Post what's stopping you from gaming right now
Current gripes with gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
Ever since I had sex I've hated video games.
Rent is too high, I need to constantly worry about work and career.
Other then the down fall of Bioware and Bethesda my only gripe is Twitch and flavor of the month culture. "Only games with at least half a million constant players are worth while" shit.
This isn't R9k, it's ok to reused a post image.
reality versus escapism unfortunately reality will always win out
I'm a trust-fund kid so I don't need to worry about rent. But all games are shit now, and the last game I purchased was Hotline Miami 2. I hope the video game industry burns.
laziness i think.
i started FF7 on my Vita a while ago but haven't touched it again. probably 5-6h in.
i've played the game before too, but i haven't played it in forever.
i took 1 year to finish Persona 5 even though it's my favorite game franchise.
i just lost motivation overall. pretty shitty.
It's still pathetic. Do something better with your time.
I'm trying to get better at art
>want to play SQUAD, RS2, Post Scrotum and be more social
>i7 from 2012, only 8gb of RAM and old SATAs
>poor as FUCK, different bills to pay so can't afford a new PC any time soon
>not interested in triple A gaming
>Post what's stopping you from gaming right now
I've got a pizza coming in 20 minutes or so.
Bought to eat pizza and watch star trek but enjoy seeing threads about things i've played or what to play
There aren't enough good new games coming out
My PC is a 6 year old shitbox that struggles on a lot of indie titles, and my only console is Xbox One. Other than that, most new games that I have the opportunity to play are shit or weebshit. There's only so many times I can replay EU4, play through the 3 90s CRPGs I own, or hit the Rocket League grind.
hypocrite, plain and simple. stay mad.
I burnt a little over 1000's calories with my bike yesterday fuck off.
Shitty ISPs in the ghetto shit area I can afford to live in drop my connection for about ten seconds every five minutes or so. Single player games are boring.
Dumbass zoomer
>tfw you will never fuck White Korra
Name one (1) good single player game.
>start playing Borderlands 2 with friend
>having fun
>10 hours in friend finds some codes to get 90+ golden keys
>ruined one of the big points of the game for himself, the loot system
As if I'm going to try and reason with an underage retard lol
Borderlands 2 loot is garbage though. Boxes are always crap so you just end up getting straight upgrades from quests at each level bracket.
>Tfw I know an Arab girl in my class that looks like Erin but brown.
Shame she has abs.
pound that poonani son
Zero interesting, deep or challenging upcoming titles, all of them are super safe slop, no developer is pushing the envelope anymore
DLC and lootboxes are accepted as normal.
Companies are essentially free to exploit the rabid fanboy ecosystem forever.
My favorite genres are all dead.
Vidya journalism and culture in general is an irredeemable cesspool.
All the vidya discussion sites are either dead, cancerous, turned into circlejerks or overran with trannies attention whoring
There is just nothing exceptional to engage with, everything feels samey and overengineered by a team of suits and interns. There is no real artistic vision, or that feeling when someone really put his heart and soul into crafting and delivering something for you. Its all dry, corporate, clinical shit now, cutting corners everywhere, drumming up artificial hype with marketing(because analysis shows it saves 3000 bux on this quarterly over making the game better) playing safe, playing simple, just making enough on the normies and the whales. I wouldnt even mind that, but there is no one to cater MY niches, despite having wads of cash to throw around on purchasing quality products but sure as hell I'm not going to buy DLC and other shit from it.
I literally just gave up and went to have IRL hobbies. No its not "rose tinted glasses" or "growing up" I still enjoy gaming and old games lately, I just don't want yet another lazy rehash or reboot of an existing game.
I saw this post but saying its your sister and has abs. That desperate for (you)s?
3.6 roentgen, Not good, but not terrible either.
>Brown Erin
>Has abs
>He doesn't want to fuck actual Korra
Are you actually gay?
is just me or does this image make you want to shove something down her throat?
>Looks like White Korra, but brown
So Korra?
I ___ __ ____ _____ _____
Depression, getting kicked out of ny house this morning, what else
In general nothing and I play vidya. However, today I am panicking because for the first time I decided to buy some pot (I normally have only smoked before at friend's houses) about a week ago, and today the guy I bought it from got arrested and I have no idea if the police are gonna show up at my door for buying a couple of grams of pot (that are gone now anyways).
I spent the morning cleaning my entire house just to make sure there is no smell, and I went out and disposed of the glass mason jar I put it in, got rid of my bowl, and I'm washing all my sheets just in case there is somehow something on it. I am probably being a paranoid fuck, but still.
bruh I feel like killing you now
>Shame she has abs.
This is bait
Olanzepine here. this shit sucks i want to emjoy life again
what're your hobbies user? going to the gym and slaying puss on the daily? how very chad of you
How did you pay the dealer?
Gayest man in the world.
Your change seems pleasant.
Too tired.
idk where you live but man just cause they caught the dealer doesn't mean they're going to start knocking on the door of everyone he's sold some small amounts to
it's a waste of manpower and they just cut off one of the sources they don't need to waste the time on that shit
I start too many games and don't finish them and it eats away at my soul like I'm a ghost that can't cross over due to unfinished business
someone sold me a gb micro but no charger so now I have to wait for a charger in the mail. it had a charge on it when he sold it to me wtf.
imagine getting arrested for weed in the year 2019 bruh
post your work
I live in Florida, where it is at least medically legal.
Hey man, he did.
>>Rent is too high, I need to constantly worry about work and career.
This so much. Basically, money.
i know he did but still its retarded that it's still criminally enforced who gives a fuck its a plant son damn
For starters the dudes not going to snitch on you. You might not be an issue, but the other people he sells to might be. Hell even if he does snitch on anyone, cops are not going to have the time to follow up on some dude who bought a few grams.
Secondly no one gives a fuck about weed anymore.
I'm waiting for that brand new, mind-blowing, story driven, graphically impressive game series that will spawn a new series of stories and sequels. Especially with mechanics we havent even considered yet. A la Halo or Warcraft or TES.
It's been 5 years and nothing has come out yet that has me truly impressed
I agree with this post. bl2 is just bigger numbers the entire game. I have friends who played bl2 and I convinced them to play through bl1 with me and they whine about the guns not constantly being on an upgrade treadmill. how the fuck is that a problem?
the gold chest has a fairly limited item pool and mostly drops purples anyways. my friend and I cheated in a bunch of keys and he uses the chest whenever we're in town and there's basically no difference in our gameplay. I'm usually a bit ahead of him because I'm better at keeping up with my skills while he mostly runs and guns
money is the source of so much evil
I'm on the middle of the ocean, my laptop cannot run new games and i downloaded only few indie titles but work is taking almost all the time i have, i play somehow 2 times a week
The worst thing is, humans do this to themselves.
At this moment in time its booze, tiredness and money worries. Ill be fine again tomorrow
what's the job user? fisher?, merchant navy?, transport?
>My favorite genres are all dead.
This is the biggest problem I have. Everything nowadays from AAA publishers just seems like bland shooters, bland action RPGs, or Nintendo's flavor of the month shovelware.
I miss stealth games. I miss Metroidvanias. I miss Run & Gun. I miss turn based games of any sort. I miss mascot platformers. And most of all, I miss when the above things had production values and weren't just relegated to the indie ghetto.
I replayed the Halo trilogy in the past few days. I guess the main issue is mainly just getting bored too easily and I worry too much about real life shit
I still game but I'm basically limited to playing co-op shit with my one gaming friend and/or my gf.
I don't have a group to play competitive online games anymore, and knowing how much better it is to have friends in that shit, versus playing with random, means I'll probably never be able to enjoy competitive group play games again.
Other than that, the biggest issue is that single player games are just bad these days, few games hold my attention anymore. Even the co-op stuff I play is pretty shitty, it's just playable because I have fun playing with others.
And I know it's not me, I know it's gaming that's changed, because I just did another play through of KOTOR 1&2, Morrowind and Mass Effect 1 this past winter.
It seems like the entire industry revolves around esports and ecelebrities right now. Developers are putting out a trash product in the hopes that people will buy it just because they saw some YouTube memester playing it.
I feel the same way with competitive games too man, fucking DOTA 2 really burnt me out and not even Overcock or Fortnite really impressed me. At least I can look forward to Reach and the MCC coming to PC
I'd love for a better way to give compensation for goods and services
At work coding some stuff.
i'm electrician on container vessel
How about a handjob?
Crippling depression
Indeed I'm hopeful that MCC might bring a few friends back. Even if it's just to play the campaign through one more time.
My neck hurts
>esports and ecelebs
It's a sorry fucking state to see what gaming is these days..
I know it's a big meme, but RDR2 gave me a lot of those good feels I used to have playing singleplayer games when I was young. R*'s trash gameplay did hamper the experience though.
Yeah society was much better when we were on a village level barter system working 15 hours a day 6 days a week to live in squalor. Who the fuck needs division of labor and the profit motive lmao?
My laptop getting a blocked screen and shuting down after overheating or some other problem
neat, thanks for answering. all the best on your journey user.
You will if you see the gpod things and focus on that. Risperdal was better though.
limits aren't being pushed more
there aren't more mature themes
the nature / exploring the interface between player and game is better but still needs development
most videogames fall into the trap of 'tell not show'
gaming is now an established industry with genres & norms, it's not the new, wildly imaginative media it used to be
general lack of creativity
there are some exceptions, and gaming is better now than it was a few years ago, so i have some hope.
after finishing earthbound for the second time everything else is boring. Earthbound was the closest thing to games as an art form. The indie scene could've started an art wave like film did, but the industry only attracts autistic weebs with drawing and programming as their only skills
hmm what could be done against this evil?
>fate stuff
come on bro, you can do better then this
Couldn't really have said this better myself
money is just another tool. it's evil when it becomes a goal, rather than a tool
online shooters is in a complete state of dog shit thanks to freemium BR games dominating the market.
Intercontinental thermonuclear weapons are also just another tool. The problem is some tools have greater potential for - and inclination to - evil than others.
I don't know which one to play. Choose for me.
No HL2 or Thief. I want to play HL1 first and I can't get Thief to run for some reason.
Youre the reason its shit
Keep buying garbage sjw indies and theyll keep making them
Thermonuclear weapons are the reason why you and I are sitting here on a video-game dick sucking forum instead of getting shot in World War VII: Dirge of Cerberus
Why should we stop trying to improve tho? Sure things are better but they're still pretty shit.
>want to replay entire Half-Life series
>know what happens at the end of ep2
>know that the cliffhanger will never be resolved
Mass effect
>Hotline Miami
>SJW indie
YouTube. It's more fun watching 3 minute simpsons clips than it is getting into the right state of mind to enjoy one of the games I'm playing now.
Other than that though I think games are in a great place. I've got a lot to play and when I'm finished there will be more.
>pls gib munnies to see grave thnx
>le epic doomer maymay
Thank you for not spoiling.
Ok. Thanks.
night shift job+sleeping a lot during the day only gives me 2 or 3 effective hours to play vidya. I've been seriously considering getting an overpriced gaymen laptop
Complete apathy for vidya induced from decades of intense gaming. Feels like I've seen and done it all, so what's the point anymore?
I like your post, user
You are great
HL1. Mass Effect if picking up HL1 isn't feasible atm
It's not that I don't have the $10 but I haven't bought a game at less than 70% off in years.
Downloading Mass Effect right now.
I’m away from my computer for the month studying and I’m realizing how addicted I’ve become. So once I finally get back I don’t know if I should get back into it or channel that energy into something more productive.
Gf is asleep and I was waiting for her to wake up, but I didn't realise what the time was so I'm about to go game.
Unsure on what to play tonight though.
All indies are sjw
It doesnt matter if they are political or not
Literally every indie is shit besides maybe the binding of isaac which is a meh zelda ripoff
EPIC electionfag OWNS Yea Forumsirgins with his TWENTY TON brain
Yes get the fuck outta here
Not doing both with the child between your legs while playing.
Too many people with obvious agendas have made their way into various positions of power in the well known gaming companies. Too many obvious cases of pandering and diversity inclusions that you can't even look past it.
Sucks man.
My current main games are Forza Horizon 4 on my Xbox One X, Days Gone on my PS4 Pro, Singularity on my 360, and Bayonetta 2 on my Switch.
Aside from that, weekly arcade trips to play Sound Voltex Vivid Wave, House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn, and Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5.
I also play Shadowgun Legends on my phone with the normies at work.
I love video games and couldn't imagine life without them.
The aspect at which it wins are not good things.
Low standards doesn't mean no standards. It's always okay to say "this isn't good enough".
I do pleasure myself in that pose... do people use that pose when they are sick? Am i sick?
Playing a video game would be like fast forwarding to my next work shift.
Strangely, browsing Yea Forums dosen't make me feel that way.
I did that during going to uni and playing WoW 10 hours a day. The two are not mutually exclusive, and some neet becoming too jaded for vidya won't suddenly fix his life.
I actually picked up gardening, plane modeling and refurbishing 90s computers. There is something in having a perfectly repaired and clean beast of a computer for '99 running a genuine copy of Win98 and seeing those old icons and everything.
Imagine being into RTS, TBS, RPGs and MMOs. Every single one of those genres are kill or bastardized into meaningless open world action-y games with "rpg elements" Even beyond that, the games are just somehow samey to me in general. Just open some 90s gaming magazine, every single game back then looked so different in artstyle, scope, direction and graphics, you could tell them apart with a glace while right now every game is this undescribable, semi-relalistic plastic style.
Going on really long losing streaks for stupid reasons, like teammates who troll and people leaving the match. Team games are unplayable.
You've been huffing too much Yea Forums, user.
High standards mean I get bored of mediocre games real quick. On top of that I dont see the point in replaying stuff unless its for gameplay reasons like in dark souls 3.
Thats why im not playing anything.
yep you are right, in therapy right now trying to get that straightened out
risperadal didn't work on me though which is why i'm on this fuckin tranq
Searing gas pain.
I find more joy and fun in drawing. I still come to Yea Forums because I like to giggle at silly posts, but I guess I've grown out of vidya. Plus, I can make money while drawing, which I can't do while playing vidya.
I feel like I've experienced everything worthwhile gaming has to offer
I can't pick any game, be it old or new, and not have a sense of deja vu
Oh, and modern video games are uninspired pieces of shit
I'm still rocking my 2011 W7 PC and I don't plan to upgrade
having to suffer through mortal existance
Just bought a new PC so I'm playing what I missed from the most current stuff
Dark souls and Metal gear rising are awesome
Btw, should I play the rest of the mgs series?
quoted for truth, weird how it feels like browsing the net doesnt feel like a timeskip compared to gaming guess its the level of investment required
Got any good tablet recommendations if you do digital? I'm in the market for one since my current is on its last legs.
I personally use a Surface Pro 6. It's pricey, but it's extremely high quality. I've used Surface series tablets for about two years, and I'm very impressed. Don't get a Pro 4 though, they have an issue where if they overheat, the screen starts to flicker and has burn-in. Best of luck finding a tablet, user.
I'm currently at work so I can't play.
I'm writing an article for this dietitian I'm volunteering for in order to get into my masters program, because the modern education system is shit. I REALLY want to finish it today since it's taking me way, way longer than it should but man do I hate it. I can write essays really fast and get great marks but these articles take me ages, like I feel a pressure to stop after every sentence.
The moment I finish I'll be able to play Sekiro which I'm almost done but I'm putting it off any way I can. Cleaned my whole house twice today just to avoid it.
>Not wiping your raid in DS10 because you're having sex during the gunship fight
Games with shallow content. Open worlds with copy pasted locations. All i want is a 40 hours rpg where every part is necessary and enjoyable. Characters only say what they need to, and the plot isn't predictable.
This is why white racists look like inbred ugly retards. They literally have shit taste
Being at work
and all phone games suck
>all phone games suck
>What is FGO?
>What is GBF?
>What is GFL?
>What is AzL?
cash grabs?
no one cares gayboy
>higher education is gay
Is that why Yea Forums's gotten so retarded lately and was so gay previously?
>user enters a thread posing the question "why aren't you gaming right now?"
>Calls you gay for giving your reason
Yea Forums fucking sucks now
I was going to start a factorio factory, but starting up is always such a chore.
>Shame she has abs.
How gay are you? I assume extremely gay.
Fake but im impressed with the amount of replies
Overly monetized and multiplayer oriented. I just want a decent campaign shooter.
Anything but the AAA productions have really suffered in quality. FuRyu has turned out one pile of mediocrity after another.
Why are they so damn rare? They should cost next to nothing to make. Haven't seen anything half-way interesting on the horizon after EO: Nexus. Mary-Skelter 1 was a sloppy mess, have no interest in the digital only sequel.
Fuck me for spending any time with any of the gacha shit being pushed.
>genuinely good games are marred by SJW politics and censorship
>Unlockables are dead, just predatory DLC now
>cheats are deader than dead, just microtransactions now
>fighting game genre was buttfucked so hard by contemporary industry practices that I can say I haven't genuinely enjoyed a fighting game in damn near 6 or 7 years
>too many Bay Area liberals developing games now
>too many Canadians developing games now
>rate of genuinely good video game releases has plummeted from several a year, to one in every three years
>every fucking release has to have some sort of controversy attached to it
>Epic games is worse than Satan and cancer right now
>developers/publishers have gotten it into their heads and the heads of journos that customers are beholden to businesses and not the other way around
>truly abhorrent people are reviewing games who have no fucking business doing so (Days Gone)
>Is a game mainstream, have high production value, and features lots of "kino?" Instant 10/10 from journos
>does a game showcase a female ass even once? Instant 4/10
>Death of the middle market game, just dumb indie 2D sidescrollers and AAA games now. No exceptions
>too much focus on multiplayer
>too much focus on post launch content instead of releasing the fucking content on day 1 to begin with (AND NOT HAVING TO PAY FOR IT)
>too many corporate cocksleeves and fanboys roam the internet, drown out legitimate criticism
>Valve somehow thinks negative review bombing is bad, but positive review bombing is A-OK
>PCs are becoming like consoles with the dumb launcher exclusivity
>the internet. Just as the Holocaust was to humanity, the internet was to video games
>good opportunities for revivals of classic franchises are being tossed to the wayside to make way for the umpteenth Dark Souls game
>The Switch is just another Wii U in terms of games
>For every three steps Sony takes in being based, it takes 2 and a half steps backwards in regards to shitty decisions like Censorship
is this a metaphor for life, is life bone hurting juice, why is that dog so fluffy is that a metaphor for death, is death a release from hurting
video game discussion online has shifted away from actually talking about video games to gossiping about e celebs and their wacky hijinks/degeneracy. Like soccer moms regularly buying People magazine and gossiping over celebrity rumors
>JRPGs haven't been good in forever, too many beta protagonists not least among the many problems plaguing it currently (Rex, Noctis)
>first person shooters haven't been good since Perfect Dark, at least if you enjoy offline shooters with story
>you now have to pay three separate subscriptions for three online-capable game platforms
>Microsoft is too busy being richer than God to actually give a shit about giving the Xbox some fucking games, has to resort tot throwing its money around to just buy out developers
>VAs in America are arrogant twats, are you tired of hearing Laura Bailey everywhere? I know I'm not! Between that, and her constant complaining about not getting enough money, it's a wonder how anyone could possibly be fed up.
>Troy Baker
>David Hayter
>Kojima is too busy having lunch with celebrities, and although I didn't condone Hayter's online temper tantrum, I do not believe Hideo gave Hayter the proper respect for all his work prior to that anyway. Clearly only gave a shit about dry humping the legs of celebrities and the Japenese VA for Snake
>no more sexualization in games
>Anita is the worst thing to happen to video games, and considering the internet exists, that's quite an achievement
>journos care more about the poor Tiny Tim developers who get overworked, but you'll hear nothing but crickets chirping as it pertains to customers being treated like walking bags of cash
>the fall of David Jaffe
>violence good, sex bad
>developers can steal your money if you use a bad word online in their games
>too many echo chambers on sites like Twitter, and seeing as how developers keep shutting down places for there to be true discourse between them and the customer, all they hear is verbal fellatio
Video games have become to big of an industry, which brought in all the greedy execs taking over every small little publisher or dev. This means hardly anything worthwhile ever gets made, and shit is just made on tight schedules, with 40% of its content cut out and resold as dlc, and lootboxes or cancerous monetization methods.
The video game industry is so fucked and depressing. Not only that, but the "culture" has completely changed as well. EVERYTHING is geared towards twitch faggots and e-celebs. I'm only 25 and I feel so fucking out of touch, all that shit gives me aids because I grew up in an era where that didn't exist (for the most part).
Gaming isn't the same, and probably never will be.
OP does, OP asked