Well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
Scythe because I am a grown man that unapologetically plays the edgemaster class in every game and unironically enjoys it
Just don't miss
>1-2 hit by every other class
Fucking cucked
i choose fists
You better not because you only get to shoot once per second lmao.
>getting hit against melee classes while being ranged
Is this your first PvP user?
can i pick sex?
A fucking gun. Thanks.
>have a gun.
>getting hit.
Are you a retard that would take a knife to a gun fight?
>thinking you can't get hit in the back
Your attack speed is 1 bullet a second. You can't just unload your clip.
And what makes you think i can't shoot and move at the same time?
Can I choose race as well?
You automatically move faster then anyone there by virtue of carrying a small handheld weapon. Aside from ambushes, you kill all comers with melee weapons.
Not even him.
Try running with a scythe or katana or mace some time.
Sure you can. So can Mace. Who will be your biggest threat if he is swinging and moving around you. As will katana, who will kill someone and then hit you harder out of invis before you can even see him. Fucking use your brain, idiot. It takes four body shots to kill any class so you basically have to headshot. So if you miss the first shot after they hit you, you are fucked.
Why are you applying realworld experience to pretend videogame logic
OP here.
All movement speed is the same in this instance.
>Mace confers a movespeed penalty
>Other weapons don't confer any movement speed bonus whatsoever
>Meaning everyone moves at the same speed
You must be a retard. There's no fucking way you aren't. Stop responding to my posts.
If everyone moves at the same speed then the pistol user can just stay out of range and would only lose to sword user who just killed a guy or an ambush of two people, but in that case every other choice also dies.
It's not a videogame.
Also I'm just filling in the blanks in the OP breh
Pistol still wins as the other users can never close the gap. You are a truly great ideas guy OP
>Also I'm just filling in the blanks
i.e. making shit up beyond the given parameters, making your arguments useless.
scythes are aesthetic as fuck
Read you fucking idiot. His attack speed is increased in frenzy, not movement speed. Not to mention he does 200 damage and gunner has only 40% armor and 800 health. That reduced armor increases his damage taken by everything. He's a glass cannon so if you miss you basically lose but you can one shot.
If there are corners and they're already close enough then the pistol always loses.
Here user
Supported by the OP here
You don't need to get upset.
Shut the fuck up, you missed the point entirely. Don't respond to me, fuck off this board and go tell mommy to cook you some tendies.
If you can't get a single headshot on someone right next to you in 3 seconds, either you have parkinsons or we're playing a really fast paced game.
Op again.
Yes he can stay out of range but that with an iron sight pistol you would have to be a decent range to aim correctly. Killing at max range would be rather lucky so that's how I balanced it. Also assuming there are walls for everyone to hide behind, the melees could sneak up and if you miss, its harder to get them off. I made the pistol a risk reward class. Body shots still do heavy damage, but you shoot slow enough for the other guys to pick you off with your low armor and health.
Only if they're waiting to ambush you. If you're getting tactical like that, what's to stop you from simply avoiding all corners and staying in open spaces or corridors?
>Dont respond to me
Lmao reddit/discordfag detected.
You just skirt at optimal range. All other weapons lose aside from ambushes. This is literally what every hunter in wow does.
>if you can't get a headshot every single time you are disabled
Okay insecure guntard. I'll just rush you with invis after killing scythe. gg ez
You have entirely missed the point.
I don't need to headshot you. I simply need to land 4 hits. Knowing everyone has the same movement speed, in a 1v1 scenario, unless i literally throw myself at a melee person, i will always be able to kite anyone, for as long as the terrain is open (no borders or big enough not to consider them). It's even worse if you consider impassable terrains and obstacles, since i can simply circle around those long enough, thus eliminating the open terrain condition.
Anyone who says otherwise hasn't played any PvP in any game featuring melee and ranged and doesn't have a clue why melee are either dead meat or have so many gap closers to cope they might as well be considered ranged.
OP here
Ambushing and circling is the downfall of pistol class. The reason I made him 1 shot in the head is because with all the melee classes and low survivability he will be quickly picked off. In a 1 on 1 gun can triumph but if you are focused by multiple people you just can't win. Also assuming its a free for all and no one can ditto classes. Unless the pistol hides until 1v1 he stands little chance but to get maybe one or 2 kills. If a third guy gets the last hit he would win as the gunner can only shoot one bullet a second and katana has quick attack speed. Scythe can life steal from body shot damage and mace can tank body shot damage. It fully depends how good you are at aiming and how the melee players are moving. They can easily bait movement to set you up to waist a shot. And if you run out of bullets it takes 5 seconds to reload and that is their chance to kill.
Kek, don't need to worry about this guy... he's illiterate lol
Actually Katana loses to Scythe because all he has to do is get enough health to just barely survive a hit if you ambush and otherwise and he gets to hit first while staying away from your sword.
Sword can only beat someone in an ambush.
>big brain conversation uh oh gotta calculate percentages and crit values so I can't participate. GUN WINS GUNS GUNS
Depends if katana gets first hit or came up to scythe invis. These matches can go so many ways but no one wants to think of the outcomes
I kill every melee class 1v1. I see no problems. Also, since other melee classes will fight each other, literally that's the most beneficial for the pistol class since they're not going to focus someone they literally can't catch.
Here's the thing: in 1v1 scenarios, katana and scythe lose to mace & pistol, mace loses to pistol while pistol only loses to katana after a stealth. I'm not even considering headshots, mind you.
Tactics is as follows: regardless of the choices melee make (including agreeing to team up against pistol somehow), pistol focuses on katana while getting away from everyone else, thus katana needs to kill to get out of focus. Which won't happen since he's not only focused but loses to mace and scythe. Once the main pistol threat is gone, pistol focuses scythe, who can't do shit since he's the only one who ties pistol's movespeed, while mace is slow as shit and ignored. Pistol reloads while kiting a -20% movespeed mace for 5 seconds, and uses another 4 to kill him.
Now go play a PvP focused game, user. You may come back once you understand how good kiting is.
Did you even fucking read op? Did you read any of this debate?
No? Why would I?
You can't type out a scenario like that's how it will work every time. What if mace walks in front of you and bodyblocks katana while scythe hits from behind and katana is circling around? Katana isn't the only one that does damage. Scythe builds damage on hit and high reach. Even in a PvP match where they all team on gunner, his reach would multihit targets and quickly build damage and lifesteal.
>is illiterate
>calls someone else the illiterate one
You're the one cooking up a crazy fringe scenarios honestly. Having ranged deal equal damage to the other classes and have equal moving speed is pants-on-head retarded. You could take away the crit bonus and give gun literally 1HP and they'd still win majority at high level play.
Your confirmation bias clouds your judgment.
Assuming each class is placed in the corners of a square at the start, pistol simply needs to go opposite to everyone's direction and begin to aim at katana.
>"b-but in my scenario pistol gets gangbanged from behind as well!"
Which not only means poor starting positions, but also everyone colluding against pistol. And even then, i wouldn't be so sure it'd work out well, since as long as you can figure out a kiting route, you kill everyone without exception.
If you need to resort to 1v3 + piss poor starting conditions to prove your point, you are proving mine instead.
How does the scythe turn invisible
>mace slow as shit
Yeah and nearly takes all pistols health away. He does 260 damage in one hit to pistol who only has 800 health.
I said the katana kills scythe and turns invisible.
Holy shit, what is wrong with this board? What good is mace damage if it never hits pistol? Have you ever played a PvP game once in your life?
Pistol wins even in 1v3 scenarii, everything else is poor bait.
But you never catch pistol
>1 attack per second pistol
is it a fucking welrod or something?
Katana turns invisible for 7 seconds, without any movement speed boost. You simply need to run away from katana's last known position for 7 seconds and you'll see him again.
>he doesn't max unarmed and use his fists like a real man
based and god tier
So... You still lose?
>turn invisible.
>I flee away from your last known whereabouts.
>you reappear.
>eat lead.
Pistol, easily. The high base health and armor value means that every other weapon has stupid high TTK. Just the ability to have a conditional instakill and a base 4hit kill on hand when every other weapon takes something like 10+ hits to kill a target is just so ridiculous, especially with no attack speed penalty besides reloads.
The real way to balance all this out if we assume headshots are hard to hit is to make Mace's frenzy and give +30% movement speed so you can have a triangle of Pistol > Scythe/Sword > Mace > Pistol. Because as it is, scythe kills mace and katana is more like an ambush predator.
If headshots aren't so hard to make, then nothing can stop it except getting ganged up on.
I love dualwielding sickles!