RIP Sekiro
RIP Sekiro
It's literally the other way around, this shit is DOA. Nobody is going to buy this shit.
I'm going to buy two now
Anyone else feel like the combat is slower than in nioh one?
Is this the delusional phase?
You kidding? the alpha made me realize how terrible Sekiro was.
Nioh's protagonist wouldn't survive 5 seconds in Sekiro's world
Oh come the fuck off of it already, Sekiro and Nioh aren't even in the same type of action-game. Quit trying to make it a pissing contest
how do i sign up for the alpha test
Combat against youkai in general was pretty slow with Nioh and the majority of combat shown for the alpha was against youkai
how could sekiro rip if its already a massive success?
oh just farming for (you)s
It was fun but I hope to god they release it on PC, the ps4 can barley push 60fps in this game, dropping to 20s in multiplayer. At least the bosses have consistant framerates so it's not bloodborne bad.
Its literally Nioh 1.1
Its embarrasing how little was changed.
Aaaand of course they were """"""""""""""randomly""""""""""""""" chosen.
Nah, William can kill everyone in a jiffy.
Sekiro isn't even half as fun as this alpha. Never thought I'd hate a modern from soft game
>*runs out of stamina and gets ripo'd by basic mooks*
this shit is literal garbage
no one is going to buy this shit dark souls/bloodborne ripoff
Literally the opposite. Playing the alpha made me realize how bad all these games are, especially Nioh.
Seriously. I'm literally screaming at the thought of people even thinking it's as good as souls...
yeah bros nothing beats DaS2
Delusional, Nioh's combat is far more technical, in-depth and deep than Sekiro. The skill-ceiling is far higher.
>ever running out of stamina when you have ki pulse
If you'd have played Nioh then you'd know Nioh far surpasses the core combat gameplay in any Fromsoft game.
Team Ninja just went ahead and dabbed on the entire Fromsoft and souls genre just like they did to the action genre with Ninja Gaiden Black.
true, parrying takes two button presses in Nioh instead which would make life in Sekiroworld painful
>forgetting tempest
This is such a small jump over Nioh I am surprised they have the audacity to charge 60 dollars and call it Nioh 2 and not an expansion. They changed how the magical yokai guys work, from being buffs/attacks to transformations. Otherwise its the same game.
If they added a jump button, it would feel like Ninja Gaiden.
imagine having such a plebian hipster faggot opinion like this. nioh was almost as bad as lords of the fallen
All these games have a garbage tier skill ceiling, you are delusional. Nioh has garbage music, enemies, bosses, levels, atmosphere, etc.
despite his shitty personality, distortion is pretty good at what he does.
elajjaz just seems like your avg run of the mill dudebro to me so idk why they chose him.
>nioh >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lord of the fallen
you must be retarded. there is no other reason for a post like yours
What are you going to do faggot?
Way to out yourself as a person who's never played Ninja Gaiden.
Ninja Gaiden doesn't even have lock on you absolute dunce. Get the fuck outta here.
So you completely overlooking everything else they added like the youkai skills system and turning magic into actual attacks instead of just debuffs
you don't wanna find out
>The Fromdrone in its natural habitat
I wouldn't have an issue if they didn't reuse the fucking palettes from the last game. Everything is grey and red again...
Stop replying fag
>this massive pile of shit is better than this other pile of shit
i cant imagine subjecting yourself to awful shit just for the sake of having a unique opinion.
Nioh skipped the Dark Souls 2 of the series and jumped right in to the Soulless Dark Souls 3, but with even less improvements, nice.
There's more mechanical changes than in a jump from one souls game to another
don't push my buttons
But Nioh 2 actually adds something to the game instead of making everything worse.
Dark Souls 3 improves on Dark Souls 1 in a number of ways. It's also extremely soulless.
This is the same, but won't improve on the game in nearly as many ways.
Nioh 2 is literally completely soulless.
But most people who bought Sekiro have beaten it already. So they need a new game to play.
Why is it soulless compared to 1
Nioh improved on souls combat pretty well. The enemy variety and to a lesser extent the level design were a significant downgrade, though. Boss battles were very good.
Is it still a looter? Because if it is, pass.
>Dark Souls 3 improves on Dark Souls 1 in a number of ways.
No it doesn't, 99% of the changes made make it a worse experience compared to the first game.
If you actually tried to watch any footage of Nioh 2 you can see it's actually trying to improve things instead of just copy pasting shit from the first game while changing things up for the worse because you don't know why the first game was good in the first place.
This is the objective truth and anything other than this is either contrarianism or fanboyism
Not the same guy, but it just doesn't bring much in terms of new ideas.
Nioh level design is on par with individual level design of DeS.
DeS has much more interesting environments and stage hazards though.
I'll give it to you though, Nioh's level design isn't even bad, it's pretty good, it's just faggots who compare it to Dark Souls and Bloodborne all the time even though they are in the god-tier department while Nioh is more like "pretty good"
>Red Oni can perform parry-like move that deals retarded amount of ki damage
>Ble Oni has dodge offset and is rewarded for dodging with amrita
>Mage Oni can teleport by throwing the flying twinblade
>all of them have access to Guardian Spirit attack
>all of them have charge moves
>all of them can empower weapons with amrita for it to grow in size and become stronger
why does everything have to be a competition between you autists?
this boring ass trash with shit level design and "better" combat won't ever compete an overall better top to bottom game like Sekiro
Nioh is more like diablo than souls. The hud is the most souls like thing the game has.
Female oni is amrita empowering the fuck outta my dick right now.
It's literally just one faggot
They look inferior to males though. Those hulk out into legitimate buff oni, these ones have way more human skin.
>No it doesn't, 99% of the changes made make it a worse experience compared to the first game.
Oh horseshit, gameplay wise it's a total improvement, DS1 is almost clumsy in comparison to 2 and 3's tightening up of the controls and substantial improvement of magic viability.
if that armor system is what Diablo is like, I'm glad I know never to go anywhere fucking near Diablo now
>2's tightening up controls
This alpha is a pile of dog shit.
>copy paste enemies
>same shitty loot system
>same fucking feudal japan
>no changes to combat
>no changes to artstyle
Am i missing anything? This is literally customization character dlc and easy mode dlc. What a fucking joke its like they didnt listen to community feedback at all. What the fuck have they even been doing the past 2 1/2 years? Fuck this game, unless they dramatically change everything by the time it releases im not buying this trash its an insult to all the fans.
2 considerably tightened up the controls, get bent. Or did you buy the meme that it's irredeemable garbage and you shouldn't even play it for the novelty of it
>game is in alpha
>why is it drastically incomplete and more like to the previous game than it is different wtf lazy
What were you expecting
The only thing that would be a deal breaker for me is if they fixed instant quickdraw, double fluxing, and the knockdown punish combos. That tech was literally the only thing that made Nioh fun and distinguished. I figure this will be the case though since they're putting heavy emphasis on the new yokai shift mechanics and will likely design everything around it where you're expected to use yokai shift to deal real damage while outside of yokai shift you deal shit damage where you're just supposed to build up your gauge to shift again.
Also hatchets look busted as fuck. It's barely a melee weapon when 75% of your skillset is just ranged attacks so you can just play keep away and whittle down everything by safely throwing shit at them.
i see they implemented the "absorb enemy amirita to make your charge attack instant" in saiyan demon mode from ninja gaiden.
no spirit stat now?
being in alpha does not mean the game is going to experience a complete transformation by the time it comes out you fucking retard. Games in alpha are practically done, it's just going to get tuned a tiny bit. A shit game in alpha is not going to be a masterpiece on release
Get this through your heads you fucking incels
how do you even switch to your secondary weapon?
I was expecting a brand new game not dlc. Especially since they have been working on it for nearly 3 years.
Noh has a pretty good community that is always giving feedback and ways to improve the game because they want it to succeed. I guess team ninja decided not to take any of that into consideration and fuck off for 3 years and shit out a expansion and call it a sequel.
>I was expecting a brand new game not dlc.
It's an alpha and a sequel for gameplay that was already pretty solid
jesus christ retard, even Demon's Souls felt better and tighter than DaS2 did
2's gameplay was a strict downgrade in every way in comparison to Dark Souls. The game feels fucking awful to play
if it's like the first game you press R1 and then left or right on the dpad
>copy paste enemies
There are some new enemies. granted I haven't played the first one since the beta so I don't know if they are copied and pasted
>same shitty loot system
I guess it needs an improvement.
>same fucking feudal japan
With the game called Nioh where the fuck did you expect it to be at?
>no changes to combat
The combat is fine imo.
>no changes to artstyle
The artstyle shouldn't be changed
How? That fucking Snake boss kicked my ass so many times I had to call for help on that one. I feel like that boss needs a bit of a tweek.
It's going to be nothing like Sekiro. I'm going to play Nioh 2 for coop, but Sekiro is a much better action game.
LOL. Sekiro already made Nioh look like garbage, and Nioh 2 seems to be the exactly same game with new areas.
Okay Nioh-ggers. I'll bite and try out your nippon game. What should I go into the game expecting? Is the DLC worth it?
>>>they made the game EASIER TO PANDER TO JOURNOFAGS
Are you talking about sekiro? Nioh 2 is way harder than nioh 1 or sekiro, journalists are gonna hate this game because they have shit reflexes and can't into all the mechanics
r1 and down to change melee
r1 and up to change ranged
>even Demon's Souls felt better and tighter than DaS2 did
DeS felt slippery as fuck the same way DS1 did, agitated by common-sense stuff like plunging attacks not being introduced until DS1
i guess betafags like you are okay with buying lazy products but im not okay with being taken advantage of and expect more.
>literally Nioh 1
You're using Yea Forums, you don't get to pretend like you have high standards.
It's better than nioh 1 and Sekiro. Don't listen to the fromdrones. I just miss William
>What should I go into the game expecting?
"Samurai Dark Souls" is the initial impression and for the most part it behaves along these lines. Do not expect gear to be at all the same, though, it has a loot system more in line with Diablo and other dungeon-crawler games (even special or unique weaponry can be found and reforged into objectively better versions, ie the Ninja Gaiden crossover katana and Ryu Hayabusa costume or the Raikiri lightning katana obtained through story). Magic exists in the form of ninja tools and onmyoji magic but this is mainly buffs/debuffs and support attacks like shuriken, the real meat is in physical weaponry.
>Is the DLC worth it?
Dunno what is and isn't DLC since I bought it on PC where the only way to purchase the game is as its Complete Edition.
just because its KT doesnt mean its DOA idiot, they make other games too you know
fromtranny meltdown on display
the game is easier, in nioh 1 these enemies would 2 shot you some would 1 shot you. The artstyle is the main complaint that fans have of the game, its rushed, and it doesnt feel like it has it's own identity. It is something everyone was hoping they would improve in nioh 2.
Seriously the game had so much potential because its combat is fun but they just squandered it with the underwhelming shit and nioh will die and be forgotten now.
>Nioh 2 is shit
>Sekiro is forgotten
Looks like Ghost of Tsushima is actually going to win the weeb showdown
>the game is easier, in nioh 1 these enemies would 2 shot you some would 1 shot you
Yeah if you fucking went charging in blindly. The enemies can still 2 or 1 shot you if you're not careful. Hell that fucking snake boss grab can fucking 2 shot you.
I mean i dont know what to say, there is a clear difference in the amount of damage enemies do in this game compared to nioh1, you can look it up people are talking about it not just me.
>got both marks
>bought game and dlc
>see shitters who never played nioh got codes
>"Does the alpha have an easy mode, I just want to see the story?"
Thanks Sony
sorry about that user. i had a code and kinda regret using it because now i dont even feel like playing the demo because i dont even think i like nioh anymore.
>mfw my bro gave me his key
Feels good but at the same time feels bad because I didn't even get one but he did and he didn't even finish the damn beta of the game.
Sekiro already made FROM bank.
one reason i dont even want to touch the demo. the framerate is fucking ass.
The waifus in nioh 2 and nioh 1 are way better than anything fromshit can put out! From still has cuter voices and lolis tho
Open Alpha/beta when
How could the combat be slower when they literally copy and pasted the engine, all of the animations, the controls, the weapons, the weapon skills, the loot and the enemies you're fighting. This is some *Onyxia breathes more this patch* level shit, which is fitting because the game does appear to just be a patch instead of a retail game.
Ever played a Chinese knock-off of Diablo?
Imagine a Chinese Diablo knock-off except it's trying to emulate Souls 3rd person combat while keeping Diablo's loot system. Now imagine they weren't really sure how to do Souls combat either, so instead of encouraging careful use of committed animations and interaction with enemies whose moves need to be learnt and worked around they just shoved in a billion random weapon skills on various input combinations, made no attempt to balance them against each other and left it all as a giant mess for the players to sort out.
That's Nioh in a paragraph, if you play past the terrible "cinematic story" you'll be doing an infinite grind for randomly rolled loot with slightly higher numbers on it all the way up to an ugly boss recycling pit as an end game.
I dunno, I've only played nioh on PC so unless it's the framerate or input delay from my tv I dunno what else to say.
It holds up well in action mode.
>as a foundation
If only, they repainted one of the walls in a singular room
What more did you want? there's new weapons, enemies, moves, bosses, levels, character creator, etc. So you want... better graphics I guess?
>play alpha and betas
>get mark of the conquerer
>watch samurai movies for a week before Nioh comes out
>buy, play it, beat it on release
>post in all the /vg/ threads
>have Nioh theme permanently on my PS4 since release
>buy all the dlc
>constantly shill for Nioh on Yea Forums for over 2 years
>don't get code
fuck you team ninja
>chest size
we on
I guess this thread will do.
You were brown-nosing them too much.
>be me
>only get like 3 viewers per stream
>still got a key
>got a code at the last minute last night
>all the shitposters saying it's trash
>it's actually a very nice upgrade from the first
>in combat and graphics
Even with action mode the game looks pretty good, there's already new mechanics and it's just the alpha and since there's a chest size slider it's pretty much goty
>>copy paste enemies
>>same shitty loot
>>same fucking medieval shit with same swamps across 5 games
>>no changes to combat
>>no changes to artstyle
Guess the game Fromcuck. :)
Then people like this get the code
>Okay so after about 2-3 hours of playing, I’m gonna tell you what Nioh 2 is like. It’s like a combination of Bloodborne and Sekiro. AND ITS MAKING ME ANGRY.
>YFW it alters size of torso, but doesn't actually change breasts
>female protag
sjw cuck shit
>I can be a kiwi big titty samurai girl that chops things into pieces with dual hatchets
I'm already sold.
>as a 35 year old gamer dad who minds his wife's son most nights, I don't have time to spend hours learn a boss' attack patterns. There should be an option for people who just want to enjoy the story and theme