woke
Must be tough living with room temperature IQ.

it's sci fi ballad of gay v

Wait, OP pic isn't cosplay?

Not gonna lie, I would definitely have preferred a more GTA-style experience. The inspirations from GTA are obvious, so it does flummox me that they decided to go first-person instead of third-person with cover mechanics.

The actual character design doesn't bother me, and it would encourage the developers to add visual customization if you could actually see your character from a third person perspective.

your mom is shit you shithead

Keep flopping retard.

Try harder smoothbrain.

I don't need to. All I have to do is literally nothing for pozzed games to flop :^)

How? He looks like a backalley merc with cybernetic implants. That's what you are in this game, retard.

Well, it's not like you limp wrist faggot could actually do anything.

lmao go into bankruptcy already tranny

Keep dreaming you raging homo.

slide thread made by oogabooga nigger, basedboy, dyke and trannies who are seething that normal looking whites are still allowed to exist
easy to spot, since only retards in those camps still pretend it's 2009 when this was true for media

You are a vile creature.

Looks exactly like Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein 2

except gayer

>cyberpunk, the genre which emphasizes crazy and eccentric fashion
I think the advertising shills are just making shit up at this point

Look at Rage 2, you think that was good advertisement?


I mean honestly, you can choose whoever you want to fuck, and I definitely think in 2077 you're gonna have a lot of sexual debauchery.. The only thing that would upset me is if the game doesn't contain any hyper augmented robo-chicks to fuck. That would be pretty lame if the choices were just "Fuck regular dude or girl"

He is a whatever you want to be. A fag, a straight guy, a bisexual manslut, a celebate man, an incel (and I say that unironically).

I genuinely think that 3rd person shooters are one of the worst genres. Or at least, they're one of my least favorite.

But bruh it's legit cyberpunk, they even say so in the title. :^)


Wish he was customizable

100% this.

He is.

>cyberpunk, the genre which emphasizes crazy and eccentric fashion
You're an idiot. Don't talk about things you clearly know nothing about.

Imagine typing the “word” “westacuck” and not killing your self immediately after.

I'm okay with trannies since they deliberately removed themselves from the gene pool, but you creatures still disgust me.

Fucking pathetic.

Attached: fag.jpg (320x238, 15K)

that "normal looking white" is fucking gay cause cdpr got woke he gets fucked by a man in their demo no choice to fuck women

>>cyberpunk, the genre which emphasizes crazy and eccentric fashion

This has no basis in reality whatsoever. If you'd actually READ fucking cyberpunk novels you'd know that the characters were almost always drab as fuck. The aesthetic of cyberpunk is GRIMY, not "le neon maymay DX", you fucking literal redditor faggot.


so what. fuck off, ea shill.

>so what
it's fucking gay cdpr was based in witcher you could be a fucking straight male now they're fucking gay shit male v

>Male protag gets fucked by another male in demo
>Source: My Ass

End your life.


Thanks for doing my searching for me

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What was wrong with the female? I thought she was fine, only saw complaints about the haircut.

they are making everything possible to copy gtav

gta v was straight

>What was wrong with the female?
Everything. Don't get me started.

Current events in europa turned me conservative

Oh yeah, GTA has wall running?

>wall running in first person

Attached: man hands.jpg (800x1000, 36K)

Git gud :) Also

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If they force you to fuck a man in the actual release I'll eat my shoe.

Attached: ∕ v ∕ mods cyberpunk 2077.webm (480x360, 2.1M)

it was due to the demo being designed with the female playthrough in mind, its not forced. Just cobbled together.

she's ugly

fuck off with your mental illness tranny faggot

what's wrong with that?

I would unironically like this. The summer heat fucking sucks.

why the fuck was demo designed for female playthrough that means the fucking game is designed for female it's fucking woke bullshit they should make FUCKING CONTENT FOR STRAIGHT MALES

So much wasted potential in that game