Also, has anybody made a template for report cards yet?
Also, has anybody made a template for report cards yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
favorite react channels bros?
More info on Witchfire
Cyberpunk 2077's new demo doesn't look mediocre and Death Stranding release date given, somehow
memes abound
I fear nothing.
I just want too see Todds next scheme, He's a walking meme
Etika. Oh wait...
Oh man, you guys! E3! Can you believe it? V I D E O G A M E COMMERCIALS FOR A WHOLE WEEK. I love to watch people reacting to things and I especially love when those things are video game trailers!
How did you guys prepare? I took off from work for E3 week, ordered a bunch of spongebob plushies from japan to watch the stream with me, loaded up on gummy pacifiers to eat and have a full box of adult diapers so I don't have to miss a second of it! Because what if I just happen to go tinkle in the bathroom just as they start to show Mario? HAHA!
post those squilliams
spot the snoy
Binny vinesauce
the sauce boss himself
At this point I just want to see a never ever game get announced and see everyone on Yea Forums lose their shit.
The Ridley sticky from last year was hilarious
I'll probably end up watching all four of the SBFP's individual streams,
and Giant Bomb
and Kinda Funny
I would prefer Sacred Symbols, but they don't do live reacts
My body is ready.
>e3 during pentecost
I'm gonna be bbq'ing for 3 days with friends and check what happened later.
Ridge Racer 8
Ace Attorney 7
Forza Horizon 4 expansion 2
Sonic Adventure remake being a boost game
Dying Light 2 release date.
I'm gonna take three days off work to watch E3. I was thinking of doing the 9th, 10th and 11th. Anyone else doing the same??
I thought that was Squilliam.
Is DL2 set in Harran or another city?
While Dying Light took place in the fictional Turkish city of Harran, Dying Light 2 has moved further West, and according to Smektała, is set in a “fictional European metropolis, once prosperous, but now probably the last human settlement struggling to survive.” The city is yet to be named, but it looks to be far more expansive than Harran.
He's out. Apparently his "awakening" is complete.
patiently waiting on the squilliam collab
I am hoping K. Rool gets in Smash.
15 DAYS!!!! NOT 16!!
Good games
Half-Life 3
Stale memes
Smash DLC is something reddit like Master Chief
Mc got deconfirmed.
Geist 2
new PS5/XB Scarlet cross-gen titles
New Nintendo Switch model and PS5 release being sooner than later. Fuck, I hate having to go back to games
Posting this schedule some god-like user made. Still waiting for the drinking games
Metroid gameplay. Literally anything at this point.
Always Half Life 3 but another No More Heroes game is somehow more likely.
Nintendo to show the next Smash Character and probably nothing else.
Sonic the Movie The Game.
It is, I'm just shitposting
my discord : ^)
Smash reveal that causes a shitstorm *cough* Steve *cough*
Info on Monolith's new project
Cringe and hopefully a few good multiplats from Microsoft's conference
No Girlwood again
I did because I don't work Sundays anyway and the 11th is my b-day so I figured I'd take Monday off as well.
If you're taking off, those are definitely the days to do it. Pretty much everything is 9th/10th but Ninty is 9am PT on the 11th.
>Sonic the Movie The Game
Good games.
Great games.
Shit games.
Half Life 3 will be announced to try to curb Epic's growing userbase. Pass it on.
i don't know why anyone would fear that. sounds like prime shitposting fodder
embrace the cringe. E3 was 10 times better when it was all cringe all the time
Don't think it counts as a "reaction" thing but ComfyTheatre is the best place to watch these.
the singularity will initiate.....
Obsessed, rent free, and coping.
Yes, but last year's Cringe wasn't average everyday cringe. It was advanced cringe. This year's cringe may be even worse.
Go back to glove world you piece of shit.
Computex first, you fucking idiots. Four days.
Death Stranding trailer somewhere. Probably not at E3 but I imagine Kojima will release a trailer around it
Definitely not SMT V
Nothing. I got DMC5 last year so there's nothing to fear anymore.
Halo Infinite doesn't look like ass, SNES games for nintendo online, final mix DLC for KH3 that fixes the postgame, and more info on Iceborne
My cold, cynical heart feels a twinge of hype for something unexpected that's announced
Zoids Vs. IV/Battle Legends 2
To see some games that I'll say "That looks interesting" to but never actually buy or play like every year
That my utter lack of hype for anything this year is warranted and not just brought on by a generally bad year for me so far
rune factory 5
rune factory 5
rune factory 5
no rune factory 5
rune factory motherfucking five baby
We talking about your relationship with E3 here? Sure sounds like it.
amd has a conference?
>Probably good
Microsoft, mostly for big third party stuff since sony isn't here
>Don't care
PC Gaming
Limit Run
Kinda Funny
Square Enix
>it will be better than any of the modern sonic games...
are we still workin on the squilliam gif? i remember the aspect ratio being a bit retarded this time around
>Battle Legends 2
Navi, in theory.
fuck off, so(n)yboy
based and micpilled
>the official /ourboy/
Micnax (AKA, Comfytheatre)
>the good
Demolition D if he bothers to stream
Panoots (RIP)
Matthewmatosis's post E3 stream if he bothers
Mechagamezilla's post E3 video
>the slightly good but objectively inferior to watching it alone
>the bad
everyone else
ori and the will of the wisps release date
cyberpunk release date
age of empires 4 gameplay footage
ori and the will of the wisps release
Just repostan the report card some user made
smash dlc so we can end this shitshow for at least a couple of months (hoping for crash though)
snoyboys get btfo hard because fuck them
the squilliam collage is fucking kino
wario world 2
sin and punishement 3
luigi's mansion 3
battletoads gameplay
edelgard in smash
more reddit dog chilling
Pokémon Sw/Sh is actually really good
Digimon Survive
Metroid Prime 4 update
Xenoblade Chronicles X port
Elder Scrolls
A good Spore sequel
Digimon World 1/2/3 remake/remaster
Fighterz-style Godzilla game Featuring Gamera and Ultraman
Mahvel vs DC game
Some cool-ass mecha game with lots of content
Agumon for Smash
bad gameu
Non-vidya for Smash
Some good old cringe presentations
hope good gameplay for Jedi fallen order (also reveal that second sister is bariss offee but that will probably be saved as a big oh shit in the story ) thou I think revealing it before hand would get the clone wars audience to buy the game even know Star Wars doesn't need extra incentive even after tlj
i made it look slightly better
Would it be in bad taste if I commissioned a Squilliam?
no, it's okay if you can't draw
remember that episode of CCS where Li bought a teddybear for Sakura instead of making it himself? It's like that
It doesn't matter how shit you are at art, we want it to be OC
I already put in for the full week off. I don't really need to since the Sony event won't be keeping me up all night like usual but I need to use up my holiday time anyway.
Had the week off last year and spent the whole thing drunk and shitposting about E3.
What happened to the gif thread? Not being made now?
Now I'm curious, has anyone made a Squilliam for the Friday Night guy before?
Yea Forums is too lazy to do it now because it requires more effort than drawing on a wojak canvas.
don't we do that after the collage?
Good games.
Great games.
Bad games.
No games.
Based Sony doesn't even have to show up
Fucking sonn1ğğa
Ace Attorney 7.
I don't care if an AA game has never been announced at E3 before, I screw my courage to the sticking place.
He didn't do anything wrong, serves those instagram attention whore faggots right, don't fuck with strangers
Please do Detective pikachu squilliam.
>accusing him of being a So(n)ygger even though he didn't say anything about PlayStation or anything directly bad about Nintendo.
Why are Nintendies so insecure?
Okay, this is epic
Doomguy in Smash and Dragon's Dogma 2.
Raidou 3
Metal Gear Rising 2
Any of the above being EGS exclusive.
>console war
beyond shit
Animal Crossing Switch
Dungeon crawling Legend of Zelda in the BOTW engine
AC Switch delayed indefinitely.
There was a thread starting it today but its been archived and no one bothered to continue.
Have sex
Wonder what I should draw for the collage this year.
Drew Naked Snake for 2017
Did Monsoon for 2018.
Probably Venom shooting the rocket fist.
Binyot and Jobel
Panoots if he has one. His k rool reaction was adorable.
few of my hopes are wishful thinking but I'm pretty sure this will be the gist of this years E3
actually flip Bayo 3 and Prime 4
Why did you censor the eyes?
Requesting a CP 2077 Squidward.
I'm only in for Nintendo announcements and related cringe. Some trashfires, Xbox drop, memes and shitposting all week.
>have an unstable internet connection on a 1360x768 monitor
>friend has a gigantic 4K screen with twice my speed
>Dunno if I would accept watching the stream or "get it".
>Square Enix
>Hoped for...Captain America game
I am confuse
more info on Witchfire, My friend Pedro and Serious Sam 4 and whatever games Nintendo are doing that are not Pokemon
Post a template you retards.
Avengers collab announced a while ago
Last year I wrote down all the games that interested me from last E3, I was curious to hear from you guys.......what did you play that was at last year's E3? How did it fare compared to your expectations?
>E3 2018: Remedy's Control, Doom Eternal, Two Point Hospital, Bloodstained,REmake 2, Indivisible, Psychonauts 2, Metro Exodus,
Devil May Cry 5, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Transference, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey & Origin, Cyberpunk 2077, Sekiro, Hollow Knight,
Satisfactory, The Forgotten City, Overcooked2, CupheadDLC,Witchfire,Hitman 2,Octopath Traveler,Kingdom Hearts III,Gears Tactics,Griftlands,
Serious Sam 4, My friend Pedro,Death Stranding,Maneater,Greedfall, A plague tale, Guacamelee 2, GTFO
They are the big sponsor behind the PC gaming show, which is pretty good and worth watching.
you left some whitespace in between the arm and body
Vinny. He's always calm unless something really surprises him.
What is your fucking problem.
Hoping for an announcement on Monster Hunter Portable 5th and more info for Iceborne.
Dreaming for Pikmin 4.
Expecting Todd lying.
Fearing that Doom Eternal will only get like 5 minutes and most of the bethesda conference will be ES6 and that one game they teased last E3
Thanks, did you see Maui Mallard got released on GOG and Steam?
>most of the bethesda conference will be ES6 and that one game they teased last E3
They said they wont be there
>what did you play that was at last year's E3?
Literally nothing. Everything I was interested in hasn't released.
Jerma most likely. maybe ill also watch vinny
Etika used to be my favorite content creator until he finally went off the deep end.
i'm not excited for any upcoming game
i guess i look forward to seeing more of dying light 2 but that's about it
i'm only excited for my backlog now
It's gonna happen, lads
Halo on Steam AND portable Halo
Oh, cool. I never knew about this
I just want Pikmin 4.
Glad to see people find it useful
very high quality bait actually wp
I hope fucking kirby is there
Why did Panoots stop uploading/streaming? He's active on Twitter...
Cloud in drag during the full FF7R trailer
Monolithsoft's new IP
To be massively disappointed at this E3
See answer above.
fucking based
E3 2017, square conference
batmam arkham game......
>16 cores
>5 GHZ
>doesn't show temps or price
No? Square had no conference that year
Quarter-life crisis, or I'm assuming quarter-life. Wasn't he born in 94?
This dude that made the video sounds fucking retarded.
But where is the drinking game?
Same, I've got 109 hours of PTO to use before September. I'm gonna make use out of it
>this many Squlliams before the collab even starts
This year is gonna be crazy
fucking based
I hope something from mundfish about atomic heart
>inb4 epic exclusive
you bet your sweet ass it's gonna be crazy
That's my wife, please don't post her.
Pic related, it's me
Holy kek, nu-male faggots SEETHING
>off days line up with e3
I'm working on Nana right now
>Tfw taking week off so i can do wtf ever i need to AND not miss E3
I do it every year, never really a waste of time for me but never get anything i want either so it's a 50/50
I hope they come back this year as well
Thank god hopefully it's just an hour of Doom Eternal
Just finished mine
>don't have a job
lel this is pretty good. anyone have the year where it was a bunch of vidya characters walking towards the convention?
>Doom 5 news
>More action titles, in light of DMC5's success
>Bayo3 news
>Maximo 3, somehow
>Mechas become the next big fad
>Sony has a State of Play during E3 and it's just like 45 minutes of TLOU2 "gameplay", maybe a reveal for God of War 2: the Fifth one. All their shows focus on these two titles for the next 3-6 years
>The next Smash Bros fighter is revealed
>The next Smash fighter sends the entire internet into a shitfit for a few weeks, regardless of who it actually is
>TES6 is a nearly unplayable glitchfest
>Bethesda introduces a new form of jewery where you pay a subscription for single player games ($14.99 a month for the starter package of games, +$4.99 for FPS, etc) and it catches on with other publishers
Borderlands 3 no longer Epic Store exclusive due to backlash.
Bethesda's conference will be the one to watch due to the huge elephant in the room.
Actually decent games also >DREAMAN?
Capcom keeping the ball rolling after DMCV, FF7R Release date, more smash news?
lots of stupid shit i won't care about but will laugh at anyways
Kojimbo not doing anything with death stranding, Halo Infinite looking like shit
>lots of stupid shit i won't care about but will laugh at anyways
I literally can't think of anything to look forward in this years E3. What games are likely to get announced bros?
Viewtful Joe 3
That was from the same year. Actually it was the same guy who did the squilliam collage and the trip to e3 collage that year.
Dreaming of info on Frictional Games' two new secret titles.
here's this year's
>just got accepted for a job but don't start until after e3
was worried as fuck there
They’re not having an E3 conference, stupid. That’s the joke
>those fags seething
Mother 3 this year, mark my words
I hope so. That and a collection of 1+2 on current platforms and maybe Double Trouble for Switch
Seriously can you believe its already been a year? Do you remember that day bros ?
What will be this year's C&C Rivals?
Need to polish some stuff before the actual thing.
>Some actual fucking footage or at least information on what's going on with the new Animal Crossing
>A smash character reveal that isn't some weird out-of-left-field character from a PS4 exclusive that I didn't play
>RDR 2 dlc
>More information about Cyberpunk
>New MVC that doesn't look like ass
>Elder Scrolls 6, now with decent combat
>A new Doom Eternal trailer
daily reminder that nintendo is gonna win e3 yet again
>that retardera leak that said the game was a PS4 exclusive and it would be open world-ish
never believe that shithole.
Get the fuck out Todd; we all know TES6 is gonna play the same as Skyrim but dumbed down.
Jerma is good but if Demo hosts it I won't have to deal with Jerma's carcinogenic chat.
I just want another God Hand game, I don't even care if it's a remaster.
>Implying Todd Howard would ever say anything negative about TES other than ripping on Oblivion's horse armor
if you don't care about Smellsh then nintendo had a shit conference last year.
>FF7R Ep 1 release date. Been playing my PS1 Copy in anticipation.
>Starfield Trailer & Gameplay (like come on, dont announce shit and give us nothing until 2023)
>God Of War 2 2 (inevitable)
>Bloodborne 2(not happening but I can dream)
>TES 6 gameplay unlikely but hopeful
Hopes for EA this year lads?
>paid some homeless dude 30 dollars for this shitty stock photo
>put all the bottles directly behind his feet to make it impossible for him to sit comfortably
>strategically turn every bottle to just the right angle so you can't see the labels
Has there ever been a more SOULLESS photograph taken?
their live stream cuts off multiple times
there are long awkward pauses when they try to pretend anthem was a big success
someone accidentally says nigger on the stream
This fucking guy gets excited for shit he knows nothing about.
>"KING K ROOOOOL! Wait why does he hate Donkey so much?"
>"OH MY GOD IT'S ISABELLE. Yo I haven't played animal crossing but I'll get to it"
He's a cool guy and all but he's a total poser.
Literally only excited for the nintendo direct. I can't wait to ruin the board for a day when the smash character drops.
>"if vikings win i make new video"
>vikings win
>still no new video
I don't watch demo that much because of his non-existent schedule and the boring games he plays but his E3 streams are honestly half of why i enjoy E3 so much.
I really hope he streams everything and doesn't sleep through some of it.
I'm hoping for another batman arkham game or some ES6 coverage.
recently finished
just traced a bunch of wario images, but it was worth it at the end
>an E3 where I don't have to hope for DMC5
P5 for PC
DA4 trailer cause I'm a masochist
COD is comfy modern warfare vibes again
DOOM II won't be ass
Cyberpunk release date
Death Stranding
a suprise
Cringe, trannies, and madness, like every year.
they're gonna ruin another franchise, i can feel it
You know what Steam will reveal this E3 to combat Epic Games? Half-Life 3, baby! This E3 for sure! I know it!
>Metal Arms 2
>Metal Arms 1 and 2 pc release
>No metal arms
>Metal Arms card game
>he doesn't know
HL3 is completely gone now
>Half-Life 3, baby
Half life 1 and 2 sucked. Hf3 will suck too,
*would have sucked
I'm glad we've moved the voyage off the streets, there's so many pajeets on the internet these days...
etika did nothing wrong
literally all he did was shitpost on twitter until some faggot swatted him.
he was specifically trying to alienate his thin-skinned fans like you half the time, bitch niggae
red dead 2 pc port
Wolfenstein 3 teaser
goldeneye 64 remaster for pc/xbox
new burnout, ssx
halo infinite gameplay
more bland games
Here's a template for anons who have trouble drawing
im worried bro
i love his lack of politics but recently trannys have been worming their shit into his streams
idk what i'd do if vinesauce went to shit. i love how hard he tries to be non-political.
If you have trouble drawing, maybe you shouldn't be part of the collage at all.
Age of empires 4 info goes to all of these categories for me
>"It just doesn't work"
I just want Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Hoping Nintendo has a few surprises but even if they don't they'll probably have a good showing with how many titles they're releasing this year. Microsoft may also be a dark horse. Either way, I enjoy their conferences the most. Will probably be a good year just because No Sony
I only fear now for gaming's future now.
Everything I actually wanted got cancelled, forgotten, or is now shit.
based and redpilled
They're leaving money on the table by not pandering to gamecube kiddies with nostalgia. Where is our Mario Sunshine 2? Kirby Air Ride 2?
Tried being a little creative with it, hope it isn't too much
I unironically to use PTO specifically for E3 week every year. Fuck you.
I want something special to happen that will have a lasting impact, like my body is ready. What are the chances?
Broteam is the only funny one.
I am requesting that someone make a Soulja Boy squilliam. I can try to make one, but my Photoshop skills aren't the best.
CTRNF character reveals + trophy girls
SMM2 SMB2 Theme
Crash in Smash
New Paper Mario
Deltarune Ch. 2
Ori Will of the Wisps
Shantae 5 gameplay
Erdrick and Steve get in Smash
Paper Mario Sticker Star 3
twewy 2
lol ;-;
new xboxes officially announced.
>Chrono Trigger revival OST on July 10th
>Chrono Cross revival OST on August 7th
>Chrono Cross anniversary concert in November
>Sakurai tweeting about Chrono Trigger
Oh boys, I think things are happening
They weren't joking though.
ITT we predict the damage
More FF7R info even though it's episodic
Kid Icarus sequel on switch
Pandering to the zoomer e-celeb audience
yo where is the dab for e3?
Stop. It won't happen. Give up
honestly, those shows have been pretty good, but with Epic getting involved, it'll be bad
He won't be covering all of the conferences though. Someone asked him during one of his Zelda streams and he said he'd cover e3 but not all of the conferences. Joel usually covers all of them though.
don’t laugh
Forza expansion almost certainly. The second expansion for horizon 3 came out on the 8th May.
Maybe through a delay or Microsoft wanting it for e3. Either way they'll show it off by the end. Hopefully it's not as shit as the last one.
A bit shitty, but at least I tried this year.
The revolution will not be televised
that's a pretty neat pic user
Some plastic bug woman instead of Frankiee
I love it
I dont know what there's to hope for really, shitstation has been btfo and the good guys (msoft and nintendo) have won
I guess Halo gameplay and a KI announcement would be cool, but thats really just the cherry on the cake of shitstation getting absolutely btfo out of e3
At this point, I'm kinda set. This year (as in the last 365 days) has been one of the best in vidya in probably a decade.
I think a new 2D Castlevania and/or a new Ninja Gaiden would make me really happy, but I don't expect either. Hopefully some new IPs will come along to make the future exciting, but I have a decent backlog and some stuff I'm still playing so I'm super mellow on E3 as a whole.
Oh, and it should go without saying that I'm excited for Bloodstained but obviously that's likely not going to be present at E3.
He also had a mental breakdown and lost his mind.
A bit genius more like it
Based anti-Isabelle Warioposter
Someone build squilliam in Minecraft
Im a mobile fag so this will help beta test ideas like:
what a square lol
It'll be a big fat load of nothing.
Guess I should’ve explained that, it’s back from April Fools earlier this year.
Guess I'll post in these threads
>tfw gonna be in Perth Australia while E3 is going on
What do you typically do Aussie bros?
Resident Evil anything
Borderlands 3 details
Generally a good E3. Unlike the last few years there isnt anything im expecting
Bloodborne 2
Same old same old wity one surprise
Randy makes a fool of himself and fucks shit up
Speaking of squares
Should be the opposite
I am still waiting for the detective pikachu Squilliam.
Speech about diversity and representation in games
Moment of silence for the New Zealand shooting victims
Transsexual positive children games, presented by lactatia
Standing ovation for lgbtqp+
Diversity celebration with developer group on stage
Pride panda opening conference
A car in a conference
Speech about partnering with girls making video games and how you can donate
Cinematic experiences
Band playing music for 5 minutes for a 2 minute trailer
Odd color hairs
Side shave cuts
Jimmy neutron hairstyles
Highly scripted gameplay trailers
Now it gets replaced with hoping for Dragon's Dogma 2.
fuck anime fags and gamers
Yea Forums
Literally the only place worth looking for reactions, everyone else are pretty much the same shit.
Have sex.
I like how none of that is going to be in the Nintendo Direct
I mean alex and steve are both mascots like mario and luigi
But damn i cannot draw another character on the same canvas for shit
I improved it
Twitch chat and Yea Forums are the only places you should be looking for reactions
You're in luck, she's said she's hosting the PC show again
>hes actually not wrong
>people actually leave class and work just to watch this shit
>above their 20's and still blindly optimistic for videogames
REmake 3 Announcement
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Silent Hill Collection
MGS Collection
Fatal Frame Collection
Bloodborne 2
Dragon's Dogma 2
New Castlevania
Megaman BN Collection
Xbox Scarlet
VR shit
Switch Ports
Smashfag reveal
Fable Game
>"I can't believe people like having fun"
phoneposters need to be shot
Who are these cuties?
Half-Life 3 Epic Games Store Exclusive
Dumb zoomer
>im having "fun" watching samey shit
>more info on Witchfire
you've been keeping up with the dev, right? Looks solid so far.
I'm bored, give me some hot and spicy Squilliam requests and I may or may not do them.
Basically everything.
E3 has been awful for a good 5 years, with very short-lived exceptions. All decent to good games only get 3 minutes of screentime before going back to the 30 minutes long masturbations of cawwafields and walking sims.
I don't give a fuck about E3, they just hype, hype, hype and then the big AAA title is a complete disappointment.
baba is you
Based and blockpilled
is there a slowpoke one?
Drakengard 4
>Exam week E3
>Australia so everything is at like 3am so no chance of watching
I've been suffering this shit the past 3 years.
this guy.
DD2 being announced, that new ms MECHA game, TLOU2 release date with a stream during E3, Doom Eternal release date
Bloodborne 2 which I know it is not in works. Bayo 2 on Windows.
Cyberpunk, Babylon's Fall gameplay and release date
Starfield gameplay or everyone riots.
mister francis york morgan
is not that game still in pre production? is does it come before the new elder scrolls?
He was actually pretty enjoyably before he blew up into the 'smash' react guy. Wen't downhill from there with some occasional enjoyable stuff.
Jill Stingray _please_
Todd already said it isn't showing up, which I think is retarded because they shouldn't have shown a teaser last E3 if they knew it was behind on progress
anchoring so other anons who are just here for the squills can see
Super Mario Sunshine remake or sequel.
Sega re-entering console race with new console and SA1 remake as a launch title.
If this happened I wouldn't need to play a video game ever again. I still would but everything I could want has been fulfilled. Oh and please let Pokemon SS be good. I hope Ohmori and Masuda don't fuck it up but jnowing nu-pokemon it's almost a guaranteed to disappoint at just about every corner.
God damn, I remember how much I loved his Fire Emblem streams. Comfy shit, and he wasn’t over reacting
It’s sad that he feels like he needs to force shit so much these days
you just made me realize that SS has the same abbreviation as SS and also the SS
the hell was game freak thinking
yeah but r*ddit and /vp/ (the same thing) use "SwSh" as the abbreviations which is really autistic
>being excited to watch a 3 days long advertisement
Don’t be so sensitive, fag
He literally lost his fucking mind.
Sensitive? About what? They were the ones being butthurt that the other user was making fun of Nintendies.
>"KING K ROOOOOL! Wait why does he hate Donkey so much?"
Don't remind me
Bloodborne 2
Bloodborne 2
Bloodborne 2
Bloodborne 2
Its the alpha and omega of E3. If BB2 is announced the board will be unusable for months.
Hoping: New games that interest me and a character I want in Smash.
Dreaming: Pikmin 4, new Rayman, someone I want in Smash
Expecting: Same shit I already know and don't care about, plus more shit I don't care about.
Fearing: Undershit in Smash Bros.
Halo Infinite to not look like trash
Dino Crisis reboot in the vein of DC1
Nothing much
Right now? That Godzilla 2 will be bad, I can't take it bros I've waited so long for the big four with a big budget
with the original Bloodborne now available on PC
exclusively on the Epic Games Store
thanks for the laugh user
This board would legitimately never recover
It would be 100 times worse than the MGSV reveal
It better fuckin happen, I want to explore Gotham again
>That Godzilla 2 will be bad
user this is not bideo gaems
The problem is that Epic has been subtly buying Exclusive titles from Sony and playstation then releasing them on Epic.
They've already gotten:
This makes me think they're going to use all their fortnite money to buy Bloodborne and use it as the be-all-end-all of flagships which will drive Epic above and beyond.
IF they pull it off they'll make a shit load of money.
I apologize, but I don't have many video game fears
After Mass Effect 3's release I have become completely desensitized to all disappointments in video game form. It ate a part of my soul
>all these actual and serious answers
You and me both user, on both counts.
>pic related, me gorging on upcoming games
xcx2. Please, God.
>king of cosmos
i like it
as much as i like it, remove the background or it wont get in
Owls are cute even if you can see the back of their eyeballs from their ears
is that one still open to submissions?
Well, we know that Epic are nabbing Bloodborne for PC, so the damage is already catastrophic.
user this is great. Please remove the background
>want to make my own squilliam
>can't even draw a stickman properly
At least get to admire from afar as I've always done
Nice. Transparent now
Basically nothing of importance has happened outside of the big three and Beth's conferences for the last 5 years so I imagine the damage will be zero
I can't believe I lived to see another E3
Didn't you see threads about it a little while back? They accidentally listed it too early on the Epic Store and then hurriedly took it down, but people saw it.
Keep on living.
>calling them Nintendies even though they didn't say anything about Nintendo or anything directly bad about Playstation
Why are Sony cronies so insecure?
Thanks. I'm 28 with no health issues but you never know.
Fromsoft's new game, Doom Eternal details
Bloodborne 2, Co-op campaign for Doom Eternal.
Absolute garbage in every way imaginable
Doom Eternal has no presence at all.
Mario Sunshine sequel and SA1/2 remake would be fucking sweet.
But how many consoles do we really need? If the console doesn't do anything special I think it's pointless, just release the game on PC. I have enough machines sitting on my desk.
!!!! you mean this?
I thought it was a ruse.
Here was my entry for G8
FFVIIR releases sometime this decade
SMTV is not dead
Bayo 3 is not dead
New DQ is good
Microsoft shows games again
New Ace Attorney/Layton for Switch
Kodaka&Uchikoshi's new studio releases something and it is actually good
FF16 in the works
Indies everywhere
Nintendo doesn't show anything new games-wise
Sony direct is still shit
Microsoft wins
Nothing of the above happens
Well, if there's evidence it was a ruse then by all means, I'd be delighted to know, but I remember back in the thread the people that had been there in time to see it were freaking out in huge numbers.
fucking based, this year is looking to be pretty good
Well now you’re just projecting
I can't wait for ProJared to review each press conference
Is this OK?
Lol it's funny because ProJared did bad thing! I loooved how the subreddit turned on him, it was epic
What are you doing on here of all places, Jared?
>This many Squilliams before the official collage
Oh my god this is gonna be a big one.
im hoping somebody gets kicked in the balls. ill check out the clip on youtube
what do you guys have planned for the next 16 days
What a bizarre desire
4k squilliam???
I think it was debunked but I'll bring up the archives to check. Keep the thread alive in the mean time.
Golly gee, all by myself? You lot better help out and make this thread comfy while we wait for user to get back.
I just recreated that in like 5 minutes, ez
nice, but make it transparent fucking NIGGER
A Rocket League car, specifically an octane, if you dont mind. the tires could represent the hands
drinking and bloodborne.
Except it wasn't just an image, it was a webpage.
I want
>SE to have another big JRPG to announce alongside 7R
>Age of Empires 4 to finally get shown
>Animal Crossing to also show up
I haven't seen any other screenshot of this alleged web page and it doesn't exist on the internet archive or archive.is
Really hoping there's more footage of Shin Megami Tensei V for Switch. The atmosphere in the trailer had some heavy Nocturne vibes, hopefully Nocturne to V will be as big a leap as SMTII to Nocturne.
Persona 3 ultra remaster in P5 engine [Spoiler][/Spoiler]
Armored Core 6 or A.C.E. 4
Persona 5 The Royal is probably going to be as bad as Golden, but there's not really that much you could do to hurt P5.
Worried weird Japanese games are moving to PC. Not that it matters since that's probably where they're better off.
kek, based
top right corner of hyper is scuffed
>he watches reaction videos
how lonely can you be?
go outside faggot. have sex.
christ you niggers are creepy as shit
>all those replies
lmao söybõys getting mad
I envy you user
>No Sony means no Horizon Zero Dawn 2 or new IP announced years in advance
>No EA means no DA4
>Halo is dead so who cares what Microsoft announces with Guardians
>Nintendo and Ubisoft will show the same stuff they show every year, new Pokemon, Assassin's Creed etc
Shit E3
Yea Forums - Manly Alphas Only
>No EA means no DA4
Thank God
Fucking Angel's Egg.
All i want from E3 is an octoling echo fighter
Absolutely based
Cyberpunk 2077 night time big boy demo and release date
Halo MCC PC release date
DOOM Eternal release date
Demolition D to be piss drunk
RUINER 2/Hotline Miami 3
HLVR shown
Boneworks release date
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 kart party
New good games
I love this image so much
>WOOOO guy from Sekiro
So based
This should be better
Maybe I'm jaded, but nothing really excites me at E3. Cyberpunk looks interesting, but I'm cautious due to le sun meme and the fact that The Witcher 3 wasn't much of an actual RPG.
I'm really only looking forward to Ion Maiden, Wrath, and Greedfall.
DMC 5 DLC announcement/confirmation
RE3 Remake/RE8
a new FromSoft game teaser
Cyberpunk 2077 release date
Dying Light 2 gameplay trailer/release date
Bayo 3 news/gameplay/release date/ANYTHING
Metroid Prime Trilogy announcement
Mother 3 on switch
Sora in Smash
Perfect! Appreciated.
Either we get some good revivals of dead IPs, or at least info on AC, the Avengers game or some good surprises.
Some big surprises for everyone, like maybe new Ape Escape, Silent Hill or REmake 3
or maybe please a new Mother entry or Parasite Eve game.
Or something for the RPG fellows.
Probably some FF7 stuff, and more souya-based stupidity.
Sonic-tards are given anything nice again, Steve in Minecraft and games being cancelled before/after E3.
Just go to bed at 6 PM to wake up in time, nerd.
it's vr shit if anything at all
notice how we've only been getting these posts this year right as sony decides to not attend?
really activates the almonds
I hate those fucking motion blur and dof effects. just turns the screen into a blurry piece of mumbo jumbo trash.
when is the e3 gif being made? i remember seeing a thread on it but that disappeared quickly
Next week or after the squilliam collage.
Something good
aight, i got mine ready for both then, just waitin on the aspect ratio of the gif this year
a good smash reveal
mother trilogy on switch, and a persona 5 port
Astran chain gameplay, a new smash reveal, a whole lot of seething,more P54,P5S info
pic related
>No Nintendo
>No Sony
No reason to care
Iceborne info
Code Vein info
Pokemon Sword/Shield info
Tigrex for Iceborne
Digimon news
Another good show from Microsoft that does everything but make me want an Xbox
Zinogre for Iceborne
>its the 9th straight year of people asserting that nintendo directs aren't an E3 presentation
was waiting for a mh one to save
Wasn’t tigrex already confirmed
Awesome Squilliam
>that witch villager is literally doing the pose
Just cut that out and you're good to go.
Main thing I'm interested in is Cyberpunk - they are planning to release cross generation so this game could be kino or a huge disappointment
Fuck me I've been living under a rock. Thanks user.
Now I wait for the confirmation of my real favorite: Duramboros
hoping for madden 2. maybe some details into the political opinions in the artful escape. would love some fortnite news
A decent E3
A good a comfy E3
A E3 filled with cringe
A E3 filled with garbage
What's that you wan white lathian okay we give you white lathian
good games
anything from Valve, even if it's just to mock them for being retarded
more hyper-realistic shooter garbage
"sandbox" games
games with political agendas
everything shown off is appallingly awful.
Original IPs from non-pozzed studios that is all I can hope for.
No dreams just the black voids.
Garbage, not just because AAA is 99% pozzed that wouldn't be that bad but its all garbage because of lack of innovation, every new game is a lazy rehash of mechanics and content that was done better by other games 2007-2013. The hubris of AAA studios isn't their politics it's that they are lazy as all sin.
A mountain of beaten dead horses for the living dead to fawn over.
its gonna be a nice e3 lads i can feel it
No More Heroes 3
No More Heroes 3
Suda doesnt reveal No More Heroes 3
I don't understand everyone talking about NMH3. I know Travis Strikes Again has the tease at the end, but TSA JUST released. If we're getting NMH3 it won't be until 2021.
We both know that Woolie and Pat are going to stream it together
Mainly looking forward to anything Cyberpunk 2077 related, maybe some more gameplay. Hoping for maybe another Arkane game at some point in the future but don't mind if they take their sweet time.
Also hope Sony will turn up with something of the last of next to last batch of good games for my PS4/Pro that they do to start retiring it, I'm PC first and foremost but got it to recover from a long hospital stay and as a stop-gap before upgrading GPU and so far only played AC Unity, Mafia 3, WipeOut Collection and some Bloodborne on it so I hope there'll be more worthwhile stuff to come still given that it doesn't do backwards compatibility.
Reminder E3 starts in 14 days.
Elder Scrolls
FFVII delays
EGS bullshit
FE 3H gameplay, Animal Crossing gameplay
SMT V news, Bannerlord
FE 3H gameplay, Animal Crossing trailer, no SMT V or Bannerlord
Games I care about looking like they won't be fun, Smash trash, Animal Crossing release pushed further back, Bethesda giving me more reason to believe TES VI will be shittier than I can even imagine, and some other scheme to make money that manages to be worse than lootboxes being adapted by someone (probably EA or Activision/Blizzard)
>Quality of squilliam edits goes up every year
>You still don't know how to draw
start drawing you fricken quasar brain you don't have to be a master
Tell me how it goes because I'll be out at sea
I never liked the squilliam collage image, it's always such a cluster fuck. The squilliam .gif is much better and much more fun to make. Here's one part I did for last year's .gif.
god bless your soul, user
Something interesting from this M$/Nintendo thing
A new Banjo collaboration between M$/Nintendo
Nothing I really care about. A smash character I guess.
Nothing anymore.
I just realized what that was, splendid work on it.
>Sequel comes out
>Sonic the Movie The Game And Knuckles
Imagine being so soi that you type this all out.
New IP that is worth giving a fuck to
A MMORPG with pirate ships/airships that other players can get on to go to other places/help you fight others ships at sea/ect.
The normal BING BING WAHOO stuff, not many news I'll be interested to. Maybe something good for the PS4. My biggest expectation is more cringy shit happening and having a good laugh
Kind of hard to fear something when I'm just disappointed in Nintendo turning up to be full kikes.
Half Life 3 will be announced to try to curb Epic's growing user base and OP is a fag. Pass it on.
>Fable 4 not being absolute shit
>Half-Life VR or Orange Box 2.0
>More Jewish tricks
>Microsoft pulls out next year and E3 collapses under it's own retarded weight
Dying Light 2
Cyberpunk release date and gameplay trailers
Animal Crossing
More Yakuza ports, Maybe Judgment and FOTNS PC release
Miitopia sequel for switch
FROM's new game to be revealed
Bethesda DESPERATELY trying to laugh off last year
Epic being booed off stage several times
Animal Crossing pocket camp; SWITCH EDITION
Bethesda being forgiven and learning nothing from their mistakes
Devolver running out of material
Nothing worthwhile for PC
Nintendo making more useless peripherals and "innovative gimmicks"
I was gonna wait until the collage to post this, but it's already done so I might as well. There's a Mabel version too but I'll post that later.
Where is the squiliam collage?
What about the road to e3 collage?
Road collage was done a week or 2 ago and it fucking sucked.
Squilliam collage is gonna be on June 1st.
next weekend is pretty much when we are gonna do the gif and collage
To get more info on Halo Infinite and Doom Eternal.
For Halo Infinite to be a good mixture of both old and new instead of Halo 5.1 or nostalgiafag pandering.
Doom Eternal to be fucking mental.
Halo Infinite may not resemble what I'm DREAMAN.
learn to do sprite edits, or some half-assed photoshop edits
love it man
what a bunch of faggots lmao
I still need to see it
Road to E3 2018 was actually great.
it's right here
a challenger approaches
I just wanna se what konami has in store for metal gear.
Donna burke doing that tease a few weeks ago has given me hope for something good to happen.
lik u user
no wonder why i never check these threads anymore, this place is dead
That user earlier that said he was going to take a few days off inspired me to do the same, so I looked at the schedule and the one that I want to see live with you motherfuckers is on a wednesday, and we don't work wednesdays where I work at, so I'm hyped for it. This nintendo E3's show will make me decide if I buy a switch or not, I have the money to buy one right now, but I worry about the future, like a revision. I hope they announce NMH3, I know about the post credits "tech demo", so it seems like its acutally being worked on. anyways, I always look forward E3 as I have ever since I knew about this event.
my hopes are also only modest. All im hoping for is a full release of ion maiden coz its comfy af (but they better keep the quality of the level design up)
>everything else i will consider a mere bonus including new cybercunt 2077 stuff and hopefully iron harvest stuff
All I care about is Microsoft, Nintendo and apparently I heard CDPR are doing a conference but I dunno if that's true. Microsoft and Nintendo are the main ones I'm looking forward to though.
No separate conference for CDPR but this E3 is apparently very important for them so I'm guessing they're going to be a big part of some other conference or show. One would think the PC gaming show but it's sponsored by Epic so I kinda doubt it. MS perhaps.
He got deconfirmed, its down to Doomguy vs Banjo
witcher 4 and bloodborne 2
movies, cinematic experience, only trailers not gameplay SJW shit, etc
Tranny alert
It's 15 days fag.
Meta-post-unironic shillposting is still shilling.
You forget EA on Saturday but I guess who cares ?
you first
Based. Fuck videogames, fucking faggots
Age of Empires IV gameplay, Cyperpunk release date, DLC for DMCV
Annoucement of a ArcSys Jojo game and Age of Mythology II
Bland games on EA's side, Microsoft showing off the new Halo and Nintendo presenting animal crossing.
Age of Empires IV an epic exclusive.
i'm a valve employee
pm me and i'll send you screenshots
imagine unironically wanting a game designed for drooling retards to stare at flashy effects and muh gore instead of a real game
doom is a shit franchise :^)
i had a dream that 5th gen monhun based on the World engine got announced for Switch
There is no EA conference this year. Both EA and Sony are skipping.